College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences 2005 Georgia Farm Gate Vegetable Report Compiled by Susan R. Boatright and John C. McKissick from information reported by Georgia Cooperative Extension County Agents AR-06-04 Table of Contents 2005 Vegetable Survey Introduction ...................................................................1 GA Vegetable Acreage County Estimates, 2005 Map ........................................2 GA Vegetable Acreage by Crop, 2005 Graph.....................................................2 Georgia State Tables: Table 1: Vegetable acreage comparisons: 1996 to 2005...................................3 Table 2: Vegetable acreage ranked, 2005 .........................................................4 Table 3: Vegetable value ranked, 2005 .............................................................4 Table 4: Vegetable acreage by market and cultural practice, 2005 ...................5 Table 5: Vegetables grown on bareground; acres and yield, 2005 ....................6 Table 6: Vegetables, plastic culture, acres and yield, 2005 ...............................7 Table 7: Vegetables grown for processing; acres and yield, 2005 .....................7 Table 8: Vegetables grown for U-Pick, acres and yield, 2005............................7 Table 9: Vegetables grown in greenhouses for sale and transplant, 2005.........7 Table 10: Vegetables grown organically, acres, 2005........................................7 Section 1: Vegetable Acreage by Commodity and County, 2005 ...................................9-49 Section 2: Vegetable Yields by Commodity and County, 2005 .....................................51-89 2005 Vegetable Report Introduction In 1990, a biennial survey of Georgia Cooperative Extension (CE) Agents was implemented. This survey was intended to provide much needed data on vegetable acreage and yields by cultural practice, season, and irrigation method. The survey was designed to be a comprehensive instrument for gathering data on the various vegetable crops grown in Georgia. The collected data is used extensively by Cooperative Extension as well as by agencies and companies that support the vegetable industry in Georgia. Users of this report will find that a variety of sources for vegetable acreage, yield, and value are available. In addition to this Farm Gate Vegetable Report from the Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, there is GA Agricultural Facts published by the Georgia Agricultural Statistics Service (GASS), and Census of Agriculture, produced by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). CE and GASS figures rarely mirror each other. Reasons for differences abound and are mostly related to data collection methods. CE estimates rely only on reports from Georgia CE County Agents. Estimated yields for the year are available to the agents if they are unaware of local growing conditions. CE estimates do not distinguish between planted and harvested acres, though agents are encouraged to report harvested acres. Table 1 -- CE agents reported a total of 178,033 acres of vegetables grown in Georgia during 2005, ranging from broccoli to zucchini with 45 different vegetables reported. Approximately 95% of these are grown for the fresh market with 5% going to processing. From 2004 to 2005, CE agents reported an overall decrease of 7% in vegetable acreage (14,348 acres). Fastest growth rates in acreage were reported for Winter Squash (95%-243 acres) and Spinach (78%--175 acres) whereas crops with greatest rates of decline in acreage included Broccoli (86%--70 acres) and Banana Peppers (45%--173 acres). Tables 2 and 3 -- Vegetable acreage and value ranks show that Sweet Corn surpassed Watermelons to be 1st in vegetable acreage and Snap Beans followed at 3rd. Though Sweet Corn had more acreage, Onions and Watermelon ranked 1st and 2nd respectively in value. Tables 4 through 8 -- Acreage and yields are defined by market, cultural practice and irrigation practice. Spring, bareground, irrigated vegetables continue to constitute close to half of the total vegetable acres in Georgia. Tables 9 and 10 -- Greenhouse vegetables produced for sale and transplant constituted 2,129,564 sq. ft. There were 303 acres of organically grown vegetables reported. The 2005 Farm Gate Value Survey, from which this vegetable data is obtained, relies on CE agents’ reports and attempts to measure value of production at the farm gate for a wide range of commodities in Georgia, including row crops, vegetables, fruits, nuts, poultry, forestry, livestock, ornamental horticulture and other income. To find out more, visit our web sites at: and Total Vegetable Acreage by County: 2005 0 – 50 acres 51 – 500 acres 501 – 2,500 acres 2,501 – 5,000 acres > 5,000 acres Total GA Vegetable Acres = 178,033 Georgia Vegetable Acreage by Crop: 2005 Squash (Yellow Winter) 4.0% Watermelon 13.7% Zucchini 1.9% Bell Peppers Other 2.9% Other Peppers 3.3% 0.4% Cabbage 6.3% Cantaloupe 3.1% Tomato 3.4% Greens 11.4% Sw eet Corn 15.0% Cucumbers 7.4% Eggplant 0.7% Southern Peas 3.1% Snap Beans 12.5% Onions 8.8% 2 Okra 0.2% Lima Beans 1.8% Table 1: Georgia Vegetable Acreage Farm Gate Comparisons: 1996-2005 Crop Beans, Lima Beans, Pole Beans, Snap Broccoli Cabbage Cantaloupe Carrots Collards Corn, Sweet Cucumbers Eggplant Kale Lettuce Misc. vegetables Mustard Okra Onions, Dry Onions, Green Peas, English Peas, Southern Pepper, Bell Pepper, Banana Pepper, Hot Potatoes, Irish Potatoes, Sweet Pumpkins Spinach Squash, Winter Squash, Yellow Squash, Zucchini Tomatoes Turnips, Greens Turnips, Roots Watermelons Total 1996 3,724 4,166 8,781 N/A 9,791 6,938 627 8,102 18,919 10,147 1,650 1,434 N/A 699 2,850 1,563 16,646 550 441 5,886 5,709 N/A 662 1,665 1,092 324 370 438 11,581 4,191 5,729 7,053 525 35,622 1998 3,041 425 15,443 N/A 7,924 7,840 1,205 7,360 19,356 9,244 1,065 1,205 N/A 249 3,043 629 15,071 205 286 6,490 4,441 N/A 483 371 1,340 229 331 610 7,667 3,517 8,050 5,034 969 33,430 2000 2,670 319 26,001 2 9,191 6,839 4,035 7,249 25,623 14,549 1,260 1,410 346 N/A 3,910 540 15,515 224 917 7,439 6,342 220 801 867 597 366 30 292 8,269 3,844 6,206 6,924 307 33,894 2001 3,034 588 16,531 6 10,107 7,047 5,328 8,657 24,104 14,133 1,230 1,517 270 1,272 4,530 530 15,214 290 183 6,967 6,312 209 788 829 863 510 182 544 8,544 3,741 5,961 7,815 374 34,481 2002 3,650 899 17,844 86 13,207 6,810 3,306 10,126 27,647 13,893 1,229 1,436 160 894 4,094 505 14,525 271 436 6,083 5,712 186 1,403 829 669 504 90 297 7,048 4,536 5,815 8,312 174 29,564 2004 4,074 341 21,195 81 11,091 6,854 1,710 8,189 28,400 13,467 1,121 1,504 77 1,707 4,134 376 17,435 254 200 6,194 6,009 384 623 95 764 935 225 257 6,937 4,143 6,642 7,232 285 29,450 2005 3,148 242 22,327 12 11,182 5,554 2,925 7,648 26,697 13,221 1,281 1,107 44 827 3,963 381 15,622 247 196 5,533 5,158 211 565 75 598 543 400 500 6,654 3,309 6,081 7,216 181 24,387 177,875 166,553 196,998 192,689 192,237 189,208 192,381 178,033 3 2003 3,748 530 19,523 13 11,916 7,650 1,645 8,946 27,974 13,330 1,332 1,509 64 1,071 3,839 440 14,722 260 1,200 6,091 5,230 191 971 1,077 701 505 225 324 7,146 4,385 5,785 7,764 160 28,941 % change # change in acres in acres '96-'05 '04-'05 '96-'05 '04-'05 -15% -23% -576 -926 -94% -29% -3,925 -100 154% 5% 13,546 1,132 -- -86% --70 14% 1% 1,391 92 -20% -19% -1,384 -1,300 367% 71% 2,298 1,215 -6% -7% -454 -541 41% -6% 7,778 -1,703 30% -2% 3,074 -246 -22% 14% -369 160 -23% -26% -327 -397 -- -43% --33 18% -52% 128 -880 39% -4% 1,113 -171 -76% 1% -1,183 5 -6% -10% -1,024 -1,813 -55% -3% -303 -7 -56% -2% -245 -4 -6% -11% -353 -661 -10% -14% -552 -851 -- -45% --173 -15% -9% -97 -58 -95% -21% -1,590 -20 -45% -22% -495 -166 67% -42% 219 -392 8% 78% 30 175 14% 95% 62 243 -43% -4% -4,927 -283 -21% -20% -882 -834 6% -8% 352 -561 2% -0.2% 163 -16 -66% -36% -344 -104 -32% -17% -11,236 -5,063 0.1% -7% 158 -14,348 Table 2: Vegetable Acreage Ranks Table 3: Vegetable Value Ranks Georgia, 2005 Rank Crop 1 Sweet Corn 2 Watermelon 3 Snap Beans 4 Onions 5 Cucumbers 6 Cabbage 7 Collards 8 Turnip Greens 9 Yellow Squash 10 Tomato 11 Cantaloupe 12 Southern Peas 13 Bell Peppers 14 Mustard 15 Zucchini 16 Lima Beans 17 Carrots 18 Eggplant 19 Kale 20 Sweet Potatoes 21 Hot Peppers 22 Pumpkin 23 Winter Squash 24 Spinach 25 Okra 26 Green Onions 27 Pole Beans 28 Banana Peppers 29 English Peas 30 Turnip Roots 31 Irish Potatoes 32 Lettuce 33 Broccoli X Other Georgia, 2005 Rank Crop 1 Onions 2 Watermelon 3 Sweet Corn 4 Bell Peppers 5 Tomato 6 Cucumbers 7 Snap Beans 8 Cabbage 9 Cantaloupe 10 Yellow Squash 11 Collards 12 Carrots 13 Turnip Greens 14 Mustard 15 