THE UNIVERSITY OF PUGET SOUND SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND LEADERSHIP (General Emphasis) Degree: BA 2012 - 2013 Curriculum Guide Contact Person: Alva Butcher A suggested four-year program: Fall Semester Classes Freshman SI or WR Seminar Elective ECON 170 (SL core) (2) # FL (if needed) or elective Spring Semester Classes Units 1 1 1 1 SI or WR Seminar Elective MATH 160 or 260 (MA core) (1) # FL (if needed) or elective Units 1 1 1 1 Sophomore Approaches core BUS 205 (1) or Elective BUS 340 or Elective Elective 1 1 1 1 Approaches core BUS 205 (1) or Elective BUS 340 or Elective Elective 1 1 1 1 Junior BUS 305 BUS 310 (2) or BUS 315 (1) (2) Elective Approaches core 1 1 1 1 BUS 310 (2) or BUS 315 (1) (2) BUS elective 300-400 level* (3) Elective Elective 1 1 1 1 1 Senior. Research Seminar (4)or Elective CN core or elective (5) BUS elective 300-400 level*(3) Elective 1 Senior Senior Research Seminar (4) or Elective CN core or elective (5) BUS elective 300-400 level* (3) Elective 1 1 1 1 1 1 UPS requires a total of 32 units to graduate. (1) BUS 205 and MATH 160 or 260 are prerequisites for BUS 315. (2) ECON 170 is a prerequisite for BUS 310, 315. (3) Courses used to satisfy the BUS Elective requirement may not also be used to satisfy the Senior. Research Seminar or university core requirements. (4) Course offerings for 400-level BUS that fulfill the Senior Research Seminar requirement will be noted in the School of Business and Leadership bulletin. (5) Of the three units of upper division coursework required outside the first major, the Connections course will count for one. # These major requirements may be used to fulfill university cores. *Excluding BUS 300 and 344; CONN 387, 390 and 478.