System-Level (or Emergency Operations Center–Level) Incident Management Info from Sensor Info from Civilian Information Received Info from Employee Establish and Operate Emergency Operations Center Receive Unsolicited Resources Receive Solicited Resources Perform Responder S&H Functions as Incident Continues Develop Desired Allocation of Resources to Site(s) Transmit Information to Scene Incident Command Info from Attacker Public Communications Functions Manage Resources Build Situational Awareness Info from Media Initiate Public Communications F Responder Safety and Health (S&H) Function J Compliance with Instructions Message Received Transmit Message Perform Responder S&H Functions as Incident Continues Shelter in Place Incident Done From Functional Branches Change Needed Incident Done Reevaluate Perimeter End Perimeter Control End Protective Action No Change Evaluate Physical and Mental Health of Responders Over Course of Incident Concerns? Tactical Public Information Functions Removal from resource pool could be long term in the case of serious injury Site Security and Perimeter Control Scene Control, Q Security, and Law Enforcement Functions R Remove from Resource Pool for Rest, Rehab, or Replacement Decide Where to Place Perimeters Implement Perimeter (people, materiel) Response Operation Secure Response Security Operation and Participants (as needed) Run/Manage Perimeter During Incident Perform Responder S&H Functions as Incident Continues Some activities shown within the functional branches of our model would in reality likely occur within the incident command (e.g., decisions about where to place perimeters). We have included them in the functional branches as well for clarity. Ambulatory Victim SelfRemoval from Hot Zone to Perimeters Law Enforcement Perform Crime Responsibilities Scene Operations (as needed) (-) ? Victim Identification and Retrieval (Hot --> Warm Zones) Manage Resources Feedback Development of Site Incident Action Plan Develop Messages ? Establish and Operate Site-Level Incident Command Perform Responder S&H Functions as Incident Continues Identify Affected Population(s) Stage in Safe Area Reevaluate Need Perform Responder S&H Functions as Incident Continues Return to Task or Resource Pool Size-Up of the Scene (Local Situational Awareness) Protective Actions— Evacuation or Shelter in Place Affected Population Communications for Self-Protection Large-scale evacuations may require mass care and sheltering Evacuate via Assisted Transport Strategic Public Information Functions No Concerns? Site-Level Incident Management General Population Communications Evacuate via SelfTransport Adjust Evacuation or Shelter Order Info from Responder on Scene L Desired Effect Produced Message Received I Request More Resources from Others Development of Overall Incident Action Plan Dispatch, Task, or Reallocate Resource Packages to Site(s) Transmit Message Develop Messages Assess Resource Requirements (Demand Assessment) Request More Resources N Enter Hot Zone P Response to Victim Needs Allocate Available Resources to Needed Tasks Hazardous Materials Containment or Mitigation at Source Retrieve Victim(s) Exit Hot to Warm Zone Perform Responder S&H Functions as Incident Continues T Medical Treatment and Transport (Warm --> Cold Zones) Hazmat Contain/ Mitigate Not Included in Scenario Analyzed Victim SelfTransport to Medical Facility Decontamination Transfer Victim(s) to Medical Unit On-Scene Treatment or Discharge Victim Exits Warm Zone Not Including Physical and Mental Health Concerns Victim Treatment Assignment Rescued and Self-Rescued Perform Responder S&H Functions as Incident Continues Serious On-Scene Stabilization Exit Warm Zone Transport Transfer to Medical Facility