Staff Senate Minutes December 09, 2010 Members Lance Alexis Mike Burnett Mike Corelli Keith Corzine William Frady Sheila Frizzell Tammy Frizzell Homer Harris April Karby Jason Lavigne Eric Margiotta David Porter Kathleen Prindiville Laura Simons Scott Swartzentruber Jeff Tatham Walter Turner Dianne Lynch (Ex-Officio Member) Kathy Wong (Ex-Officio Member) Erin McNelis (Faculty Chair) Present X X X Excused Unexcused Comments X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X I. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting Motion Scott Swartzentruber Second Mike Corelli II. Approval of the Meeting Agenda Motion Mike Corelli Second Homer Harris III. Chancellor’s Office Update (Dianne Lynch, ex-officio member) a. Budget Cuts – 1. There will be cuts. We do not know for sure how much. 2. We will not have a clear picture in January. The legislature is new. This will change the timetable. 3. The staff will know as soon as something is definite. 4. Every other state agency was told to hand in plans for a 5%, 10% and 15 % cut. The UNC System, Community Colleges and Public Schools were allowed by Governor Purdue to turn in 5% and 10% scenarios only. a. The new legislature could ask that we give a 15% cut. The Republican Party is now in control of the NC House and Senate. b. December Commencement 1. 2:00 pm – one ceremony for graduate and undergraduate c. Board of Trustees 1 Staff Senate Minutes December 09, 2010 1. Tuition and Fees were approved on 12/8/10. a. The BOT asked quite a few questions about graduation and retention rates. 2. There will be a local tuition increase. a. The Board of Governors’ tuition increase policy stated that those institutions that needed an opportunity to catch up may do so. This catch up policy applies to institutions that did not take advantage of the BOG local tuition increase the first few years it was offered. The institution must request the catch up funds, and the chancellor must provide a justification. b. WCU did not avail itself of the increase the first 2 years. c. WCU is asking for an 8.2% increase in local tuition. This increase equals 4.5% of tuition and fees + $50.00. i. 25% of these funds must go to need-based Financial Aid. ($404,405.30) ii. 25% of these funds must go to increasing faculty salaries. Last year the money was reserved. (The Office of State Personnel is over staff salary increases.) iii. 50%- improve learning and classroom environment 3. If the Board of Governors does not approve the 8.2% increase, WCU will ask for a 6.5% increase. 4. There is no guarantee that we will receive the increase. There are several levels that any proposed increase must go through. a. Conference call between UNC President Tom Ross, Chancellor Bardo, Dianne Lynch, CFO Robert Edward and Jeff Davies. b. General Administration c. Board of Governors d. Legislature IV. New Business a. Chancellor Search Committee (William Frady) 1. On December 6 and 7, the search committee met and discussed WCU. – Job Description a. Culture b. History c. Expectations 2. Over the holidays the committee will enter into a quiet time. However, the search firm will continue its efforts 3. There will be a conference call in January, 2011. 4. William Frady will share as much as he can with the Staff Senate. (All committee members are bound by confidentiality and cannot divulge names or other personally identifiable information.) b. Treasurer Position (William Frady) – The Executive Committee will work on the creation of this position, including wording for the by-laws. The Executive Committee of the Staff Senate will then bring the proposed position before the rest of the Senate for consideration. 2 Staff Senate Minutes December 09, 2010 V. c. Email sent out 12/6/10 to fill vacant positions. (William Frady/Jason Lavigne) - The Staff Senate now has 3 vacancies within the service classification. An email was sent out to all eligible employees to ask if they would like to serve on the Senate. The Executive Committee hopes to have the new members named by the January, 2011 meeting. d. Staff Senate Participation (William Frady) The Executive Committee is concerned. It seems that Senate members feel that missing meetings means that they must step down from the Senate. That is not so. The Senate recognizes that there are many demands on the members’ time. The Executive Committee appreciates the time and dedication of each member. Members unable to attend a meeting may give their voting proxy in writing to another Staff Senate member. Please contact William Frady (, Jason Lavigne ( or Tammy Frizzell ( if you have any questions or concerns. e. Staff Senate 2011! (William Frady) There are several committee chairs rotating off the Senate in June 2011. Please consider a leadership role in the Senate. The election process will begin this month and carry into the spring of 2011. f. WCU Pride (William Frady) The Chancellor’s comment at breakfast – WCU often degrades itself. We should take pride in ourselves and our institution. We do great things, and we do them well. 1. Dr. Miller and Student Affairs are doing a great job of involving the community. 2. This is about more that wearing purple or attending athletic events. We should see WCU with a child’s eyes. How cool is this place? 3. A group of cats forms a pride. Perhaps buzz is a better word? 4. Leadership is working on obtaining a $250,000 Pepsi Grant. We need to spread the word about exciting things WCU is involved in. 5. We need to tap into the family feel of WCU. 6. Students choose to attend a 4 year institution over a community college for the college experience. 7. The Reporter is a good source of information. 