The 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates of Homelessness: Supplement to the Annual Homeless Assessment Report December 2011 The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Community Planning and Development Summary of Findings Key Findings Topics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Key Findings What Are Point-in-Time Estimates? National Point-in-Time Estimates of Homelessness Estimates of Homelessness by State Estimates of Chronic Homelessness Estimates of Veteran Homelessness National Inventory of Beds for Homeless People 2010 and 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates by CoC 2011 p. 1 p. 2 p. 3 p. 4 p. 5 p. 6 p. 7 p. 8 On a single night in January 2011: 636,017 people were homeless in the United States, including 399,836 homeless individuals and 236,181 persons in families. Almost two-thirds of homeless people were in shelter (62 percent), and about one third were in unsheltered locations (38 percent). Five states accounted for half of the nation’s total homeless population: CA (21 percent), NY (10 percent), FL (9 percent), TX (6 percent), and GA (3 percent). 107,148 people were chronically homeless in the United States, or about 17 percent of all homeless people. 67,495 veterans were homeless in the United States, about 14 percent of all homeless adults. 694,357 beds were available in emergency shelters, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing programs. Trends: Homelessness on a single night has declined by 2.1 percent (or 13,900 people) since January 2010 and by 5.3 percent (or 35,871 people) since January 2007. Homelessness among individuals and persons in families has declined by 2.0 and 2.4 percent since January 2010 and by 5.6 and 5.0 percent since January 2007. Chronic homelessness on a single night has declined by 2.4 percent (or 2,664 people) since January 2010 and by 13.5 percent (or 16,685 people) since January 2007. Homelessness among veterans has declined by nearly 12 percent (or 8,834 people) since January 2010. The supply of beds in permanent supportive housing continues to rise sharply: by 30,170 beds between 2010 and 2011, and by 83,065 beds since 2007. This report was prepared by Abt Associates under contract with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 1| Page What are Point-in-Time Estimates? Definitions Collecting the Point-in-Time Estimates Continuums of Care (CoC) are local planning bodies responsible Point-in-Time (PIT) estimates offer a snapshot of homelessness—of both sheltered and unsheltered homeless populations—on a single night. The onenight counts are conducted in late January of each year. In addition to the total counts of homelessness, the PIT counts provide an estimate of the number of homeless persons within particular subpopulations, such as chronically homeless people and veterans. for coordinating the full range of homelessness services in a geographic area, which may cover a city, county, metropolitan area, or even an entire state. Chronic Homelessness refers to an unaccompanied individual with a disability who has either been continuously homeless for a year or more or has experienced at least four episodes of homelessness in the last three years. Emergency Shelter is a facility whose primary purpose is to provide temporary shelter for homeless persons. Individual refers to people who are not part of a family during their episode of homelessness. They are homeless as single adults, unaccompanied youth, or in multiple-adult or multiplechild households. Permanent Supportive Housing is designed to provide housing (project- and tenant-based) and supportive services on a longterm basis for homeless people, many of whom have disabilities. Persons in Families are people who are homeless as part of households that have at least one adult and one child. Safe Havens provide private or semi-private long-term housing for people with severe mental illness and are limited to serving no more than 25 people within a facility. Sheltered Homeless Persons are individuals who are staying in emergency shelters, transitional housing programs, or safe havens. Transitional Housing Program is a type of housing where homeless people may stay and receive supportive services for up to 24 months, and which are designed to enable them to move into permanent housing. Unsheltered Homeless Persons include people who live in places not meant for human habitation, such as the streets, abandoned buildings, vehicles, or parks. The 2007 to 2011 PIT counts are available for download at 2011 The PIT estimates also include counts of beds in emergency shelters, transitional housing programs, safe havens, and permanent supportive housing programs. The bed inventory describes the nation’s capacity to provide shelter or permanent supportive housing to homeless people on the night of the count. In 2011, the PIT estimates of both homeless people and beds were reported by 432 Continuums of Care (CoC) nationwide, covering virtually the entire United States. CoCs reported their estimates to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) via an on-line web portal that allows CoCs to upload their information directly to HUD. As part of their applications for funding, HUD requires CoCs to conduct counts of sheltered homeless people annually and counts of unsheltered homeless people every two years (odd-numbered years). HUD has standards for conducting the PIT counts, and CoCs use a variety of approved methods to produce the counts. HUD reviews the data for accuracy and quality prior to creating the estimates for this report. 2|Page 2011 National Point-in-Time Estimates of Homelessness On a single night in January 2011: 636,017 people were homeless in the United States. 399,836 people were homeless as individuals, 63 percent of all homeless people. 236,181 people were homeless as persons in families, 37 percent of all homeless people. They were in 77,186 family households. Almost two-thirds of homeless people were in shelter on the night of the PIT count (62 percent), and about one third were in unsheltered locations (38 percent). Since January 2010: Table 1: PIT Estimates of Homelessness by Household Type 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 13,900 people). Homelessness among individuals has declined by 2.0 percent (or 8,130 people). Homelessness among persons in families has declined by 2.4 percent (or 5,770 people). Homeless family households have declined by 2.8 percent (or 2,260 households). The percentage of homeless people who are in shelter has stayed constant (62 percent). 