2007 – 2008 Graduating Senior/ Recent Alumni Survey Survey Office of Institutional Research and Planning New Jersey’s Public Liberal Arts College OIRP Staff Babette Varano, Director Laura Plessner, Admin. Assist. Linda Wolfson, Secretarial Assist. Xiurong Zhang, Associate Director Publication Date September 2008 New Jersey’s Public Liberal Arts College CONTENTS Table 1: Table 2: Table 3: Table 4: Table 5: Table 6: Table 7: Table 8: Table 9: Table 10: Table 11: Table 12: Table 13: Table 14: Table 15: Table 16: Table 17: Table 18: Table 19: Table 20: Table 21: Table 22: Table 23: Table 24: Table 25: Table 26: Involvement in College Life.............................................................................................4 Student Leadership ...........................................................................................................5 Participation in College Activities....................................................................................6 Satisfaction with Academics and the Campus Climate ....................................................8 Personal Development......................................................................................................10 Further Education .............................................................................................................12 Graduate Schools and Fields of Study..............................................................................13 Next Degree Sought..........................................................................................................14 Highest Degree Planned ...................................................................................................15 Employment Plans............................................................................................................16 Employment Status...........................................................................................................18 Location of Employment ..................................................................................................19 Salary Range of Graduates with Full-Time Jobs..............................................................20 Relationship of Job to Co-Ops or Internships ..................................................................21 Relationship of Job to Major Field of Study ....................................................................22 Attitude About Current Job ..............................................................................................23 Student Involvement by Major .........................................................................................24 Student Leadership by Major ...........................................................................................25 Student Participation by Major.........................................................................................26 Student Satisfaction by Major ..........................................................................................27 Student Personal Development by Major.........................................................................28 Plans for Further Education by Major ..............................................................................29 Highest Degree Sought by Major .....................................................................................30 Employment Status by Major ...........................................................................................31 Salary Ranges of Respondents Working Full-Time by Major .........................................32 Relationship of Job to Field of Study by Major ...............................................................33 Appendixes Appendix A-1: Appendix A-2: Appendix A-3: Appendix A-4: Survey Response Rates............................................................................................A-1 Response Rates by School and Major .....................................................................A-2 Representativeness of Survey Respondents - Demographics..................................A-3 Representativeness of Survey Respondents - Academics .......................................A-4 Appendix B: Student Comments…………………………………………………….….B-1 to B-13 Appendix C: The Questionnaire……………………………………………………………10 pages Ramapo College of New Jersey i Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 1: INVOLVEMENT IN COLLEGE LIFE 2002-03 Valid Pct. 2003-04 Valid Pct. 2004-05 Valid Pct. 2005-06 Valid Pct. 2007-08 Valid Pct. Student Government 3.8% 2.9% 2.1% 3.4% 3.2% -0.6% -0.2% Student Publications/Media (Radio & T.V.) 10.0% 8.8% 5.7% 5.8% 8.4% -1.6% 2.6% Student Clubs 28.4% 22.5% 29.1% 27.5% 34.2% 5.8% 6.7% Intramural Sports 5.2% 7.5% 5.2% 6.5% 7.5% 2.3% 1.0% Intercollegiate Sports 7.6% 6.8% 6.7% 8.8% 9.9% 2.3% 1.1% Fraternity/Sorority 11.1% 13.0% 9.7% 11.4% 15.2% 4.1% 3.8% Very/Moderately Involved Pct.Pt.Change Pct.Pt.Change 02/03 to 07/08 05/06 to 07/08 Chart 1: Involvement 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Government Publications 2002-03 Graduates Ramapo College of New Jersey Clubs 2003-04 Graduates Intramurals 2004-05 Graduates Page 4 Intercollegiate 2005-06 Graduates Frat/Sor 2007-08 Graduates Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 2: STUDENT LEADERSHIP Elected to Position More Than Once/Once 2002-03 Valid Pct. 2003-04 Valid Pct. 2004-05 Valid Pct. 2005-06 Valid Pct. 2007-08 Valid Pct. Student Government 5.2% 3.6% 3.3% 2.7% 3.4% -1.8% 0.7% Student Publications/Media (Radio & T.V.) 7.3% 3.0% 4.8% 3.4% 4.5% -2.8% 1.1% Student Clubs 25.5% 24.9% 25.8% 24.6% 28.9% 3.4% 4.3% Intramural Sports 3.5% 5.8% 1.5% 2.8% 3.9% 0.4% 1.1% Intercollegiate Sports 4.5% 4.9% 5.2% 3.7% 5.7% 1.2% 2.0% Fraternity/Sorority 9.7% 13.1% 9.8% 10.4% 14.9% 5.2% 4.5% Pct.Pt.Change Pct.Pt.Change 02/03 to 07/08 05/06 to 07/08 Chart 2: Leadership Positions 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Government Publications 2002-03 Graduates Ramapo College of New Jersey Clubs 2003-04 Graduates Intramurals 2004-05 Graduates Page 5 Intercollegiate 2005-06 Graduates Frat/Sor 2007-08 Graduates Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 3: PARTICIPATION IN COLLEGE ACTIVITIES 2002-03 Valid Pct. 2003-04 Valid Pct. 2004-05 Valid Pct. 2005-06 Valid Pct. 2007-08 Valid Pct. Volunteer or Service Learning Project 46.4% 52.5% 53.9% 53.4% 65.1% 18.7% 11.7% Residence Hall Activity 38.4% 44.3% 48.8% 50.6% 56.4% 18.0% 5.8% Multicultural Events 55.8% 56.4% 60.6% 57.4% 67.1% 11.3% 9.7% International Events 51.3% 53.9% 50.8% 55.8% 65.8% 14.5% 10.0% Performed in Theater/Music Productions 15.9% 12.8% 13.5% 15.3% 17.7% 1.8% 2.4% Attended Theater/Music Productions 54.3% 63.6% 68.8% 66.4% 62.8% 8.5% -3.6% Study Abroad 15.9% 20.4% 16.7% 18.3% 13.6% -2.3% -4.7% Faculty Research Project 19.3% 23.1% 22.2% 21.2% 28.9% 9.6% 7.7% National Honor Society 30.8% 26.3% 31.2% 34.5% 38.3% 7.5% 3.8% Presented Paper at Academic Conference 6.4% 6.8% 8.5% 8.0% 10.6% 4.2% 2.6% Attended Academic Conference 24.8% 25.3% 23.2% 28.5% 31.8% 7.0% 3.3% Co-op 27.6% 25.9% 26.3% 19.4% 23.4% -4.2% 4.0% Internship 37.2% 44.0% 44.0% 43.9% 50.2% 13.0% 6.3% Career Achievement Program 13.8% 16.0% 15.2% 14.4% 14.9% 1.1% 0.5% More Than Once/Once Ramapo College of New Jersey Page 6 Pct.Pt.Change Pct.Pt.Change 02/03 to 07/08 05/06 to 07/08 Office of Institutional Research and Planning Chart 3: Participation (5-year means) 63% AttendCul 59% Multicultural 56% International 54% Volunteer 48% Residence 44% Internship 32% Nat'lHonor 27% AttendConf 25% Co-op 23% FacResrch 17% StdyAbrd 15% PerformCul 15% CAP 8% ConfPaper 0% 10% Ramapo College of New Jersey 20% 30% Page 7 40% 50% 60% 70% Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 4: SATISFACTION WITH ACADEMICS AND THE CAMPUS CLIMATE 2002-03 Valid Pct. 2003-04 Valid Pct. 2004-05 Valid Pct. 2005-06 Valid Pct. 2007-08 Valid Pct. Received high quality instruction 88.9% 89.2% 90.3% 92.7% 89.0% 0.1% -3.7% Courses in major were high quality 86.5% 88.9% 88.1% 89.7% 90.4% 3.9% 0.7% Faculty advisor very helpful 65.4% 70.7% 72.3% 71.3% 68.5% 3.1% -2.8% Advising center was very helpful 64.0% 64.9% 72.1% 63.3% 56.6% -7.4% -6.7% Was able to get classes I needed 88.9% 80.6% 83.3% 86.1% 88.3% -0.6% 2.2% Technology was very accessible 86.5% 85.1% 88.8% 92.7% 88.3% 1.8% -4.4% Major prepared me well for first job 70.5% 70.9% 69.3% 71.3% 72.3% 1.8% 1.0% Major prepared me well for graduate school 75.4% 77.4% 73.8% 76.7% 74.4% -1.0% -2.3% Most students were serious about learning 67.4% 66.0% 69.8% 71.4% 70.9% 3.5% -0.5% People from different ethnic groups got along 91.2% 92.1% 94.3% 92.1% 89.9% -1.3% -2.2% I grew as a person culturally, socially, & ethically 88.9% 93.1% 92.7% 91.8% 89.3% 0.4% -2.5% I felt comfortable here and sensed I belonged 84.6% 86.9% 86.4% 87.0% 85.2% 0.6% -1.8% I felt safe 95.0% 95.1% 95.7% 95.7% 93.1% -1.9% -2.6% Diversity is respected 90.3% 94.4% 94.2% 90.8% 91.7% 1.4% 0.9% I would recommend Ramapo to others 87.6% 82.5% 90.0% 88.2% 81.1% -6.5% -7.1% Strongly Agree/Agree Ramapo College of New Jersey Page 8 Pct.Pt.Change Pct.Pt.Change 02/03 to 07/08 05/06 to 07/08 Office of Institutional Research and Planning Chart 4: Academics & Campus Climate (5-year means) 95% Safe 92% Diversity 92% GotAlong 91% I Grew 90% Instruction 89% CoursesMajor 88% Technology 86% Comfortable 86% Recommend 85% GotClasses 76% GradSchl 71% JobPrep 70% FacultyAdvisor 69% Serious 64% AdvisingCtr 0% 10% Ramapo College of New Jersey 20% 30% 40% Page 9 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 5: PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 2002-03 Valid Pct. 2003-04 Valid Pct. 2004-05 Valid Pct. 2005-06 Valid Pct. 2007-08 Valid Pct. Skill in writing 67.7% 65.7% 71.5% 67.9% 68.2% 0.5% 0.3% Skill in oral communication 69.9% 73.1% 72.8% 72.9% 73.8% 3.9% 0.9% Skill in use of technology 64.5% 59.0% 60.3% 60.0% 53.9% -10.6% -6.1% Ability to understand tables and graphs 42.0% 39.4% 38.1% 41.4% 41.4% -0.6% 0.0% Ability to think analytically and logically 76.8% 73.7% 75.2% 80.5% 77.8% 1.0% -2.7% Understanding of different cultures & lifeways 75.6% 77.4% 71.5% 72.9% 72.0% -3.6% -0.9% Appreciation of literature and the arts 54.7% 59.6% 58.7% 54.1% 50.9% -3.8% -3.2% Ability to critically examine personal beliefs 70.3% 70.4% 68.3% 70.3% 70.9% 0.6% 0.6% Ability to interact with people different from myself 71.0% 69.5% 69.5% 70.8% 65.7% -5.3% -5.1% Interest in U.S. social & political issues 51.5% 52.5% 53.0% 52.7% 51.5% 0.0% -1.2% Interest in international issues 51.5% 51.3% 50.6% 52.7% 52.3% 0.8% -0.4% A sense of self-worth and self-confidence 68.3% 67.1% 66.4% 70.6% 69.2% 0.9% -1.4% Career-related knowledge and skills 60.2% 68.9% 64.5% 69.7% 69.8% 9.6% 0.1% Significant/Much Contribution Ramapo College of New Jersey Page 10 Pct.Pt.Change Pct.Pt.Change 02/03 to 07/08 05/06 to 07/08 Office of Institutional Research and Planning Chart 5: Personal Development (5-year means) 77% Analytical 74% CrossCul 73% OralComm 70% SelfReflect 69% Interaction 68% SelfWorth 68% Writing 67% CareerPrep 60% Technology 56% Arts&Lit 52% USIssues 52% Int'lIssues 40% Quantitative 0% 10% Ramapo College of New Jersey 20% 30% 40% Page 11 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 6: FURTHER EDUCATION 2002-03 Valid Pct. 2003-04 Valid Pct. 2004-05 Valid Pct. 2005-06 Valid Pct. 2007-08 Valid Pct. 20.2% 15.6% 19.6% 19.4% 19.4% Have been admitted (of those applying) (58.3%) (72.9%) (64.6%) (70.3%) (65.5%) Have yet to be admitted (of those applying) (41.7%) (27.1%) (35.4%) (29.7%) (34.5%) Plan to apply in the future 61.6% 60.4% 55.3% 60.6% 63.3% Have no plans for further education 18.2% 24.0% 25.1% 20.0% 17.4% Plans Have applied for further education Chart 6: Further Education 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Have applied 2002-03 Graduates Ramapo College of New Jersey 2003-04 Graduates Will apply 2004-05 Graduates Page 12 Will not apply 2005-06 Graduates 2007-08 Graduates Office of Institutional Research and Planning Table 7: