A Diamond Date Pathology Update 2016 Exhibition and Sponsorship Information

Pathology Update 2016
A Diamond Date
Exhibition and Sponsorship Information
Friday 26 - Sunday 28 February 2016
Melbourne Convention Centre, South Wharf, Melbourne
#PathUpdate @PathologyRCPA
Social Events _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Exhibitor Booking Form _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Sponsor and Exhibitor Registration Form _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 10
Draft Floor Plan _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 11
Official Exhibition Company _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 12
Official Freight Forwarder _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 12
Pathology Update 2016 – A Diamond Date
The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia
Durham Hall- 207 Albion St Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia
Eve Propper
Events and Sponsorship Manager
p: + 61 2 8356 5806
f: + 61 2 8356 5828
e: evep@rcpa.edu.au
Rachel Johnson
Events Co-ordinator
p:+ 61 2 8356 5852
f: + 61 2 8356 5828
This publication has been printed to accompany the Pathology Update 2016 Registration and Preliminary Program.
It is available at www.rcpa.edu.au from September 2015 onwards.
Invitation and Welcome
Welcome to Pathology Update 2016 – A Diamond Date – Friday 26- Sunday 28 February 2016 at the
Melbourne Convention Centre, Melbourne.
On behalf of the College Board of Directors, Pathology Update 2016 Overseeing Committee and the nine
Scientific Program Committees, it would be our pleasure to welcome you to the Melbourne Convention
Centre, for A Diamond Date as exhibitors and sponsors at Pathology Update 2016.
Pathology Update 2016 has locked in nine international speakers who are leaders in their fields. Pathology
Update 2016 will include over 100 speakers from Australasia. With over 9 concurrent sessions, we are
proud to say that this event offers the best Australasian pathology multi-disciplinary scientific meeting.
As an exhibitor/sponsor you are invited to attend any scientific session you wish (with the exception of
closed Forensic pathology sessions) and, in addition to your own learning experiences you can be assured
of an excellent return on investment with over 1200 delegates attending a well thought out three day
scientific program.
We also encourage you to attend the DS Nelson and QAP Oral Presentations at 5.00pm on Friday 26
February 2016 and the RCPA Annual Admission and Awards Ceremony for the presentation of Fellowships
and Awards on Saturday 28 February 2016. In short, we ask you to feel part and parcel of every aspect of
the 3 day program. We are excited to be celebrating the College‘s 60th Anniversary at Pathology Update
2016 with a Gala Dinner on the Saturday evening. We hope you will join us.
Pathology Update 2016 is seeking your involvement as an exhibitor and also welcomes sponsorship
for individual events and activities during the three days. For information about these and the varying
sponsorship packages please email the RCPA Events and Sponsorship Manager Eve Propper
evep@rcpa.edu.au or 61 2 8356 5806.
We look forward to seeing you at Pathology Update 2016 - under the exciting banner of – A Diamond Date.
A/Prof Peter Stewart
RCPA President
Dr Jan Kencian
Chair, RCPA Pathology Update 2016 Overseeing Committee
Pathology Update 2016 International Guest Speakers
Dr Philip Beh
Dr Philip Beh graduated from the University of Hong Kong in 1981 and began his career in
forensic medicine in 1982 with the Forensic Pathology Service of the Hong Kong Government.
He trained at Guy’s Hospital, London and obtained his DMJ (Clin et Path) in 1988. He joined
the Department of Pathology, The University of Hong Kong in 1995 and is currently there as a
Clinical Associate Professor in Forensic Pathology. Professionally he is the Chief Examiner for
Forensic Pathology for the Hong Kong College of Pathologists and had been an examiner for the
DMJ and was also the External Examiner for the MD in Forensic Medicine for Sri Lanka. He is a
member of the Forensic Advisory Group for the ICRC as well as a member of the expert group
for a UNODC training project in forensic capacity. He is also a member of the Editorial board
for several forensic journals including Forensic Science International, Medicine, Science & Law,
Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Journal of Forensic Science, Medicine & Pathology,
Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine and the Turkish Clinical Journal of Medical Sciences. He
was the President of WPMO from 2005-08 and was Vice-President of IAFS 2002-2005 and was
the Chair of the Scientific Committee for IAFS 2005. He has published numerous research
papers in forensic medicine, homicide studies and medical education and 12 book chapters in
multi-authored encyclopedias and textbooks of forensic medicine and forensic pathology.