800,000 Since January 2007: 700,000 35,871 people). Homelessness among individuals has declined by 5.6 percent (or 23,541 people). Homelessness among persons in families has declined by 5.0 percent (or 12,330 people). Homeless family households have declined by 8.0 percent (or 6,749 family households). The percentage of homeless people who are in unsheltered locations has declined by 13 percent (or 36,786 people). 423,377 248,511 2007 Homelessness on a single night has declined by 2.1 percent (or Homelessness on a single night has declined by 5.3 percent (or 671,888 664,414 643,067 649,917 636,017 415,202 404,957 407,966 399,836 249,212 238,110 241,951 2008 Total Homeless People 2009 2010 Individuals 236,181 2011 Persons in families Table 2: PIT Estimates of Homelesness by Sheltered Status 671,888 664,414 643,067 649,917 636,017 391,401 386,361 403,308 403,543 392,316 280,487 278,053 246,374 243,701 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 239,759 100,000 0 2007 2008 Total Homeless People 2009 Sheltered 2010 2011 Unsheltered 3|Page 2011 Estimates of Homelessness by State On a single night in January 2011: Table 3: Share of the Total Homeless Population by State, 2011 California accounted for more than 1 in 5 homeless people in the United States (or 21.4 percent). Five states accounted for half of the nation’s total homeless population: CA (21.4 percent), NY (10.0 percent), FL (8.9 percent), TX (5.8 percent), and GA (3.3 percent). The 25 states with the lowest share of the nation’s homeless population accounted for less than 10 percent of all homeless people in the United States. In 9 states, more than half of the state’s total homeless population was in an unsheltered location. The five states with the highest rates of unsheltered people were: Wyoming (81.2 percent), Louisiana (63.4 percent), Florida (63.3 percent), California (62.7 percent) and Oregon (59.4 percent). In 16 states, at least 1 in 5 homeless families was in an unsheltered location. The five states with the highest rates of unsheltered families were: Wyoming (87.0 percent), Florida (64.1 percent), Colorado (60.7 percent), Oregon (52.6 percent) and Arkansas (46.4 percent). Trends: Since 2010, the states with the largest increase in homelessness were: California (2,997 or 2.3 percent), Texas (1,790 or 5.1 percent), Georgia (1,139 or 5.7 percent), Missouri (867 or 10.7 percent) and North Carolina (705 or 5.8 percent). Since 2007, the states with the largest increase in homelessness were: Florida (8,618 or 17.9 percent), Louisiana (3,797 or 69.1 percent), Missouri (2,742 or 43.9 percent), Ohio (1,766 or 15.7 percent), and Massachusetts (1,537 or 10.2 percent). Table 4: Highest Rates of Unsheltered Homelessness among People and Families, 2011 All Unsheltered People All Unsheltered Families Wyoming Louisiana Florida California Oregon Colorado Georgia Nevada Mississippi Texas Wyoming Florida Colorado Oregon Arkansas Tennessee Maryland South Carolina Mississippi Oklahoma 81.2% 63.4% 63.3% 62.7% 59.4% 59.3% 58.4% 57.0% 54.2% 48.6% 87.0% 64.1% 60.7% 52.6% 46.4% 40.8% 38.0% 34.2% 34.0% 33.7% Puerto Rico and the U.S. Territories were excluded. 4|Page 2011 Estimates of Chronic Homelessness On a single night in January 2011: Table 5: PIT Estimates of Chronic Homelessness by Sheltered Status 107,148 people were chronically homeless in the United States, 16.8 percent of all homeless people. About 64 percent of chronically homeless people were in unsheltered locations (or 68,177 people); 36 percent were in shelter (or 38,971 people). Since January 2010: Chronic homelessness on a single night has declined by 2.4 percent (or 2,664 people). The number of chronically homeless people in unsheltered locations increased by 2.6 percent (or 1,739 people). 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 123,833 124,135 82,065 78,717 41,678 45,418 2007 2008 Chronic homelessness on a single night has declined by 13.5 percent (or 16,685 people). The number of chronically homeless people in unsheltered locations decreased by 16.9 percent (or 13,888 people). Highest Rates Louisiana District of Columbia New Mexico California Connecticut Texas Lowest Rates 46.8% 32.0% 27.0% 25.0% 23.4% 20.0% South Dakota New Jersey New York Delaware Wisconsin Wyoming 109,812 107,148 65,325 66,438 68,177 45,592 43,374 38,971 2009 2010 2011 All Chronic Homeless Sheltered Chronic Homeless Unsheltered Chronic Homeless Since January 2007: Table 7: Rates of Chronic Homelessness as a Percentage of the Total Homeless Population, 2011 110,917 Table 6: Percentage of the Total Homeless Population That Is Chronically Homeless 19.0% 18.5% 18.4% 18.7% 18.0% 4.1% 5.3% 6.1% 6.8% 7.1% 7.9% Puerto Rico (56.8%) and the U.S. Virgin Islands (36.7%) also had high rates of chronic homelessness, while Guam had the lowest rate (1.4%). 17.5% 17.2% 17.0% 16.9% 16.8% 2010 2011 16.5% 16.0% 15.5% 2007 2008 2009 5|Page Estimates of Homeless Veterans Obtaining accurate estimates of homeless veterans is an important focus for both HUD and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Starting in 2011, HUD began requiring communities to conduct counts of homeless veterans in unsheltered locations. This information is currently being reported by all CoCs and allows HUD to produce PIT estimates of unsheltered homeless veterans without the use of statistical adjustments. Previously, communities were not required to count veterans in unsheltered locations, and thus earlier estimates used statistical techniques to account for missing data on unsheltered homeless veterans. Also, in the summer 2011, HUD and the VA launched a collaborative effort to make sure VA residential programs for homeless veterans were included in each CoC’s inventory of beds for homeless people. Representatives from CoCs and Veterans Integrated Service Networks lead this effort at the local level. The initiative resulted in a more accurate inventory of beds (presented on pg. 7) and also produced a more accurate estimate of homeless veterans because some CoCs adjusted their sheltered counts of veterans to fully account for the inventory of VA programs. Estimates of sheltered homeless veterans for years prior to 2011 used statistical adjustments to account for missing VA programs and beds from the inventory. (For a full discussion of these statistical adjustments see the Veteran Homelessness: A Supplemental Report to the 2010 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress.) As a result of these efforts, the PIT counts of homeless veterans have become increasingly precise. HUD and the VA will continue to focus on the accuracy of these estimates and use them to develop appropriate intervention strategies to prevent and end homelessness among veterans. 