Staff Senate Minutes March 11, 2010 Members Status Present Excused Unexcused Comments Anne Aldrich X Lance Alexis X Cyndi Ammons X Mike Burnett Newly Elected X Mike Corelli Newly Elected X William Frady Newly Elected X Wiley Danner X Virginia Fowler X Sheila Frizzell Newly Elected X Tammy Frizzell X Homer Harris Newly Elected X Brenda Holcombe X Jeff Hughes X Kim Jamison X Tom Johnson X April Karby Newly Elected X Jason LaVigne X Joe McFalls X Eric Margiotta X David Porter Newly Elected X Kathleen Prindiville X Carrie Shuler X Laura Simons X Scott Swartzentruber X Jeff Tatham X Walter Turner Newly Elected X Donna Welch X Debbie West X Dianne Lynch (Ex-Officio Member) X Kathy Wong (Ex-Officio Member) X I. Chancellor Bardo a. Fraternity Issue The University has requested that one order be removed for a period of 5 years. The national organization says that Western Carolina University cannot have the fraternity removed from campus. If the national fraternity does not concede to the University’s proposed 5 year removal, the chapter will be permanently banned for the natural lives of its current brothers. b. Tailgating at Baseball games Students were engaging in tailgating at the baseball games and drinking. It is not legal. The University has informed the students that they cannot bring alcohol. c. Budget 1 Staff Senate Minutes March 11, 2010 i. State collections are not going well. NC is off ½ % from budget. ii. Foreclosures are still occurring at a fast clip. iii. Unemployment in major recruiting areas: 1. 15% Hickory 2. 13% Charlotte iv. The state is not turning around. The bottom may or may not have been reached. v. Permanent 5% budget cut was enacted last year. 1. Last year’s budget cuts resulted in 35 people being laid off at WCU. a. You pay out 30-40% to the people cut after they have been laid off. WCU is the only institution not taking that money out of this year’s funds. vi. This year 5% was held back by the governor. vii. If there is not a further reduction in the base budget, WCU does not anticipate any layoffs unless they are mandated. viii. If returned, 2% of the holdback money will be used for computers and supplies. ix. We will probably not see a real recovery for 5-6 years. d. Millennial Campus i. WCU is in the process of negotiating the development of a Medical Arts building. 1. It will be the first private building on the campus. (The private owner will be responsible for building maintenance.) a. 100% private funding b. It will create ~150 jobs. c. A letter of agreement is in place for ½ of the building. i. WCU needs ¾ of the building covered by letters of agreement to start building. ii. Other Future Buildings 1. Fine Arts 2. Engineering 3. Environmental Science 4. Military Research Center iii. How does WCU plan to incorporate the Millennial Campus? 1. Dianne Lynch will bring the proposal easel (drawing) over for the Staff Senate to see at the next meeting. a. Walking Trail b. Shuttle System c. Proposed Old Savannah Road Bridge d. Pond 2 Staff Senate Minutes March 11, 2010 2. Since the Millennial Campus will be primarily private development, WCU will talk to the Transportation Department about money for incorporation. 3. It will probably take WCU 20 years to integrate the Millennial Campus. iv. Nursing Program – an entire section of the Millennial Campus will be devoted to a health and aging neighborhood (in the valley). v. The new 165,000 academic building will have a carbon neutral 1st floor. vi. New Buildings Proposed: 1. Medical Arts Building 2. Retirement Condo 3. Assisted Living Center 4. These buildings will provide local jobs, opportunities for faculty research and will give our students experience via jobs and internships. 5. Over time WCU hopes to build a residence hall on the Millennial Campus. vii. WCU hopes to partner with other institutions to offer programming that we do not have. e. Dillsboro Initiative i. Betty Farmer has done a terrific job. ii. The gift of the train was a regular stream of customers for Dillsboro, but it is no more. iii. Learning/Talking about a. Basic Business Hours b. Learning media to market f. Picnic Tables Right now WCU is receiving weekly budget allocations from the state. We had to stop many staff development initiatives due to a lack of funds. g. Parking Perhaps parking will be zoned? The spaces that are further away from the heart of campus will be cheaper. h. Cut Positions When the budget improves, some of the cut positions will be reinstated (like an HR trainer). i. However, it is not just a budget question. PACE (efficiency program) looks at needs vs. people. 