NORTHEAST GEORGIA Cooperative Extension Service District Profile Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development The University of Georgia • Athens, GA Total Population Northeast CES District 1,545,443 2010 Trend CAED 1,386,891 2004 Est. 1,278,266 2000 1,010,783 1990 1980 862,605 1970 719,217 1960 630,408 589,074 1950 562,524 1940 536,523 1930 0 500000 Primary data sources: U.S. Census Bureau, decennial censuses & estimate; CAED (Center for Agribusiness & Economic Development). 1000000 1500000 Total Population: 2004 Northwest Avg Co 140,105 Total 5,464,110 Southwest Avg Co 22,059 Total 882,367 Georgia Avg Co 55,531 Total 8,829,383 1,896 – 10,000 10,000 – 20,000 20,000 – 50,000 50,000 – 100,000 100,000 – 814,438 Northeast Avg Co 34,672 Total 1,386,891 Southeast Avg Co 27,400 Total 1,096,015 Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau Population Change: 1930-2000 30 Percentage Change 25 20 15 10 5 0 1930-40 1940-50 1950-60 U.S. Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau 1960-70 Georgia 1970-80 1980-90 1990-2000 NE District Northeast total change 1930-2004 = 158.5% Population Change: 2000-2004 Northwest Avg Co 10.0% Total 9.2% Southwest Avg Co 1.4% Total 3.3% GA Avg Co 6.0% GA Total 7.8% US 4.3% LOSS 0 – 4.3% 4.3 – 7.8% 7.8 – 15.7% 15.7 – 34% Northeast Avg Co 8.1% Total 8.5% Southeast Avg Co 4.4% Total 4.3% Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau Until 1960, natural increase (an excess of births over Components of Population Change: 2000-2004 deaths) accounted for virtually all of Georgia's growth. Natural to Increase Net Migration* Georgia is expected rank 4th&among 50 states in the number of persons gained through net internal migration during the 30-yr. period of 1995 and 2025. Area Numerical Change # Natural Increase (BirthsDeaths) Rate of Natural Increase # Net Migration Rate of Net Migration NE Dist Avg Co 2,716 825 3.4 1,904 14.5 NW Dist Avg Co 11,818 5,536 7.0 6,267 14.6 SE Dist Avg Co 1,124 729 5.3 408 4.8 SW Dist Avg Co 702 512 3.7 148 -1.0 GA Avg Co 4,041 1,878 4.8 2,156 8.2 GEORGIA Total 642,567 298,562 8.3 342,818 9.5 US Total 12,230,802 6,901,163 5.6 5,329,639 4.4 Primary data source: U. S. Census Bureau * Numerical change includes “residual” not represented in either NI or NM. Average annual estimates of annual rates per 1,000 population Northeast District Population Composition by Age 100% 65 + 45-64 20-44 5-19 <5 6.0 15.3 34.4 33.4 7.7 16.2 33.3 30.7 Change in proportion 1990-2000 9.3 10.5 12.2 13.4 13.3 18.9 20.3 19.4 20.0 24.1 29.1 31.7 30.3 30.3 34.9 37.4 35.0 26.2 22.3 21.2 -1.1 -0.5 12.2 11.0 8.7 7.2 7.0 6.5 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau +4.1 -2.4 10.9 0% -0.1 2000 Median Age Avg GA Co = 35.1 yrs Avg NE Dist Co = 37.0 yrs GA = 33.4 yrs US = 35.3 yrs Number of Youth Ages 0-17: 2003 Northwest Avg Co 36,736 Total 1,432,717 Southwest Avg Co 5,884 Total 235,349 Georgia Avg Co 14,445 Total 2,296,759 421 – 2,568 2,569 – 4,308 4,309 – 6,466 6,467 – 16,600 16,601 – 205,526 Northeast Avg Co 8,522 Total 340,879 Southeast Avg Co 7,195 Total 287,814 Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau Percentage of Youth Ages 0-17: 2003 Northwest Avg Co 26.5% Total 26.7% 17.0 – 24.1% 24.1 – 25.7% 25.7 – 26.7% 26.7 – 27.8% 27.8 – 36.1% Northeast Avg Co 24.1% Total 25.0% Southwest Avg Co 26.4% Total 26.9% Georgia Avg Co 25.9% Total 26.4% US = 25.1% Southeast Avg Co 26.8% Total 26.7% Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau Population by Race and