BANNER FINANCE 8.X BUDGET BEGINNER / REFRESHER TRAINING TABLE OF CONTENTS Glossary of Terms ........................................................................................................................... 1 Banner URL...................................................................................................................................... 2 Log On/Off........................................................................................................................................ 2 Password Change .................................................................................................................................. 4 Toolbar .................................................................................................................................................... 4 Main Menu/Navigation ............................................................................................................................ 5 Budget Status .................................................................................................................................. 6 Checking Organization Budget Status – FGIBDST ................................................................................ 6 Banner Extract Data No Key .................................................................................................................. 8 Organizational Encumbrance List and Detail Encumbrance Activity – FGIOENC and FGIENCD ........ 9 Budget Availability Status Form – FGIBAVL ........................................................................................ 10 Document History Form – FOIDOCH ................................................................................................... 11 FGIBDST vs. FGIBAVL…………………………………………………………………………………………12 Banner Finance Forms/Reports Cheat Sheet ............................................................................. 13 Banner Navigation Shortcuts ....................................................................................................... 14 Rule Code Description Table........................................................................................................ 15 Ramapo College of New Jersey Banner Finance 8.x Budget & Navigation Training Glossary of Terms Chart of Accounts (COAS) This field is required on any forms where it is present. The value for the college is R, and 1 for the Foundation. FOAP This is an acronym for the accounting code block (budget number). The budget number consists of four components, Fund, Organization, Account, Program. Fund A fund code is required on all transactions and identifies the funding source and is five digit numeric code. Organization (Org) The Organization code, short for organization code, identifies the budgetary unit (department) responsible for managing the funds. Organization codes closely follow the organizational structure of the College and are five-digit numeric codes. The org code is needed to post revenue, expenses, transfers and to set up budgets. Account The account code defines the expense or revenue type. Revenue account codes identify the type of revenue received, such as tuition or auxiliary sales revenue. Expenditure account codes identify the type of expenditure, such as salaries or supplies. Program The program code defines the program category under which a particular unit budget falls. (e.g. instruction, academic support, student services, institutional support, physical plant, auxiliary, etc…) Form Banner screens are referred to as forms and are where you interactively enter and look up information. Every form has been assigned a unique name. For example, the organization budget status form is named FGIBDST. Reservation A reservation is a budget tool used by managers to keep track of potential charges against their budgets. A completed and approved requisition creates a reservation for the amount of the request in the operating ledger within SCT Finance. When a purchase order is placed for the requisition, the reservation is liquidated and replaced by an encumbrance. Budget Pool Budget has been divided into specific areas called “pools” ex. Non Salary Pool, and these pools are expenses that can be grouped together and pulled from the same budget. -1- Ramapo College of New Jersey Banner Finance 8.x Budget & Navigation Training Banner URL If there is no Banner Icon on your desktop, you can find the icon under P:\Shared\Pub in Windows Explorer. The Banner URL is the following: Log On/Off Log On: 1. Open Microsoft Internet Explorer to access Banner. 2. Click the Banner icon on your desktop. The following screen will appear: Note: The first time you log on, you may be asked to download the Initiator. After the Initiator is installed, close and reopen Internet Explorer. If you would like to change the default setting on your Internet Explorer so that the Banner page automatically opens, select Tools/Internet options/General. Go to the Home page section, and click Use Current. 