WCU Staff Forum Meeting Minutes Hinds University Center – Catamount Room April 27, 2004, 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. Present: Keith Ashe, Dennis Benson, Cory Causby, Judy Revere, Arthur Stephens, Bill Studenc, Will Putman, Lisa Frady, Dawne Coward, Kathy Wong, Debbie Justice, Julie WaltersSteele, Gloria Rogers, Terry Riouff, Michele Sutton Absent: Phyllis Bolick, Ronnie Deitz, Larry Hammer, Dianne Lynch, Scott Powell, Kay Turpin, Nancy Wheatley Guest: Bob Orr Members and guests were welcomed and the meeting was called to order by Dennis Benson. Approval of Mintues: The minutes from the April 8, 2004 meeting were approved as submitted. Information Items: The next Staff Forum meeting will be held on Thursday, June 10, 2004, 8:30-10:30 a.m., place to be determined. Dennis Benson reported that Phyllis Bolick has had a job change and as a result is unable to continue as secretary. He asked for volunteers to take minutes for this meeting. Alicia Estes from Academic Affairs volunteered to keep minutes for this meeting. Kathy Wong reported that Lori Allison had accepted a job as Director of Employee Services with Chapel Hill effective May 1st. There will be a drop-in reception on Wednesday from 2-4 p.m. in the HR office. Kathy also spoke about the EPA/SPA Advisory Board. This board has been disbanded and there is now a new HR Council that involves all 16 HR directors and EPA administrators from each campus. The first meeting will be held on April 30th. Topics to be addressed include career banding, the 2004 legislative agenda and rewriting the State Personnel Act. Campus Committee Reports: Cory Causby of the University Advisory Council reported that Debbie Beck gave a presentation about Health Services at the last UAC meeting. There is a proposal to designate a training space that is being considered. Currently Chris Dahlquist has to move from location to location and needs to set up & break down presentations. This is very time consuming and inefficient. SF Committee Reports: No report from the Human Resources Committee. Gloria Rogers reported for the Resource & Environment Committee. They did not have a meeting this month. This committee is very frustrated by the lack of resources. Due to the costs, the benches and picnic tables will have to wait until the new master plan is in effect. Will Putman reported that the Public Relations Committee did not meet this month. The combined campaign brochures are just now being distributed. This will allow for payroll deducted contributions to the Staff Scholarship fund. Keith Ashe of the Governance Committee reported that the e-ballot process went fairly smoothly and that participation was good across campus. The proposed amendment to the bylaws regarding the past Chair to hold a non-voting chair status of the Executive Committee was opened for discussion. Issues considered included that the amendment would mandate an additional year of service from a past chair possibly over the second year of one's term. Continuity can be maintained by staggered election terms, as well as former members' willingness to assist. There was concern about this requirement acting as a deterrent. This amendment was voted on and was not approved. It was suggested that Staff Forum hold elections in January so newly elected members will have time to get acquainted with fellow employees and forum members and for IT Services to prepare for the electronic election ballots. Kathy Wong pointed out that in the four months between the elections and the beginning of the service term, there are many changes in staff. It was suggested to hold elections in March, with preparatory work happening earlier. Also, new members would have additional opportunity for observing. Nominations would happen earlier with the election coming in March. This issue was forwarded to the Governance Committee. Issues Status Report: As presented in the meeting. Old Business: Statewide video conference included topics of pay, insurance, and benefits. It was a good first conference and it is planned that they will be held regularly. There are only 10 spaces available for participation, although all are invited to participate. New Business: The Jackson County Board of Commissions issued a proclamation commending WCU great staff, faculty, and students. Bob Orr reported that Steve Lusk, State President of SEANC will be on campus on May 24th. Discussion regarding an open session Town Hall meeting ensued. Decision was made to tentatively plan for Mr. Lusk to give a presentation and question/answer session from 8:00-10:00 a.m. in the theater of the University Center. Bob gave an update on state employee salary increase proposals. SEANC has joined with NCAE to recommend a 5% salary increase each year for the next three years. The governor is recommending a 2% raise, with no anticipated changes in the state health plan. Also a bill is in committee that mandates funds allocated for retirement must be there. This bill may be introduced in the House during the short session. Election of Staff Forum Officers & UAC representatives: Elections: A quorum was present at the meeting. The floor was opened for nominations for Chair of the Staff Forum. Keith Ashe accepted the nomination for Chair and was unanimously approved to serve as Chair. The floor was opened for nominations for Vice-Chair. Terry Riouff accepted the nomination and was approved. Dawne Coward accepted the nomination for Secretary and was approved. The floor was opened for nominations for the UAC representative. Cory Causby accepted the nomination and was approved. New Officers: Keith Ashe – Chair Terry Riouff – Vice-Chair Dawne Coward – Secretary Cory Causby – Representative to the UAC Bob Orr, Keith Stiles, and Fred Wright will serve as at-large members of the UAC. Other Members: Ronnie Deitz Alicia Estes Larry Hammer Michele Sutton Debbie Justice Linda Beja Scott Powell Ronnie Amster Bill Studenc Marvin Bumgarner Irene Welch Clifton Fisher Dawne Coward Julie Walters-Steele Glenna Young William Frady Phyllis Bolick Bob Orr invited everyone to the May 20th District I picnic beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the WCU picnic area. This is an opportunity to meet with the candidates for the district office and plan for the Raleigh trip. Everyone is welcome. Judy Revere pointed out that since staff forum initiated the student mentoring program it needs to have strong staff support. Staff are strongly encouraged to serve as mentors. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 a.m. Respectfully submitted: Alicia Estes