PUGET SOUND COURSE CHECKLIST CHEMISTRY (PreMed/PreVet/PreDent) UNIVERSITY CORE Crs Term Grade WR SI FN HM MA (Math 180, 181)# NS (Chem 110)# SL CN Foreign Language Requirement (circle one) 1) 2) 3) Two semesters at 101/102 level or one semester at 200 level or above Proficiency exam at 3rd year high school level or 1st year college level AP foreign language score of 4 or 5, or IB higher level foreign language score of 5, 6 or 7 Upper Division Level Requirement Three units of coursework at the upper division level outside the first major KEY WR = Writing & Rhetoric SI = Scholarly & Creative Inquiry FN = Fine Arts Approaches HM = Humanistic Approaches MA = Mathematical Approaches NS = Natural Scientific Approaches SL = Social Scientific Approaches CN = Connections FL = Foreign Language MAJOR Chem 110 CHEM 110, 120, and 231 OR CHEM 115 and 230 Units 2.5 OR 2 Chem 250 Chem 251 Chem 340 Chem 341 Chem 342 Chem 420 Chem elective (300-400 level. Chem 460 & 461 recommended) Math 180 Math 181 Math 280 1 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 Phys 121 1 Phys 122 1 Chem 493 (PreMed) 0 Biol 111 Biol 212 Biol 311 Psych 101* & CSOC360* (PreVet) Biol 311 (PreDental) Bio 111 Bio 112 Bio 212 Bio 350* EXSC 221/222** 1 1 1 2 THIS FORM IS NOT AN OFFICIAL GRADUATION ANALYSIS. #These major requirements may be used to fulfill university cores. *Required for MCAT 2015. **Recommended. Required at some schools. 1 1 1 1 Term Grade