3. Select the database you want to open, PROD. 4. Enter your Username and Password. Click on Connect. It is not necessary to enter the database, it will default based on your previous selection. -2- Ramapo College of New Jersey Banner Finance 8.x Budget & Navigation Training After successfully logging on, the General Menu (GUAGMNU) will appear. This is the starting point for navigating through Banner. See below. Log Off: Logging off of Banner is very important. Logging off will release your username, releasing you from liability if something were to happen using your ID. Logging off properly will also ensure that your next login is successful. 1. From your Banner 8 window, you can log off by either: a. Clicking on the Exit button on the toolbar, or in the session window. b. Clicking on the Close button In both cases, you will be asked if you want to terminate the session. 2. Click Yes. You have successfully logged off Banner and your browser window closes. -3- Ramapo College of New Jersey Banner Finance 8.x Budget & Navigation Training Password Change 1. Click Change Banner Password in the right frame, under the My Links section. 2. Enter your current Oracle Password (The first time you change your password, the password will be the same as your UserID) 3. Tab to New Oracle Password 4. Enter New Password 5. Confirm New Password 6. Hit OK Note: For the new password to take effect, you must logoff and log back on to Banner. Toolbar o The Toolbar is visible from the Main Menu. o New buttons have been added including “Workflow” and “Multi-Institution”. However, these buttons are not presently used by Ramapo College. Version 8 Toolbar -4- Ramapo College of New Jersey Banner Finance 8.x Budget & Navigation Training Main Menu/Navigation 4 1 6 2 7 3 5 8 1) When the cursor is in the Go To box, you can either type a form name in or use the Up and Down Arrow keys to scroll through the forms already accessed in the current session. 2) The My Banner menu is a menu that you set up to include the forms that you use most often. 3) The Banner menu is a list of all the product menus (i.e Student, Finance, etc) and forms in the Banner system. 4) The X on the toolbar is used to exit Banner. 5) The Products drop-down list is used to access the various Banner products (i.e Student, Finance, etc). To open a product menu, click and hold the drop-down arrow, highlight a product then release the mouse button. 6) The Help Center link is used to access online Banner help. Help is now available for all Banner forms and includes field and task help. 7) The My Links section provides quick access to changing your Banner password and accessing Banner messages. The Personal Links can be customized with links to forms or web. There are two default links in the My Links section, change Banner password and check banner messages. There are 6 personal links available on the Banner main menu. You can set these links to whatever you prefer. The sites you visit most often may be accessed directly from the main screen on Banner. (For more information on My Links setup, see the Appendix section. 8) The My Institution section provides quick access to the Ramapo web site. -5- Ramapo College of New Jersey Banner Finance 8.x Budget & Navigation Training Budget Status 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. FGIBDST – Organization Budget Status Banner Extract Data no Key FGIOENC – Organization Encumbrance List Form FGIENCD – Detail Encumbrance Activity Form FGIBAVL – Budget Availability Status Form FOIDOCH – Document History Form FGIBDST vs. FGIBAVL Checking Organization Budget Status – FGIBDST The Banner form entitled Organizational Budget Status Form or FGIBDST is the on-line form most useful in providing current information on adjusted budgets, year-to-date expenditures, open commitments, and available balance. FGIBDST provides a summary of all activity for a FOP (Fund Org Program) Information is displayed by account code. Note: FGIBDST does not reflect incomplete, unapproved or unposted transactions. 1. In the Go To field of the Banner General Menu form, type FGIBDST. 2. Hit enter. 3. Chart and Fiscal Year fields will default. 4. Tab through both fields. 5. Tab to Include Revenue Accounts. The Banner default is to display revenue, which can be confusing when trying to determine Available Balance. Banner subtracts total expenses from revenues and displays a negative if there are no revenues to subtract from. Unless your unit has income from revenue type accounts you wish to be included, click on the box to uncheck. 6. Tab to ORGANIZATION. Enter your organization code and hit Tab. In most cases a FUND and PROGRAM code will default in. If so, proceed to Step 9. 