2011 Table 8: PIT Estimates of Homelessness Among Veterans by Sheltered Status 90,000 80,000 75,609 76,329 67,495 70,000 60,000 50,000 43,409 43,437 32,200 32,892 40,000 30,000 20,000 2009 2010 40,033 27,462 2011 All Homeless Veterans Sheltered Homeless Veteran Unsheltered Homeless Veteran On a single night in January 2011: 67,495 veterans were homeless in the United States, about 14 percent of all homeless adults. About 59 percent of homeless veterans were sheltered (or 40,033 people), and an estimated 41 percent were in unsheltered locations (or 27,462 people). Trends: Homelessness among veterans has declined by nearly 12 percent (or 8,834 people) since January 2010 and by almost 11 percent (or 8,114 people) since January 2009. A higher share of homeless veterans was in shelter in 2011 (59 percent) than in 2009 or 2010 (about 57 percent in each year). The share of veterans among all homeless adults has declined from 16 percent in 2009 and 2010 to 14 percent in 2011. 6|Page National Inventory of Beds for Homeless People Table 9: Inventory of Beds for Homeless People by Household Type, 2011 Emergency Shelters Household (HH) Type Beds Transitional Housing Units Beds HHs without Children 114,976 n/a 91,453 HHs with Children 110,626 34,964 Total 225,602 34,964 Permanent Supportive Housing Units Beds Units n/a 161,072 n/a 110,334 35,778 105,896 37,152 201,787 35,778 266,968 37,152 Table 10: Inventory of Beds for Homeless Persons, 2007-20111 266,968 270,000 260,000 250,000 240,000 230,000 220,000 210,000 200,000 190,000 180,000 211,451 211,205 211,222 205,062 188,636 2007 694,357 beds were available in emergency shelters, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing programs. 225,602 beds (or 33 percent of the total inventory) were in emergency shelters. 201,787 beds (or 29 percent of the total inventory) were in transitional housing. 266,968 beds (or 38 percent of the total inventory) were in permanent supportive housing. Across all three program types, there were 367,501 beds for homeless individuals (or 53 percent of all beds). Across all three program types, there were 326,856 beds for homeless persons in families (or 47 percent of all beds). Since January 2010: 214,425 207,589 195,724 2008 2009 221,610 225,602 200,623 201,787 2010 2011 Emergency Shelter Transitional Housing Permanent Supportive Housing 1 On a single night in January 2011: 236,798 219,381 In 2011, there were also 2,116 beds in Safe Havens, a slight decrease from 2010 (2,199 beds) and 2009 (2,028 beds). 2011 The total bed inventory has increased by 33,127 beds (or 5 percent). The largest increase occurred within permanent supportive housing, which increased by 30,170 beds (or nearly 13 percent). The increase among emergency shelters was small (3,992 beds or 2 percent), as was the increase in transitional housing (1,164 or 0.6 percent). Since January 2007: The total bed inventory has increased sharply, by 83,065 beds (or 14 percent). The inventory of permanent supportive housing beds grew significantly by 78,332 beds (or 42 percent), accounting for 94 percent of the growth in the nation’s bed inventory. The increase among emergency shelters (14,151 beds or 7 percent) was small, and the inventory of transitional housing beds decreased slightly (9,418 beds or 4 percent). 7|Page 2011 2010 and 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates by CoC 2011 CoC Number CoC Name 2010 Total Homeless People Individuals Persons in Families Family Households Total Homeless People Individuals Persons in Families Family Households 1,223 794 429 138 1,231 740 491 151 905 492 413 139 632 378 254 93 1,950 1,445 505 175 2,273 1,645 628 235 AK-500 Anchorage CoC AK-501 Alaska Balance of State CoC AL-500 Birmingham/Jefferson, St. Clair, Shelby Counties CoC AL-501 Mobile City & County/Baldwin County CoC 718 542 176 72 883 540 343 131 AL-502 Florence/Northwest Alabama CoC 244 219 25 9 170 131 39 8 AL-503 Huntsville/North Alabama CoC 656 489 167 51 819 678 141 48 AL-504 Montgomery City & County CoC 433 333 100 30 444 376 68 23 AL-505 Gadsden/Northeast Alabama CoC 495 414 81 22 370 221 149 60 AL-506 Tuscaloosa City & County CoC 265 257 8 3 278 271 7 3 AL-507 Alabama Balance of State CoC 797 626 171 72 809 691 118 43 AR-500 Little Rock/Central Arkansas CoC 1,276 1,094 182 63 1,425 1,179 246 66 AR-501 Fayetteville/Northwest Arkansas CoC 238 128 110 43 251 147 104 45 1 AR-503 Mississippi, Phillips Counties CoC 889 700 189 81 AR-504 Delta Hills CoC 790 441 349 122 969 731 238 95 AR-505 Southeast Arkansas 94 55 39 17 51 31 20 7 1 AR-507 Eastern Arkansas CoC 54 54 0 0 AR-512 Boone, Baxter, Marion, Newton Counties CoC 83 33 50 23 66 32 34 9 AZ-500 Arizona Balance of State CoC 2,047 1,027 1,020 285 3,069 2,085 984 288 AZ-501 Tucson/Pima County CoC 2,626 1,783 843 271 3,643 2,709 934 295 AZ-502 Phoenix/Mesa/Maricopa County Regional CoC 5,831 3,593 2,238 683 6,999 4,432 2,567 789 CA-500 San Jose/Santa Clara City & County CoC 7,067 6,450 617 232 7,086 6,078 1,008 285 CA-501 San Francisco CoC 5,669 5,034 635 233 5,823 5,309 514 178 CA-502 Oakland/Alameda County CoC 4,178 3,042 1,136 376 4,341 2,771 1,570 484 CA-503 Sacramento City & County CoC 2,376 1,772 604 203 2,734 2,163 571 197 CA-504 Santa Rosa/Petaluma/Sonoma County CoC 4,541 3,974 567 190 3,345 2,770 575 205 8|Page 2011 2010 and 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates by CoC 2011 Total Homeless People 2010 Individuals Persons in Families Family Households Total Homeless People Individuals Persons in Families Family Households CoC Number CoC Name CA-505 Richmond/Contra Costa County CoC 2,415 1,948 467 154 2,759 2,365 394 121 CA-506 Salinas/Monterey, San Benito Counties CoC 2,699 2,115 584 153 2,407 1,909 498 117 CA-507 Marin County CoC 862 626 236 86 1,026 767 259 85 CA-508 Watsonville/Santa Cruz City & County CoC 2,771 2,397 374 115 2,265 1,815 450 145 CA-509 Mendocino County CoC 1,456 1,352 104 35 1,202 1,071 131 44 CA-510 Turlock/Modesto/Stanislaus County CoC 1,434 987 447 130 1,800 1,118 682 281 CA-511 Stockton/San Joaquin County CoC 2,540 1,538 1,002 313 3,005 2,122 883 281 CA-512 Daly/San Mateo County CoC 1,926 1,425 501 148 1,424 1,013 411 120 CA-513 Visalia, Kings, Tulare Counties CoC 804 640 164 59 966 606 360 108 CA-514 Fresno/Madera County CoC 5,135 3,710 1,425 580 4,288 3,294 994 313 CA-515 Roseville/Rocklin/Placer, Nevada Counties CoC 821 544 277 87 1,054 700 354 118 CA-516 Redding/Shasta County