WESTERN CAROLINA UNIVERSITY 2003 FACT BOOK Detailed Version OFFICE OF UNIVERSITY PLANNING CULLOWHEE, NORTH CAROLINA 28723 (828) 227-7239 FOREWORD The Western Carolina University Fact Book is issued annually to provide a source of information about the university. The electronic version of the Fact Book is available on the Internet at http://planning.wcu.edu/. The 2003 Fact Book (Detailed Version) was compiled by the Office of University Planning. As with any complete statistical document, this information could not have been obtained without the assistance of the university community including the following offices: Academic Affairs, Admissions, Administration and Finance, Information Technology, Registrar, Research and Graduate Studies, and Student Affairs. The publication was also made possible through the professional work of the University Print Shop. Special thanks are also due to Lynda Richardson for the donation of the cover photograph. Upon review of this document, we welcome comments and suggestions, and may be contacted by phone at (828) 227-7239 or by e-mail at KSTILES@EMAIL.WCU.EDU. The Office of University Planning Troy Barksdale Renee Corbin Keith Stiles Kay Turpin Paul Voigt Cover photograph: Copyright 2000, Lynda Richardson, www.lyndarichardson.com, (804) 272-0965 Lynda is a multi-talented photographer who works on location for organizations such as National Wildlife, the Smithsonian, and the Nature Conservancy. The cover photograph is from Cataloochee in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park during her coverage of the NCDA & CS Plant Marking Program developed by a WCU alumnus. TABLE OF CONTENTS NEW STUDENT INFORMATION New Freshmen Freshmen Applicants, Acceptances and Enrollees, Fall Term Resident Credit 1999-2003......................... New Freshmen Enrollment by County and State, Fall Term 1999-2003 ................................................... North Carolina Region of Origin of New Freshmen, Fall 2003 ................................................................ North Carolina Counties Producing Most New Freshmen, Fall Term 2000-2003 ..................................... North Carolina High School Graduates and New Freshmen Enrolling at WCU, Fall Term 2000-2002 ... High School Class Rank of New Freshmen, Fall Term 1999-2003............................................................. Distribution of Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Scores of New Freshmen, Fall 2003 ................................ Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Scores of New Freshmen, Fall Term 2000-2003 ...................................... Distribution of SAT Scores of New Freshmen (graphic), Fall 2003 ........................................................... High School GPA of New Freshmen (graphic), Fall Term 2001-2003 ....................................................... Mean SAT Scores of New Freshmen (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003 ....................................................... Home Town Size of New Freshmen (graphic), Fall 2003 ........................................................................... Geographic Origin of All New Freshmen (graphic), Fall 2003 ................................................................... Highest Educational Level of Parents of New Freshmen (graphic), Fall 2003............................................ Number of College Applications Made by New Freshmen (graphic), Fall 2003 ........................................ SAT Scores of University of North Carolina New Freshmen, Fall Term 1999-2003.................................. In-State New Freshmen Enrollments at North Carolina Public Universities, Fall Term 1998-2002............................................................................................................................ Home County of North Carolina First-Time Freshmen (graphic), Fall 2003 .............................................. Transfer Students Transfer Applicants, Acceptances and Enrollees, Fall Term Resident Credit 1999-2003 ........................... Institutional Origin of New Undergraduate Transfer Students, Fall Term 1999-2003 ................................ Institutional Origin of New Undergraduate Transfer Students (graphic), Fall Term 2002-2003................. Community Colleges Producing Most New Undergraduate Transfer Students, Fall 2003.......................... Majors of New Undergraduate Transfer Students, Fall 2003 ...................................................................... Institutional Origin of New Undergraduate Transfers to North Carolina Public Universities, Fall 2002 .............................................................................................................................................. Undergraduate Transfer Students to North Carolina Public Universities, Fall Term 1998-2002 ................ 2 3 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 22 23 24 Graduate Students Graduate Applicants and Enrollees (graphic), Fall Term 2001-2003 .......................................................... 25 Geographic Origin of New Degree-Seeking Graduate Students (graphic), Fall Term 2002-2003 .............. 25 All Students Legal Residence of New Students (graphic), Fall 2003 .............................................................................. 26 Gender of New Degree-Seeking Students (graphic), Fall 2003................................................................... 26 ENROLLMENT AND STUDENT DEMOGRAPHICS University-Wide Data Enrollment History, Fall Term 1965-2003 .................................................................................................. Total Enrollment in North Carolina Public Universities, Fall Term 1999-2003.......................................... Graduate Enrollment in North Carolina Public Universities, Fall Term 1998-2002.................................... Total Enrollment (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003 ...................................................................................... Total Resident Credit Enrollment and Student Credit Hours, 1998-2003 ................................................... Resident Credit Student Credit Hours (graphic), Fall Term 2001-2003 ...................................................... Distance Learning Student Credit Hours (graphic), 2001-2003 .................................................................. Distance Learning Enrollment and Student Credit Hours, 1996-2003 ........................................................ Resident Student Credit Hours by Cost Category, 1995-2003 .................................................................... Resident Student Credit Hours by Cost Category and CIP Code, Fall 2003 ............................................... Distance Learning Student Credit Hours by Cost Category, 1998-2003 ..................................................... Total Enrollment by Load, Legal Residence and Level, Fall Term 2000-2003........................................... Resident Credit Student Credit Hours by Legal Residence and Location, Fall Term 2000-2003................ Resident Credit Enrollment by Load, Legal Residence and Level, Fall Term 1999-2003 .......................... Undergraduate Headcount Enrollment (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003 ..................................................... Full- and Part-Time Undergraduate Enrollment (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003....................................... Location of Resident Credit FTE Enrollment, 1998-99 to 2002-03 ............................................................ i 29 30 31 32 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 41 42 Course Location of Undergraduate Resident Credit Enrollment (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003 .............. Minority Undergraduate Enrollment (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003 ........................................................ Enrollment by Location and Course Load, Fall 2003.................................................................................. Average Course Load of Undergraduates by Class, Fall Term 2000-2003 ................................................. Class Level of Resident Credit Students, Fall Term 1999-2003.................................................................. The University Honors College, Fall Term 2000-2003 ............................................................................... Class Level of Undergraduate Students (graphic), Fall Term 2000-2003 ................................................... Age Distribution of Undergraduate Students (graphic), Fall 2003 .............................................................. Age Distribution of Undergraduate Distance Learning Students (graphic), Fall 2003 ................................ Age Distribution of Graduate Distance Learning Students (graphic), Fall 2003 ......................................... Gender of Graduate Distance Learning Students (graphic), Fall 2003 ........................................................ Race, Class, Load and Gender of All Students, Fall 2003........................................................................... Race, Class, Load and Gender of Distance Learning Students, Fall 2003................................................... Resident Credit Headcount Enrollment by Race, Fall Term 1999-2003 ..................................................... Student Housing, Fall Term 1999-2003 ...................................................................................................... Student Housing (graphic), Fall 2003.......................................................................................................... Student Housing Capacity, Fall Term 1996-2003 ....................................................................................... 43 43 44 45 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 51 52 53 54 54 Home Residence of Students Origin of Students by State, Fall Term 1999-2003...................................................................................... Total Headcount by State (graphic), Fall 2003............................................................................................ North Carolina County of Origin of Students by Level, Fall 2003 Total Headcount .................................. Home County of North Carolina Students (graphic), Fall 2003 .................................................................. North Carolina County of Origin of Students, Fall Term 1999-2003 .......................................................... 55 56 57 58 59 Departmental, Program and Major Data Junior-Senior Enrollment by Undergraduate Major Including Second Majors, Fall Term 1999-2003........ Class Scheduling Distribution (graphic), Fall 2003..................................................................................... Class Size of Undergraduate Lecture Courses (graphic), Fall 2003 ............................................................ Course Load of Undergraduate Resident Credit Students (graphic), Fall 2003........................................... Enrollment by Graduate Program, Fall Term 1999-2003 ............................................................................ Graduate Headcount Enrollment (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003 .............................................................. Full- and Part-Time Graduate Resident Credit Enrollment (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003 ...................... Course Location of Graduate Resident Credit Enrollment (graphic), Fall Term SCH 1999-2003 .............. Minority Graduate Enrollment (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003 ................................................................. Undergraduate Major of Distance Learning Students, Fall Term 2001-2003.............................................. Graduate Program of Distance Learning Students, Fall Term 2001-2003................................................... Student Credit Hours by Course Prefix, Fall Term 2002-2003 ................................................................... 60 63 64 64 65 67 67 68 68 69 69 70 Summer School and Extension Programs Resident Credit Summer School Enrollment, 1999-2003............................................................................ 74 Summer School Enrollment (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003 ..................................................................... 75 Summer School Student Credit Hour Enrollment in North Carolina Public Universities, 1998-2002 ........ 76 GRADUATION STATISTICS Degrees Conferred (graphic), 1998-99 to 2002-03...................................................................................... Applied Sciences Undergraduate Degrees, 1998-99 to 2002-03 ................................................................. Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Degrees, 1998-99 to 2002-03 ................................................................ Business Undergraduate Degrees, 1998-99 to 2002-03............................................................................... Education and Allied Professions Undergraduate Degrees, 1998-99 to 2002-03 ........................................ Graduate Degrees, 1998-99 to 2002-03 ...................................................................................................... Undergraduate Degrees with Honors (graphic), 1998-99 to 2002-03.......................................................... Gender of Graduates (graphic), 2002-03 ..................................................................................................... Degrees Awarded by Type, 1998-99 to 2002-03 ........................................................................................ Bachelor Degrees Awarded by Race, Gender and Major Field, July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003 .................... ii 78 79 80 82 83 84 86 86 87 88 EMPLOYEES All Employees Full-Time Employees, Fall Term 1999-2003 .............................................................................................. Full-Time Employees (graphic), Fall Term 2001-2003 ............................................................................... Rank and Gender of Full-Time Faculty (graphic), Fall 2003 ...................................................................... Race and Gender of Full-Time Employees, Fall 2003................................................................................. EPA and SPA Employees by Gender and Status, Fall 2003........................................................................ 90 91 91 92 93 Faculty Faculty by Rank, Gender and Highest Earned Degree, Fall Term 1999-2003 ............................................ 94 Highest Earned Degree of Full-Time Faculty by College, Fall Term 1999-2003........................................ 95 Tenure Status of Full-Time Faculty (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003 ......................................................... 96 Terminal Degree Status of Full-Time Faculty (graphic), Fall 2003............................................................. 96 Department of Full-Time Instructional Faculty, Fall Term 1999-2003 ....................................................... 97 Tenure Status of Full-Time Faculty, Fall Term 1999-2003 ......................................................................... 98 Faculty Rank of Tenure and Tenure Track Faculty, Fall Term 1999-2003 ................................................. 98 Eligible Faculty Retirements (graphic)........................................................................................................ 99 Eligible Retirements by College: Full-Time Tenured and Tenure Track Faculty....................................... 99 Full-Time Faculty Participating in Phased Retirement Program, Fall Term 1999-2003.............................. 100 College, Department, Highest Earned Degree, and Gender of Full-Time Faculty, Fall 2003 .................... 101 College, Department, Rank and Gender of Full-Time Faculty, Fall 2003................................................... 102 Age and Years of Service of Full-Time Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty (graphic), Fall 2003.............. 103 Organizational Charts Chancellor’s Division.................................................................................................................................. 104 Academic Affairs Division.......................................................................................................................... 105 College of Applied Sciences ....................................................................................................................... 106 College of Arts and Sciences....................................................................................................................... 107 College of Business ..................................................................................................................................... 108 College of Education and Allied Professions .............................................................................................. 109 Administration and Finance Division .......................................................................................................... 110 Advancement and External Affairs Division............................................................................................... 111 Information Technology Division ............................................................................................................... 112 Student Affairs Division.............................................................................................................................. 113 FINANCIAL DATA Revenues and Expenditures, 1998-99 to 2002-03 ....................................................................................... 115 Revenues by Source (graphic), 2002-03...................................................................................................... 116 Education and General Expenditures (graphic), 2002-03............................................................................ 116 Competitive Grants and Contracts, 2000-01 to 2002-03 ............................................................................. 117 Grant and Contract Activity (graphic), 1998-99 to 2002-03 ....................................................................... 118 Competitive Grant and Contract Awards by Mission and Organization Unit, 2002-2003 .......................... 119 Grant and Contract Awards by Mission (graphic), 2002-03........................................................................ 120 Grant and Contract Awards by Unit (graphic), 2002-03 ............................................................................. 120 Tuition, Fees and Charges, 1999-2004 ........................................................................................................ 121 Undergraduate Student Costs at North Carolina Public Universities, 2003-2004 ....................................... 122 Total Undergraduate Student Costs at Selected UNC Institutions (graphic), 2003-2004 ............................ 123 Undergraduate Student Fees at North Carolina Public Universities, 2003-2004......................................... 123 Student Financial Aid by Source, 2002-2003.............................................................................................. 124 Student Financial Aid, 1998-99 to 2002-03................................................................................................. 125 Student Financial Aid (graphic), 1998-99 to 2002-03 ................................................................................. 126 Mean Faculty Salaries (graphic), 2003-04................................................................................................... 127 Development Foundation, Endowment, and Donors, 1999-00 to 2002-03.................................................. 128 OTHER UNIVERSITY DATA Precis of the University’s History ............................................................................................................... 130 University Library, 1998 to 2003 ................................................................................................................ 131 Campus Space Allocation, 1998-2002 ........................................................................................................ 132 Physical Plant, Fall 2002 ............................................................................................................................. 133 iii Major Building Projects Currently Under Construction, Fall 2002 ............................................................. 135 Authorized Projects Being Planned, Fall 2002............................................................................................ 135 GLOSSARY .......................................................................................................................................................... 136 iv New Student Information SECTION CONTENTS New Freshmen Freshmen Applicants, Acceptances and Enrollees, Fall Term Resident Credit 1999-2003.......................... New Freshman Enrollment by County and State, Fall Term 1999-2003 ...................................................... North Carolina Region of Origin of New Freshmen, Fall 2003 ................................................................... North Carolina Counties Producing Most New Freshmen, Fall Term 2000-2003........................................ North Carolina High School Graduates and New Freshmen Enrolling at WCU, Fall Term 2000-2002 .... High School Class Rank of New Freshmen, Fall Term 1999-2003.............................................................. Distribution of Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Scores of New Freshmen, Fall 2003 ................................. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Scores of New Freshmen, Fall Term 2000-2003 ....................................... Distribution of SAT Scores of New Freshmen (graphic), Fall 2003 ............................................................ High School GPA of New Freshmen (graphic), Fall Term 2001-2003 ........................................................ Mean SAT Scores of New Freshmen (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003 ........................................................ Home Town Size of New Freshmen (graphic), Fall 2003 ............................................................................ Geographic Origin of All New Freshmen (graphic), Fall 2003 .................................................................... Highest Educational Level of Parents of New Freshmen (graphic), Fall 2003............................................. Number of College Applications Made by New Freshmen (graphic), Fall 2003 ......................................... SAT Scores of University of North Carolina New Freshmen, Fall Term 1999-2003................................... In-State New Freshmen Enrollments at North Carolina Public Universities, Fall Term 1998-2002............................................................................................................................. Home County of North Carolina First-Time Freshmen (graphic), Fall 2003 ............................................... 2 3 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 16 17 Transfer Students Transfer Applicants, Acceptances and Enrollees, Fall Term Resident Credit 1999-2003 ............................ Institutional Origin of New Undergraduate Transfer Students, Fall Term 1999-2003 ................................. Institutional Origin of New Undergraduate Transfer Students (graphic), Fall Term 2002-2003.................. Community Colleges Producing Most New Undergraduate Transfer Students, Fall 2003........................... Majors of New Undergraduate Transfer Students, Fall 2003 ....................................................................... Institutional Origin of New Undergraduate Transfers to North Carolina Public Universities, Fall 2002 ............................................................................................................................................... Undergraduate Transfer Students to North Carolina Public Universities, Fall Term 1998-2002 ................. 