FUND REIMBURSEMENT FORM RESIDENCE LIFE – UNIVERSITY OF PUGET SOUND Receipts required. No cash advances. Complete and turn in this form to your supervisor for approval. Residence Life office will contact you when your cash reimbursement is available. Large dollar amount requests may be sent to Accounts Payable for reimbursement by check. Name: __________________________________________ ID#: ________________ CMB#__________ RA House RCC TRM/NRH RCC GHC Resident E-mail:_____________________________________________Cell Phone: ________________________ Residence Hall or House area: ____________________________________________________________ Event/Function: Brief Description_________________________________________________________________ Date _____________________ Location _______________________________________________________________________ Attendees (hall residents, staff, campus community, public / approx. numbers) _____________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Items or Services Purchased Vendor Price Total: Total Amount Requested: I accept full responsibility for the sum of money noted above. I realize that I must attach receipts to this form to account for all monies for which I am requesting reimbursement. _________________________________________________________ Date: _____________ (Signature of student requesting reimbursement) ************************************************************************************ For Pro-Staff Use: Speed Chart OR Project Number Account Chartfield1 Supervisor Approval: Date: Budget Manager Approval: Date: CASH Reimbursement RECEIVED: _________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________