CoC 527 403 124 35 336 243 93 32 CA-517 Napa City & County CoC 230 171 59 19 314 261 53 16 CA-518 Vallejo/Solano County CoC 569 376 193 69 829 468 361 147 CA-519 Chico/Paradise/Butte County CoC 897 753 144 45 742 615 127 47 CA-520 Merced City & County CoC 486 460 26 9 372 344 28 10 CA-521 Davis/Woodland/Yolo County CoC 468 350 118 36 491 365 126 41 CA-522 Humboldt County CoC 861 599 262 105 1,355 889 466 138 CA-523 Colusa, Glen, Lake, Tehama, Trinity Counties CoC 322 200 122 43 197 145 52 18 CA-524 Yuba City, Marysville/Sutter, Yuba Counties CoC 649 408 241 70 512 276 236 72 CA-525 El Dorado County CoC 170 107 63 22 146 98 48 15 CA-526 Tuolumne, Calaveras, Amador Counties CoC 406 189 217 65 289 170 119 36 CA-528 Del Norte County CoC 448 316 132 38 18 4 14 5 CA-600 Los Angeles City & County CoC 45,422 36,204 9,218 3,035 42,694 37,809 4,885 1,840 2 CA-601 San Diego City and County CoC 9,436 7,763 1,673 564 4,526 4,016 510 190 CA-602 Santa Ana/Anaheim/Orange County CoC 6,939 5,231 1,708 574 8,333 6,956 1,377 481 9|Page 2011 2010 and 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates by CoC 2011 Total Homeless People 2010 Individuals Persons in Families Family Households Total Homeless People Individuals Persons in Families Family Households CoC Number CoC Name CA-603 Santa Maria/Santa Barbara County CoC 1,698 1,377 321 112 4,121 3,333 788 262 CA-604 Bakersfield/Kern County CoC 1,439 1,236 203 69 1,499 1,251 248 78 CA-605 San Buenaventura/Ventura County CoC 1,172 935 237 66 1,295 1,046 249 86 CA-606 Long Beach CoC 3,164 2,596 568 181 3,909 3,200 709 224 CA-607 Pasadena CoC 1,216 1,022 194 75 1,137 875 262 91 CA-608 Riverside City & County CoC 6,203 5,655 548 220 3,126 1,618 1,508 393 CA-609 San Bernardino City & County CoC 2,825 1,916 909 189 2,026 1,397 629 221 3,857 2,535 1,322 498 2 CA-610 San Diego County CA-611 Oxnard CoC 638 524 114 43 520 373 147 38 CA-612 Glendale CoC 412 297 115 42 428 286 142 43 CA-613 Imperial County CoC 508 398 110 39 505 400 105 33 CA-614 San Luis Obispo County CoC 2,129 1,724 405 162 3,829 1,547 2,282 673 CO-500 Colorado Balance of State CoC 9,283 1,615 7,668 1,918 5,267 1,324 3,943 986 CO-503 Metropolitan Denver Homeless Initiative 4,809 2,200 2,609 924 8,752 5,081 3,671 1,156 CO-504 Colorado Springs/El Paso County CoC 1,024 731 293 93 1,463 1,169 294 92 127 96 31 11 3 CT-500 Danbury CoC CT-501 New Haven CoC 660 430 230 75 711 472 239 78 CT-502 Hartford CoC 881 617 264 87 976 708 268 91 CT-503 Bridgeport/Stratford/Fairfield CoC 491 361 130 40 474 309 165 50 CT-505 3 Connecticut Balance of State CoC 1,726 1,172 554 199 1,196 811 385 131 CT-506 Norwalk/Fairfield County CoC 191 154 37 14 213 168 45 16 CT-508 Stamford/Greenwich CoC 323 222 101 36 257 176 81 28 142 110 32 11 75 49 26 11 CT-509 3 New Britain CoC 3 CT-510 Bristol CoC CT-512 City of Waterbury CoC DC-500 District of Columbia CoC 184 115 69 31 145 94 51 20 6,546 3,858 2,688 858 6,539 4,016 2,523 800 10 | P a g e 2011 2010 and 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates by CoC 2011 Total Homeless People 2010 Individuals Persons in Families Family Households Total Homeless People Individuals Persons in Families Family Households CoC Number CoC Name DE-500 Delaware Statewide CoC 1,035 663 372 116 982 681 301 111 FL-500 Sarasota/Bradenton/Manatee, Sarasota Counties CoC 1,152 922 230 105 1,999 1,201 798 231 FL-501 Tampa/Hillsborough County CoC 7,336 4,468 2,868 812 7,473 4,107 3,366 1,201 FL-502 St. Petersburg/Clearwater/Largo/Pinellas County CoC 3,890 2,689 1,201 373 3,948 3,463 485 188 FL-503 Lakeland CoC 524 396 128 40 675 570 105 30 FL-504 Daytona Beach/Daytona/Volusia, Flagler Counties CoC 2,210 2,015 195 61 2,155 1,677 478 151 FL-505 Fort Walton Beach/Okaloosa, Walton Counties CoC 2,764 827 1,937 546 2,262 1,248 1,014 334 FL-506 Tallahassee/Leon County CoC 787 609 178 68 640 475 165 48 FL-507 Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC 4,515 3,135 1,380 437 4,041 2,696 1,345 447 FL-508 Gainesville/Alachua, Putnam Counties CoC 1,179 969 210 73 1,019 774 245 111 FL-509 Fort Pierce/St. Lucie, Indian River, Martin Counties CoC 1,683 609 1,074 398 2,160 1,101 1,059 384 FL-510 Jacksonville-Duval, Clay Counties CoC 3,025 2,377 648 220 3,241 2,345 896 237 FL-511 Pensacola/Escambia/Santa Rosa County CoC 733 590 143 43 1,160 755 405 175 FL-512 Saint Johns County CoC 1,391 1,004 387 99 1,252 1,092 160 50 FL-513 Palm Bay/Melbourne/Brevard County CoC 1,907 1,298 609 281 1,221 881 340 109 FL-514 Ocala/Marion County CoC 1,032 961 71 22 576 273 303 125 FL-515 Panama City/Bay, Jackson Counties CoC 411 320 91 39 326 207 119 40 FL-516 Winterhaven/Polk County CoC 576 537 39 13 145 124 21 7 FL-517 Hendry, Hardee, Highlands Counties CoC 1,319 559 760 376 4,220 812 3,408 1,619 FL-518 Columbia, Hamilton, Lafayette, Suwannee Counties CoC 1,179 792 387 155 1,114 724 390 159 FL-519 Pasco County CoC 4,502 1,338 3,164 1,266 4,527 1,312 3,215 1,286 FL-520 Citrus, Hernando, Lake, Sumter Counties CoC 1,715 1,192 523 210 1,385 963 422 126 FL-600 Miami/Dade County CoC 3,817 2,468 1,349 385 3,879 2,562 1,317 397 FL-601 Ft Lauderdale/Broward County CoC 3,801 3,247 554 145 3,225 2,575 650 206 FL-602 Punta Gorda/Charlotte County CoC 828 738 90 37 376 285 91 39 FL-603 Ft Myers/Cape Coral/Lee County CoC 969 750 219 69 944 720 224 55 11 | P a g e 2011 2010 and 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates by CoC 2011 Total Homeless People 2010 Individuals Persons in Families Family Households Total Homeless People Individuals Persons in Families Family Households 904 798 106 41 1,040 838 202 81 2,148 1,665 483 140 2,147 1,682 465 138 390 311 79 29 401 276 125 43 CoC Number CoC Name FL-604 Monroe County CoC FL-605 West Palm Beach/Palm Beach County CoC FL-606 Naples/Collier County CoC GA-500 Atlanta/Roswell/DeKalb, Fulton Counties CoC 6,805 5,732 1,073 365 7,019 5,781 1,238 492 GA-501 Georgia Balance of State CoC 11,168 7,989 3,179 1,066 9,750 6,315 3,435 1,058 GA-503 Athens/Clarke County CoC 407 296 111 31 496 353 143 44 GA-504 Augusta CoC 497 291 206 55 556 405 151 51 GA-505 Columbus-Muscogee/Russell County CoC 486 378 108 36 468 351 117 34 GA-506 Marietta/Cobb County CoC 370 188 182 60 470 266 204 70 GA-507 Savannah/Chatham County CoC 1,242 1,101 141 48 1,077 906 171 63 GU-500 Guam CoC 1,745 279 1,466 250 1,635 534 1,101 172 HI-500 Hawaii Balance of State CoC 1,954 1,196 758 217 1,663 935 728 195 HI-501 Honolulu CoC 4,234 1,999 2,235 558 4,171 1,954 2,217 569 IA-500 Sioux City/Dakota, Woodbury Counties CoC 366 167 199 66 308 129 179 57 IA-501 Iowa Balance of State CoC 1,782 777 1,005 318 1,686 