18 19 21 22 22 23 24 Graduate Students Graduate Applicants and Enrollees (graphic), Fall Term 2001-2003 ........................................................... 25 Geographic Origin of New Degree-Seeking Graduate Students (graphic), Fall Term 2002-2003 ............... 25 All Students Legal Residence of New Students (graphic), Fall 2003 ............................................................................... 26 Gender of New Degree-Seeking Students (graphic), Fall 2003.................................................................... 26 1 Freshman Applicants, Acceptances & Enrollees Fall Term Resident Credit* 5,000 4,606 4,500 4,124 3,979 Number of Freshmen 4,000 3,500 3,000 3,408 3,392 3,313 2,958 2,903 2,878 2,778 2,500 2,000 1,495 1,500 1,214 1,156 1,224 1,180 1,000 500 0 1999 2000 2001 Applied 1999 InState Accepted 2000 Out-ofState InState 2002 Enrolled 2001 Out-ofState 2003 InState 2002 Out-ofState InState 2003 Out-ofState InState Out-ofState Applied Male Female 2,838 1,425 1,413 570 302 268 2,804 1,423 1,381 509 258 251 3,157 1,637 1,520 822 409 413 3,186 1,543 1,643 935 431 504 3,752 1,865 1,887 854 365 489 Accepted Male Female % of Applicants Accepted 2,332 446 2,442 436 2,311 592 2,333 625 2,843 549 1,129 227 1,194 209 1,151 285 1,101 273 1,396 235 1,203 219 1,248 227 1,160 307 1,232 352 1,447 314 82 78 87 86 73 72 73 67 76 64 Enrolled Male Female % of Accepted Enrolling 1,044 112 1,099 115 1,005 175 1,077 147 1,370 125 528 57 563 57 557 92 523 71 689 63 516 55 536 58 448 83 554 76 681 62 45 25 45 26 43 30 46 24 48 23 *Referred applicants or incomplete applications not included 1999-2000. Source: OCR B1 Students in Institutions of Higher Education: Applications, Acceptances and Actual Enrollment Factbook Table Reference: Applications, Acceptances and Enrollees (02) 2 NEW FRESHMEN ENROLLMENT BY COUNTY AND STATE FALL TERM A. Immediate 11-County Area Buncombe Cherokee Clay Graham Haywood Henderson Jackson* Macon Madison Swain Transylvania Total for Region B. Other Appalachian Counties Alexander Alleghany Ashe Avery Burke Caldwell Davie McDowell Mitchell Polk Rutherford Stokes Surry Watauga Wilkes Yadkin Yancey Total for Region C. Piedmont Counties Alamance Anson Cabarrus Caswell Catawba Chatham Cleveland Davidson Durham Forsyth Gaston Granville Guilford Harnett Iredell Lee Lincoln Mecklenburg Montgomery Moore Orange Person 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 54 12 11 9 40 42 50 30 1 20 8 277 67 21 7 7 43 44 39 29 3 4 13 277 60 16 6 5 59 36 40 44 2 14 14 296 74 21 15 3 40 27 36 26 4 10 17 273 84 25 14 5 72 38 47 38 8 8 22 361 0 1 1 6 16 12 8 22 3 10 8 8 10 4 11 10 3 133 1 7 1 6 15 6 17 15 4 2 20 2 9 2 16 1 7 131 4 2 2 3 14 10 11 27 2 0 11 9 7 4 8 8 5 127 7 0 1 5 13 20 6 16 10 4 16 8 6 4 7 5 7 135 7 3 4 7 19 12 13 29 1 7 19 9 5 2 11 3 9 160 12 1 12 0 36 10 22 23 13 46 35 1 69 3 16 10 24 83 1 6 8 1 9 0 21 1 47 2 16 17 16 38 43 1 59 0 22 0 18 123 3 1 8 5 14 2 16 1 21 1 21 8 7 31 48 4 51 6 13 2 19 87 2 3 13 2 15 3 21 3 28 6 24 16 14 47 54 2 49 6 22 5 11 81 1 10 9 1 10 3 29 1 33 6 21 18 18 56 69 3 67 4 41 4 14 111 1 6 22 4 3 NEW FRESHMEN ENROLLMENT BY COUNTY AND STATE FALL TERM Randolph Richmond Rockingham Rowan Stanly Union Vance Wake Warren Total for Region D. Eastern Counties Beaufort Bertie Bladen Brunswick Camden Carteret Chowan Columbus Craven Cumberland Currituck Dare Duplin Edgecombe Franklin Gates Greene Halifax Hertford Hoke Hyde Johnston Jones Lenoir Martin Nash New Hanover Northampton Onslow Pamlico Pasquotank Pender Perquimans Pitt Robeson Sampson Scotland Tyrrell 1999 7 1 4 12 9 13 4 74 2 558 2000 10 2 6 16 11 24 0 85 0 604 2001 9 0 8 23 2 24 1 69 1 509 2002 22 2 2 12 5 24 3 78 2 578 2003 14 3 12 20 5 31 2 113 1 742 1 1 2 3 0 1 0 0 5 11 1 3 5 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 7 3 0 11 0 0 2 0 2 2 4 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 5 18 6 2 0 5 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 7 0 1 0 5 5 0 5 0 0 1 1 3 2 1 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 12 0 0 1 3 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 1 5 0 3 7 0 11 0 0 1 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 2 2 6 0 2 2 0 8 13 0 1 1 0 7 0 0 1 1 0 0 8 0 0 0 3 5 2 12 0 1 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 3 1 3 12 6 1 1 3 1 3 0 1 0 1 1 0 8 0 2 2 2 9 0 16 0 1 5 1 8 1 1 1 0 4 NEW FRESHMEN ENROLLMENT BY COUNTY AND STATE FALL TERM Washington Wayne Wilson Total for Region Total for State E. Out-of-State Florida Georgia South Carolina Other States Foreign Total for Out-of-State Total New Freshmen 1999 0 4 0 76 1,044 2000 0 5 4 89 1,101 2001 0 7 2 74 1,006 2002 0 1 1 94 1,080 2003 1 3 6 108 1,371 15 40 17 33 7 112 21 28 23 32 9 113 14 78 20 55 7 174 14 59 17 50 4 144 14 33 15 60 2 124 1,156 1,214 1,180 1,224 1,495 *Includes freshmen with "unknown" county Source: NCHED A-1.3: Home Base of Students Ref: fbmas03.xls 5 North Carolina Region of Origin of New Freshmen State Wide - Fall 2003 Piedmont Counties 54% Eastern Counties 8% Immediate 11-County Area 26% Other Appalachian Counties 12% North Carolina Counties Producing Most New Freshmen Fall Term Wake Mecklenburg Buncombe Haywood Gaston Guilford Forsyth Jackson* Iredell Henderson Macon 2000 2001 2002 2003 85 123 67 43 43 59 38 39 22 44 29 69 87 60 59 48 51 31 40 13 36 44 78 81 74 40 54 49 47 36 22 27 26 113 111 84 72 69 67 56 47 41 38 38 *Includes freshmen with "unknown" county Source: NCHED A-1.3: Home Base of Students Factbook Table Reference: New Freshmen Enrollment (03) 6 NORTH CAROLINA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES AND NEW FRESHMEN ENROLLING AT WCU FALL TERM 2000 2001 2002 Total Total Total High School WCU New High School WCU New High School WCU New Graduates Freshmen* Graduates Freshmen* Graduates Freshmen* A. Immediate 11-County Area Buncombe Cherokee Clay Graham Haywood Henderson Jackson Macon Madison Swain Transylvania REGION TOTAL B. Other Appalachian Counties Burke Caldwell McDowell Rutherford Sum of Remaining 13 Appalachian Counties REGION TOTAL C. Piedmont Counties Catawba Cleveland Forsyth Gaston Guilford Iredell Mecklenburg Wake Sum of Remaining 23 Piedmont Counties REGION TOTAL 1,588 211 73 71 397 639 216 233 128 98 249 3,903 67 21 7 7 43 44 39 3 4 13 277 1,530 194 76 59 395 613 214 235 126 146 250 3,838 2 14 14 296 1,619 236 93 54 431 650 225 247 129 111 252 4,047 4 10 17 273 592 607 365 494 15 6 15 20 631 616 346 483 14 10 27 11 682 686 306 452 13 20 16 16 3,445 5,503 75 131 3,456 5,532 65 127 3,666 5,792 70 135 1,160 806 2,087 1,392 3,020 968 4,702 4,804 47 16 38 43 59 22 123 85 1,245 826 2,207 1,395 3,078 1,038 4,723 5,140 21 21 31 48 51 13 87 69 1,208 767 2,271 1,466 3,304 1,068 5,087 5,411 28 24 47 54 49 22 81 78 14,321 33,260 171 604 14,548 34,200 168 509 15,339 35,921 195 578 29 60 16 6 5 59 36 40 44 74 21 15 3 40 27 36 26 D. Eastern Counties Cumberland Halifax New Hanover Robeson Sum of Remaining 37 Eastern Counties REGION TOTAL 2,559 521 1,195 980 18 0 5 2 2,702 477 1,170 959 12 2 7 2 2,809 483 1,272 963 13 1 5 5 13,834 19,089 64 89 14,048 19,356 51 74 14,221 19,748 70 94 STATE TOTAL 61,755 1,101 62,926 1,006 65,508 1,080 *New freshmen from county/region regardless of high school graduation year. Source: NCHED A-1.3: Home Base of Students and Statistical Profile: North Carolina Public Schools Ref: fbmas04.xls 7 HIGH SCHOOL CLASS RANK OF NEW FRESHMEN FALL TERM Percentage of New Freshmen* Class Rank 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Top Fifth Second Fifth Third Fifth Fourth Fifth Lowest Fifth 19 26 31 23 1 20 24 31 24 1 22 27 28 21 2 22 27 30 19 2 21 30 30 18 1 Number Not Available 54 65 71 73 79 Source: NCHED A-4: First-Time Freshmen Admissions *Percentage of new freshmen who provided class rank information. Ref: fbmas05.xls 8 DISTRIBUTION OF SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TEST (SAT) SCORES OF NEW FRESHMEN FALL 2003 PERCENTAGE OF REPORTED SCORES SCORE INTERVALS VERBAL MATH All In-State Out-of-State All 750 - 800 0.7 0.0 0.6 0.4 0.0 0.3 700 - 749 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 650 - 699 3.3 4.9 3.5 4.2 3.9 4.1 600 - 649 7.9 9.7 8.0 9.0 17.5 9.6 550 - 599 13.3 15.5 13.4 15.4 9.7 15.0 500 - 549 26.4 23.3 26.2 26.4 27.2 26.5 450 - 499 28.8 27.2 28.6 26.4 18.4 25.9 400 - 449 15.3 11.7 15.1 15.0 18.4 15.2 350 - 399 3.0 4.9 3.2 2.2 4.9 2.4 300 - 349 0.3 1.9 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 250 - 299 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 200 - 249 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,371 124 1,495 1,371 124 1,495 509 512 509 514 512 514 In-State Total Enrolled Mean Score Out-of-State Source: NCHED A-4: First-Time Freshmen Admissions, Fall 2003 Ref: fbmas06.xls 9 SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TEST (SAT) SCORES OF NEW FRESHMEN FALL TERM PERCENTAGE OF REPORTED SCORES SCORE INTERVALS VERBAL MATH 750 - 800 2000 0.59 2001 0.61 2002 0.51 2003 0.62 2000 0.00 2001 0.18 2002 0.34 2003 0.34 700 - 749 0.93 0.79 0.42 1.03 0.93 1.05 1.43 0.96 650 - 699 2.95 2.54 3.12 3.44 2.61 2.98 3.45 4.13 600 - 649 6.16 7.54 8.17 7.99 7.34 8.33 7.92 9.57 550 - 599 13.49 14.74 14.15 13.42 16.10 17.02 16.85 15.00 500 - 549 23.10 23.51 21.23 26.22 22.18 23.07 24.60 26.50 450 - 499 28.67 28.25 29.15 28.63 28.25 29.56 25.19 25.88 400 - 449 19.22 16.84 19.29 15.07 19.14 14.82 16.76 15.21 350 - 399 4.47 4.56 3.54 3.17 2.95 2.54 3.12 2.41 300 - 349 0.42 0.53 0.42 0.41 0.51 0.44 0.34 0.00 250 - 299 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200 - 249 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Not Available 28 40 37 42 28 40 37 42 New Freshmen 1,214 1,180 1,224 1,495 1,214 1,180 1,224 1,495 Average Score 501 503 502 509 503 509 510 514 Source: NCHED A-4: First-Time Freshmen Admissions Ref: fbmas07.xls 10 Distribution of SAT Scores of New Freshmen Fall 2003 - Verbal and Math Scores 35.0 28.6 30.0 26.2 26.5 25.0 20.0 15.1 15.2 15.0 13.4 15.0 9.6 10.0 8.0 3.4 4.1 3.2 2.4 5.0 1.7 1.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 200 - 349 350 - 399 400 - 449 450 - 499 500 - 549 Verbal 550 - 599 600 - 649 650 - 699 700 - 800 Math Source: NCHED A-4: First-Time Freshmen Admissions Factbook Table Reference: SAT Scores of New Freshmen (07) Total SAT Scores 35.0 31.8 31.5 31.3 30.0 27.3 26.6 Percentage of Freshmen Percentage of Freshmen 25.9 24.1 25.0 18.7 20.0 16.2 15.9 14.8 14.4 14.3 15.0 10.0 5.0 6.4 6.9 7.0 2.7 1.8 3.4 3.0 1.2 0.7 0.0 700-799 800-899 900-999 1000-1099 Fall 2001 Fall 2002 1100-1199 Fall 2003 Source: Computer Report RBR320: Enrolled First-Time Freshmen 11 1200-1299 1300-1600 High School GPA of New Freshmen 33.0 35.0 32.9 31.9 30.4 Percentage of New Freshmen 28.6 28.4 30.0 30.1 31.5 31.6 25.0 20.0 15.0 8.3 10.0 6.9 6.2 5.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.0 or less 2.01-2.5 2.51-3.0 3.01-3.5 3.51-4.0 GPA Range 2001 Mean GPA 2003: 3.25 2002 2002: 3.25 2003 2001: 3.22 Source: FB_HSGPA.FEX Ref: hsgpa.xls Mean SAT Scores* of New Freshmen 1030 1024 1025 1023 1024 1020 1020 Mean Score 1015 1010 1010 1006 1012 1011 1004 1003 1005 1012 1010 1000 995 994 993 990 985 980 975 1999 2000 2001 In-State Out-of-State *All scores are recentered. Source: NCHED A-4: First-Time Freshman Admissions Factbook Table Reference: SAT Scores of New Freshmen (07) 12 2002 All New Freshmen 2003 1023 Home Town Size of New Freshmen Fall 2003 41 45 40 Percent Responding 35 25 30 18 25 20 9 7 15 10 5 0 Rural < 20,000 20,001-60,000 60,001-100,000 >100,000 Source: First-Year Student Survey Ref: ftfinfo.xls Geographic Origin of All New Freshmen Fall 2003 North Carolina 92% Florida 1% South Carolina 1% Georgia Other States & Foreign 2% 5% Source: NCHED A-1.3: Home Base of Students Factbook Table Reference: New Freshmen Enrollment (3) 13 Highest Educational Level of Parents of New Freshmen Fall 2003 4-Yr. Degree 24.6% Graduate-Level Study 13.9% Some College 31.1% High School or Less 30.4% Number of College Applications Made by New Freshmen Fall 2003 One 27.2% Two 22.2% Five or More 8.2% Four 16.0% Three 26.4% Source: First-Year Student Survey Ref: ftfinfo.xls 14 SAT Scores of University of North Carolina New Freshmen Fall 1999 - Fall 2003 Average Recentered Score Institution Fall 1999 Fall 2000 Fall 2001 Fall 2002 Fall 2003 Appalachian 1092 1086 1101 1111 1115 East Carolina 1016 1035 1029 1036 1048 Elizabeth City 823 822 837 817 848 Fayetteville 867 840 845 868 867 NC A & T 911 896 898 899 889 NC Central 876 860 861 852 834 NC School of the Arts 1109 1104 1113 1154 1153 NC State 1179 1185 1175 1193 1195 UNC-Asheville 1151 1155 1160 1160 1166 UNC-Chapel Hill 1245 1251 1257 1267 1282 UNC-Charlotte 1034 1043 1052 1065 1069 UNC-Greensboro 1038 1037 1033 1035 1045 932 927 924 934 950 UNC-Wilmington 1086 1097 1091 1106 1104 Western Carolina 994 1004 1011 1012 1023 Winston-Salem 837 869 865 868 867 UNC Average 1068 1073 1071 1072 1075 NC Average (All Test Takers) 986 988 992 998 1001 US Average (All Test Takers) 1016 1019 1020 1020 1026 UNC-Pembroke Source: UNC-GA ProgAssess/Admiss.AT001.U/11-04-2003; NC 2003 SAT Report Ref: brmas01.xls 15 IN-STATE NEW FRESHMEN ENROLLMENTS AT NORTH CAROLINA PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES FALL TERM 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Appalachian East Carolina Elizabeth City State Fayetteville State NC A & T NC Central NC School of the Arts NC State UNC-Asheville UNC-Chapel Hill UNC-Charlotte UNC-Greensboro UNC-Pembroke UNC-Wilmington Western Carolina Winston-Salem State UNC TOTAL 1,960 2,360 330 476 1,108 615 67 3,363 402 2,836 1,879 1,562 443 1,421 995 469 20,286 1,925 2,566 356 672 1,231 566 75 3,209 393 2,696 1,812 1,669 452 1,375 1,044 441 20,482 2,154 2,498 353 488 1,347 665 71 3,420 412 2,798 1,884 1,660 543 1,342 1,101 450 21,186 1,967 2,674 298 683 1,416 660 85 3,410 387 3,046 2,003 1,656 661 1,606 1,006 558 22,116 2,090 2,832 374 670 1,581 693 73 3,339 352 2,848 2,123 1,837 660 1,382 1,080 615 22,549 NC High School Graduates 59,049 59,776 61,887 63,014 65,681 Institutions Source: Statistical Abstract of Higher Education in North Carolina: 2002-03 , Table 59 Statistical Profile: Public Schools of North Carolina (2003) , Table 12 Ref: fbmas08.xls 16 17 Clay 14 Polk 7 Rutherford 19 Cleveland 21 Burke 19 Caldwell 12 Gaston 69 Lincoln 14 Catawba 33 Alexander 7 521 742 108 1,371 122 2 1,495 Appalachian Counties (29) Piedmont Counties (30) Eastern Counties (41) Sub-Total Out-of-State (In US) Foreign Countries Total Headcount Wilkes 11 Rowan 20 Davie 13 Yadkin 3 Surry 5 Union 31 Cabarrus Mecklenburg 29 111 Iredell 41 Alleghany 3 North Carolina First-Time Freshmen Immediate 11-County Area (361) Macon 38 Henderson Jackson 38 Transylvania 47 22 Haywood 72 McDowell 29 Source: NCHED A-1.3: Home Base of Students Cherokee 25 Graham 5 Swain 8 Buncombe 84 Madison 8 Avery 7 Mitchell 1 Yancey 9 Watauga 2 Ashe 4 Randolph 14 Guilford 67 Rockingham 12 Person 4 Moore 6 Harnett 4 Bladen 0 Lenoir 2 Greene 1 Onslow 16 Jones 0 Pitt 8 Pamlico 0 Carteret 3 Hyde 0 Tyrrell 0 42 to 113 15 to 41 1 to 14 0 Headcount Craven 12 Washington 1 Dare 1 CamdenCurrituck Pasquotank 1 1 1 Perquimans Chowan 1 1 Gates 0 Beaufort 0 Bertie 0 Hertford 1 Martin 2 Northampton 0 Edgecombe 1 Halifax 0 New Hanover 9 Pender 5 Duplin 3 Wayne 3 Wilson 6 Nash 2 Warren 1 Brunswick 3 Sampson 1 Johnston 8 Columbus 3 Cumberland 6 Robeson 1 Hoke 1 Lee 4 Chatham 6 Wake 113 Franklin 3 Vance 2 Granville 3 Alamance Orange Durham 22 18 10 Caswell 1 Scotland 1 Richmond 3 Montgomery 1 Anson 3 Stanly 5 Davidson 18 Forsyth 56 Stokes 9 Home County of North Carolina First-Time Freshmen Fall 2003 Transfer Applicants, Acceptances & Enrollees Fall Term Resident Credit 1,200 1,014 945 1,000 930 920 Number of Students 839 800 823 768 734 704 660 598 557 600 513 414 409 400 200 0 1999 2000 2001* Applied 1999 InState Accepted 2000 Out-ofState InState 2002* Enrolled 2001 Out-ofState 2003* InState 2002 Out-ofState InState 2003 Out-ofState InState Out-ofState Applied Male Female 630 268 104 44 636 300 132 54 680 282 265 80 782 349 148 65 802 354 212 61 362 60 336 78 398 185 433 83 448 151 Accepted Male Female % of Applicants Accepted 571 89 586 118 600 239 691 132 724 196 228 38 268 46 234 60 295 54 307 53 343 51 318 72 366 179 396 78 417 143 91 86 92 89 88 90 88 89 90 92 Enrolled Male Female % of Accepted Enrolling 369 40 370 44 409 148 437 76 485 113 152 217 23 17 160 210 24 20 170 239 32 116 200 237 28 48 226 259 35 78 65 45 63 37 68 62 63 58 67 58 * Includes Distance Learning Source: OCR B1 Students in Institutions of Higher Education: Applications, Acceptances and Actual Enrollment Factbook Table Reference: Applications, Acceptances and Enrollees (02) 18 INSTITUTIONAL ORIGIN OF NEW UNDERGRADUATE TRANSFER STUDENTS FALL TERM I. INSTITUTION North Carolina Institutions A. Public Senior Universities Appalachian East Carolina N.C. State UNC-Asheville UNC-Chapel Hill UNC-Charlotte UNC-Greensboro Other N. C. Universities Public Senior Total B. Community & Technical Colleges Asheville-Buncombe Blue Ridge Caldwell Catawba Valley Central Piedmont Cleveland Forsyth Gaston Haywood Isothermal McDowell Mitchell Sandhills Southwestern Surry Tri-County Wake Western Piedmont Wilkes Other Community Colleges Community College Total C. Private Senior Institutions Brevard Campbell Gardner-Webb Lees-McRae Lenoir Rhyne Mars Hill Montreat Warren Wilson Wingate Other Private Senior Inst. Private Senior Total 1999 2000* 2001* 2002* 2003* 8 2 5 12 5 4 3 6 45 6 8 12 7 3 8 8 6 58 5 5 6 9 3 1 6 10 45 9 8 8 12 1 8 6 9 61 11 4 6 11 4 10 5 8 59 40 7 5 8 5 3 2 6 28 14 8 1 1 45 3 16 4 12 9 24 241 27 12 3 9 10 5 4 7 28 4 3 2 6 48 6 13 6 10 4 43 250 39 12 12 9 7 2 3 4 20 5 12 3 4 37 1 34 7 7 5 42 265 31 19 6 4 5 2 8 5 25 11 3 1 1 49 6 25 6 23 2 27 259 51 17 10 9 13 3 2 14 21 8 1 2 2 45 2 20 7 15 2 63 307 3 2 0 2 2 4 1 0 2 5 21 3 2 5 1 1 7 2 0 2 6 29 0 2 2 1 0 6 2 0 0 6 19 2 3 4 1 2 6 1 2 0 8 29 4 1 1 0 4 3 1 0 2 15 31 19 INSTITUTIONAL ORIGIN OF NEW UNDERGRADUATE TRANSFER STUDENTS FALL TERM INSTITUTION II. 1999 2000* 2001* 2002* 2003* D. Private Junior Colleges 2 3 4 1 1 E. Other Institutions Total 2 0 0 1 0 All Institutions Total 311 340 333 351 398 Out-of-State A. Other States Alabama Florida Georgia Kentucky Maryland New York South Carolina Tennessee Virginia Remaining States Other States Total 2 9 10 2 3 1 10 7 2 41 87 2 23 11 1 4 7 16 9 8 42 123 3 19 11 1 3 7 18 6 7 39 114 0 15 15 2 5 4 8 10 11 46 116 3 14 12 0 5 4 8 8 14 52 120 B. Foreign Countries Total 11 41 111 46 80 98 164 225 162 200 409 504 558 513 598 Out-of-State Total GRAND TOTAL *Includes Distance Learning Source: NCHED A-1.2: New Undergraduate Transfer Students Ref: fbmas09.xls 20 Institutional Origin of New Undergraduate Transfer Students* Fall 2003 Community Colleges 51.3% Public Senior Univ. 9.9% Foreign 13.4% Private Senior Univ. 5.2% Out-of-State 20.1% Private Jr. Colleges & Other 0.2% Fall 2002 Community Colleges 50.5% Public Senior Univ. 11.9% Foreign 9.0% Private Senior Univ. 5.7% Out-of-State 22.6% Private Jr. Colleges & Other 1% *Includes Resident Credit and Distance Learning Source: NCHED A-1.2: New Undergraduate Transfer Students Factbook Table Reference: Institutional Origin of New Undergraduate Transfer Students (09) 21 Community Colleges Producing Most New Undergraduate Transfer Students Fall 2003 Community College Asheville-Buncombe Southwestern Haywood Tri-County Blue Ridge Western Piedmont Gaston Central Piedmont All Others (n=37) Total Community College Students Number 51 45 21 20 17 15 14 13 162 307 Source: NCHED A-1.2: New Undergraduate Transfer Students Ref: fbmas70.xls Majors of New Undergraduate Transfer Students Fall 2003 Major Elementary Education Nursing Criminal Justice Business Administration & Law Art Biology Physical Education History Nutrition & Dietetics All Other Declared Majors Undeclared Number 28 26 21 15 14 13 12 11 11 234 39 Source: Office of University Planning (NEW_TRANS.FEX) 22 INSTITUTIONAL ORIGIN OF NEW UNDERGRADUATE TRANSFERS TO NORTH CAROLINA PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES FALL 2002 Type of North Carolina Institution Transferred From North Carolina Public Universities Appalachian East Carolina Elizabeth City Fayetteville NC A & T NC Central NC School of the Arts NC State UNC-Asheville UNC-Chapel Hill UNC-Charlotte UNC-Greensboro UNC-Pembroke UNC-Wilmington Western Carolina Winston-Salem TOTALS Public Universities Public 2-Year Colleges Private Senior Inst. Private 2-Year Colleges Total 128 192 23 70 70 91 9 429 67 155 283 201 40 158 61 59 389 661 95 175 198 145 10 439 169 124 812 471 284 579 259 192 70 88 10 30 42 41 2 87 38 32 106 86 28 50 29 23 4 10 6 0 4 5 0 3 3 3 6 6 2 12 2 3 591 951 134 275 314 282 21 958 277 314 1,207 764 354 799 351 277 2,036 5,002 762 69 7,869 Source: Statistical Abstract of Higher Education in North Carolina, 2002-03, Tables 30 & 31 Ref: fbmas10.xls 23 UNDERGRADUATE TRANSFER STUDENTS TO NORTH CAROLINA PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES FALL TERM Public Universities 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Appalachian East Carolina Elizabeth City State Fayetteville State NC A & T NC Central NC School of the Arts NC State UNC-Asheville UNC-Chapel Hill UNC-Charlotte UNC-Greensboro UNC-Pembroke UNC-Wilmington Western Carolina Winston-Salem State 490 841 83 203 180 208 24 778 201 441 1,095 752 220 669 324 202 530 817 67 203 202 204 20 867 204 452 1,024 692 245 680 310 127 568 832 70 187 250 234 18 864 192 404 1,205 750 291 782 340 198 625 886 90 240 276 247 19 879 228 394 1,177 797 307 766 333 197 591 951 134 275 314 282 21 958 277 314 1,207 764 354 799 351 277 UNC TOTAL 6,711 6,644 7,185 7,461 7,869 Source: Statistical Abstract of Higher Education in North Carolina, 2002-03, Tables 30 & 31 Ref: fbmas11.xls 24 Graduate Applicants and Enrollees Fall Term* 713 800 704 659 700 Number of Students 600 500 384 364 335 400 300 200 100 0 2001 2002 Applied 2003 Enrolled *Includes non-degree seeking graduate students Source: OCR B1 Students in Institutions of Higher Education: Applications, Acceptances & Actual Enrollment Geographic Origin of New Degree-Seeking Graduate Students Fall Term† Number of Graduate Students 450 400 328 350 300 384 364 286 250 200 150 78 100 56 50 0 In-State Out-of-State 2002 Total 2003 †Includes Distance Learning students Source: OCR B1 Students in Institutions of Higher Education: Applications, Acceptances & Actual Enrollment Ref: newgrad.xls 25 Legal Residence of New Students Fall 2003* Out-of-State Freshmen 5.0% NC Freshmen 55.3% NC Transfer 19.6% Out-of-State Transfer 4.6% Out-of-State Graduate 2.3% NC Graduate 13.2% Gender of New Degree-Seeking Students Fall 2003* 752 743 800 700 Number of Students 600 500 337 400 261 229 300 155 200 100 0 Freshmen Transfer Male Graduate Female *Includes Distance Learning Source: OCR B1 Students in Institutions of Higher Education: Applications, Acceptances & Actual Enrollment Factbook Table Reference: Applications, Acceptances and Enrollees (01) 26 Enrollment and Student Demographics SECTION CONTENTS University-Wide Data Enrollment History, Fall Term 1965-2003 ................................................................................................... Total Enrollment in North Carolina Public Universities, Fall Term 1999-2003........................................... Graduate Enrollment in North Carolina Public Universities, Fall Term 1998-2002..................................... Total Enrollment (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003 ....................................................................................... Total Resident Credit Enrollment and Student Credit Hours, 1998-2003 .................................................... Resident Credit Student Credit Hours (graphic), Fall Term 2001-2003 ....................................................... Distance Learning Student Credit Hours (graphic), Fall Term 2001-2003................................................... Distance Learning Enrollment and Student Credit Hours, 1996-2003 ......................................................... Resident Student Credit Hours by Cost Category, 1995-2003 ..................................................................... Resident Student Credit Hours by Cost Category and CIP Code, Fall 2003 ................................................ Distance Learning Student Credit Hours by Cost Category, 1998-2003 ...................................................... Total Enrollment by Load, Legal Residence and Level, Fall Term 2000-2003............................................ Resident Credit Student Credit Hours by Legal Residence and Location, Fall Term 2000-2003................. Resident Credit Enrollment by Load, Legal Residence and Level, Fall Term 1999-2003 ........................... Undergraduate Headcount Enrollment (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003 ...................................................... Full- and Part-Time Undergraduate Enrollment (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003........................................ Location of Resident Credit FTE Enrollment, 1998-99 to 2002-03 ............................................................. Course Location of Undergraduate Resident Credit Enrollment (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003 ............... Minority Undergraduate Enrollment (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003 ......................................................... Enrollment by Location and Course Load, Fall 2003 .................................................................................. Average Course Load of Undergraduates by Class, Fall Term 2000-2003 ................................................. Class Level of Resident Credit Students, Fall Term 1999-2003................................................................... The University Honors College, Fall Term 2000-2003 ................................................................................ Class Level of Undergraduate Students (graphic), Fall Term 2000-2003 .................................................... Age Distribution of Undergraduate Students (graphic), Fall 2003 ............................................................... Age Distribution of Undergraduate Distance Learning Students (graphic), Fall 2003 ................................. Age Distribution of Graduate Distance Learning Students (graphic), Fall 2003 .......................................... Gender of Graduate Distance Learning Students (graphic), Fall 2003 ......................................................... Race, Class, Load and Gender of All Students, Fall 2003............................................................................ Race, Class, Load and Gender of Distance Learning Students, Fall 2003.................................................... Resident Credit Headcount Enrollment by Race, Fall Term 1999-2003 ...................................................... Student Housing, Fall Term 1999-2003 ....................................................................................................... Student Housing (graphic), Fall 2003........................................................................................................... Student Housing Capacity, Fall Term 1996-2003 ........................................................................................ 29 30 31 32 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 41 42 43 43 44 45 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 51 52 53 54 54 Home Residence of Students Origin of Students by State, Fall Term 1999-2003....................................................................................... Total Headcount by State (graphic), Fall 2003............................................................................................. North Carolina County of Origin of Students by Level, Fall 2003 Total Headcount ................................... Home County of North Carolina Students (graphic), Fall 2003 ................................................................... North Carolina County of Origin of Students, Fall Term 1999-2003 ........................................................... 55 56 57 58 59 Departmental, Program and Major Data Junior-Senior Enrollment by Undergraduate Major Including Second Majors, Fall Term 1999-2003......... Class Scheduling Distribution (graphic), Fall 2003...................................................................................... Class Size of Undergraduate Lecture Courses (graphic), Fall 2003 ............................................................. Course Load of Undergraduate Resident Credit Students (graphic), Fall 2003............................................ Enrollment by Graduate Program, Fall Term 1999-2003 ............................................................................. Graduate Headcount Enrollment (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003 ............................................................... 27 60 63 64 64 65 67 Full- and Part-Time Graduate Resident Credit Enrollment (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003 ....................... Course Location of Graduate Resident Credit Enrollment (graphic), Fall Term SCH 1999-2003 ............... Minority Graduate Enrollment (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003 .................................................................. Undergraduate Major of Distance Learning Students, Fall Term 2001-2003............................................... Graduate Program of Distance Learning Students, Fall Term 2001-2003.................................................... Student Credit Hours by Course Prefix, Fall Term 2002-2003 .................................................................... 67 68 68 69 69 70 Summer School and Extension Programs Resident Credit Summer School Enrollment, 1999-2003............................................................................. 74 Summer School Enrollment (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003 ...................................................................... 75 Summer School Student Credit Hour Enrollment in North Carolina Public Universities, 1998-2002 ......... 76 28 ENROLLMENT HISTORY FALL TERM Year 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 Total Credit Enrollment* FTE Headcount 2,843 3,317 3,442 4,072 3,746 4,477 4,010 4,787 4,448 5,178 4,836 5,599 5,068 5,517 Resident Credit Enrollment FTE Headcount 2,842 3,001 3,442 3,652 3,766 3,965 4,114 4,310 4,448 4,670 4,836 5,125 5,068 5,330 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 5,304 5,425 5,502 5,998 5,942 5,709 5,821 5,762 5,783 5,972 6,016 6,193 6,912 6,869 6,528 6,647 6,615 6,907 5,304 5,337 5,318 5,700 5,673 5,479 5,565 5,575 5,725 5,640 5,844 5,934 6,419 6,380 6,151 6,205 6,274 6,459 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 5,829 5,602 5,621 5,643 5,369 5,324 5,333 5,341 6,659 6,370 6,324 6,385 6,254 6,146 6,049 6,162 5,708 5,467 5,486 5,543 5,257 5,236 5,277 5,376 6,366 6,066 6,027 6,131 5,935 5,921 5,929 6,055 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 5,536 5,635 5,824 6,089 5,945 6,116 6,106 6,091 6,099 5,855 5,902 5,985 6,070 6,220 6,656 6,272 6,411 6,519 6,837 6,650 6,790 6,891 6,775 6,809 6,534 6,580 6,699 6,863 7,033 7,561 5,482 5,564 5,764 5,996 5,844 6,058 5,999 6,009 6,007 5,758 5,829 5,879 5,863 5,991 6,388 6,134 6,222 6,372 6,576 6,368 6,619 6,551 6,511 6,531 6,287 6,353 6,449 6,439 6,542 6,951 *Includes Distance Learning Source: Computer Report RBR021: Enrollment and Full-Time Equivalency Ref: fbmas12.xls 29 TOTAL ENROLLMENT IN NORTH CAROLINA PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES FALL TERM* Headcount Enrollment INSTITUTION Appalachian East Carolina Elizabeth City State Fayetteville State NC A & T NC Central NC School of the Arts NC State UNC-Asheville UNC-Chapel Hill UNC-Charlotte UNC-Greensboro UNC-Pembroke UNC-Wilmington Western Carolina Winston-Salem State TOTAL 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 12,779 18,811 1,966 4,875 7,603 5,595 794 28,011 3,226 24,653 16,950 13,322 3,062 9,967 6,580 2,788 160,982 13,227 18,750 2,035 4,487 7,748 5,476 768 28,619 3,292 24,892 17,241 13,125 3,445 10,100 6,699 2,857 162,761 13,762 19,412 2,004 5,010 8,319 5,753 789 29,286 3,293 25,494 18,308 13,775 3,933 10,799 6,863 2,992 169,792 14,178 20,577 2,150 5,308 9,115 6,519 817 29,637 3,391 26,028 18,916 14,453 4,432 10,918 7,033 3,495 176,967 14,343 21,756 2,308 5,329 10,030 7,191 792 29,854 3,446 26,359 19,605 14,870 4,722 11,079 7,561 4,102 183,347 * Includes Distance Learning Source: UNC-GA ProgAssess/Enr.AT003.U/11-4-03 Ref: fbmas13.xls 30 GRADUATE ENROLLMENT IN NORTH CAROLINA PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES FALL TERM Resident Credit Headcount Enrollment INSTITUTION 1998 1999 2000* 2001* 2002* Appalachian East Carolina** Elizabeth City Fayetteville NC A & T NC Central NC School of Arts NC State UNC-Asheville UNC-Chapel Hill** UNC-Charlotte UNC-Greensboro UNC-Pembroke UNC-Wilmington Western Carolina Winston-Salem TOTAL 952 2,443 775 987 1,568 56 5,831 40 5,314 2,587 2,651 349 602 974 25,129 917 2,383 829 860 1,132 67 5,384 39 4,694 2,688 2,712 256 690 1,001 23,652 1,115 3,042 13 781 898 1,078 76 6,335 47 5,052 2,853 3,016 369 757 1,088 13 26,533 1,202 3,661 28 919 988 1,521 81 6,868 36 7,334 3,173 3,316 427 836 1,198 30 31,618 1,326 4,059 17 980 1,133 1,390 79 6,555 40 7,684 3,552 3,561 481 966 1,368 99 33,290 Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment INSTITUTION Appalachian East Carolina** Elizabeth City Fayetteville NC A & T NC Central NC School of the Arts NC State UNC-Asheville UNC-Chapel Hill** UNC-Charlotte UNC-Greensboro UNC-Pembroke UNC-Wilmington Western Carolina Winston-Salem TOTAL 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 810 1,829 528 770 854 56 3,847 27 3,342 1,818 1,934 209 434 737 - 782 1,827 542 654 810 67 3,965 25 3,691 1,890 2,007 158 509 748 - 717 1,758 9 521 654 720 75 4,261 23 3,488 1,939 2,009 205 553 736 11 963 2,381 15 606 766 857 78 5,013 17 4,188 2,254 2,427 276 596 867 26 1,073 2,640 11 639 904 1,007 77 5,008 22 4,520 2,520 2,626 310 682 995 82 17,195 17,675 17,679 21,330 23,116 * First professional are excluded; 2000, 2001 and 2002 data includes distance learning. ** Includes only Academic Affairs Source: Statistical Abstract of Higher Education in North Carolina, 2002-03, Tables 5 & 15 Ref: fbmas14.xls 31 Total Enrollment Fall Term* 7,561 8,000 7,000 6,580 6,699 6,353 7,033 6,863 6,449 6,951 6,541 6,439 Headcount 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 645 525 433 273 227 0 1999 2000 All Students 2001 2002 Resident Credit 2003 Distance Learning Total Resident Credit Enrollment and Student Credit Hours SEMESTER UNDERGRADUATE Headcount SCH GRADUATE Headcount SCH TOTAL Headcount SCH Fall 2003 5,682 81,914 1,269 8,419 6,951 90,333 Fall 2002 Spring 2003 5,372 4,939 76,415 70,519 1,169 1,110 7,916 7,415 6,541 6,049 84,331 77,934 Fall 2001 Spring 2002 5,345 4,851 76,080 68,879 1,094 1,078 7,205 7,141 6,439 5,929 83,285 76,020 Fall 2000 Spring 2001 5,448 4,925 76,561 69,759 1,001 985 6,249 6,457 6,449 5,910 82,810 76,216 Fall 1999 Spring 2000 5,352 4,779 75,725 67,747 1,001 975 6,397 6,604 6,353 5,754 82,122 74,351 Fall 1998 Spring 1999 5,313 4,899 75,108 68,902 974 928 6,510 6,366 6,287 5,827 81,618 75,271 *Total Headcount does not equal the sum of Distance Learning and Resident Credit Headcount because some students are enrolled in both resident credit and distance learning credit courses. Source: RBR021: Enrollment and Full-Time Equivalency; UNC-GA Planning/SDF.ER010 Factbook Table Reference: Spring, Fall and Annual Average Enrollment (15) 32 Resident Credit Student Credit Hours Fall Term 100,000 90,333 84,331 83,285 Student Credit Hours (SCHs) 90,000 81,914 76,415 76,080 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 8,419 7,916 7,205 20,000 10,000 0 2001 Total SCH 2002 2003 Fall Undergraduate SCHs Fall Graduate SCHs Source: RBR021: Enrollment and Full-Time Equivalency (FTE=Total) Factbook Table Reference: Spring and Fall Headcount Enrollment and Student Credit Hours (15) Distance Learning Student Credit Hours Fall Term 2,650 Student Credit Hours (SCHs) 3,000 2,500 2,238 2,185 2,000 1,606 1,570 1,219 1,500 1,000 1,019 1,080 579 500 0 2001 Total SCH 2002 Fall Undergraduate SCHs 2003 Fall Graduate SCHs Source: RBR021: Enrollment and Full-Time Equivalency (FTE=Total) Factbook Table Reference: Spring and Fall Headcount Enrollment and Student Credit Hours (15) 33 DISTANCE LEARNING ENROLLMENT AND STUDENT CREDIT HOURS 1996 - 2003 SEMESTER UNDERGRADUATE Headcount SCH GRADUATE Headcount SCH TOTAL SCH Headcount Fall 2003 415 1,570 230 1,080 645 2,650 Fall 2002 Spring 2003 301 369 1,219 1,371 224 230 1,019 1,118 525 599 2,238 2,489 Fall 2001 Spring 2002 321 335 1,606 1,326 112 151 579 649 433 486 2,185 1,975 Fall 2000 Spring 2001 168 234 597 738 105 108 670 552 273 342 1,267 1,290 Fall 1999 Spring 2000 157 133 513 399 79 75 385 413 236 208 898 812 Fall 1998 Spring 1999 199 327 815 1,812 63 84 259 327 262 411 1,074 2,139 Fall 1997 Spring 1998 207 359 690 1,332 98 66 334 198 305 425 1,024 1,530 Fall 1996 Spring 1997 202 279 680 1,006 68 16 191 270 295 871 1,054 48 Source: RBR021: Enrollment and Full-Time Equivalency (FTE=Total) Ref: fbmas15.xls 34 RESIDENT STUDENT CREDIT HOURS BY COST CATEGORY* 1995 - 2003 Undergraduate Masters Doctorate Fall 2003 Category 1 30,423 Category 2 26,601 Category 3 25,002 Category 1 1,445 Category 2 4,825 Category 3 1,372 Category 1 11 Category 2 449 Category 3 7 Fall 2002 29,865 25,446 21,388 1,372 4,587 1,331 22 317 3 Spring 2003 25,973 24,632 20,156 1,221 4,008 1,421 20 289 62 Annual Total 55,838 50,078 41,544 2,593 8,595 2,752 42 606 65 Fall 2001 29,281 26,297 20,804 1,321 4,053 1,240 18 266 4 Spring 2002 24,192 25,148 19,819 1,322 3,869 1,360 31 239 39 Annual Total 53,473 51,445 40,623 2,643 7,922 2,600 49 505 43 Fall 2000 28,108 27,237 21,170 1,287 3,461 1,100 29 282 9 Spring 2001 23,628 26,319 20,060 1,265 3,529 1,126 24 202 62 Annual Total 51,736 53,556 41,230 2,552 6,990 2,226 53 484 71 Fall 1999 27,750 26,717 21,256 1,275 3,599 1,204 12 215 7 Spring 2000 20,891 22,585 18,737 969 3,196 1,147 10 247 93 Annual Total 48,641 49,302 39,993 2,244 6,795 2,351 22 462 100 Fall 1998 27,403 26,879 20,774 1,341 3,593 1,318 12 156 2 Spring 1999 22,886 26,256 19,777 1,159 3,622 1,352 16 157 2 Annual Total 50,289 53,135 40,551 2,500 7,215 2,670 28 313 4 Fall 1997 28,847 30,887 18,070 1,013 3,750 1,356 140 Spring 1998 23,973 29,800 16,410 1,127 3,732 1,240 141 Annual Total 52,820 60,687 34,480 2,140 7,482 2,596 281 Fall 1996 30,245 31,890 18,112 1,118 3,282 957 86 Spring 1997 25,145 30,183 16,257 1,146 3,195 995 144 Annual Total 55,390 62,073 34,369 2,264 6,477 1,952 230 Fall 1995 31,298 31,718 18,609 1,342 3,448 466 30 Spring 1996 26,403 29,532 16,611 1,351 3,404 677 101 Annual Total 57,701 61,250 35,220 2,693 6,852 1,143 131 *See glossary for definitions Source: RBR500, Semester Credit Hours by Level and CIP Cost Group Ref: fbmas72.xls 35 RESIDENT STUDENT CREDIT HOURS BY COST CATEGORY AND CIP CODE* FALL 2003 CIP Code Category 1 English Lang. & Literature/Letters Mathematics Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies Philosophy & Religion Psychology Protective Services Public Admin. & Services Social Sciences & History 23 27 30 38 42 43 44 45 Total Category 1 Category 2 Area, Ethnic and Cultural Studies Communications Education Foreign Languages & Literature Home Economics Biological Sciences/Life Sciences Parks, Rec., Lsre, & Ftns Stds. Bus. Mgt. & Admin. Services 05 09 13 16 19 26 31 52 Doctors Total 8,118 3,813 759 1,851 3,525 2,001 1,125 9,231 267 147 3 507 6 225 290 4 7 8,389 3,960 759 1,854 4,032 2,007 1,350 9,528 30,423 1,445 11 31,879 - - 93 4,185 7,638 1,890 1,061 3,223 2,411 11,374 31,875 93 4,182 4,500 1,890 1,061 3,067 2,405 9,403 26,601 Total Category 2 Category 3 Cons. & Renewable Natl. Rsrcs. Computer & Info. Sciences Engineering-Related Technologies Physical Sciences Visual & Performing Arts Health Prof. & Related Sciences Masters Undergraduate 03 11 15 40 50 51 Total Category 3 TOTALS - 149 6 1,971 4,825 442 7 - 449 330 2,739 2,132 5,341 7,456 7,004 25,002 143 84 998 1,372 7 330 2,838 2,180 5,488 7,540 8,005 26,381 82,026 7,642 467 90,135 *See glossary for definitions Source: RBR500, Semester Credit Hours By Level and CIP Cost Group Ref: fbmas72.xls 36 3 2,696 - 99 48 4 3 DISTANCE LEARNING STUDENT CREDIT HOURS BY COST CATEGORY* 1998 - 2003 Undergraduate Masters Doctorate Fall 2003 Category 1 408 Category 2 949 Category 3 282 Category 1 39 Category 2 838 Category 3 45 Category 1 - Category 2 71 Category 3 - Fall 2002 351 721 186 78 860 - - 30 - Spring 2003 405 845 163 75 975 18 - - - Annual Total 756 1566 349 153 1835 18 0 30 0 Fall 2001 738 651 220 - 576 - - - - Spring 2002 372 771 179 21 630 - - - - Annual Total 1,110 1,422 399 21 1,206 0 0 0 0 Fall 2000 75 270 252 - 664 - - - - Spring 2001 186 381 171 57 434 - - 60 - Annual Total 261 651 423 57 1,098 - - 60 - Fall 1999 165 285 63 30 352 3 - - - Spring 2000 105 237 57 3 410 - - - - Annual Total 270 522 120 33 762 3 - - - Fall 1998 399 446 19 57 197 2 - - - Spring 1999 208 780 80 84 193 - - - - Annual Total 607 1,226 99 141 390 2 - - - *See glossary for definitions Source: RBR500, Semester Credit Hours by Level and CIP Cost Group Ref: fbmas72.xls 37 TOTAL ENROLLMENT BY LOAD, LEGAL RESIDENCE AND LEVEL* 2000 2001 Fall Term 2002 2003 Undergraduate Full-Time, In-State Part-Time, In-State Sub-Total 4,515 607 5,122 4,418 637 5,055 4,485 631 5,116 4,837 679 5,516 Full-Time, Out-of-State Part-Time, Out-of-State Sub-Total 399 90 489 454 156 610 462 87 549 455 116 571 Graduate Full-Time, In-State Part-Time, In-State Sub-Total 298 662 960 299 747 1,046 333 851 1,184 356 976 1,332 Full-Time, Out-of-State Part-Time, Out-of-State Sub-Total 101 27 128 94 58 152 107 77 184 96 46 142 Total Headcount (Undergraduate and Graduate) Full-Time, In-State 4,813 Part-Time, In-State 1,269 Sub-Total 6,082 4,717 1384 6,101 4,818 1482 6,300 5,193 1655 6,848 500 117 617 548 214 762 569 164 733 551 162 713 6,699 6,863 7,033 7,561 Headcount Full-Time, Out-of-State Part-Time, Out-of-State Sub-Total University Total *Includes Distance Learning Source: NCHED A-1.1: Resident and Extension Credit Enrollment Ref: fbmas16a.xls 38 RESIDENT CREDIT STUDENT CREDIT HOURS BY LEGAL RESIDENCE AND LOCATION Semester Credit Hours (SCH) Undergraduate In-State Out-of-State Sub-Total Percent Out-of-State Graduate In-State Out-of-State Sub-Total Percent Out-of-State Total SCH (Undergraduate and Graduate) In-State Out-of-State 2001 70,473 6,088 76,561 8 69,263 6,817 76,080 9 69,325 7,090 76,415 9 74,783 7,051 81,834 9 5,288 961 6,249 15 6,063 1,142 7,205 16 6,597 1,319 7,916 17 7,147 1,156 8,303 14 75,761 7,049 75,326 7,959 75,922 8,409 81,930 8,207 9 10 10 9 82,810 83,285 84,331 90,137 Percent Out-of-State University Total Fall Term 2002 2000 Source: RBR021: Enrollment and Full-Time Equivalency (FTE=Funded) Ref: fbmas16a.xls 39 2003 RESIDENT CREDIT ENROLLMENT BY LOAD, LEGAL RESIDENCE AND LEVEL 1999 2000 Undergraduate Full-Time, In-State Part-Time, In-State Sub-Total 4,473 485 4,958 4,522 518 5,040 Full-Time, Out-of-State Part-Time, Out-of-State Sub-Total 381 13 394 Graduate Full-Time, In-State Part-Time, In-State Sub-Total Full-Time, Out-of-State Part-Time, Out-of-State Sub-Total Fall Term 2001 2002 2003 4,431 459 4,890 4,479 417 4,896 4,835 377 5,212 390 18 408 439 16 455 462 15 477 455 15 470 315 589 904 275 621 896 293 697 990 332 716 1,048 338 827 1,165 85 12 97 89 16 105 92 12 104 107 14 121 96 8 104 Total Headcount (Undergraduate and Graduate) Full-Time, In-State 4,788 4,797 1,139 Part-Time, In-State 1,074 Sub-Total 5,862 5,936 4,724 1,156 5,880 4,811 1,133 5,944 5,173 1,204 6,377 Headcount Full-Time, Out-of-State Part-Time, Out-of-State Sub-Total University Total Semester Credit Hours (SCH) Undergraduate In-State Out-of-State Sub-Total Percent Out-of-State Graduate In-State Out-of-State Sub-Total Percent Out-of-State 466 25 491 479 34 513 531 28 559 569 29 598 551 23 574 6,353 6,449 6,439 6,542 6,951 69,815 5,910 75,725 8 70,473 6,088 76,561 8 69,263 6,817 76,080 9 69,325 7,090 76,415 9 74,783 7,051 81,834 9 5,514 883 6,397 14 5,288 961 6,249 15 6,063 1,142 7,205 16 6,597 1,319 7,916 17 7,147 1,156 8,303 14 75,761 7,049 75,326 7,959 75,922 8,409 81,930 8,207 8 9 10 10 9 82,122 82,810 83,285 84,331 90,137 Total SCH (Undergraduate and Graduate) In-State 75,329 Out-of-State 6,793 Percent Out-of-State University Total Source: RBR021: Enrollment and Full-Time Equivalency (FTE = Funded) Ref: fbmas16.xls 40 Undergraduate Headcount Enrollment* 7,000 6,000 6,087 5,665 5,611 5,505 5,448 5,352 5,665 5,682 5,372 5,345 Headcount 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 157 321 163 415 301 0 1999 2000 2001 Fall Headcount** 2002 Resident Headcount 2003 Distance Learning Source: RBR021: Enrollment and Full-Time Equivalency Factbook Table Reference: Spring and Fall Headcount Enrollment and Student Credit Hours (15) Full- and Part-Time Undergraduate Enrollment 6000 5290 4912 4854 4941 4870 Resident Headcount 5000 4000 3000 2000 536 498 1000 475 392 432 0 1999 2000 2001 Full-Time 2002 2003 Part-Time *Total Headcount does not equal the sum of Distance Learning and Resident Credit Headcount because some students are enrolled in both resident credit and distance learning credit courses. **Includes Distance Learning Source: NCHED A-1.1: Resident and Extension Credit Enrollment Factbook Table Reference: Fall Enrollment by Load, Legal Residence and Level (16) 41 LOCATION OF RESIDENT CREDIT FTE ENROLLMENT Location, Term & FTE Category ASHEVILLE Fall Undergraduate Graduate 1998-99 Full-Time Equivalent 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Term Total 112 332 444 88 347 435 77 350 427 91 425 516 72 462 534 Term Total 105 338 443 100 341 441 87 371 458 81 420 501 73 415 488 Term Total 20 2 22 8 1 8 19 4 23 5 5 3 1 4 Term Total 10 10 4 1 5 7 2 9 0 7 3 10 Term Total 4,900 457 5,357 4,979 457 5,436 5,049 443 5,492 4,996 429 5,425 5,068 476 5,544 Term Total 4,496 409 4,905 4,414 445 4,859 4,565 387 4,952 4,528 416 4,944 4,647 447 5,095 4,635 384 648 89 2 5,758 4,694 385 656 90 5,825 4,745 399 638 98 5,879 4,638 447 694 100 5,879 4,748 489 842 153 6,233 4,244 360 617 83 5,304 4,159 354 649 84 5,245 4,300 352 630 80 5,362 4,192 411 695 83 5,381 4,227 420 373 74 5,095 Spring Undergraduate Graduate CHEROKEE Fall Undergraduate Graduate Spring Undergraduate Graduate CULLOWHEE Fall Undergraduate Graduate Spring Undergraduate Graduate TOTAL RESIDENT CREDIT Fall Undergraduate in-state Undergraduate out-of-state Graduate in-state Graduate out-of-state Unknown Term Total Spring Undergraduate in-state Undergraduate out-of-state Graduate in-state Graduate out-of-state Term Total Source: RBR021: Enrollment and Full-Time Equivalency; FTE = Total Ref: fbmas17.xls 42 Course Location of Undergraduate Resident Credit Enrollment Fall Term 90,000 81,051 80,000 75,051 74,140 75,520 74,928 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 1,199 1,172 1,029 918 743 0 1999 2000 2001 Asheville 2002 2003 Cullowhee Source: RBR021: Enrollment and Full-Time Equivalency Factbook Table Reference: Location of Resident Credit Enrollment (17) Minority Undergraduate Enrollment 7 Percent of Resident Credit Headcount Student Credit Hours 70,000 5.9 6 5.6 5.8 5.5 5.2 5 4 3 2 1 1.9 1.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.8 1.8 1.7 0.8 0.9 0.8 1.1 0.7 0 1999 2000 African-American 2001 Native American 2002 Asian Hispanic Source: Fall SDF (Headcount by Race Fall 2003.SAS) Factbook Table Reference: Resident Credit Headcount Enrollment by Race (20) 43 2003 1.0 ENROLLMENT BY LOCATION AND COURSE LOAD FALL 2003 Course Load* Asheville Undergraduate Graduate Cherokee Undergraduate Graduate Cullowhee Undergraduate Graduate 1/4 time 1/2 time 3/4 time Full-time Total 38 17 4 454 6 281 42 63 90 815 32 0 4 7 0 0 0 0 36 7 130 32 99 265 130 135 5,234 256 5,593 688 158 37 109 446 123 352 5,292 434 5,682 1,269 308 3 105 112 2 103 0 12 415 230 453 37 215 523 127 462 5,292 452 6,087 1,474 Total Resident Credit1 Undergraduate Graduate Distance Learning Credit Undergraduate Graduate Total All Centers2 Undergraduate Graduate *See glossary for definition of course load. 1 Total Resident Credit does not equal the sum of locations because some students are enrolled in courses at more than one resident credit center. 