7. Tab to FUND. Enter your fund code. 8. Tab to PROGRAM. Enter your program code. 9. Tab to ACCOUNT. Enter the Pool account (7001) if you would like to view all non-salary expenditures for a specific Organization. If you wish to see all salary and non-salary expenditures leave the ACCOUNT field blank. 10. Select “Next Block” or CTRL Page Down. -6- Affected by Budget Transfers Ramapo College of New Jersey Banner Finance 8.x Budget & Navigation Training Affected by Journal Entries Adjusted Budget-YTD Activity 11. The form displays the budget status for the FOAP combination you have entered. To view additional budget lines, scroll up and down using the vertical scroll bar, [pageup] and [pagedown] keys, or ↑ and ↓ arrow keys. 12. To view more information about an account, click on the account and press F3. This will show journal entries or budget transfers that have altered the account. 13. To start a new query, click “Rollback” or Shift-F7. 14. To exit form click on the “X” in the toolbar, or hit CTRL Q. FGIBDST will provide you with the following information by Account code (e.g. expenditure type): • Title – The description of the Account. This field has been expanded in Banner 7.x, and you can now see the entire name. • Type – L = Labor, E = Direct Expenditures (Non Labor). • Adjusted Budget – Original budget plus any additions or deductions for items such as budget transfers, increases or decreases to budgeted amount. • YTD Activity – Actual year-to-date revenues or expenditures for specific account codes. The dollars displayed in this field do not include the value of open commitments. • Commitments – The value of open purchase orders, requisitions, and general encumbrances. The values of these commitments have been deducted from the organization's budget in the Available Balance column. The value will not reflect incomplete or unapproved transactions. • Available Balance - Shows the actual funds available for additional expenditures. Calculated as adjusted budget less year-to-date activity less commitments. -7- Ramapo College of New Jersey Banner Finance 8.x Budget & Navigation Training Drilling Down to Detail The drill-down concept is the ability of taking summary information and finding specific transactions related to what you are looking for. This concept has been used in the development of the account structure to facilitate a high degree of detail in recording and reporting financial transactions. This concept is also prevalent in the flow from one form to the next. You can use the first form to view summary information, then select a summary item and view detail transactions that make up the summary. From the detail transaction you can view individual items that make up the transactions. This concept enables you to start with the highest level of summary and end up with the lowest level of break down. Several related forms are accessible from FGIBDST by using the links under the Options section of the form. This will enable you to drill down to greater detail about the budget, expense, or commitment information for an Organization and Fund. Further drill-down capability is activated upon entering the various sub-forms. Extract Data No Key is available on many Banner forms. To use this function from within a form: 1. From the menu bar, go to Help, Extract Data No Key, and select. 2. The file download dialog box will appear. Click open to automatically download to excel, or save to a local directory. 3. If the option is “grayed out”, the extract function is not available on this form. -8- Ramapo College of New Jersey Banner Finance 8.x Budget & Navigation Training Organizational Encumbrance List and Detail Encumbrance Activity – FGIOENC and FGIENCD While using FGIBDST you can view a list of all encumbrances for a Fund/Orgn combination via FGIOENC. To view encumbrance activity in even greater detail, you can jump from FGIOENC to FGIENCD. Both forms can be also be accessed directly form the Go To… box on the Main Menu. Note: This form can also be accessed directly. 1. From anywhere in the lower block of FGIBDST, Select Options, Organization Encumbrances. 2. You may scroll through the transactions using the vertical scrollbar, [pageup] and [pagedown] keys, or ↑ and ↓ arrow keys. 3. If you wish to view detail encumbrance activity for a specific line, Select Options, Query Detail Encumbrance Info, or Hit F3. To return to FGIBDST, click on the “X” in the toolbar, or hit CTRL Q to return to the previous form (one time for each form viewed). -9- Ramapo College of New Jersey Banner Finance 8.x Budget & Navigation Training Budget Availability Status Form – FGIBAVL The FGIBAVL form gives you an overview of your department’s budget. This form summarizes your expenditure budget into major categories, and will show you what is available in your Budget Pool. Refer to FGIBDST to see what was spent by account number. 1. In the Go To field of the Banner Menu form, type FGIBAVL. 