Graduate Schools and Fields of Study Institutions Students "Expect to Attend" UMDNJ Montclair State University New York University Columbia University Ramapo College Rutgers University Georgian Court University Kean University New Jersey City University Wagner College Eastern Mennonite University Emerson College Fordham University Georgian Court Washington University in St. Louis LaSalle University Misericordia University Monmouth University New York Institute of Technology New York Law Pace University Quinnipiac University Rider University Ross University Saint Elizabeth Seton Hall School of Law Simmons College Thomas Jefferson University University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences University of New South Wales University of North Carolina University of Pittsburgh University of Tennessee University of the US Virgin Islands University of Warwick (UK) West Chester University Yeshiva University Number [*] 7 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Expected Fields of Study Education /Teaching Medicine /Dentistry /Health Profession Law Psychology Social Work Finance Higher Education Administration Physical Therapy Advertising /Marketing Biomedical Science Counseling Criminal Justice /Criminology Nursing Speech Language Pathology Accounting Computer Science Ecology /Environmental Studies Forensic Science Genetics Healthcare Administration History Journalism Literature /Publishing Marine and Environmental Science Creative writing Physics Project Management Public Relations Veterinary [*] Mentioned only by students who have applied for further education. Number [*] 18 8 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ramapo College of New Jersey Page 13 Office of Institutional Research and Planning Table 8: Next Degree Sought 2002-03 Valid Pct. 2003-04 Valid Pct. 2004-05 Valid Pct. 2005-06 Valid Pct. 2007-08 Valid Pct. Pct.Pt.Change Pct.Pt.Change 02/03 to 07/08 05/06 to 07/08 Second Bachelor's 5.4% 4.2% 1.6% 1.6% 4.8% -0.6% 3.2% Master's 62.5% 72.9% 65.6% 53.1% 56.0% -6.5% 2.9% Doctoral 16.1% 6.3% 14.1% 25.0% 25.0% 8.9% 0.0% Other 16.1% 16.7% 18.8% 20.3% 14.2% -1.9% -6.1% Degree Chart 8: Next Degree Sought 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Second Bachelor's 2002-03 Graduates Master's 2003-04 Graduates Doctoral 2004-05 Graduates 2005-06 Graduates Other 2007-08 Graduates [1] Next degree or certificate sought by those who have applied for further education. Ramapo College of New Jersey Page 14 Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 9: HIGHEST DEGREE PLANNED 2002-03 Valid Pct. 2003-04 Valid Pct. 2004-05 Valid Pct. 2005-06 Valid Pct. 2007-08 Valid Pct. Pct.Pt.Change Pct.Pt.Change 02/03 to 07/08 05/06 to 07/08 Bachelor's 13.9% 24.6% 19.9% 19.7% 19.5% 5.6% -0.2% Master's 55.6% 51.4% 56.7% 52.9% 57.5% 1.9% 4.6% Doctoral 26.7% 21.8% 20.2% 23.2% 20.8% -5.9% -2.4% Other [1] 3.8% 2.1% 3.3% 4.2% 2.2% -1.6% -2.0% Highest Degree [1] Most "Other" degrees listed were first professional, including law, pharmacy, medicine, and dentistry. Chart 9: Highest Degree Planned 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Bachelor's 2002-03 Graduates Ramapo College of New Jersey Master's 2003-04 Graduates Doctoral 2004-05 Graduates 2005-06 Graduates Page 15 Other [1] 2007-08 Graduates Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 10: EMPLOYMENT PLANS 2002-03 Valid Pct. 2003-04 Valid Pct. 2004-05 Valid Pct. 2005-06 Valid Pct. 2007-08 Valid Pct. Pct.Pt.Change 02/03 to 07/08 Pct.Pt.Change 05/06 to 07/08 Will work at same job held prior to graduation 18.2% 18.7% 14.1% 17.1% 13.0% -5.2% -4.1% Will work at same job, but have been promoted 6.2% 11.1% 8.3% 9.2% 8.1% 1.9% -1.1% Will work at job recently obtained 20.2% 21.0% 21.4% 22.9% 19.8% -0.4% -3.1% Am not employed, but am looking 38.4% 35.7% 41.9% 33.0% 42.5% 4.1% 9.5% Am not employed, and am not looking 3.1% 3.6% 2.8% 3.7% 2.9% -0.2% -0.8% Employment plans not formulated 14.0% 9.8% 11.6% 14.1% 13.7% -0.3% -0.4% Plans Chart 10A: Employment Plans 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Same Job Promoted 2002-03 Graduates Ramapo College of New Jersey New Job 2003-04 Graduates Looking 2004-05 Graduates 2005-06 Graduates Page 16 Not Looking Undecided 2007-08 Graduates Office of Institutional Research and Planning Chart 10B: Overall Employment 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Employed Not Employed 2002-03 Graduates 45% 56% 2003-04 Graduates 51% 49% 2004-05 Graduates 44% 56% 2005-06 Graduates 49% 51% 2007-08 Graduates 41% 59% Chart 10C: Employed Only 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Existing Job New Job 2002-03 Graduates 55% 45% 2003-04 Graduates 59% 41% 2004-05 Graduates 51% 49% 2005-06 Graduates 53% 47% 2007-08 Graduates 52% 48% Ramapo College of New Jersey Page 17 Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 11: EMPLOYMENT STATUS 2002-03 Valid Pct. 2003-04 Valid Pct. 2004-05 Valid Pct. 2005-06 Valid Pct. 2007-08 Valid Pct. Pct.Pt.Change Pct.Pt.Change 02/03 to 07/08 05/06 to 07/08 Employed Full-time 85.7% 85.8% 80.0% 82.2% 77.3% -8.4% -4.9% Employed Part-time 14.3% 14.2% 20.0% 17.8% 22.7% 8.4% 4.9% Status Chart 11: Employment Status 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Full-time 2002-03 Graduates 2003-04 Graduates Ramapo College of New Jersey Part-time 2004-05 Graduates Page 18 2005-06 Graduates 2007-08 Graduates Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 12: LOCATION OF EMPLOYMENT 2002-03 Valid Pct. 2003-04 Valid Pct. 2004-05 Valid Pct. 2005-06 Valid Pct. 2007-08 Valid Pct. Pct.Pt.Change Pct.Pt.Change 02/03 to 07/08 05/06 to 07/08 In New Jersey 79.2% 76.8% 78.3% 76.6% 77.9% -1.3% 1.3% Outside New Jersey 20.8% 23.2% 21.7% 23.4% 22.1% 1.3% -1.3% Location Chart 12: Location of Employment 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% New Jersey 2002-03 Graduates Ramapo College of New Jersey 2003-04 Graduates Out-of-State 2004-05 Graduates Page 19 2005-06 Graduates 2007-08 Graduates Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 13: SALARY RANGE OF GRADUATES WITH FULL-TIME JOBS 2007-08 Percent 2002-03 Valid Pct. 2003-04 Valid Pct. 2004-05 Valid Pct. 2005-06 Valid Pct. 2007-08 Valid Pct. Pct.Pt.Change Pct.Pt.Change 02/03 to 07/08 05/06 to 07/08 Previously Employed Newly Employed Less than $20,000 9.6% 9.3% 8.3% 10.2% 7.5% -2.1% -2.7% 7.7% 7.2% $20,000 to $24,999 11.5% 10.9% 9.2% 10.2% 7.5% -4.0% -2.7% 9.2% 5.8% $25,000 to $29,999 14.4% 13.2% 15.6% 9.4% 11.9% -2.5% 2.5% 9.2% 14.5% $30,000 to $34.999 14.4% 13.2% 18.3% 12.6% 11.9% -2.5% -0.7% 6.2% 17.4% $35,000 to $39,999 10.6% 14.7% 16.5% 10.2% 11.2% 0.6% 1.0% 13.8% 8.7% $40,000 to $44,999 8.7% 8.5% 10.1% 15.0% 6.7% -2.0% -8.3% 1.5% 11.6% $45,000 or above 30.8% 30.2% 22.0% 32.3% 43.3% 12.5% 11.0% 52.3% 34.8% Ranges Chart 13: Overall Salaries of Graduates Employed Full-time 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% <$20,000 $20,000-$24,999 2002-03 Graduates Ramapo College of New Jersey $25,000-$29,999 2003-04 Graduates $30,000-$34,999 2004-05 Graduates Page 20 $35,000-$39,999 2005-06 Graduates $40,000-$44,999 >=$45,000 2007-08 Graduates Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 14: RELATIONSHIP OF JOB TO CO-OP'S OR INTERNSHIPS 2002-03 Valid Pct. 2003-04 Valid Pct. 2004-05 Valid Pct. 2005-06 Valid Pct. 2007-08 Valid Pct. Pct.Pt.Change Pct.Pt.Change 02/03 to 07/08 05/06 to 07/08 Yes 10.2% 12.9% 12.7% 12.7% 17.5% 7.3% 4.8% No 89.8% 87.1% 87.3% 87.3% 82.5% -7.3% -4.8% Linked? Chart 14: Job Linked to Co-op or Internship? 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Linked to Co-op 2002-03 Graduates 2003-04 Graduates Ramapo College of New Jersey Not Linked 2004-05 Graduates Page 21 2005-06 Graduates 2007-08 Graduates Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 15: RELATIONSHIP OF JOB TO MAJOR FIELD OF STUDY 2002-03 Valid Pct. 2003-04 Valid Pct. 2004-05 Valid Pct. 2005-06 Valid Pct. 2007-08 Valid Pct. Pct.Pt.Change Pct.Pt.Change 02/03 to 07/08 05/06 to 07/08 Directly related to major 36.7% 43.9% 41.5% 46.5% 47.2% 10.5% 0.7% Somewhat related to major 34.4% 28.4% 35.2% 27.4% 30.6% -3.8% 3.2% Not related to major 28.9% 27.7% 23.2% 26.1% 22.2% -6.7% -3.9% Relationship Chart 15: Relationship of Job to Major Field of Study 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Directly related 2002-03 Graduates Ramapo College of New Jersey Somewhat related 2003-04 Graduates 2004-05 Graduates Page 22 Not related 2005-06 Graduates 2007-08 Graduates Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 16: ATTITUDE ABOUT CURRENT JOB 2002-03 Valid Pct. 2003-04 Valid Pct. 2004-05 Valid Pct. 2005-06 Valid Pct. 2007-08 Valid Pct. Pct.Pt.Change Pct.Pt.Change 02/03 to 07/08 05/06 to 07/08 Has definite long-term career potential 43.8% 48.7% 36.6% 44.6% 41.9% -1.9% -2.7% Has possible long-term career potential 33.3% 21.4% 28.9% 17.8% 21.8% -11.5% 4.0% Temporary job until something found in field 3.8% 20.1% 23.2% 24.8% 21.8% 18.0% -3.0% Short-term 6.7% 2.6% 7.0% 7.0% 8.9% 2.2% 1.9% Other 12.4% 7.1% 4.2% 5.7% 5.6% -6.8% -0.1% Attitude about current job Chart 16: Attitude Regarding Current Position 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Definite career 2002-03 Graduates Ramapo College of New Jersey Possible career 2003-04 Graduates Looking for job in field 2004-05 Graduates Page 23 Short-term 2005-06 Graduates Other 2007-08 Graduates Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 17: STUDENT INVOLVEMENT BY MAJOR [1] Major No Involvement Slightly Involved Moderately Involved Very Involved Number of Responses American Studies 83.3% 8.3% 8.3% 0.0% 2 History 72.3% 15.0% 5.8% 6.9% 29 International Studies 72.2% 9.3% 5.6% 13.0% 9 Literature 75.7% 8.9% 7.4% 7.9% 34 Political Science 80.5% 9.8% 4.9% 4.9% 7 Spanish Language Studies 75.0% 8.3% 16.7% 0.0% 2 Accounting 73.8% 11.5% 9.0% 5.7% 21 Business Administration 81.5% 5.8% 8.1% 4.6% 44 Economics 70.8% 8.3% 12.5% 8.3% 4 Information Systems 94.4% 5.6% 0.0% 0.0% 12 International Business 77.8% 3.7% 7.4% 11.1% 5 Communication Arts 69.0% 11.2% 9.5% 10.3% 41 Contemporary Arts 73.2% 7.3% 14.6% 4.9% 7 Music 86.7% 10.0% 0.0% 3.3% 5 Theater 70.0% 13.3% 16.7% 0.0% 6 Visual Arts 72.2% 13.0% 7.4% 7.4% 9 Environmental Studies 88.1% 7.1% 2.4% 2.4% 7 Law and Society 71.6% 11.4% 5.7% 11.4% 15 Psychology 80.3% 11.0% 2.9% 5.8% 58 Social Science 79.2% 8.3% 4.2% 8.3% 4 Social Work 82.1% 9.0% 5.1% 3.8% 13 Sociology 74.1% 11.1% 7.4% 7.4% 9 Biochemistry 70.8% 8.3% 8.3% 12.5% 4 Bioinformatics 66.7% 11.1% 5.6% 16.7% 3 Biology 73.4% 15.0% 6.3% 5.3% 35 Chemistry 75.0% 0.0% 0.0% 25.0% 2 Computer Science 76.9% 9.6% 7.7% 5.8% 9 Environmental Studies 83.3% 11.1% 0.0% 5.6% 3 Mathematics 70.0% 10.0% 13.3% 6.7% 10 Nursing 86.8% 4.0% 1.8% 7.5% 38 All Other Respondents [2] 50.0% 16.7% 16.7% 16.7% 2 77.1% 9.8% 6.3% 6.8% 449 TOTALS [1] Frequency of responses to the 6 items of question #1 are combined for each of the 4 selection criteria for each major. Percentage of responses for each criterion is based on total actual responses – missing responses are excluded. [2] 'All Other Respondents' includes all majors for which fewer than 2 surveys were received. Ramapo College of New Jersey Page 24 Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 18: STUDENT LEADERSHIP BY MAJOR [1] Major No Positions One Position Number of Responses > One Position American Studies 91.7% 0.0% 8.3% 2 History 89.6% 2.4% 7.9% 28 International Studies 88.9% 7.4% 3.7% 9 Literature 87.7% 3.9% 8.3% 34 Political Science 95.1% 0.0% 4.9% 7 Spanish Language Studies 81.8% 18.2% 0.0% 2 Accounting 91.2% 2.4% 6.4% 21 Business Administration 93.5% 3.4% 3.0% 44 Economics 83.3% 4.2% 12.5% 4 Information Systems 98.6% 1.4% 0.0% 12 International Business 79.2% 0.0% 20.8% 5 Communication Arts 84.1% 5.4% 10.5% 41 Contemporary Arts 90.5% 4.8% 4.8% 7 Music 93.3% 3.3% 3.3% 5 Theater 94.3% 0.0% 5.7% 6 Visual Arts 90.7% 3.7% 5.6% 9 Environmental Studies 97.6% 0.0% 2.4% 7 Law and Society 84.3% 6.7% 9.0% 15 Psychology 91.5% 5.2% 3.2% 58 Social Science 87.5% 0.0% 12.5% 4 Social Work 92.2% 5.2% 2.6% 13 Sociology 79.6% 