The American Educational Research Association (AERA) is the largest national interdisciplinary

The American Educational Research Association
(AERA) is the largest national interdisciplinary
research association devoted to the scientific study
of education and learning.
The American Educational Research Association
(AERA), a national research society, strives to
advance knowledge about education, to encourage
scholarly inquiry related to education, and to
promote the use of research to improve education
and serve the public good.
The Research Focus on Black Educatin (RFBE)
Special Interest Group seeks to provide a structure
and forum within AERA for researchers and developers
who focus on educational issues involving Black clients,
both students and professionals.
For more information on AERA/RFBE
To Join or Renew membership login to
Membership Fees
Graduate Students: AERA $55 + SIG $7 + RGBE $20= Total of $82.00****
Faculty & Staff: AERA $180+ SIG $7 + RGBE $20= Total of $207.00****
Contact: Tammy Lane