Sponsorship and Exhibit Opportunities ISPE 2012

ISPE 2012
and Exhibit
Lessons from 483s Conference
27 – 28 February
Build Brand Awareness,
Network with Key Decision
Makers, Strengthen Company
Image and Discover New
On average, ISPE Conferences draw
400+ Delegates with unprecedented
purchasing power. Conference attendees
will include biotechnology professionals,
process engineers, automation engineers,
IT specialists, validation and quality
professionals, project managers, and those
involved with regulatory, commissioning,
validation, critical utilities, GAMP®, product
development, laboratory operations, risk
assessment, and environmental health and
The Global Evolution of Aseptic
Processing Conference
29 February – 1 March
Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay
Tampa, Florida USA
GMP Hot Topics Conference
4 – 5 June
Supply Chain Network Conference
6 – 7 June
Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace
Baltimore, Maryland USA
Visit www.ISPE.org/media-planner/exhibits-and-sponsorships for details.
Sponsorship and Exhibit Opportunities Available
ISPE Conference
Sponsorships provide an
opportunity to access and
interact with key decision
makers and buyers in the
global pharmaceutical and
biotechnology manufacturing
industries. Reap great
benefits and make a powerful
impact in front of industry
leaders with a top tier
sponsorship at these events.
A variety of cost-effective
opportunities will build brand
awareness, strengthen your
company image, generate
valuable leads, and increase
your exhibit traffic.
Recognition as “Sponsor” in pre-event, onsite, and post-event
marketing promotions and communications
Company name/logo mention in conference printed materials and
displayed on signage as “Sponsorship Category”
(deadline applies)
Logo displayed in onsite brochure/program as
“Sponsorship Category”
Prominent recognition in Conference Schedule
Logo printed in Conference Exhibitor Directory
Full page advertisement in Delegate Booklet and/or flyer handed
out at registration (deadline applies)
Three complimentary Conference registrations (Education) including
admission to all networking and social events and meals (excluding
Annual Meeting)
Two complimentary Conference registrations (Education) including
admission to all networking and social events and meals (excluding
Annual Meeting)
Pinnacle Sponsorship
This exclusive sponsorship
program is limited to five
companies annually and
includes recognition at all global
conferences. Please call
for details.
H Host $16,000
Includes recognition at all North
American Conferences and three
full days of recognition at two
European Conferences.
One complimentary Conference registration (Education) including
admission to all networking and social events and meals (excluding
Annual Meeting)
Table Top exhibition space at Conference on all days
exhibits are open
Exhibitor badge registration for two staff personnel
Sponsor ribbon on badges for all company personnel in attendance
P Platinum
Includes recognition at three North
American Conferences and two full
days of recognition at two European
G Gold
Includes recognition at two North
American Conferences and two full
days of recognition at one
European Conference.
S Silver
Includes recognition at one North
American Conference and one
European Conference.
B Bronze
Includes recognition at one North
American Conference.
First access to Delegate addresses for pre- and postConference mailing for one-time use
Use of Sponsor literature table near ISPE Registration area
Prominent name/logo recognition with “Sponsor Category” in
“Thank You” ad featured in applicable issue of Pharmaceutical
Engineering Magazine
Company name prominently mentioned in ISPE electronic
communications prior to event (ISPE’s Informer/Know Before You
Button advertisement with link to your website on the event
overview pages of the ISPE website for up to three months prior to
the event
Sponsorship and Exhibit Opportunities Available
Exhibit Packages
Exhibit Hall Give-Away - $1,500
Basic Table Top - $1,650*’
• One 6’ x 2’ skirted table (180 cm x 80 cm)
• Two complimentary exhibitor badges (fee applies for
additional badges)
• Dedicated exhibit hall hours built into Conference agendas
• Reception, continental breakfast, and refreshment breaks
held in exhibit hall
• Complimentary listing in the printed Exhibitor Directory
• Complimentary listing in ISPE’s online, searchable
Exhibitor Directory
• Complimentary list of pre-registered Conference
Delegates (US events only)
• Lunch for two attendees on exhibit days during your booked event(s)
• Onsite, personal assistance from ISPE exhibits staff
Premium Table Top - $1,950*
Lanyards - $2,250
• Company logo printed on Delegate lanyards
Cyber Cafe/Charging Station - $7,000
• Splash screen with sponsor content
• Button ad on ISPE website for up to three months
Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities
Exhibitor Directory Enhanced Listing - $300
(Included in Premium Table Top Package)
• Enhanced listing in Exhibitor Directory featuring:
- Company logo
- Outline border and expanded listing
- Link to company website in online version
Exhibitor Directory Ad - $500 - $1,000
Custom Sponsorships Available.