713 973 318 IA-502 Des Moines/Polk County CoC 986 684 302 88 1,020 686 334 106 ID-500 Boise/Ada County CoC 838 630 208 76 872 645 227 73 ID-501 Idaho Balance of State 1,361 680 681 221 1,474 800 674 214 IL-500 McHenry County CoC 182 113 69 25 212 124 88 30 IL-501 Rockford/Winnebago, Boone Counties CoC 580 355 225 82 621 274 347 87 IL-502 Waukegan/North Chicago/Lake County CoC 464 269 195 78 474 237 237 96 IL-503 Champaign/Urbana/Rantoul/Champaign County CoC 231 87 144 69 534 209 325 124 IL-504 Madison County CoC 256 98 158 47 202 62 140 42 IL-505 Evanston CoC 188 135 53 18 IL-506 Joliet/Bolingbrook/Will County CoC 353 191 162 54 389 187 202 66 IL-507 Peoria/Perkin/Fulton, Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford CoC 313 194 119 40 376 205 171 70 12 | P a g e 2011 2010 and 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates by CoC 2011 Total Homeless People 2010 Individuals Persons in Families Family Households Total Homeless People Individuals Persons in Families Family Households CoC Number CoC Name IL-508 East Saint Louis/Belleville/Saint Clair County CoC 370 176 194 69 514 297 217 96 IL-509 Dekalb City & County CoC 160 63 97 27 118 52 66 23 IL-510 Chicago CoC 6,635 4,261 2,374 766 6,240 3,342 2,898 883 IL-511 Cook County CoC 1,257 722 535 174 1,202 655 547 178 IL-512 Bloomington/Central Illinois CoC 635 388 247 86 639 365 274 92 IL-513 Springfield/Sangamon County CoC 227 137 90 26 287 176 111 45 IL-514 DuPage County CoC 676 304 372 125 712 361 351 120 IL-515 South Central Illinois CoC 160 24 136 55 190 46 144 38 IL-516 Decatur/Macon County CoC 206 106 100 34 197 118 79 25 IL-517 Aurora/Elgin/Kane County CoC 444 327 117 38 445 333 112 32 IL-518 Rock Island/Moline/Northwestern Illinois CoC 313 149 164 54 392 177 215 72 IL-519 West Central Illinois CoC 160 44 116 37 172 61 111 51 IL-520 Southern Illinois CoC 387 165 222 71 291 152 139 41 IN-500 South Bend/Mishawaka/St. Joseph County CoC 613 407 206 56 641 453 188 81 IN-502 Indiana Balance of State CoC 3,996 2,189 1,807 581 4,317 2,205 2,112 650 IN-503 Indianapolis CoC 1,587 1,193 394 121 1,494 930 564 182 KS-501 Kansas City/Wyandotte County CoC 203 129 74 21 215 129 86 22 KS-502 Wichita/Sedgwick County CoC 634 454 180 52 384 310 74 25 KS-503 Topeka/Shawnee County CoC 336 191 145 40 356 228 128 32 KS-505 Overland Park/Shawnee/Johnson County CoC 315 55 260 75 210 58 152 48 KS-507 Kansas Balance of State CoC 1,023 596 427 140 859 593 266 85 KY-500 Kentucky Balance of State CoC 2,834 1,496 1,338 403 3,446 1,827 1,619 492 KY-501 Louisville/Jefferson County CoC 1,628 1,242 386 134 1,626 1,241 385 137 KY-502 Lexington/Fayette County CoC 1,572 1,104 468 194 1,551 1,057 494 176 LA-500 Lafayette/Acadiana CoC 577 383 194 67 731 383 348 114 LA-501 Lake Charles/Southwestern Louisiana CoC 45 43 2 1 72 57 15 6 13 | P a g e 2011 2010 and 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates by CoC 2011 Total Homeless People 2010 Individuals Persons in Families Family Households Total Homeless People Individuals Persons in Families Family Households CoC Number CoC Name LA-502 Shreveport/Bossier/Northwest CoC 733 471 262 81 830 461 369 116 LA-503 New Orleans/Jefferson Parish CoC 6,687 6,125 562 204 8,725 7,957 768 252 LA-504 Baton Rouge CoC 501 446 55 22 1,118 806 312 96 LA-505 Monroe/Northeast Louisiana CoC 227 116 111 38 228 93 135 38 LA-506 Slidell/Southeast Louisiana CoC 281 175 106 33 357 167 190 70 LA-507 Alexandria/Central Louisiana CoC 208 162 46 18 151 103 48 15 LA-508 Houma-Terrebonne/Thibodaux CoC 32 20 12 5 270 74 196 56 MA-500 Boston CoC 5,476 2,550 2,926 987 5,139 2,371 2,768 947 MA-501 Holyoke/Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire Counties CoC 1,541 487 1,054 372 1,881 543 1,338 421 MA-502 Lynn CoC 531 151 380 135 464 154 310 102 MA-503 Cape Cod/Islands CoC 480 269 211 80 504 275 229 87 MA-504 Springfield CoC 1,025 291 734 248 886 308 578 188 MA-505 New Bedford CoC 351 257 94 36 374 276 98 35 MA-506 Worcester City & County CoC 1,315 396 919 309 1,409 482 927 319 MA-507 Pittsfield/Berkshire County CoC 192 151 41 16 280 164 116 46 MA-508 Lowell CoC 589 209 380 124 526 179 347 111 MA-509 Cambridge CoC 471 346 125 44 559 340 219 83 MA-510 Gloucester/Haverhill/Salem/Essex County CoC 886 254 632 202 997 340 657 231 MA-511 Quincy/Weymouth CoC 277 161 116 43 316 151 165 63 MA-512 Lawrence CoC 268 82 186 72 308 83 225 82 MA-513 Malden/Medford CoC 347 16 331 120 293 16 277 113 MA-515 Fall River CoC 288 100 188 41 253 116 137 46 MA-516 Massachusetts Balance of State CoC 884 173 711 250 861 177 684 235 MA-517 Somerville CoC 137 80 57 22 142 81 61 24 MA-518 Brookline/Newton CoC 191 57 134 51 410 62 348 124 MA-519 Attleboro/Taunton/Bristol County CoC 224 75 149 57 174 70 104 43 14 | P a g e 2011 2010 and 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates by CoC 2011 Total Homeless People 2010 Individuals Persons in Families Family Households Total Homeless People Individuals Persons in Families Family Households 1,191 239 952 322 870 215 655 226 123 64 59 20 107 49 58 17 CoC Number CoC Name MA-520 Brockton/Plymouth City & County CoC MD-500 Cumberland/Allegany County CoC MD-501 Baltimore City CoC 4,094 3,160 934 323 3,419 2,484 935 359 MD-502 Harford County CoC 243 122 121 34 228 170 58 21 MD-503 Annapolis/Anne Arundel County CoC 382 229 153 52 395 262 133 39 MD-504 Howard County CoC 189 94 95 30 221 92 129 43 MD-505 Baltimore County CoC 881 472 409 132 891 449 442 142 MD-506 Carroll County CoC 179 112 67 24 211 132 79 27 MD-507 Cecil County CoC 220 166 54 18 173 90 83 36 MD-508 Charles, Calvert, St.Mary's Counties CoC 1,153 256 897 362 2,560 640 1,920 594 MD-509 Frederick City & County CoC 248 137 111 38 303 192 111 39 MD-510 Garrett County CoC 35 35 0 0 11 11 0 0 MD-511 Mid-Shore Regional CoC 85 54 31 10 96 70 26 9 MD-512 Hagerstown/Washington County CoC 210 87 123 36 137 60 77 28 MD-513 Wicomico/Somerset/Worcester County CoC 253 179 74 25 240 175 65 24 MD-600 Prince George`s County/Maryland CoC 772 428 344 106 789 431 358 101 MD-601 Montgomery County CoC 1,141 758 383 128 1,064 692 372 124 ME-500 Maine Balance of State CoC 1,366 549 817 277 1,298 441 857 296 ME-501 Greater Penobscot/Bangor CoC 466 229 237 71 445 224 221 65 ME-502 Portland CoC 615 406 209 79 636 396 240 86 MI-500 Michigan Balance of State CoC 2,499 1,052 1,447 447 2,953 1,151 1,802 619 MI-501 Detroit CoC 3,138 2,401 737 265 2,812 2,434 378 141 MI-502 Dearborn/Dearborn Heights/Westland/Wayne Cty CoC 482 132 350 101 458 153 305 82 MI-503 St. Clair Shores/Warren/Macomb County CoC 656 492 164 69 896 545 351 105 MI-504 Pontiac/Royal