2 Total All Centers does not equal the sum of Distance Learning and Total Resident Credit because some students are enrolled in both resident credit and distance learning credit courses. Source: RBR021: Enrollment and Full-time Equivalency (FTE = Total) Ref: fbmas68.xls 44 AVERAGE COURSE LOAD OF UNDERGRADUATES BY CLASS FALL TERM 2000 2001 2002 2003 Freshmen 15.04 15.20 15.22 15.18 Sophomores 14.81 14.99 14.75 14.84 Juniors 15.11 15.17 15.07 15.02 Seniors 14.70 14.75 14.66 14.45 Special Undergraduates 13.30 13.88 13.00 16.00 14.91 15.04 14.94 14.91 Freshmen 14.87 15.09 15.11 14.99 Sophomores 14.39 14.77 14.59 14.68 Juniors 14.27 14.48 14.35 14.48 Seniors 13.27 13.27 13.17 13.35 14.23 14.41 14.33 14.41 Full-Time Students All Full-Time Students Full- and Part-Time Students All Enrolled Students Source: Office of University Planning (AVG_UG_LOAD.FEX) Ref: fbmas73.xls 45 CLASS LEVEL OF RESIDENT CREDIT STUDENTS FALL TERM Undergraduate 1999 2000 Headcount 2001 2002 2003 New Freshmen Continuing Freshmen Returning Freshmen Transfer Freshmen Total Freshmen 1,156 369 24 97 1,646 1,214 342 45 107 1,708 1,181 339 24 101 1,645 1,224 327 21 82 1,654 1,494 285 21 89 1,889 Continuing Sophomores Returning Sophomores Transfer Sophomores Total Sophomores 927 43 132 1,102 972 57 155 1,184 988 52 124 1,164 1,006 71 140 1,217 1,003 56 148 1,207 Continuing Juniors Returning Juniors Transfer Juniors Total Juniors 964 36 135 1,135 850 77 115 1,042 871 61 119 1,051 847 69 126 1,042 923 57 135 1,115 Continuing Seniors Returning Seniors Transfer Seniors Total Seniors 1,281 45 45 1,371 1,252 82 39 1,373 1,269 64 44 1,377 1,267 82 36 1,385 1,272 69 52 1,393 Total Degree-Seeking Undergraduates 5,254 5,307 5,237 5,298 5,604 Undergraduate Summary New Freshmen Continuing Students Returning Students Transfer Students Unclassified* 1,156 3,541 148 409 98 1,214 3,416 261 416 141 1,181 3,467 201 388 108 1,224 3,447 243 384 75 1,494 3,483 203 424 78 Total Undergraduates 5,352 5,448 5,345 5,373 5,682 Masters Level Special/Unclassified Doctors Level Total Graduate Headcount 826 140 35 1,001 807 153 41 1,001 877 174 43 1,094 950 172 47 1,169 1,018 190 61 1,269 Total Enrollment 6,353 6,449 6,439 6,542 6,951 Graduate * Includes New, Continuing, Returning and Transfers Source: RBR021: Enrollment and Full-Time Equivalency (FTE = Funded) Ref: fbmas18.xls 46 The University Honors College Fall Term 2000 2001 2002 2003 Enrollment: Freshmen Honors Students All Honors Students 144 596 127 677 136 713 174 831 Average GPA: Freshmen Honors Students 4.08 4.06 4.05 4.04 Average SAT Score: Freshmen Honors Students 1222 1237 1239 1235 Source: University Planning - FB_Honors.FEX Ref: fbmas69.xls Class Level of Undergraduate Students Fall Term Percent of Undergraduate Headcount* 40 35 34 32 31 31 30 26 25 22 22 23 26 26 22 20 20 20 20 20 15 10 5 0 Freshmen Sophomores 2000 Juniors 2001 *Unclassified students not included. Source: RBR021: Enrollment and Full-Time Equivalency Factbook Table Reference: Class Level of Students (18) 47 2002 Seniors 2003 25 Age Distribution of Undergraduate Students Fall 2003 18-20 years 56.3% 21-24 years 33.0% < 18 years 0.3% 25-30 years 5.3% over 30 years 5.2% Source: FB_UGAGE.FEX Ref: ugage.xls Age Distribution of Undergraduate Distance Learning Students 31-35 years 20.3% Fall 2003 36-40 years 12.8% over 40 years 27.6% 25-30 years 23.8% 17-20 years 3.5% 21-24 years 12.0% Source: exten_age.sas Ref: ugage.xls 48 Age Distribution of Graduate Distance Learning Students 31-35 years 18.5% Fall 2003 36-40 years 12.7% 25-30 years 26.3% over 40 years 36.6% 20-24 years 5.9% Source: exten_age.sas Ref: ugage.xls Gender of Graduate Distance Learning Students Fall 2003 Female 63% Male 37% Source: gradextcipracesex.sas Ref: ugage.xls 49 RACE, CLASS, LOAD AND GENDER OF ALL STUDENTS* FALL 2003 LOAD AND CLASS NONRESIDENT ALIEN Male Female AFRICANAMERICAN NATIVE AMERICAN Male Male Female Female ASIAN Male HISPANIC Female Male Female WHITE Male TOTAL Female Male Female Full-Time New Freshmen 2 1 45 29 9 8 5 6 11 6 671 682 752 742 Full-Time Other Undergraduates 36 17 139 94 27 35 15 9 17 16 1,615 1,717 1,878 1,912 Part-Time Undergraduates 18 86 12 15 5 7 4 3 0 6 235 306 276 426 9 4 4 5 1 3 1 0 1 2 108 221 124 237 Graduates 27 42 12 20 8 11 1 7 6 2 420 647 476 738 TOTALS 92 150 212 163 50 64 26 25 35 32 3,049 3,573 3,506 4,055 Unclassified** GRAND TOTAL 242 375 114 *Includes Distance Learning **Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate Source: IPEDS Fall Enrollment: Part A, 2003 Ref: fbmas19.xls 50 51 67 6,622 7,561 RACE, CLASS, LOAD AND GENDER OF DISTANCE LEARNING STUDENTS FALL 2003* LOAD AND CLASS NONRESIDENT ALIEN Male Female AFRICANAMERICAN NATIVE AMERICAN Male Male Female Female ASIAN Male HISPANIC Female Male Female WHITE Male TOTAL Female Male Female Full-Time Undergraduates 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Part-Time New Freshmen 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 12 20 12 Part-Time Other Undergraduates 17 86 3 9 0 1 2 1 0 1 99 155 121 253 Graduates 9 22 6 7 2 3 3 1 0 0 55 97 75 130 TOTALS 26 108 11 16 2 4 5 2 0 1 172 264 216 395 GRAND TOTAL 134 27 6 7 * Distance learning only students. Source: ugextcipracesex.sas; gradextcipracesex.sas Ref: fbmas19.xls 51 1 436 611 RESIDENT CREDIT HEADCOUNT ENROLLMENT BY RACE FALL TERM RACE AND CLASS AFRICAN-AMERICAN Full-Time New Freshmen Full-Time Other Undergraduates Part-Time Undergraduates Unclassified* Graduates 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 64 200 13 3 13 82 203 11 8 19 69 210 8 7 24 88 213 14 5 17 74 235 14 8 20 WHITE Full-Time New Freshmen Full-Time Other Undergraduates Part-Time Undergraduates Unclassified* Graduates 1,043 3,350 445 134 791 1,084 3,329 359 257 758 1,057 3,289 335 258 822 1,080 3,292 325 219 893 1,353 3,334 279 244 985 NATIVE AMERICAN Full-Time New Freshmen Full-Time Other Undergraduates Part-Time Undergraduates Unclassified* Graduates 13 65 23 1 10 13 64 24 16 9 11 58 21 6 12 14 62 17 7 19 18 69 12 4 15 ASIAN Full-Time New Freshmen Full-Time Other Undergraduates Part-Time Undergraduates Unclassified* Graduate 9 28 5 0 5 9 29 6 1 8 6 30 4 0 4 10 27 6 2 4 11 25 4 1 9 HISPANIC Full-Time New Freshmen Full-Time Other Undergraduates Part-Time Undergraduates Unclassified* Graduate 10 29 4 0 4 11 36 2 3 8 6 39 3 3 5 13 38 5 3 6 17 34 5 4 8 TOTAL** Full-Time New Freshmen Full-Time Other Undergraduates Part-Time Undergraduates Unclassified* Graduate 1,151 3,703 498 140 861 1,211 3,692 404 294 848 1,176 3,687 374 283 918 1,224 3,706 370 248 996 1,494 3,790 319 268 1,079 * Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate ** Includes Foreign Students Source: Fall SDF (Headcount by Race Fall 2003.SAS) Ref: fbmas20.xls 52 STUDENT HOUSING FALL TERM Headcount Enrollment 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Men's Residence Halls Albright Benton Bunchanan Harrill Leatherwood Madison** Reynolds Scott Walker Men’s Total 179 176 160 365 13 123 156 182 1,354 181 172 19 186 358 18 104 202 163 1,403 182 175 21 202 378 19 108 236 194 1,515 191 181 21 157 382 14 108 265 182 1,501 195 191 20 182 387 18 108 315 197 1,613 Women's Residence Halls Buchanan Harrill Helder Madison** Reynolds Scott Walker Women's Total Residence Hall Total 156 199 372 23 156 303 168 1,377 2,731 153 120 364 22 152 389 184 1,384 2,787 144 152 375 22 155 383 157 1,388 2,903 160 182 375 27 161 369 167 1,441 2,942 163 197 380 21 167 470 177 1,575 3,188 100 100 75 75 175 21 21 42 18 11 29 15 17 32 12 21 33 13 20 33 1,392 2,088 3,480 1,431 2,079 3,510 1,419 2,001 3,420 1,481 1,977 3,458 1,476 2,044 3,520 - 106 167 273 136 297 433 197 328 525 229 416 645 6,353 6,699 6,863 7,033 7,561 Fraternities* Married Student Housing Men Women Married Housing Total Commuter & Others Men Women Commuter Total Men Women Distance Learning Total GRAND TOTAL * Sororities are housed in university residence halls. ** Madison Hall has been renovated for a capacity of 57 people and reopened Fall 1993; 21 rooms have been assigned to male students; 21 rooms have been assigned to female students; and 15 rooms are reserved for university guests. Source: North Carolina Higher Education Data Survey A-2: Student Housing Ref: fbmas29.xls 53 Student Housing Fall 2003 - Percent of Headcount Married Housing 0.4% Distance Learning 8.5% Commuter 46.6% Men's Residence Halls 21.3% Women's Residence Halls 20.8% Fraternities* 2.3% *Sororities are housed in university residence halls. Source: NCHED A-2: Student Housing Factbook Table Reference: Student Housing (29) STUDENT HOUSING CAPACITY Year* Normal Student Capacity Men Women Total Percent of Capacity 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2,879 2,879 2,879 3,148 3,144 3,148 3,154 3,188 1,452 1,404 1,368 1,354 1,403 1,530 1,501 1,613 1,492 1,492 1,406 1,377 1,384 1,405 1,441 1,575 2,944 2,896 2,774 2,731 2,787 2,935 2,942 3,188 102.3 100.6 96.4 86.8 88.6 93.2 93.3 100.0 *The increase in Normal Student Capacity from Fall 1998 reflects a re-designation of single-occupancy rooms to double occupancy rooms. Source: Housing Department Ref: fbmas29.xls 54 ORIGIN OF STUDENTS BY STATE FALL TERM Headcount 1999 2000* 2001* 2002* 2003* Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate North Carolina Florida Georgia South Carolina Other States Foreign Total Grand Totals % NC Residents Total % NC Residents 4,958 904 61 8 110 12 57 10 134 28 34 39 5,354 1,001 6,355 93 5,122 960 64 8 104 12 73 9 134 35 114 64 5,611 1,088 6,699 90 92.2 91 88 90.8 5,055 1,046 55 7 152 3 68 16 154 45 181 81 5,665 1,198 6,863 89 88.9 *Includes Distance Learning Source: NCHED A-1.3: Home Base of Students Ref: fbmas21.xls 55 87 5,116 1,184 41 9 170 12 63 19 166 56 109 88 5,665 1,368 7,033 90 89.6 87 Graduate 5,516 1,332 42 1 152 6 56 20 174 52 147 63 6,087 1,474 7,561 91 90.6 90 56 0 2 0 0 0 Source: NCHED A-1.3: Home Base of Students 5 2 2 1 0 0 0 1 8 1 1 1 0 2 5 1 2 3 7 127 to 6,848 27 to 126 1 5 12 to 26 1 to 11 0 Headcount 2 Total Headcount by State Fall 2003 2 16 4 5 7 2 43 76 6,848 46 15 1 6 9 0 4 Foreign Countries ..................... 210 Total Out-of-State ..................... 713 158 16 10 8 2 1 1 NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ORIGIN OF STUDENTS BY LEVEL* FALL 2003 TOTAL HEADCOUNT REGION AND HOME COUNTY Immediate 11-County Area Buncombe Cherokee Clay Graham Haywood Henderson Jackson Macon Madison Swain Transylvania TOTAL Percent of NC Students Other Appalachian Counties Alexander Burke Caldwell McDowell Mitchell Rutherford Wilkes Yancey Remaining 9 Counties TOTAL Percent of NC Students Piedmont Counties Cabarrus Catawba Cleveland Davidson Durham Forsyth Gaston Guilford Iredell Lincoln Mecklenburg Rowan Union Wake Remaining 17 Counties TOTAL Percent of NC Students Eastern Counties Brunswick Carteret Cumberland New Hanover Onslow Robeson Remaining 35 Counties TOTAL Percent of NC Students GRAND TOTAL UNDERGRADUATE Men Women GRADUATE Men Women TOTAL 202 58 24 16 143 96 171 103 6 46 41 906 252 99 55 23 206 133 227 152 14 55 46 1,262 149 11 6 1 38 44 58 19 10 14 12 362 262 17 6 14 63 67 94 30 20 17 21 611 865 185 91 54 450 340 550 304 50 132 120 3,141 10 50 22 53 8 56 24 10 108 341 13 62 46 49 8 33 24 14 104 353 0 8 1 14 3 7 0 4 10 47 1 9 0 18 4 11 4 12 12 71 24 129 69 134 23 107 52 40 234 812 38 51 45 35 33 77 100 116 58 25 210 32 51 198 156 1,225 41 76 44 37 13 87 82 85 55 33 149 30 35 128 176 1,071 1 2 6 0 5 5 1 2 2 3 13 2 0 25 17 84 6 9 4 1 6 4 6 11 7 1 13 1 2 12 28 111 86 138 99 73 57 173 189 214 122 62 385 65 88 363 377 2,491 9 8 25 11 28 5 130 216 3 3 21 12 15 5 83 142 2 0 3 1 0 1 12 19 5 2 1 4 2 1 12 27 19 13 50 28 45 12 237 404 2,688 2,828 512 820 6,848 36 37 7 11 91 Percent of University Total *Includes Distance Learning Source: NCHED A-1.3: Home Base of Students Ref: fbmas22.xls 57 58 Cleveland 99 3,953 2,491 404 6,848 503 210 7,561 Out-of-State (In US) Foreign Countries Total Headcount North Carolina Immediate 11-County Area (3,141) Macon 304 Polk 30 Rutherford 107 Burke 129 Caldwell 69 Appalachian Counties (29) Piedmont Counties (30) Eastern Counties (41) Sub-Total Clay 91 Henderson Jackson 340 Transylvania 550 120 Haywood 450 McDowell 134 Source: NCHED A-1.3: Home Base of Students Cherokee 185 Graham 54 Swain 132 Buncombe 865 Madison 50 Avery 24 Mitchell 23 Yancey 40 Watauga 25 Ashe 7 Gaston 189 Lincoln 62 Catawba 138 Alexander 24 Wilkes 52 Forsyth 173 Stokes 34 Union 88 Randolph 48 Guilford 214 Rockingham 29 Person 13 Moore 28 Harnett 18 Bladen 5 Lenoir 7 Greene 1 Craven 27 Pamlico 0 Beaufort 2 201 to 865 51 to 200 11 to 50 1 to 10 0 Carteret 13 Washington 1 Hyde 1 Tyrrell 0 Dare 6 CamdenCurrituck Pasquotank 2 3 4 Perquimans Chowan 2 5 Gates 0 Headcount Onslow 45 Jones 1 Pitt 19 Bertie 3 Hertford 4 Martin 2 Northampton 3 Edgecombe 6 Halifax 6 New Hanover 28 Pender 9 Duplin 10 Wayne 15 Wilson 16 Nash 14 Warren 9 Brunswick 19 Sampson 9 Johnston 26 Franklin 13 Vance 7 Columbus 9 Cumberland 50 Robeson 12 Hoke 2 Lee 16 Chatham 20 Wake 363 Granville 10 Alamance Orange Durham 58 57 49 Caswell 4 Scotland 4 Richmond 10 Montgomery 8 Anson 12 Stanly 38 Davidson 73 Rowan 65 Davie 50 Yadkin 24 Surry 32 Cabarrus Mecklenburg 86 385 Iredell 122 Alleghany 8 Home County of North Carolina Students Fall 2003 NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ORIGIN OF STUDENTS FALL TERM Headcount HOME COUNTY Immediate 11-County Area Buncombe Cherokee Clay Graham Haywood Henderson Jackson** Macon Madison Swain Transylvania TOTAL Percent of NC Students Appalachian Counties (18) Burke Caldwell McDowell Rutherford Remaining 13 Counties TOTAL Percent of NC Students Piedmont Counties (30) Catawba Cleveland Forsyth Gaston Guilford Iredell Mecklenburg Wake Remaining 23 Counties TOTAL Percent of NC Students Eastern Counties (41) Percent of NC Students GRAND TOTAL Percent of University Total 1999 2000* 2001* 2002* 2003* 701 160 57 66 400 285 539 259 34 145 113 2,759 47 735 167 58 56 400 289 510 290 35 128 110 2,778 46 756 186 63 63 431 294 491 283 42 128 102 2,839 47 779 195 80 57 428 324 501 285 37 142 100 2,928 46 865 185 91 54 450 340 550 304 50 132 120 3,141 46 103 52 110 74 337 676 12 105 46 131 97 353 732 12 110 60 141 94 355 760 12 126 65 115 106 362 774 12 129 69 134 107 373 812 12 151 107 146 130 193 71 345 250 681 2,074 35 169 98 153 138 202 78 374 285 708 2,205 36 145 97 137 150 208 80 344 298 683 2,142 35 137 101 164 172 193 88 349 309 720 2,233 35 138 99 173 189 214 122 385 363 808 2,491 36 353 6 367 6 360 6 365 6 404 6 5,862 6,082 6,101 6,300 6,848 92 92 89 90 91 *Includes Distance Learning **Includes freshmen with "unknown" county Source: NCHED A-1.3: Home Base of Students Ref: fbmas23.xls 59 JUNIOR-SENIOR ENROLLMENT BY UNDERGRADUATE MAJOR INCLUDING SECOND MAJORS Fall Term Resident Credit Enrollment 1999 665 774 518 611 2,614 2000 603 783 524 542 2,519 2001 564 797 537 551 2,535 2002 525 839 548 522 2,545 2003 520 900 537 527 2,623 Criminal Justice & Emergency Management Criminal Justice (43.0104) Emergency Management (44.0401) Total 137 137 100 100 96 96 114 114 143 2 145 Health Sciences Clinical Laboratory Sciences (51.1005) Emergency Medical Care (51.0904) Environmental Health (51.2202) Health Information Management (51.0706) Health Services Management (51.0701) Nutrition & Dietetics (19.0503) Total 25 29 40 20 5 31 150 20 25 38 23 5 23 134 26 25 27 20 1 17 116 28 28 21 15 0 28 120 24 34 27 8 0 20 113 Hospitality, Tourism, Interior Design Child & Family Studies (19.0701) Clothing, Textiles & Merchandising (discontinued) Family and Consumer Sciences Education (13.1308) Hospitality & Tourism (52.0901) Interior Design (50.0408) Total 36 7 2 21 36 102 44 1 2 34 33 114 36 0 0 43 40 119 7 0 0 42 40 89 2 0 0 41 40 83 Engineering Technology Electrical & Computer Engineering Technology (15.0303) Telecommunications Engineering Technology (15.0303) Industrial Distribution (15.0603) Industrial Technology (15.0603) Manufacturing Engineering Technology (15.0603) Construction Management (15.1001) Total 26 32 19 43 120 31 36 21 45 133 29 26 29 33 117 26 0 14 16 25 81 32 11 16 9 23 21 112 Nursing (51.1601) 156 122 116 119 67 0 0 0 2 0 Anthropology & Sociology Anthropology (45.0201) Sociology (45.1101) Total 14 45 59 24 39 63 24 38 62 21 37 58 17 42 59 Art (50.0701, 50.0702, 13.1302) 59 53 66 78 93 Biology (26.0101) 80 57 50 62 70 Chemistry & Physics Chemistry (40.0501) Physics (40.0801) Total 28 8 36 29 7 36 36 7 43 31 6 37 32 1 33 APPLIED SCIENCES ARTS & SCIENCES BUSINESS EDUCATION & ALLIED PROFESSIONS UNDERGRADUATE UPPER LEVEL TOTAL APPLIED SCIENCES (CIP) Special Studies/Applied Sciences (24.0101) ARTS AND SCIENCES (CIP) 60 JUNIOR-SENIOR ENROLLMENT BY UNDERGRADUATE MAJOR INCLUDING SECOND MAJORS Fall Term Resident Credit Enrollment 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 108 8 6 122 118 13 0 131 106 16 1 123 110 13 1 124 136 10 6 152 English (23.0101, 13.1305) 57 76 82 91 82 Geosciences & Natural Resource Management Geography (45.0701) Geology (40.0601) Natural Resource Management (03.0201) Total 7 9 48 64 9 15 59 83 11 11 46 68 8 15 41 64 2 16 34 52 History History (45.0801) Social Sciences (45.0101, 13.1318) Total 31 28 59 28 28 56 35 30 65 39 22 61 43 29 72 Math & Computer Science Computer Science (11.0701) Math (27.0101, 13.1311) Total 41 18 59 33 21 54 36 22 58 41 15 56 40 33 73 Modern Foreign Language French (16.0901, 13.1325) German (16.0501, 13.1326) Spanish (16.0905, 13.1330) Total 2 6 15 23 3 8 15 26 4 6 17 27 3 5 20 28 3 5 17 25 Music Music Education/General & Instrumental (13.1312) Music (50.0901) Music Perfromance (50.0903) Total 43 19 62 36 24 60 35 27 62 41 36 77 44 21 4 69 Philosophy & Religion Philosophy (38.0101) Special Studies/Arts & Sciences (24.0101) Total 5 0 5 7 1 8 8 0 8 10 0 10 11 0 11 Political Science & Public Affairs (45.1001) 27 22 28 28 35 1 7 11 10 11 61 51 44 55 63 Accountancy, Finance, & Entrepreneurship Accounting (52.0301) Entrepreneurship (52.1499) Finance (52.0801) Total 70 53 123 53 46 99 55 21 47 123 53 31 49 133 65 32 49 146 Business Computer Information Systems & Economics Business Computer Information Systems (52.1201) Economics (52.0601) Total 138 25 163 145 29 174 135 8 143 122 3 125 100 0 100 68 15 83 75 13 88 75 18 93 70 13 83 80 15 95 Communication & Theatre Arts Communication (09.0101) Speech & Theatre Arts (50.0501) Theatre (50.0501) Total Science Education (13.1316) Social Work (44.0701) BUSINESS (CIP) Management & International Business Management (52.0201) International Business (52.1101) Totals 61 JUNIOR-SENIOR ENROLLMENT BY UNDERGRADUATE MAJOR INCLUDING SECOND MAJORS Fall Term Resident Credit Enrollment 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 110 1 38 0 149 112 0 51 0 163 112 0 66 0 178 123 0 84 0 207 104 0 92 0 196 Birth-Kindergarten, Elementary & Middle Grades Education Birth-Kindergarten (13.1204) Elementary Education (13.1202) Middle Grades Education (13.1203) Total 22 195 33 250 24 185 30 239 28 163 36 227 32 168 25 225 33 173 26 232 Health & Human Performance Physical Education (13.1314) Parks & Recreation Management (31.0301) Sport Management (31.0504) Recreational Therapy (51.2309) Total 37 50 84 50 221 37 42 75 27 181 49 44 85 27 205 38 38 69 24 169 45 38 70 17 170 46 46 92 25 44 69 26 48 74 30 37 67 18 33 51 0 0 0 0 0 48 53 45 61 74 46 67 86 111 139 Marketing & Business Law Marketing (52.1401) Basic Business Education (discontinued) Business Administration and Law (52.0201) Office Administration (discontinued) Total EDUCATION & ALLIED PROFESSIONS (CIP) Human Services Special Education/Communication Disorders (51.0201) Special Education/General (13.1001) Total Special Studies (24.0101) Psychology (42.0101) UNDECLARED Source: Undergraduate Headcount Students by Gender, Level and CIP Code (SAS Report) Ref: fbmas26.xls 62 Class Scheduling Distribution Fall 2003 Monday & Friday Undergraduate Lecture Classes 90 79 80 75 Number of Class Meetings 70 72 71 70 63 57 60 55 48 50 45 39 40 31 26 30 30 24 20 15 8 10 2 0 8 a.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 12 p.m. Monday 1 p.m. 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 4 p.m. Friday Fall 2003 Tuesday & Thursday Undergraduate Lecture Classes 90 83 84 79 80 80 71 71 74 71 Number of Class Meetings 70 60 50 40 34 38 33 37 30 20 10 0 8 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11 a.m. Tuesday Source: Office of University Planning (SCHEDULE.FEX) Ref: sched.xls 63 12:30 p.m. Thursday 2 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Class Size of Undergraduate Lecture Courses Fall 2003 60 48 Percent of Classes 50 39 40 32 30 27 26 26 22 20 19 20 13 10 7 7 6 2 2 0 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 Number of Students Enrolled Lower Level Upper Level Liberal Studies Lower Level: Mean 26, Median 24; Upper Level: Mean 19, Median 19; Liberal Stds: Mean 28, Median 25 Source: Office of University Planning (CLASSES.FEX) Ref: size.xls Course Load of Undergraduate Resident Credit Students Fall 2003 15-16 Hours 48.7% 17-18 Hours 14.0% 19-20 Hours 2.3% 1-11 Hours 6.9% 12-14 Hours 27.7% Average Load of Full-time Undergraduates: 14.91 Source: Computer Report RBR060_W: Enrollment by Credit Hours & Class Ref: loadug.xls 64 21 Hours or More 0.5% ENROLLMENT BY GRADUATE PROGRAM FALL TERM Resident Credit Headcount DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR (CIP) 1999 2000 2001 2002 Educational Leadership & Foundations Educ. Admin./Two-Year College (13.0407) Educational Leadership (Ed.D, Ed.S, 13.0401) Educational Supervision (13.0404) School Administration (13.0405) Two-Year Col./Ind. Appl. Multi. Div. (13.0301) 2003 8 40 28 29 4 9 51 14 37 5 15 63 28 26 8 17 76 21 27 11 15 84 12 37 8 109 116 140 152 156 6 3 8 7 3 6 0 1 0 1 9 15 9 1 1 25 1 0 20 1 1 19 2 0 23 2 4 20 0 6 26 22 21 29 26 19 96 2 29 114 1 37 125 0 55 132 1 52 144 31 2 117 144 162 188 229 8 0 8 0 13 0 17 1 15 0 8 13 18 15 - 0 1 8 2 5 3 1 2 2 2 4 6 1 2 39 2 1 38 5 12 1 2 8 3 3 12 9 3 4 103 2 1 35 10 8 1 3 6 3 4 15 14 2 5 109 54 12 1 38 14 0 30 7 2 - 1 5 - Totals English 67 52 39 0 6 31 1 0 23 8 3 24 3 4 28 5 3 25 9 3 Totals Hospitality, Tourism, Interior Design 32 34 31 36 37 4 0 1 0 0 Art Totals Studio Art (50.0702)** Art Education (13.1299) Totals Biology Biology (26.0101) Two-Year College/Biology (13.1322) Secondary Education/Biology (13.1299) Totals Business Accountancy (52.0301) Business Administration (52.0201) Entrepreneurship (52.0701) Project Management (52.0299) Totals Chemistry & Physics Chemistry (40.0501) Secondary Education/Chemistry (13.1299) 8 Totals Comprehensive Education (13.0101)† Art (404) Biology (407) Elementary Education (417) English (418) Mathematics (434) Middle Grades-Language Arts (491) Music (439) Physical Education (440) Reading (444) Social Sciences (453) Special Educ./Behavioral Disorders (406) Special Educ./Learning Disabilities (456) Special Educ./Mental Retardation (437) Special Educ./Profound Disabilities (452) Totals Birth-Kindergarten, Elementary & Middle Grades Education† Elementary Education (13.1202) Middle Grades (13.1203) Middle Grades (13.1299) Reading (K-12) English (23.0101) Secondary Education/English (13.1299) Two-Year College/English (13.1305) Family and Consumer Sciences, Secondary** 65 ENROLLMENT BY GRADUATE PROGRAM FALL TERM Resident Credit Headcount DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR (CIP) 1999 2000 2001 2002 History American History (45.0802, 05.0202) History (45.0801) Totals 2003 29 29 34 34 26 26 23 23 25 4 29 4 16 9 14 10 13 6 9 7 3 20 46 23 46 23 57 15 55 10 52 30 27 41 15 28 41 44 36 49 12 16 6 39 39 37 31 7 5 21 41 37 41 37 7 2 12 42 32 36 39 40 1 - 41 34 36 45 1 52 - 204 179 177 190 209 6 4 5 8 10 8 3 3 7 5 2 5 3 1 5 7 0 11 6 1 Totals Music 14 14 9 12 18 5 - 5 - 5 - 10 1 8 3 Totals Physical Therapy (51.2308) Political Science & Public Affairs 5 52 5 34 5 33 11 43 11 41 45 50 49 53 44 18 16 17 16 16 19 16 20 14 23 34 33 35 36 37 5 7 3 8 11 2 137 139 4 150 154 0 176 176 173 173 190 190 1,001 1,001 1,094 1,169 1,269 Health & Human Performance K-12/Physical Education (13.1299) Two-Year College/Physical Education (13.1314) Totals Health Sciences (51.0799) Nursing Family Nurse Practitioner (51.1605) Human Services Counseling/Community (13.1102) Communication Disorders (51.0201) Counseling/School (13.1101) Human Resource Development (52.1001) Special Educ./Behavioral Disorders (13.1005)† Special Educ./Behavioral Disorders (13.1299)† Special Educ./Learning Disabilities (13.1011)† Special Educ./LD & MR (13.1299)† Special Educ./Learning Disabilities (13.1299)† Special Educ./Mental Retardation (13.1006)† Totals Engineering Technology Technology (15.0603) Mathematics & Computer Science Math/Applied (27.0301) Secondary Education/Math (13.1299) Two-year College/Math (13.1311) Music - Applied & Education (50.0901) Secondary Education/Music (13.1299) Public Affairs (44.0401) Psychology Psychology/Clinical (42.0201) Psychology/School (42.1701) Totals Social Sciences Secondary Education/Social Science (13.1299) Undeclared Certificate Special Totals GRADUATE SCHOOL TOTALS * Inactive ** Discontinued † Reflects changes to education graduate degree offerings as adjusted by addition of the Comprehensive Education degree offerings during 2001. Ref: fbmas28.xls 66 Graduate Enrollment Graduate Headcount Headcount Enrollment 1,474 1,600 1,368 1,400 1,001 1,001 1,600 1,474 1,198 1,088 1,075 1,0001,400 1,169 1,368 1,094 1,088 1,075 1,200 1,200 800 Headcount Fall Headcount 1,269 1,198 1,000 600 800 400 600 200 230 224 400 112 105 79 200 0 0 1999 1999 2000 2000 Total Headcount* 2001 2001 Resident Credit Total Headcount* 2002 