Exclusive Sponsorship Opportunities
• All items listed for Premium Table Top Package
• Product/technology demonstration or presentation in Exhibit
Hall during a break session
* Call for Early Bird rates and deadlines
Onsite Advertising - $1,500
•Logo displayed on signage at the bar during Reception in
the Exhibit Hall
•Rotating button ad on ISPE event website (includes link to your
company website)
• Includes exclusive recognition throughout Exhibit Hall
during Reception
• Exclusive recognition at food and beverage areas
Vendor Session Package - $2,150*
• Piece/flyer handed out at registration
Bar Sponsorship (Limited to Two) - $2,750
Reception Sponsorship - $3,500
• All items listed for Basic Table Top Package
• Priority choice of table selections (subject to availability)
• Enhanced listing in Exhibitor Directory featuring:
- Company logo
- Outline border and expanded listing
- Link to company website in online version
• The Conference Exhibitor Directory is an indispensable, pocketsized quick reference guide distributed to all Conference
• Spotlight your products and services with advertisements
• Drive traffic to your exhibit table
•Logo displayed on signage at the event
•Promotes additional traffic to exhibit table: Delegates will
visit each Sponsor’s exhibit table to become
eligible for a prize drawing
•Recognition in Conference print material onsite
Order Form
2012 North American Table Top Exhibit
(prices good through 31 December 2012)
Please indicate the event(s) at which you would like to exhibit and return this completed form with payment to ISPE
Headquarters. Returning this form does not guarantee a table.
Facilities Conference
27 – 28 February
Tampa, Florida USA
Reception: 27 February
Exhibit: 28 February
Table Top - $1,450*/$1,650
Premium Table Top - $1,750*/$1,950
Vendor Session Table Top - $1,950*/$2,150
GMP Hot Topics Conference
4 – 5 June
Baltimore, Maryland USA
Reception: 4 June
Exhibit: 5 June
Table Top - $1,450*/$1,650
Premium Table Top - $1,750*/$1,950
Vendor Session Table Top - $1,950*/$2,150
*Early Bird Pricing (on or before 27 November 2011)
*Early Bird Pricing (on or before 4 March 2012)
Aseptic Processing Conference
29 February – March 1
Tampa, Florida USA
Exhibit and Closing Reception: 29 February
Table Top - $1,450*/$1,650
Premium Table Top - $1,750*/$1,950
Vendor Session Table Top - $1,950*/$2,150
ISPE 2012 Annual Meeting
11 – 14 November
San Francisco, California USA
Reception: 11 November
Exhibits: 12 - 13 November
Table Top - $3,100*/$3,300
Premium Table Top - $3,400*/$3,600
Vendor Session Table Top - $4,300*/$4,500
*Early Bird Pricing (on or before 11 August 2012)
Supply Chain Network Conference
6 – 7 June
Baltimore, Maryland USA
Exhibit and Closing Reception: 6 June
Table Top - $1,450*/$1,650
Premium Table Top - $1,750*/$1,950
Vendor Session Table Top - $1,950*/$2,150
*Early Bird Pricing (on or before 27 November 2011)
*Early Bird Pricing (on or before 4 March 2012)
Subletting of space will not be allowed.
Exhibits must be staffed at all times during exhibit hours. Exhibits may be staffed by a maximum of two representatives at a time from each company. Exhibitors may not take
down displays before closing hours.
3. Exhibits should be as simple as possible and must conform to the following:
• The entire exhibit must be confined to the top of the table only (nothing will be allowed to hang off, be located underneath, behind, in front, or along side of the table).
• The maximum height including lights, signs, etc., of any display shall be 60 inches from the top of the table.
• The maximum width of any display shall be 72 inches. Displays must not overhang the top of the table.
• Only static displays are acceptable. No operating machinery (unless it can fit on the top of the table and is unobtrusive) of any type will be allowed (excluding computer
terminals and video monitors).