Zucchini 16 Eggplant 17 Southern Peas 18 Lima Beans 19 Hot Peppers 20 Banana Peppers 21 Kale 22 Winter Squash 23 Spinach 24 Green Onions 25 Pumpkin 26 Sweet Potatoes 27 Okra 28 Pole Beans 29 Irish Potatoes 30 Turnip Roots 31 English Peas 32 Lettuce 33 Broccoli X Other* Total Acres 26,697 24,387 22,327 15,622 13,221 11,182 7,648 7,216 6,654 6,081 5,554 5,533 5,158 3,963 3,309 3,148 2,925 1,281 1,107 598 565 543 500 400 381 247 242 211 196 181 75 44 12 827 178,033 Total Value $125,473,184 $119,775,186 $112,002,609 $86,683,193 $80,631,892 $58,475,982 $46,223,229 $43,633,449 $35,673,003 $30,493,673 $19,755,822 $15,653,100 $14,642,418 $13,382,802 $11,558,512 $10,482,128 $9,073,450 $7,264,765 $5,187,479 $3,778,422 $2,509,328 $2,334,651 $2,175,100 $2,173,850 $2,075,401 $2,039,415 $1,898,793 $600,682 $570,851 $357,315 $334,616 $220,346 $11,949 $28,897,200 $896,043,795 *Other value includes greenhouse vegetables 4 Table 4: Vegetable Acreage by Market & Cultural Practice, Georgia 2005 Bareground Acres Spring Fall Irri- N. Irri- Irri- N. Irrigated gated gated gated Crop Banana Peppers 53 Bell Peppers 187 Broccoli 2 Cabbage 5,553 Cantaloupe 719 Carrots 2,100 Collards 3,376 Cucumbers 3,595 Eggplant 315 English Peas 181 Green Onions 217 Hot Peppers 177 Irish Potatoes 32 Kale 685 Lettuce 4 Lima Beans 2,805 Mustard 1,850 Okra 183 Onions 14,591 Pole Beans 135 Pumpkin 0 Snap Beans 11,919 Southern Peas 3,069 Spinach 0 Sweet Corn 20,273 Sweet Potatoes 0 Tomato 316 Turnip Greens 3,232 Turnip Roots 43 Watermelon 6,730 Winter Squash 369 Yellow Squash 2,629 Zucchini 1,223 5 49 10 39 169 0 335 399 10 15 0 2 43 5 0 64 15 97 1,031 34 0 124 1,340 0 974 0 174 138 0 1,573 0 189 9 2 160 0 4,231 57 0 3,007 3,060 223 0 30 36 0 362 4 252 1,622 51 0 41 32 8,194 598 200 4,876 448 51 2,831 65 426 21 1,534 1,000 5 16 0 51 17 0 541 238 5 0 0 10 0 5 16 27 26 50 0 32 471 30 527 0 508 130 80 207 18 536 10 64 10 Total 86,560 6,842 33,414 3,630 Percent 48.9% 3.9% 18.9% 2.0% Spring Plastic Acres Fall Total Drip Other Drip 65 412 12 9,874 962 2,100 7,259 7,292 552 196 247 225 75 1,057 24 3,148 3,513 381 15,622 242 503 20,267 5,533 200 26,630 578 621 6,408 126 9,265 400 4,416 2,242 88 1 57 2,329 7 2,380 0 0 0 343 10 310 2,232 2,160 200 0 0 0 0 0 4 1,810 204 1,430 366 7 339 0 0 0 0 0 0 171 0 169 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,575 53 2,825 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,325 12,715 82 60 0 40 1,209 0 1,029 548 0 519 130,445 14,076 15,157 9,404 73.6% 7.9% 8.6% 5.3% Other Processing Spring Fall Irri- N. Irri- Irri- N. Irrigated gated gated gated Total 146 0 4,716 10 0 0 663 645 4,592 0 0 825 4 185 3,454 1,330 729 0 0 0 0 0 340 0 0 0 0 25 20 0 0 0 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 1,760 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 5,460 0 0 718 0 0 15,122 0 100 0 2,238 0 1,067 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 0 1,145 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 645 0 825 385 2,475 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 450 0 0 0 0 2,060 0 200 0 20 0 808 55 0 0 0 0 211 5,158 12 11,182 5,554 2,925 7,648 13,221 1,281 196 247 565 75 1,107 44 3,148 3,963 381 15,622 242 525 22,327 5,533 400 26,630 598 6,081 7,216 181 24,387 500 6,654 3,309 37 38,673 5,748 0 2,225 30 8,003 177,121 0.0% 4.5% 100.0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 21.8% 3.2% 0.0% 1.3% Total Note: Total acreage here does not include 912 acres of Misc. Vegetables and Upick acres, and thus is lower than total overall reported acreage. 5 Total of All Practices Table 5: Vegetables Grown on Bareground; Georgia Acres & Yield, 2005 Acres Weighted Avg. Yield Spring Fall Spring Fall Irri- N. Irri- Irri- N. Irri- Irri- N. IrriIrriN. IrriCrop gated gated gated gated gated gated gated gated 53 5 2 5 1,265 700 700 700 Banana Peppers 187 49 160 16 762 593 678 361 Bell Peppers 2 10 0 0 426 40 0 0 Broccoli 5,553 39 4,231 51 913 464 567 532 Cabbage 719 169 57 17 4,181 2,641 2,964 2,325 Cantaloupe 2,100 0 0 0 596 0 0 0 Carrots 3,376 335 3,007 541 372 245 363 221 Collards 3,595 399 3,060 238 456 205 222 123 Cucumbers 315 10 223 5 1,165 1,143 836 150 Eggplant 181 15 0 0 221 43 0 0 English Peas 217 0 30 0 741 750 750 0 Green Onions 177 2 36 10 1,485 254 632 300 Hot Peppers 32 43 0 0 342 719 0 0 Irish Potatoes 685 5 362 5 402 190 336 190 Kale 4 0 4 16 158 0 158 279 Lettuce 2,805 64 252 27 153 146 121 221 Lima Beans 1,850 15 1,622 26 389 243 352 254 Mustard 183 97 51 50 370 222 282 170 Okra 14,591 1,031 0 0 21,135 21,259 0 0 Onions 135 34 41 32 257 160 194 174 Pole Beans 0 0 32 471 0 0 32,334 34,002 Pumpkin 11,919 124 8,194 30 195 125 207 114 Snap Beans 3,069 1,340 598 527 140 105 124 80 Southern Peas 0 0 200 0 0 0 650 0 Spinach 20,273 974 4,876 508 342 227 267 176 Sweet Corn 0 0 448 130 0 0 449 257 Sweet Potatoes 316 174 51 80 1,010 414 734 388 Tomato 3,232 138 2,831 207 339 135 308 176 Turnip Greens 43 0 65 18 262 0 412 263 Turnip Roots 6,730 1,573 426 536 438 259 297 246 Watermelon 369 0 21 10 314 0 221 200 Winter Squash 2,629 189 1,534 64 352 220 418 181 Yellow Squash 1,223 9 1,000 10 625 83 608 50 Zucchini Total 86,560 6,842 33,414 3,630 -- -- 6 -- -- Total Yield 1,089 669 409 731 3,458 596 321 359 1,064 210 744 1,196 515 356 219 154 349 311 21,150 214 33,628 188 122 650 291 373 827 298 351 353 280 345 610 -- Units for Yield 1 1/9 bu. crates (15#) 1 1/9 bu. crates (28#) cartons (23#) crates (50#) each (5# avg.) sacks (48#) cartons (25#) 1 1/9 bu. cartons (55#) 1 1/9 bu. cartons (33#) 1 1/9 bu. (30#) cartons (13#) / 48 bunches 1/2 - 5/9 bu. crates (15#) bag (50#) cartons (25#) cartons (50#) bushels (30#) cartons (25#) 1/2 bushels (15#) pounds bushels (30#) pounds bushels (30#) bushels (25#) cartons (25#) cartons (42#) bu. cartons (40#) cartons (25#) cartons (25#) bushels (50#) cwt 1 1/9 bu crates (50#) 3/4 bu crates (30#) 1/2 - 5/9 bu. crate (21#) Table 6: Vegetables, Plastic Culture; Georgia Acreage and Yield, 2005 Acres Yield Spring Spring Fall Fall Spring Spring Fall Fall Crop Drip Other Drip Other Drip Other Drip Other 88 1 57 0 923 500 953 0 Banana Peppers 2,329 7 2,380 0 1,311 600 1,099 0 Bell Peppers 343 10 310 0 773 850 689 0 Cabbage 2,232 2,160 200 0 5,599 4,451 2,650 0 Cantaloupe 0 0 4 0 0 0 325 0 Collards 1,810 204 1,430 10 683 477 586 500 Cucumbers 366 7 339 17 1,368 1,500 1,513 959 Eggplant 171 0 169 0 1,209 0 753 0 Hot Peppers 20 0 0 0 500 0 0 0 Lettuce 0 0 20 2 0 0 21,250 50,000 Pumpkin 2,575 53 2,825 8 1,513 1,478 1,584 1,525 Tomato 2,325 12,715 82 0 566 427 290 0 Watermelon 60 0 40 0 490 0 275 0 Winter Squash 1,209 0 1,029 0 724 0 510 0 Yellow Squash 548 0 519 0 765 0 510 0 Zucchini 14,076 15,157 9,404 37 ----Total Table 7: Vegetables Grown for Processing; Georgia Acreage and Yield, 2005 Acres Yield Spring Spring Fall Fall Spring Spring Fall Fall Crop Irrigated N. Irrig. Irrig. N. Irrig. Irrig. N. Irrig. Irrig. N. Irrig. 10 0 10 10 8 0 10 140 Bell Peppers 645 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 Cabbage 825 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 Carrots 185 0 200 0 32 0 11 0 Collards 1,330 0 1,145 0 12 0 5 0 Cucumbers 25 0 25 0 12 0 12 0 Kale 150 0 300 0 12 0 14 0 Mustard 1,760 0 300 0 3 0 3 0 Snap Beans 100 0 100 0 10 0 10 0 Spinach 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 75 Sweet Potatoes 718 0 90 0 17 0 15 0 Turnip Greens 0 0 55 0 0 0 19 0 Turnip Roots 5,748 0 2,225 30 ----Total Table 8: Vegetables Grown for U-Pick; Georgia Acreage and Yield, 2005 Units Crop Acres Yield 18 27,657 pounds Pumpkin 203 203 cartons Sweet Corn 10 -- -Other 231 -Total Table 9: Vegetables Grown in Greenhouses, 2005 146,600 sq. ft. Produced for sale 1,982,964 sq. ft. For vegetable transplants 2,129,564 sq. ft. Total Table 10: Vegetables Grown Organically, 2005 Total 303 acres 7 Container 1 1/9 bu. crates (15#) 1 1/9 bu. crates (28#) crates (50#) each (5# avg.) cartons (25#) 1 1/9 bu. cartons (55#) 1 1/9 bu. cartons (33#) 1/2 - 5/9 bu. crates (15#) cartons (50#) pounds cartons (25#) cwt 1 1/9 bu crates (50#) 3/4 bu crates (30#) 1/2 - 5/9 bu. crate (21#) Unit of measure for yield tons tons tons tons tons tons tons tons tons tons tons tons 8 Section 1 Vegetable Acreage by Commodity and County 9 Banana Peppers Acres, 2005 Total Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Dryland Irrigated Brooks Colquitt Crawford Echols Fayette Harris Mitchell Seminole Tattnall Tift Toombs Ware Worth 5 5 Total 25 2 30 57 2 2 5 5 1 40 1 1 10 53 Acres by Harvest Season 25 2 1 2 4 10 44 88 1 1 10 50 3 40 2 1 1 1 1 4 4 20 74 211 Acres by Cultural Practice Fall Bareground Fall 30.3% Spring 69.7% Total: 100.0% Bareground 