2002 2003 Distance Learning 2003 *Total Headcount does not equal the sum of Distance Learning and Resident Credit Headcount because some students are enrolled in both resident credit and distance learning credit courses. Source: RBR021: Enrollment and Full-Time Equivalency Factbook Table Reference: Spring and Fall Headcount Enrollment and Student Credit Hours (15) Full- and Part-Time Graduate Resident Credit Enrollment 835 900 637 601 700 Resident Headcount 730 709 800 600 500 400 364 385 2000 2001 439 434 2002 2003 400 300 200 100 0 1999 Full-Time Part-Time Source: RBR021: Enrollment and Full-Time Equivalency Factbook Table Reference: Fall Enrollment by Load, Legal Residence and Level (16) 67 Course Location of Graduate Resident Credit Enrollment Fall Term SCH 5,000 4,669 4,508 4,262 4,500 4,150 4,029 3,729 Student Credit Hours 4,000 3,469 3,500 3,140 3,000 2,506 2,486 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 1999 2000 2001 Asheville 2002 2003 Cullowhee Source: RBR021: Enrollment and Full-Time Equivalency Factbook Table Reference: Location of Resident Credit Enrollment (17) Minority Graduate Enrollment Percent of Resident Credit Headcount 3 2.8 2.4 2.5 2.0 2 1.9 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 1 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.5 0 1999 2000 African-American 2001 Native American 2002 Asian Source: Fall SDF (Headcount by Race Fall 2002.SAS) Factbook Table Reference: Resident Credit Headcount Enrollment by Race (20) 68 2003 Hispanic 0.8 UNDERGRADUATE MAJOR OF DISTANCE LEARNING STUDENTS Junior-Senior Enrollment Degree Program (CIP) Fall 2001 Fall 2002 Fall 2003 Special Education (13.1001) Elementary Education (13.1202) Middle Grades Education (13.1203) Birth-Kindergarten (13.1204) Engineering Technology (15.0399) Industrial Technology (15.0603) Electronics Engineering Technology (15.0603) Special Studies (24.0101) Criminal Justice (43.0104) Emergency Medical Care (51.0904) Entrepreneurship (52.1499) Total 15 103 57 20 49 15 259 2 10 69 44 24 0 42 16 57 264 1 16 100 56 20 4 0 2 44 13 54 310 Source: ugextcipracesex.sas Ref: fbmas26.xls GRADUATE PROGRAM OF DISTANCE LEARNING STUDENTS Headcount Program (CIP) Fall 2001 Fall 2002 Fall 2003 Comprehensive Education (13.0101): Elementary Education Special Education-Learning Disabilities Educational Leadership (13.0401) School Administration (13.0405) Educational Supervision (13.0404) Educational Administration, 2-Yr College (13.0407) Elementary Education (13.1202) Master of Arts in Teaching (13.1299) Middle Grades Social Science Middle Grades Science Special Education-Mental Retard/LD Communication Disorders (51.0201) Master of Health Sciences (51.0799) Family Nurse Practitioner (51.1605) Project Management (52.0299) Total Source: gradextcipracesex.sas Ref: fbmas26.xls 69 22 8 2 2 2 1 0 6 0 0 0 1 0 24 14 5 42 79 1 1 2 58 73 1 1 8 0 1 1 84 135 STUDENT CREDIT HOURS BY COURSE PREFIX* FALL TERM 2002 2003 Undergraduate 2,061 0 2,061 1,996 90 2,086 6 0 6 2,002 90 2,092 Health Sciences CLS Clinical Laboratory Sciences EMC Emergency Medical Care ENVH Environmental Health HIM Health Information Management HSCC Health Sciences/Core HSM Health Services Management MHS Health Sciences/Master ND Nutrition and Dietetics Department Total 271 189 561 138 965 0 193 751 3,068 256 257 611 102 1,506 0 0 886 3,618 0 0 72 0 0 0 137 58 267 256 257 683 102 1,506 0 137 944 3,885 Hospitality, Tourism, Interior Design CFS Child & Family Studies FCS Family & Consumer Sciences FS Family Studies HT Hospitality & Tourism IDES Interior Design Department Total 0 0 0 711 540 1,251 0 0 0 1,052 567 1,619 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,052 567 1,619 Engineering Technology CM Construction Management ECET Electronics & Comp Engineering Technology ET Engineering Technology ID Industrial Distribution IET Industrial & Engineering Technology IT Industrial Technology MET Manufacturing Engineering Technology TEL Telecommunications Engineering Technology Department Total 78 235 0 60 533 138 320 55 1,419 525 331 744 54 0 0 334 148 2,136 0 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 48 525 331 792 54 0 0 334 148 2,184 Nursing NSG 1,495 1,323 157 1,480 588 0 574 574 9,882 10,782 1,052 11,834 1,593 1,687 3,280 1,401 1,331 2,732 12 14 26 1,413 1,345 2,758 2,401 2,590 12 2,602 75 144 0 144 Nursing Physical Therapy PT Physical Therapy Applied Sciences Total ARTS & SCIENCES Anthropology/Sociology ANTH Anthropology SOC Sociology Department Total Art ART Art Arts & Sciences Interdisciplinary ASI Arts & Sciences Interdisciplinary 70 Graduate Total Total APPLIED SCIENCES Criminal Justice CJ Criminal Justice EMGT Emergency Management Department Total STUDENT CREDIT HOURS BY COURSE PREFIX* FALL TERM 2002 2003 Total Undergraduate Chemistry & Physics AST Astronomy CHEM Chemistry PHYS Physics SCI Science Education Department Total 183 2,261 775 36 3,255 342 2,805 859 9 4,015 0 139 0 9 148 342 2,944 859 18 4,163 Biology BIOL 3,064 3,024 154 3,178 Communication and Theatre Arts CMCR Communication/Core CMEM Communication/Electronic Media CMHC Communication/Human Communication CMPM Communication/Print Media CMPR Communication/Public Relations CMTA Communication/Theatre Arts CMTD Communication/Training & Development DA Dance Department Total 1,397 240 1,518 252 222 943 75 81 4,728 1,490 264 1,767 366 249 1,380 48 146 5,710 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 1,490 264 1,770 366 249 1,380 48 146 5,713 English ENGL 8,393 8,034 271 8,305 Geosciences/Natural Resource Management GEOG Geography GEOL Geology NRM Natural Resource Management Department Total 1,297 1,085 184 2,566 1,044 1,310 324 2,678 0 11 0 11 1,044 1,321 324 2,689 History HIST 3,380 3,522 226 3,748 Mathematics & Computer Science CS Computer Science MATH Mathematics Department Total 841 3,744 4,585 831 3,774 4,605 0 144 144 831 3,918 4,749 Modern Foreign Languages CHER Cherokee FREN French GER German JPN Japanese LTN Latin SPAN Spanish Department Total 42 165 213 78 0 1,113 1,611 78 138 234 57 72 1,302 1,881 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 78 138 234 57 72 1,302 1,881 Music MUS 2,644 2,772 70 2,842 849 639 1,488 972 861 1,833 3 0 3 975 861 1,836 Biology English History Music Philosophy & Religion PHIL Philosophy REL Religion Department Total 71 Graduate Total STUDENT CREDIT HOURS BY COURSE PREFIX* FALL TERM 2002 2003 Total Undergraduate 264 2,040 2,304 0 1,848 1,848 234 60 294 234 1,908 2,142 822 1,023 0 1,023 44,596 46,411 1,362 47,773 1,917 297 855 3,069 1,621 123 675 2,419 294 348 156 798 1,915 471 831 3,217 151 0 148 148 Business Computer Information Systems and Economics CIS Business Computer Information Systems ECON Economics Department Total 2,070 1,557 3,627 1,890 1,239 3,129 102 120 222 1,992 1,359 3,351 Management and International Business IBUS International Business MGT Management PM Project Management Department Total 186 2,970 36 3,192 153 2,646 0 2,799 0 444 18 462 153 3,090 18 3,261 Marketing and Business Law MKT Marketing LAW Business Law BA Business Administration Department Total 2,139 1,218 0 3,357 1,479 1,272 207 2,958 129 24 0 153 1,608 1,296 207 3,111 13,396 11,305 1,783 13,088 1,118 102 451 1 168 80 1,920 617 0 0 0 96 0 713 637 80 494 6 0 43 1,260 1,254 80 494 6 96 43 1,973 Birth-Kindergarten, Elementary & Middle Grade Education BK Birth-Kindergarten 275 EDEL Elementary Education 1,327 EDMG Middle Grades Education 60 EDPY Educational Psychology 37 EDRD Reading 427 Department Total 2,126 258 1,242 45 3 388 1,936 0 136 15 0 30 181 258 1,378 60 3 418 2,117 Political Science & Public Affairs PA Public Affairs PSC Political Science Department Total Social Work SOCW Social Work Arts & Sciences Total BUSINESS Accountancy, Finance, and Entrepreneurship ACCT Accounting ENT Entrepreneurship FIN Finance Department Total General Business MBA Masters of Business Administration Business Total EDUCATION & ALLIED PROFESSIONS Educational Leadership & Foundations EDCI Curriculum & Instruction EDHE Higher Education EDL Educational Leadership EDPY Educational Psychology EDSE Secondary Education EDSU Educational Supervision Department Total 72 Graduate Total STUDENT CREDIT HOURS BY COURSE PREFIX* FALL TERM 2002 2003 Total Undergraduate Health & Human Performance HEAL Health PE Physical Education PRM Parks & Recreation Management RTH Recreational Therapy SM Sport Management Department Total 1,713 1,228 512 274 903 4,630 1,830 1,213 604 206 982 4,835 0 63 0 0 0 63 1,830 1,276 604 206 982 4,898 Human Services COUN Counseling EDCD Communication Disorders EDPY Educational Psychology HR Human Resource Development SPED Special Education Department Total 1,020 825 3 282 1,011 3,141 510 342 0 0 603 1,455 610 483 12 306 535 1,946 1,120 825 12 306 1,138 3,401 Psychology PSY Psychology 3,609 3,477 510 3,987 15,426 12,416 3,960 16,376 Interdisciplinary (USI) 801 963 0 963 Unknown 230 37 262 299 84,331 81,914 8,419 90,333 Education & Allied Professions Total UNIVERSITY TOTAL *Excludes Distance Learning Source: FB_DEPTSCH.FEX Ref: fbmas67.xls 73 Graduate Total RESIDENT CREDIT SUMMER SCHOOL ENROLLMENT 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 HEADCOUNT New Freshmen Other Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors Unclassified Undergraduate Undergraduate Totals 82 125 244 423 829 91 1,794 63 159 244 397 829 112 1,804 48 122 312 410 841 146 1,879 38 112 238 419 808 85 1,700 68 135 237 386 773 98 1,697 Graduate Total Headcount Enrollment 621 2,415 677 2,481 685 2,564 725 2,425 829 2,526 STUDENT CREDIT HOURS Undergraduate In-State 9,897 Undergraduate Out-of-State 1,653 Graduate In-State 3,006 Graduate Out-of-State 280 Total Credit Hours 14,836 9,659 1,771 2,967 375 14,772 10,036 1,626 3,105 359 15,126 8,992 1,531 3,327 736 14,586 9,245 1,297 3,860 650 15,052 Source: RBR021: Enrollment and Full-Time Equivalency: FTE = Total Ref: fbmas30.xls 74 Summer School Enrollment Headcount 2,564 2,600 2,526 2,550 2,481 Headcount 2,500 2,425 2,415 2,450 2,400 2,350 2,300 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Student Credit Hours 16,000 Student Credit Hours 14,000 3,286 3,342 3,464 11,550 11,430 11,662 4,063 4,510 10,523 10,542 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 1999 2000 Undergraduate 2001 2002 Graduate Source: Computer Printed RBR021: Enrollment and Full-Time Equivalency Factbook Table Reference: Resident Credit Summer School Enrollments (30) 75 2003 SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENT CREDIT HOUR ENROLLMENT IN NORTH CAROLINA PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES Undergraduate Summer School Student Credit Hour Enrollment Institutions Appalachian East Carolina Elizabeth City State Fayetteville NC A & T NC Central NC School of the Arts NC State UNC-Asheville UNC-Chapel Hill UNC-Charlotte UNC-Greensboro UNC-Pembroke UNC-Wilmington Western Carolina Winston-Salem State UNC TOTAL 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 27,733 42,231 4,015 12,181 16,083 11,227 232 51,847 4,918 34,337 38,901 21,055 6,389 24,470 11,842 7,299 28,147 40,444 3,727 11,336 16,269 11,463 130 49,886 4,057 37,960 38,686 20,647 6,460 25,545 11,557 7,902 25,644 40,791 2,666 7,526 15,933 12,333 119 50,257 3,920 36,512 38,164 19,728 6,370 24,118 11,430 7,658 29,389 42,103 3,901 13,929 17,810 15,057 137 53,952 4,191 39,331 40,573 19,993 8,726 26,189 12,238 8,857 30,360 44,449 4,495 17,711 20,481 17,087 165 53,391 4,109 39,881 39,709 21,016 10,881 26,627 11,852 9,589 314,760 314,216 303,169 336,376 351,803 Post-Baccalaureate Summer School Student Credit Hour Enrollment 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Appalachian East Carolina Elizabeth City Fayetteville NC A & T NC Central NC State UNC-Asheville UNC-Chapel Hill UNC-Charlotte UNC-Greensboro UNC-Pembroke UNC-Wilmington Western Carolina Winston-Salem 5,418 9,772 2,420 2,754 3,126 4,863 63 18,545 6,774 4,847 828 1,524 3,238 - 4,767 9,183 2,278 2,881 3,688 5,336 18 14,673 6,834 5,139 948 1,721 3,292 - 4,732 8,484 12 2,134 2,212 3,265 9,844 21 13,660 6,101 4,957 875 1,695 3,342 50 4,621 12,683 114 2,463 2,622 3,558 7,430 44 17,316 7,986 6,304 1,314 1,362 4,162 89 5,195 13,871 75 3,987 2,046 4,452 7,506 38 17,536 8,864 7,401 1,747 2,160 5,185 291 UNC TOTAL 64,172 60,758 61,384 72,068 80,354 Institutions Source: Statistical Abstract of Higher Education in North Carolina, 2002-03, Table 17 Ref: fbmas31.xls 76 Graduation Statistics SECTION CONTENTS Degrees Conferred (graphic), 1998-99 to 2002-03....................................................................................... Applied Sciences Undergraduate Degrees, 1998-99 to 2002-03 .................................................................. Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Degrees, 1998-99 to 2002-03 ................................................................. Business Undergraduate Degrees, 1998-99 to 2002-03................................................................................ Education and Allied Professions Undergraduate Degrees, 1998-99 to 2002-03 ......................................... Graduate Degrees, 1998-99 to 2002-03........................................................................................................ Undergraduate Degrees with Honors (graphic), 1998-99 to 2002-03........................................................... Gender of Graduates (graphic), 2002-03 ...................................................................................................... Degrees Awarded by Type, 1998-99 to 2002-03.......................................................................................... Bachelor Degrees Awarded by Race, Gender and Major Field, July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003 ..................... 77 78 79 80 82 83 84 86 86 87 88 Degrees Conferred University Totals 1,217 1,180 1,400 1,162 1,133 1,085 Number of Degrees 1,200 1,000 800 600 297 347 335 333 284 400 200 0 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 Undergraduate 2001-02 2002-03 Graduate Undergraduate Degrees by College* 350 300 Number of Degrees 250 200 150 100 50 0 Applied Sciences Arts & Sciences 1998-99 1999-00 Business 2000-01 2001-02 Education & Allied Prof. 2002-03 *Second majors included. Source: GA Completions (C1) - Awards/Degrees Conferred July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003 Factbook Table Reference: College Undergraduate Degrees & Graduate Degrees (33-37) 78 APPLIED SCIENCES UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES 1998-99 to 2002-03† CIP Code Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May Department and Major 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 Criminal Justice 43.0104 66 80 60 58 74 Health Sciences Clinical Laboratory Sciences Emergency Medical Care Environmental Health Health Information Management Health Service Mgmt & Supervision* Nutrition & Dietetics Department Total 51.1005 51.0904 51.2202 51.0706 51.0701 19.0503 13 9 16 15 0 13 66 15 16 17 7 0 17 72 8 13 18 11 2 12 64 5 10 17 11 1 7 51 7 11 11 8 0 13 50 19.0701 22 5 0 17 3 10 57 32 6 0 8 0 8 54 13 2 0 10 2 15 42 27 0 0 20 0 14 61 12 0 0 27 0 11 50 Hospitality, Tourism, Interior Design Child and Family Studies* Clothing, Textiles & Merchandising* Consumer Sciences* Hospitality and Tourism Family and Consumer Sciences Education* Interior Design Department Total 52.0901 13.1308 50.0408 Engineering Technology Electronic Engineering Technology Industrial Distribution Industrial Technology Manufacturing Engineering Technology Department Total 15.0303 15.0603 15.0603 15.0603 15 11 13 10 49 10 13 9 9 41 13 20 5 17 55 12 14 19 11 56 7 10 18 9 44 Nursing 51.1601 79 75 71 64 67 Special Studies 24.0101 2 6 2 2 0 319 29 1,113 328 29 1,141 294 28 1,045 292 26 1,139 285 26 1,093 Applied Sciences Total Percent of Undergraduate Degrees Total University Bachelor's Degrees *Program discontinued †Departmental major includes second majors; total for university does not include second majors. Source: GA Completions (C1) - Awards/Degrees Conferred July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003 Ref: fbmas33.xls 79 Department and Major ARTS & SCIENCES UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES 1998-99 to 2002-03† CIP Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May Code 98-99 99-00 00-01 Anthropology & Sociology Anthropology Sociology Department Total Art Art Art Education Department Total Biology Chemistry & Physics Chemistry Physics* Science Education Department Total Communication & Theatre Arts Communication Speech & Theatre Arts Theatre Department Total English English English, Secondary Education Department Total Geosciences & Natural Resource Mgt. Geography* Geology Natural Resources Management Department Total History History Social Sciences Social Sciences, Secondary Education Department Total Mathematics & Computer Science Computer Science Mathematics Mathematics, Secondary Education Department Total Modern Foreign Language French* French, Secondary Education* German German, Secondary Education Spanish Spanish, Secondary Education Department Total Music Music Music, Performance Music, Secondary Education Department Total Aug-May Aug-May 01-02 02-03 45.0201 45.1101 2 26 28 5 25 30 7 27 34 11 30 41 11 24 35 50.07 13.1302 23 2 25 34 22 3 25 28 19 0 19 25 15 1 16 18 24 3 27 18 40.0501 40.0801 13.1316 8 1 3 12 9 1 7 17 6 5 0 11 15 0 5 20 12 1 5 18 09.0101 50.0501 50.0501 53 4 3 60 46 3 1 50 55 4 2 61 56 7 1 64 53 6 1 60 23.0101 13.1305 16 7 23 10 6 16 18 9 27 13 7 20 29 9 38 45.0701 40.0601 03.0201 1 2 25 28 3 1 14 18 5 3 24 32 6 9 19 34 7 0 23 30 45.0801 45.0101 13.1318 5 0 5 10 11 0 9 20 11 0 6 17 10 2 10 22 13 6 3 22 11.0701 27.0101 13.1311 8 3 7 18 9 3 4 16 11 3 5 19 8 8 1 17 9 5 1 15 16.0901 13.1325 16.0501 13.1326 16.0905 13.1330 1 1 3 0 0 3 8 0 1 2 0 3 2 8 2 0 2 2 5 2 13 0 0 0 1 7 1 9 2 0 4 0 4 7 17 50.0901 50.0903 13.1312 3 10 13 10 14 24 3 12 15 8 6 14 5 1 18 24 26.0101 80 Department and Major ARTS & SCIENCES UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES 1998-99 to 2002-03† CIP Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May Code 98-99 99-00 00-01 Political Science & Public Affairs Political Science Social Work Social Work Other Degree Programs Special Studies Philosophy Other Degree Total Aug-May Aug-May 01-02 02-03 45.1001 19 13 6 12 9 44.0701 30 24 23 17 26 24.0101 38.0101 1 2 3 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 4 4 2 1 3 311 28 1,113 290 25 1,141 304 29 1,045 308 27 1,139 342 31 1,093 Arts & Sciences Total Percent of Undergraduate Degrees Total University Bachelor's Degrees *Program discontinued †Departmental major includes second majors; total for university does not include second majors. Ref: fbmas34.xls 81 BUSINESS UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES 1998-99 to 2002-03† CIP Code Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 52.0301 52.0801 52.1499 37 19 56 32 26 58 24 24 48 24 24 5 53 25 24 12 61 Business Computer Information Systems & Economics 52.1201 Business Computer Information Systems 52.0601 Economics* Department Total 46 11 57 56 10 66 57 16 73 62 8 70 40 4 44 Marketing & Business Law Marketing Business Administration & Law Business Education* Office Administration* Department Total 52.1401 52.0201 51 11 0 7 69 59 10 1 1 71 69 18 0 0 87 68 16 0 1 85 78 30 0 0 108 52.0201 52.1101 48 8 56 36 11 47 35 11 46 31 11 42 28 9 37 238 21 1,113 242 21 1,141 254 24 1,045 250 22 1,139 250 23 1,093 Department and Major Accounting, Finance, & Entreprenuership Accounting Finance Entrepreneurship Department Total Management & International Business Management International Business Department Total Business Total Percent of Undergraduate Degrees Total University Bachelor's Degrees *Program discontinued †Departmental major includes second majors; total for university does not include second majors. Source: GA Completions (C1) - Awards/Degrees Conferred July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003 Ref: fbmas35.xls 82 EDUCATION & ALLIED PROFESSIONS UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES 1998-99 to 2002-03† CIP Code Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 Birth-Kindergarten, Elementary & Middle Grades Education Elementary Education 46 13.1202 Middle Grades 148 13.1203 Birth-Kindergarten 3 13.1204 Department Total 197 62 79 3 144 73 43 6 122 50 118 8 176 47 42 23 112 Health & Human Performance Parks & Recreation Management Physical Education Sport Management Therapeutic Recreation Department Total 31.0301 13.1314 31.0504 51.2309 24 16 28 32 100 33 12 29 31 105 17 8 31 15 71 28 14 41 12 95 21 15 44 16 96 Human Services Communication Disorders Special Education, General Department Total 51.0201 13.1001 13 17 30 25 19 44 12 11 23 8 16 24 15 12 27 Psychology 42.0101 22 27 17 17 21 Special Studies 24.0101 0 0 0 0 0 349 31 1,113 320 28 1,141 233 22 1,045 312 27 1,139 256 23 1,093 Department and Major Education & Allied Professions Total Percent of Undergraduate Degrees Total University Bachelor's Degrees †Departmental major includes second majors; total for university does not include second majors. Source: GA Completions (C1) - Awards/Degrees Conferred July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003 Ref: fbmas36.xls 83 GRADUATE DEGREES 1998-99 to 2002-03 Program Accountancy American History American History, Cherokee Studies Studio Art Biology Biology, 2-Yr College Teaching Business Administration Business Education* Chemistry Clinical Psychology Communication Disorders Community Counseling Comprehensive Education: Special Education - Bhvl/Emtl Elementary Education English - Grades 9-12 Special Education - Learning Disabled Mathematics - Grades 9-12 Physical Education Reading Education Special Education - Svr/Prfnd Social Studies Education Middle Grades Math - Grades 6-9 Consumer Sciences* Curriculum & Instruction* Education Administration (School) Educational Administration, 2-Yr College Educational Leadership (EDD) Educational Leadership (EDS) Education Supervision Elementary Education English English, 2-Yr College Teaching Family and Consumer Sciences, Secondary* Health Sciences Human Resource Development Instructional Tech Specialist-Computers Applied Mathematics Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics, 2-Yr College Teaching Middle Grades Education Music Nursing (Family Nurse Practitioner) Physical Education Physical Therapy Project Management Psychology, General* CIP Code Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 52.0301 45.0802 05.0202 50.0702 26.0101 13.1322 52.0201 13.1303 40.0501 42.0201 51.0201 13.1102 13.0101 10 7 6 11 16 6 0 8 6 1 41 0 4 7 20 6 4 0 1 9 1 44 0 3 7 25 12 8 0 4 6 0 34 0 3 8 20 14 11 0 3 7 1 53 0 2 6 17 13 7 0 0 7 1 39 0 3 9 15 15 0 3 12 6 2 6 15 11 1 0 4 21 0 5 10 0 1 4 9 30 9 0 5 4 9 3 5 3 9 28 4 1 0 9 16 0 5 3 0 2 2 1 31 0 0 2 4 14 6 6 5 13 14 11 1 0 11 23 0 4 10 0 3 4 12 31 10 1 1 9 2 2 4 1 1 0 3 19 20 4 3 7 2 8 0 0 11 7 0 2 4 1 4 1 6 20 21 0 1 14 1 1 3 4 1 2 0 0 0 1 8 16 7 10 26 0 9 2 0 10 6 0 3 3 0 0 1 23 8 11 16 0 19.0101 13.0301 13.0405 13.0407 13.0401 13.0401 13.0404 13.1202 23.0101 13.1305 13.1308 51.0799 52.1001 13.0501 27.0301 13.1299 13.1311 13.1203 50.0901 51.1605 13.1314 51.2308 52.0299 42.0201 84 GRADUATE DEGREES 1998-99 to 2002-03 Program Public Affairs Reading Education School Counseling School Psychology Social Sciences Special Education, General Special Education, Behavioral Disorders Special Education, Learning Disabilities Special Education, Mental Retardation Technology GRADUATE SCHOOL TOTAL * Program discontinued Ref: fbmas37.xls 85 CIP Code Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 44.0401 13.1299 13.1101 42.1701 45.0101 13.1001 13.1005 13.1011 13.1006 15.0603 10 0 9 5 0 8 0 1 6 11 1 11 4 0 2 1 1 0 17 0 10 4 0 4 5 1 1 3 18 0 16 6 0 0 3 0 3 2 20 0 14 8 0 0 1 0 0 5 297 284 333 335 347 Undergraduate Degrees with Honors 29 Percent of Total Baccalaureate Degrees 35 32 28 29 27 6 30 6 7 6 25 6 13 20 12 11 11 11 15 10 13 11 11 10 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 5 11 0 cum laude 2001-02 magna cum laude 2002-03 summa cum laude Source: Registrar's Office Ref: brmas02.xls Gender of Graduates 2002-03 853 900 800 619 587 Number of Graduates 700 600 474 500 400 234 300 113 200 100 0 Undergraduate Graduate Male University Total Female Source: UNC-GA Planning/IPEDS.GR001/06AUG03 Report Factbook Table Reference: Bachelor Degrees Awarded by Race, Gender and Major Field (39) 86 DEGREES AWARDED BY TYPE 1998-99 - 2002-03 Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Science in Education Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Bachelor of Fine Arts Bachelor of Science in Nursing Subtotal Double Majors Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Science in Education Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Bachelor of Fine Arts Bachelor of Science in Nursing Subtotal Master of Science Master of Accountancy Master of Arts Master of Arts in Education Master of Arts in Teaching Master of Music Education Master of Business Administration Master of Health Sciences Master of Industrial Education Master of Physical Therapy Master of Project Management Master of Public Affairs Master of School Administration Education Doctorate Education Specialist Certificate of Advanced Study in Counseling Subtotal TOTAL Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 556 38 281 207 25 79 1,186 553 42 244 209 18 75 1,141 504 46 182 218 21 71 1,042 560 48 229 223 15 64 1,139 520 68 1 194 219 24 67 1,093 - - - 3 3 1 16 0 0 23 5 7 0 6 22 0 0 40 71 10 41 60 3 0 41 4 0 30 9 10 11 7 0 297 79 7 22 69 4 0 44 9 0 31 0 11 9 5 4 0 294 75 6 39 75 10 0 34 11 0 31 10 17 14 6 5 0 333 50 11 35 86 4 0 53 11 0 20 21 18 19 4 3 0 335 62 16 34 111 3 0 39 10 0 11 16 20 8 7 10 0 347 1,483 1,435 1,375 1,497 1,480 Source: GA Completions (C1) - Awards/Degrees Conferred July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003 Ref: fbmas38.xls 87 BACHELOR DEGREES AWARDED BY RACE, GENDER AND MAJOR FIELD JULY 1, 2002 - JUNE 30, 2003 MAJOR FIELD Conservation & Ren Nat Resources Communications Computer & Information Systems Education Engineering-Related Technologies Foreign Languages & Literature Home Economics English Language & Literature Liberal Arts & Sciences, General Biological Sciences/Life Sciences Mathematics Parks, Rec, Leisure & Fitness Studies Philosophy & Religion Physical Sciences Psychology Protective Services Public Admin & Services Social Sciences & History Visual & Performing Arts Health Prof & Related Sciences Business Mgt & Admin CIP Code White Black 03 09 11 13 15 16 19 23 24 26 27 31 38 40 42 43 44 45 50 51 52 23 46 8 140 40 7 22 27 2 16 3 59 13 20 71 19 62 43 125 224 4 3 1 1 1 5 1 5 3 1 3 TOTAL American Indian Other Gender Male Female Total 3 34 150 3 6 22 17 1 11 2 22 9 15 29 21 30 30 104 110 23 53 9 179 43 7 25 29 2 18 3 65 13 20 73 26 68 47 135 255 3 1 34 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 5 12 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 6 13 20 19 9 29 40 1 3 12 1 7 1 43 4 5 44 5 38 17 31 145 970 40 17 66 474 619 1,093 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 22 1 - - 2 - 1 1 1 2 1 1 18 5 2 1 2 1 4 6 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 22 37 1 2 25 15 40 DOUBLE MAJORS Education Engineering-Related Technologies Foreign Languages & Literature Mathematics Philosophy & Religion Psychology Protective Services Social Sciences & History Visual & Performing Arts Business Mgt & Admin 13 15 16 27 38 42 43 45 50 52 TOTAL Source: GA Completions (C1) - Awards/Degrees Conferred July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003 Ref: fbmas39.xls 88 Employees SECTION CONTENTS All Employees Full-Time Employees, Fall Term 1999-2003 ............................................................................................... Full-Time Employees (graphic), Fall Term, 2001-2003 ............................................................................... Rank and Gender of Full-Time Faculty (graphic), Fall 2003 ....................................................................... Race and Gender of Full-Time Employees, Fall 2003.................................................................................. EPA and SPA Employees by Gender and Status, Fall 2003......................................................................... 