Dr Philip Beh will be presenting in the Forensic Pathology Scientific Stream.
Dr Adam Bagg
Dr Adam Bagg is a Haematopathologist with expertise in the area of the Molecular Pathology of
Leukaemia and Lymphoma. He attended Medical School at the University of the Witwatersrand
in South Africa where he also completed his Pathology training in Laboratory Haematology /
Haematopathology. In 1989 he came to the United States for a one-year post-doctoral
fellowship and has remained there ever since. He spent a decade at Georgetown University in
Washington DC, where he repeated residency and fellowship training and subsequently joined
the faculty, ultimately as Director of Haematopathology. Currently Dr Bagg is a Professor of
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania where he has been for 16
plus years and divides his time between directing Haematology, attending in haematopathology
teaching and research. He was Director of the Leukaemia and Lymphoma Society of Americafunded Minimal Residual Disease Core Facility of the University of Pennsylvania and Children’s
Hospital of Philadelphia Centre for Immunotherapy for 10 years. In 2010, he was appointed
Medical Director of the Cancer Cytogenetics Laboratory, and was coerced into serving as Interim
Director of Haematopathology between 2013 and 2015.
Dr Bagg’s research is in in three areas: development of new assays, in particular molecular
assays, to help diagnose and prognosticate hematologic malignancies; minimal residual disease
testing; and developing new tools to facilitate the diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndromes
(MDS). He was recently awarded a patent for a novel flow cytometry assay for diagnosing MDS.
He has been the recipient of numerous research grants, including some from the NIH. Dr Bagg
is a renowned speaker who has lectured extensively nationally (including at USCAP, ASCP, AMP,
CAP, ACLPS, AACC, ISLH and ASH) and internationally (United Kingdom, Germany, India, China,
South Korea, Singapore, South Africa, Brazil, Lebanon, Canada, Mexico, Sudan, Turkey and
Romania). He has over 140 publications, including peer-reviewed articles, invited reviews and
textbook chapters, most in the realm of the molecular pathology of haematologic malignancies.
A publication that he was a coauthor on (CART19 T-cells to treat CLL, PI Carl June) was the most
downloaded article in Science Translational Medicine for 2011. He is an Associate Editor of the
Journal of Molecular Diagnostics and on the Editorial Board of Advances in Anatomic Pathology.
Dr Adam Bagg will present in the Anatomical Pathology and Haematology Scientific
Dr Kym Boycott
Dr Kym Boycott is a Medical Geneticist at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) and
Investigator at the CHEO Research Institute. She is an Associate Professor and holds a Tier II
Research Chair in Neurogenetics from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa. She
completed her PhD, MD and FRCPC training in Medical Genetics at the University of Calgary. Dr
Boycott’s research, bridging clinical medicine to basic research, is focused on elucidating the
molecular pathogenesis of rare genetic diseases using next-generation sequencing approaches.
She has been the recipient of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Clinical Investigatorship
Award from the Institute of Genetics, the SickKids Foundation Young Investigator Award and the
Basil O’Connor March of Dimes Young Investigator Award. She was the Lead Investigator of the
Genome Canada and CIHR funded ‘Finding of Rare Disease Genes in Canada’ (FORGE Canada)
project, which investigated the molecular etiology of more than 250 rare pediatric diseases,
identifying the cause in more than 55% and making 67 novel disease gene discoveries. She
currently leads of the Genome Canada and CIHR funded large-scale project ‘Enhanced CARE
for RARE Genetic Diseases in Canada’ which is focused on improving the clinical care of patients
and families by expanding and improving the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases.
Dr Kym Boycott will be presenting in the Genetic Pathology scientific stream.
Professor Rossa Chiu
Professor Rossa Chiu is the Choh-Ming Li Professor of Chemical Pathology and Assistant
Dean (Research) at the Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is an
Honorary Consultant Chemical Pathologist at the New Territories East Cluster of Hospitals.
