Program Development Plan DRAFT Program: Advising (ADV) DRAFT Department: Office of Senior Associate for Academic Affairs Date: TBD Strengths: The ADV program … has aligned advising with institutional mission and QEP by contextualizing advising as part of teaching/learning mission has a close relationship with the academic departments they serve has a cohesive staff committed to their mission supports best practices in advising and retention/student progress initiatives through advising initiatives and by housing the students success courses staff collaborate and partner across divisions and units on student programming and advising initiatives Recommendations Resources needed C = current R = reallocation N = new Strategic Action Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review Vision and Mission Statement, Goals, and Outcomes recommendations 1. Formulate a clear mission along with goals, objectives, and outcomes that represent WCU’s undergraduate advising program across units. Ensure goals of advising are separate from mission statement. (p. 12, ¶ 1; p. 4, ¶ 3; p. 4, ¶ 4) 2. Fully implement the use of an advising syllabus in the Advising Center and with advising liaisons/departmental advising. (p. 12, ¶ 2) Redraft mission statement for AC, determine goals and SLO’s. (reference Task Force mission statement) ?across units? C David Goss, AC staff Revise syllabus as appropriate for AC. Work with UAC and AC liaisons to develop campus wide syllabus C David Goss, UAC, AC staff Advising Policies and Processes recommendations Advising 1 Acadmic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations 3. Fully utilize Advisory Council, as outlined in charge, and the Student Advising Council (regular meetings 23/term; use agenda with sub-groups that produce actionable items that impact campus advising programs and processes, including policy recommendations). (p. 12, ¶ 3) 4. Be proactive about sharing benchmarks and program initiatives (strategic representation by Director; intentional communications plan; improve communication and collaboration with two-year colleges, early colleges, and other major “feeder” schools). Program Development Plan Resources needed C = current R = reallocation N = new Strategic Action Implement UAC recommendation as stated, revisit representation. Establish SAC; seek assistance from UAC, AC advisors and Orientation staff on candidates to serve C Have DUA represented on appropriate committee’s/council’s to facilitate communication. C See #4 C DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review David Goss (p. 12, ¶ 4) Organization and Delivery recommendations 5. Improve relationship/communication with Deans and position for collegecentered advising model for declared majors (consider multiple models; assess impact of CEAP model; consider institutional “home” for advising such as Undergraduate Studies). (p. 12, ¶ 5) Advising 2 Acadmic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations Program Development Plan Resources needed C = current R = reallocation N = new Strategic Action DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review 6. Improve outreach with Student Affairs and be more visible outside 8a-5p office day with students. (p. 12, ¶ 6) 7. Conduct detailed budget analysis, including benchmarking with peer and aspirant institutions. Perform analysis and benchmarking C David Goss Compare salaries with peer and aspirant institutions C David Goss (p. 10, ¶ 6) a. Develop complete program budget controlled by Director. (p. 12, ¶ 7) b. Evaluate equity of staff compensation. (p. 12, ¶ 7) c. Administration should consider a revised salary schedule for professional advisors (see item #16). (p. 8, ¶ 3) Advising 3 Acadmic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations Program Development Plan Resources needed C = current R = reallocation N = new Strategic Action DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review 8. Strengthen IT support that impacts efficiency and effectiveness in implementing advising processes (e.g., major assignments, transfer evaluations) and utilizing advising tools (e.g., Catwalk, Early Alert), possibly either on staff in the Advising Center or in the form of a designated consultant from a campus-based IT unit. (p. 12, ¶ 7; p. 8, ¶ 4; p. 10, ¶ 5) Roles and Responsibilities recommendations 9. Strengthen and systematize procedures for performance evaluation of staff (see item #16). (p. 13, ¶ 1; p. 15, ¶ 2) 10. Clearly define the professional advisors’ role in the context of teaching and learning (see items #9, 16) (p. 13, ¶ 1; p. 15, ¶ 2) DUA work with AC staff on goals and outcomes to use as performance measures C David Goss, AC staff Tie to mission statement, revise AC web page to clarify teaching and learning model C David Goss 11. Fully support faculty advisor role and reward as outlined in Faculty Handbook. (p. 13, ¶ 1) Advisor Training/Development Tools recommendations Advising 4 Acadmic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations 12. Develop and implement an intentional faculty advisor development program based on specific learning outcomes (e.g., the difference between advising and registration, building and advising syllabus for assigned advisees). (p. 13, ¶ 2) 13. Work with Department Heads and Deans to support and encourage faculty attendance at the sessions (what sessions?). (p. 13, ¶ 2) 14. Develop a user-friendly, on-line Faculty Advisor Handbook that provides the Departments/Colleges the opportunity to add specific information for advisors. (p. 13, ¶ 2) Program Development Plan Resources needed C = current R = reallocation N = new Strategic Action DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible Work with UAC and AC staff to develop faculty advisor development program to build on Advising for Liberal Studies sessions and liaison role C David Goss, UAC, AC staff Tie participation in faculty advising development workshops to #11 C David Goss Work with UAC and web services to develop on line Faculty Advisor Handbook C David Goss, UAC Date of Review 15. Increase opportunity, options, and funding for professional development for advising staff. (p. 13, ¶ 2; p. 9, ¶ 2) Advising 5 Acadmic Affairs DRAFT Program Development Plan Recommendations 16. Strengthen and systematize procedures for promotion of staff; i.e., establish a “career ladder” for advisors, with “levels” such as Associate Advisor, Advisor, and Master Advisor, that would provide more opportunity for promotion and greater differentiation of staff assignments which is based on specific criteria with associated pay increases. Resources needed C = current R = reallocation N = new Strategic Action Work with AC staff to develop career ladder framework. C DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review David Goss, AC staff This should not be done if resources are not available to implement salary adjustments (p. 13, ¶ 2; p. 8, ¶ 2) Program and Advisor Assessment recommendations 17. Implement a comprehensive and intentional assessment plan. Consider utilizing NACADA consulting support or sending staff to NACADA Assessment Institute. (p. 13, ¶ 3; p. 6, ¶ 6) Advising 6 Acadmic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations 18. Collect more complete assessment data to determine if the students’ advising needs are being met and if students are learning from their experience of advising in both the Advising Center and in their major departments, including institutional student demo/bio data, satisfaction surveys, focus groups of all stakeholders, and selected archived data such as NSSE and other institutional sources. Program Development Plan Resources needed C = current R = reallocation N = new Strategic Action DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review Work with OIPE to collect data from existing sources. (p. 13, ¶ 3; p. 5, ¶ 4) 19. Identify key benchmark, operational indicators related to institutional goals (student population served, new students declared by census/Advising Day, end-of-term probation and suspension stats, appeals outcomes, etc.). Compile data as outlined, analyze trends, and make AC/campus advising program changes as appropriate. C (p. 13, ¶ 4) Other recommendations 20. Assess current university advising model – at both the Advising Center level and in the colleges/departments (need assessment plan/data to inform decision-making – see item #17). (pp. 14-15, ¶ 2,3) Advising Work with UAC and OIPE to implement campus assessment when assessment plan defined 7 Acadmic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations Program Development Plan Resources needed C = current R = reallocation N = new Strategic Action DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review 21. Consider tighter connection to studentathlete advising. (p. 5, ¶ 3) 22. Clearly define “University Service,” which could serve as criteria for assessment within a career ladder structure or evaluation process. (p. 9, ¶ 4) Advising DUA work with AC staff to define “University Service” C 8 David Goss, AC staff Acadmic Affairs