30.8% Plastic 69.2% Total: 100.0% Plastic Spring 10 Bell Peppers Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Processing, Processing, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Processing, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Atkinson Bacon Berrien Brooks Candler Catoosa Chattooga Clinch Coffee Colquitt Cook Crawford Decatur Dodge Echols Fayette Grady Habersham Hall Hancock Harris Long Lowndes Rabun Seminole Sumter Tattnall Telfair Thomas Tift Toombs Union Ware Wayne White Worth Total 5 1 10 16 20 10 125 5 160 300 15 700 250 82 500 20 1 3 125 300 44 40 2,380 10 10 10 10 10 15 3 20 1 49 10 1 15 2 125 30 4 187 Processing Spring 7 7 10 10 40 10 23 775 15 4 3 40 3 1,420 530 2 15 82 500 2 40 5 2 40 2 14 300 10 3 250 55 7 47 700 6 20 88 4 1 100 5,158 Acres by Cultural Practice Acres by Harvest Season Fall 30 23 475 4 25 3 700 280 1 2 20 11 175 3 20 47 400 6 44 60 2,329 Total Bareground Bareground 8.0% Plastic 91.4% Processing 0.6% Total: 100.0% Fall 49.9% Spring 50.1% Total: 100.0% Plastic 11 Broccoli Spring Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Hancock Pulaski Wilcox Total 10 10 Acres, 2005 Spring Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 1 1 2 Total 10 1 1 12 Acres by Harvest Season Acres by Cultural Practice Spring 100.0% Total: 100.0% Spring Bareground 100.0% Total: 100.0% Bareground 12 Cabbage Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Processing, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Appling Atkinson Bacon Berrien Brooks Bulloch Candler Chattooga Colquitt Cook Crawford Dougherty Echols Fayette Grady Habersham Hancock Harris Irwin Lowndes Pickens Pulaski Rabun Seminole Stephens Tattnall Telfair Thomas Tift Toombs Union Ware Washington Wayne Worth Total 20 1 30 51 50 120 5 60 75 310 300 2 3,000 2 1 80 6 175 85 150 355 20 3 10 42 4,231 10 20 5 3 1 39 Acres by Harvest Season 30 50 120 3 5 60 75 343 57 325 3,000 512 1 680 4 1 73 10 11 170 300 375 20 2 12 5,553 10 10 Total 10 30 20 57 625 2 5 3 500 6,600 512 3 1 240 3 760 10 20 4 1 73 2 16 175 145 145 10 85 11 170 570 730 30 190 5 22 42 645 11,182 Acres by Cultural Practice Plastic Processing Fall Bareground 88.3% Plastic 5.9% Processing 5.8% Total: 100.0% Fall 41.1% Spring 58.9% Total: 100.0% Spring Bareground 13 Acres, 2005 Cantaloupe Fall Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Appling Bacon Baker Banks Ben Hill Berrien Brooks Bulloch Candler Chattooga Colquitt Cook Crawford Crisp Decatur Dodge Dooly Dougherty Echols Effingham Fannin Fayette Habersham Hall Hart Irwin Lamar Madison Marion Mitchell Paulding Pickens Pierce Pulaski Rabun Richmond Schley Seminole Tattnall Telfair Tift Toombs Turner Walker Warren Washington Wayne Webster Wheeler Wilcox Wilkinson Worth Total 5 6 2 3 1 17 Fall Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 50 5 2 57 Fall Harvest, Plastic, Drip 100 100 200 Spring Harvest, Bareground, Dryland 10 10 2 2 3 5 4 14 5 25 10 20 5 15 38 2 169 14 Spring Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 50 10 100 30 1 5 5 5 5 35 5 55 20 200 15 50 70 8 50 719 Spring Spring Harvest, Harvest, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other 2 1,000 48 105 192 40 5 2 3 133 10 400 50 200 42 2,232 51 117 118 15 800 59 900 100 2,160 Total 10 10 50 2 10 51 100 150 30 2 1,000 48 1 117 5 105 192 5 40 5 2 2 5 6 6 5 5 4 14 133 5 2 5 178 5 5 10 65 22 15 1,500 15 159 3 20 5 85 38 10 1,150 1 142 5,554 Cantaloupe Acres, 2005 Acres by Harvest Season Acres by Cultural Practice Fall Bareground 17.3% Plastic 82.7% Total: 100.0% Fall 4.9% Spring 95.1% Total: 100.0% Spring 15 Plastic Bareground Carrots Spring Spring Harvest, Harvest, Bareground, Processing, Irrigated Irrigated Decatur Echols Seminole Total 500 1,600 2,100 600 225 825 Acres, 2005 Total 500 2,200 225 2,925 Acres by Harvest Season Acres by Cultural Practice Processing Bareground 71.8% Processing 28.2% Total: 100.0% Spring 100.0% Total: 100.0% Bareground Spring 16 Collards Fall Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Appling Bacon Baldwin Ben Hill Berrien Brooks Bulloch Burke Candler Catoosa Chattooga Colquitt Cook Crawford Crisp Dodge Dooly Dougherty Echols Emanuel Fannin Fayette Grady Greene Habersham Hall Harris Hart Irwin Jenkins Lamar Lowndes Macon Madison Marion Meriwether Mitchell Paulding Peach Pike Pulaski Rabun Richmond Schley Talbot Tattnall Taylor Thomas Tift Toombs Union Warren Washington Wayne Wheeler White Wilcox Wilkinson Total 5 15 3 13 25 5 25 150 10 5 5 2 3 7 10 40 6 2 5 35 150 3 2 15 541 Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 5 150 1,000 10 2 45 5 75 230 40 30 225 17 8 3 2 150 750 225 2 10 20 3 3,007 Fall Harvest, Plastic, Drip Fall Harvest, Spring Harvest, Spring Harvest, Spring Harvest, Bareground, Bareground, Processing, Processing, Irrigated Dryland Irrigated Irrigated 4 4 100 100 200 17 25 20 1 25 40 5 2 7 10 40 5 20 4 2 5 40 27 25 2 5 15 10 335 5 350 30 2 1,000 100 1 20 50 205 3 110 40 20 200 19 3 20 10 97 750 300 2 5 28 6 3,376 185 185 Total 5 40 3 10 13 500 50 25 2 5 1 2,000 110 3 65 25 150 5 225 25 50 4 435 5 10 4 3 3 150 14 20 70 100 80 11 20 425 20 6 2 36 8 6 2 10 170 85 124 1,500 525 175 3 8 15 238 30 9 10 7,648 Collards Acres, 2005 Acres by Harvest Season Acres by Cultural Practice Plastic Processing Fall Spring Bareground 94.9% Plastic 0.1% Processing 5.0% Total: 100.0% Fall 49.1% Spring 50.9% Total: 100.0% Bareground 18 Cucumbers Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Processing, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Other Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Dryland Irrigated Appling Bacon Baker Berrien Brooks Candler Catoosa Chattooga Coffee Colquitt Cook Crawford Dodge Echols Effingham Evans Fayette Hall Hancock Harris Hart Lanier Long Lowndes Macon Mitchell Pickens Pierce Pulaski Seminole Sumter Tattnall Tift Toombs Turner Ware Wayne Worth Total 20 200 2 15 1 238 50 1,100 420 130 120 300 500 10 350 80 3,060 125 150 625 200 250 35 45 1,430 10 10 372 5 3 15 1 3 399 1,000 50 10 85 1,145 350 15 1,100 2 240 250 12 2 130 181 300 3 450 135 300 125 3,595 2 125 200 700 1 50 75 240 5 45 250 35 82 1,810 Spring Harvest, Plastic, Other 100 104 204 Spring Harvest, Processing, Irrigated Total 100 1,000 5 100 40 85 1,330 100 20 50 572 2,350 5 7 3 15 2,450 610 2 660 1,575 1 50 12 2 30 2 1 50 75 440 260 301 4 600 3 5 950 190 1,150 170 104 70 205 127 13,221 Acres by Cultural Practice Acres by Harvest Season Processing Bareground 55.2% Plastic 26.1% Processing 18.7% Total: 100.0% Fall Spring Fall 44.5% Spring 55.5% Total: 100.0% Bareground Plastic 19 Eggplant Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Dryland Irrigated Appling Atkinson Bacon Brooks Candler Catoosa Chattooga Clinch Colquitt Cook Crawford Decatur Echols Grady Hancock Harris Long Lowndes Mitchell Rabun Seminole Tift Treutlen Turner Ware Wayne Total 5 5 25 125 50 4 15 4 223 30 100 100 29 40 40 339 5 2 1 2 10 5 9 3 17 Acres by Harvest Season 30 75 75 18 28 19 4 40 77 366 7 7 5 60 5 65 1 2 1 9 425 75 1 3 175 47 5 1 2 178 19 4 4 80 23 7 77 8 1,281 Acres by Cultural Practice Bareground Fall Spring 40 1 125 75 1 1 60 8 4 315 Total Fall 45.6% Spring 54.4% Total: 100.0% Plastic 20 Bareground 43.1% Plastic 56.9% Total: 100.0% English Peas Spring Spring Harvest, Harvest, Bareground, Bareground, Dryland Irrigated Brooks Grady Hancock Marion Mitchell Pulaski Seminole Tattnall Tift Toombs Wheeler Total 10 5 15 16 105 32 2 2 5 3 15 1 181 Acres, 2005 Total 16 105 10 5 32 2 2 5 3 15 1 196 Acres by Cultural Practice Acres by Harvest Season Bareground 100.0% Total: 100.0% Spring 100.0% Total: 100.0% Bareground Spring 21 Green Onions Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Bareground, Harvest, Harvest, Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Dryland Irrigated Harris Oconee Rockdale Tattnall Toombs Wheeler Wilcox 15 15 30 Total 0 Acres, 2005 Total 2 15 150 48 2 217 2 0 0 30 165 48 2 247 Acres by Harvest Season Acres by Cultural Practice Fall Fall 12.1% Spring 87.9% Total: 100.0% Spring Bareground 100.0% Total: 100.0% Bareground 22 Hot Peppers Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Dryland Irrigated Brooks Catoosa Chattooga Colquitt Crawford Echols Grady Hall Hancock Lowndes Mitchell Tattnall Thomas Tift Toombs Turner Total 10 10 15 1 20 36 75 35 4 55 169 1 1 2 25 75 1 55 1 20 177 Acres by Harvest Season 40 1 1 150 4 55 73 2 10 5 27 40 11 110 2 34 565 Acres by Cultural Practice Fall Bareground Fall 38.1% Spring 61.9% Total: 100.0% Spring 3 38 5 27 7 55 2 34 171 Total Plastic 23 Bareground 39.8% Plastic 60.2% Total: 100.0% Irish Potatoes Spring Spring Harvest, Harvest, Bareground, Bareground, Dryland