4. ISPE reserves the right to restrict table top exhibits which are objectionable because of size, noise, glaring or flashing lights, method of operation, or any other reason and,
therefore, to prohibit or evict any exhibitor who, in the opinion of ISPE, may detract from the overall good of the exhibit. This reservation includes persons, conduct, printed
matter, or anything ISPE judges to be objectionable.
5. Any failure to comply with the above restrictions shall result in exclusion from participation in future ISPE Table Top Exhibits.
6. Early Bird Pricing must be paid in full.
7. Cancellation Policy: A fifty percent (50%) refund will be given up to 10 weeks prior to event date. No refunds will be given if cancellation is less then 10 weeks prior to event.
Our company and its representatives agree to abide by the ISPE table top terms and conditions.
Name Printed
Authorized Company Signature
Contact Details (All event correspondence will be sent to this person.)
Sponsoring Company _________________________________________Contact Person ______________________________________________
Title _______________________________________________________Address ___________________________________________________
City_______________________ State/Province____________________ Zip+4/Postcode______________ Country__________________________
Telephone __________________ Fax _____________________________Email ______________________Web Address______________________
Payment Method (Table Top Exhibit registrations will not be accepted without payment or credit card information.)
Check #__________enclosed payable to ISPE (must be in US Dollars, drawn on a US bank) in the amount of $ __________________________
Bill my credit card:
CARD NUMBER__________________________________________________________________EXPIRATION DATE_______________________________________
NAME OF CARDHOLDER (AS IT APPEARS ON CARD)_________________________________________CARDHOLDER SIGNATURE________________________________
Please send this completed form with payment to:
ISPE Headquarters
600 N. Westshore Blvd., Suite 900
Tampa, Florida 33609 USA
FEI #59-2009272
John Phillips
Tel: +1-813-739-2292
Fax: +1-813-739-2288
Email: jphillips@ispe.org
Daniel Murphy
Tel: +1-813-739-2274
Fax: +1-813-739-2288
Email: dmurphy@ispe.org
Angela Ferguson
Tel: +1-813-960-2105 x399
Fax: +1-813-739-2288
Email: aferguson@ispe.org
To secure your sponsorship or exhibit please complete the registration form below.
Contact Details
All event information will be sent to this person and this information
will be used for the Exhibitor Directory listing unless submitted online.
Company _______________________________________________________
Host Sponsorship – $16,000
Platinum Sponsorship – $14,000
Gold Sponsorship – $12,000
Silver Sponsorship – $8,250
Bronze Sponsorship – $5,250
Contact Person __________________________________________________
Title ____________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________
City__________________ State/Province________ Zip+4/Postcode_________
Country____________________Telephone ____________________________
Fax ______________________ Email ________________________________
Payment Method
Registrations will not be accepted without payment or credit card information.
Check #_______________________________________enclosed payable
Specialty Items*
Ad in Exhibitor Directory – $500 - $1,000
(Ads due six weeks prior to event)
Enhanced Directory Listing – $300
Onsite Advertising – $1,500
Cyber Cafe/Charging Station – $7,000
Lanyards – $2,250
Exhibit Hall Give-Away – $1,500
Reception Sponsor – $3,500
Bar Sponsor – $2,750
Custom Sponsorships Available Upon Request!
Contact Daniel Murphy for details.
*Specialty item pricing is subject to change.
to ISPE (must be in US Dollars, drawn on a US bank) in the amount
of $ _______________________________________________
Bill my credit card:
Any cancellations made in writing 10 weeks prior to event date will result in a cancellation fee
equal to 50% of your package cost. There are no refunds for cancellations made less than
10 weeks prior to event date, and full payment will still be due.
Please send this form with payment to:
John Phillips
Director of International Sales
Email: jphillips@ispe.org
Dir. Tel: +1-813-739-2292
Angela Ferguson
Sales Support Coordinator
Email: aferguson@ispe.org
Tel: +1-813-960-2105 x399
Daniel Murphy
Sales Associate
Email: dmurphy@ispe.org
Dir. Tel: +1-813-739-2274
ISPE Headquarters
600 N. Westshore Blvd.
Suite 900
Tampa, Florida 33609 USA
Register by phone, fax or email
using contact info to the left.