Prof Chiu graduated from medical school at the University of Queensland, Australia and was
awarded Doctor of Philosophy by The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is a Fellow of the
Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia, the Hong Kong College of Pathologists and the
Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (Pathology).Prof Chiu’s research interests lie in the analysis of
circulating nucleic acids found in human plasma. She has made significant contributions to the
development of non-invasive prenatal diagnosis which led to the worldwide introduction of noninvasive plasma DNA tests for Down syndrome screening. Recently, she has been investigating
the detection of cancer-derived DNA in human plasma with an aim to develop non-invasive blood
tests for cancer detection. To date, Prof Chiu has published over 130 peer-reviewed research
articles and has 30 granted patents or patent applications. Prof Chiu has received a number
of awards for her research, including the 2011 International Federation of Clinical Chemistry
and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) Young Investigator Award, the 2012 China Women in Science
Fellowship and the 2013 American Association of Clinical Chemistry Outstanding Scientific
Contributions for a Young Investigator. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the
International Society of Prenatal Diagnosis. She was the President of the Hong Kong Society of
Clinical Chemistry between 2004 to 2005.
Prof Rossa Chiu will present in the Anatomical, Chemical and Genetic Pathology scientific
Dr Stephanie Dancer
Dr Stephanie Dancer is a medical microbiologist in NHS Lanarkshire and has been editing
the Journal of Hospital Infection for 20 years, five of them as editor-in-chief. She trained at St.
Bartholomew’s Hospital in London followed by postgraduate studies at Guy’s Hospital, where she
gained a thesis on the epidemiology and biochemistry of toxin-producing staphylococci. She has
worked and travelled all over the world, including the Canadian High Arctic, where she resuscitated
30,000 year old organisms from glacial ice. She spent six years as Infection Control Officer for Argyll
before moving to Health Protection Scotland as their inaugural microbiologist (2002-5). There, she
set up MRSA surveillance for Scotland, evaluated real-time PCR for MRSA screening and helped
establish the Scottish Microbiology Forum. She has been a member of several national working
groups on antibiotic prescribing, MRSA and hospital cleaning, and is a current or recent member of
NHS Scotland HAI Commodities; UK NICE (infection control); UK HTA (screening and diagnostics);
ESCMID groups on control of MRSA & multi-resistant Gram-negative bacilli; and 2013 ECCMID
conference committee. She has published books, book chapters and over 120 papers in peerreviewed journals on hospital cleaning, antimicrobial management, infection control and MRSA. At
present, she balances clinical and editorial duties with research, specifically the role of antibiotics,
screening and cleaning in the control of MRSA and other hospital pathogens.
Dr Stephanie Dancer will present in the Microbiology scientific stream.
Professor Jonathan Kay
Prof Jonathan Kay is Clinical Informatics Director at NHS England. He is also Professor of Health
Informatics at the Centre for Health Informatics, City University London and was a Consultant
Chemical Pathologist at the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals for 30 years. He has been Chairman of the
Information Group of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and was a senior consultant to the
Design Authority of the NHS National Programme for IT for England. For many years he has been
trying to derive clinical benefits by persuading computers to communicate. This has included work
on automated transmission of laboratory reports to general practitioners, hypertext advisory systems
and handheld wireless computers. With his colleagues John McVittie, David Nurse and Christos
Bountis he has won six national and international awards, including the 1998 Deloitte Consulting
Award for Information Management Project of the Year and a 2003 European Union Best Practice
in eHealth Award for the development of the Oxford Clinical Intranet. His work with Professor Mike
Murphy on improvements to blood transfusion won the 2012 HSJ Award for “Improving Care with
Technology” and the 2012 National Patient Safety Award for “Technology and IT to improve Patient
Safety”. He is a Board Member with responsibility for patient liaison of “Lab Tests Online UK”, a
patient-facing website about laboratory investigations.
Prof Jonathan Kay will present in the Chemical Pathology scientific stream and present the
Inaugural Faculty of Science Oration.
Dr Joshua Milner
Dr Joshua Milner graduated with an S.B. in biology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT) in 1995 and an M.D. with distinction in immunology from the Albert Einstein College of
Medicine in 2000. He finished his residency in paediatrics at the Children’s National Medical Centre
in Washington, DC, in 2003. He was the recipient of the Paediatric Scientist Development Program
Fellowship in Allergy and Immunology at the NIAID and completed a postdoctoral fellowship with
Dr. William Paul, NIAID. He was named chief of the section as a clinical tenure-track investigator
in NIAID in 2009 and received tenure in 2013. Dr. Milner’s work focuses on the genetics and
pathogenesis of allergic disease by studying patients with monogenic diseases associated with
atopy and coupling that to human lymphocyte immunology studies, as well as mouse models. He
is on the editorial board of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, serves as councillor
of the Clinical Immunology Society, and was recently elected to the American Society for Clinical
Investigation, as well as the Henry Kunkel Society.