Irrigated Berrien Chattooga Crawford Decatur Evans Hancock Harris Oconee Paulding Pickens Pulaski Rockdale Seminole Tattnall Toombs Union Wayne Total 3 1 20 8 4 5 2 43 2 6 2 2 1 2 5 8 1 4 32 Acres, 2005 Total 3 1 2 6 2 20 2 1 8 4 2 0 5 8 1 5 6 75 Acres by Harvest Season Acres by Cultural Practice Spring 100.0% Total: 100.0% Spring Bareground 100.0% Total: 100.0% Bareground 24 Kale Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Processing, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Processing, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Brooks Colquitt Grady Mitchell Thomas Tift Toombs White Total 5 5 25 25 20 150 22 20 150 362 5 5 Acres by Harvest Season 165 150 45 85 190 50 685 25 25 Total 185 350 67 20 85 340 50 10 1,107 Acres by Cultural Practice Processing Fall Fall 35.4% Spring 64.6% Total: 100.0% Bareground 95.5% Processing 4.5% Total: 100.0% Spring Bareground 25 Lettuce Echols Hancock Hart Pickens Total 15 1 16 4 4 4 4 Acres, 2005 Total Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Plastic, Drip Irrigated 20 20 20 15 8 1 44 Acres by Cultural Practice Acres by Harvest Season Bareground 54.5% Plastic 45.5% Total: 100.0% Fall Spring Fall 45.5% Spring 54.5% Total: 100.0% 26 Plastic Bareground Lima Beans Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Dryland Irrigated Ben Hill Brooks Burke Candler Crisp Decatur Fayette Grady Irwin Lamar Laurens Marion Mitchell Pierce Pulaski Tattnall Thomas Tift Turner Warren Washington Wayne Wheeler Wilcox Worth 10 10 7 27 Total 135 5 5 17 30 60 252 5 2 14 20 10 2 11 64 23 200 10 315 300 15 775 379 48 5 10 10 27 30 412 35 16 175 20 2,805 Acres by Harvest Season Acres, 2005 Total 23 200 10 10 450 300 15 775 379 5 2 14 48 10 10 15 44 60 412 20 20 37 34 235 20 3,148 Acres by Cultural Practice Fall Fall 8.9% Spring 91.1% Total: 100.0% Spring Bareground 100.0% Total: 100.0% Bareground 27 Mustard Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Processing, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Processing, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Bacon Berrien Brooks Bulloch Candler Colquitt Crawford Echols Grady Greene Irwin Mitchell Tattnall Thomas Tift Toombs Union Wayne Wheeler White Wilcox Total 5 2 3 5 4 2 5 26 150 150 300 40 550 2 30 18 110 750 80 21 20 1 1,622 5 3 2 5 15 Acres by Harvest Season 275 3 5 550 35 30 15 30 70 750 40 4 40 3 1,850 150 150 Total 10 2 315 6 5 1,400 2 150 65 3 30 33 140 70 1,500 120 5 29 64 10 4 3,963 Acres by Cultural Practice Processing Fall Spring Fall 49.2% Spring 50.8% Total: 100.0% Bareground 88.6% Processing 11.4% Total: 100.0% Bareground 28 Okra Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Dryland Irrigated Atkinson Bacon Baker Banks Ben Hill Berrien Brooks Bryan Bulloch Candler Catoosa Charlton Chattooga Coweta Crawford Decatur Dodge Dooly Grady Habersham Hall Hancock Harris Johnson Lamar Lowndes Madison Mitchell Oconee Paulding Pickens Pulaski Rabun Rockdale Seminole Tattnall Telfair Thomas Tift Toombs Turner Walker Washington Wayne Wheeler White Whitfield Worth Total 14 4 25 2 2 2 1 50 4 5 12 3 5 17 5 51 5 6 2 2 1 1 5 1 10 17 3 5 2 1 6 10 2 6 9 3 97 2 2 15 5 3 2 8 24 9 2 10 1 8 1 9 21 10 27 2 1 5 6 3 8 183 29 Total 2 5 6 2 2 2 15 1 4 5 1 3 5 1 2 13 24 10 52 3 4 25 2 3 5 10 4 1 1 6 2 8 5 1 9 21 10 44 2 1 5 10 4 17 12 3 1 8 381 Acres by Harvest Season Fall Fall 26.5% Spring 73.5% Total: 100.0% Spring Acres by Cultural Practice Bareground 100.0% Total: 100.0% Bareground Onions Spring Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Berrien Bulloch Candler Evans Irwin Laurens Montgomery Pierce Pulaski Screven Seminole Tattnall Telfair Tift Toombs Treutlen Wayne Wheeler Total Spring Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 6 1,025 1,031 1,200 830 6 198 203 50 4 1 4 5,447 413 10 3,998 83 1,550 595 14,591 Acres, 2005 Total 6 1,200 1,025 830 6 198 203 50 4 1 4 5,447 413 10 3,998 83 1,550 595 15,622 Acres by Harvest Season Acres by Cultural Practice Spring 100.0% Total: 100.0% Spring Bareground 100.0% Total: 100.0% Bareground 30 Pole Beans Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Dryland Irrigated Bibb Bulloch Catoosa Chattooga Colquitt Coweta Fannin Grady Habersham Hall Hancock Pickens Pulaski Richmond Rockdale Thomas Tift Turner Union Warren White Total 10 12 5 5 32 10 29 2 41 5 3 2 2 3 12 4 3 34 7 10 36 1 3 1 3 45 29 135 Acres by Harvest Season Acres, 2005 Total 10 7 5 3 20 2 2 65 2 3 24 5 1 3 1 3 45 29 5 4 3 242 Acres by Cultural Practice Fall Fall 30.2% Spring 69.8% Total: 100.0% Bareground 100.0% Total: 100.0% Spring Bareground 31 Pumpkin Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Dryland Irrigated Bacon Carroll Chattooga Coweta Dade Dawson Dougherty Elbert Fannin Habersham Hall Hart Lamar Laurens Lumpkin Madison Oconee Pickens Rabun Seminole Tattnall Telfair Terrell Thomas Union Walker Warren Wayne Webster Wheeler White Whitfield Total 5 1 2 2 138 100 3 5 25 18 7 5 1 50 2 5 25 6 20 15 10 5 21 471 3 2 5 14 6 2 32 10 10 20 2 2 U-Pick Total 1 5 3 7 2 18 5 1 2 2 138 100 1 3 5 25 21 7 5 1 50 7 3 15 25 10 2 5 20 7 20 15 10 8 5 2 21 2 543 Acres by Harvest Season Acres by Cultural Practice U-Pick Plastic U-Pick Bareground 92.7% Plastic 4.1% U-Pick 3.2% Total: 100.0% Fall 96.8% U-Pick 3.2% Total: 100.0% Bareground Fall 32 Snap Beans Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Processing, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Processing, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Atkinson Bacon Banks Ben Hill Berrien Bleckley Brooks Bulloch Candler Chattooga Coffee Colquitt Cook Coweta Crisp Decatur Dooly Echols Fayette Grady Hancock Jefferson Lamar Lee Long Lowndes Macon Marion Mitchell Paulding Pickens Pike Pulaski Richmond Seminole Sumter Tattnall Telfair Thomas Tift Toombs Turner Walker Wayne Webster Wheeler Wilcox Worth Total 4 20 1 5 30 350 50 850 900 90 80 100 361 20 3,600 50 27 500 250 40 323 175 428 8,194 300 300 25 3 20 10 30 1 1 4 15 15 124 3 2 22 63 200 2 20 134 300 244 50 940 79 1,100 15 135 7 80 11 100 361 45 1 5 3 4,500 50 96 19 500 366 453 200 323 14 676 800 11,919 33 Total 3 25 2 22 342 342 63 200 2 20 3 134 650 244 4 100 - 1,790 79 250 2,250 15 225 40 7 10 160 11 200 722 65 368 368 30 3 1 5 3 400 400 - 8,100 100 96 46 400 1,700 616 453 4 260 646 29 851 - 1,228 1,760 22,327 Acres by Cultural Practice Processing Bareground 90.8% Processing 9.2% Total: 100.0% Bareground Acres by Harvest Season Fall Fall 38.2% Spring 61.8% Total: 100.0% Spring Southern Peas Fall Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Atkinson Bacon Baker Ben Hill Berrien Bibb Bleckley Brooks Bulloch Candler Charlton Chattooga Coffee Colquitt Cook Crawford Decatur Dodge Dooly Echols Evans Grady Greene Hancock Irwin Jeff Davis Jefferson Johnson Lamar Laurens Lee Long Lowndes Madison Marion Miller Mitchell Oconee Paulding Peach Pierce Pike Pulaski Richmond Schley Seminole Talbot Tattnall Taylor Telfair Thomas Tift Toombs Turner Union Warren Washington Wayne Webster Wheeler Wilcox 15 20 205 5 15 100 2 45 5 50 60 - Fall Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 9 25 15 40 50 100 24 4 7 5 85 50 150 Acres, 2005 Spring Harvest, Bareground, Dryland 20 12 2 10 2 30 25 172 20 28 30 106 25 2 471 40 18 2 5 20 20 60 40 50 90 9 26 - Spring Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 31 48 200 12 5 21 25 8 30 50 30 76 8 11 180 52 150 10 35 5 10 250 20 62 125 375 20 260 120 34 10 765 Total 9 35 20 31 12 2 48 200 12 5 10 2 21 50 30 8 45 25 172 90 30 205 5 35 76 8 28 150 30 106 25 11 280 2 471 52 214 4 18 4 17 5 35 5 30 250 20 25 105 62 210 375 20 260 5 40 100 320 9 36 915 Southern Peas Fall Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Wilkinson Worth Total 5 527 Fall Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 34 598 Spring Harvest, Bareground, Dryland 5 1,340 Spring Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 65 3,069 Total Acres, 2005 10 99 5,533 Acres by Harvest Season Acres by Cultural Practice Fall Fall 20.3% Spring 79.7% Total: 100.0% Bareground 100.0% Total: 100.0% Bareground Spring 35 Spinach Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Bareground, Processing, Harvest, Irrigated Irrigated Processing, Irrigated Colquitt Tift Total 200 200 100 100 100 100 Total 200 200 400 Acres by Harvest Season Acres by Cultural Practice Spring Bareground 50.0% Processing 50.0% Total: 100.0% Fall 75.0% Spring 25.0% Total: 100.0% Fall 36 Processing Bareground Sweet Corn Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Dryland Irrigated Appling Atkinson Baker Baldwin Banks Barrow Ben Hill Berrien Brooks Bryan Bulloch Candler Chattooga Colquitt Coweta