Immunopathology Transitional Assessment Requirements in 2016 The new curriculum in Immunopathology came into force in 2014. Trainees who commenced before 2014 should refer to the assessment requirements outlined in this Transitional Assessment requirements document. Record workplace-based assessments using the forms in the 2015 Trainee Handbook and continuously update the portfolio spreadsheet. Note the Part I test interpretation exam was introduced in 2015 and applies to all trainees who have not satisfactorily completed Part 2. Further detail is in the Trainee Handbook 2016 – Specific Requirements for Immunopathology. Table 1: Joint RCPA/RACP Trainees NOTE: Joint Trainees will also need to meet RACP workplace-based assessments in training years. RCPA DOPS must be completed in laboratory training years. For posts that are a mix of clinical and laboratory duties, pro-rata RCPA DOPS are to be done. Training year First year of training in 2016 (if laboratory year) (if clinical year, complete RACP requirements) Second year of training in 2016 and planning to sit IM1 in 2017 (presumed laboratory year) Third or fourth year of training and sitting IM1 in 2016 (laboratory year) Portfolio requirements in 2016 As specified in the Trainee Handbook. Examinations in 2016 Apply for exemption from BPS. Fourth or fifth year of training in 2016 and sitting IM2 in 2016 ( laboratory year) (if clinical year, complete RACP DOPS) IM1 written exam (May) Supervisor report/s IM1 practical exam (August) Current laboratory safety checklist IM1 test interpretation exam (August) Minimum 6 DOPS; 9 phone DOCS; 3 oral presentation DOCS; 6 CbD; 9 presentations at teaching sessions. Completing training having already passed IM2 examination. Periodic supervisor reports and annual portfolio requirements if final year is a laboratory year. As specified in the Trainee Handbook. As specified in the Trainee Handbook. © January 2015 Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Move text upPre-examination supervisor’s report and portfolio summary sheet confirming completion of two year’s portfolio requirements submitted to the College (July). Not applicable Page 1 RCPA - Immunopathology Transitional Assessment Requirements in 2015 Table 2: RCPA single discipline Trainees Training year First or second year of training in 2016 Portfolio requirements in 2016 As specified in the Trainee Handbook Examinations in 2016 Recommended to sit BPS if not passed or exempted previously. Third year or fourth year of training in 2016 and planning to sit IM1 in 2016 As specified in the Trainee Handbook Pre-examination supervisor’s report and portfolio summary sheet confirming completion of portfolio requirements submitted to the College (July). IM1 written exam (May) IM1 practical exam (August) IM1 test interpretation exam (August) Fourth or fifth year of training in 2016 and already passed IM1 and planning to sit IM2 in 2016 or later Supervisor report/s Current laboratory safety checklist Dissertation proposal. Minimum 6 DOPS; 9 phone DOCS; 3 oral presentation DOCS; 6 CbD; 9 presentations at teaching sessions. Completing fifth year Periodic supervisor reports and annual of training and portfolio requirements. already passed IM2 examination. © January 2015 Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Pre-examination supervisor’s report and portfolio summary sheet confirming completion of portfolio requirements submitted to the College (July). IM1 test interpretation exam (new exam in August 2015 thus needs to be passed even though a Part 1 exam). IM2 oral examination Dissertation Not applicable Page 2