9.3% 11.1% 9 Biochemistry 79.2% 8.3% 12.5% 4 Bioinformatics 83.3% 11.1% 5.6% 3 Biology 90.4% 3.3% 6.2% 35 Chemistry 83.3% 0.0% 16.7% 2 Computer Science 88.9% 3.7% 7.4% 9 Environmental Studies 94.4% 5.6% 0.0% 3 Mathematics 86.7% 3.3% 10.0% 10 Nursing 93.1% 3.2% 3.7% 37 All Other Respondents [2] 58.3% 33.3% 8.3% 2 89.8% 4.2% 6.1% 447 TOTALS [1] Frequency of responses to the 6 items of question #2 are combined for each of the 3 selection criteria for each major. Percentage of responses for each criterion is based on total actual responses – missing responses are excluded. [2] 'All Other Respondents' includes all majors for which fewer than 2 surveys were received. Ramapo College of New Jersey Page 25 Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 19: STUDENT PARTICIPATION IN COLLEGE ACTIVITIES BY MAJOR [1] Major Never Once 2-4 Times Number of Responses >4 Times American Studies 60.7% 14.3% 14.3% 10.7% 2 History 59.9% 13.6% 18.1% 8.4% 29 International Studies 52.4% 19.8% 11.9% 15.9% 9 Literature 57.1% 12.7% 19.0% 11.2% 34 Political Science 61.2% 19.4% 15.3% 4.1% 7 Spanish Language Studies 46.4% 28.6% 17.9% 7.1% 2 Accounting 63.1% 10.6% 21.2% 5.1% 21 Business Administration 70.5% 16.6% 9.9% 2.9% 44 Economics 60.0% 12.7% 10.9% 16.4% 4 Information Systems 86.9% 6.5% 5.4% 1.2% 12 International Business 40.0% 25.7% 15.7% 18.6% 5 Communication Arts 55.1% 18.1% 18.8% 8.1% 41 Contemporary Arts 63.3% 12.2% 19.4% 5.1% 7 Music 70.6% 14.7% 7.4% 7.4% 5 Theater 59.0% 10.8% 14.5% 15.7% 6 Visual Arts 56.0% 17.6% 14.4% 12.0% 9 Environmental Studies 58.8% 18.6% 18.6% 4.1% 7 Law and Society 61.4% 16.9% 14.0% 7.7% 15 Psychology 54.2% 19.8% 18.5% 7.6% 57 Social Science 50.0% 21.4% 12.5% 16.1% 4 Social Work 56.0% 13.2% 20.9% 9.9% 13 Sociology 45.2% 31.0% 15.9% 7.9% 9 Biochemistry 46.4% 21.4% 28.6% 3.6% 4 Bioinformatics 54.8% 14.3% 4.8% 26.2% 3 Biology 59.6% 15.2% 16.2% 9.0% 35 Chemistry 60.7% 10.7% 14.3% 14.3% 2 Computer Science 68.3% 15.1% 7.9% 8.7% 9 Environmental Studies 62.5% 17.5% 15.0% 5.0% 3 Mathematics 71.2% 11.5% 13.7% 3.6% 10 Nursing 72.4% 13.3% 9.5% 4.8% 38 All Other Respondents [2] 53.6% 10.7% 32.1% 3.6% 2 60.9% 15.9% 15.5% 7.7% 448 TOTALS [1] Frequency of responses to the 14 items of question #3 are combined for each of the 4 selection criteria for each major. Percentage of responses for each criterion is based on total actual responses – missing responses are excluded. [2] 'All Other Respondents' includes all majors for which fewer than 2 surveys were received. Ramapo College of New Jersey Page 26 Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 20: STUDENT SATISFACTION BY MAJOR [1] Major Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Number of Responses American Studies 0.0% 10.0% 56.7% 33.3% 2 History 6.0% 10.6% 50.8% 32.6% 29 International Studies 5.3% 13.5% 47.4% 33.8% 9 Literature 7.7% 9.3% 53.6% 29.4% 34 Political Science 9.5% 9.5% 58.1% 22.9% 7 Spanish Language Studies 6.7% 10.0% 60.0% 23.3% 2 Accounting 9.6% 15.3% 47.9% 27.2% 21 Business Administration 6.1% 16.5% 55.9% 21.5% 44 Economics 3.3% 15.0% 36.7% 45.0% 4 Information Systems 4.5% 14.0% 74.3% 7.3% 12 International Business 8.0% 12.0% 49.3% 30.7% 5 Communication Arts 5.7% 15.2% 52.0% 27.1% 41 Contemporary Arts 8.0% 20.0% 54.0% 18.0% 7 Music 4.1% 20.5% 58.9% 16.4% 5 11.1% 24.4% 52.2% 12.2% 6 5.2% 18.5% 59.3% 17.0% 9 14.3% 24.8% 44.8% 16.2% 7 Law and Society 3.1% 6.3% 52.5% 38.1% 15 Psychology 3.9% 9.4% 63.2% 23.5% 58 Social Science 6.7% 15.0% 60.0% 18.3% 4 Social Work 1.0% 7.7% 51.0% 40.2% 13 Sociology 7.4% 20.7% 37.0% 34.8% 9 Biochemistry 0.0% 12.1% 67.2% 20.7% 4 Bioinformatics 4.4% 15.6% 48.9% 31.1% 3 Biology 3.7% 9.8% 57.3% 29.2% 35 Chemistry 0.0% 16.7% 53.3% 30.0% 2 Computer Science 2.2% 8.9% 62.2% 26.7% 9 Environmental Studies 2.2% 11.1% 77.8% 8.9% 3 Mathematics 5.5% 7.5% 68.5% 18.5% 10 Nursing 3.7% 11.8% 61.8% 22.6% 38 All Other Respondents [2] 0.0% 26.7% 50.0% 23.3% 2 5.4% 12.7% 56.1% 25.8% 449 Theater Visual Arts Environmental Studies TOTALS [1] Frequency of responses to the 15 items of question #4 is combined for each of the 4 selection criteria for each major. Percentage of responses for each criterion is based on total actual responses – missing responses are excluded. [2] 'All Other Respondents' includes all majors for which fewer than 2 surveys were received. Ramapo College of New Jersey Page 27 Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 21: STUDENT PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT BY MAJOR [1] Major No Contribution Limited Contrib. Much Contribution Significant Contrib. Number of Responses American Studies 3.8% 11.5% 57.7% 26.9% 2 History 8.2% 17.8% 52.3% 21.8% 29 International Studies 6.9% 32.8% 41.4% 19.0% 9 Literature 4.8% 22.5% 45.0% 27.7% 34 Political Science 11.0% 22.0% 45.1% 22.0% 7 Spanish Language Studies 11.5% 30.8% 46.2% 11.5% 2 5.9% 39.1% 45.4% 9.6% 21 Business Administration 11.1% 28.1% 49.6% 11.2% 44 Economics 13.5% 21.2% 13.5% 51.9% 4 Information Systems 16.1% 29.0% 49.0% 5.8% 12 9.4% 23.4% 40.6% 26.6% 5 Communication Arts 12.3% 24.5% 31.9% 31.3% 41 Contemporary Arts 24.2% 38.5% 30.8% 6.6% 7 9.4% 40.6% 34.4% 15.6% 5 Theater 42.9% 22.1% 23.4% 11.7% 6 Visual Arts 12.0% 43.6% 34.2% 10.3% 9 Environmental Studies 15.4% 35.2% 34.1% 15.4% 7 Law and Society 5.7% 26.0% 40.1% 28.1% 15 Psychology 4.8% 31.0% 37.7% 26.5% 57 11.5% 17.3% 51.9% 19.2% 4 Social Work 1.2% 14.2% 55.6% 29.0% 13 Sociology 1.7% 21.6% 42.2% 34.5% 9 Biochemistry 0.0% 17.3% 61.5% 21.2% 4 Bioinformatics 20.5% 46.2% 17.9% 15.4% 3 8.0% 24.6% 49.1% 18.3% 35 Chemistry 23.1% 23.1% 26.9% 26.9% 2 Computer Science 15.5% 32.8% 37.9% 13.8% 9 7.7% 28.2% 64.1% 0.0% 3 Mathematics 14.7% 40.3% 27.9% 17.1% 10 Nursing 13.4% 27.1% 42.4% 17.1% 38 3.8% 57.7% 26.9% 11.5% 2 9.6% 27.5% 42.2% 20.6% 448 Accounting International Business Music Social Science Biology Environmental Studies All Other Respondents [2] TOTALS [1] Frequency of responses to the 13 items of question #5 are combined for each of the 4 selection criteria for each major. Percentage of responses for each criterion is based on total actual responses – missing responses are excluded. [2] 'All Other Respondents' includes all majors for which fewer than 2 surveys were received. Ramapo College of New Jersey Page 28 Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 22: PLANS FOR FURTHER EDUCATION BY MAJOR [1] Major Have Already Applied American Studies Will Apply in Future Number of Responses Will Not Apply 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 2 History 13.8% 75.9% 10.3% 29 International Studies 22.2% 77.8% 0.0% 9 Literature 23.5% 64.7% 11.8% 34 Political Science 28.6% 42.9% 28.6% 7 Spanish Language Studies 50.0% 50.0% 0.0% 2 Accounting 9.5% 76.2% 14.3% 21 Business Administration 2.3% 65.9% 31.8% 44 75.0% 25.0% 0.0% 4 0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 12 20.0% 80.0% 0.0% 5 4.9% 46.3% 48.8% 41 28.6% 42.9% 28.6% 7 Music 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 5 Theater 0.0% 33.3% 66.7% 6 Visual Arts 11.1% 77.8% 11.1% 9 Environmental Studies 14.3% 71.4% 14.3% 7 Law and Society 26.7% 60.0% 13.3% 15 Psychology 31.0% 62.1% 6.9% 58 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 4 38.5% 53.8% 7.7% 13 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 9 Biochemistry 25.0% 75.0% 0.0% 4 Bioinformatics 33.3% 0.0% 66.7% 3 Biology 54.3% 40.0% 5.7% 35 Chemistry 50.0% 50.0% 0.0% 2 Computer Science 22.2% 44.4% 33.3% 9 0.0% 66.7% 33.3% 3 20.0% 60.0% 20.0% 10 5.3% 92.1% 2.6% 38 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2 19.4% 63.3% 17.4% 449 Economics Information Systems International Business Communication Arts Contemporary Arts Social Science Social Work Sociology Environmental Science Mathematics Nursing All Other Respondents [2] TOTALS [1] This table summarizes responses to question #6. [2] 'All Other Respondents' includes all majors for which fewer than two surveys were received. Ramapo College of New Jersey Page 29 Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 23: HIGHEST DEGREE SOUGHT BY MAJOR [1] Major Bachelor's Master's Doctoral Other [3] Number American Studies 0.0% 0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 2 History 6.9% 75.9% 17.2% 0.0% 29 International Studies 11.1% 66.7% 22.2% 0.0% 9 Literature 14.7% 58.8% 20.6% 5.9% 34 Political Science 28.6% 28.6% 42.9% 0.0% 7 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 2 Accounting 23.8% 66.7% 9.5% 0.0% 21 Business Administration 29.5% 59.1% 6.8% 4.5% 44 0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 0.0% 4 50.0% 41.7% 8.3% 0.0% 12 0.0% 80.0% 20.0% 0.0% 5 Communication Arts 41.5% 53.7% 4.9% 0.0% 41 Contemporary Arts 14.3% 71.4% 0.0% 14.3% 7 0.0% 40.0% 60.0% 0.0% 5 Theater 66.7% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0% 6 Visual Arts 11.1% 77.8% 11.1% 0.0% 9 Environmental Studies 14.3% 57.1% 28.6% 0.0% 7 Law and Society 13.3% 66.7% 20.0% 0.0% 15 Psychology 12.5% 58.9% 28.6% 0.0% 56 Social Science 0.0% 75.0% 25.0% 0.0% 4 Social Work 0.0% 84.6% 15.4% 0.0% 13 22.2% 44.4% 33.3% 0.0% 9 Biochemistry 0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 0.0% 4 Bioinformatics 66.7% 0.0% 33.3% 0.0% 3 2.9% 37.1% 48.6% 11.4% 35 Chemistry 50.0% 0.0% 50.0% 0.0% 2 Computer Science 33.3% 44.4% 22.2% 0.0% 9 Environmental Science 33.3% 66.7% 0.0% 0.0% 3 Mathematics 20.0% 60.0% 20.0% 0.0% 10 Nursing 21.1% 68.4% 10.5% 0.0% 38 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 2 19.5% 57.5% 20.8% 2.2% 447 Spanish Language Studies Economics Information Systems International Business Music Sociology Biology All Other Respondents [2] TOTALS [1] This table summarizes responses to question #11. [2] 'All Other Respondents' includes all majors for which fewer than two surveys were received. [3] Most "Other" degrees listed were first professional, including law, pharmacy, medicine, and dentistry. Ramapo College of New Jersey Page 30 Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 24: EMPLOYMENT STATUS BY MAJOR [1] Major Not Currently Employed Employed - New Position Employed - Current Position Number American Studies 50.0% 0.0% 50.0% 2 History 75.9% 10.3% 13.8% 29 International Studies 88.9% 11.1% 0.0% 9 Literature 82.4% 5.9% 11.8% 34 Political Science 71.4% 14.3% 14.3% 7 Spanish Language Studies 50.0% 0.0% 50.0% 2 Accounting 23.8% 33.3% 42.9% 21 Business Administration 51.2% 25.6% 23.3% 43 Economics 25.0% 25.0% 50.0% 4 Information Systems 33.3% 8.3% 58.3% 12 International Business 80.0% 20.0% 0.0% 5 Communication Arts 70.7% 22.0% 7.3% 41 Contemporary Arts 57.1% 28.6% 14.3% 7 Music 60.0% 20.0% 20.0% 5 Theater 66.7% 16.7% 16.7% 6 Visual Arts 55.6% 44.4% 0.0% 9 Environmental Studies 57.1% 28.6% 14.3% 7 Law and Society 46.7% 33.3% 20.0% 15 Psychology 64.3% 14.3% 21.4% 56 Social Science 50.0% 25.0% 25.0% 4 Social Work 38.5% 30.8% 30.8% 13 Sociology 50.0% 25.0% 25.0% 8 Biochemistry 50.0% 0.0% 50.0% 4 Bioinformatics 66.7% 0.0% 33.3% 3 Biology 48.6% 28.6% 22.9% 35 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2 Computer Science 44.4% 22.2% 33.3% 9 Environmental Science 66.7% 33.3% 0.0% 3 Mathematics 90.0% 10.0% 0.0% 10 Nursing 50.0% 18.4% 31.6% 38 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2 59.1% 19.8% 21.1% 445 Chemistry All Other Respondents [2] TOTALS [1] This table summarizes responses to question #12. [2] 'All Other Respondents' includes all majors for which fewer than two surveys were received. Ramapo College of New Jersey Page 31 Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 25: SALARY RANGES OF RESPONDENTS WORKING FULL-TIME BY MAJOR [1] Major < $20,000 $20,000 - $29,999 $30,000 - $39,999 >= $40,000 Number History 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2 International Studies 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1 33.3% 66.7% 0.0% 0.0% 3 Political Science 0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 0.0% 2 Spanish Language Studies 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 1 Accounting 0.0% 0.0% 12.5% 87.5% 16 Business Administration 0.0% 15.0% 50.0% 35.0% 20 33.3% 0.0% 0.0% 66.7% 3 Information Systems 0.0% 12.5% 25.0% 62.5% 8 International Business 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 1 25.0% 37.5% 12.5% 25.0% 8 Contemporary Arts 0.0% 0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 2 Music 0.0% 50.0% 0.0% 50.0% 2 Theater 50.