90 91 91 92 93 Faculty Faculty by Rank, Gender and Highest Earned Degree, Fall Term 1999-2003 ............................................. 94 Highest Earned Degree of Full-Time Faculty by College, Fall Term 1999-2003......................................... 95 Tenure Status of Full-Time Faculty (graphic), Fall Term 1999-2003 .......................................................... 96 Terminal Degree Status of Full-Time Faculty (graphic), Fall 2003.............................................................. 96 Department of Full-Time Instructional Faculty, Fall Term 1999-2003 ........................................................ 97 Tenure Status of Full-Time Faculty, Fall Term 1999-2003 .......................................................................... 98 Faculty Rank of Tenure and Tenure Track Faculty, Fall Term 1999-2003 .................................................. 98 Eligible Faculty Retirements (graphic)......................................................................................................... 99 Eligible Retirements by College: Full-Time Tenured and Tenure Track Faculty........................................ 99 Full-Time Faculty Participating in Phased Retirement Program, Fall Term 1999-2003...............................100 College, Department, Highest Earned Degree, and Gender of Full-Time Faculty, Fall 2003 .....................101 College, Department, Rank and Gender of Full-Time Faculty, Fall 2003....................................................102 Age and Years of Service of Full-Time Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty (graphic), Fall 2003...............103 Organizational Charts Chancellor’s Division...................................................................................................................................104 Academic Affairs Division...........................................................................................................................105 College of Applied Sciences ........................................................................................................................106 College of Arts and Sciences........................................................................................................................107 College of Business ......................................................................................................................................108 College of Education and Allied Professions ...............................................................................................109 Administration and Finance Division ...........................................................................................................110 Advancement and External Affairs Division................................................................................................111 Information Technology Division ................................................................................................................112 Student Affairs Division...............................................................................................................................113 89 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES FALL TERM Occupational Activity Category 1999 Executive, Administrative, Managerial Male Female Subtotal Instructional Faculty** Male Female Subtotal Professional Non-Faculty Male Female Subtotal Technical, Paraprofessional Male Female Subtotal Secretarial, Clerical Male Female Subtotal Skilled Crafts Male Female Subtotal Service, Maintenance Male Female Subtotal TOTALS 2000* 2001 2002 2003 41 14 55 51 20 71 45 26 71 42 23 65 46 24 70 206 119 325 186 125 311 191 121 312 191 132 323 196 135 331 69 84 153 74 91 165 74 86 160 81 94 175 89 103 192 40 32 72 48 36 84 48 39 87 43 36 79 39 34 73 9 190 199 10 188 198 6 179 185 7 174 181 4 170 174 48 1 49 50 2 52 51 2 53 49 2 51 57 3 60 96 76 172 93 75 168 93 69 162 91 67 158 84 67 151 1,025 1,049 1,030 1,032 1,051 * Shifts in Fall 2000 are partly a result of job title reclassifications. ** Employees whose specific assignment is customarily made for the purpose of teaching and/or research, as based on Occupational Activities Categories, not budgeted FTE. See glossary. Source: University Planning Ref: fbmas42.xls (Persfb.fex) 90 Full-Time Employees 350 312 323 331 Number of Full-Time Employees 300 250 215 209 211 192 200 185 181 174 175 160 150 87 100 71 65 70 79 73 50 0 Executive, Administrative Instructional Faculty* Other Professionals 2001 Technical 2002 Secretarial Skilled & Service 2003 See glossary for definition of job titles. *Employees whose specific assignment is customarily made for the purpose of teaching and/or research, as based on Occupational Activities Categories, not budgeted FTE. Source: University Planning Factbook Table Reference: Full-Time Employees (42) Rank & Gender of Full-Time Faculty Fall 2003 80 70 65 70 59 57 Number of Faculty 60 44 50 40 30 18 20 10 7 10 0 0 Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Male Instructor Other Rank Female Source: University Planning Factbook Table Reference: Faculty by Rank, Gender and Highest Earned Degree (45) 91 1 RACE AND GENDER OF FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES FALL 2003 WHITE BLACK Occupational Activity Category NATIVE AMERICAN Female 44 22 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 183 132 4 3 2 0 5 0 Professional, Other 83 96 5 3 0 1 0 Technical and Paraprofessional 38 32 0 0 0 1 4 166 0 2 0 Skilled Crafts 57 3 0 0 Service/Maintenance 78 64 4 487 515 14 Instructional Faculty* Clerical and Secretarial TOTALS GRAND TOTAL 1,002 26 Female HISPANIC Male Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Male Female Male ASIAN ALL TOTALS Male Female 0 46 24 70 2 0 196 135 331 2 1 1 89 103 192 1 1 0 0 39 34 73 1 0 0 0 1 4 170 174 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 3 60 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 84 67 151 12 4 4 7 3 3 2 515 536 8 Male Female Male Female TOTAL 10 5 1,051 1,051 *Employees whose specific assignment is customarily made for the purpose of teaching and/or research, as based on Occupational Activities Categories, not budgeted FTE. Source: University Planning Ref: fbmas43.xls (Persfb.fex) 92 EPA AND SPA EMPLOYEES BY GENDER AND STATUS FALL 2003 Occupational Activity Category FULL-TIME PART-TIME Male Female 45 1 22 2 4 0 196 135 Professional Non-Faculty EPA SPA 40 49 Technical & Paraprofessionals-SPA TOTALS Female 0 0 49 1 22 2 71 3 108 98 304 233 537 50 53 1 0 4 3 41 49 54 56 95 105 39 34 0 0 39 34 73 4 170 0 17 4 187 191 Skilled Crafts-SPA 57 3 0 0 57 3 60 Service/Maintenance-SPA 84 67 1 0 85 67 152 EPA TOTALS 281 207 113 102 394 309 703 SPA TOTALS 234 329 1 20 235 349 584 GRAND TOTALS 515 536 114 122 629 658 1,287 Instructional Faculty 3 - EPA Clerical & Secretarial-SPA Female GENDER Male Executive, Administrative, & Managerial EPA 1 SPA2 Male 1 EPA = Exempt from the State Personnel Act 2 SPA = Subject to the State Personnel Act 3 Employees whose specific assignment is customarily made for the purpose of teaching and/or research, as based on Occupational Activities Categories, not budgeted FTE. Source: University Planning Ref: fbmas44.xls (Persfb.fex) 93 FACULTY BY RANK, GENDER AND HIGHEST EARNED DEGREE FALL TERM 1999 2000 Male 2001 2002 2003 1999 2000 Female 2001 2002 2003 PROFESSOR Doctorate First Professional Other Terminal Degree Masters Other Sub-total 55 0 4 0 0 59 54 0 4 0 0 58 54 0 4 0 0 58 50 1 2 0 0 53 53 1 1 2 0 57 11 1 1 0 1 14 14 1 1 1 0 17 11 1 1 1 0 14 11 2 1 0 0 14 14 2 2 0 0 18 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Doctorate First Professional Other Terminal Degree Masters Other Sub-total 62 1 2 8 0 73 51 1 2 8 0 62 49 1 4 9 0 63 48 0 4 8 0 60 48 0 5 6 0 59 31 1 2 2 0 36 34 1 3 3 0 41 32 1 3 3 0 39 36 0 1 3 0 40 40 0 1 3 0 44 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Doctorate First Professional Other Professional Other Terminal Degree Masters Bachelors Sub-total 41 2 0 4 12 0 59 41 2 0 4 16 0 63 45 2 1 1 15 1 65 49 2 2 1 16 1 71 50 2 2 1 14 1 70 35 0 0 3 19 2 59 35 0 0 2 21 0 58 37 0 0 3 22 1 63 38 0 0 3 28 1 70 37 0 3 0 25 0 65 INSTRUCTOR Doctorate Other Terminal Degree Masters Bachelors Other Sub-total 1 0 9 3 0 13 1 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 1 0 5 1 0 4 2 0 7 0 0 8 2 0 10 3 1 4 1 0 9 2 0 5 0 0 7 2 0 2 0 0 4 1 0 3 1 0 5 1 0 4 1 1 7 LECTURER 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OTHER RANK 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 1 FULL-TIME TOTALS 206 186 191 191 196 118 125 121 132 135 PART-TIME Doctorate First Professional Other Terminal Degree Masters Bachelors Other 27 4 3 43 18 2 43 8 4 42 16 3 48 4 3 32 14 2 47 1 5 32 9 1 51 5 3 41 7 1 9 0 1 62 19 4 11 1 2 63 23 2 8 1 0 61 26 2 8 1 0 45 19 2 11 1 2 65 14 5 PART-TIME TOTAL 97 116 103 95 108 95 102 98 75 98 303 302 294 286 304 213 227 219 207 233 FULL-TIME TOTAL FACULTY Source: University Planning Ref: fbmas45.xls (Persfb.fex) 94 HIGHEST EARNED DEGREE OF FULL-TIME FACULTY BY COLLEGE FALL TERM 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total 24 1 7 23 0 55 25 1 7 25 0 58 28 1 6 24 1 60 25 1 3 28 1 58 31 1 2 28 0 62 Total 111 0 10 16 0 137 107 0 9 16 0 132 107 0 9 16 2 134 104 0 9 19 2 134 106 1 9 22 2 140 Total 42 4 2 1 49 43 4 3 0 50 39 4 3 1 47 42 4 3 1 50 43 5 3 0 51 College of Education & Allied Professions Doctorate Other Terminal Degree Masters Other Total 61 0 7 2 70 56 0 10 1 67 56 0 11 0 67 62 0 11 0 73 63 2 7 1 73 Total 1 0 9 4 14 1 0 3 0 4 1 0 3 0 4 1 1 4 2 8 1 0 2 2 5 Total 239 5 17 57 7 325 232 5 16 57 1 311 231 5 15 57 4 312 234 5 13 65 6 323 244 7 13 62 5 331 College of Applied Sciences Doctorate First Professional Other Terminal Degree Masters Other College of Arts and Sciences Doctorate First Professional Other Terminal Degree Masters Other College of Business Doctorate First Professional Masters Other Assigned Other Areas Doctorate Other Terminal Degree Masters Other Total For All Colleges Doctorate First Professional Other Terminal Degree Masters Other Source: University Planning Ref: fbmas46.xls (Persfb.fex) 95 Tenure Status of Full-Time Faculty Fall Term 200 185 186 176 180 160 165 Number of Faculty 160 140 108 120 88 100 85 108 85 80 52 51 55 40 60 40 20 0 Tenured Tenure Track 1999 2000 2001 2002 Fixed Term 2003 Source: University Planning Factbook Table Reference: Rank, Gender and Tenure Status of Full-Time Faculty (49) Terminal Degree Status of Full-Time Faculty Fall 2003 92 100 88 82 79 90 Percent of Faculty 80 70 55 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Applied Sciences Arts & Sciences Business Education & University Total Allied Professions Source: University Planning Factbook Table Reference: Highest Earned Degree of Faculty by College (46) 96 58 DEPARTMENT OF FULL-TIME INSTRUCTIONAL FACULTY* FALL TERM 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 6 13 9 10 12 5 55 6 13 9 9 15 6 58 5 14 9 11 14 7 60 7 13 7 11 14 6 58 8 14 8 12 13 7 62 ARTS & SCIENCES Anthropology & Sociology Art Biology Chemistry and Physics Communication & Theatre Arts English Geosciences & Natural Resource Management History Mathematics & Computer Science Modern Foreign Languages Music Philosophy & Religion Political Science & Public Affairs Social Work Sub-total 8 8 9 9 13 20 8 9 18 6 15 3 6 4 136 7 10 6 10 13 18 10 9 16 5 15 2 6 4 131 8 10 8 11 13 20 10 9 13 5 16 2 5 4 134 7 7 9 10 13 19 11 10 14 5 18 2 5 4 134 8 8 8 11 15 20 10 10 14 5 19 3 5 4 140 BUSINESS Accountancy, Finance & Entrepreneurship Accountancy Accounting & Information Systems Business Admin. & Law Business Admin., Law & Marketing Business Comp. Info. Systems & Economics Business Comp. Information Systems Economics, Finance & International Business Management & International Business Management Marketing & Business Law Marketing Sub-total 7 9 7 10 10 6 49 6 8 9 11 9 6 49 10 14 13 10 47 12 13 14 11 50 12 14 14 11 51 EDUCATION & ALLIED PROFESSIONS Educational Leadership B-K, Elementary & Middle Grades Education Health and Human Performance Human Services Psychology Sub-total 12 9 16 17 14 68 11 10 14 18 11 64 12 9 14 19 13 67 12 10 14 22 13 71 13 10 14 21 12 73 OTHER 17 9 4 10 5 TOTALS 325 311 312 323 331 APPLIED SCIENCES Criminal Justice Health Sciences Hospitality, Tourism, Interior Design Engineering Technology Nursing Physical Therapy Sub-total * Instructional faculty are persons whose specific assignment is customarily made for the purpose of teaching and/or research, as based on Occupational Activities Categories, not budgeted FTE. Teaching FTEs are available at www.wcu.edu/stratplan/FacLoad/FacLdRpts.htm. Source: University Planning Ref: fbmas47.xls (Persfb.fex) 97 TENURE STATUS OF FULL-TIME FACULTY FALL TERM STATUS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 134 51 185 124 62 186 118 58 176 104 56 160 104 61 165 Male Female On Tenure Track 41 47 88 45 40 85 46 39 85 65 43 108 66 42 108 Male Female Not Tenured, Not on Track 25 27 52 17 23 40 27 24 51 22 33 55 26 32 58 325 311 312 323 331 Male Female Tenured Total FACULTY RANK OF TENURE AND TENURE TRACK FACULTY Fall Term RANK 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 59 13 72 58 17 75 57 14 71 51 14 65 54 18 72 Male Female Associate Professor 73 36 109 62 41 103 61 39 100 60 40 100 58 44 102 Male Female Assistant Professor 49 43 92 49 44 93 46 44 90 58 45 103 58 41 99 Total 273 271 261 268 273 Male Female Professor Source: University Planning Ref: fbmas48.xls (Persfb.fex) 98 Eligible Faculty Retirements* Full-Time Tenured and Tenure-Track Percent of 2003-2004 Faculty by College 30 25 25 20 19 20 17 17 20 15 15 15 14 10 10 5 0 2003-2007 Applied Sciences 2008-2012 Arts & Sciences Business Educ. & Allied Prof. University Total ELIGIBLE RETIREMENTS BY COLLEGE* FULL-TIME TENURED & TENURE TRACK FACULTY 20032004 Applied Sciences Arts & Sciences Business Education & Allied Prof. Total Percent of Total Faculty** 20042005 20052006 20062007 20072008 20082009 20092010 20102011 20112012 20122013 Total Percent of College Faculty** 2 4 1 1 2 5 0 0 2 4 1 0 1 0 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 4 2 2 2 3 1 3 2 1 3 1 2 5 2 4 5 2 4 19 35 16 20 39.6 28.9 36.4 33.9 8 7 9 6 8 10 10 6 13 13 90 33.0 2.9 2.6 3.3 2.2 2.9 3.7 3.7 2.2 4.8 4.8 *"Potential" retirement is the earliest normal retirement year for each faculty member determined by one of three tests: 1. Year when reaching age 65. 2. Year that 30 years of service at WCU will be completed. 3. Year that the sum of age and years of service at WCU equal 85. **Percentages are calculated based on the number of tenured and tenure-track faculty only. Source: Office of University Planning Ref: fbmas50.xls (Persfb.fex) 99 FULL-TIME FACULTY PARTICIPATING IN PHASED RETIREMENT PROGRAM Fall Term 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Applied Sciences 2 2 2 6 6 Arts & Sciences 13 24 26 25 21 Business 1 1 2 3 3 Education & Allied Professions 1 2 3 6 5 17 29 33 40 35 COLLEGE Totals Source: Office of Academic Affairs Ref: fbmas71.xls 100 COLLEGE, DEPARTMENT, HIGHEST EARNED DEGREE, AND GENDER OF FULL-TIME FACULTY FALL 2003 HIGHEST EARNED DEGREE COLLEGE & DEPARTMENT DOCTORS Male APPLIED SCIENCES Criminal Justice Health Sciences Hospitality, Tourism, Interior Design Engineering Technology Nursing Physical Therapy College Totals ARTS & SCIENCES Anthropology & Sociology Art Biology Chemistry & Physics Communications & Theatre Arts English Geosciences & Natural Resource Mgt. History Math & Computer Science Modern Foreign Language Music Philosophy & Religion Political Science & Public Affairs Social Work Dean's Office College Totals BUSINESS Accountancy, Finance, & Entrepreneurship Business Comp. Info. Systems & Economics Management & International Business Marketing & Business Law Dean's Office College Totals EDUCATION & ALLIED PROFESSIONS Educational Leadership & Foundations B-K, Elem. & Middle Grades Education Health & Human Performance Human Services Psychology Math & Science Center Reading Center Rural Education Institute Speech & Hearing Center Dean's Office College Totals OTHER Athletics CAP Center Hunter Library International Programs & Services Other Totals UNIVERSITY TOTALS 2 4 1 8 1 16 Female 4 2 5 4 15 FIRST PROFESSIONAL Male Female 1 0 3 0 2 2 3 10 1 2 1 72 34 1 8 10 9 4 4 2 3 3 3 1 1 31 12 3 2 4 2 9 10 7 8 6 3 7 4 1 1 0 0 3 3 2 3 1 31 MASTERS Male 3 2 2 4 1 1 5 1 6 9 5 6 9 6 9 1 9 3 3 32 OTHER TERMINAL Male Female BACHELORS Male Female OTHER Male TOTALS Female 3 3 3 12 7 2 18 3 4 4 2 1 2 2 2 1 6 0 0 0 0 8 14 8 12 13 7 62 0 8 8 8 11 15 20 10 10 14 5 19 3 5 4 0 140 0 12 14 14 11 0 51 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 19 0 0 3 1 0 12 2 0 0 2 1 1 0 Female 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 1 7 1 1 13 10 14 21 12 1 1 0 0 1 73 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 3 0 1 1 5 151 93 5 2 0 0 37 38 3 1 0 1 331 1 Source: University Planning Ref: fbmas51.xls (Persfb.fex) 101 COLLEGE, DEPARTMENT, RANK AND GENDER OF FULL-TIME FACULTY FALL 2003 RANK COLLEGE & DEPARTMENT APPLIED SCIENCES Criminal Justice Health Sciences Hospitality, Tourism, Interior Design Engineering Technology Nursing Physical Therapy College Totals ARTS & SCIENCES Anthropology & Sociology Art Biology Chemistry & Physics Communications & Theatre Arts English Geosciences & Natural Resource Mgt. History Math & Computer Science Modern Foreign Language Music Philosophy & Religion Political Science & Public Affairs Social Work Dean’s Office College Totals BUSINESS Accountancy, Finance, & Entrepreneurship Business Comp. Info. Systems & Economics Management & International Business Marketing & Business Law Dean’s Office College Totals EDUCATION & ALLIED PROFESSIONS Educational Leadership and Foundations B-K, Elem. & Middle Grades Education Health & Human Performance Human Services Psychology Math & Science Center Reading Center Rural Education Institute Speech & Hearing Center Dean’s Office College Totals OTHER Athletics CAP Center Hunter Library International Programs & Services Other Totals UNIVERSITY TOTALS PROFESSOR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR ASSISTANT PROFESSOR INSTRUCTOR Male Male Male Male 2 1 Female 1 2 5 2 2 1 4 1 2 2 1 4 2 3 3 8 1 1 3 2 4 10 1 1 1 1 4 2 5 2 6 1 2 1 1 Female 1 2 3 2 8 2 1 1 2 6 1 2 2 2 3 1 6 1 11 2 1 4 4 6 2 3 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 Female 3 5 3 2 9 3 23 1 3 1 1 1 4 3 1 1 1 20 4 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 5 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 5 3 3 10 6 12 5 13 3 2 2 1 2 5 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 4 3 1 1 9 10 13 0 12 14 14 11 0 51 1 3 32 7 0 8 8 8 11 15 20 10 10 14 5 19 3 5 4 0 140 3 20 12 0 8 14 8 12 13 7 62 1 28 6 2 4 0 Female 1 2 3 4 0 Male 3 30 2 2 Female TOTALS OTHER 18 3 0 0 0 13 10 14 21 12 1 1 1 0 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 73 0 1 2 1 0 0 3 0 1 1 5 69 65 11 7 0 1 331 1 0 0 0 1 1 57 18 59 44 Source: University Planning Ref: fbmas52.xls (Persfb.fex) 102 Age & Years of Service of Full-Time Tenured & Tenure-Track Faculty Fall 2003 Age of Faculty 25.0 20.5 20.0 20.5 15.8 Percent of Faculty 13.9 11.0 15.0 9.5 8.8 10.0 5.0 0.0 26-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 Years of Service at WCU 50 46 45 41 38 40 Percent of Faculty 35 35 30 24 25 20 21 18 17 21 18 17 16 15 17 13 15 10 10 9 9 8 7 5 0 2000 1-5 Yrs. 2001 6-10 Yrs. 2002 11-15 Yrs. Source: Office of University Planning Ref: fbmas50.xls (Persfb.fex) 103 16-20 Yrs. 2003 Over 20 Yrs. Western Carolina University Chancellor's Division Board of Governors University of North Carolina President, University of North Carolina Molly C. Broad Western Carolina University Board of Trustees Chancellor John Bardo Assistant to the Chancellor, Administration Dianne Lynch Legal Counsel Richard Kucharski Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs Richard Collings Vice Chancellor, Advancement & External Affairs Clifton Metcalf Vice Chancellor, Administration & Finance George Wooten Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs Robert Caruso Director, Athletics Jeff Compher Assistant to the Chancellor, Equal Opportunity Programs Angela Grube Director, University Planning Troy Barksdale Internal Auditor Robert Edwards Chief Information Officer Thomas Franke 104 Western Carolina University Academic Affairs Division Chancellor John Bardo Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs Richard Collings Research Associate to the Vice Chancellor Jennifer Barnhart Senior Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs Fred Hinson Faculty Center Admissions Liberal Studies Registrar Curriculum WCU Catalogs Student Financial Aid University Librarian Wilson Stahl Director, WCU Programs in Asheville Patsy Miller Director, International Programs & Services Lois Petrovich Mwaniki Director, Highlands Biological Station Robert Wyatt Educational Support Services Director, Center for Regional Development Vacant Cooperative Education & Career