Test Your Rental Knowledge

Test Your Rental
Your landlord stops by
unannounced and wants to inspect
your unit or show it to potential
buyers or future tenants. You…
must let your landlord in.
may request that your landlord
comes back next week.
may request that your landlord
comes back tomorrow.
You may request that your landlord
comes back tomorrow. (c)
According to RCW 59.18.150 of the Washington State
Residential Landlord-Tenant Act (LTA) you are
entitled to 48 hours notice before your landlord
enters your unit unless there is an emergency.
Although you may request that your landlord returns
in two days, under reasonable circumstances you
should not deny access to the unit after one day. You
also have the right to let your landlord in immediately
if you so choose. Do not sign a contract or lease that
violates this law. Our office has seen leases from
landlords in this area that require you to allow access
to your unit on certain days and at certain times of
the week. Don’t sign that lease! You must insist that
your landlord contact you at least 24 hours in
advance of all non-emergent entries.
True or False
Your landlord can demand that you
vacuum, take out the garbage, and
mow the lawn.
According to RCW 59.18.130 you are responsible for
upkeep of the rental unit. Vacuuming carpets
prevents bug infestation and mildew. So does taking
out the garbage on a regular basis and keeping the
house clean. Mowing the lawn keeps unwanted
critters away and it keeps the property value up.
These are necessary maintenance issues that must be
taken care of. You can be evicted or face monetary
charges if you do not take this law seriously.
The toilet in your bathroom has
stopped working. You should…
immediately contact your
call and pay for a plumber
move out.
You should immediately contact your
landlord. (a)
According to RCW 59.18.060 your landlord is responsible for maintaining
all electrical, plumbing, heating, and appliances supplied by him or her in
reasonably good working order. RCW 59.18.070 states that your landlord
must fix defective conditions that deprive you of hot or cold water, heat,
or electricity within 24 hours. Plumbing and other appliance issues must
be fixed within 72 hours. Notify your landlord immediately in person or by
phone when the issue arises and follow that notification with a letter. You
and your landlord can discuss how the problem should be fixed. The
solution may be for you to contact a plumber and pay for the repairs
yourself. If this solution is agreed upon, RCW 59.18.100 states that you
are allowed to deduct the cost from your rent. If no solution is found and
your landlord does not fix the problem within the required time, RCW
59.18.090 states that you are allowed to move out of the premises
because your landlord has violated the lease. Most landlords are going to
fix problems quickly because they want to keep good tenants in their
units. Knowing your rights however, is empowering and prevents you
from being taken advantage of. Also remember that if you caused the
appliance, plumbing, etc. to be damaged, you are responsible for repairs
and all costs associated with them.
True or False
As a tenant, you
are responsible
for changing
dead batteries
and maintaining
all smoke
detectors in your
According to RCW 48.48.140 your landlord must
provide you with working smoke detectors but you
are responsible for maintenance and upkeep. Helpful
tip: When setting your clocks for Daylight Savings
Time twice a year, check your smoke detectors too.
Have enough batteries for your clocks and your
smoke detectors if necessary.
True or False
You have signed a 12-month rental
agreement. Your landlord is allowed
to increase your rent before the 12month period ends as long as he
gives you 20 days notice before your
next rent is due.
A 12-month lease is a written contract. No changes
can be made without your consent and a written
addendum to the lease. A month-to-month lease
however, is void at the end of every month. Your
landlord can increase the rent or tell you to move out
with at least 30 days notice before the end of the
month. Details of this law are under RCW 59.18.140
A friend moves to town and needs
a place to live. You think she
would be a good housemate so
help her move into
the spare room.
discuss the issue
with your landlord.
let her sleep on
the couch for a
couple of weeks
to test things out.
You should discuss the issue with your
landlord. (b)
You signed a lease with your landlord that states how
many people are allowed to live in the unit. If the
lease allows for another person then there should not
be a problem. If the lease does not allow for another
person then you will be in violation of the lease once
your friend starts living with you. An addendum must
be added to the lease allowing an extra person to live
in the unit and your landlord has the right to increase
your rent accordingly. You may test the waters with
your friend for a few nights, but after a week or two,
you need to make a decision or you could face
possible eviction for violating your lease.
A house that has been certified by
the Crime Free Housing Program is
safe for you because it has…
trimmed bushes and hedges
that meet specific
180-degree peepholes in all
front doors and anti-theft
devices on ground-floor
windows and sliding doors.
adequate outdoor lighting.
The house is safe because it has a, b,
and c!
The Crime Free Housing Program (CFHP) is a public safety partnership
that assists owners and managers of rental properties in keeping
drugs and other illegal activity off their property and making it safe
for residents. If the property has been certified it means that your
landlord has attended 16 hours of class instruction by Tacoma’s
Police, Human Rights and Human Services, Fire and Public Works
Departments. The property you live in has also been inspected for
peepholes, door locks, window locks, outdoor lighting, fire hazards
and trimmed bushes that predators cannot hide behind. If your
property passed inspection, you may see this logo
on a sign somewhere around your house. You may
also have a CFHP addendum to your lease. In order
to maintain CFHP membership, your property must be
inspected each year. Ask your landlord to see a recent CFHP
certificate or check online at www.cityoftacoma.org under Human
Services to see a recent list of CFHP properties. Call the Crime Free
Housing Hotline at (253) 591-2008 for more information.
True or False
Failing to pay your rent on time will
not affect your future plans for
buying a house or a new vehicle.
Failing to pay your rent on time can stay on
your credit report for 7 to 10 YEARS! Bad
credit makes it hard to get a loan to buy
your first house, your next car, or to get
good interest rates on your credit cards.
Make a budget and stick to it so you never
miss a rent payment.