Dr Joshua Milner will present in the Immunopathology Scientific Stream.
Professor Andrew Nicholson
Professor Andrew Nicholson has particular expertise in thoracic pathology (lung and mediastinum)
and conducts research into lung cancer and interstitial lung disease in particular. He is referred
over 300 cases each year for diagnosis from clinicians and other pathologists both nationally
and internationally. He lectures regularly at regional, national and international levels. He has
spoken extensively in Europe, Asia, North and South America, and Australia, both as a guest
speaker at international conferences and as a stand-alone teacher at specific lung pathology
courses. He also runs a lung pathology course at the Brompton, attracting attendees from
around the globe.He is the current chair of the International Association for the Study of Lung
Cancer (IASLC) Pathology Panel, as well as a member of the International Staging Committee.
He has served, and continues to serve, on several committees of the American Thoracic Society
and European Respiratory Society and International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer
for the investigation of lung cancer, thymic cancer and interstitial lung diseases. He sits on
the advisory panel for the Royal College of Pathologists in relation to minimum data sets for
lung cancer and cancer network tissue pathways. He is Secretary of the British division of the
International Academy of Pathologists.He has co-authored over 300 peer-reviewed publications,
is a member of the editorial panel for Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, in addition
to which he reviews for many other journals. He has also co-authored Pathology of the Lung,
second and third editions (Churchill Livingstone 2006 and 2011) with B Corrin, and is a Volume
Editor of the next WHO classification of lung, pleura, thymus and heart tumours.
Prof Andrew Nicholson will present in the Anatomical Pathology Scientific stream.
Professor Sam Schulman
Professor Sam Schulman graduated from Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden in 1977 and
became a specialist in Internal Medicine in 1984, with subspecialties in Haematology and in
Coagulation in 1985. That year he also received his Dr Med Sc with the thesis: “Studies on the
Medical Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis”. He has worked within the field of coagulation
disorders continuously since 1984, worked as a consultant at the national Haemophilia Centre
at Tel Hashomer, Israel 1992-1996 and was director of the Haemophilia Treatment Centre in
Stockholm 1996-2004. His major research activities have been clinical studies in venous
thromboembolism, including several randomized trials and in haemophilia and its complications.
He is currently involved in trials with new antithrombotic agents, such as the oral thrombin
inhibitors. He has been a member of the Executive Committee of the World Federation of
Haemophilia (2000-2004) and was chairman of the Subcommittee on Control of Anticoagulation
of the Scientific and Standardization Committee of ISTH 2005-2008. Dr. Schulman is associate
professor in Internal Medicine at Karolinska Institute and since September 2004 also professor
in Medicine at McMaster University. He is Director of the Thrombosis Service at HHS-General
Hospital in Hamilton and Director of the Clinical Thromboembolism Program of McMaster
University. He is also President elect for the ISTH XXV Congress in Toronto 2015.
Prof Sam Schulman will present in the Haematology Scientific Stream.
Pathology Update 2016 Social Events
Welcome Cocktail Party - A Diamond Date
Friday 26 February 2016
6.00pm - 8.00pm
Level One, Melbourne Convention Centre amongst the Industry Exhibition
Smart Casual
Proudly sponsored by DiaSorin
RCPA Annual Awards and Admission Ceremony
Saturday 27 February 2016
6.00pm - 7.00pm
Venue:Ground Floor, Plenary One, Melbourne Convention Centre
Lounge Suit
Pathology Update 2016 Gala Conference Dinner
Celebrating the Sixty Years Young - A College and its stories
Saturday 27 February 2016
7.00pm - 11.00pm
Venue:Level 2, Melbourne Room, Melbourne Convention Centre
Lounge Suit
Rosé and Sparkling Closing Drinks
Date: Sunday 28 February 2016
Time: 3.00pm - 4.00pm
Venue: Level One, Melbourne Convention Centre amongst the Industry Exhibition
Dress: Smart Casual
Private Social Functions
It is requested that you advise the Events and Sponsorship Manager, Eve Propper of any
private /corporate functions that might be planned outside of the official program. Eve
would be pleased to assist with arrangements for any of these events.