Services Student Support Services Dean, College of Arts & Sciences Robert Vartabedian Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences Don Livingston Dean, College of Education & Allied Professions A. Michael Dougherty Associate Dean, College of Education & Allied Professions Dale Carpenter Dean, College of Business N. Leroy Kauffman Associate Dean, College of Business Debasish Banerjee New Student Orientation Dean, College of Applied Sciences Noelle Kehrberg Advising & Student Success Associate Dean, College of Applied Sciences Ann Johnson Interim Dean, Continuing Education & Summer School Malcolm Loughlin Associate Dean, Continuing Education & Summer School Vacant Dean, Research & Graduate Studies Abdul Turay Associate Dean, Research & Graduate Studies Gordon Mercer Dean, Honor's College Jill Ghnassia Associate Dean, Honor's College Anne Rogers 105 Western Carolina University Academic Affairs Division College of Applied Sciences Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs Richard Collings Dean, College of Applied Sciences Noelle Kehrberg Associate Dean Ann Johnson Department Head, Nursing Vincent Hall Department Head, Engineering Technology Duane Dunlap Acting Department Head, Criminal Justice Ann Johnson Department Head, Health Sciences Christine Stevens Department Head, Hospitality, Tourism, Interior Design Emery Trowbridge Department Head, Physical Therapy Karen Lunnen 106 Western Carolina University Academic Affairs Division College of Arts & Sciences Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs Richard Collings Dean, College of Arts & Sciences Robert Vartabedian Associate Dean Don Livingston Department Head, Art Matthew Liddle Department Head, Biology Malcolm Powell Department Head, Chemistry & Physics David Butcher Interim Department Head, Communication & Theatre Arts John Slater Department Head, English Brian Railsback Department Head, Anthropology & Sociology Nyaga Mwaniki Department Head, History James Lewis Department Head, Mathematics & Computer Science Kathy Ivey Acting Department Head, Modern Foreign Languages Mark Couture Department Head, Music Robert Kehrberg Department Head, Political Science & Public Affairs Niall G. Michelsen Department Head, Social Work Terry Gibson Director, Geosciences & Natural Resources Management Lawrence Kolenbrander Department Head, Philosophy & Religion James McLachlan 107 Western Carolina University Academic Affairs Division College of Business Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs Richard Collings Dean, College of Business Leroy Kauffman Associate Dean Debasish Banerjee Director, Master's in Business Administration Program Phillip Little Director, Master's in Project Management Program Mary Anne Nixon Dept. Head, Management/International Business Jerry Kinard Dept. Head, Marketing & Business Law Debra Burke Dept. Head, Accountancy/Finance/Entrepreneurship Roger Lirely Dept. Head, Business Computer Information Systems/Economics Danial Clapper Acting Director, Small Business & Technology Development Ctr. Wendy Cagle 108 Western Carolina University Academic Affairs Division College of Education & Allied Professions Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs Richard Collings Dean, College of Education & Allied Professions A. Michael Dougherty Associate Dean Dale Carpenter Director, Field Experiences Greta Freeman Director of Instructional Technology Benjamin Coulter Administrator, University & School Teacher Education Patnership Ruth McCreary Department Head, Educational Leadership & Foundations Nancy Mims Department Head, Psychology David McCord Department Head, Health & Human Performance David Claxton Department Head, Human Services Michael Garrett Department Head, Office for Rural Education William Clauss Director, Developmental Evaluation Center M. Jane Minor Director, Speech & Hearing Center Beverly Jacobs Department Head, Birth-Kindergarten, Elementary & Middle Grades Education Elizabeth Tyson Department Head, Center for Math & Science Education Elizabeth Allan Director, Reading Center Barbara Bell Program Officer Carol Burton 109 Western Carolina University Administration & Finance Division Chancellor John Bardo Vice Chancellor, Administration & Finance George Wooten Associate Vice Chancellor, Financial Services Jeanine Knowles Purchasing Director Arthur Stephens University Controller Vacant Associate Vice Chancellor, Facilities Management Joe Walker University Police Director Arthur McAbee Human Resources Director Kathy Wong Auxiliary Services Director Rick Nicholson Bookstore Manager Pamela DeGraffenreid CatCard & Telecommunications Manager Jeffrey Bewsey Print Shop Manager Thomas Frazier Vending Manager John Brooks Mail Services Manager Terry Ashe University Food Services Michelle Crowe 110 Western Carolina University Advancement & External Affairs Division Chancellor John Bardo Vice Chancellor, Advancement & External Affairs Clifton Metcalf Associate Vice Chancellor, Development James H. Miller Jr. Associate Vice Chancellor, Public Relations Leila Tvedt Director, Major Gifts Emile Dieth Director, Alumni Affairs & Catamount Club Martin Ramsey Director, News Services Bill Studenc Director, Publications & Design Services Rubae Sander Director, Planned Giving Arthur J. Manring Director, Annual Giving & Special Gifts Brett L. Woods Web Manager Robert Orr Director, Promotions & Marketing James Rowell Director, Photographic Services Mark Haskett Director, Regional Affairs Thomas McClure Coordinator, Advancement Events Zeta Smith Director, Mountain Heritage Center Tyler Blethen Director, Advancement Research Debra Higdon 111 Western Carolina University Information Technology Division Chancellor John Bardo Chief Information Officer Thomas Franke Associate Chief Information Officer for Educational Technologies Lee Rayburn Director of Information Technology Planning Debbie Justice Director, Applications Development & Support Edna Waldrop Director, Networking, Operations & Communications Scott Swartzentruber Director, Information Technology Services Dixie Lawson 112 Western Carolina University Student Affairs Division Chancellor John Bardo Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs Robert Caruso Associate Vice Chancellor & Dean, Student Affairs William Haggard Assistnat Vice Chancellor Jane Adams-Dunford Assistant Dean, Student Involvement & Leadership Linda C. Riouff Coordinator, Women's Center Rebecca Caldwell Coordinator, Greek Life Ryan Williams Student Center Program Director Elizabeth Johnson Director, Counseling & Psychological Services John Ritchie Director, University Center Julie Walters-Steele Director, Health Services Deborah C. Beck Director, Intramurals Michael Creason Director, Fitness Center Karen Oldham Director, Ramsey Center/Coordinator, University Events Bill Clarke Director, Upward Bound Ronald Huff Director, Talent Search Todd Murdock Coordinator, Multicultural A ffairs Dwaun Warmack Director, Service Learning Wayne Robinson Director, Child Care Center Nancy Porter Coordinator of Enrollment Support Vacant Director of Residential Living Keith Corzine 113 Financial Data SECTION CONTENTS Revenues and Expenditures, 1998-99 to 2002-03 ........................................................................................115 Revenues by Source (graphic), 2002-03.......................................................................................................116 Education and General Expenditures (graphic), 2002-03.............................................................................116 Competitive Grants and Contracts, 2000-01 to 2002-03 ..............................................................................117 Grant and Contract Activity (graphic), 1998-99 to 2002-03 ........................................................................118 Competitive Grant and Contract Awards by Mission and Organization Unit, 2002-03 ...............................119 Grant and Contract Awards by Mission (graphic), 2002-03.........................................................................120 Grant and Contract Awards by Unit (graphic), 2002-03 ..............................................................................120 Tuition, Fees and Charges, 1999-2004 .........................................................................................................121 Undergraduate Student Costs at North Carolina Public Universities, 2003-2004 ........................................122 Total Undergraduate Student Costs at Selected UNC Institutions (graphic), 2003-2004 .............................123 Undergraduate Student Fees at North Carolina Public Universities, 2003-2004..........................................123 Student Financial Aid by Source, 2002-03...................................................................................................124 Student Financial Aid, 1998-99 to 2002-03..................................................................................................125 Student Financial Aid (graphic), 1998-99 to 2002-03 ..................................................................................126 Mean Faculty Salaries (graphic), 2003-04....................................................................................................127 Development Foundation, Endowment, and Donors, 1999-00 to 2002-03...................................................128 114 REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES (Rounded to Nearest Thousand) 1998-99 to 2002-03 REVENUES BY SOURCE Tuition & Fees State Appropriations Federal Grants & Contracts State Grants & Contracts Private Gifts, Grants, & Contracts Grants & Contracts - Operating Independent Operations Grants - Nonoperating Gifts Investment Income Endowment Funds Capital Grants & Gifts Sales & Services of Auxiliary Enterprises Other Total Current Funds Revenue 1998-99 $11,505 50,178 5,432 1,986 1,636 576 - 1999-00 $11,663 50,177 4,354 2,181 2,788 653 - 2000-01 $11,815 52,424 6,009 2,235 3,648 635 - 2001-02† $17,392 47,668 0 0 0 10,517 1,658 291 1,422 1,454 401 7,855 2002-03† $19,794 51,699 0 0 0 7,088 1,742 4,240 1,448 3,058 203 19,318 18,869 7,204 18,531 6,723 20,110 7,402 13,225 636 13,766 1,791 $97,386 $97,070 $104,278 $102,519 $124,147 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES (Unrestricted and Restricted Totals) 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02† 2002-03† Education & General Instruction Research Public Service Academic Support* Student Services Institutional Support Operation & Maintenance of Plant Scholarships & Fellowships Mandatory Transfers Non-Mandatory Transfers E. & G. Totals $30,861 1,268 8,379 7,680 2,378 10,834 7,342 6,215 36 2,633 $77,626 $31,666 1,433 8,480 6,983 2,776 10,282 7,730 6,233 25 710 $76,318 $32,704 1,442 9,485 6,914 3,204 10,385 8,447 7,491 38 1,194 $81,304 $32,523 1,130 9,299 6,949 3,295 9,888 9,168 3,058 0 0 $75,310 $35,077 1,131 8,950 6,991 4,030 10,333 9,288 3,848 0 0 $79,648 Auxiliary Enterprises $19,501 $19,772 $18,646 $17,252 $18,325 Depreciation - - - $3,097 $2,944 Interest - - - $618 $957 $1,912 $2,002 $1,925 $1,392 $1,580 $99,039 $98,092 $101,875 $97,669 $103,454 Independent Operations Total Expenditures * Includes Library Expenditures † Implementation of GASB 34-35 in Fiscal Year 2002 resulted in significant changes in certain revenues, expenditures, and transfers. Source: Office of Business Affairs: IPEDS-F-1: Finance Survey Ref: fbmas53.xls 115 Revenues by Source* 2002-03 Capital Grants & Gifts 16% State Appropriations 42% Independent Operations 1% Endowments & Others 7% Auxiliary Enterprises 11% Tuition & Fees 16% Grants & Contracts 9% Education & General Expenditures* 2002-03 Instruction 44% Scholarships & Fellowships 5% Physical Plant 12% Research 1% Institutional Support 13% Student Services 5% Academic & Library Support 9% *See glossary for definitions. Source: Office of Business Affairs: IPEDS F-1: Finance Survey Factbook Table Reference: Revenues and Expenditures (53) 116 Public Service 11% COMPETITIVE GRANTS AND CONTRACTS 2000-01 to 2002-03 Amount Number (Dollar Amounts Rounded in Thousands) APPLICATIONS Administration Applied Sciences Arts & Sciences Business Educ. & Allied Prof. TOTAL 00-01 39 4 28 3 52 126 01-02 44 5 33 1 48 131 02-03 42 10 34 1 33 120 Average 42 6 32 2 44 126 00-01 $3,691 202 1,323 233 8,807 $14,256 01-02 $4,344 703 1,988 3 6,800 $13,838 02-03 $5,500 5,709 1,142 86 7,303 $19,740 Average $4,512 2,205 1,484 107 7,637 $15,945 AWARDS Administration Applied Sciences Arts & Sciences Business Educ. & Allied Prof. TOTAL 37 3 16 1 40 97 39 3 23 1 39 105 33 3 20 0 31 87 36 3 20 1 37 96 $1,830 108 220 5 3,884 $6,047 $2,714 412 723 3 3,973 $7,825 $1,740 4,869 527 0 5,320 $12,456 $2,095 1,796 490 3 4,392 $8,776 Source: Office of Research Administration Ref: fbmas54.xls 117 Grant and Contract Activity Number of Applications and Awards 136 129 131 126 120 140 105 97 120 97 87 86 Number 100 80 60 40 20 0 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 Applications 2002-03 Awards Dollar Amount of Applications and Awards 21.4 25 Dollar Amounts Rounded in Millions 19.7 20 14.3 13.7 13.8 12.5 11.3 15 7.8 10 6.0 5.8 5 0 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 Applications 2001-02 Awards Source: Office of Research Administration Factbook Table Reference: Competitive Grants and Contracts (54) 118 2002-03 COMPETITIVE GRANT AND CONTRACT AWARDS BY MISSION AND ORGANIZATION UNIT 2002-03 Research Instruction Number Administration Amount Number Service Amount Number Total Amount Number Amount 16 $1,106,318 2 $11,433 15 $621,966 33 $1,739,717 Applied Sciences 1 130,800 1 4,725,000 1 12,790 3 4,868,590 Arts & Sciences 2 24,832 17 483,076 1 18,847 20 526,755 Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Educ. & Allied Prof. 17 2,077,041 1 2,000 13 3,240,532 31 5,319,573 WCU TOTAL 36 $3,338,991 21 $5,221,509 30 $3,894,135 87 $12,454,635 Source: Office of Research Administration Ref: fbmas55.xls 119 Grant and Contract Awards by Mission 2002-03 $5,221,509 Research $3,338,991 $3,894,135 Instruction Service Grant and Contract Awards by Unit 2002-03 - Percent of Total Awards Administration 38% Educ. & Allied Professions 24% Applied Sciences 3% Business 0% Arts & Sciences 23% Source: Office of Research Administration Factbook Table Reference: Competitive Grant & Contract Awards by Mission & Organization Unit (55) 120 TUITION, FEES AND CHARGES 1999-2004 CATEGORY 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 $962 8,232 $982 8,252 $1,072 8,704 $1,358 10,273 $1,426 10,787 $262 167 165 113 162 100 6 $975 $322 175 174 119 231 100 6 $1,126 $338 177 178 137 231 105 6 $1,171 $371 182 194 152 231 115 8 $1,252 $408 182 203 174 266 140 8 $1,380 $1,937 9,207 $2,108 9,378 $2,395 10,027 $2,610 11,525 $2,806 12,167 $145 $152 $152 $160 $160 $1,540 1,510 $3,050 $1,694 1,590 $3,284 $1,780 1,644 $3,424 $1,876 1,720 $3,596 $2,026 1,800 $3,826 I. Tuition In-State Out-of-State II. Other Required Fees Athletic Fees (Intercollegiate & Intramural) Health Services Fee Recreation and Culture Student Union Debt Services Fee Educational & Technical Documents Fee Total Required Fees III. Total Tuition and Required Fees In-State Out-of-State IV. Book Rental* V. Room and Board Room Rent (Dormitories)** Board (7-Day Plan) Total Room and Board * Undergraduates only ** An additional $90 telephone service fee is required for each "double occupancy" per room student; and $180 telephone service fee is required for each "single occupancy" per room student. Source: NCHED A-3: Student Tuition, Fees and Charges for the Academic Year Ref: fbmas56.xls 121 UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT COSTS AT NORTH CAROLINA PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES (Ranked by Total In-State Annual Cost) 2003-04 TUITION AND ACADEMIC FEES In-State OTHER REQUIRED FEES DOUBLE ROOM (Estimated) BOARD (Estimated) TOTAL IN-STATE COST Amount Amount Amount Amount $2,955 1,910 $1,117 1,221 $3,220 3,540 $3,070 2,900 10,362 9,571 1,703 2,305 2,955 1,659 1,360 1,015 3,312 2,865 2,830 2,266 2,115 1,610 8,940 8,645 8,410 UNC-Charlotte UNC-Asheville UNC-Greensborod NC A & T b Appalachian State 1,904 1,672 1,803 1,544 1,596 1,201 1,359 1,321 1,178 1,331 2,596 2,548 2,700 2,768 2,770 2,480 2,430 2,120 2,200 1,940 8,181 8,009 7,944 7,690 7,637 Winston-Salem State NC Central Elizabeth City State UNC-Pembroke b,e Western Carolina b Fayetteville State 1,226 1,653 1,174 1,464 1,426 1,321 1,168 1,149 1,002 1,101 1,380 916 2,886 2,464 3,089 2,510 2,026 2,120 2,006 1,847 1,803 1,854 1,800 1,700 7,286 7,113 7,068 6,929 6,632 6,057 INSTITUTION UNC-Chapel Hill c East Carolina UNC-Wilmington NC School of the Arts d NC State d a a 19-21 meals per week, unless otherwise indicated. Other Required Fees do not include book rental fee. c Represents non-air-conditioned rooms. There is an additional charge for a room with air conditioning. d 14-15 meals per week. e Declining Balance Standard Meal Plan (most commonly chosen meal plan at WCU) b Source: UNC General Administration (UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT002.U/11-20-03) Ref: fbmas57.xls 122 Total Undergraduate Student Costs at Selected UNC Institutions 2003-04 Annual In-State Undergraduate Tuition, Fees, Room & Board 10,000 8,181 7,637 9,000 8,410 8,009 7,944 6,632 8,000 7,000 Dollars 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Western Carolina Appalachian State UNCCharlotte UNCAsheville UNCGreensboro NC State Source: UNC General Administration Factbook Table Reference: Undergraduate Student Costs at North Carolina Public Universities (57) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT FEES AT NORTH CAROLINA PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES 2003-04 - Ranked by Total Fees Institution UNC-Wilmington UNC-Asheville Western Carolina* NC School of the Arts NC Central UNC-Greensboro Winston-Salem State NC A & T Elizabeth City State UNC-Charlotte UNC-Pembroke East Carolina Appalachian UNC-Chapel Hill NC State Fayetteville State Athletics $335 479 408 0 305 348 320 358 315 348 361 320 336 97 94 273 Health Services $130 138 182 385 174 190 157 175 170 124 125 178 185 296 183 92 Student Activities $445 398 377 450 328 297 310 269 386 372 374 354 317 193 279 310 Education & Technology $366 123 140 260 260 213 245 215 131 145 120 100 112 303 320 145 *Networkable Computer Required of All New Freshmen (Avg. Cost = $1,400) Source: Administration and Finance Ref: fbmas58.xls 123 Total Fees $1,276 1,138 1,107 1,095 1,067 1,048 1,032 1,017 1,002 989 980 952 950 889 876 820 STUDENT FINANCIAL AID BY SOURCE 2002-2003 Category I. Grants Pell Supplemental Educational Opportunity N.C. Vocational Rehabilitation State and Local Grants Private Sources Totals Total of Unduplicated Recipients II. Loans Perkins Loans Federally Insured Loans State Insured Loans Private Sources Totals Total of Unduplicated Recipients III. Scholarships IV. Student Employment College Work/Study Institutional Employment Totals V. Total All Categories Total Aid Dollars Total Number of Awards and Loans Unduplicated Number of Recipients Percentage of Students Receiving Aid* Average Aid per Student Number of Students Average Total Amount 1,593 267 144 1,375 110 3,489 2,125 $2,573 $849 $1,693 $1,824 $1,346 $2,071 $3,400 $4,099,426 226,672 243,781 2,507,978 148,029 $7,225,886 $7,225,886 492 3,025 29 77 3,623 3,066 $2,451 $5,313 $2,629 $4,345 $4,882 $5,769 $1,205,728 16,071,643 76,234 334,598 $17,688,203 $17,688,203 1,667 $2,272 $3,788,125 498 917 1,415 $919 3,562 $2,632 $457,869 3,265,968 $3,723,837 $30,354,858 13,064 4,605 70 $6,592 * Estimate based on Fall 2002 resident credit headcount enrollment of 6,542. Source: Office of Student Financial Aid Ref: fbmas59.xls 124 STUDENT FINANCIAL AID 1998-99 to 2002-03 Percent of Students Receiving Aid Grants Loans Scholarships Employment Totals* 1998-99 27 41 21 27 62 1999-00 23 42 13 27 69 2000-01 31 43 22 19 63 2001-02 32 44 24 21 67 2002-03 32 47 25 22 70 2001-02 $3,174 5,388 2,172 2,482 $5,871 2002-03 $3,400 5,769 2,272 2,632 $6,592 2001-02 $6,566 15,227 3,376 3,412 $28,581 2002-03 $7,226 17,688 3,788 3,724 $32,426 Average Aid Amount Grants Loans Scholarships Employment Totals* 1998-99 $2,695 4,845 1,888 1,932 $5,220 1999-00 $2,764 5,032 1,897 2,056 $5,102 2000-01 $2,912 5,195 2,043 2,814 $5,701 Total Student Aid (Rounded in Thousands) Grants Loans Scholarships Employment Totals* 1998-99 $4,603 12,375 2,456 3,829 $23,263 1999-00 $3,996 13,336 1,578 3,482 $22,392 2000-01 $5,751 14,333 2,847 3,321 $26,252 * Students may receive more than one type of financial aid. Source: OCR B3 Financial Assistance to Students in Institutions of Higher Education Ref: fbmas60.xls 125 Student Financial Aid* Students Receiving Financial Aid 70 69 70 67 Percent of Students 68 66 63 62 64 62 60 58 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Mean Annual Financial Aid Award $6,592 $5,701 $7,000 $5,220 $5,871 $5,102 $6,000 Dollars $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $0 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 *Includes grants, loans, scholarships, and student employment; undergraduate and graduate students. Source: OCR B3 Financial Assistance to Students in Institutions of Higher Education Factbook Table Reference: Summary of Student Financial Aid (60) 126 Mean Faculty Salaries 2003-04 $70,000 $61,193 $63,473 $55,154 $55,163 $50,024 $60,000 $43,989 $42,824 Average Salary $50,000 $40,000 $28,254 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $0 Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Male Source: Office of Equal Opportunity Programs Ref: salary.xls 127 Female Instructor Development Foundation, Endowment, and Donors Fiscal Year Category 1999-00 2001-02 2002-03 Total Donors* -headcount -annual change (%) 5,433 -3.3 6,029 11.0 5,572 -7.6 Alumni Donors -headcount -participation rate (%) 3,495 -11.6 3,605 3.1 3,759 4.3 Catamount Club -headcount -annual change (%) -change since June 30, 1996 (%) 2,800 -7.1 75.0 3,413 21.9 113.3 3,131 -8.3 95.7 Development Foundation -fund balance -annual change (%) -change since June 30, 1996 (%) $10,359,264 1.7 85.0 $10,212,626 -1.4 82.4 $10,895,922 6.7 94.6 Endowment Funds -fund balance -annual change (%) -change since June 30, 1996 (%) $13,420,341 1.7 160.0 $12,896,791 -3.9 149.8 $13,106,559 1.6 153.9 Development Foundation and Endowment Funds -fund balance $23,716,498 -annual change (%) 1.4 -change since June 30, 1996 (%) 113.3 $23,109,417 -2.6 107.8 $24,002,481 3.9 115.8 -gift receipts $1,705,122 $1,672,425 $1,402,613 -total revenue flow -annual change (%) $3,461,192 -17.0 $3,572,477 3.2 $3,153,281 -11.7 *Includes alumni, friends, parents, corporate and business donors Note: The annual changes and participation rates are simple annual percentage changes from the prior year. June 30, 1996, is used as a base year for calculating percentage changes over the period since Dr. Bardo's appointment as Chancellor. Source: University Advancement (Participation Rates & Memberships); Business Affairs (Development & Endowment Funds) Ref: brmas03.xls 128 Other University Data SECTION CONTENTS Precis of the University’s History ................................................................................................................130 University Library, 1998-2003 .....................................................................................................................131 Campus Space Allocation, 1998-2002 .........................................................................................................132 Physical Plant, Fall 2002 ..............................................................................................................................133 Major Building Projects Currently Under Construction, Fall 2003 ..............................................................135 Authorized Projects Being Planned, Fall 2003.............................................................................................135 129 PRECIS OF THE UNIVERSITY'S HISTORY A. NAMES AND LEVELS 1889 1891 1893 1905 1912 1913 1925 1929 1931 1951 1952 1953 1967 1972 1995 1997 1998 2000 2003 Semi-private school Cullowhee High School First state appropriation Normal Department established First graduating class Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School Junior College rank established Secondary school discontinued First college-level (one-year) degree awarded Cullowhee State Normal School Western Carolina Teachers College Senior College rank established First Baccalaureate degree awarded Graduate degree established First Master's degree awarded Western Carolina College Western Carolina University A