Cтипендии и гранты, предоставляемые Школами бизнеса – академическими партнерами ВШМ СПбГУ:

Cтипендии и гранты, предоставляемые Школами бизнеса –
академическими партнерами ВШМ СПбГУ:
Все студенты ВШМ СПбГУ, направляемые на обучение в рамках обмена, ОСВОБОЖДАЮТСЯ от
платы за обучение в этих школах. В то же время, принимающая школа может потребовать оплаты
сборов за регистрацию, библиотечную карточку, факультативные дисциплины (например,
дополнительные языковые курсы).
Бэбсон колледж (США)
Babson College (USA)
Варшавская школа
экономики (Польша)
Warsaw School of
Economics (Poland)
Special scholarship programs have been established by Babson alumni and
friends of the College.
For more information visit:
http://fulbright.ru/ru/russians (FULBRIGHT grants for citizens of Russia)
(general terms of scholarships)
http://abroad.ru/reference/ref_country/usa/grants_us_1.php (grants
available in USA)
http://www.vedomostivuz.ru/grants/usa.shtml (grants available in USA)
Financial assistance: some scholarships available (for information contact
the International Office of SGH).
Венский университет
экономики и делового
Vienna University of
Economics and Business
Administration (Austria)
There is a number of agreements that offer grants/scholarships to exchange
students. The Austrian Exchange Service (OeAD - Oesterreichicher
Austauschdienst) provides access to a database where you can search for
the many different financial support options.
Высшая коммерческая
школа Парижа (Франция)
HEC Paris - HEC School
of Management (France)
Scholarship-holders may receive a monthly allowance of EUR 1,181. In
addition, the program meets various expenses including return travel,
health insurance and cultural activities. Scholarship-holders might also be
eligible for additional accommodation allowance.
For more information visit
http://www.oead.ac.at (terms of getting grant from OEAD)
http://www.orangesmile.com/ru/education/austria-001.htm (generals terms
of scholarship programs in Austria)
For information visit
http://vsekonkursy.ru/?page_id=203 (information about the system of
higher education, types of scholarships and terms of getting it)
Высшая школа бизнеса,
экономики, права и
социальных наук
Университета СентГаллена (Швейцария)
University of St.Gallen Graduate School of
Business, Economics, Law
and Social Sciences
The Swiss government, via the State Secretariat for Education and Research
(SER), offers a limited number of scholarships to foreign postgraduate
students wishing to study at a Swiss university.
Высшая школа
менеджмента ESSCA
(Франция, Венгрия)
ESSCA Graduate School
of Management (France,
http://vsekonkursy.ru/?page_id=203 (information about the system of
higher education, types of scholarships and terms of getting it in France)
http://www.scholarship.hu/static/angol/pool/ (general terms of getting
scholarship in Hungary for international students)
Европейская школа
бизнеса Международного
университета Шлосс
European Business School,
International University
Schloss Reichartshausen
eXebs – the alumni organization of the European Business School (EBS) is
now uniquely positioned to provide merit-based scholarships and improve
the learning outcomes of international students on campus.
For more information visit
http://www.daad.ru (Russian version of the web-site of German office of
academical exchange: study in Germany and terms of getting scholarships)
http://www.daad.de (English version of the web-site)
Копенгагенская школа
бизнеса (Дания)
Copenhagen Business
School (Denmark)
For the information about study and scholarships for international students
in Denmark visit http://www.CiriusOnline.dk (general information about
study in Denmark for international students, terms of getting scholarships
and grants)
университет (Финляндия)
Lappeenranta University of
Technology (Finland)
Foreign students are expected to support themselves during their M.Sc.
studies at LUT (own funds, a scholarship, a loan etc.). LUT does not award
scholarships to foreign students.
For more information visit
http://www.crus.ch/informationprogramme/erasmus.html?no_cache=1&L=2 (general information about
http://www.studyinfinland.fi/scholarships.html (types of grants in Finland
and terms of getting them)
http://www.scholarshipnet.info/postgraduate/centre-for-internationalmobility-scholarship-findland/ (types of grants in Finland and links to other
informative sources)
http://www.syl.fi/english/study/ (information about studying in Finland and
links to web-sites of funds of financial support fro the international
http://www.scholarshipnet.info/postgraduate/cimo-fellowshipsfinland/ (terms of getting and application form for the research grants)
Лувенская школа
менеджмента (Бельгия)
Louvain School of
Management (Belgium)
There are limited possibilities of financial aid granted by the French
Community of Belgium, the Belgian state and the European authorities. In
order to get acquainted with them, you need to contact the Belgian
diplomatic representation in your country.