Contact: 6
Eve Propper
e: evep@rcpa.edu.au
p: 02 8356 5806
Pathology Update 2016
Exhibitor Information
Friday 26 – Sunday 28 February 2016
The Industry Exhibition is located in the Level 1 foyer of the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre encourages delegates
to interact with exhibitors during morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea breaks. Exhibitors and delegates will be able to relax at the
Welcome Cocktail Party on the Friday night at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre and the RCPA 60th Anniversary
Gala Dinner on Saturday at the Melbourne Convention Centre. Sponsors and Exhibitors are welcome to attend the scientific
Exhibition Times
Friday 26 February 2016
9.00am – 8.00pm
Saturday 27 February 2016 9.00am - 4.00pm
Sunday 28 February 2016
9.00am - 4.00pm
Exhibition Booth Costs
3m x 3m - $4,000AUD plus gst (Corner booth $5,000 AUD plus gst)
Shell Scheme Booths comprise:
Back and side walls for inline stands. Corner booths have 2 open sides
Octanorm walling only for exhibition booths
One fascia panel with company name per aisle frontage
Two x 120 watt spot lights mounted behind the fascia
One x 4 amp powerpoint
Orange Venue Carpet
Specific benefits for exhibitors
Admission to the entire scientific program, morning/afternoon teas and lunches with the delegates
Two Delegate satchels
Tickets to the Welcome Cocktail Party
Two Tickets to the Pathology Update 2016 60th Gala Dinner
A delegate list (subject to individual delegates’ consent)
Pathology Update 2016
Exhibitor Timetable
Friday 26 – Sunday 28 February 2016
Exponet - Build Start
Wednesday 24 February 8.00pm
Custom Made Booths
Wednesday 24 February 10.00pm
ExpoNet and Stand Builders complete all stand builds
Thursday 25 February by 7.00am
All Exhibitors Booth Stock Delivery - Delivered by Agility Freight.
Thursday 25 February 4.00 am -7.00am
Shell Scheme Exhibitors Move in Thursday 25 February 7.00am- 5.00pm
Pathology Update 2016 Opens
Friday 26 February 9.00am
Pathology Update 2016 Closes
Sunday 28 February
Sponsors/Exhibitor pack down
Sunday 28 February 4.15am - 6.00pm
ExpoNet - Commence Move out
Sunday 28 February
ExpoNet - Complete Finish
Monday 29 February
Important Information About Bump-in
Bump in by Exponet as stated above will happen overnight and therefore the preferred Freight Forwarder Agility Fairs and Events
will deliver goods to your booth on arrival. We recommend that you do arrange for the delivery of your goods through Agility Fairs
and Events for your convenience. Due to increased awareness from WorkSafe, it is now mandatory for all Exhibitors to wear
approved safety vests when accessing the Convention Centre loading dock and during the move-in/out periods as applicable.
Safety vests will be provided by the venue complimentary, with exhibitors requested to return vests at the conclusion of move
in and move out
Please also wear closed and suitable footwear during bump-in/out and move-in/out periods. People wearing open-toed shoes,
sandals or thongs are not permitted access to the exhibition area or loading dock during move-in/out and move-in/out. Persons
under the age of 15 years are not permitted on the MCEC loading docks without adult supervision at all times.
Important Information About Your Booth
No build construction is permitted on site (ie: saw cutting, painting).
Maximum permissible height is 3.2m
All stand builds need to be system based or prefabricated off site.
emporary flooring needs to have a protective underlay. Raised floors must be built wholly within contracted space and
have a ramped egde.
Any stands which include custom designs, including temporary flooring or are octonorm upgrades are subject to
approval by the MCEC. Individual stand plan, including dimensions and materials, should be submitted a minimum of
30 working days prior to the event to Jacyln Thomson, MCEC Event Planner jthomson@mcec.com.au or 03 9235 8118.
Pathology Update 2016
Exhibitor Booking and Confirmation Form
Company: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Contact Person:__________________________________________ Position:___________________________________________
Telephone: (
)_______________________________________ Fax: (
Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Booth Information
Booth size (Please 3 ):
3 metres x 3 metres
$4,000 plus GST Number of booths______________
Your EXHIBITION REQUEST will be confirmed in writing together with a tax invoice.
