Print Form 2016-2017 Internship Application Instructions March 1, 2016: Stage Management March 15, 2016: Directing/Dramaturgy, Education, Marketing, Carpentry/Painting/Technical Directing, Costumes/Wardrobe, Electrics/Sound How to Apply: 1. Fill out the Contact and Personal Information Form. Do not send these application instructions. 2. Answer the questions on page 2 of the Internship Application and submit on a separate page(s). 3. Enclose a cover letter and current resume. 4. Request two letters of recommendation. Make every effort for at least one of the letters to be from someone who has directly supervised your work in the area in which you are applying. The letters may be submitted separately but must be received by the appropriate deadline: (Stage Management no later than March 1. All other internships no later than March 15.) 5. Directing/ Dramaturgy and Education applicants must include a two page writing sample that demonstrates your ability to incorporate research or observation and write in an engaging, readable style. 6. Marketing applicants must include a list of their marketing areas of interest as well as two examples of work. Examples may include: Website Design, Photography, Video, Graphic Design, Copy Writing or a Blog Entry, etc. YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE PROCESSED UNTIL IT IS COMPLETE. Send a cover letter and all materials by the appropriate deadline to: Intern Coordinator Portland Stage P.O. Box 1458 Portland, ME 04104 Megan Doane General Manager / Intern Coordinator 207.774.1043 x102 (DO NOT EMAIL YOUR APPLICATION) Alex Kimmel Company Manager / Asst. Intern Coordinator 207.774.1043 x107 (DO NOT EMAIL YOUR APPLICATION) 2016-2017 Internship Application Contact and Personal Information Form Name: Current Address: Permanent Address: Please list all contact information: Cell: Current: Permanent: Email address: (If you listed a college email, please list an alternate): Current or most recent school attended (if applicable): Will you be requesting college credit for this internship? Major: Yes Date of graduation: Dates available for internship: From No GPA: To Areas of Interest If your interest/skills/experience are equal in more than one area, you may indicate a 1st and 2nd choice. Directing / Dramaturgy Stage Management Education Carpentry / Painting / Marketing Technical Direction* Costumes / Wardrobe* Electrics / Sound* * Assistant Design opportunities may arise based on applicants skill level, interest, and availability. If you have another area of interest please tell us and we might be able to accommodate you. Please list the people from whom we should expect recommendations: 1. Name: Affiliation: 2. Name: Affiliation: Recommendations may be mailed with the application or separately. We will update you as each part of your application arrives. Please answer the following questions and submit on a separate, type-written page(s). 1. What are your career goals? 2. Why are you seeking an internship at this time? 3. Why are you an ideal candidate for an internship at Portland Stage? 4. How did you hear about the Portland Stage Internship Program? 5. Additional comments (optional). Application Deadlines: March 1, 2016: Stage Management March 15, 2016: Directing/Dramaturgy Education Marketing Carpentry/Painting/Technical Direction Costumes/Wardrobe Electrics/Sound Portland Stage | P.O. Box 1458 | Portland, Maine 04104 | (207) 774-1043 |