Crawford Dade Dawson Decatur Dodge Dougherty Echols Elbert Evans Fannin Fayette Grady Greene Habersham Hall Hancock Haralson Harris Hart Irwin Jasper Jefferson Lamar Laurens Lumpkin Macon Madison Marion Meriwether Miller Mitchell Murray Oconee Paulding Pickens Pierce Pike Polk Pulaski Putnam Rabun Richmond Rockdale Schley Seminole Sumter 5 15 8 15 100 25 50 100 - 3,800 20 70 4 700 7 125 150 8 10 100 12 6 42 10 2 5 25 4 30 6 5 8 44 24 200 55 8 15 3 40 - 10 150 13 30 400 10 150 2 12,000 400 105 110 32 5 25 35 40 2 443 4,408 5 45 90 50 1 37 560 150 U-Pick Total 10 3 10 5 1 2 25 6 5 - 10 10 150 8 5 3 13 10 30 10 500 10 27 150 5 2 6 8 15,800 42 1 400 10 105 4 20 180 15 100 9 50 50 32 9 25 125 35 30 6 5 40 14 44 2 443 5,108 24 7 200 60 5 8 15 45 90 125 50 3 40 560 300 Sweet Corn Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Dryland Irrigated Talbot Tattnall Terrell Thomas Toombs Towns Turner Union Walker Warren Washington Wayne Wheeler White Wilcox Wilkinson Total 15 150 25 508 4,876 25 10 120 10 30 2 110 5 974 250 20 35 506 5 150 21 15 20,273 U-Pick Total 67 25 250 20 35 506 25 5 150 25 120 10 180 23 110 15 5 26,697 Acres by Cultural Practice Acres by Harvest Season U-Pick Fall U-Pick Bareground 99.7% U-Pick 0.3% Total: 100.0% Fall 20.2% Spring 79.6% U-Pick 0.3% Total: 100.0% Bareground Spring 38 Sweet Potatoes Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Bareground, Bareground, Processing, Dryland Irrigated Dryland Appling Bacon Ben Hill Berrien Brooks Burke Candler Carroll Chattooga Coweta Decatur Effingham Evans Hall Hancock Irwin Jeff Davis Laurens Long Macon McDuffie Pulaski Schley Talbot Tattnall Tift Toombs Warren Washington Wayne Wheeler Worth Total 15 2 5 25 5 1 1 2 2 20 1 10 20 2 7 4 6 2 130 10 10 5 8 10 7 20 20 10 2 225 60 20 12 3 26 448 20 20 Total 10 15 2 5 10 25 5 5 1 1 8 2 10 2 40 7 20 1 20 10 10 2 20 2 225 60 20 7 4 18 5 26 598 Acres by Harvest Season Acres by Cultural Practice Processing Bareground 96.7% Processing 3.3% Total: 100.0% Fall 100.0% Total: 100.0% Fall Bareground 39 Tomato Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Dryland Irrigated Appling Atkinson Bacon Baldwin Ben Hill Berrien Brooks Burke Candler Catoosa Chattooga Clinch Coffee Colquitt Coweta Crawford Decatur Echols Elbert Evans Fayette Grady Greene Habersham Hall Hancock Haralson Harris Hart Irwin Lamar Long Lowndes Lumpkin Macon Madison Mitchell Murray Oconee Paulding Pickens Pierce Pike Pulaski Rabun Richmond Rockdale Schley Seminole Stephens Talbot Tattnall Thomas Tift Toombs Troup Union Walker Ware Washington Wheeler 3 20 20 10 2 5 20 - 25 6 2 5 4 3 5 1 - 2 7 225 1 1,950 250 90 51 100 55 34 60 - 7 40 - 10 6 6 8 4 3 4 20 2 2 5 6 55 5 8 10 - 5 2 175 7 7 2 10 2 9 5 32 5 5 1 15 4 2 3 2 34 13 150 2 1,550 290 2 10 90 3 50 72 5 2 145 10 25 90 10 - 22 20 4 - Total 5 2 10 6 2 22 200 6 7 34 8 2 20 375 4 3 3,500 540 3 2 10 187 3 20 15 40 10 10 4 14 7 7 101 2 32 5 72 6 4 55 2 5 5 5 100 8 1 2 200 20 8 30 59 154 4 10 5 20 10 3 3 Tomato Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Dryland Irrigated White Whitfield Wilcox Worth Total 80 51 2,825 1 8 20 174 Acres by Harvest Season 25 316 20 2,575 1 6 53 Total 20 1 1 51 6,081 Acres by Cultural Practice Bareground 10.2% Plastic 89.8% Total: 100.0% Fall Spring Bareground Fall 48.7% Spring 51.3% Total: 100.0% 41 Plastic Turnip Greens Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Processing, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Processing, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Appling Atkinson Bacon Ben Hill Berrien Brooks Bulloch Burke Candler Catoosa Coffee Colquitt Cook Crawford Crisp Dodge Echols Grady Greene Hancock Haralson Irwin Lamar Laurens Lowndes Macon Madison Marion Meriwether Mitchell Paulding Pulaski Richmond Tattnall Taylor Thomas Tift Toombs Turner Union Washington Wheeler White Wilcox Worth Total 10 5 20 20 2 50 5 25 1 20 4 20 12 5 2 6 207 10 5 3 17 2 2 800 30 1 100 20 30 10 50 25 1 80 1,500 125 5 15 2,831 90 90 15 2 25 20 20 20 15 15 6 138 3 275 2 2 800 100 70 40 10 35 17 1 30 10 74 1,500 105 107 4 25 2 20 3,232 Acres by Cultural Practice Total 10 5 25 6 17 - 275 11 25 2 20 2 250 1,850 50 80 1 - 200 40 200 200 - 100 2 70 5 40 45 1 10 90 40 4 10 85 35 42 2 - 110 37 74 - 3,000 - 230 - 107 5 9 218 260 12 2 20 718 7,216 Acres by Harvest Season Processing Fall Bareground 88.8% Processing 11.2% Total: 100.0% Fall 43.3% Spring 56.7% Total: 100.0% Spring Bareground 42 Turnip Roots Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Bareground, Bareground, Processing, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Bareground, Irrigated Berrien Bulloch Candler Colquitt Crawford Dooly Grady Macon Mitchell Tattnall Toombs Wheeler Total 8 8 2 18 25 1 20 6 10 3 65 55 55 3 5 25 10 43 Total 8 3 5 50 1 8 20 55 10 6 10 5 181 Acres by Harvest Season Acres by Cultural Practice Spring Processing Fall 76.2% Spring 23.8% Total: 100.0% Bareground 69.6% Processing 30.4% Total: 100.0% Bareground Fall 43 Watermelon Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Dryland Irrigated Appling Atkinson Bacon Baker Baldwin Ben Hill Berrien Bleckley Brantley Brooks Bulloch Burke Carroll Chattooga Colquitt Cook Coweta Crawford Crisp Dade Decatur Dodge Dooly Dougherty Echols Effingham Fannin Floyd Franklin Hall Hancock Hart Houston Irwin Lamar Laurens Lee Liberty Long Lowndes Madison Marion McDuffie Meriwether Mitchell Pickens Pierce Pulaski Richmond Schley Screven Seminole Tattnall Taylor Telfair Terrell Thomas Tift Toombs Turner Walker 10 96 3 50 10 15 30 5 304 10 16 15 125 10 185 40 35 - 20 60 - 250 25 4 10 50 5 8 250 10 150 3 3 50 15 2 3 362 50 10 110 44- 100 2 75 700 200 1,100 2 400 100 2 322 126 111 30 15 100 50 190 250 72 1,400 200 300 - 250 350 260 30 20 100 15 225 100 35 95 100 45 200 - 109 1,235 1,400 3,000 1,200 450 40 30 250 830 1,000 45 384 - Total 100 2 250 75 25 109 1,485 4 10 700 550 50 10 5 1,100 1,676 8 2 3,650 96 40 1,450 450 15 20 60 3 3 125 5 100 10 15 422 15 2 126 3 111 15 30 392 10 30 225 5 15 500 50 10 35 455 350 489 830 40 117 2,400 280 884 10 Watermelon Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Dryland Irrigated Ware Warren Washington Webster Wheeler White Whitfield Wilcox Wilkinson Worth Total 426 3 536 2 82 23 60 35 13 24 45 4 1,573 69 225 589 6,730 200 300 2,325 Acres by Harvest Season 292 1,650 800 12,715 Total 23 60 35 13 385 3 2 2,120 4 1,689 24,387 Acres by Cultural Practice Fall Plastic Bareground 38.0% Plastic 62.0% Total: 100.0% Fall 4.3% Spring 95.7% Total: 100.0% Bareground Spring 45 Winter Squash Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Plastic, Drip Irrigated Berrien Brooks Colquitt Echols Grady Johnson Lowndes Tattnall Tift Wheeler Total 10 10 8 10 3 21 10 5 25 40 80 30 50 200 9 369 25 10 25 60 Total 80 30 50 235 22 10 10 10 50 3 500 Acres by Cultural Practice Acres by Harvest Season Plastic Fall Bareground 80.0% Plastic 20.0% Total: 100.0% Fall 14.2% Spring 85.8% Total: 100.0% Bareground Spring 46 Yellow Squash Fall Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Appling Atkinson Bacon Baker Banks Berrien Brooks Bulloch Candler Catoosa Chattooga Clinch Coffee Colquitt Cook Crawford Decatur Dodge Dooly Echols Effingham Evans Fayette Grady Hall Hancock Harris Jeff Davis Lamar Long Lowndes Macon Marion Mitchell Oconee Pickens Pierce Pike Pulaski Rabun Rockdale Seminole Sumter Talbot Tattnall Telfair Thomas Tift Toombs Walker Ware Wheeler White Worth Total 25 8 1 20 1 9 64 Fall Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 166 150 350 50 1 120 38 4 14 2 75 4 5 100 100 70 265 20 1,534 Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Plastic, Drip Spring Harvest, Spring Harvest, Spring Harvest, Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Dryland Irrigated 15 7 75 100 175 1 12 34 150 250 210 1,029 40 20 10 11 4 19 2 50 20 6 1 2 2 2 189 47 10 166 194 500 5 30 450 30 2 100 3 40 2 5 15 103 125 5 8 250 73 70 420 20 3 2,629 15 2 20 75 150 200 1 40 10 46 180 5 250 210 5 1,209 Total 10 362 65 20 2 194 650 5 10 11 4 27 30 950 349 3 120 100 8 375 2 40 3 100 3 70 2 4 25 80 330 29 6 103 2 1 200 1 9 5 0 13 100 2 350 73 140 500 685 9 460 5 2 5 6,654 Yellow Squash Acres, 2005 Acres by Cultural Practice Acres by Harvest Season Plastic Fall Bareground 66.4% Plastic 33.6% Total: 100.0% Fall 39.5% Spring 60.5% Total: 100.0% Spring Bareground 48 Zucchini Acres, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Dryland Irrigated Appling Atkinson Bacon Berrien Brooks Chattooga Colquitt Cook Crawford Decatur Echols Evans Fayette Grady Hancock Lowndes Mitchell Oconee Pierce Rockdale Seminole Sumter Tattnall Thomas Tift Toombs Wheeler Total 10 10 15 