Program Development Plan DRAFT Program: History (HIST) DRAFT Department: History Date: May 1, 2012 Strengths: The HIST program … was found by the reviewers to be among the best at WCU, clearly exceeding the university’s mission; faculty are well-trained as professional historians, and deeply committed to student learning and success; faculty work collaboratively with College of Education, public schools in WNC, Mountain Heritage Center, and Coulter Faculty Commons, as well as other programs in the College of Arts and Sciences; reflects a high degree of academic rigor. Recommendations Strategic Action Resources needed C/R/N Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review Faculty 1. Provide at least two new faculty lines to replace the two lines reverted due to recent personnel changes. DH will submit as part of staffing plan. 2. Provide additional faculty lines in European and Public History to cover curriculum gaps in these areas. Department needs Social Science Education position before requesting Ancient European or Middle Eastern. DH will submit as part of staffing plan. 3. Raise faculty salaries commensurate with peer institutions. History N TBD DH, Dean, Provost June, 2013 Ongoing N TBD DH, Dean, Provost June, 2013 Ongoing This has been combined with #4 1 Academic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations Program Development Plan Strategic Action Resources needed C/R/N DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review 4. Remedy salary compression in the department, considering salaries of peer institutions. 5. Provide systematic reassignment of duties leave to support research. Already doing as much as possible. Will revisit when positions are obtained. 6. Improve basic levels of conference travel and research support in the department budget especially, but also in the college and university budgets. Academic Affairs needs to revisit budget allocations for colleges and departments (consider summer revenue as well). R Academic Affairs, Provost AA needs to increase department support with increase in positions. 7. Pursue external funding opportunities. History Work with Sponsored Research and CFC to identify and submit external grant requests, increasing support for humanities. 2 DH, GS, CFC May 2013 Academic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations 8. Reduce teaching load in lieu of lowering promotion standards; some examples include linking teaching load to productivity level, increasing the number of GAs who assist faculty with their courses, and using highly qualified GAs who have completed their program requirements as instructors of record. Program Development Plan Strategic Action Resources needed C/R/N DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review Current load is 3/3 and is appropriate for WCU. This item will not be addressed by department. Curriculum Development 9. Eliminate or significantly reduce the number of “split level” courses. This item is ongoing and has been. Revisit when #2 addressed due to enrollment. 10. Increase the number of graduate course offerings. This item is connected to item #9. Ongoing and increasing over time. 11. Offer Public History courses on a regular rotation schedule. DH Ongoing This item is already in place. This item will not be addressed by department. History 3 Academic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations 12. Increase the number of non-Western courses required for the undergraduate major. Program Development Plan Strategic Action Resources needed C/R/N DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review This would result in less flexibility for the student if made a requirement. Department will handle this through advisement. Dept. Ongoing 13. Expand the Public History specialty to build upon success in placement. Looking at expanded marketing to UGs for MA program. DH, GS, Public Relations Summer 2013 14. Improve recruiting and placing of graduate students. Already have strong PhD placements. 15. Add a faculty member to teach Documentary Studies. This item will not be addressed by department. 16. Develop closer institutional ties with the Mountain Heritage Center. Department currently provides graduate student internships and pays the salary of the MHC director. DH, MHC Ongoing Will look for further opportunities to strengthen ties to MHC. History 4 Academic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations 17. Investigate institutional ties with the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT). Program Development Plan Strategic Action Resources needed C/R/N DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review Department has made attempts to strengthen ties in the past with little success. Department will explore new opportunities, especially with new leadership at NCCAT. DH, NCCAT Nov 2012, Ongoing October 2012 March 2013 Program Support 18. Increase student awareness and understanding of available resources (for example, library resources) by promoting them during orientation and/or Advising Day. This item will not be addressed by department. 19. Provide additional graduate assistantships. DH, with Deans, will explore ways to provide additional GAs. DH, D – AS & GS 20. Provide an additional one-to-two graduate fellowships dedicated specifically to the Mountain Heritage Center. MHC should consider writing a grant with GA positions included. MHC History 5 Academic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations Program Development Plan Strategic Action Resources needed C/R/N DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible 21. Provide “fifth semester” funding to highly qualified graduate students who have completed their program requirements so they may gain marketable teaching experience, while at the same time lightening faculty teaching load. Use some adjunct money to help reduce load of existing faculty. DH, D 22. Provide better facilitation of university resources for faculty research and travel in place of the current “piecemeal” system. This item will be addressed in #6. Academic Affairs 23. Provide university resources equally to faculty, regardless of tenure status (for example, scholarly leave). This item will not be addressed by department. 24. Provide start-up money for junior faculty research. Use library endowment to help purchase books and also provide some travel money. Date of Review This item will not be addressed by department. DH, Dept, D Summer 2014 Department will look for creative ways to use summer funds and faculty load (such as no pay in summer but release time in spring) History 6 Academic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations 25. Remedy library deficiencies, such as the deficient monograph collection, and depend less on the “ABC” system. History Program Development Plan Strategic Action This item will be addressed in #6. Resources needed C/R/N DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review Academic Affairs This item will not be addressed by department. 7 Academic Affairs