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2 Environmental Studies 33.3% 33.3% 33.3% 0.0% 3 Law and Society 0.0% 20.0% 80.0% 0.0% 5 Psychology 9.1% 45.5% 18.2% 27.3% 11 Social Science 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 1 Social Work 0.0% 40.0% 20.0% 40.0% 5 Sociology 0.0% 50.0% 25.0% 25.0% 4 Biochemistry 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 1 Bioinformatics 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 1 Biology 0.0% 25.0% 25.0% 50.0% 8 Computer Science 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 4 Environmental Science 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 1 Mathematics 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 1 Nursing 0.0% 5.6% 0.0% 94.4% 18 7.5% 19.4% 23.1% 50.0% 134 Literature Economics Communication Arts TOTALS [1] This table summarizes responses to question #16. It includes salaries of both those previously, and newly, employed full-time. Percentages are based on total valid responses - data missing are excluded. Ramapo College of New Jersey Page 32 Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE 26: RELATIONSHIP OF JOB TO FIELD OF STUDY BY MAJOR [1] Major Directly Related American Studies Somewhat Related Not Related Number 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 1 28.6% 42.9% 28.6% 7 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 1 16.7% 16.7% 66.7% 6 Political Science 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 2 Spanish Language Studies 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 1 Accounting 87.5% 12.5% 0.0% 16 Business Administration 28.6% 57.1% 14.3% 21 0.0% 33.3% 66.7% 3 75.0% 25.0% 0.0% 8 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 1 16.7% 33.3% 50.0% 12 Contemporary Arts 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 3 Music 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 2 Theater 50.0% 50.0% 0.0% 2 Visual Arts 25.0% 25.0% 50.0% 4 Environmental Studies 66.7% 0.0% 33.3% 3 Law and Society 75.0% 12.5% 12.5% 8 Psychology 30.0% 45.0% 25.0% 20 0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 2 Social Work 75.0% 12.5% 12.5% 8 Sociology 25.0% 50.0% 25.0% 4 Biochemistry 0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 2 Bioinformatics 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 1 Biology 68.8% 12.5% 18.8% 16 Computer Science 60.0% 20.0% 20.0% 5 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 1 84.2% 5.3% 10.5% 19 47.2% 30.6% 22.2% 180 History International Studies Literature Economics Information Systems International Business Communication Arts Social Science Environmental Science Mathematics Nursing TOTALS [1] This table summarizes responses to question #18. Ramapo College of New Jersey Page 33 Office of Institutional Research and Planning TABLE A-1: SURVEY RESPONSE RATES Number Mailed/contacted Number Undeliverable Number of Usable Surveys Survey Response Rate [1] 1996-97 781 8 152 19.7% 1997-98 787 3 170 21.7% 1998-99 762 7 209 27.7% 1999-00 783 10 272 35.2% 2000-01 820 22 278 34.8% 2001-02 903 14 274 30.8% 2002-03 1005 10 300 30.2% 2003-04 1043 15 310 30.2% 2004-05 1098 12 332 30.6% 2005-06 1160 18 330 28.9% 2007-08 [2] 1366 7 449 33.0% 955 11 280 29.3% Academic Year Means [1] The response rate equals the number of usable surveys divided by the total number of surveys mailed minus the number of undeliverable surveys. Ramapo College of New Jersey Appendix A-1 Office of Institutional Research and Planning School Major AIS American Studies History International Studies Literature Political Science Spanish Language Studies ASB CA SSHS TAS Total Population Survey Respondents Response Rate Sub-total 7 74 24 85 25 3 218 2 29 9 34 7 2 83 28.6% 39.2% 37.5% 40.0% 28.0% 66.7% 38.1% Sub-total 59 166 11 29 21 286 21 44 4 12 5 86 35.6% 26.5% 36.4% 41.4% 23.8% 30.1% Sub-total 150 36 19 16 30 251 41 7 5 6 9 68 27.3% 19.4% 26.3% 37.5% 30.0% 27.1% Sub-total 18 77 184 15 33 23 350 7 15 58 4 13 9 106 38.9% 19.5% 31.5% 26.7% 39.4% 39.1% 30.3% Sub-total 1 10 6 71 4 23 7 4 23 101 4 254 0 4 3 35 2 9 3 1 10 38 1 106 0.0% 40.0% 50.0% 49.3% 50.0% 39.1% 42.9% 25.0% 43.5% 37.6% 25.0% 41.7% TOTAL 1,359 449 33.0% Accounting Business Administration Economics Information Systems International Business Communication Arts Contemporary Arts Music Theater Visual Arts Environmental Studies Law and Society Psychology Social Science Social Work Sociology Allied Health Biochemistry Bioinformatics Biology Chemistry Computer Science Environmental Science Integrated Science Studies Mathematics Nursing Engineering Physics [1] Corrected for undeliverable surveys. Ramapo College of New Jersey Appendix A-2 Office of Institutional Research and Planning Representativeness by Age Total Population Age Category Number 24 or younger Survey Respondents Percent Number Expected Percent Frequencies Chi-Square 1,024 75% 377 84% 338 25 to 29 204 15% 45 10% 67 30 to 39 71 5% 12 3% 23 40 or older 60 4% 15 3% 20 Missing Totals 0 0 1,359 449 18.64 df=3 Are the differences between groups statistically significant at the .05 level? Is the sample representative of the total population on this scale? Yes No Representativeness by Sex Total Population Sex Number Survey Respondents Percent Number Expected Percent Frequencies Chi-Square Female 847 62% 301 67% 280 Male 512 38% 148 33% 169 Missing Totals 0 0 1,359 449 4.25 df=1 Are the differences between groups statistically significant at the .05 level? Is the sample representative of the total population on this scale? Yes No Representativeness by Ethnicity Total Population Ethnic Category Number American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian/Pacific Islander Black, non-Hispanic Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Missing Totals Survey Respondents Percent Number Expected Percent Frequencies Chi-Square 1 0% 0 0% 0 63 5% 16 4% 21 76 6% 25 6% 25 104 8% 38 8% 34 1,115 82% 370 82% 368 0 0 1,359 449 1.84 df=4 Are the differences between groups statistically significant at the .05 level? Is the sample representative of the total population on this scale? No Yes [1] Corrected for undeliverable surveys. Ramapo College of New Jersey Appendix A-3 Office of Institutional Research and Planning Cumulative GPA [2] Total Population GPA Category Number Survey Respondents Percent Number Expected Percent Frequencies Chi-Square <2.50 170 13% 45 10% 56 2.50 - 2.99 354 26% 108 24% 117 3.00 - 3.49 479 35% 166 37% 158 3.50 - 3.99 352 26% 128 29% 116 4.00 4 0% 2 0% 1 Missing 0 0 1,359 449 Totals 4.46 df=4 Are the differences between groups statistically significant at the .05 level? Is the sample representative of the total population on this scale? No Yes Representativeness by School Total Population School American and International Studies Anisfield School of Business Contemporary Arts Social Science and Human Services Theoretical and Applied Sciences Missing Totals Number Survey Respondents Percent 219 286 251 348 255 Number Percent Expected Frequencies Chi-Square 16% 84 19% 72 21% 86 19% 94 18% 68 15% 83 26% 105 23% 115 19% 106 24% 84 0 0 1,359 449 11.81 df=4 Are the differences between groups statistically significant at the .05 level? Is the sample representative of the total population on this scale? Yes No [1] Corrected for undeliverable surveys. [2] Represents final GPA of August and January graduates, and beginning spring semester GPA for seniors who have applied for May graduation. Ramapo College of New Jersey Appendix A-4 Office of Institutional Research and Planning Appendix B: Comments by respondents’ school affiliations: School of American and International Studies 1055 "The political science department should move away from the study of empty philosophy which doesn't help to prepare the student for the job market and have more classes like Methodology taught by Prof. Teigen. His position of put the science back in political science"" makes him the best professor in that department. Make poli-sci more a math/science/statistics/ major so that graduates have actual hard skills they can offer the employer. The Rand corporation HR doesn't care if you know plato or any other nonsense like that. The focus should be on quantitative analysis.""" 1093 College was great experience and I am happy I received my degree. Receiving my degree has given me confidence overall. My new pursuits have nothing to do with what i majored in but college has helped me learn to think analytically and more creatively overall. I am now pursuing my dream to become a country singer/songwriter in Nashville. 1276 The limited number of students in each class; the faculty; and the campus diversity help so much to make Ramapo the flourishing school it is. 1290 They education department need to add special eduation classes and have more practicle experience with children classes. 5027 The campus is beautiful and the people are very welcoming but the college has been VERY disorganized the entire time I was in school there including graduation. 5084 Ramapo needs to address the racial discrimination that still goes on around campus. Student activities on the weekend need to be more engaging. Ramapo offices need to communicate with each other instead of relying on the student to relay information back and forth. 5093 I loved Ramapo. I had issues with the Education department secretaries because they treated me with disrespect constantly. But that was only bad experience I had at Ramapo. All of the professors in my major were amazing. I am currently student teaching and I have recommended Ramapo to my students looking into colleges. 5103 Ramapo is a wonderful place to grow as a person! It's also just a wonderful place. Please consider lessening the readings so that people can actually complete them. More concise readings need to be chosen for everyone's benefit. Or reevaluate the way material is learned by reading first. Anyway continue fostering the values Ramapo espouses in its mission statement. The Birch is also great. Staff are friendly helpful open to suggestions. I've heard the Pavilion is good too. Now please though hear us out on this: Some professors have wonderful extensive knowledge in their field but were never trained to TEACH. They need to do things other than lecture from powerpoint outlines each and every class. Professors in general though are great people at Ramapo. Best wishes Justin Derringer 5155 The white population of students is too large. There needs to be more Asian American students and African American students. Ramapo College of New Jersey Appendix page B-1 Office of Institutional Research and Planning 5283 "This survey is bullshit. The professors are brilliant at this institution. However the administration is shit. If you have any indication of who I am which you probably don't since the administration keeps a safe distance from most students then you will know that these are strong words coming from me. Perhaps you should start spending you money on the things you ask about in this survey -- such as academics. We are in desperate need of diverse classes and professors. And this school plays diversity."" Having a diversity week and suggesting that others should love one another unconditionally is not embracing diversity. Also there should be FAR more focus on academics. Ramapo does not inspire intellectual curiosity. You treat the students like elementary school children and then try to take the claim when they achieve something on the collegiate level. I got into Columbia because of the professors everything else at Ramapo did NOT contribute to my success. Thanks. """ 5323 Suggestions...stop with all the bureaucratic nonsense in clubs. Having us fill out ten different forms and then having to send copies of each to twelve different people really makes it hard to find anyone wanting to be an officer. Oh and it isn't that I didn't see plenty done at Ramapo to increase the awareness of students in U.S. politics international issues and technological development it is just that I personally didn't need any urging in those areas. I already actively participate and follow politics and I am really good with technology as it is. 5385 students. I enjoyed the campus surroundings and highly recommend it to other 5527 I really enjoyed studying at Ramapo. I liked the small class sizes and found that I receieved the individual attention I deserved. Moreover all the professores I had were wonderful. 