Research interests of Prof. Neshyba Clouds are recognized as one of the largest sources of uncertainty in climate feedbacks, partly because of uncertainties how cloudiness will respond to greenhouse gas warming, and partly because of uncertainties in how clouds interact with light. Chasing down some of these uncertainties has led my students and me into investigations over a vast range of scales, from the molecular scale, to the micrometer-level scale, to the scale of entire cirrus clouds. At the molecular level, we’d especially like to understand what governs the mobility of molecules at the ice surface. That’s because because mobility plays a key role in how ice crystals grow and disappear. It turns out that a technique called molecular dynamics (MD) is useful to develop insight into this kind of behavior. Our MD work has shown, for example, that water molecules at the ice surface are sometimes mobile in a lopsided way, as indicated in the left-hand-side of the figure above; we’re still not completely sure why. Much of this work has been carried out in collaboration with researchers at the Czech Institute for Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, who are experts in MD. Other work in my lab has been directed at understanding the roughness of the surface of the ice crystals. This roughness occurs on a vastly larger scale than the molecular-level scale treated by MD, on the order of microns or tens of microns (called the mesoscopic scale). We can get at this structure using variable pressure scanning electron microscopy, as shown in the middle image in the figure above. These efforts have revealed that the roughness of ice, previously thought to be random, is actually sensitive to the symmetry of the underlying ice crystal: different facets develop roughness of characteristic symmetry. That’s kind of exciting because it gives us a handle on the mechanism by which mesoscopic roughening occurs, which in turn means we might be able to predict the atmospheric conditions under which roughening is likely to occur. Branching out to the largest scale are radiative transfer studies. We create models of cirrus ice crystals on a computer, and use a technique called “ray tracing” to investigate how the cirrus clouds scatter light from the sun. We’ve found that the symmetry of the roughness matters in how ice crystals scatter light, in a way that should be detectible in remote-sensing observations of the atmosphere. Recently, we have begun exploring how 3d printing of such crystals might be useful in such efforts. It turns out that it would be very useful to be able to bridge some of these scales, especially from the molecular to the mesoscopic. Bridging scales is very challenging from a theoretical point of view, because it’s not possible, computationally, to simulate all scales of the problem at the same time. So this effort includes both computer programming and theoretical aspects. References; student co-author names are given in bold face “Radiative consequences of low-temperature infrared refractive indices for supercooled water clouds”, P.M. Rowe, S.P. Neshyba, and Von P. Walden, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 11925-­‐11933 (2013). (see “Roughness metrics of prismatic facets of ice”, S.P. Neshyba, B. Lowen, M. Benning, A. Lawson, and P.M. Rowe, J. Geophys. Res. – Atmospheres, 118, 3309-3318 (2013). (see • Listed in the Special Research Spotlight of EoS, 94, 244 (2013); see • Marked for “Editor Highlight” on the JGR homepage; see • Listed in the Council of Undergraduate Research website on undergraduate research highlights, “Arrhenius analysis of anisotropic surface diffusion on the prismatic facet of ice”, Ivan Gladich, William Pfalzgraff, Ondrej Maršálek, Pavel Jungwirth, Martina Roeselová, and Steven Neshyba, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (invited paper), 19960-9 (2011). “Comparative molecular dynamics study of vapor-exposed basal, prismatic, and pyramidal surfaces of ice”, William Pfalzgraff, Steven Neshyba, and Martina Roeselová, J. Phys. Chem. A, Buch Memorial Issue (invited paper) DOI: 10.1021/jp111359a (2011). “A responsivity-based criterion for accurate calibration of FTIR spectra: identification of in-band low-responsivity wavenumbers”, Penny M. Rowe, Steven Neshyba, Christopher Cox, and Von P. Walden, Optics Express, 19, 5930-5941 (2011). (see “A responsivity-based criterion for accurate calibration of FTIR spectra: theoretical development and bandwidth estimation”, Penny M. Rowe, Steven Neshyba, and Von P. Walden, Optics Express, 19, 5451-5463 (2011). (see “Scanning electron microscopy and molecular dynamics of surfaces of growing and ablating hexagonal ice crystals”, William Pfalzgraff, Ryan Hulscher, and Steven Neshyba, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 2927-2935 (2010). (see www.atmos-chem-; is the discussion paper associated with this article) “Molecular Dynamics study of ice-vapor interactions via the quasi-liquid layer”, Steven Neshyba, Erin Nugent, Martina Roeselová, Pavel Jungwirth, J. Phys. Chem. C, 113, 4597-4604, doi: 10.1021/jp810589a (2009).