constituent institution of the University of North Carolina Doctoral degree established First residential Honors College in North Carolina First UNC institution to require computers First Doctoral degree awarded Named a National Merit College Obtained Highest Enrollment to Date B. PRESIDENTS 1889-1912; 1920-1923 1912-1920 1923-1947 1947-1949; 1956-1957 1949-1956; 1957-1968 1968-1972 1972 Robert Lee Madison Alonzo Carlton Reynolds Hiram Tyram Hunter William Ernest Bird Paul Apperson Reid Alexander Simpson Pow Frank Hamilton Brown, Jr. (Acting) C. CHANCELLORS 1972-1973 1973 1974 1974-1984 1984-1994 1994-1995 1995- Jack Kenneth Carlton William Hugh McEniry (Acting) Frank Hamilton Brown, Jr. (Acting) H. F. Robinson Myron L. Coulter John H. Wakeley (Interim) John W. Bardo Source: Office of University Planning Ref: fbmas62.xls 130 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 1998-2003 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 585,322 3,125 117,620 4,131 2,675 532 25 - 622,899 2,962 121,615 4,411 3,042 2,800 31 - 646,423 2,810 122,703 4,660 3,196 784 28 - 675,929 2,472 122,637 4,871 3,414 351 33 - 690,869 3,484 124,008 5,136 3,891 359 100 $1,544,672 $1,207,191 $1,327,691 $1,196,700 $1,180,316 17.2 28.8 8.1 54.0 17.6 27.5 9.7 54.8 18.0 28.0 7.0 53.0 17.8 28.3 7.2 53.3 17.0 31.0 5.0 53.0 103,114 24,378 100,071 23,033 98,542 26,863 93,833 28,983 95,079 32,916 17,889 7,468 18,335 8,531 18,333 8,579 16,719 9,450 15,492 10,076 252 367 232 320 325 110 9,357 110 9,500 110 9,762 110 9,451 106 9,600 A. Holdings Number of Volumes Periodical Subscriptions Maps Videos Sound Recordings CD-Rom Titles On-Line Database Subscriptions On-Line Databases B. Materials Expenditures C. Staff (Numbers of FTE) Librarians & Other Professional Staff All Other Staff Student Assistants Total FTE Staff D. Library Services Circulation Transactions General Collections Reserve Collections Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loans Provided to Other Libraries Received from Other Libraries Information Service to Groups Number of Presentations Library Services (Typical Week-Fall Semesters) Public Service Hours Gate Count* *Typical week Source: WCU Hunter Library Ref: fbmas63.xls 131 CAMPUS SPACE ALLOCATION 1998-2002 Square Feet of Assignable Area USE CATEGORY Instruction Research Public Service Academic Support Student Services/Residence Halls Institutional Support Independent Operations Unassigned/Unusable TOTAL ASSIGNABLE AREA 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 404,062 14,317 6,363 178,169 726,993 165,443 58,860 36,588 404,302 14,326 6,367 178,275 714,692 167,133 54,119 52,527 404,287 14,325 6,367 178,269 717,849 167,127 54,117 49,342 394,525 14,317 6,363 178,173 717,463 167,037 55,679 57,271 382,338 14,338 6,372 183,204 723,256 168,866 58,944 55,757 1,590,795 1,591,741 1,591,683 1,590,828 1,593,075 Source: NC Commission on Higher Education Facilities Inventory & Utilization Reports (Table 14) Ref: fbmas64.xls 132 PHYSICAL PLANT FALL 2002 Year of Completion Building Cost Estimated Replacement Cost Administration & Public Service Bird Bird Alumni House HFR Administration Killian Annex Sub-totals 1960 1940 1979 1968 195,000 51,500 3,206,215 582,000 4,034,715 1,112,914 140,299 6,880,182 2,561,682 10,695,077 14,655 2,625 72,500 31,034 120,814 8,637 2,503 47,585 14,853 73,578 Public Assembly Hoey Auditorium Ramsey Activity Center Sub-totals 1939 1986 165,000 16,000,000 16,165,000 2,160,706 22,881,158 25,041,864 18,178 205,862 224,040 9,777 104,980 114,757 Classroom & Laboratory Artist-in-Residence Belk Coulter Forsyth Killian McKee Moore Natural Science Stillwell Sub-totals 1977 1971 1978 1970 1967 1939 1924 1977 1952 28,000 2,442,000 2,431,000 1,245,000 946,000 467,000 455,000 3,196,151 1,142,000 12,352,151 68,534 9,968,297 5,571,391 5,392,514 4,401,933 3,987,731 4,861,032 7,823,065 10,587,212 52,661,709 1,050 107,824 74,620 62,816 51,277 49,559 56,107 73,273 106,884 583,410 1,000 77,923 41,157 41,342 32,088 31,889 33,041 38,108 70,045 366,593 1962 1959 1971 1966 1966 1939 1953 1969 1972 1,069,000 462,000 1,530,000 1,015,000 1,015,000 250,000 997,000 2,394,000 1,530,000 10,262,000 8,034,000 3,505,138 6,157,576 6,943,560 6,943,560 2,118,140 4,786,609 9,410,860 6,165,200 54,064,643 92,730 40,457 71,072 80,144 80,144 24,448 55,248 141,790 71,160 657,193 52,227 25,017 57,725 55,652 55,642 15,457 37,170 92,794 58,358 450,042 1951 1951 1954 1954 1968 1951 1951 1951 1951 1941 1956 1942 1942 1974 1932 20,000 12,000 112,000 1,900 280,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 19,000 65,210 11,040 960 440,000 250,000 1,244,110 212,824 136,811 633,613 41,980 1,298,019 78,182 78,182 78,182 78,182 160,944 165,956 120,667 11,543 1,432,358 2,716,988 7,244,431 2,744 1,764 7,080 663 16,736 1,008 1,008 1,008 1,008 2,817 2,149 3,872 357 21,300 31,360 94,874 2,484 1,620 6,566 547 13,388 884 884 884 884 2,155 1,930 3,213 320 18,103 18,459 72,321 CATEGORY & BUILDING Housing Residence Halls: Albright Benton Buchanan Harrill Helder Leatherwood Madison Reynolds Scott Walker Sub-totals Other Housing: Apartments 6-7-8 Apartments 10-11 Chancellor's Home Chancellor's Garage Faculty Apts. Faculty Home #9 Faculty Home #12 Faculty Home #13 Faculty Home #14 Guest House Hugh Battle House Jenkins House Jenkins House Garage New Faculty Apts. Robertson Sub-totals 133 Gross Square Feet Assignable Area PHYSICAL PLANT FALL 2002 Building Cost Estimated Replacement Cost Physical Education, Recreation & Athletics Breese Gymnasium 1939 Jordan-Phillips Field House 1974 Reid Gymnasium 1956 Sub-totals 250,000 350,000 1,368,000 1,968,000 2,184,979 1,029,763 10,051,924 13,266,666 20,526 10,430 99,337 130,293 17,891 6,953 71,958 96,802 Student Activities & Services Brown Cafeteria Dodson Cafeteria Graham Infirmary Hinds University Center Hunter Library Old Student Union Student Book Store Sub-totals 1960 1966 1939 1968 1982 1939 1983 502,000 893,892 37,000 948,000 5,984,000 75,000 800,000 9,239,892 2,595,902 3,506,847 753,554 3,510,449 13,727,219 545,121 1,293,531 25,932,623 30,239 40,656 9,378 44,300 155,400 6,604 23,520 310,097 27,434 30,801 7,369 31,754 137,707 3,576 18,925 257,566 Other Alumni Tower Baseball Concession Baseball Dugouts Baseball Pressbox Baseball Storage University Outreach Center University Outreach Shop University Outreach Gym Chemical Storage Football PRS-BX/Concession Golf Equipment Greenhouse Hayes Cabin Maintenance-Engineer Maintenance Garage Maintenance Shop New Warehouse Nursery Headhouse Picnic Area Restrooms Print Shop Radio Transmitter Skeet Shooting-Storage Stadium Ticket Booth Steam Plant Telephone Exchange Tennis Storage Track/Field Storage Track Restrooms Visitor Information Water Treatment Plant Sub-totals 1989 1991 1978 1990 1997 1965 1965 1965 1977 1974 1991 1966 1820 1974 1952 1985 1989 1989 1984 1968 1979 1976 1981 1930 1946 1987 1979 1985 1997 1966 297,142 178,293 12,000 16,712 10,800 717,000 66,000 258,000 33,000 182,496 8,100 5,500 24,200 185,000 133,000 62,279 1,406,400 42,000 2,700 46,000 517 783 7,552 135,000 1,000 5,290 16,177 13,880 29,750 436,000 4,332,571 401,624 228,953 27,500 21,783 12,137 4,590,956 398,358 1,272,326 80,773 2,563,946 10,402 29,781 30,647 602,241 603,357 91,109 1,900,922 56,769 4,074 293,199 1,110 2,897 14,012 3,257,530 18,820 7,343 34,765 23,115 33,436 3,188,299 19,802,184 1,002 1,230 912 240 480 55,618 4,826 14,821 816 4,310 240 610 363 9,000 8,962 1,560 38,760 1,049 150 4,806 28 78 72 13,192 338 124 824 165 96 2,516 167,188 0 320 889 215 429 38,162 4,463 12,397 651 2,247 216 588 308 8,252 7,953 1,479 37,175 877 0 4,330 0 64 53 0 0 108 760 84 64 0 122,084 $59,598,439 $208,709,197 2,287,909 1,553,743 CATEGORY & BUILDING GRAND TOTALS Year of Completion Source: NC Commission on Higher Education Facilities Building Characteristic Report, Fall 2002 Ref: fbmas66.xls 134 Gross Square Feet Assignable Area MAJOR BUILDING PROJECTS CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION FALL 2003 Estimated Completion Date 12/2003 03/2004 01/2004 08/2004 03/2004 08/2004 10/2004 08/2004 08/2004 09/2004 09/2004 Project A. K. Hinds University Center Expansion Humanities and Fine Arts Building Regional Labor Force Development Center Residence Hall, 300 Bed Chiller Replacement and CFC Retrofit Soccer, Track & Tennis Complex Killian Clinic Annex (Comp. Renovation) Special Interest Housing (Greek Village) Infrastructure (Greek Village & New Parking) Infrastructure (Steam & Condensate) Infrastructure (Overhead Electric Conversion) TOTAL Federal Funds 7,850,000 7,850,000 Bond Funds 50,500 26,618,109 14,444,370 1,260,120 2,973,405 527,901 2,222,410 2,371,352 50,417,667 Other Funds 6,784,225 2,611,056 1,830,489 250,000 5,428,586 7,500,000 413,443 18,033,574 Total Project Costs 6,834,725 29,229,165 9,680,489 14,694,370 1,260,120 5,428,586 2,973,405 7,500,000 941,344 2,222,410 2,371,352 76,301,241 Source: Facilities Management Ref: fbmas74.xls AUTHORIZED PROJECTS BEING PLANNED FALL 2003 Project Breese Gymnasium (Conversion) Forsyth Building (Comp. Renovation) Infrastructure (Centennial Drive Relocation) Killian Building (Partial Renovation) Land Acquisition Student Recreation Center Residential Learning Facility Stillwell Lab Building (Comp. Renovation) Technology Infrastructure Expansion Softball Field & Grandstands Hospitality Management Center Access Control for Residence Halls Elevator Replacements (Scott, Walker, Harrill) Fire Safety Improvements (Reynolds, Buchanan) TOTAL Estimated Construction Date 01/2004 01/2006 02/2004 10/2004 n/a 01/2005 10/2004 08/2004 n/a 04/2004 04/2004 05/2004 05/2004 05/2004 Source: Facilities Management Ref: fbmas74.xls 135 Federal Funds 8,000,000 8,000,000 Bond Funds 1,258,235 6,710,800 6,347,802 1,468,985 3,093,000 1,792,745 16,804,625 4,122,670 41,598,862 Other Funds 1,200,000 12,250,000 1,660,883 450,000 400,000 657,200 16,618,083 Total Project Costs 1,258,235 6,710,800 7,547,802 1,468,985 3,093,000 12,250,000 1,792,745 16,804,625 4,122,670 1,660,883 8,000,000 450,000 400,000 657,200 66,216,945 GLOSSARY CARNEGIE CLASSIFICATION CODE DEFINITIONS - The 2000 Carnegie Classification includes all colleges and universities in the United States that are degree-granting and accredited by an agency recognized by the U. S. Secretary of Education. Baccalaureate Colleges--Liberal Arts: These institutions are primarily undergraduate colleges with major emphasis on baccalaureate degree programs. At least half of undergraduate awards are bachelor’s degrees, and at least half of bachelor’s degrees are in liberal arts fields. Includes UNC-Asheville. Baccalaureate Colleges--General: These institutions are primarily undergraduate colleges with major emphasis on baccalaureate degree programs. At least half of undergraduate awards are bachelor’s degrees, and less than half of bachelor’s degrees are in liberal arts fields. Includes Elizabeth City State and Winston-Salem State. Master’s Colleges and Universities I: These institutions offer a full range of baccalaureate programs and are committed to graduate education through the master’s degree. They award 40 or more master’s degrees annually in 3 or more disciplines. Includes Appalachian, Fayetteville State, NC A&T, NC Central, UNC-Charlotte, UNC-Pembroke, UNC-Wilmington and Western Carolina. Doctoral/Research Universities--Extensive: These institutions offer a full range of baccalaureate programs, are committed to graduate education through the doctorate, and give high priority to research. They award 50 or more doctoral degrees each year across at least 15 disciplines. Includes NC State and UNC-Chapel Hill. Doctoral/Research Universities--Intensive: These institutions offer a full range of baccalaureate programs, are committed to graduate education through the doctorate, and give high priority to research. They award 10 or more doctorates per year across at least 3 disciplines, or 20 or more doctorates per year overall. Includes East Carolina University and UNC-Greensboro. Specialized Institutions: Schools of art, music and design - Institutions in this category award most of their bachelor’s or graduate degrees in art, music, design, architecture or some combination of such fields. Includes NC School of the Arts. CENSUS DATE - The class day upon which official enrollment counts are taken. The tenth class day for regular term (fall and spring semester) courses, and the day representing the passage of ten percent of the instructional period in summer school classes and distance education courses. CIP CODES - Classification of Instructional Program codes that identify disciplines. CIP codes are assigned to courses to identify funding levels. Each degree program also has an identifying CIP code. See also Formula Funding Model. CLERICAL AND SECRETARIAL - All persons whose assignments typically are associated with clerical activities or are specifically of a secretarial nature. DISTANCE EDUCATION - Instruction delivered or SCHs generated by for-credit off-campus instructional activity, regardless of the office or department offering the instruction and the method of delivery; does not include correspondence study. May occur during the regular term (fall and spring semesters) or the summer term. See Extension. EXECUTIVE, ADMINISTRATIVE, AND MANAGERIAL - All persons whose assignments require primary responsibility for management of the institution. Examples include: Chancellor, Vice-Chancellors, Deans, Directors of divisions and non-academic units. EXPENDITURES - University expenditures are defined as the outflow of resources in support of the ongoing operations and mission of the University. For financial reporting purposes, University expenditures are classified according to functional categories wherein the resources will be utilized. Functional categories and a brief definition are as follows. Instruction: Expenditures directly related to instruction or “teaching” for all University courses or programs. Includes expenditures for regular term, summer term, and extension instruction. Institutional support: Expenditures for all goods and services in support of day-to-day operational support of the institution. Physical plant: Expenditures for the upkeep and maintenance of University facilities. Scholarships and Fellowships: Expenditures resulting from scholarships and fellowships provided to students. Academic support & Libraries: Expenditures for all goods and services supporting academic activities other than instruction; and expenditures supporting the university library. Public service: Expenditures resulting from University programs and activities which focus upon providing services primarily for the benefit of persons external to the University. Student services: Expenditures for all non-instructional activities and programs whose primary purpose is directed toward student campus life. Organized research: Expenditures directly related to University recognized research, typically through faculty and staff research activities. Transfers: The movement of funds between university accounts to meet expenditures. EXTENSION - An office or division that oversees credit or non-credit instruction offered to non-traditional groups of students off-campus. Instruction offered on-campus (e.g., “evening college”) through an extension division is counted and funded as regular-term (resident credit) instruction. See Distance Education. FIRST-TIME FRESHMAN - A degree-seeking undergraduate student who has not enrolled in a prior semester either at Western Carolina University or at another university or college after high school graduation; a student who graduates from high school in the spring or summer and enrolls either here or at another college or university during that summer and enrolls at Western Carolina University for the next fall semester will be classified a “first-time freshman” during that fall semester. (See new undergraduate transfer.) FORMULA FUNDING MODEL - The process by which projected student credit hour enrollment change is funded. The model is based on a 12-cell matrix of instructional level [undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral] and disciplinary instructional areas [Category I (lower cost); Category 136 II; Category III; and Category IV (higher cost)]. Semester credit hours generated from each course are assigned to one cell based on course CIP code and level. 12-Cell Matrix of Instructional Level and Disciplinary Instructional Areas CIP Program Title 23 27 30 38 42 43 44 45 09 English Language and Literature/Letters Mathematics Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies Philosophy and Religion Psychology Protective Services Public Administration and Services Social Sciences and History Communications 13 Education 16 Foreign Languages and Literatures CIP WCU Course Prefix ENGL MATH ASI, GERN, USI PHIL, REL PSY CJ PA, SOCW ANTH, ASI, GEOG, HIST, PSC, SOC CMCR, CMEM, CMHC, CMPM, CMPR, CMTD BK, COUN, EDAD, EDCD, EDCI, EDEL, EDHE, EDMG, EDPY, EDRD, EDSE, EDSU, SPED CHER, FREN, GER, JPN, RUSS, SPAN Program Title 19 26 31 Home Economics Biological Sciences/Life Sciences Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies 52 Business Management and Administrative Services 03 11 15 40 50 Conservation and Renewable Natural Resources Computer and Information Sciences Engineering-Related Technologies Physical Sciences Visual and Performing Arts 51 Health Professions and Related Sciences Funding Category (CIP Codes) Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 WCU Course Prefix CDFR, CFS, CTM, FCS, FS, HM, HT BIOL, SCI PE, PRM, SM ACCT, BA, ECON, ENT, FIN, HR, IBUS, LAW, MGT, MKT, OA NRM CIS, CS EET, ID, IET, IT, MET, TEL AST, CHEM, ESI, GEOL, PHYS ART, CMTA, DA, IDES, IDSN, MUS CLS, EMC, ENVH, HEAL, HIM, HSCC, HSM, MHS, ND, NSG, RTH, PT Student Credit Hours (SCH) per Instructional Position Undergraduate Masters 643.72 171.44 487.37 249.94 364.88 160.93 Funding Category 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Funding Category 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 Doctoral 138.41 146.74 122.95 FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT STUDENTS - The number of students determined by adding the number of full-time students and a proportion of the part-time students. The full-time equivalent (FTE) student number in the University of North Carolina is determined by the following formula: UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATE FTE STUDENT LOAD FTE STUDENT LOAD 1.00 12 or more credit hours 1.00 9 or more credit hours 0.75 9-11 credit hours 0.75 6-8 credit hours 0.50 6-8 credit hours 0.50 3-5 credit hours 0.25 0-5 credit hours 0.25 0-2 credit hours FULL-TIME STUDENT - A graduate student who has scheduled nine (9) or more credit hours for that semester. An undergraduate who has scheduled twelve (12) or more credit hours for that semester. GRADUATE-LEVEL CREDIT - Master’s level credit is granted for course prefixes numbered 500-799. Doctoral level credit is granted for course prefixes numbered 800-999. INSTRUCTIONAL FACULTY - Employees whose specific assignment is customarily made for the purpose of teaching and/or research, as based on Occupational Activities Categories, not budgeted FTE. LOWER-LEVEL CREDIT - Credit hours generated in 100-299 numbered courses. The lower level courses refer to freshmen and sophomore level courses. 137 NEW FRESHMAN - See first-time freshman. NEW UNDERGRADUATE TRANSFER STUDENT - A new student at Western Carolina University who has previously enrolled at another university or college after high school graduation and prior to the first enrollment at WCU; students who transfer to WCU during the previous summer school are classified as new transfer students that next fall semester. (See first-time freshmen.) PELL GRANT PROGRAM - The Pell Grant Program provides eligible undergraduate postsecondary students grant assistance with demonstrated financial need to help meet educational expenses. PERKINS LOAN PROGRAM (Formerly National Direct Student Loans) - This program provides low interest loans to eligible postsecondary students (undergraduate, graduate, or professional) with demonstrated financial need to help meet educational expenses. PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES - Persons whose assignments require a baccalaureate degree or its equivalent who are not reported in the “Executive, Administrative, and Managerial” or “Instructional Faculty” categories. Examples include librarians, counselors, computer analysts, etc.; who do not hold administrative positions or have faculty rank. REGULAR TERM - The regular academic year comprised of the fall and spring semesters; synonymous with instruction or SCHs delivered during this period. Does not include Distance Education instruction or SCHs or summer school SCHs. RESIDENT CENTERS - Located at UNC-Asheville and Cherokee. Though “off-campus,” the credit hours generated from WCU instruction at these locations is considered to be “on campus” for funding purposes. All other off-campus instruction generating credit hours is considered Distance Learning credit. RESIDENT CREDIT - Instruction delivered and SCHs generated by for-credit on-campus instructional activity, regardless of the office or department offering the instruction and the method of delivery. RESIDENT CREDIT HOUR - A credit value of a resident credit course. Resident credit courses are usually taught in on-campus classrooms. Courses taught by WCU faculty in UNC-Asheville classrooms and the Cherokee Center are also counted as resident credit courses. Resident credit hours generated, with the exception of “state-employee, tuition-free hours”, are used to calculate full-time equivalents (FTE) for state funding purposes. (See student credit hour and extension credit hour.) REVENUES - University revenues are defined as inflows of funds or other resources committed to the ongoing operation and mission of the University. For financial reporting purposes, revenues are reported according to the primary source of these resources. State appropriations: Funds provided the University from the State of North Carolina’s General Fund. Auxiliary Enterprises: Funds generated from University operations organized to provide goods or services to students, faculty and staff. Examples are food services and the bookstore. Tuition & fees: Charges for education determined by individual universities and the UNC system. Gifts, contracts and grants: Funds provided from grant or contractual arrangements with various federal, state or local governments or private agencies. Other sources: This category includes all other sources of University funds not identified elsewhere. SERVICE/MAINTENANCE EMPLOYEES - Persons whose assignments require limited degrees of previously acquired skills and knowledge; includes cafeteria and restaurant workers, custodial personnel, grounds keepers, construction laborers, security personnel, etc. SKILLED CRAFTS EMPLOYEES - Persons whose assignments typically require special manual skills and a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the processes involved in the work; examples include mechanics and repairmen, electricians, skilled machinists, carpenters, etc. STUDENT CREDIT HOUR - A unit by which an institution may measure its course work. The number of credit hours assigned to a course is usually defined by the number of hours per week in class. One credit hour is usually assigned to a class that meets 50 minutes a week over a period of a semester; in laboratory, field works, drawing, music, practical arts, physical education or similar types of instruction, one credit hour is assigned for a session that meets 2-4 hours a week for a semester. STUDENT CREDIT HOURS - These are the hours generated by units such as departments and colleges and are determined by (1) multiplying the number of credit hours for a course by the number of students in that course, and (2) aggregating these numbers for all of the courses taught by that unit. SUMMER TERM - An instructional period starting and ending sometime between mid-May and the end of August. Not included in Regular Term/Resident Credit instruction or SCHs. See Resident Credit, Regular Term, Distance Education. TECHNICAL AND PARAPROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES - Persons whose assignments require specialized knowledge or skills which may be acquired through experience or academic work such as is offered in many two-year technical institutes, community colleges, junior colleges, or through equivalent on-the-job training. UPPER-LEVEL CREDIT - Credit hours generated in 300-499 numbered courses. Upper-level courses refer to junior and senior level courses. 138