5595 I finally did it!!! 5628 "I think Ramapo is a fantastic school in an academical sense. Classes were fun and engaging and professors and advisors were extremely knowledgable. However the recent activity outside of the classroom has gotten progressively more restrictive and foreboding. Security and essentially the school seems to lack the ability to sensibly deal with any situation that occurs which goes against its outstanding academic reputation. Parties drinking outside gatherings are all handled in an overly strict manner. While there are rules and regulations to abide by for every party involved the school lacks a collegiate"" mindset which is poorly reflected upon the student body. Rules are imposed for everyone's safety agreed. However this is college. If there is one arena for students to engage in personal debauchery poor decision making or have a party that unites strangers into friends this is IT. Ramapo's inflexibility to understand this asset of a college is both bizarre and unwelcoming. For these perpetual hassles imposing ungodly strict regulations and consequences on the social aspects of everyone's stay at Ramapo I have told numerous people to search elsewhere for a college. This is not to make me sound like some party-hungry college student who puts partying over his academics. I've maintained a high GPA become a member of the National History Honor Society and participated in on-campus groups. Ramapo simply needs to recognize that there is a rather large breed of students who can party hard and at the same time work hard to achieve success. Getting a degree is the foremost responsibility of a student but if you cannot have any fun in the meantime what the hell is the point of college? I seriously hope SOMEONE reads this paragraph and it is not just scanned by a computer that files it as Ramapo College of New Jersey Appendix page B-2 Office of Institutional Research and Planning mindless blabber from a notorious student. Also I am aware of numerous other students friends and my roommates as well who have told potential students to search elsewhere for an ""all-around"" awesome college experience. Ramapo has the potential to be this ideal college but as of late it seems to be steering further and further away from this title. If this is a person actually reading this thank you for taking the time to hear out my thoughts. If this is simply a computer thank you for scanning legitimate concerns that will be devoid of any further consideration.""" 5636 A history methodology course must be offered. Too many students do not recognize the value of standardized research and strong composition skills. Our history program would benefit from a course that stressed these skills and forced students to demonstrate proficiency in them. 5690 Security gave me a citation for running a stop sign ALONG with a ticket from Mahwah PD. That is why I would NEVER recommend Ramapo to anyone. 5766 I hate this school 5787 As a commuter I felt like nothing was very easy for me to get involved with. I had no clue about the plans for senior sendoff until yesterday because of the lack of communication between the school and the commuters. I had fun at Ramapo and I truly enjoyed my time but I felt that because I was a commuter I was intentionally shut out from certain events because of the constant attention paid to the residents who live on campus. 5819 I did not live on campus and I am a returning mid-40's student. In spite of my age and non-residence status I enjoyed wonderful relationships with a variety of fellow students and faculty. 5839 When giving tours to new potential students the BSU Black Student Union office should be pointed out and also mention that the office is open to anyone. Mention of the caucuses under BSU is also a very important aspect. Part of the reason I came to Ramapo was for the Caribbean club. Also the eateries here should have a juicer or an option for juicing. It is a very healthy way of life and would positively impact anyone who got involved with it. 5862 I think school should give more importance to International Studies major. We did not have enough language classes. Such as 300 or 400 level French courses that could be available every or every other semester. Anisfield School of Business 1185 The majority of the courses in the Information Systems major were a waste of time and the degree itself does not help in obtaining a high technology job. The curriculum should be modified to include IT standard industry certifications that are popular in the field. Focusing on certifications will help graduates have a higher starting salary as well giving them more workappropriate knowledge. 1246 "This was a good survey to generate positive feedback and understand some experiences from Ramapo Alumni but was not as inclusive as I had hoped. It was too heavily weighted on racial inclusion as were many aspects of Ramapo and ignored many social areas of college life. Ramapo College of New Jersey has continuously ignored the fact that it is a suitecase school"" and showed very little interest in changing this. """ Ramapo College of New Jersey Appendix page B-3 Office of Institutional Research and Planning 1251 Ramapo needs better connections with more reputable companies for internships and jobs for graduates specifically within the Business major. It seems as if the only people who got good internships or got decent jobs out of school was through a relative. Unfortunately those who don't have relatives in their area of interest are stuck. 1287 Ramapo College has a considerable history of allocating their efforts to control students instead of letting them use their time at Ramapo College to truly broaden their horizons without the social restrictions forced upon them. im not saying let students run wild but give them the freedom and the opportunity to find themselves through social interaction while aiding them in molding their future and preparing them respectively. 5134 Please excuse my language. College was neat overall. I don't think I'm going to need 80% of what I learned so far to excel in the real world though so essentially I've just been paying for a diploma for the last 4 years. It's the stuff that I WASN'T tested on that mattered the most which says something about our schooling system overall not just Ramapo. Our education system could be better. As far as learning things for the real world is concerned: these courses teach me a LOT but if I wanted to excel in the job market I would have focused on getting lots of co-ops and internships in the field as opposed to taking classes. Why? It gives me practical knowledge. Sure if people in the real world knew half of the shit taught in these classes the corporate world probably wouldn't be filled with as many scumbags. But...hey I'm ranting. I'm sorry. I'm happy as all hell that I went to Ramapo on a whim didn't even tour the place before I came . It changed my life for the better I think so far. Had to put up with a lot of punks while doing it though I'll tell you that much. Whatever. drops the mic 5192 While I feel the teachers for the most part were extremely helpful I thought the administration at Ramapo was sub-par. I could never get a problem resolved quickly and I was constantly being told that I needed to go and talk to some body else. It seemed to me that nobody wanted to take any responsibility for helping the students. 5196 "I think that the business school needs to evaluate their professors better. Even though we do evaluations at the end of the semester I feel that nothing gets done with those. There are many professors in the business school that don't know how to teach the subject matter and students need to teach themselves in order to get a good grade. Some other professors think that their view is the only right view and give a below average grade if you have a different view on something. I feel some of the professors in the business school aren't concerned about the learning of the students they are more concerned about themselves and showing"" off what they know. On the other hand I had a few professors who taught me a lot that I am bringing to the ""real world."" """ 5331 I loved my four years at Ramapo College I pretty much don't want to leave. It was the greatest four years of my life and I had a blast every day. I am involved in Alpha Epsilon Pi which is the greatest decision I ever made. The classes here were awesome and led me to my career on Wall Street. This institution is simply amazing. 5361 Severly disppointed in many of Ramapos graduation related functions and preperation Ramapo College of New Jersey Appendix page B-4 Office of Institutional Research and Planning 5429 Ramapo should listen more and interact more with the students! Ramapo should try a lot harder to do things that will stimulate students to stay on campus during the weekends instead of going home!!! Security should be less agressive when it comes to 'breaking up' parties. This is the number one reason why students go home on the weekends and why so many people complaint about security. After all this is college and most students would like to enjoy it before going into the real world. Ramapo is an excellent school with extraordinary faculty staff and students. But there are many things that should be done in order to make the college experience better for most students. As an example: why would Ramapo change Maple Hall from being a sohpmore resident into a freshmen one?? One of the reasons students come to Ramapo is because of its excellent housing. Don't ruin it for further generations that come to Ramapo. Thank you. 5480 The school is fantastic but whether or not I would recommend the school to future students I would say I am neutral. There are a lot of good schools out there. I am not certain Ramapo does enough for their students to set themselves as better than those other good schools. Students are not treated as well as they protentially could be. College students want to have fun at school and Ramapo should focus more energy on that aspect. Also more major student activities should be done on campus Large concerts festivals shows plays etc. Overall though it is a great up-and-coming school. 