Math 4600, Homework 12 1. The following model describes signal transduction in the axon of a neuron: ut = uxx + u(1 − u)(u − 0.5), where u represents the membrane potential. We study the model on 0 ≤ x ≤ l with boundary conditions ux (0, t) = 0, ux (l, t) = 0. a) Find equation for the steady state solution of this system. Write it in the form of a system of first order ODEs (similar to what we did for the traveling wave solution) b) Find fixed points of the ODE system and study their stability c) Sketch a phse portrait (representative trajectories in the phase plane) d) Mark with a different color trajectories that satisfy boundary conditions and sketch them as a function of x. What do these state solutions mean biologically? 2. In the cancer-immune system interaction model plot f (X) for different values of E0 . Make observations on the shape and location of zeros of f , note the cases when you think the traveling wave solution can exist. Do your observations match what we found in class? (you can choose r = 1, K = 1, k1 = .1, k2 = 0.1 3. Derive diffusion equation for the spherically symmetric case (considered in class) by performing the change of variables. 4. Using boundary conditions, find constants A and B in the steady state solution of the growth inhibitor model from class. 5. Suggest a combined model of spherical cancer growth with both immune system interaction and growth inhibitor. This porblem does not have a unique solution. Make sure you explain and justify every term in your model. 1