WCU Staff Forum Meeting Minutes


WCU Staff Forum Meeting Minutes

Hinds University Center – Cardinal Room

October 14, 2004, 8:30 – 10:30 a.m.

Present: Dawne Coward, Bill Studenc, Lisa Frady, Keith Ashe, Cory Causby,

Julie Walters-Steele, Irene Welch, Debbie Justice

Non-Members Present: Kathy Wong

Absent: Linda Beja (excused), Terry Riouff, (excused), Ronnie Deitz, Clifton

Fisher, William Frady, Alicia Estes (excused), Larry Hammer (excused), Scott Powell, Marvin

Bumgarner, Michele Sutton (excused), Ronnie Amster

Members were welcomed and the meeting was called to order by Keith Ashe.

Approval of Agenda: The agenda for today’s meeting will need to be approved at the

November meeting due to the fact that a quorum is not present today.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the September meeting will need to be approved at the November meeting due to the fact that a quorum is not present today.

Information Items: The next Executive Committee meeting is scheduled forThursday,

November 4, 2004, 2:00-3:00 p.m., in HFR 350. The next Staff Forum meeting will be held on Thursday, November 11, 2004, 8:30-10:30 a.m., in the Cardinal Room of the UC.

Kathy Wong reported that the Office of Human Resources is currently in the process of NCFlex enrollment and the enrollment period runs through 11/5/04. Kathy plans to send employees an email survey next week. This is a directive from the Office of the President, which is conducting a satisfaction survey about the Comprehensive State Health Plan. It is very important that all employees complete this survey so that the consultant that has been hired will know our specific needs. Survey results are due back to the Office of the President by 10/30/04.

Chancellor’s Office Report: No report today.

Campus Committee Reports: University Advisory Council – Cory said the committee met on

Tuesday and Chuck Wooten was the guest speaker. He spoke to the group on the University’s financial health and said that financial reports will be included on the Budget Office website for review. In addition, he gave the group an overview of where we stand regarding construction projects. Cory also said that a subcommittee of the UAC has been formed to look at ways to improve employee morale on campus. Heather List, Student Government President, is chairing this committee. Another subcommittee will be formed to help address employee wellness. At the

UAC meeting, Heather List gave an update on student government. She and several others met with President Molly Broad recently. The SGA is throwing their support behind pay increases, etc. for faculty/staff of the universities. Finally, Cory stated that State Appeals and State Supreme

Court are holding sessions on campus next week. Calendar – In Larry’s absence, Keith reported that the committee has met and information will be given at the November meeting.

SF Committee Reports: Human Resources: Irene reported that regarding the flex schedule for the summer months, Linda Beja is gathering information and will present this at a later date.

Regarding money that has been set aside to address in-range adjustments, promotions, etc., the

Committee will meet with Kathy Wong to discuss this further, and they would like the Chair and

Vice Chair of the Forum to participate in this meeting as well. Resources and Environment: In

Ronnie Deitz’s absence, Keith reported that we raised a total of $524.11 towards our scholarship goal. Keith expressed appreciation to Julie and her family for the musical entertainment provided during the event on Mountain Heritage Day. Public Relations: Bill Studenc reported that the

Forum has a nice article in the most recent edition of The Reporter. The Committee believes we

need to poll the staff on campus to get their thoughts about whether or not it is time for another

Town Hall meeting, and, if so, gather ideas for issues they would like to have addressed at such a meeting. Scholarship: Keith said a meeting was held to discuss several matters, and a report on this will be given at the November meeting. Governance: Julie said that on 02/01/05, Staff

Forum nomination requests will go out and will be due back on 02/15/05. Elections will then be held 03/01-03/15/05. The Committee is in the process of trying to fill the vacancy left when

Glenna Young resigned from the Staff Forum.

Issues Status Report: No report at this meeting.

Old Business: None.

New Business: Keith reported that today will be his last official Staff Forum meeting as he has accepted a position at Southwestern Community College. While we are very sorry to lose such a valuable asset to both WCU and the Staff Forum, we all wish Keith well in his new career!

Open Comments: None.

The meeting ended at 9:35 a.m.

Respectfully submitted: Dawne Coward
