Comment of Project

Comment of Project
Jennifer Cheng, Kelsey Howard and Samantha Lamp
Excellent! I like that you separate the calculation from the discussion in the main body.
That’s a good idea to keep the consistency of the report that won’t be interrupted by the
formulas. The most important thing in this strategy is to establish a good link to the
formulas in the discussion when the reader wants to know how one can get this numbers,
and you succeed dealing with this problem. The information about 401K and Roth IRA is
a good complement of the retirement topic. Here are some suggestions:
• I’m not quite sure about the meaning of $17,410.04 that you get on Page 3. It should
be the total interest but it seems not what you want to show.
• One can easily make mistake on inflation. A 3% inflation means the price of everything
increases 3% each year. For example, the price of a car who is worth $100,000 this year
will be $103,000 next year. In your problem, you’re going to find the value of $1845.25
47 years later in today’s dollars. The correct formula would be $1845.25 ÷ 1.0347 .
• When you compare the total deposit and the accumulated balance, the correct terminology should be absolute difference and relative difference, since it’s not kind of a
Mathematics & Analysis
Group Work & Presentation