1. For example, according to PACE, Facilities Management is overstaffed but, to keep WCU as beautiful as it is, you need the staff. 2. PACE is what has lead to all the talk about middle management positions. i. The Director of Disability Services would like for the Chancellor to appear at the NC Association of Disability Services conference. 3 Staff Senate Minutes March 11, 2010 i. For Chancellor’s appearances, please contact Terry Welch. j. We anticipate a freshman class of 1550 give or take 50. i. The average SAT and GPA will be higher. 1. This will improve our retention and graduation rates. a. These students are motivated and wish to be in school. b. They are able to be supported by Residential Living, Advising, etc. ii. We expect a dip in our numbers due to the economy. Some students have had to go home. k. Our doctorate of Physical Therapy is on the slate for the Board of Governors. l. The Presidential Search (UNC System) i. The Chancellor is not concerned about the person’s place of birth. They need to learn and respect the culture of NC. ii. It does not matter if they are in academia now or not. iii. What does matter: 1. Good Person – Are their core values solid? Do they make good decisions? 2. Do they grasp the core of an academic institution? 3. Are they open to more than one institutional mission? 4. Are they politically savvy, and can they talk to the people that hold the purse strings? 5. Will they allow the campuses to do their jobs? m. Retention of Students with Disabilities (Dr. Lance Alexis) Quite often students are challenged by “learned helplessness.” They were previously coddled and insulated. Our Disability Services is dedicated to their holistic education and does not believe in duplicating their former educational experience. It is not beneficial. n. Retention i. For a public university, you are doing well if 4 out of 5 return for their sophomore year. ii. We have a retention rate of 76% this year. iii. A 6 year graduation rate of 65% means that 1/3 wandered away. A 55-65% rate is an effective use of tax funds. iv. It is important to select up front students that will do well. 1. Students that list extracurricular activities tend to do better academically. 2. The higher standards will help (GPA & SAT) but other psychological factors have an effect. 3. In the future, we shall perhaps ask students to write an essay. 4. WCU admits ~40% of its applicants. a. We are raising admissions standards. 4 Staff Senate Minutes March 11, 2010 i. More local students are applying. ii. If students do not reach standards, we tell them how they can come to WCU later on in their college career (helps to bolster community colleges). II. III. IV. V. o. Synthesis/The E-Briefcase i. The departments that are rolling out QEPs are doing a great job. ii. National papers – WCU was the second highest. iii. Provisional patents are on the rise. 1. Mannequin that helps in the study of bed sores is a joint venture with Wake Med. (3 provisional patents pending) Next year they will focus on the thighs. Approval of the meeting agenda (Brenda Holcombe) a. Motion Tom Johnson b. Second Donna Welch c. Motion carries. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting (Brenda Holcombe) a. Motion Eric Margiotta b. Second Tom Johnson c. Motion carries. Chancellor’s Office Update (Dianne Lynch, ex-officio member) Dianne Lynch had to leave the Staff Senate meeting early due to a Board of Trustees meeting. No update is available at this time. Human Resources (Kathy Wong, ex-officio member) a. Annual Enrollment for Health Insurance i. Be on the lookout for: 1. Mailer 2. Booklet ii. An email will go out soon to remind staff of an information session led by HR. iii. The email will also include information on electronic lab times where HR personnel can help staff complete the annual enrollment process. iv. Bonnie Ross has scheduled a meeting for housekeeping staff with HR to help with the annual enrollment. v. This is a positive enrollment process. Staff must take action to be in the 80/20 plan. vi. This is the first year of the Wellness Initiative. All health plan members will be defaulted to the 70/30 plan. vii. Log-in 1. First Name and First Letter of Last Name 2. Last 4 Digits of your Social Security Number 3. Password viii. Staff must submit a non-smoker attestation to get back on the 80/20 plan. 5 Staff Senate Minutes March 11, 2010 b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 1. This means that the staff member is swearing that the non-smoking statement is true. ix. The smoking