Reflective Writing Task Due: Monday, September 28

Reflective Writing Task
EDUC 620
Due: Monday, September 28
Length: 3-4 typed pages
Task: Select two readings assigned for Sept 14, 16, 21, and 23, and write a reflective paper in
which you elaborate on how these readings sponsor learning for you. Focus particularly on how
the readings push your thinking in relation to working with students who may differ from you in
significant ways. Reflective writing does not mean you must agree with the premises of a
reading – you can also push back. Work toward the following:
 identifying one or a few key ideas in the readings
 making connections between readings
 connecting readings to placement experiences and/or other personal experiences
 generosity and skepticism toward the texts
 explaining how these readings influence your thinking or push/extend your
assumptions, beliefs, practices
Be sure to prioritize what is most important to you in a text – do not try to cover every point.
Why reflective writing?
1) Reflective writing is a way to explore, deepen, and document your thinking in this class.
Reflective writing gives you a chance to take ownership of your thoughts, put intuitions
into language, and make meaning for yourself.
2) Your written responses are also displays of understanding that help me and other
classmates assess and respond to your thinking. Your responses help me use student
thinking & understanding to drive my instruction.
Working with two articles:
There are various ways to incorporate two articles into a single reflection paper. One way,
perhaps most basic, is simply to reflect on Article A, then on Article B. Another way is to
discuss each article, and then at the end draw connections between them, bringing them into
conversation, or naming some realizations to add a synthesizing dimension. Another way is to
start with personal connections and realizations – and then connect back to readings as you go.
Yet another way is to find common themes or interesting contrasts between two readings and
then to organize your writing around these themes/ideas – touching on both as you go. These are
just suggestions to help you see various approaches; you might find another productive way.
How are reflective responses evaluated?
Please see the rubric below (over).
Reflection Evaluation
Reflection does not
show sufficient effort
or engagement with
texts and/or with the
process of writing;
Key ideas from
readings are not
grasped or elaborated
with clarity;
No connections made;
Reflects on reading but
may not touch base
with key ideas;
Key ideas may be
Connections are made
but may be superficial
or not clearly grounded
in the reading;
Connects reflection to Meeting plus...
key ideas/aspects of
articles chosen;
Draws especially
insightful connections
Makes meaningful
or contrasts between
connection(s) to
the readings (brings
personal experience,
readings into dialogue);
school placements or
tutoring lab, and/or
Pushes reflective
class discussion;
thinking - where ideas
are challenged,
Interprets key ideas
personal views are
from the reading with interrogated.
both generosity &
May not fully meet
May not meet length length requirement or
requirement or may not meet basic assignment
reflect on both
Meets length