Staff Senate Minutes May 13, 2010 Members Anne Aldrich Lance Alexis Cyndi Ammons Mike Burnett Mike Corelli William Frady Wiley Danner Virginia Fowler Sheila Frizzell Tammy Frizzell Homer Harris Brenda Holcombe Jeff Hughes Kim Jamison Tom Johnson April Karby Jason Lavigne Joe McFalls Eric Margiotta David Porter Kathleen Prindiville Carrie Shuler Laura Simons Scott Swartzentruber Jeff Tatham Walter Turner Donna Welch Debbie West Dianne Lynch (Ex-Officio Member) Kathy Wong (Ex-Officio Member) I. II. Status Present Newly Elected Newly Elected Newly Elected Excused X Unexcused Comments X X X X X X X Newly Elected X X X X X Newly Elected Rotating off Rotating off Newly Elected X X Rotating off X X X Newly Elected Rotating off X X X X Newly Elected X X X X Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting (Brenda Holcombe) a. Motion Homer Harris b. Second Donna Welch Human Resources (Kathy Wong, ex-officio member) a. Payroll Implementation i. April 30, 2010 was the go-live for payroll here at WCU: 1. Student 2. Hourly Temporary 3. Permanent 1 Staff Senate Minutes May 13, 2010 III. ii. Adjunct Faculty and Flat Rate Graduate students will be transition once their final payment for 2010 has been processed (May). iii. IT will send 5 computers for Facilities Management for the new process. Joe McFalls will determine the distribution. iv. Pre and post tax deductions are not as clear on the new statements. HR will work with E-vision on this. v. Will we go to a bi-weekly pay schedule? 1. That would be a General Administration Decision. 2. Of the 9 campuses transitioning off of Central Payroll, only 3 have gone live. b. State Health Plan i. There will not be random testing for smoking. c. Compensation i. Movement to get rid of competencies and go back to skill based hiring. 1. SPA positions will be filled on the basis of education and training. ii. Banding Implementation has been a 7-year process and is more contemporary. 1. Banding is not funded. New Business a. Committee Reports i. Resource and Environment 1. CPR Training will be on Friday (May 14, 2010). ii. Public Relations (Eric Margiotta) 1. Star Award a. Working on implementing a Staff Senate Email. iii. Governance (Donna Welch) 1. The Staff Senate achieved quorum and the floor was given to Donna Welch. a. Motion Eric Margiotta b. Second Wiley Danner c. Motion carries. 2. Elections a. Past Chair – Brenda Holcombe moves into this position. b. Chair i. Nominees 1. Tammy Frizzell 2. William Frady ii. Result – William Frady is the new Chair. c. Chair Elect i. Nominees 1. William Frady 2. Jason Lavigne 2 Staff Senate Minutes May 13, 2010 IV. ii. Result – Jason Lavigne is the new Vice Chair. d. Secretary i. Nominees 1. Tammy Frizzell 2. Cyndi Ammons ii. Result – Tammy Frizzell will serve as secretary for another year. iv. Scholarship (Tammy Frizzell) 1. We raised $360.37 at the Yard Sale. This tops last year’s number but does not beat the record. 2. 2010 Recipients: a. Kristen Arrington b. Emily Haskett v. Human Resources 1. Nothing new to report. b. Strategic Planning Committee (Brenda Holcombe) i. The Staff Senate Representative to the Strategic Planning Committee has traditionally been the Staff Senate Chair. ii. Representatives will now serve 2-year terms. iii. Brenda spoke to Melissa Wargo and asked if the Staff Senate could have 2 representatives. This will be brought before Dr. Stanford (Interim Provost). 1. Chair 2. Past Chair 3. Donna Welch recommends this course of action. a. Motion Homer Harris b. Second Tammy Frizzell c. Let the Legislature hear you voice. (Brenda Holcombe) i. What is proposed (budget) would be devastating. 1. Western Carolina University would lose 41 positions. a. 17 Faculty b. 24 Staff ii. Gentle Reminder: 1. Do not use state resources to do this. 2. Please do not do this during work hours. Old Business a. January Term (Brenda Holcombe for Laura Simons) i. The results of the survey seem to be split, ½ for and ½ against. ii. However, it does seem that the faculty is willing to teach. b. Emergency Assistance Fund i. The Board of Trustees is scheduled to meet on June 4, 2010. Could we ask them to fund the EAF? 3 Staff Senate Minutes May 13, 2010 V. c. Administrative Council i. 4 groups 1. 6 members each Staff Assembly Chair (Kelley Eaves-Boykin) a. There are 32,025 SPA, EPA non-faculty, full-time and part-time employees working for the state of North Carolina. b. The Staff Assembly meets on a quarterly basis. i. 4 meetings 1. 2 in person 2. 2 via video conference c. Key Concerns i. Furlough 1. Flex Schedule Resolution ii. Banding – task force potential d. Staff Assembly will be on the University of North Carolina website under the Leadership tab. e. Kelley Eaves-Boykin is serving on the search committee for the new UNC President. f. The Have a Heart Campaign was a big success this year. i. 2010 1. 11,000 lbs of food to 19 pantries 2. $500 in toiletries, baby food and baby clothes 3. 400 shoes to Haiti ii. This will become an annual event – Valentine’s Day. Pantries are low on supplies in January-February. g. Budget: i. It is bad and is going to get worse. ii. The good thing about the governor’s budget is that it has enrollment growth money. h. Speak out and let them know how the last cuts affected us. Report to Anita Watkins. Motion to Adjourn Second Donna Welch Eric Margiotta 4