cessation has caused quite a bit of emotion, especially the issue of random testing. x. Smoking is the first part of the Wellness Initiative, and weight management will be the second phase of the Wellness Initiative. xi. How are they going to manage random testing? The Health plan is struggling to implement the law. 1. Testing site will be located within 15 miles of work site. 2. Will testing take place during working hours or on private time? 3. Will employees be reimbursed for mileage? xii. How much will the random testing cost? xiii. Will the state save enough money by defaulting people to 70/30 to cover the cost of the testing? xiv. Perhaps General Administration can partner with the Office of State Personnel to gather feedback? Health Insurance Premiums There will be an 8.9% increase in premiums. i. Health Insurance is paid one month in advance. ii. The rate increase will go in effect in July. The money for July comes out of the June paycheck. Questions without Answers: i. Is this a state personnel issue? ii. How will they protect DNA? iii. What about the travel issue? iv. Are there clear goals for those attesting to a cessation program? 1. How long can a staff member continue to “quit”? If you are concerned about the Wellness Initiative contact your local representative. The governor is looking for a way to pay back the 0.5 pay reduction that resulted in the furlough in 2009. You pay for bonus time on the back end as people retire. Ohio state shooting A probationary employee received a bad review. The employee shot the manager, another employee. Service Awards Luncheon i. The Executive Council moved the Judy McDowell award to the Spring Convocation. ii. The SPA Service Awards, EPA retiree luncheon and faculty retiree luncheon will be consolidated into one event. iii. There is movement to make employee appreciation a weeklong event. 1. Make some recognition a department level event. 6 Staff Senate Minutes March 11, 2010 VI. VII. VIII. 2. Create sandwich boards that list accomplishment levels. 3. Ribbons to commemorate years of service. 4. Make sure that people do not feel slighted. January Term (Laura Simons) a. There is the possibility of a January term replacing mini-mester. b. Faculty Senate and the deans seem to be in favor of the switch. It is supported by Provost Carter. c. Pros and Cons i. If it is its own term, it would affect Financial Aid? ii. The University would not have any down time. 1. Clean Floors 2. IT Maintenance/upgrades 3. Steam Plant shutdown 4. Residence Hall Staff a. There would never be a time that students would not be in residence. 5. Students can come back early from Christmas Break. 6. Student Affairs estimates that they would lose $500,000.00. d. UNC Greensboro has a January Term but it is online. e. A January Term would accrue state funding. f. How will this effect Financial Aid? Will it be part of spring term? g. Chuck Wooten thinks the University will lose money. WCU collects all of the fees for mini-mester. We would have to grow enrollment to support a Spring mini-mester. h. The move to January term would help the faculty (time for research). i. Questions i. Will they target a specific student population? ii. Will classes students want to take be offered? iii. Can a survey for the staff be formulated? Committee Reports (This portion of the meeting was truncated. The Staff Senate was exceeding their meeting time allotment.) a. Governance (Donna Welch) i. Election results – please see attendance list at the beginning of the document. ii. Proposed By-law change will be moved to the next meeting. b. Public Relations (Eric Margiotta) i. Please bring in items for the yard sale. c. Scholarship (Tammy Frizzell) i. The scholarship may tentatively have $1005.00 to award for 2010-2011 school year per Chris Mueller in Development. Old Business 7 Staff Senate Minutes March 11, 2010 (This portion of the meeting was truncated. The Staff Senate was exceeding their meeting time allotment.) a. Ornament Proposal (Tammy Frizzell) i. The Scholarship Committee will be consulted. Perhaps the Yard Sale proceeds could be used for one year only to give the Ornament Plan startup money? b. Emergency Assistance Fund (Tammy Frizzell) i. The committee will meet with representatives from Administration and Finance on Monday, March 15. *The rest of the agenda items will be moved to the next meeting. 1. Shining Star (Brenda Holcombe) 2. Voluntary Shared Leave (Jeff Tatham/Kathy Wong) ** Brenda Holcombe will send out an informational email to the group to cover many of the remaining agenda items. 8