2. Hit enter. Note: To go directly to FGIBAVL from FGIBDST, Select File, F5. Enter FGIBAVL and Hit Enter. 3. Chart and Fiscal Year fields will default. 4. Enter Fund. 5. Enter ORGN. 6. Enter Account. This form requires an Account number to be entered before executing the query. To view Non-Salary expenditures only, enter the pool account 7001 if not enter 6001 to view all expenditures. 7. Select “Next Block” or CTRL Page Down 8. To exit the form, click on the “X” in the toolbar, or hit CTRL Q. If direct access is used, you will return to FGIBDST. Note: This form includes expenses and transfer activity for all documents (invoices, requisitions, PO’s, journal vouchers, etc..) at the time the query is made, including those in process of completion and/or approval. The form does not reflect revenue activity. - 10 - Ramapo College of New Jersey Banner Finance 8.x Budget & Navigation Training Document History Form – FOIDOCH The FOIDOCH form allows the user to see the history of how a document was processed. The system displays each purchasing and accounts payable transaction that relates to the document queried. Besides the purchase order, check, and invoice number, an indicator will be displayed for each number to denote the status. Complete information is also available for each transaction. 1. In the Go To field of the Banner Menu form, type FOIDOCH. 2. Hit enter. 3. At the Document Type field, enter one of the following codes: REQ for Requisition, PO for purchase order, INV for Invoice, and CHK for check. 4. Tab to Document Code field and enter the document number. If you do not know the document number, click on the flashlight and enter any fields that you know. Hit F8. When you find the document you are looking for, double click on the document to return to the FOIDOCH form. 5. Select “Next Block” or CTRL Page Down. This function should be used to move between blocks on this form. 6. To view details of the specific block, Hit F3. FOIDOCH Status Indicators A requisition/PO document is approved C requisition/PO/receiving document is completed but not yet approved F for checks: bank reconciliation has been done P invoice has been paid R invoice is on hold awaiting receiving S document is in suspense (usually this indicates that there is a problem) O document is open X document has been cancelled V document has been voided H on hold T Tagged Permanently - 11 - Ramapo College of New Jersey Banner Finance 8.x Budget & Navigation Training FGIBDST vs FGIBAVL Banner provides two types of budget tracking and reporting query forms that present: Posted and Unposted transactions FGIBAVL – unposted (pending) documents are incompletes (not finished by initiator) and those documents awaiting approvals. The values that appear on FGIBAVL are what controls whether or not a particular transactions becomes NSF (non-sufficient funds). Posted transactions only FGIBDST – completed documents that cleared all approval queues and had sufficient Available Balance. It is important to remember that Budget Checking comes into play even while a user is inputting a transaction. As soon as the amount and FOAP fields are entered in a requisition, direct pay or budget adjustment document Banner makes a claim against Available Balance (the remaining budget availability). If the user never completes the document the claim against budget will always remain. The layout for FGIBAVL is almost identical to FGIBDST except that the rows list the net “pool budgeting” balances rather than individual ACCT code balances. If there are no unposted items the sum of Available Balance for all FGIBDST ACCTs in a pool will equal Available Balance for that pool on FGIBAVL. If there are unposted items pooled Available Balance will not agree between FGIBDST and FGIBAVL and the difference is an unposted transaction. The unposted items are called “Pending Documents”. There is an indicator in the FGIBAVL header block and checkboxes at the end of each row. If a checkbox is checked it means there are pending items for that pool. To see the Pending Documents for a pool click in a row that has its checkbox checked. Then click Options, Pending Documents. The Status column indicates the reason why a document is pending. Typical Status codes for documents are: Incomplete – initiator has not completed the input process In Approvals – document has been completed but the final approval has not been given Receipt Pending – for PO based invoices – a receipt of goods is needed Disapproved – document was disapproved and rolled back to incomplete status To Be Posted – will post the next time posting process runs – usually runs every 3 minutes FGIBAVL includes in the available balance calculation: Documents in approvals, and Documents which are incomplete Posted documents FGIBAVL should be used to: View how much budget is available for a FOAP Determine the budget pool a FOAP