Ethnicity: 2003 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 White NE Dist Total GA Avg Co Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau Black Hispanic NE Dist Avg Co US Total GA Total Persons of Hispanic Origin may be of any race so are not included in the pie chart. Percentage Black Population: 2003 Northwest Avg Co 21.2% Total 28.9% 0.3 – 10.4% 10.4 – 24.0% 24.0 – 30.0% 30.0 – 42.4% 42.4 – 77.6% Northeast Avg Co 20.1% Total 20.6% Southwest Avg Co 39.1% Total 37.3% Georgia Avg Co 27.5% Total 28.7% US 12.8% Southeast Avg Co 29.6% Total 31.3% Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau Percentage Hispanic Population: 2003 Northwest Avg Co 5.0% Total 7.5% Southwest Avg Co 3.7% Total 3.5% Georgia Avg Co 3.9% Total 6.2% US 13.7% 0.5 – 1.3% 1.3 – 2.0% 2.0 – 3.1% 3.1 – 6.1% 6.1 – 24.7% Northeast Avg Co 3.1% Total 5.3% Southeast Avg Co 3.9% Total 3.3% Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau Selected Vital Statistics 2003 Rates 13.0 14.0 15.6 Total births per 1,000 pop 37.4 Unwed per 100 total births 42.2 38.1 32.1 Teen pregnancy per 1,000 females age 10-19 36.5 35.1 9.9 9.7 Deaths per 1,000 pop 7.6 Induced terminations per 1,000 females age 15-44 Low birth weight per 100 births Infant deaths per 1,000 births 10.7 9.1 16.8 8.6 9.2 8.8 9.2 9.7 8.8 NE Dist Avg Co GA Avg Co GA Total 10-yr. rates 1994-2003 2003 NE Dist Avg Co Natality Data 491 total births, 189 unwed births 93 induced terminations 85 teen pregnancies 42 low-birth-weight babies 2003 NE Dist Avg Co Mortality Data 298 total deaths 4 infant deaths Primary data source: GA Dept. Public Health Highest Level of Educational Attainment: 2000 5.8 5.1 Grad or Prof Degree Bachelor's degree 8.3 9.3 8.9 16.0 4.2 4.3 5.2 Associate degree 17.4 17.6 Some college, no degree 20.4 HS Grad 28.7 17.8 18.4 9th-12th no diploma NE Dist Avg Co GA Avg Co Georgia 13.8 10.5 10.9 < 9th grade 34.9 34.9 7.6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Percent of Persons Age 25+ NE District Avg Co Not completing HS = 28.4% Primary data source: With a bachelor’s + degree = 15.2% 35 40 U.S. Census Bureau Selected Public School Statistics School Year 2002-03 55.6 51.6 50.0 57.4 58.1 Teachers w/adv degrees College prep certif 71.5 62.3 60.3 63.2 Class '03 Completion 49.1 Econ. disadvantaged 45.1 55.8 13.6 13.3 12.2 Students w/disab 4.2 4.4 4.1 Retained in grade NE Dist Avg Co GA Avg Co Georgia 15.6 14.8 13.8 Absent >15 days 5.1 5.8 5.5 HS Dropout rate 0 10 20 Primary data sources: Governor’s Office of Student Achievement, and GA Dept. of Education 30 40 50 Percentage 60 70 80 NE Dist Avg Co Enrollment, K-12 = 5,620 H.S. dropouts, grades 9-12 = 90 Expenditures per pupil = $7,148 Educationally Disadvantaged Students in Public Schools (qualify for free/reduced lunch): 2002-03 Northwest Avg Co 43.7% Total 39.8% Southwest Avg Co 67.7% Total 59.9% Georgia Avg Co 55.8% Total 45.1% 8.7 – 31.1% 31.1 – 47.0% 47.0 – 60.8% 60.8 – 75.4% 75.4 – 94.9% Northeast Avg Co 49.1% Total 46.4% Southeast Avg Co 62.3% Total 56.5% Primary data source: GA Governor’s Office of Student Achievement Per Capita Income: 1998-2003 $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 1998 1999 NE Dist Avg Co 2000 2001 GA Avg Co 2003 PCI NE Dist Avg Co. = $23,496 GA Avg Co = $22,879 2002 Georgia 2003 U.S. Georgia Total= $29,000 U.S. = $31,472 Primary data source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, 5/05 % Change in Per Capita Income: 1998-2003 8 Percentage 6 4 2 0 -2 