Oak/Oakland County CoC 713 519 194 65 731 492 239 78 MI-505 Flint/Genesee County CoC 490 352 138 54 277 183 94 29 15 | P a g e 2011 2010 and 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates by CoC 2011 Total Homeless People 2010 Individuals Persons in Families Family Households Total Homeless People Individuals Persons in Families Family Households CoC Number CoC Name MI-506 Grand Rapids/Wyoming/Kent County CoC 627 269 358 140 585 228 357 118 MI-507 Portage/Kalamazoo City & County CoC 822 343 479 136 679 295 384 117 MI-508 Lansing/East Lansing/Ingham County CoC 444 347 97 30 535 389 146 45 MI-509 Ann Arbor/Washtenaw County CoC 469 304 165 51 474 306 168 50 MI-510 Saginaw City & County CoC 390 243 147 47 305 176 129 43 MI-511 Lenawee County CoC 166 67 99 29 120 40 80 22 MI-512 Grand Traverse, Antrim, Leelanau Counties CoC 234 128 106 39 296 127 169 60 MI-513 Marquette, Alger Counties CoC 102 84 18 7 68 28 40 14 MI-514 Battle Creek/Calhoun County CoC 192 144 48 18 186 136 50 13 MI-515 Monroe City & County CoC 121 81 40 13 140 75 65 30 MI-516 Norton Shores/Muskegon City & County CoC 691 345 346 121 646 308 338 135 MI-517 Jackson City & County CoC 246 123 123 48 323 121 202 64 MI-518 Livingston County CoC 135 65 70 24 121 46 75 23 MI-519 Holland/Ottawa County CoC 343 101 242 65 306 104 202 59 MI-523 Eaton County CoC 225 42 183 56 147 28 119 33 MN-500 Minneapolis/Hennepin County CoC 3,100 1,528 1,572 467 3,056 1,830 1,226 411 MN-501 Saint Paul/Ramsey County CoC 1,439 634 805 263 1,424 646 778 248 MN-502 Rochester/Southeast Minnesota CoC 361 112 249 68 419 103 316 98 4 MN-503 Dakota, Anoka, Washington, Scott, Carver Counties 696 193 503 162 776 166 610 204 MN-504 Northeast Minnesota CoC 174 66 108 35 208 87 121 46 MN-505 St. Cloud/Central Minnesota CoC 599 390 209 68 541 245 296 93 MN-506 Northwest Minnesota CoC 252 87 165 51 422 119 303 101 MN-508 Moorhead/West Central Minnesota CoC 263 116 147 44 278 116 162 55 MN-509 Duluth/St.Louis County CoC 494 245 249 84 524 240 284 92 148 30 118 46 73 23 50 15 4 MN-510 Scott/Carver/Washington Counties CoC MN-511 Southwest Minnesota CoC 117 39 78 23 16 | P a g e 2011 2010 and 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates by CoC 2011 Total Homeless People 2010 Individuals Persons in Families Family Households Total Homeless People Individuals Persons in Families Family Households 657 248 409 131 659 208 451 137 CoC Number CoC Name MO-500 St. Louis County CoC MO-501 St.Louis City CoC 1,344 796 548 190 1,305 734 571 179 MO-503 St. Charles, Lincoln, Warren Counties CoC 1,003 419 584 201 1,089 387 702 233 MO-600 Springfield/Greene, Christian, Webster Counties CoC 591 333 258 96 662 428 234 92 MO-602 Joplin/Jasper, Newton Counties CoC 457 336 121 37 393 277 116 36 MO-603 St. Joseph/Andrew, Buchanan, DeKalb Counties CoC 181 125 56 17 164 140 24 9 MO-604 Kansas City/Independence/Lee's Summit/Jackson Cty CoC 2,789 1,241 1,548 407 1,938 1,161 777 253 MO-606 Missouri Balance of State CoC 1,967 1,159 808 251 1,912 1,092 820 257 MS-500 Jackson/Rankin, Madison Counties CoC 826 821 5 1 914 801 113 46 MS-501 Mississippi Balance of State CoC 951 532 419 124 1,242 581 661 199 MS-503 Gulf Port/Gulf Coast Regional CoC 529 472 57 16 587 542 45 19 MT-500 Montana Statewide CoC 1,768 1,094 674 222 1,615 890 725 238 NC-500 Winston Salem/Forsyth County CoC 527 399 128 47 543 389 154 51 NC-501 Asheville/Buncombe County CoC 514 453 61 24 516 415 101 40 NC-502 Durham City & County CoC 597 464 133 44 675 534 141 51 NC-503 North Carolina Balance of State CoC 2,987 1,915 1,072 347 2,851 1,824 1,027 353 NC-504 Greensboro/High Point CoC 1,024 748 276 91 1,070 738 332 112 NC-505 Charlotte/Mecklenberg CoC 2,847 1,966 881 293 2,841 2,168 673 243 NC-506 Wilmington/Brunswick, New Hanover, Pender Cty CoC 483 252 231 84 678 381 297 76 NC-507 Raleigh/Wake County CoC 1,150 872 278 90 1,180 892 288 113 NC-509 Gastonia/Cleveland, Gaston, Lincoln Counties CoC 378 338 40 15 324 264 60 24 NC-511 Fayetteville/Cumberland County CoC 1,061 568 493 120 1,033 538 495 145 NC-513 Chapel Hill/Orange County CoC 136 110 26 9 135 111 24 9 NC-516 Northwest North Carolina CoC 1,192 218 974 296 345 107 238 76 ND-500 North Dakota Statewide CoC 603 396 207 60 799 539 260 82 1,121 522 599 187 1,010 586 424 142 NE-500 5 Nebraska Balance of State CoC 17 | P a g e 2011 2010 and 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates by CoC 2011 CoC Number CoC Name NE-501 Omaha/Council Bluffs CoC NE-502 Lincoln CoC 2010 Individuals Persons in Families Family Households Total Homeless People Individuals Persons in Families Family Households 1,580 1,164 416 169 1,429 1,083 346 109 847 524 323 77 908 541 367 123 79 23 56 23 288 118 170 56 57 27 30 10 106 45 61 19 5 NE-503 Southwest Nebraska CoC NE-504 5 NE-505 Total Homeless People Southeast Nebraska CoC Panhandle of Nebraska CoC 5 5 NE-506 Northeast Nebraska CoC NH-500 New Hampshire Balance of State CoC 808 422 386 140 813 477 336 111 NH-501 Manchester CoC 350 219 131 54 415 278 137 56 NH-502 Nashua/Hillsborough County CoC 311 179 132 49 346 188 158 69 NJ-500 Atlantic City & County CoC 533 437 96 37 588 511 77 28 NJ-501 Bergen County CoC 1,521 628 893 310 522 338 184 63 NJ-502 Burlington County CoC 1,035 474 561 183 716 338 378 127 NJ-503 Camden City & County CoC 733 460 273 104 775 479 296 108 NJ-504 Newark/Essex County CoC 1,505 717 788 265 1,716 842 874 324 NJ-505 Gloucester County CoC 185 49 136 50 206 58 148 56 NJ-506 Jersey City/Bayonne/Hudson County CoC 1,536 541 995 377 1,779 637 1,142 436 NJ-507 New Brunswick/Middlesex County CoC 930 373 557 198 1,535 591 944 325 NJ-508 Monmouth County CoC 559 247 312 103 604 222 382 141 NJ-509 Morris County CoC 446 330 116 46 297 167 130 49 NJ-510 Lakewood Township/Ocean County CoC 545 343 202 73 590 310 280 96 NJ-511 Paterson/Passaic County CoC 847 484 363 99 698 348 350 125 NJ-512 Salem County CoC 80 35 45 17 146 83 63 22 NJ-513 Somerset County CoC 387 282 105 40 310 162 148 47 NJ-514 Trenton/Mercer County CoC 843 416 427 158 901 477 424 150 NJ-515 Elizabeth/Union County CoC 1,471 584 887 303 1,212 465 747 252 472 218 254 94 449 177 272 95 NJ-516 6 Warren, Sussex, Hunterdon Counties CoC 18 | P a g e 2011 2010 and 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates by CoC 2011 CoC Number CoC Name NJ-518 Ocean City/Cape May County CoC Total Homeless People 412 2010 Individuals Persons in Families 166 246 Family Households Total Homeless People Individuals Persons in Families Family Households 86 317 160 157 54 102 48 54 20 6 NJ-519 Sussex County CoC NJ-520 Cumberland County CoC NM-500 97 57 40 13 