100 50 110 75 9 35 125 519 50 75 500 20 127 1 50 150 15 12 1,000 5 4 9 5 105 240 500 2 30 60 35 145 50 25 25 1 1,223 Acres by Harvest Season 15 80 100 180 1 6 40 1 125 548 Total 5 185 5 80 315 4 1,200 230 2 110 105 60 1 70 10 75 272 1 100 0 1 150 15 37 250 25 1 3,309 Acres by Cultural Practice Plastic Fall Spring Fall 46.2% Spring 53.8% Total: 100.0% Bareground 67.8% Plastic 32.2% Total: 100.0% Bareground 49 50 Section 2 Vegetable Yields by Commodity and County 51 Banana Peppers Fall Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Brooks Colquitt Crawford Echols Fayette Harris Mitchell Seminole Tattnall Tift Toombs Ware Worth GA Wtd. Avg. 700 700 Fall Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 700 700 Fresh Yield Units: 1 1/9 Bu (15#) Yield, 2005 Fall Harvest, Spring Harvest, Spring Harvest, Spring Harvest, Spring Harvest, Plastic, Drip Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Dryland Irrigated 700 700 900 900 1,000 953 52 650 2,000 900 700 400 1,627 900 800 1,000 1,000 400 850 1,000 923 500 500 Fresh Yield Units: 1 1/9 Bu (28#) Processing: Tons Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Processing, Processing, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Dryland Irrigated Dryland Irrigated Bell Peppers Atkinson Bacon Berrien Brooks Candler Catoosa Chattooga Clinch Coffee Colquitt Cook Crawford Decatur Dodge Echols Fayette Grady Habersham Hall Hancock Harris Long Lowndes Rabun Seminole Sumter Tattnall Telfair Thomas Tift Toombs Union Ware Wayne White Worth GA Wtd. A 400 400 140 238 60 800 750 325 654 450 1,100 1,500 800 540 1,200 1,143 650 249 1,050 1,050 900 1,500 1,099 140 140 400 900 250 75 180 407 10 10 53 540 400 900 1,210 475 540 350 528 1,500 800 900 200 900 1,500 1,500 1,200 850 1,500 1,118 240 1,400 1,200 1,500 1,500 1,600 300 900 1,500 1,311 Yield, 2005 Spring Harvest, Plastic, Other 600 600 Spring Harvest, Processing, Irrigated 8 8 Broccoli Spring Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Hancock Pulaski Wilcox GA Wtd. Avg. 40 40 Yield, 2005 Fresh Yield Units: 23# carton Spring Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 450 400 433 54 Fresh Yield Units: 50# crate Processing: Tons Cabbage Yield, 2005 Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Processing, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Appling Atkinson Bacon Berrien Brooks Bulloch Candler Chattooga Colquitt Cook Crawford Dougherty Echols Fayette Grady Habersham Hancock Harris Irwin Lowndes Pickens Pulaski Rabun Seminole Stephens Tattnall Telfair Thomas Tift Toombs Union Ware Washington Wayne Worth GA Wtd. Avg. 60 25 600 377 350 400 600 500 600 475 400 1,000 600 600 310 450 300 500 600 571 700 800 600 700 500 689 400 400 650 300 50 415 55 600 500 600 650 500 73 2,240 600 450 500 600 650 600 490 450 300 500 526 850 700 800 800 850 700 800 773 850 850 15 12 14 Cantaloupe Fall Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Appling Bacon Baker Banks Ben Hill Berrien Brooks Bulloch Candler Chattooga Colquitt Cook Crawford Crisp Decatur Dodge Dooly Dougherty Echols Effingham Fannin Fayette Habersham Hall Hart Irwin Lamar Madison Marion Mitchell Paulding Pickens Pierce Pulaski Rabun Richmond Schley Seminole Tattnall Telfair Tift Toombs Turner Walker Warren Washington Wayne Webster Wheeler Wilcox Wilkinson Worth GA Wtd. Avg. 2,500 2,000 2,500 2,700 1,500 2,300 Yield, 2005 Fresh Yield Units: ea. (5 lb. avg.) Fall Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 2,500 3,500 2,700 2,595 Fall Harvest, Plastic, Drip 2,600 2,700 2,650 Spring Harvest, Bareground, Dryland 3,000 2,800 2,000 2,500 3,000 2,600 2,700 2,500 2,500 2,800 2,600 3,500 1,500 2,100 2,200 2,700 2,597 56 Spring Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 2,000 3,500 3,000 4,000 2,500 6,000 3,000 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,000 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 8,500 2,800 3,328 Spring Spring Harvest, Harvest, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other 4,000 4,500 8,000 4,600 6,500 9,000 8,000 4,000 10,000 8,000 3,500 6,000 8,000 6,000 8,000 5,599 5,000 3,800 4,600 4,000 4,500 4,600 4,400 4,800 4,451 Carrots Spring Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated Decatur Echols Seminole GA Wtd. Avg. 530 650 621 Spring Harvest, Processing, Irrigated Fresh Yield Units: 48# sacks Processing: Tons 20 15 19 57 Yield, 2005 Collards Yield, 2005 Fresh Yield Units: 25# carton Processing: Tons Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Processing, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Processing, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Appling Bacon Baldwin Ben Hill Berrien Brooks Bulloch Burke Candler Catoosa Chattooga Colquitt Cook Crawford Crisp Dodge Dooly Dougherty Echols Emanuel Fannin Fayette Grady Greene Habersham Hall Harris Hart Irwin Jenkins Lamar Lowndes Macon Madison Marion Meriwether Mitchell Paulding Peach Pike Pulaski Rabun Richmond Schley Talbot Tattnall Taylor Thomas Tift Toombs Union Warren Washington Wayne Wheeler White Wilcox Wilkinson GA Wtd. Avg. 300 150 150 150 300 25 150 150 125 100 200 175 100 150 150 170 100 275 200 120 400 300 250 220 229 300 300 400 300 225 300 300 600 405 300 350 300 300 500 300 125 300 300 365 400 300 490 250 356 10 12 11 325 325 58 150 300 50 330 150 200 200 150 140 200 100 150 250 100 200 135 260 400 300 385 220 150 213 350 650 325 350 400 350 200 300 250 400 350 350 350 325 350 350 350 350 310 370 350 345 400 300 490 300 398 32 32 Cucumbers Yield, 2005 Fresh Yield Units: 1 1/9 Bu carton (55#) Processing: Tons Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Processing, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Processing, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Appling Bacon Baker Berrien Brooks Candler Catoosa Chattooga Coffee Colquitt Cook Crawford Dodge Echols Effingham Evans Fayette Hall Hancock Harris Hart Lanier Long Lowndes Macon Mitchell Pickens Pierce Pulaski Seminole Sumter Tattnall Tift Toombs Turner Ware Wayne Worth GA Wtd. Avg. 100 80 150 100 150 84 80 300 200 200 100 200 200 200 250 275 238 375 600 700 500 500 450 500 586 500 500 5 3 5 9 5 59 135 350 100 100 70 100 136 280 300 300 150 350 900 600 636 200 200 350 250 150 350 250 300 319 500 400 750 800 750 750 200 500 750 750 750 450 750 683 350 600 477 3 14 2 9 4 10 12 Eggplant Yield, 2005 Fresh Yield Units: 1 1/9 bu carton (33#) Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Dryland Irrigated Appling Atkinson Bacon Brooks Candler Catoosa Chattooga Clinch Colquitt Cook Crawford Decatur Echols Grady Hancock Harris Long Lowndes Mitchell Rabun Seminole Tift Treutlen Turner Ware Wayne GA Wtd. Avg. 150 150 400 1,100 1,000 900 325 350 930 1,800 1,100 1,500 1,612 2,000 1,800 1,513 800 1,100 800 959 60 275 125 175 1,500 488 800 1,500 1,100 1,500 900 1,500 800 400 400 1,076 1,500 1,100 2,000 1,745 1,400 1,000 1,500 1,750 750 1,368 1,500 1,500 English Peas Spring Harvest, Spring Harvest, Bareground, Bareground, Dryland Irrigated Brooks Grady Hancock Marion Mitchell Pulaski Seminole Tattnall Tift Toombs Wheeler GA Wtd. Avg. 50 30 43 Fresh Yield Units: 1 1/9 bu (30#) Processing: Tons 100 60 90 90 100 100 100 350 330 97 61 Yield, 2005 Green Onions Fall Harvest, Spring Harvest,Spring Harvest, Bareground, Bareground, Bareground, Irrigated Dryland Irrigated Harris Oconee Rockdale Tattnall Toombs Wheeler Wilcox GA Wtd. Avg. 750 750 750 750 750 Fresh Yield Units: 48 bunches/cartons (13#) 750 48 750 750 750 750 749 62 Yield, 2005 Hot Peppers Fall Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Brooks Catoosa Chattooga Colquitt Crawford Echols Grady Hall Hancock Lowndes Mitchell Tattnall Thomas Tift Toombs Turner GA Wtd. Avg. 300 300 Yield, 2005 Fresh Yield Units: 1/2 - 5/9 Bu crate (15#) Fall Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 300 650 750 560 Fall Harvest, Plastic, Drip Spring Harvest, Bareground, Dryland 80 300 174 350 1,200 1,000 1,000 753 63 Spring Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 700 350 500 2,500 700 750 1,116 Spring Harvest, Plastic, Drip 800 1,200 1,200 975 1,470 1,300 200 1,300 1,209 Irish Potatoes Fresh Yield Units: Bag (50#) Processing: Tons Spring Harvest, Spring Harvest, Bareground, Bareground, Dryland Irrigated Berrien Chattooga Crawford Decatur Evans Hancock Harris Oconee Paulding Pickens Pulaski Rockdale Seminole Tattnall Toombs Union Wayne GA Wtd. Avg. 350 350 350 1,250 100 500 200 505 300 360 400 360 360 330 350 360 360 200 300 344 64 Yield, 2005 Kale Yield, 2005 Fresh Yield Units: 25# carton Processing: Tons Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Processing, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Processing, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Brooks Colquitt Grady Mitchell Thomas Tift Toombs White GA Wtd. Avg. 190 190 350 300 230 400 350 325 12 12 190 190 65 650 300 210 320 300 285 380 12 12 Lettuce Fresh Yield Units: 50# carton Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Bareground, Bareground, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Irrigated Echols Hancock Hart Pickens GA Wtd. Avg. 300 25 283 158 158 158 158 Spring Harvest, Plastic, Drip 500 500 66 Yield, 2005 Lima Beans Fall Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Ben Hill Brooks Burke Candler Crisp Decatur Fayette Grady Irwin Lamar Laurens Marion Mitchell Pierce Pulaski Tattnall Thomas Tift Turner Warren Washington Wayne Wheeler Wilcox Worth GA Wtd. Avg. 120 60 295 143 Yield, 2005 Fresh Yield Units: 30# Bu Processing: Pounds Fall Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 120 100 125 125 125 125 122 Spring Harvest, Spring Harvest, Bareground, Bareground, Dryland Irrigated 130 80 130 130 80 175 93 125 70 125 130 130 130 130 130 140 330 130 130 111 75 50 50 20 80 120 250 84 67 Mustard Yield, 2005 Fresh Yield Units: 25# Carton Processing: Tons Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Processing, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Processing, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Bacon Berrien Brooks Bulloch Candler Colquitt Crawford Echols Grady Greene Irwin Mitchell Tattnall Thomas Tift Toombs Union Wayne Wheeler White Wilcox GA Wtd. Avg. 100 300 75 300 120 350 125 178 300 350 400 225 350 300 350 400 300 440 350 346 12 15 14 100 200 350 125 162 68 650 300 350 350 225 400 350 350 375 350 350 260 440 350 396 12 12 Okra Fresh Yield Units: 1/2 Bu (15#) Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Dryland Irrigated Atkinson Bacon Baker Banks Ben Hill Berrien Brooks Bryan Bulloch Candler Catoosa Charlton Chattooga Coweta Crawford Decatur Dodge Dooly Grady Habersham Hall Hancock Harris Johnson Lamar Lowndes Madison Mitchell Oconee Paulding Pickens Pulaski Rabun Rockdale Seminole Tattnall Telfair Thomas Tift Toombs Turner Walker Washington Wayne Wheeler White Whitfield Worth GA Wtd. Avg. 190 200 175 150 100 160 175 177 275 250 250 275 325 310 275 283 100 50 25 100 30 25 150 50 100 235 350 100 100 350 80 150 180 175 385 100 167 350 350 750 350 100 350 300 350 235 275 300 310 350 350 350 350 100 375 350 180 350 300 435 350 356 69 Yield, 2005 Onions Fresh Yield Units: Pound Spring Harvest, Spring Harvest, Bareground, Bareground, Dryland Irrigated Berrien Bulloch Candler Evans Irwin Laurens Montgomery Pierce Pulaski Screven Seminole Tattnall Telfair Tift Toombs Treutlen Wayne Wheeler GA Wtd. Avg. 17,500 24,000 23,962 19,000 22,500 17,500 15,000 20,000 17,500 12,000 17,500 20,000 21,000 22,000 18,500 24,000 2,400 22,000 34,000 22,189 70 Yield, 2005 Pole Beans Fall Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Bibb Bulloch Catoosa Chattooga Colquitt Coweta Fannin Grady Habersham Hall Hancock Pickens Pulaski Richmond Rockdale Thomas Tift Turner Union Warren White GA Wtd. Avg. 180 175 50 200 161 Fresh Yield Units: 30# Bu Fall Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 45 142 250 124 Spring Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Spring Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 250 50 310 250 250 250 270 250 250 252 31 190 150 170 170 180 30 140 135 71 Yield, 2005 Pumpkin Yield, 2005 Fresh Yield Units: pounds Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Dryland Irrigated Bacon Carroll Chattooga Coweta Dade Dawson Dougherty Elbert Fannin Habersham Hall Hart Lamar Laurens Lumpkin Madison Oconee Pickens Rabun Seminole Tattnall Telfair Terrell Thomas Union Walker Warren Wayne Webster Wheeler White Whitfield GA Wtd. Avg. 30,000 30,000 2,800 30,000 30,000 78,750 2,000 25,000 30,000 22,750 20,000 25,000 5,000 30,000 25,000 1,200 3,600 12,000 22,500 30,000 1,200 25,000 10,000 35,639 31,500 50,000 25,000 18,000 9,000 8,700 20,091 2,500 40,000 21,250 50,000 50,000 72 U-Pick 7,500 1,300 50,000 47,000 8,000 27,657 Snap Beans Fall Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Atkinson Bacon Banks Ben Hill Berrien Bleckley Brooks Bulloch Candler Chattooga Coffee Colquitt Cook Coweta Crisp Decatur Dooly Echols Fayette Grady Hancock Jefferson Lamar Lee Long Lowndes Macon Marion Mitchell Paulding Pickens Pike Pulaski Richmond Seminole Sumter Tattnall Telfair Thomas Tift Toombs Turner Walker Wayne Webster Wheeler Wilcox Worth GA Wtd. Avg. 70 70 150 120 81 Fresh Yield Units: 30# Bu Processing: Tons Fall Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 125 145 160 350 90 195 390 125 160 100 150 150 150 135 250 150 100 150 151 Fall Harvest, Processing, Irrigated Yield, 2005 Spring Harvest, Bareground, Dryland 125 40 70 125 60 150 125 125 170 125 104 3 3 73 Spring Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 175 100 175 175 150 175 180 250 150 175 180 220 150 375 175 102 90 195 175 300 150 155 150 140 175 125 175 150 185 150 150 175 310 225 152 175 175 179 Spring Harvest, Processing, Irrigated 3 5 3 4 4 3 Southern Peas Fall Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Atkinson Bacon Baker Ben Hill Berrien Bibb Bleckley Brooks Bulloch Candler Charlton Chattooga Coffee Colquitt Cook Crawford Decatur Dodge Dooly Echols Evans Grady Greene Hancock Irwin Jeff Davis Jefferson Johnson Lamar Laurens Lee Long Lowndes Madison Marion Miller Mitchell Oconee Paulding Peach Pierce Pike Pulaski Richmond Schley Seminole Talbot Tattnall Taylor Telfair Thomas Tift Toombs Turner Union Warren Washington Wayne Webster Wheeler 80 30 90 80 80 45 100 65 100 60 90 - Fall Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 130 75 100 135 70 125 150 130 100 130 135 140 - Fresh Yield Units: 25# Bu Processing: Pounds Spring Spring Harvest, Harvest, Bareground, Bareground, Dryland Irrigated 90 90 90 20 40 90 90 90 90 85 90 50 120 90 50 100 50 80 90 90 50 80 25 80 90 90 265 130 130 110 120 150 130 75 120 120 120 75 130 130 130 130 125 150 150 130 130 110 140 130 120 115 130 130 130 140 74 300 Yield, 2005 Southern Peas Fall Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Wilcox Wilkinson Worth GA Wtd. Avg. 73 74 Fall Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 125 130 122 Fresh Yield Units: 25# Bu Processing: Pounds Spring Spring Harvest, Harvest, Bareground, Bareground, Dryland Irrigated 130 130 129 83 72 75 Yield, 2005 Spinach Fall Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated Colquitt Tift GA Wtd. Avg. 650 650 Yield, 2005 Fresh Yield Units: 25# Carton Processing: Tons Fall Harvest, Spring Processing, Harvest, Irrigated Processing, Irrigated 10 10 10 10 76 Fresh Yield Units: 40# Carton Processing: Tons Sweet Potatoes Fall Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Appling Bacon Ben Hill Berrien Brooks Burke Candler Carroll Chattooga Coweta Decatur Effingham Evans Hall Hancock Irwin Jeff Davis Laurens Long Macon McDuffie Pulaski Schley Talbot Tattnall Tift Toombs Warren Washington Wayne Wheeler Worth GA Wtd. Avg. 275 275 275 200 275 250 275 275 275 275 100 275 175 200 150 250 270 335 236 Fall Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 300 250 400 700 500 425 425 425 400 375 425 425 300 400 645 250 409 Fall Harvest, Processing, Dryland 75 75 77 Yield, 2005 Sweet Corn Fall Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Appling Atkinson Baker Baldwin Banks Barrow Ben Hill Berrien Brooks Bryan Bulloch Candler Chattooga Colquitt Coweta Crawford Dade Dawson Decatur Dodge Dougherty Echols Elbert Evans Fannin Fayette Grady Greene Habersham Hall Hancock Haralson Harris Hart Irwin Jasper Jefferson Lamar Laurens Lumpkin Macon Madison Marion Meriwether Miller Mitchell Murray Oconee Paulding Pickens Pierce Pike Polk Pulaski Putnam Rabun Richmond Rockdale Schley Seminole 100 100 250 130 300 50 50 130 - Fresh Yield Units: 42# Carton Yield, 2005 Fall Harvest, Spring Harvest, Spring Harvest, Bareground, Bareground, Bareground, Irrigated Dryland Irrigated 275 300 300 250 270 250 275 - 130 35 225 120 175 350 300 165 200 60 175 175 75 175 175 125 560 160 110 175 175 175 100 - 78 200 400 350 300 350 380 200 200 320 400 400 350 350 290 350 100 400 100 400 350 450 350 290 350 350 350 U-Pick 350 19 396 125 100 170 75 400 150 - Sweet Corn Fall Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Sumter Talbot Tattnall Terrell Thomas Toombs Towns Turner Union Walker Warren Washington Wayne Wheeler White Wilcox Wilkinson GA Wtd. Avg. 140 100 150 145 Yield, 2005 Fresh Yield Units: 42# Carton Fall Harvest, Spring Harvest, Spring