8. We are Western – a. The beauty b. The caring c. The QEP d. The Boyer Model e. Undergraduate Research 9. Buttons are being worked on. 10. Think about how we can tap into Western! Let’s create some buzz! Old Business a. Emergency Assistance Fund (Tammy Frizzell) 1. $50.00 is already in a holding account (Foundation). Another $20.00 was given at a Board of Trustees meeting. 2. Shea Browning from Legal Counsel is reviewing the document. He is also discussing the project with the Controller’s Office and the Internal Auditor. 3. Shea Browning has suggested changes to the wording. 3 Staff Senate Minutes December 09, 2010 VI. 4. Kathy Wong (Human Resources) has also suggested changes to the document and has pointed out areas that need clarification. 5. The EEAF Committee will work on the changes and place the document before the Staff Senate for review. b. Scholarship Fundraiser (Tammy Frizzell) 1. Put a box in your office! We are a 20 person group. If each member of the Senate filled one box, we would have 20 boxes for the yard sale. This would mean that we would not need volunteers to man the Zamboni Room. This would keep people out of the cold and would eliminate one after work obligation. c. Food Drive Totals (William Frady) 1. At the Board of Trustees meeting William Frady was given $20.00 to help with the program. He will use the money to buy food and drop it off at Community Table. 2. 404.95 lbs of Food 3. 229 Toiletry items 4. 1 bottle of Vitamins Items of Discussion a. There will be major changes in the leadership of the University in 2011. Chuck Wooten is retiring. The Chancellor is retiring, etc. The Staff Senate needs to make sure that the new leadership is aware of us. b. Erin McNelis (Faculty Senate Chair) and William Frady (Staff Senate Chair) are meeting on a regular basis. c. William Frady (Staff Senate Chair) to the Staff Senate – Your voice and your opinion matters. Thank you for participating in the Staff Senate. d. Parking - The parking permit price will be going up. It will go from $60.00 a year to $72.00 a year, $1.00 more a month. 1. WCU has very cheap parking. 2. However, a lot of the lowest paid park on the fringes of campus. Would it be possible to keep their rate at $60.00? a. Many secretaries and other low paid employees park in the heart of campus close to their building. i. If you move your car between 9 am and 3 pm within the core of campus, you must park in the outer lots and walk back into the heart of campus. b. There are hourly employees in IT that park in the center of campus. c. Many housekeepers must jockey for positions to clean the buildings. i. Parking Services will issue a placard that reads “Service.” 3. WCU is underfunded for parking. 4. There is a parking spot on campus for every parking tag issued. 5. A parking deck would be a huge expense and an eye sore. Do we really want to ruin our aesthetically pleasing campus (views) with such a monstrosity? e. Furlough 1. If more than the 10% cut comes, furloughs may be on the table. 4 Staff Senate Minutes December 09, 2010 VII. 2. Individuals making under $30,000.00 a year would not be furloughed. How will the institution deal with this? a. Will these employees have to work over to take the furlough days off? b. Will they be required to work the furlough days? c. Will the University be closed? d. How will offices be manned? 3. The Staff Senate is in favor of furloughs. We do not wish for employees to lose their jobs. Addendum: WCU Budget – Past, Present and Future – Budget Update (12/8/10) Linda Stanford, Provost and Chuck Wooten, CFO 8% reduction of 2 years ago 5 million 59 FTE Taking a bit hit: o Operating o Part-time Faculty o Open Positions How much does WCU receive from the state? 86 Million – roughly %50 of our budget - Academic Affairs receive 70% of the state funds. 5% cut 10% cut 15% cut 4.3 million 8.6 million 12.9 million WCU has held back money to cover a 5% cut. We are probably looking at a 4.3 - 8.6 reduction. Program Efficiencies and Program Prioritization - (All units will undergo this process.) The study will be complete February 15, 2011. Reduce Special Interest Courses Reduce Concentrations/Specializations Reduce Adjunct Faculty Reduce Administrative Costs Identify Low Enrolled Programs WCU has 78 degrees and 59 concentrations. Last graduation cycle (08/09), 16 majors graduated less than 5 students. WCU must focus on the curriculum, and place more faculty members back in the classrooms. Targets 5 Staff Senate Minutes December 09, 2010 Low Retention Programs Increase student/faculty ratios Reduce Course Duplication Reduce Credits to Degree Leverage Courses at other Institutions Budget Types 1. Continuation Budget -current costs with some inflation 2. Expansion Budget – placed before the legislature by GA 3. Capital Budget – new buildings and renovations a. Top WCU Priorities i. College of Education ii. New Steam Plant Forecast? Mr. Wooten believes we will see a 10% reduction. The Provost feels we will have some answers in February. Mr. Wooten does not think we shall have a clearer picture until early summer 2011. The Republicans are now in control of the legislature. The Governor’s Budget will probably be DOA. The only thing the legislature will probably keep is the reductions. Raise tuition $572.80 and eliminate cuts. (What if the legislature decides to raise the tuition and keeps the money?) Western Carolina University - The post 10% reduction plan is not specific in nature. 70%-85% of the state budget is personnel (salary + benefits). 3-4 Billion Dollar State Deficit Federal Stimulus Funds will be gone. Temporary tax increases will lapse. The cost of Medicaid is rising. The overall economy – receipts are down. WCU has the 3rd lowest tuition and fees in the state, only behind Elizabeth City State and Fayetteville State. Our athletic fees are the 2nd highest in the state. 6.5% tuition increase + $50.00 = $313.20 Undergraduate $335.20 Graduate Students need to take 16 hours or more to graduate within 4 years. 6