http://www.dgdc.be/en/dgdc/grants/index.html (terms for grants from
http://www.studyabroad.ru/grants/be.php (general terms of scholarship
programs in Belgium, terms of getting scholarships from Floman society,
helpful links)
http://is.park.ru/doc.jsp?urn=14420939 (general terms of scholarship
Норвежская школа
экономики и делового
(г.Берген, Норвегия)
Norwegian School of
Economics and Business
Administration (Norway)
Пражский университет
экономики (Чехия)
University of Economics,
Prague (Czech Republic)
Beyond the provision of free tuition, NHH does not offer any scholarships
or other forms of financial support to students or applicants.
For more information visit
http://www.studyinnorway.no/Tuition-Scholarships/Scholarships (types of
scholarships and terms)
http://www.norvegia.ru/education/study+in+norway/students.htm (general
terms of getting scholarship in Norway for the international students)
A foreign student in Bachelor´s, Master´s and Doctor´s study program who
extends his/her studies beyond the regular length of study is obliged to
cover all costs connected with the stay and medical care provision.
For more information visit:
http://www.scholarshipnet.info/postgraduate/czech-master-scholarshipsfor-foreign-students-at-czech-technical-university/ (general terms of
getting scholarship for masters in Czech Republic)
http://www.soros.org/initiatives/hesp/focus/mobility (The International
Higher Education Support program (HESP) of the Open Society Institute
promotes the advancement of higher education within the humanities and
social sciences in Central, Eastern and Southeast Europe; the former Soviet
Union; and Mongolia.)
Роттердамская школа
Университета Эразмус
RSM Erasmus University
(The Netherlands)
Funding possibilities such as grants, scholarships and fellowships available
to the specific program you are applying to.
Huygens Scholarship Program (High-level University Year to Gain
Excellence in the Netherlands)
Scholarships for three to ten months to outstanding students from 52
countries. Contact your local Dutch embassy for application. You may also
contact the NUFFIC (www.nuffic.nl) on huygens@nuffic.nl.
For more information visit:
http://www.nuffic.nl/international-students/scholarships (general terms of
getting grants, types of scholarship programs)
http://www.grantfinder.nl/content/index.asp- (system of choosing the
http://www.orangesmile.com/ru/education/holland-003.htm (types of
scholarships and terms of getting it in Russian)
http://www.eurogates.ru/ru_scholarships_grants_Holland/ (information
about governmental program of support for Russian students, who want to
continue studying in Netherlands)
Стокгольмская школа
экономики (Швеция)
Stockholm School of
Economics (Sweden)
The Visby Program
The program is open for PhD-students, post-doc researchers as well as
master level students.
For more information visit:
http://www.studyinsweden.se/templates/cs/Article____5001.aspx (general
information about scholarships in Sweden)
http://www.studyinsweden.se/templates/cs/Article____10499.aspx (types
of grants and terms of getting it)
http://www.studyinsweden.se (about studying in Sweden)
Тринити колледж,
Университет Дублина
Trinity College, University
of Dublin (Ireland)
Since its foundation in 1592, Trinity has sought to assist students of limited
means. Although financial assistance is not normally given to first year
students, there are exhibitions that you may be entitled to. For students in
later years provision is made through the Financial Assistance Committee.
You should consult your tutor when you come to Trinity for more
For postgraduate students:
The University offers two types of postgraduate awards which are available
only to students intending to register for higher research degrees full-time.
Furthermore, throughout the year all Schools offer a number of additional
studentships to graduates interested in engaging in research.
http://www.ucd.ie/pgstudy/prospectivestudents/funding.htm (terms of
getting scholarships and grants in UCD and funds)
http://www.yastudent.ru/grants/2/0/2453.html (scholarships, provided by
the universities and information specially for Russian students)
(general information about study in Ireland)
http://vsekonkursy.ru/?page_id=189 (scholarships for Russian students,
links to different universities of Ireland)
Университет коммерции
им. Луиджи Боккони
Universita Commerciale
Luigi Bocconi (Italy)
Bocconi University has a strong commitment to providing scholarships for
talented international students admitted to its academic programs.
