Program Development Plan DRAFT Program: Mathematics Tutoring Center (MTC) DRAFT Department: Undergraduate Studies Date: TBD Strengths: The MTC program … benefits from exceptional leadership director has shown willingness to adjust services to meet changing campus needs director has shown commendable vision and insight in adapting the SI model to her program provides support to enhance quality of student learning outlined by the QEP both programmatically and via leadership develops the skill set and academic success of their student employees Recommendations Resources needed C = current R = reallocation N = new Strategic Action Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review Shared recommendations 1. Additional resources for director’s professional development and program enhancement, as well as the potential implementation and development of Supplemental Instruction. 2. Increase budget to reflect the expanding role in providing broadbased student support. Mathematics Tutoring Center 1 Academic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations Program Development Plan Resources needed C = current R = reallocation N = new Strategic Action DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible 3. Create an advisory board to include representatives from the faculty, students, and other support units, and work in conjunction with this advisory board to complete the final three strategic directions regarding needs assessment, mission statement, and marketing (see below, items 5, 6, and X). Will do with college reps Carol/PDS 4. Offer academic assistance such as tutoring and Supplemental Instruction to departments that want and invite this support. Will resurrect the SI proposal – Carol with discuss with Linda Carol/PDS/Linda Mathematics Tutoring Center 2 Date of Review Early Spring 2011 Academic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations Program Development Plan Resources needed C = current R = reallocation N = new Strategic Action DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review 5. Develop a culture of systematic needs assessment through a comprehensive performance analysis and the establishment of a continual calendar of performance analysis confirmation and update (strategic planning). Within the performance analysis, include QEP benchmarks and language developed by the QEP assessment committee to demonstrate the link between tutoring services, center objectives, and desired University outcomes. Consider a regularized system of reporting on the program’s successes and aggregate data to the campus as whole. This should include an increase in both budget and time Develop a plan to accomplish a needs assessment CAT/MTC/OIPE Spring 2011 Initiate needs assessment PDS/Carol Begin 2011-12 6. Recreate or reevaluate the program mission statement to focus and align with core objectives in consultation with advisory board. Related to #3 7. Provide a standardized syllabus statement regarding the CAT Center and MTC to be included in the University syllabus template. Integrated ASC statement in template Mathematics Tutoring Center Spring 2011 PDS/Beth 3 Summer 2010 Academic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations 8. Create embedded subject tutors located in more remote parts of campus. Program Development Plan Resources needed C = current R = reallocation N = new Strategic Action DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review Already being done 9. Provide on-line tutoring services using WCU tutors. 10. Design small group study areas near the MTC. 11. Offer SI support. See #4 12. Explore avenues of extra class credit for tutoring out of class. 13. Develop a Faculty Guide regarding tutoring support. 14. A new conceptualization of the center’s administration that provides a continual and enduring framework for integrating the center into the University’s academic culture. Mathematics Tutoring Center Part of marketing plan 4 Academic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations Program Development Plan Strategic Action 15. More attention and resources devoted to program administration on the part of director and support staff, as well as the possible creation or re-classification of positions to take on some of the functions currently served by the director. Discuss with Carol 16. Work with TutorTrac software management to reporting procedures that "tap" into the student information system (BANNER) to design a tracking system that 1) tracks student visits to all tutorial units at Western, and 2) provides the empirical evidence needed to illustrate the correlation between the number of tutorials attended and improved grades, particularly of those students considered less proficient. Done 17. Work with the Office of the Provost and OIPE to collect data from students enrolled in classes specifically supported through the MTC. Done 18. Develop pre/post instruments and observational protocols for all students with access to the MTC, asking questions to measure and rate the students' level of motivation and self-selection ability. Develop an Impact assessment (related to #5) Mathematics Tutoring Center Resources needed C = current R = reallocation N = new DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible PDS/Carol Date of Review Spring 2011 Annual review Beginning 2011-12 5 Academic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations Program Development Plan Resources needed C = current R = reallocation N = new Strategic Action DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review 19. Incorporate the center’s service learning aspect as an active role in the implementation of Educational Briefcase, a key component of the integrative learn piece of the QEP. Develop a QEP plan Early Spring 2011 20. Develop a marketing plan in collaboration with faculty and students in the College of Business or by hiring a consultant. Investigate WCU resources (Jim DeConnick and Julie Johnson) (related to #3) By Spring 2011 Mathematics Tutoring Center 6 Academic Affairs