U N I V E R S I T Y o f P U G E T T E C H N O L O G Y S O U N D S E R V I C E S INSTALLING AND USING THE CITRIX MOBILE CLIENT ON ANDROID DEVICES 1. Open the Andoid Market 2. Search the Market for “Citrix Receiver” 3. Select the “Citrix Receiver” app. 4. Click the “Install” button. 5. Accept the permissions for the application. 6. Once the application has been successfully installed, open the app and begin setting up enterprise apps. pugetsound.edu/ts 253.879.8585 servicedesk@pugetsound.edu 7. Enter the address of the application server: vclient.pugetsound.edu Click “Next” 8. Bypass the certificate error by clicking “Accept” 9. Enter the following information in the fields that appear: Address: vclient.pugetsound.edu Username: Your Puget Sound Username Password: Leave this field empty Domain: pugetsound Description: vclient.pugetsound.edu 10. Enter your Puget Sound password and click “Connect” pugetsound.edu/ts 253.879.8585 servicedesk@pugetsound.edu 11. Select “Accept” to bypass the Invalid Server Certificate error. 12. The main application screen will now appear and you are free to launch vDesk applications from your Android device. Be sure to save your work and to exit vDesk applications when you are finished using them so other users may take advantage of all vDesk has to offer. pugetsound.edu/ts 253.879.8585 servicedesk@pugetsound.edu