is associated with Drill down to FGITINP to identify transactions in process for a FOAP. - 12 - Ramapo College of New Jersey Banner Finance 8.x Budget & Navigation Training Banner Finance Forms/Reports Cheat Sheet Form Form Name Function Vendor Information: FAIVHIS Vendor History Query Review Invoices processed by Vendor FAIVNDH Vendor Detail History Review Invoice Payments FTIIDEN Entity Name/ID Search Find Vendor ID Numbers Invoice Information: FAIINVE FOIDOCH Invoice/Credit Memo Query Review Invoice/Credit Memo detail Document History To find PO# if know REQ# Purchasing Information: FGIENCD Detail Encumbrance Activity Query by PO#, vendor name (wildcard). Detailed spending/balance info -detail activity against PO FGIOENC Organizational Encumbrance List Organizational Encumbrance Listing FPAREQN Requisition Enter Requisition FPARDEL Requisition Cancel Delete Requisition FPIOPOF Open Purchase Orders Open purchases by fund, or, or both FPIOPOV Purchase Orders by Vendor PO by Vendor inquiry FPIREQN Requisition Query Requisition inquiry FPIREQS Requisition Suspense List Requisition suspension list General Ledger Information: FGITBSR Trial Balance Summary General Ledger balance-information on specific fund Budget Queries: FGIBAVL Budget Availability Status FGIBDST Organization Budget Status Budget by pool (must enter 4 digit acct like 6000 in acct box) Budget, Year-to-date, commitment and available balance for unit budget Banner Finance Reports: FGRBDSC FGRODTA Budget Status (Current Period) Report Organizational Detail Activity Report FGROPNE FXRBAVL Open Encumbrances Report Budget Availability Overrun Rpt Budget availability by org, fund, range or combination Details on all transactions- can retrieve by fund, org, range or combination. View Open Encumbrances View negative available balance or project funds Grant Inception to Date General User Preferences Maintenance Budget available project YTD Enable header row for data extract; My links; Color pref. Additional: FRIGITD GUAUPRF - 13 - Ramapo College of New Jersey Banner Finance 8.x Budget & Navigation Training Banner Navigation Shortcuts Function Keystroke FORM Clear Form/Rollback Shift + F7 BLOCK Next Block Crtl + Page Down Previous Block Crtl + Page Up FIELD/ITEM Duplicate Item/Field F3 Next Item/Field Tab Previous Item/Field Shift + Tab RECORD Clear Record Shift + F4 Delete/Remove Record Shift + F6 Duplicate Record F4 Insert Record F6 Next Record Down Arrow Previous Record Up Arrow Next Set of Records Shift + Crtl + Page Down Previous Set of Records Shift + Crtl + Page Up Update Record Crtl + U QUERY Cancel Query Crtl + Q Enter Query F7 Execute Query F8 OTHER Save F10 Exit Crtl + Q Print Shift + F8 List of Values F9 List Tab Pages F2 View/Send Message Go To… F5 Options Right-Click - 14 - Icon Ramapo College of New Jersey Banner Finance 8.x Budget & Navigation Training Rule Code Description Table Rule Code ABD BD01 BD02 BD04 BR02 BR04 CD5 CHS1 CNEC CNEI CNNC CNNI CORD CR05 CSS2 DCSR DNEC DNEI DNNC DNNI E010 E020 E031 E032 E090 ENC HEEL HERL HENA HENC HGNL HGRB HGRS HNET ICEC ICEI ICEP ICNI INEC INEI INNC Rule Code Description Adjusted Budget Permanent Adopted Budget Permanent Budget Adjustments Temporary Budget Adjustment Permanent Budget Revision Temporary Budget Revision Cash Disbursement J/V Banner Student Charges Cancel Check - C/M w encumbrance Cancel Check - Invoice w encumbrance Cancel check - C/M w/o encumbrance Cancel Check - Invoice w/o encumbrance Establish Change Order Cash Receipt Entry Banner Student Payment Direct Cash receipt Check - C/M w encumbrance Check - Invoice w encumbrance Check - C/M w/o encumbrance Check - Invoice w/o encumbrance Post Original Encumbrance Encumbrance Adjustment Partial Liquidation Encumbrance Liquidation Year End Encumbrance Roll Encumbrance Payroll - Employee Liability Payroll - Employer Liability Payroll – Encumbrance Adjustment Payroll – Salary Encumbrance Payroll - Gross Exp. No Liquidation Payroll - Gross Benefit Expense Payroll – Gross Salary Expense Payroll - Net Pay Cancel Credit Memo w/ Encumbrance Cancel Invoice with Encumbrance Cancel Invoice with Encumbrance Cancel Invoice without Encumbrance Credit Memo with Encumbrance Invoice with Encumbrance Credit Memo without Encumbrance - 15 - Rule Code INNI JE15 JE16 JE25 LIQ OBD OEN PCLQ PCRD POBC POCL POLQ POPN PORD RCQP REQP RES1 RSV TMP YTD Rule Code Description Invoice without Encumbrance General Journal Entry (Intra-Fund) General Journal Entry (Inter-Fund) General Journal Entry (Inter-Chart) Liquidation Original Budget Original Encumbrance Cancel PO - Reinstate Request Cancel Purchase Order Purchase Order Batch Close Purchase Order Close (FPAEOCD) Purchase Order-Request Liquidation Purchase Order Open (FPAEOCD) Establish Purchase Order Cancel Requisition Requisition - Reservation Banner Student Refunds Reservation Temporary Budget Year To Date Activity