274 107 167 54 Albuquerque CoC 1,639 1,053 586 166 2,002 1,454 548 180 NM-501 New Mexico Balance of State CoC 1,962 1,193 769 264 1,473 889 584 124 NV-500 Las Vegas/Clark County CoC 9,432 8,536 896 306 13,338 11,941 1,397 346 NV-501 Reno/Sparks/Washoe County CoC 850 636 214 52 934 790 144 47 NV-502 Nevada Balance of State CoC 297 224 73 25 322 209 113 46 NY-500 Rochester/Irondequoit/Greece/Monroe County CoC 694 360 334 119 709 375 334 103 NY-501 Elmira/Steuben, Allegany, Livingston, Chemung, Schuyler Cty CoC 297 225 72 25 256 202 54 18 NY-502 Auburn/Cayuga County 48 16 32 9 37 35 2 1 NY-503 Albany City & County CoC 641 360 281 78 650 442 208 71 NY-504 Cattaragus County CoC 40 14 26 9 118 35 83 30 NY-505 Syracuse/Onondaga County CoC 746 585 161 45 718 600 118 39 NY-506 Fulton, Montgomery, Schoharie Counties CoC 60 20 40 11 19 13 6 2 NY-507 Schenectady City & County CoC 358 231 127 44 389 224 165 54 NY-508 Buffalo/Erie County CoC 938 601 337 114 925 639 286 122 NY-509 Oswego County CoC 40 18 22 6 85 42 43 21 NY-510 Ithaca/Tompkins County CoC 68 45 23 8 73 41 32 12 NY-511 Binghamton/Union Town/Broome, Otsego Counties CoC 218 208 10 5 234 211 23 8 NY-512 Troy/Rensselaer County CoC 267 132 135 46 314 83 231 114 NY-513 Wayne, Ontario, Seneca, Yates Counties CoC 111 74 37 15 75 42 33 13 NY-514 Jamestown/Dunkirk/Chautauqua County CoC 57 23 34 14 88 28 60 19 NY-516 Clinton County CoC 118 103 15 7 84 63 21 9 NY-517 Orleans County CoC 42 15 27 7 30 2 28 8 NY-518 Utica/Rome/Oneida County CoC 182 99 83 27 343 251 92 32 19 | P a g e 2011 2010 and 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates by CoC 2011 Total Homeless People 2010 Individuals Persons in Families Family Households Total Homeless People Individuals Persons in Families Family Households CoC Number CoC Name NY-519 Columbia/Greene County CoC 177 80 97 29 305 161 144 40 NY-520 Franklin County 22 12 10 2 14 8 6 3 NY-522 Jefferson/Lewis/St. Lawrence Counties CoC 108 65 43 13 121 103 18 9 NY-523 Glen Falls/Saratoga Springs/Saratoga County CoC 320 199 121 39 186 151 35 13 NY-524 Niagara Falls/Niagara County CoC 176 158 18 9 182 164 18 5 NY-600 New York City CoC 51,123 20,984 30,139 10,045 53,187 19,992 33,195 10,332 NY-601 Poughkeepsie/Dutchess County CoC 435 213 222 89 476 280 196 90 NY-602 Newburgh/Middletown/Orange County CoC 448 313 135 51 505 294 211 65 NY-603 Islip/Babylon/Huntington/Suffolk County CoC 2,323 670 1,653 496 2,431 455 1,976 591 NY-604 Yonkers/Mount Vernon/New Rochelle/Westchester CoC 1,537 683 854 288 1,339 460 879 237 NY-605 Nassau County CoC 955 372 583 190 732 286 446 160 NY-606 Rockland County CoC 112 67 45 16 141 93 48 17 NY-607 Sullivan County CoC 525 239 286 97 400 264 136 33 NY-608 Kingston/Ulster County CoC 259 154 105 35 440 254 186 61 OH-500 Cincinnati/Hamilton County CoC 1,275 730 545 167 1,006 709 297 97 OH-501 Toledo/Lucas County CoC 1,096 782 314 108 986 672 314 111 OH-502 Cleveland/Cuyahoga County CoC 2,262 1,766 496 173 2,278 1,783 495 171 OH-503 Columbus/Franklin County CoC 1,418 1,023 395 127 1,387 954 433 132 OH-504 Youngstown/Mahoning County CoC 223 124 99 32 183 97 86 25 OH-505 Dayton/Kettering/Montgomery County CoC 986 602 384 122 884 625 259 96 OH-506 Akron/Barberton/Summit County CoC 857 542 315 97 859 587 272 84 OH-507 Ohio Balance of State CoC 4,431 2,008 2,423 777 4,555 2,044 2,511 810 OH-508 Canton/Massillon/Alliance/Stark County CoC 482 235 247 80 431 248 183 69 OK-500 North Central Oklahoma CoC 249 135 114 36 323 207 116 39 OK-501 Tulsa City & County/Broken Arrow CoC 879 696 183 61 905 718 187 60 OK-502 Oklahoma City CoC 1,348 1,112 236 80 1,128 890 238 79 20 | P a g e 2011 2010 and 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates by CoC 2011 Total Homeless People 2010 Individuals Persons in Families Family Households Total Homeless People Individuals Persons in Families Family Households CoC Number CoC Name OK-503 Oklahoma Balance of State CoC 483 310 173 66 324 211 113 35 OK-504 Norman/Cleveland County CoC 619 418 201 61 565 438 127 37 OK-505 Northeast Oklahoma CoC 266 160 106 39 567 214 353 136 OK-506 Southwest Oklahoma Regional CoC 133 75 58 27 272 156 116 30 OK-507 Southeastern Oklahoma Regional CoC 648 330 318 99 1,145 483 662 249 OR-500 Eugene/Springfield/Lane County CoC 2,140 1,533 607 190 2,580 1,899 681 217 OR-501 Portland-Gresham-Multnomah County CoC 4,497 2,815 1,682 537 4,235 2,943 1,292 443 OR-502 Medford/Ashland/Jackson County CoC 1,049 580 469 205 922 505 417 123 OR-503 Central Oregon CoC 802 416 386 125 569 305 264 80 2,316 1,049 1,267 417 OR-504 7 Salem/Marion, Polk Counties CoC 7 7,006 3,099 3,907 1,312 6,498 2,530 3,968 1,259 752 435 317 102 950 514 436 135 Clackamas County CoC 1,008 567 441 152 1,422 986 436 137 PA-500 Philadelphia CoC 6,180 3,328 2,852 918 6,084 3,077 3,007 996 PA-501 Harrisburg/Dauphin County CoC 394 218 176 69 394 238 156 57 PA-502 Upper Darby/Chester/Haverford/Delaware County CoC 648 250 398 106 716 265 451 136 PA-503 Wilkes-Barre/Hazleton/Luzerne County CoC 180 116 64 23 201 117 84 30 PA-504 Lower Marion/Norristown/Abington/Montgomery Cty CoC 410 152 258 78 428 170 258 82 PA-505 Chester County CoC 726 521 205 71 319 156 163 52 PA-506 Reading/Berks County CoC 357 231 126 47 513 343 170 56 PA-507 Altoona/Central Pennsylvania CoC 961 397 564 191 1,167 511 656 208 PA-508 Scranton/Lackawanna County CoC 276 122 154 56 285 145 140 49 PA-509 Allentown/Northeast Pennsylvania CoC 759 266 493 167 728 248 480 155 PA-510 Lancaster City & County CoC 505 250 255 89 602 302 300 101 PA-511 Bristol/Bensalem/Bucks County CoC 505 180 325 118 474 169 305 103 257 152 105 35 OR-505 Oregon Balance of State CoC OR-506 Hillsboro/Beaverton/Washington County CoC OR-507 PA-512 1 York City & County CoC 21 | P a g e 2011 2010 and 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates by CoC 2011 Total Homeless People 2010 Individuals Persons in Families Family Households Total Homeless People Individuals Persons in Families Family Households 1,423 871 552 199 1,265 722 543 154 CoC Number CoC Name PA-600 Pittsburgh/McKeesport/Penn Hills/Allegheny Cty CoC PA-601 Southwest Pennsylvania CoC 683 345 338 108 600 294 306 97 PA-602 Northwest Pennsylvania CoC 308 174 134 50 310 149 161 56 PA-603 Beaver County CoC 119 65 54 19 134 70 64 22 PA-605 Erie City & County CoC 405 229 176 52 296 215 81 39 PR-502 Puerto Rico Balance of Commonwealth CoC 1,362 1,098 264 128 1,775 1,597 178 61 PR-503 South/Southeast Puerto Rico CoC 1,538 1,248 290 133 2,374 2,124 250 88 RI-500 Rhode Island Statewide CoC 1,070 652 418 137 1,282 704 578 216 SC-500 Charleston/Low Country CoC 569 