Signed:__________________________________________________ Date:______________________________________________
Payment terms 14 days
Please complete and forward application to:Eve Propper
Event and Sponsorship Manager
The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia
207 Albion Street
p: (61 2) 8356 5806 | f: (61 2) 8356 5828
e: evep@rcpa.edu.au
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations must be made in writing to the Events and Sponsorship Manager, Eve Propper prior to Pathology Update 2016
and will incur a cancellation fee of 50%. No refunds will be given after Monday 7 December 2015.
Pathology Update 2016
Exhibitor and Sponsor Registration Form
Each exhibiting company is entitled to four registrations which includes:
Admission to the entire scientific program
Morning , afternoon teas and lunches with conference delegates
Pathology Update 2016 Delegate Bag
Admission at the Pathology Update Welcome Cocktail Party – four tickets
Admission to the Pathology Update Conference Dinner - two tickets
Exhibitor Details:
Please indicate which two delegates are attending the Pathology Update 2016 Conference Dinner.
Company: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: (
)_______________________________________ Fax: (
Name 1: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Email_____________________________________________________________________________ o attending the Conference Dinner
Name 2: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Email_____________________________________________________________________________ o attending the Conference Dinner
Name 3: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name 4: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please return this form by Friday 22 January 2016 to: Eve Propper
Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia
207 Albion St Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia
f: 61 2 8356 5828
e: evep@rcpa.edu.au
Floor Plan as at 30/07/2015 2:37:28 PM
Sold Stands
ROOMS 101 - 112
Melbourne Convention Centre
Draft Floor Plan
Draft and may be subject to change until all booths are finalised
MCEC - Level 1
26 - 28 FEBRUARY 2016
Pathology Update 2016
Draft and may be subject to change until all booths are finalised. Correct Floor Plan as of August 2015
Pathology Update 2016
Preferred Exhibition Supplier and Freight
ExpoNet is the preferred exhibition supplier for Pathology Update 2016. ExpoNet has
developed an Online Exhibitors Kit (OEK) for ease of ordering exhibition requirements
for the event. ExpoNet Exhibitor Services will forward the link, user name and
password for the Pathology Update 2016 soon after you receive this manual. Please
use the OEK to complete the forms for your stand requirements, including fascia and
signage, lighting and power, stand modifications, shelving, slatwall, furniture, audio
visual. If you have any questions regarding your shell scheme booth or the OEK
please contact ExpoNet directly.
ExpoNet Exhibitor Services Department
f: 02 9645 5300
**Please mention Pathology Update 2016 and your stand number **
ExpoNet - Custom stands
If you are interested in your very own Custom Stand design, ExpoNet can help with simple and effective stand packages, custom
stand packages or help to deliver your unique vision by producing a stand tailored to your specific event requirements. Please
Custom Stand Sales
p: 02 9645 7000
e: info@exponet.com.au
Forklifts/Materials Handling
All forklifts and other materials handling equipment (depending on your
requirements) will be operated by the Melbourne Convention Centre. Forklifts
and other materials handling equipment must be booked with the Melbourne
Convention Centre Loading Dock Office at least 1 week prior to this move in.
This service is available at cost to all exhibitors.
Forwarding And Shipping Agents
Agility Fairs & Events has been appointed the official contractor for domestic and international freight forwarding as well as
materials handling services. Agility Fairs & Events will arrange all local, interstate and international transport services including
delivery on to each exhibitors’ stand at the exhibition venue. Storage of early consignments, packing materials during the
exhibition and storage after the exhibition can also be arranged through Agility Fairs and Events.
Prior to the exhibition, Agility Fairs & Events will contact all exhibitors to ascertain specific transportation and other requirements.
In the meantime, all enquiries should be directed to:
Dianne Stubbs
p: 02 8755 8806
e: dstubbs@agility.com
Laura Drobiszewski
p: 03 9330 9034
e: ldrobiszewski@agility.com
Pathology Update 2016 – A Diamond Date
The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia
Durham Hall - 207 Albion St Surry Hills NSW 2010 AUSTRALIA
Eve Propper
Events and Sponsorship Manager
p:+ 61 2 8356 5806
f:+ 61 2 8356 5828
e: evep@rcpa.edu.au
Rachel Johnson
Events Coordinator
p:+ 61 2 8356 5852
f: + 61 2 8356 5828