WCU Staff Forum Meeting Minutes

WCU Staff Forum Meeting Minutes
July 10 , 2008
UC Cardinal Room
Members Present: Donna Welch; Lauren Bishop; Nancy Carden; Lisa Frady; Virginia Fowler;
Carrie Shuler; Debbie West; Jed Tate; Anne Aldrich; Colby Deitz; Jeff Hughes; Dianne Lynch;
Brenda Holcombe; Kim Jamison; Tom Johnson; Deborah Lovern; Teresa Killian; Wiley Danner;
Akum Jamir; and Donna Welch
Members Absent: Joe McFalls; Kenny Pauley (excused)
Ex-Officio Members Present: Kathy Wong; Dianne Lynch
Welcome: Jed welcomed everyone to today’s meeting.
Approval of Agenda for July: Approved as given.
Approval of Minutes for June: Approved as given.
Information Items:
The next Executive Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 7, 2008, 2:003:00, HFR 453.
The next Staff Forum meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 14, 2008, 8:30-10:30 a.m.,
Cardinal Room, UC.
Office of Human Resources: Kathy reported on the following:
Budget – The budget has been ratified and is currently waiting on approval from the governor.
Raises were submitted as 2.75% or $1,100, whichever is greater, for SPA staff and 3% for EPA
staff. They will go into effect on June 30 and if signed by the governor this week will be in July
Career Banding – Career Banding has been completed and letters for the last group will go out
soon. Competency assessments are underway.
Salary Adjustment – Will hopefully be submitting for funds from the salary adjustment fund later
in the semester in hopes of getting money to help with the Market GAP.
Employee Appreciation Day – Has been tentatively scheduled for October 1 st to coincide with the
roll out of the new University Brand.
Chancellor’s Office:
Budget – The budget was very good for WCU this year. Representatives Haire and Snow went to
bat for us on several points and we are receiving five hundred thousand dollars for forensics, two
hundred thousand dollars for the Math and Science Education Network, and four million for
planning of the new education building. UNC System received full funding for enrollment and
money for campus safety which we will share in. We will be receiving a cut as well but we have
flexibility in determining where the cut is made.
Smoking Policy – The new policy came into effect on July 1. Signage will be up and receptacles
should be moved prior to students return in August. Trying to accommodate smokers as much as
possible but there is currently no money in the budget to build designated smoking areas.
Campus Committee Reports: The University Advisory Council is finished meeting for the
summer and will resume its meetings in the fall.
Staff Forum Committee Reports:
Human Resources - No report. Deborah gave a description of the committee so new members
would know its charge.
Resource & Environment - Lauren gave a description of the committee so new members would
know its charge.
Public Relations - Colby is working on restructuring the website. Colby gave a description of the
committee so new members would know its charge.
Scholarship - Lisa reported that a write up on the scholarship winner should come out in the next
reporter. Lisa gave a description of the committee so new members would know its charge.
Governance - Nancy handed out ballots for elections for representatives for the University
Advisory Council. Nancy gave a description of the committee so new members would know its
Old Business:
New Business:
Elections were held and the following officers were elected:
Chair – Jed Tate
Vice Chair – Donna Welch
Secretary – Anne Aldrich (Anne has since decided she will be unable to serve due to work load)
Committee Membership:
Public Relations - Colby Deitz; Larry Hammer; Brenda Holcombe; Akum Jamir
Scholarship - Carrie Shuler; Debbie West; Lisa Frady
Resources & Environment - Lauren Bishop; Virginia Fowler; Jeff Hughes; Tom Johnson; Teresa
Lauren asked for input on two web-based packages they are currently looking at for a Carpooling
option for the university. ZEN Ride and NCRideShare.com, one is free but isn’t geared toward
students, ZEN Ride is customizable but costs five thousand dollars. Jackson County Transit is
working on starting a shuttle to run from Cullowhee to Asheville and another from Cullowhee to
Sylva during the lunch hour.
Colby is working on updating a staff handbook to make it available online for employees. If
anyone has any suggestions or recommendations please send them to the committee.
Open Comments:
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.