497 72 27 416 337 79 27 SC-501 Greenville/Anderson/Spartanburg Upstate CoC 1,401 924 477 150 1,164 753 411 131 SC-502 Columbia/Midlands CoC 1,621 1,229 392 154 1,368 993 375 131 SC-503 Myrtle Beach/Sumter City & County CoC 1,502 855 647 196 1,525 1,111 414 185 SD-500 South Dakota Statewide CoC 826 460 366 123 731 445 286 87 TN-500 Chattanooga/Southeast Tennessee CoC 561 375 186 62 622 573 49 16 TN-501 Memphis/Shelby County CoC 1,942 1,235 707 210 1,657 1,032 625 192 TN-502 Knoxville/Knox County CoC 998 840 158 61 910 792 118 44 TN-503 Central Tennessee CoC 232 199 33 9 177 136 41 16 TN-504 Nashville/Davidson County CoC 1,938 1,695 243 86 2,324 2,098 226 73 TN-506 Oak Ridge/Upper Cumberland CoC 526 205 321 112 635 383 252 80 TN-507 Jackson/West Tennessee CoC 1,894 1,234 660 273 2,050 1,135 915 410 TN-509 Appalachian Regional CoC 360 200 160 50 840 743 97 30 TN-510 Murfreesboro/Rutherford County CoC 225 160 65 18 219 152 67 17 TN-512 Morristown/Blount, Sevier, Campbell, Cocke Counties CoC 437 332 105 29 842 579 263 78 TX-500 San Antonio/Bexar County CoC 3,222 2,339 883 387 3,291 2,413 878 291 TX-501 Corpus Christi/Nueces County CoC 794 720 74 35 576 509 67 33 TX-503 Austin/Travis County CoC 2,362 1,700 662 217 2,087 1,486 601 196 22 | P a g e 2011 2010 and 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates by CoC 2011 Total Homeless People 2010 Individuals Persons in Families Family Households Total Homeless People Individuals Persons in Families Family Households 196 127 69 21 253 146 107 30 CoC Number CoC Name TX-504 Victoria/Dewitt, Lavaca,Conzales Counties CoC TX-600 Dallas City & County/Irving CoC 3,540 1,591 1,949 651 3,710 2,403 1,307 433 TX-601 Fort Worth/Arlington/Tarrant County CoC 2,169 1,247 922 292 2,181 1,299 882 281 TX-603 El Paso City & County CoC 1,331 709 622 170 1,260 768 492 159 TX-604 Waco/McLennan County CoC 267 172 95 37 312 231 81 24 11,356 6,688 4,668 1,417 11,170 7,893 3,277 1,325 8 TX-607 Texas Balance of State CoC TX-610 Denton City & County CoC 156 126 30 9 91 39 52 18 TX-611 Amarillo CoC 439 277 162 59 578 410 168 48 TX-624 Wichita Falls/Wise, Palo Pinto, Wichita, Archer Counties CoC 234 193 41 12 242 215 27 11 TX-700 City of Houston/Harris County 8,471 6,293 2,178 752 6,368 4,488 1,880 781 TX-701 Bryan/College Station/Brazos Valley CoC 233 141 92 26 265 223 42 18 TX-702 Montgomery County CoC 746 331 415 120 762 277 485 146 TX-703 Beaumont/Port Arthur/South East Texas CoC 1,395 923 472 152 1,203 717 486 132 772 561 211 61 8 TX-704 The Gulf Coast Coalition UT-500 Salt Lake City & County CoC UT-503 2,033 1,206 827 241 1,968 1,191 777 227 Utah Balance of State CoC 898 512 386 126 952 465 487 145 UT-504 Provo/Mountainland CoC 199 124 75 22 364 270 94 32 VA-500 Richmond/Henrico, Chesterfield, Hanover Counties CoC 1,084 837 247 85 1,012 800 212 78 609 419 190 61 556 400 156 46 9 VA-501 Norfolk/Chesapeake/Suffolk/Isle of Wright, Southampton Cty CoC VA-502 Roanoke City & County/Salem CoC 536 412 124 44 518 395 123 45 VA-503 Virginia Beach CoC 427 248 179 59 517 251 266 79 VA-504 Charlottesville CoC 213 159 54 24 228 168 60 18 VA-505 Newport News/Hampton/Virginia Peninsula CoC 736 511 225 68 607 448 159 51 VA-507 Portsmouth CoC 265 199 66 21 210 147 63 22 VA-508 Lynchburg CoC 226 129 97 28 255 133 122 44 VA-509 Petersburg CoC 69 57 12 5 90 77 13 4 23 | P a g e 2011 2010 and 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates by CoC 2011 CoC Number CoC Name VA-510 Staunton/Waynesboro/Augusta, Highland Counties CoC Total Homeless People 67 2010 Individuals Persons in Families 42 25 Family Households Total Homeless People Individuals Persons in Families Family Households 11 94 70 24 8 37 13 24 7 9 VA-512 Chesapeake CoC VA-513 Winchester/Shenandoah, Frederick, Warren Counties CoC 186 113 73 24 264 158 106 24 VA-514 Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania, Stafford Counties CoC 191 135 56 21 288 224 64 22 VA-517 Danville/Martinsville CoC 122 92 30 10 273 167 106 38 VA-518 Harrisburg/ Rockingham County CoC 125 81 44 18 184 73 111 26 32 15 17 5 9 VA-519 Suffolk VA CoC VA-521 Virginia Balance of State CoC 806 338 468 153 804 318 486 163 VA-600 Arlington County CoC 461 268 193 65 535 351 184 61 VA-601 Fairfax County CoC 1,549 666 883 265 1,552 660 892 263 VA-602 Loudoun County CoC 162 86 76 24 157 71 86 25 VA-603 City of Alexandria CoC 416 264 152 52 359 208 151 52 VA-604 Prince William County CoC 566 175 391 107 508 191 317 100 VI-500 Virgin Islands CoC 532 450 82 22 487 468 19 9 VT-500 Vermont Balance of State CoC 655 376 279 73 607 428 179 63 VT-501 Burlington/Chittenden County CoC 489 261 228 83 613 369 244 104 WA-500 Seattle/King County CoC 8,972 5,484 3,488 1,040 9,022 5,608 3,414 1,064 WA-501 Washington Balance of State CoC 4,956 2,436 2,520 766 7,178 3,377 3,801 1,190 WA-502 Spokane City & County CoC 1,272 642 630 274 1,242 659 583 134 WA-503 Tacoma/Lakewood/Pierce County CoC 2,089 846 1,243 367 1,807 697 1,110 333 WA-504 Everett/Snohomish County CoC 1,860 830 1,030 354 2,018 805 1,213 399 WA-507 Yakima City & County CoC 443 218 225 81 507 255 252 76 WA-508 Vancouver/Clark County CoC 847 412 435 158 1,104 500 604 192 WI-500 Wisconsin Balance of State CoC 3,400 1,432 1,968 677 3,992 1,588 2,404 811 WI-501 Milwaukee City & County CoC 1,466 892 574 184 1,537 974 563 173 WI-502 Racine City & County CoC 243 144 99 31 236 158 78 17 24 | P a g e 2011 2010 and 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates by CoC 2011 Total Homeless People 2010 Individuals Persons in Families Family Households Total Homeless People Individuals Persons in Families Family Households CoC Number CoC Name WI-503 Madison/Dane County CoC 676 370 306 102 568 320 248 79 WV-500 Wheeling/Weirton Area CoC 124 90 34 16 197 159 38 12 WV-501 Huntington/Cabell, Wayne Counties CoC 238 158 80 30 286 194 92 30 WV-503 Charleston/Kanawha, Putnam, Boone, Clay Counties CoC 394 306 88 30 406 286 120 46 WV-508 West Virginia Balance of State CoC 1,455 1,108 347 131 1,375 888 487 157 WY-500 Wyoming Statewide CoC 1,038 320 718 223 579 327 252 90 636,017 399,836 236,181 77,186 649,917 407,966 241,951 79,446 Total Counts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CoC was defunct in 2010 and reconstituted in 2011. CA-601 merged with CA-610 in 2011. CT-500, CT-509, and CT-510 merged with CT-505 in 2011. MN-503 and MN-510 merged in 2011 NE-503, NE-504, NE-505, and NE-506 merged with NE-500 in 2011. NJ-519 merged with NJ-516 in 2011. OR-504 merged with OR-505 in 2011. TX-704 merged with TX-607 in 2011. VA-512 and VA-519 merged with VA-501 in 2011. 25 | P a g e 26 | P a g e