5592 "The only reason I would not recommend this college to other people is due to the administration. Everywhere you turn there is red tape it seems like no one answers your questions or does their job. There are too many people here that are on a power trip and don't deserve it. It is ridiculous that certain secretaries in certain offices hold more authority over you then the dean of a certain school. You should know what I am talking about. The registrars office is totally unwilling to help you but they will if you push hard enough and know the right people. Its sad that you have to know people"" to get things done at a school. Everyone that works here is SUPPOSED TO BE here for the STUDENT not some personal agenda! I have had so many problems due the administration here and it will probably happen up until the day I pick up my diploma. The two reasons I would tell someone to come here is because of the professors and the student body. I did receive a good education and I have made great friends here but beyond that I won't miss this place. """ 5596 "Ramapo College takes a very common approach to education where the attitude of academia and its role in a person's future livelyhood is very narrow minded. My opinion is that Ramapo College makes the presumption that every student is obtaining a higher education so they can get a 'good job' but in reality most of my classmates at least in the business school talk about the goal of owning their own businesses not sitting in cubicles. Let the people without educations do that. A 'career oriented' curriculum will not help the future generations of Ramapo students nearly as much as one that offers the concepts of self-sustenance through personal investment and ownership. Unfortunately the reason behind a college degree has become nothing more than another barrier to entry to gainful employment and I've had to learn this the hard way both through Ramapo my own corporate employment experiences and through the successes of my own ventures. If Ramapo truly wants to deliver unparalleled value in education to its students it will itself learn that trends change and small business is the new great career"". Change the business program's electives. If I pay to learn about business don't make my certification contingent upon subjects exogenous to my interest or needs. Where are the personal finance or small business finance requirements? Where are the 'planning for retirement' courses? How about budgeting and making personal Ramapo College of New Jersey Appendix page B-5 Office of Institutional Research and Planning profit? All in all I found that while Ramapo certainly increased my knowledge it could have achieved so much more than it did. Why on earth would I want to learn corporate finance?? and TWICE at that! I am currently working IN corporate finance and I can say from a truly unbiased position that the courses were worthless to my success.""" 5634 There should be a neutral section in some of the questions. Also there should be an other section on the question with anticipated employement plans. I will be keeping my current job while also working at a new job that i just acquired. 5721 I am very At no time did I ever fact did much of the many of my graduating 5876 disappointed in the services offered by the Cahill Center. feel that they helped prepare for the job search. I in leg work on my own. This is a common feeling that I know classmates have. I took this survey already leave me alone about it. 5904 Great program very challenging but you need to improve the instructors within the statistic department 8013 9020 whenever. Very happy with my education. Library needs to be open 24/7 so that students can use it to study School of Contemporary Arts 1052 I am a returning student. I attended 1989-1993 left school started a family entered job market and returned to complete my studies over ten years later. My pre-graduation work experience is what landed me a permanent position with a reasonable salary as opposed to someone fresh out of college without a work history. 1122 colleges are getting too expensive to the point where its not worth going because after u wont be able to get a job where it pays the amount you thought or hoped for. But Ramapo is reasonably priced. So keep it that way. People paying 20k-40k a year for a school will be very upset when they get into the real world. They wont be able to get the job they were told they would because tehre are 100's of thousands of them out there and they willhave these gigantic loans on their shoulders and the jobs they will get will be just enough to pay them off little by littel for the next 20 years. That sounds like fun. 1223 inadequate jobs. Funding and facilities for the arts and theater programs are and the Cahill Center was never helpful in finding internships or 1248 I found a home at Ramapo college and I met people there who I'll never forget. It's such a cozy and friendly environment and I would definitely recommend it to anyone interested in applying. I learned a lot of social skills in the SciFi Club and I made friends way more easily than I was able to in high school. I also found that all of the professors were top notch. Ramapo College of New Jersey Appendix page B-6 Office of Institutional Research and Planning 1254 "Residence life was absolutley ridiculous. Never following protocal or procedures. Moving people around on one complaint having students kicked out for months"" at a time until reviews are made. I would NEVER recommend Ramapo to any potential student because of this reason. Also emails to ramapo offices are NEVER returnede. The graduation office student affairs will never respond to emails you make.""" 5152 "Listen I'm not bullshitting about this... stop giving out so many parking tickets and fines for room crap and for the love of god alcohol violations... I know the rules are the rules- and thats fine but I also know that in back of all this Ramapo College is a business and if word gets out about how you people"" nickel and dime the ever-living-shit out of the students it can only hurt you overall... listen I know you probably hear this complaint a lotand i know its an obvious one too- BUT SERIOUSLY ITS OVERKILL- back the fines down a bit or tell security to give out more warnings b4 fines... and if you have to fine a student- tell the staff to be nice about it we're not criminals... other than that the whole experiential learning component- im gonna give it to you straight so don't just chuck this out b/c of my attitude problem Experiential learning- is bulllllshit nobody does it for real no one likes it- and i honestly think its an argument of words- don't call it that if you want that stuff in the curriculum- THEN JUST PUT IT NI THE SYLLABUS- by giving it the heading ""experiential component"" it may sound nice to a bunch of elitist suit administrators but to students it sounds like extra work for no credit... thats honesty for you- and i know for a fact it's shared by a majority... also you seem to spend tons of money on business buildings and new dorms- BUT the music department has terrible equipment and the whole scene is just managed poorly.... i know it sounds like im ranting- but beyond all this negative I really loved Ramapo... my brother went here and now im graduating as well- and I had a great time and overall it wasn't so bad- the people made it better- these are just some suggestions""" 5376 I wish I could say that Ramapo College provided networking and skills that I will need to succeed in the 'real world.' However I felt as though I learned more at the Community College that I transfered from. This whole experience would seem like a waste of time if it were not for the fact that I will have a Bachelor's degree. 5377 The living situations were the only positive experience I had at Ramapo. I really liked living on campus. Other than that the administration really seemed to not care for their students especially transfer students and it is a shame. 5451 Ramapo College has provided me with several opportunities to grow as a student and as a person. For that and the supportive faculty I am most gracious. However many of my fellow classmates chose not to participate or excel and just coasted by. I feel that students learn from each other's experiences and contributions and many of the classes I have taken lacked this component. This is not the same at all schools. Ramapo is unique because there are numerous opportunities for students to show their talent yet most do not. I personally feel that Ramapo is held back by having students like this because it truly is an excellent institution. Perhaps this is the result of my own chosen course of study but ambition should be present in every student. Regardless of this specific issue my time at Ramapo will always be cherished and looked back upon with pride. I have found my potential at Ramapo and I am confident that the foundation the school has provided me will one day effortlessly bear the weight of something special. With utmost sincerity and gratitude I leave Ramapo looking for my next challenge. Thank You. Ramapo College of New Jersey Appendix page B-7 Office of Institutional Research and Planning 5505 Ramapo College is in a wonderful location because of its rural setting that is so close to New York City. This affords students countless internship and career opportunities. However no one ever really pushed me to obtain an internship and I am now pursuing internships along with looking for jobs. This is a very difficult task and I know that if I had completed an internship when still an undergraduate I would be more prepared and better equipped for careers that I am pursuing and I would be more marketable. In short I encourage every Ramapo student to obtain at least one internship in a related field during their years as an undergraduate. 5675 The alcohol policies and judicial procedures at the school are a major turn off for a lot of incoming students. Many students who don't party all the time are even turned off by these policies because they don't want to get in trouble on the one or two occasions that they party. 5698 I really think the college needs to take autonomy away from the professors as well as the majors already here. If a professor does not like a student then the professor has the autonomy to do anything to that student grade-wise without any penalty. Taking the case to the dean is like screaming at the rain. There is no point. The deans I have spoken to have done nothing. What needs to occur is less autonomy as well as more professors. Since the majors are so small especially concentrations in Communication Arts a student can have a professor twice for required courses. If a professor does not like the student the course can become a battle boarding on harrassment. What Ramapo teaches by allowing is that there are a few more ignorant people in the world not any life lessons. And this is coming from a student graduating with honors. 5705 During my time here at Ramapo a dizzying amount has changed. While this has created opportunity it has shown tons of flaws in the way things are done. Ramapo bills itself as a friendly and helpful school yet my interactions with staff were mostly negitative. Resident Life staff has been the worst offender in this. With new rules coming up every year no one ever seemed to be on the same page. Uneven exceptions were made about alot of things policies seemed confusing and unsure. I had an issue about my wet housing once and residence life said one thing security assumed something else and Corey Rosenkrantz said something else. It seems there is no communication to distribute policies among staff and details of things like the alcohol policy seem to change every semester. A more caring better informed support staff would have gone a long way to make my stay at ramapo a more positive one. I don't think staff realize the severe negitative attitudes many students have toward the administration. They love the school and stay here for a variety of reasons but hate the way business is conducted. I had a class once try and put their finger on what unites people at Ramapo if they were to be targeted in an advertising campaign; the class full of RA's transfer students and honors students could only come up with one uniting force of the student body: hatred of the Ramapo Administration. I do not plan on donating any money to the school and I have urged others to do the same. Mismanagement and blundering seem to rule the campus offices though there are plenty of people who have a genuine passion to help students. My time here has been wonderful but soured by my experiences trying to work out problems with professional staff members. 5739 "The reason I had not completed this survey earlier was because I did not like that it was multiple choice. There are many questions that I would have liked to explain my answers to; such as questions about my major. For instance the music department is weak focusing on limited topics and not setting solid foundations in theory and history. However I have learned more Ramapo College of New Jersey Appendix page B-8 Office of Institutional Research and Planning from Dr. Lutter then I think I would at any other campus. Also I would recommend Ramapo to incoming students but I would first discuss their wants/needs. If a possible student approached me and wanted to study piano or violin performance I'd tell him that Ramapo is not for him. Although we have a performance concentration it is not instrumental. It is quickly becoming a great place for vocalists but not instrumentalists. I would however recommend Ramapo to singers. Had the survey been short answer style it would be more truthful. Unfortunately I had to choose answers that were close enough"" to my experience and opinions.""" 5767 In the four years I have been here the Village has become a ghost town. The social atmosphere at Ramapo leaves much to be desired. If I did not join Greek life I would have probably transfered. Aside from that Berrie Center and the professors there have been great. It's been fun. Peace. 5792 none 5794 Maybe for next year's class survey you can put some open-ended questions in there. Not all the questions that were asked can be answered by a simple Agree or Disagree. 5801 I loved my experience at Ramapo College. I grew up so much in the past four years and really came into my own. Although there are things that I feel Ramapo College should be a little more lenient with: Ramapo Security is ridiculous and should relax with the violations for 21 year olds having gettogethers that don't bother their neighbors. I understand the fear of alcohol poisoning and fights but this is a college and Ramapo Security treats us as 21 year olds more like underage children when they should be happy if we're enjoying alcoholic beverages on campus and not out drinking and driving. Also Ramapo Security and Mahwah PD should not be allowed to give multiple tickets to people pulled over for failing to stop at stop signs. I have never actually been fined for any of the above but my friends have and I believe Ramapo Security is the biggest problem with this college. There are far bigger issues to worry about than a little underage drinking or the occasional failre to fully stop. Overall my experience at Ramapo College has been wonderful and I will cherish the memories I've made here for the rest of my life. 5877 I wish there was a Musical Theater Major available to students. 5884 ramapo could be a really cool place to go to college but everyone goes home on the weekends and those to stay are usually the type that likes to party. when you stay and party on the weekends the chance of campus security ruining your fun is pretty high. i know its not right to let kids run wild and drink heavily but if security would back off and let us have some fun i think more kids would want to stay on the weekends and this would make it a more solid school to attend. lame SGA activities though do attract crowds sometimes dont really keep people around. 5887 I was rather disappointed in the education here. In most of my courses for my major I knew the information before coming in. I have spoken with other students who took the same class at other schools and their learning experience was of much more quality then mine. 8072 For my Major I had to many adjunct professors and felt the program needed to be revised and modernize with more courses that should be readily available. Such as work with green screen. From what I seen with other students other courses majors at Ramapo are fine just not the one I graduated with. Ramapo College of New Jersey Appendix page B-9 Office of Institutional Research and Planning School of Social Science and Human Services 1017 I believe the Law and Society program at Ramapo far exceeds many basic criminal justice degree programs offered elsewhere. I hope Ramapo will begin to offer post-graduate programs in the field of criminal justice or law. The College has provided many who choose to go into law enforcement with a better view of multiculturalism ethics and integrity while improving their critical thinking and reasoning abilities. The days of careers in law enforcement simply requiring a high school diploma are over the aforementioned skills listed model todayÆs modern and professional law enforcement personnel. 1026 An extensive job search has left me to believe that I needed to acquire a lot more credits in science curses in order to qualify for the positions I whished to apply for. I will have to settle for a lesser position until I take additional courses with additional expense in order to achieve my goal. I was not very happy with my discovery after the fact. 1072 I have attended several other Colleges. I found Ramapo to have a very nice and convenient location. The school is well kept and when I stayed on campus I found that it was a good and clean experience. This was in part because most of my roommates were neat and clean but the college deserves some credit for building the new nice apartments and housing. Some of the professors and some of the administration at the school were outstanding. However there was a few that were the worst experience sitting in a classroom that I have ever had or care to have again. Some were outright rude and disrespectful. I know for a fact that there were student complaints of these individuals and something should be done regarding this. When things are a legitimate problem for a student the student should feel that when they seek help in a particular matter that they can count on someone to help. They are paying the tuition after all. I did not feel that this school provided the assistance and service to it's students that are required to succesfully run a school of higher education. Management should take this into account because literally 90% of the many many people I have discussed these matters with say they would never recommend this school or go back for this particular reason. This survey is not specific enough to ask a student of their real experiences or opinions of the school. However it is nice to see that someone cares how the amuni feel after they graduate. Thank you for that. 1110 SSHS needs to create or enhance class's to meet the needs of students who are looking to pursue jobs in criminal justice. Lawyers like Marta Vides Jillian Weiss and Mark Howenstein are ok for certain class's with senior thesis computer and religion. Class's need to target the needs of students in criminal justice. 1256 Going to school at Ramapo for Social Work is the smartest thing I have done with my life so far. It is an excellent school with an excellent Social Work program. Some of the professors are incredible people and have made a huge impact on my life. Not only is it a great school but for those students who live on campus as I did it is also a great place to call home. I will miss Ramapo dearly. 1259 My only suggestion would be a little more preparation for life after graduation. There should be a required course for seniors focusing on resume writing interviewing skills or applying to graduate school. I feel it would be beneficial for every student if they were really SHOWN what to expect rather Ramapo College of New Jersey Appendix page B-10 Office of Institutional Research and Planning than being left to fend for themselves. I had a wonderful experience with my major and my professors at Ramapo. 5030 Ramapo College is an exceptional institution for higher education especially the psychology program! I learned a lot and have no regrets about coming here! :5140 Ramapo has been wonderful and the professors are amazing. 5185 Make the substance abuse minor meet the state requirements for a CADC certifictaion. 5259 Ramapo is a truly comforting and very free environment for one to learn and grow in. Given the opportunity to repeat my college years I would not do anywhere else but here. 5368 Exactly what avenue of Social Work I will pursue is yet to be determined however I expect that by the end of my Graduate degree I will have a firm grasp of what I want to do. 5430 There needs to be more food options. After my 2nd year I was tired of the food. Should add diferent types of food and keep it changing each week. 5432 Hopper's Field forever RECOGNIZED! slave cemetary across Ramapo should be honored and 5516 Ramapo College was a great opportunity for me and I was able to grow and enhance my knowlege with in my career. 5536 There should be an official philosophy major! 5598 nothing 5747 I did enjoy my time at Ramapo however being that I did not live there I feel that I was not able to be as involved as I would have liked to have been. School of Theoretical and Applied Science 1222 Ramapo may have an outstanding Academic Faculty. Unfortunately I found that the administration in all departments Bursar Financial Aid Health and Counseling etc. were extremely unprofessional and uncooperative. It is a shame that a college with such outstanding professors is allowing such an unqualified group of adminitstration to represent them. I will never recommend anyone to Ramapo College of New Jersey. 5010 Ramapo rocks!!!!!!!!!!! 5075 I loved my Ramapo experience and I feel that I have learned a great deal. I got a job as a REAL chemist and I feel prepared thanks to my education here. 5076 More classes should be available at night or online for those who work full time. Ramapo College of New Jersey Appendix page B-11 Office of Institutional Research and Planning 1104 the biochemistry curriculum should be review. it should be taught right from 200L and not senior level as currently being done. This will enable the instructor/professor to cover more areas of study and get student ready for the graduate school.As of now only little aspect of biochemistry is cover at RCNJ. Instructors should continue to encourage student to register for independent study/research so that knowledge acquire can be put into practise. thanks. 5106 "With current energy and global warming issues becoming such an important area of concern I believe all students should be required to taking the Energy and Society class the way it was taught during this Spring 2008 semester. I understand that it has had a more technical approach in the past but this year it was more on a social impact level which I think is what our graduating students need to be exposed to before graduating... since being green"" will be such a central part of our lives in the coming decades.""" 5175 Kathy Burke is a terrible advisor. 5187 It would be extremely helpful if the college gave a reading period a few days with no classes held between the end of classes and the beginning of final exams! 5219 Make the internet work better in dorms and at times there has been limited access to the library databases. Give Chuck Stead an office. He carries alot of stuff back and forth and at least then he'll have a place to keep his stuff and students can find him easier during the day. 5294 Over my four years at Ramapo I've met some very nice people and some excellent professors. I've also met some mediocre professors who should stay out of teaching and some administrators who can't resist the urge to mess with the good academic programs before or in spite of listening to the students and faculty. The large number of gen-eds when I first joined was a nuisance and CEP was also a big nuisance. Registration was always a chore especially for students with atypical/advanced standing and even more so when the administration brought in a new expensive computer system that was a much bigger headache than the old. However despite all this I must say I've had more and more unique opportunities at this college than would likely have been possible elsewhere. Ramapo is to be commended on that. 5343 I am an online student in the RN-BSN nursing program. I only attended 3 classes on campus at Ramapo. The majority of my work was done online. During my limited time on campus I enjoyed the college staff and facilities very much. Thank you. 5395 Go Ramapo! I thoroughly enjoyed my time here and will definitely miss the camaraderie and academic environment as I go on. 5401 The nursing program needs improvement with regard to the quality of teaching with some of the instructors. Students are not given opportunity to make decisions at all and students are treated as if they are children and not adults. Sequencing of courses needs to be looked at so that students actually are learning in clinical. 5410 Thank you Ramapo College and especially Kathy Burke and the entire nursing school staff for making my graduation possible. I will recommend your program as much as I can to others and thank you for your acceptance and for challenging me since 2002! Thanks! Ramapo College of New Jersey Appendix page B-12 Office of Institutional Research and Planning 5528 My overall experience at Ramapo College was very good. As a nursing student that attended clinical at Englewood Hospital I do feel however that there are some technologies that the school needs to help them improve with to make the program even better. The teachers at Englewood Hospital were phenominal and extremely approachable. My experience as a nursing student was very rewarding and I have learned a great deal of knowledge that will help me with my career. 5544 I LOVE RAMAPO! I recommend it to anyone considering the college. More conservative professors for Social Issues would be excellent however. More flexibility with the nursing program would be great as well such as better chances at having a minor and encouraging us to take other classes to be wellrounded. The opportunities I've had in attending events learning from others holding leadership positions and achieving academically are invaluable - THANK YOU! 5622 Students would probably be better off if they were treated respectfully and like adults and not like criminals. 5624 Problem in nursing program with being required to attend extra class time that was not part of our schedule. Throughout the two years in the actual nursing program. 5646 Ramapo was a good experience. I will recommend it to every one. 5667 I got my job directly from my clinical experiences through the Ramapo College BSN program. I will be working at the Valley Hospital. Ramapo College of New Jersey Appendix page B-13 Office of Institutional Research and Planning Graduating Senior Survey Page 1 of 5 GRADUATING SENIOR SURVEY Please enter the date (e.g. 04/01/2008): PART A. INVOLVEMENT IN COLLEGE LIFE 1. To what extent were you involved in each of the following activities? (Please select only one for each item). no involvement slightly involved moderately involved very involved Student government j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Student publications /media (radio & TV) j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Student clubs j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Intramural sports j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Intercollegiate sports j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Fraternity/sorority j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n 2. Were you ever elected to a leadership position in any club or organization in the following areas of college activity? http://phobos.ramapo.edu/cgi-bin/oirp/rws3.pl?FORM=gss08&UID=45e459f221605579 9/10/2008 Graduating Senior Survey Page 2 of 5 never once more than once Student government j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Student publications /media (radio & TV) j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Student clubs j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Intramural sports j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Intercollegiate athletics j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Fraternity/sorority j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n 3. Describe your level of participation in the following activities (Please select only one number for each activity). never once 2-4 times 5+ times Volunteer or service learning project j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Residence hall activity j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Events with students of other racial /ethnic backgrounds j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Lecture /event with international focus j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Performed in theater/music production j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Attended college theater/music production j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Study abroad j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Participated in a faculty research project j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Elected to national honor society j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Presented paper at academic conference j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n http://phobos.ramapo.edu/cgi-bin/oirp/rws3.pl?FORM=gss08&UID=45e459f221605579 9/10/2008 Graduating Senior Survey Page 3 of 5 Attended an academic conference j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Participated in a co-op j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Participated in an internship j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Participated in Career Achievement Program j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n PART B: ACADEMICS AND THE CAMPUS CLIMATE 4. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? strongly disagree disagree agree strongly agree I received high quality instruction j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n The courses in my major were of high quality j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n My faculty advisor was very helpful j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n The advising center was very helpful j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n I was able to get classes I needed for my major j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n I felt technology was very accessible j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n My major prepared me well for my first job j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n My major prepared me well for graduate or professional school j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n I found most students were serious about learning j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n People from different racial/ethnic backgrounds got along well j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n I grew as a person culturally, http://phobos.ramapo.edu/cgi-bin/oirp/rws3.pl?FORM=gss08&UID=45e459f221605579 9/10/2008 Graduating Senior Survey Page 4 of 5 socially, and ethically j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n I felt comfortable here and I have a sense of belonging j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n I felt safe while on campus j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Diversity is respected j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n * I would recommend Ramapo to other potential college students j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n PART C: PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 5. To what extent did Ramapo contribute to your personal development in the following areas (Please select only one number for each area). no contribution limited contribution much contribution significant contribution Skill in writing j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Skill in oral communication j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Skill in use of technology j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Ability to understand tables and graphs j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Ability to think analytically and logically j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Understanding different philosophies, cultures, and ways of life j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Appreciation of literature, music, art http://phobos.ramapo.edu/cgi-bin/oirp/rws3.pl?FORM=gss08&UID=45e459f221605579 9/10/2008 Graduating Senior Survey Page 5 of 5 and drama Ability to critically examine personal values and beliefs j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Ability to interact with people of different races, nations, and religions j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Interest in US social & political issues j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Interest in international issues j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n A sense of self worth and self confidence j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Knowledge and technical skills for a career j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n PART D: GRADUATE/ PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL PLANS 6. Have you applied for admission to one or more educational programs that would result in your earning another degree or certificate? n Yes I have applied j k l m j No but I intend to apply in the future k l m n j No and I do not intend to apply k l m n Reset Submit http://phobos.ramapo.edu/cgi-bin/oirp/rws3.pl?FORM=gss08&UID=45e459f221605579 9/10/2008 Graduating Senior Survey Page 1 of 1 7. What kind of degree or certificate would result from the program(s) to which you have applied? j Second Bachelor's degree k l m n j Master's degree k l m n j Doctoral degree k l m n j Other k l m n (Please specify): 8. What field of study do you plan to pursue? 9. Have you been admitted to any of the programs to which you have applied? n Yes j k l m j No k l m n 10. Which college or university do you expect to attend? Reset Submit http://phobos.ramapo.edu/cgi-bin/oirp/rws3.pl?FORM=gss08&UID=45e459f221605579 9/10/2008 Graduating Senior Survey Page 1 of 1 11. Regardless of whether you are going on to another educational program at this time, what is the highest degree or certificate you hope to complete? j Bachelor's degree k l m n j Master's degree k l m n j Doctoral degree k l m n j Other k l m n (Please specify): PART E: EMPLOYMENT 12. What are your current employment plans? Please select one. j a> I plan to work in the same job I had prior to graduation k l m n j b> I plan to work at the same place of employment but have been promoted k l m n n c> I plan to work in a job I recently obtained j k l m j d> I am not employed but I am looking for a job k l m n j e> I am not employed and I am not looking for a job k l m n j f> I have not yet formulated my employment plans k l m n Reset Submit http://phobos.ramapo.edu/cgi-bin/oirp/rws3.pl?FORM=gss08&UID=10eb589407c44d09 9/10/2008 Graduating Senior Survey Page 1 of 2 13. Is the job you are going to hold a full-time job? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 14. Are you going to work in New Jersey? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 15. What is your current job title? 16. If you will be working in full-time, please indicate your salary range. j Less than $20000 k l m n j $20000 to $24999 k l m n n $25000 to $29999 j k l m j $30000 to $34999 k l m n j $35000 to $39999 k l m n j $40000 to $44999 k l m n n $45000 or above j k l m 17. Is the position you will hold after graduation a result of a Cooperative Education placement or internship? n Yes j k l m j No k l m n 18. To what extent is this job related to your major field of study? (Please http://phobos.ramapo.edu/cgi-bin/oirp/rws3.pl?FORM=gss08&UID=10eb589407c44d09 9/10/2008 Graduating Senior Survey Page 2 of 2 select one) j Directly related k l m n j Somewhat related k l m n j Not related k l m n 19. Which of the following statements best describes your attitude about the job you are going to hold? j This job has definite long-term career potential k l m n j This job has possible career potential k l m n j This is a temporary job until one can be found more directly related to my k l m n major j This is a short-term job to earn some quick money k l m n j Other k l m n (Please specify): Reset Submit http://phobos.ramapo.edu/cgi-bin/oirp/rws3.pl?FORM=gss08&UID=10eb589407c44d09 9/10/2008 Graduating Senior Survey Page 1 of 1 Please provide any other comments or suggestions below: Reset file://E:\oldFiles\page5.html Submit 9/11/2008