Staff Senate Meeting 7/9/09 (8:30 am) Members in Attendance Lance Alexis Virginia Fowler Debbie West Susan Skibbee Joe McFalls Carrie Shuler Kathy Prindiville Wiley Danner Kim Jamison Tammy Frizzell Brenda Holcombe Jeff Tatham Jeff Hughes Human Resources Update (Kathy Wong) 1. No new news on the budget situation. a. There is a resolution in place that runs till the 15th. However, it does not appear that a new budget will be approved before then. b. WCU is to send plans for a 10% and 15% cut to GA by the 15th. c. WCU is in a good place due to the 8% cut already in place. 2. Public Records Requests – a. There have been two requests from the News & Observer i. Sick Leave, Bonus Leave, etc (~July 1, 2008 - ~ May 30,2009) ii. ~1999 – Information on administrators that have gone back to faculty status (salary, etc.) b. Office of State Personnel – information on compensatory time. (Fallout from State Trooper issue and NC State) 3. State Personnel – Reduction in Force – A new system will be in place (password protected) that will recognize that an employee has been laid off without their having to personally contact the institution to which they are applying. (Priority Application) 4. Payroll Project – These decisions are not being made by WCU personnel. a. GA has people here every week. b. Rollout i. Pembroke on October 1 (Pilot) ii. WCU and UNCA on January 1, 2010 1. A switch on this date will give us a “clean” tax year, 1 W-2. c. Two-week pay – i. This will affect roughly 676 WCU employees (any employee subject to overtime.) 1 Staff Senate Meeting 7/9/09 (8:30 am) ii. Employees would go from receiving 12 checks a year to receiving 26 checks a year. iii. All other employees will remain monthly. d. Lag Payroll – Erskine Bowles supports this. However, many feel that more time is needed. i. Institutions will be processing 3 payrolls a month. (WCU will not be creating new positions to help with the work load.) 1. 1st two-week pay 2. 2nd two-week pay 3. Monthly payroll ii. Ideally WCU would be able to implement its own payroll system on January 1, 2010 and then rollout the new 2 week pay in the next year, but the decision is out of our hands. e. Loan Program – Employees switched to the two-week pay would have to pay back monies “fronted” to them. i. Due to the state of the economy and the furloughs, many feel this is not the best time to implement such a program. ii. WCU is talking to Appalachian University. Apparently App. implemented an inhouse pay system without the use of a loan program. iii. When? - Chuck Wooten is participating in a Steering Committee Meeting today. They will decide when. f. How will the payroll project affect student pay (contracts for RAs, etc.)? - That is not known at this time. A meeting will be setup between HR representatives and representatives from the payroll office. Chancellor’s Office Update (Representative is not present.) Details on the Staff Assembly (Jed Tate) 1. Each University has its own staff organization. (This includes UNC TV.) 2. Delegates to state a. 1 year term (committee chair) – Jed Tate currently b. 2 year term c. 3 year term d. Alternate i. Currently there are two positions vacant 1. Tom Johnson is still serving. 2. Brenda Holcombe is the alternate. 3. Jeff Tatham volunteered. – Additional Spot to be filled at next meeting (?) 2 Staff Senate Meeting 7/9/09 (8:30 am) 3. There are two meetings in the fall and spring. (One is at Chapel Hill and the other is at a different location.) 4. There are two additional meetings held via video conference. Emergency Assistance Fund (Brenda Holcombe) – She has contacted Richard Beam (Faculty Senate) about collaboration but has not received a response. Nominations - Jed Tate will contact the individuals not present and ask them to accept or decline the nomination. Voting will take place via email. 1. Chair a. Brenda Holcombe – Tentative (?) b. Tom Johnson c. Donna Welch d. Scott Swartzentruber 2. Vice Chair – a. Eric Margiotta b. Brenda Holcombe – Tentative (?) c. Donna Welch 3. Secretary – a. Debbie West - Accept b. Tammy Frizzell - Accept (Joe McFalls) Recommend that AEDs (?), defibrillators (?) be placed in the building on campus. – WCU student passed away last night on the football field after practice. 1. Talk to Tammi Hudson (Police Department/Emergency Manager) a. 2. Possible Grant writing opportunity. Email Contacts: Deborah Lovern; Anne Aldrich; Brenda Holcombe; Carrie Shuler; Debbie West; Dianne Lynch; Donna Welch; Jed Tate; Jeff Hughes; Joe McFalls; Kathy Wong; Kim Jamison; Tom Johnson; Virginia Fowler; Wiley Danner; Lance Alexis; Kelly Hammer; Eric Margiotta; Kathleen Prindiville; Susan Skibbe; Scott Swartzentruber; Jeff Tatham 3