Academic Program Review for Master of Human Resources ‐ Campus Visit March 29‐31, 2015 Review Team Members – External Reviewers:  

Academic Program Review for Master of Human Resources ‐ Campus Visit March 29‐31, 2015 {Review Team Members – External Reviewers: Dr. Kevin Rose & Dr. Lawrence Cozzens; Internal Reviewers: Dr. David Kinner & Dr. Lisa Bloom} DATE/TIME ACTIVITY LOCATION Sunday, March 29th Afternoon Dr. Rose arriving at Comfort Inn, Sylva. Comfort Inn, 1235 E. Main Street, Sylva 3:20 PM Dr. Cozzens arriving at Asheville Regional Airport aboard US Airways Flight #4847. 6:00 PM Dinner Meeting with Review Team & Alison Morrison‐Shetlar (Provost) th
Monday, March 30 6:30 – 7:30 AM Breakfast – External Reviewers 7:40 AM Commute to WCU Campus 8:00 – 8:50 AM 9:05 – 9:55 AM 10:15 – 11:00 AM David Onder will pick‐up Dr. Cozzens at Asheville Regional Airport and drive him to Comfort Inn, 1235 E. Main Street, Sylva Courtyard Dining Hall (Provost will pick up/return External Reviewers to Comfort Inn, Sylva.) Comfort Inn, Sylva David Kinner will pick up External Reviewers at Comfort Inn, Sylva and drive them to 202 Killian, WCU Campus. Meeting with Review Team 202 Killian
& John Sherlock (Program Director) Meeting with Review Team 202 Killian
& Dale Carpenter (Dean, Education & Allied Professions) Meeting with Review Team 202 Killian
& Mimi Fenton (Dean, Graduate School & Research) 1 Academic Program Review for Master of Human Resources ‐ Campus Visit March 29‐31, 2015 {Review Team Members – External Reviewers: Dr. Kevin Rose & Dr. Lawrence Cozzens; Internal Reviewers: Dr. David Kinner & Dr. Lisa Bloom} DATE/TIME ACTIVITY LOCATION 11:15 AM – 12:05 PM Meeting with Review Team 202 Killian
& Dale Brotherton (Department Head, Human Services) 12:05 ‐ 12:20 PM Break 12:20 ‐ 1:10 PM 202 Killian
Lunch Meeting – Review Team and Selected Master of Human Resources Students: Deidre Hopkins; Ricky Lanning; Yidnekachew Tessema; Lisa Phillips; Jennifer Nicholes; Alex Hall; Rania Shlien‐
Dellinger; Jonathan Rice & Nancy Dwyer 1:10 ‐ 1:25 PM Break 1:25 – 1:55 PM Denise Royer (Student Services Specialist, Human Services) Brief Work Meeting Meeting with Review Team & Master of Human Resources Program Faculty (minus Program Director): Marie‐Line Germain; Yogita Abichandani & Kirk Smith Work Meeting – Review team only Dinner – Review Team 202 Killian
1:55 – 2:30 PM 2:30 – 3:20 PM 3:20 – 5:00 PM 6:00 PM st
Tuesday, March 31 6:30 – 7:30 AM Breakfast – External Reviewers 2 202 Killian
202 Killian
202 Killian
Comfort Inn, Sylva Academic Program Review for Master of Human Resources ‐ Campus Visit March 29‐31, 2015 {Review Team Members – External Reviewers: Dr. Kevin Rose & Dr. Lawrence Cozzens; Internal Reviewers: Dr. David Kinner & Dr. Lisa Bloom} DATE/TIME 7:40 AM ACTIVITY Commute to WCU Campus 8:00 – 10:30 AM Work Meeting – Review team only 10:30 ‐ 11:00 AM Follow‐up Meeting with Review Team & Dale Carpenter (Dean, Education & Allied Professions) 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Exit Meeting with Review Team & Sherlock, Carpenter, Fenton, Morrison‐Shetlar, Burton & Onder 12:05 ‐ 12:15 PM Break/Transit to McAlister’s Deli 12:15 – 1:45 PM Lunch Meeting with Review Team, David Onder & Carol Burton (Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies) 1:45 PM Drs. Rose & Cozzens departing WCU Campus to return home. 3:55 PM Dr. Cozzens departing Asheville Regional Airport aboard US Airways Flight #4847. 3 LOCATION David Kinner will pick up External Reviewers at Comfort Inn, Sylva and drive them to 202 Killian, WCU Campus. 202 Killian
202 Killian
202 Killian
McAlister’s Deli David Onder will drive Dr. Cozzens to Asheville Regional Airport. 