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 NE Dist Avg Co Primary data source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, 5/05 2001-02 Georgia 2002-03 U.S. Per Capita Income: 2003 $15,327 - $22,878 (<GA Avg Co) $22,879 - $24,999 $25,000 - $28,999 (<GA Total) $29,000 - $31,472 $31,473 - $48,647 (>US Total) Northwest Avg Co $25,774 Total $32,279 Southwest Avg Co $21,747 Total $22,938 Georgia Avg Co $22,879 Total $29,000 US $31,472 Northeast Avg Co $23,496 Total $24,473 Southeast Avg Co $20,572 Total $23,370 Primary data source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis 5/05 Median Household Income 2002 Model-Based Estimates $42,409 US $42,359 GEORGIA GA Avg Co $34,153 NE Dist Avg Co $36,126 $42,696 NW Dist Avg Co $29,730 SE Dist Avg Co $28,273 SW Dist Avg Co $0 $9,000 Primary data source: U. S. Census Bureau $18,000 $27,000 $36,000 $45,000 Female/Male Head Families, No Husband/Wife Present, w/Related Children <18: 2000 Northwest Avg Co 15.3% Total 17.0% 6.3 – 12.8% 12.8 – 15.4% 15.4 – 19.4% 19.4 – 22.1% 22.1 – 30.6% Northeast Avg Co 14.8% Total 15.7% Southwest Avg Co 21.4% Total 21.4% Georgia Avg Co 17.6% Total 17.5% US = 15.4% Southeast Avg Co 18.9% Total 18.9% Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau Georgia Families by Structure: 1980-2000 53.7 50.2 49.8 Families w/children 79.8 76.3 73.3 Husband-wife 42.3 37.7 34.7 Husband-wife-children 16.9 18.7 20.6 Fem Hd-No husband 1980 1990 2000 10.2 10.7 12.2 Fem Hd-No Husbandw/chilren 0 10 20 30 40 50 Total Families 1980 = 1,426,645 1990 = 1,713,072 2000 = 2,111,647 60 70 80 Percent of Total FAMILIES Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau Housing, 1-Unit Detached: 2000 Northwest Avg Co 69.3% Total 65.5% 28.7 - 56.5% 56.5 – 60.6% 60.6 – 64.2% 64.2 – 70.7% 70.7 – 86.5% Northeast Avg Co 66.7% Total 66.2% Southwest Avg Co 59.0% Total 60.8% Georgia Avg Co 63.1% Total 64.2% US = 60.3% Southeast Avg Co 57.5% Total 58.7% Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau Persons Below Poverty Level: 2002 Model-Based Estimates Poverty threshold for a family of four = $18,392 Northwest Avg Co 12.5 % Southwest Avg Co 20.4% Georgia Avg Co 16.5% Total 13.0% US 12.1% 4.4 – 10.9% 10.9 – 15.3% 15.3 – 19.6% 19.6 – 23.3% 23.3 – 30.2% Northeast Avg Co 13.8% Southeast Avg Co 19.1 % Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau Related Children Ages 0-17 Below Poverty 2002 Model-Based Estimates 5.4 – 12.3% 12.3 – 17.7% 17.7 – 23.3% 23.3 – 28.6% 28.6 – 38.5% Northwest Avg Co 16.8% Southwest Avg Co 27.4% Georgia Avg Co 22.1% Total 17.8% US 16.7% Northeast Avg Co 19.1% Southeast Avg Co 25.2% Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau Unemployment Rates Rate per 100 in Labor Force 8 NE Dist Avg Co Georgia U. S. 6 4 2 0 1994 GA = 4.6 1995 1996 1997 US = 5.5 Primary data source: GA Dept. of Labor 1998 1999 2000 2004 Rates GA Avg Co = 5.0 2001 2002 2003 2004 NE Dist Avg Co = 4.6 Commuting to Work: 2000 Percentage of: 51.6 54.5 58.5 48.4 45.5 Avg 41.5 Residents working in county Residents working out of county 33.6 33.1 Workers coming into county 41.8 77.4 77.1 77.5 Residents driving to work alone 16.6 16.8 14.5 Residents carpooling Residents working at home NE Dist Co Avg GA Co GA Total 2.7 2.3 2.8 NE GA District Avg. Co. Mean travel time to work = 27.8 min. Ratio of IN to OUT = .7 NE District Totals: Resident workers 16+ = 576,693 Residents working in county = 335,728 Residents working out of county = 240,965 Total working in county = 517,128 Workers commuting into