TABLES 1. Technologies Not Available to Local Police......... 2. Technologies in Need of Replacement by Local Police ............................. 3. Local Law Enforcement Agency Ratings of Technology-Related Needs .................... 4. State Law Enforcement Agency Ratings of Technology-Related Needs .................... 5. Priorities of Forensic Labs Surveyed.............. 6. Types of LTL Weapons Authorized or in Use by Local Departments............................... 7. Safety and Effectiveness of LTL Weapons and Tactics ................................ 8. Factors Limiting Future Acquisition or Use of Smart Guns................................ 9. Use of Vehicle Stopping/Tracking Technologies by Local Police................................ 10. Counter-Terrorism Technology Available to Local Departments............................... 11. Percent of State and Local Police Receiving Cybercrime Investigation or Analysis Support from Various Sources Within Past Year................ 12. Percent of Agencies with Primary Responsibility for Court-Related Functions, 1997 ................. 13. Percent of Labs Likely to Perform All or Most Tests, by Type of Crime .............................. 14. Factors Limiting Analysis, by Type of Case ......... 15. Distribution of Evidence Received by Laboratories ... xiii xvii xix xxix xxix xxxi 33 35 39 41 43 51 52 57 58 59 xiv Challenges and Choices for Crime-Fighting Technology 16. Reasons Cited for Problems in Conducting Firearms Analyses .................................. 17. Reasons Cited for Problems in Conducting Trace Evidence Analyses........................... 18. Quality of Laboratory Technologies in Use ......... 19. Factors Limiting Future Acquisition/Use of DNA Methodology............................... 20. Reasons Cited for Problems in Conducting DNA Analyses .................................. 21. Stated Priorities of Laboratory Needs ............. 22. Stated Priority of Technology for Improving Accountability Within Agency .................. 23. Crime Mapping and Analysis by Local Police, by Population Served........................... 24. Internet Use by Local Police ................... 25. Sources of Technology Information Used by Police .. 26. Percent of Local Departments Receiving TechnologyRelated Support from Various Sources Within Past Year ..................................... 27. Equipment Testing Program ................... 28. Percent of Local Police Receiving Requested Federal Technology Assistance During Past Year, by Population Served........................... 29. Percent of Local Police Receiving Requested Advice from Federal Agencies on Selecting Technology during Past Year, by Population Served .............. 30. Technologies Not Available to Local Police......... 31. Technologies in Need of Replacement by Local Police................................ 32. Survey Response Rates for Police and Sheriffs’ Departments............................... 33. Survey Response Rates for Local Police ........... 34. Departments Forced into the Police Survey Sample .. 35. Agencies Responding to Forensics Survey ......... 61 64 66 72 72 73 105 106 109 125 126 139 145 149 155 156 168 169 170 174