Harvest, Bareground, Bareground, Bareground, Irrigated Dryland Irrigated 100 269 100 350 200 350 375 350 350 345 350 332 275 140 110 180 180 125 185 145 176 79 U-Pick 203 Tomato Yield, 2005 Fresh Yield Units: 25# cartons Processing: Tons Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Dryland Irrigated Appling Atkinson Bacon Baldwin Ben Hill Berrien Brooks Burke Candler Catoosa Chattooga Clinch Coffee Colquitt Coweta Crawford Decatur Echols Elbert Evans Fayette Grady Greene Habersham Hall Hancock Haralson Harris Hart Irwin Lamar Long Lowndes Lumpkin Macon Madison Mitchell Murray Oconee Paulding Pickens Pierce Pike Pulaski Rabun Richmond Rockdale Schley Seminole Stephens Talbot Tattnall Thomas Tift Toombs Troup Union Walker Ware Washington 250 500 70 46 150 550 200 - 275 750 400 700 800 700 700 1,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 850 1,600 1,500 1,402 1,250 2,000 1,600 1,600 1,600 - 1,600 80 - 300 300 200 300 300 100 350 70 300 300 125 45 250 300 950 45 - 500 1,000 325 1,000 800 1,000 1,600 300 1,000 1,000 600 1,200 1,000 1,000 1,000 250 1,000 1,600 281 2,000 1,400 1,100 1,500 1,800 75 1,750 1,134 1,600 1,500 1,400 1,600 400 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,750 1,200 - 1,600 1,600 1,000 - Fresh Yield Units: 25# cartons Processing: Tons Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Dryland Irrigated Tomato Wheeler White Whitfield Wilcox Worth GA Wtd. Avg. 246 Yield, 2005 500 1,584 1,000 1,525 81 140 235 1,200 1,000 583 1,600 1,513 800 1,000 1,478 Turnip Greens Fresh Yield Units: 25# Carton Processing: Tons Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Processing, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Processing, Dryland Irrigated Irrigated Appling Atkinson Bacon Ben Hill Berrien Brooks Bulloch Burke Candler Catoosa Coffee Colquitt Cook Crawford Crisp Dodge Echols Grady Greene Hancock Haralson Irwin Lamar Laurens Lowndes Macon Madison Marion Meriwether Mitchell Paulding Pulaski Richmond Tattnall Taylor Thomas Tift Toombs Turner Union Washington Wheeler White Wilcox Worth GA Wtd. Avg. 75 75 12 75 75 75 300 75 25 75 50 70 70 300 235 100 81 330 300 300 300 300 300 350 340 300 300 300 225 300 280 300 340 300 300 290 270 385 313 15 15 75 150 250 75 75 75 70 65 100 107 82 340 450 330 300 350 350 225 340 350 300 350 300 340 325 340 340 325 340 280 385 340 340 349 12 12 15 27 17 Yield, 2005 Turnip Roots Fall Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Berrien Bulloch Candler Colquitt Crawford Dooly Grady Macon Mitchell Tattnall Toombs Wheeler GA Wtd. Avg. 75 75 345 105 Fall Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated 225 225 600 270 300 500 369 Fresh Yield Units: 50# Bu Processing: Tons Fall Harvest, Spring Processing, Harvest, Irrigated Bareground, Irrigated 250 340 225 180 230 19 19 83 Yield, 2005 Watermelon Yield, 2005 Fresh Yield Units: cwt Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Dryland Irrigated Appling Atkinson Bacon Baker Baldwin Ben Hill Berrien Bleckley Brantley Brooks Bulloch Burke Carroll Chattooga Colquitt Cook Coweta Crawford Crisp Dade Decatur Dodge Dooly Dougherty Echols Effingham Fannin Floyd Franklin Hall Hancock Hart Houston Irwin Lamar Laurens Lee Liberty Long Lowndes Madison Marion McDuffie Meriwether Mitchell Pickens Pierce Pulaski Richmond Schley Screven Seminole Tattnall Taylor Telfair Terrell Thomas Tift Toombs Turner 125 125 200 125 125 125 125 500 115 - 300 300 300 400 280 200 100 - 400 250 - 200 300 200 100 200 100 200 300 250 200 190 250 200 200 50 270 150 200 325 450 84 - 400 450 100 375 350 600 300 300 450 500 450 300 450 500 450 450 450 650 450 450 375 300 450 650 500 650 450 650 450 400 310 600 450 700 650 650 650 450 500 450 400 450 500 450 400 475 400 400 450 450 Watermelon Yield, 2005 Fresh Yield Units: cwt Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Plastic, Other Dryland Irrigated Walker Ware Warren Washington Webster Wheeler White Whitfield Wilcox Wilkinson Worth GA Wtd. Avg. 230 200 126 268 400 290 225 400 200 200 350 140 230 232 85 388 180 450 424 500 650 566 470 280 625 427 Winter Squash Fall Harvest, Bareground, Dryland Berrien Brooks Colquitt Echols Grady Johnson Lowndes Tattnall Tift Wheeler GA Wtd. Avg. 200 200 Fall Harvest, Bareground, Irrigated Fresh Yield Units: 1 1/9 Bu (50#) Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Plastic, Drip Harvest, Harvest, Bareground, Plastic, Drip - I i t d300 - 100 200 280 173 300 100 300 275 450 250 250 175 275 86 375 500 600 490 Yield, 2005 Yellow Squash Yield, 2005 Fresh Yield Units: 3/4 Bu crate (30#) Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Dryland Irrigated Appling Atkinson Bacon Baker Banks Berrien Brooks Bulloch Candler Catoosa Chattooga Clinch Coffee Colquitt Cook Crawford Decatur Dodge Dooly Echols Effingham Evans Fayette Grady Hall Hancock Harris Jeff Davis Lamar Long Lowndes Macon Marion Mitchell Oconee Pickens Pierce Pike Pulaski Rabun Rockdale Seminole Sumter Talbot Tattnall Telfair Thomas Tift Toombs Walker Ware Wheeler White Worth GA Wtd. Avg. 50 50 70 50 100 300 86 300 250 275 500 200 260 130 200 400 200 200 200 600 900 200 235 175 125 291 600 1,100 350 600 700 400 232 400 800 400 300 510 200 200 300 150 180 200 220 50 200 50 200 200 280 280 159 87 300 540 300 600 300 300 300 540 300 300 200 140 300 300 400 290 300 300 300 300 300 175 300 350 175 360 376 900 300 700 400 700 1,200 600 600 144 600 1,000 600 600 400 400 724 Yellow Squash Yield, 2005 Fresh Yield Units: 3/4 Bu crate (30#) Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Dryland Irrigated Appling Atkinson Bacon Baker Banks Berrien Brooks Bulloch Candler Catoosa Chattooga Clinch Coffee Colquitt Cook Crawford Decatur Dodge Dooly Echols Effingham Evans Fayette Grady Hall Hancock Harris Jeff Davis Lamar Long Lowndes Macon Marion Mitchell Oconee Pickens Pierce Pike Pulaski Rabun Rockdale Seminole Sumter Talbot Tattnall Telfair Thomas Tift Toombs Walker Ware Wheeler White Worth GA Wtd. Avg. 50 50 70 50 100 300 86 300 250 275 500 200 260 130 200 400 200 200 200 600 900 200 235 175 125 291 600 1,100 350 600 700 400 232 400 800 400 300 510 200 200 300 150 180 200 220 50 200 50 200 200 280 280 159 88 300 540 300 600 300 300 300 540 300 300 200 140 300 300 400 290 300 300 300 300 300 175 300 350 175 360 376 900 300 700 400 700 1,200 600 600 144 600 1,000 600 600 400 400 724 Zucchini Yield, 2005 Fresh Yield Units: 1/2 to 5/9 Bu (21#) Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Fall Harvest, Spring Spring Spring Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Harvest, Harvest, Harvest, Dryland Irrigated Bareground, Bareground, Plastic, Drip Dryland Irrigated Appling Atkinson Bacon Berrien Brooks Chattooga Colquitt Cook Crawford Decatur Echols Evans Fayette Grady Hancock Lowndes Mitchell Oconee Pierce Rockdale Seminole Sumter Tattnall Thomas Tift Toombs Wheeler GA Wtd. Avg. 50 50 300 200 400 85 530 300 300 1,200 300 320 503 600 450 700 260 625 107 700 600 510 100 40 73 89 300 540 540 400 300 1,200 600 225 780 540 540 540 350 365 516 900 600 475 900 900 357 800 800 900 765 Georgia Cooperative Extension Districts Northwest Northeast Southwest Southeast The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development is a unit of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, combining the missions of research and extension. 90 The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development is a unit of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the University of Georgia, combining the missions of research and extension. The Center has among its objectives: ¾ To provide feasibility and other short term studies for current or potential Georgia agribusiness firms and/or emerging food and fiber industries. ¾ To provide agricultural, natural resource, and demographic data for private and public decision makers. To find out more, visit our Web site at: Or contact: John McKissick, Director Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development Lumpkin House The University of Georgia Athens, Georgia 30602 Phone (706)542-0760 The University of Georgia and Fort Valley State University, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture and counties of the state cooperating. Cooperative Extension offers educational programs, assistance and materials to all people without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability. An equal opportunity/affirmative action organization committed to a diverse work force. Area Report No. 06-04 June, 2006 Issued in furtherance of Cooperation Extension Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. J. Scott Angle, Dean and Director