counties from elsewhere = 181,400 Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau Components of NE District Gross Property Tax Digests: 2003 Total of Gross County Digests (40% value) = $1,018,847,198 46.4 Residential 40.0 20.6 20.4 Ag/Pref/Environ 6.2 11.2 13.4 Commercial 23.2 Industrial Utility Motor Vehicle Mobile Home Timber 6.1 8.3 7.4 5.4 5.6 3.8 8.3 9.5 7.9 1.3 1.6 0.5 0.8 1.2 0.2 Primary data source: GA Dept. of Revenue NE Dist Avg Co Avg. GA Co. GA Total 50.7 Number of Farms: 2002 Northwest Avg. Co. 334 Total 13,032 16 – 200 201 – 400 401 – 600 601 – 800 801 – 975 Northeast Avg. Co. 341 Total 13,627 Southwest Avg. Co. 273 Total 10,913 Georgia 49,311 Avg GA Co. 310 US 2,128,982 US Avg. State 42,580 Southeast Avg. Co. 293 Total 11,739 Primary data source: U.S. Census of Agriculture % of Land in Cropland & Forestland 23.1 – 68.7% 68.7 – 77.5% 77.5 – 83.4% 83.4 – 87.0% 87.0 – 98.0% Northwest Avg Co 67.4% Total 68.6% Northeast Avg Co 79.5% Total 80.6% Southwest Avg Co 80.9% Total 80.7% Georgia Avg Co 77.3% Total 78.5% Southeast Avg. Co. 81.3% Total 81.9% Primary data sources: U.S. Census of Agriculture, 2002 Forest Statistics for Georgia, 1997 % of Total Value by Commodity Group Fruits & Nuts 0.4% Poultry & Eggs 74.8% Other Income 1.3% Forestry & Products 3.3% Top Ten Commodities Rest of % by Value Ornamental Horticulture 5.3% Vegetables 0.6% Row & Livestock & Forage Aquaculture Crops 12.3% 2.1% 2004 Total Farm Gate Value NE Dist = $3.64 billion GA = $10.28 billion Northeast CES District Commodities 9.5% Broilers 64.2% Greenhouse 1.6% Breeder Pullet Unit 2.2% Container Nursery 2.3% Horses Boarding, training, breeding 2.4% Layers-Table egg production Dairy Timber 3.1% 3.2% 3.1% Primary data source: Center for Agribusiness & Economic Development, UGA LayersHatching egg 5.1% Beef Cows 3.3% 2004 Total Farm Gate Value Georgia Avg Co $64.7 million Total $10.3 billion Fruits & Nuts 0.4% Other Income 1.3% Forestry & Products 3.3% $0 - $20,000,000 $20,000,000 - $45,000,000 $45,000,000 - $80,000,000 $80,000,000 - $200,000,000 $200,000,000 - $325,000,000 Northeast Avg Co $91 million Total $3.6 billion NE District Total Value by Commodity Group Ornamental Horticulture 5.3% Vegetables 0.6% Row & Livestock & Forage Aquaculture Crops 12.3% 2.1% Primary data source: Center for Agribusiness & Economic Development, UGA Poultry & Eggs 74.8% 2004 Grower Farm Gate Value (Total Farm Gate Value minus broiler-integrator) Georgia Avg Co $40.9 million Total $6.5 billion Northeast Avg Co $38.3 million Total $1.5 billion NE District Top Commodities % of Total GROWER Value Container Layers-Table Breeder Nursery egg LayersPullet Unit 2.3% Horses production Hatching egg 2.2% Boarding, 3.1% 5.1% Timber training, Greenhouse 3.2% Dairy breeding 1.6% Beef Cows 3.1% Hay 2.4% 3.3% Broilers 1.4% 6.3% Field Nursery 1.3% $0 - $15,000,000 $15,000,000 - $30,000,000 $30,000,000 - $50,000,000 $50,000,000 - $90,000,000 $90,000,000 - $185,500,000 Rest of commodities 62.6% HorsesRaised 1.0% Quail 0.6% Beef Stockers 0.6% Primary data source: Center for Agribusiness & Economic Development, UGA This study was developed to assist community leadership with their future planning and decision making. Special Area Report # 05 -10 May, 2005 Prepared for the Northeast District Georgia Cooperative Extension Service by John McKissick and Susan R. Boatright Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia • Athens, GA Georgia Cooperative Extension Service 706-542-0760 • 706-542-8938 AND