For more information visit:
http://vsekonkursy.ru/?page_id=191 (general information about studying in
Italy, system of higher education and scholarships for international
Университет Корвинус
(г.Будапешт, Венгрия)
Corvinus University of
Budapest (Hungary)
http://www.scholarship.hu/static/angol/pool/ (general terms of getting
scholarship in Hungary for international students)
Факультет менеджмента,
экономики и социальных
наук Кёльнского
университета (Германия)
Faculty of Management,
Economics and Social
Sciences, University of
Cologne (Germany)
There are many different establishments and organisations to which you
can apply as a foreign or graduate student for individual grants or
scholarships. The standards are very different, but in the majority of cases
the deciding factor is academic potential and not financial need.
http://www.soros.org/initiatives/hesp/focus/mobility (The International
Higher Education Support program (HESP) of the Open Society Institute
promotes the advancement of higher education within the humanities and
social sciences in Central, Eastern and Southeast Europe; the former Soviet
Union; and Mongolia.)
For more information visit
http://www.daad.ru (Russian version of the web-site of German office of
academical exchange: study in Germany and terms of getting scholarships)
http://www.daad.de (English version of the web-site)
Факультет экономики
Университета NOVA
(г.Лиссабон, Португалия)
Faculdade de Economia of
the Universidade Nova de
Lisboa (Portugal)
In certain cases, students can obtain partial financing for their expenses
related to traveling and residing in a foreign country. This financing takes
the form of a Mobility Grant and is issued by the Rectory of the
Universidade Nova de Lisboa to Faculdade de Economia students.
The number of grants available is limited and restrictions can exist The
awarding of these Mobility Grants is made by the Masters Management
Team responsible for the selection of suitable students for these exchanges
and the Coordinator of the Student Exchange Office. All available grants
will be attributed.
The SOCRATES/ERASMUS Grant is not attributed to students who study
in countries defined by the European Union as not suitable for this purpose.
http://www.abroad.ru/reference/ref_country/portugal/index.php (higher
education system and scholarships, provided by the country)
http://www.ubo.ru/articles/?cat=101&pub=1791 (scholarships for Russian
students and fund, giving some amount of grants)
http://vsekonkursy.ru/?page_id=198 (higher education system,
scholarships: general information and information about the size of
scholarship for the different stages of education)
Хельсинская школа
экономики (Финляндия)
Helsinki School of
Economics (Finland)
Non-citizens of Finland are entitled to apply for student financial aid if
they have come to Finland for a purpose other than studying. Students
outside the EU area must also live in Finland on a permanent basis
(permanent residence, P-permit) in order to be able to apply.
For more information visit
http://www.studyinfinland.fi/scholarships.html (types of grants in Finland
and terms of getting them)
http://www.scholarshipnet.info/postgraduate/centre-for-internationalmobility-scholarship-findland/ (types of grants in Finland and links to other
informative sources)
http://www.syl.fi/english/study/ (information about studying in Finland and
links to web-sites of funds of financial support fro the international
http://www.scholarshipnet.info/postgraduate/cimo-fellowshipsfinland/ (terms of getting and application form for the research grants)
Школа бизнеса ESADE,
Университет им. Рамона
Ллулл (Испания)
ESADE Business School,
Ramon Llull University
ESADE is a private, non-profit institution which does not receive any
public funding. However, for those qualified and motivated individuals
who need financial assistance in order to attend ESADE, there are two
financial aid options:
- ESADE Scholarship Program
- ESADE Student Loans
Look for other grant information in these websites:
For MBA Programs there are only loans.
For more information about different types of grants visit:
http://www.studyabroad.ru/grants/es.php (financial support for studying in
Spain – general information and links for more information)
http://www.abroad.ru/reference/ref_country/spain/grants_sp1.php (general
information about scholarships: how to get it, size of it…)
http://vsekonkursy.ru/?page_id=190 (higher education system, types of
scholarships, scholarships from different funds)
Школа бизнеса им.
Шулиха Йоркского
университета (Канада)
Schulich School of
Business, York University
Школа менеджмента
Audencia Nantes School of
Management (France)
International students studying on a student visa are not eligible for bank
loans or government student loans in Canada. If planning to apply for
landed immigrant status, students may become eligible for loans once
landed status has been received.
(general terms of scholarship programs in Canada)
To get any information about scholarships, visit:
http://vsekonkursy.ru/?page_id=203 (information about the system of
higher education, types of scholarships and terms of getting it)
факультет Люблянского
университета (Словения)
Faculty of Economics,
University of Ljubljana
A limited number of scholarships are provided by public and private
institutions in Slovenia.
For more information visit
http://www.yastudent.ru/grants/2/0/2414.html (full information about
getting grants and scholarships in Slovenia)
http://vsekonkursy.ru/?page_id=201 (high education system, information
about scholarships in Slovenia for international students)
http://www.uniag.sk/english/studguide/stipends.html (scholarships for
international students in the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra)