Ramapo College of New Jersey ACCOLADES U.S.News & World Report ranked RCNJ 6th in the public Northern Regional Colleges and Universities category in its “Best Colleges” 2014 publication. Kiplinger’s named RCNJ to the Kiplinger’s Personal Finance’s List of 100 Best Values in Public Colleges for 2013 rankings based on critical cost and financial-aid metrics. RCNJ ranked 43 for in-state tuition. FAST FACTS ‐ SPRING 2015 PRESIDENT’S CABINET Top Majors / Programs, Spring 2015 Undergraduate Graduate Psychology 10.1% Educational Technology Business Administration 9.8% Business Administration Communication Arts 8.0% Educational Leadership Biology 6.9% Nursing Nursing 6.6% Special Education Accounting 4.4% Sustainability Studies Peter Philip Mercer, L.L.B., Ph.D. President 36.3% 18.0% 17.3% 10.9% 8.1% 4.9% Beth E. Barne , Ed.D. Provost/ Vice President for Academic Affairs Cathleen Davey, M.A. Vice President for Ins tu onal Advancement, and Exec. Director of the Ramapo Founda on Princeton Review selected RCNJ as one of the 226 institutions in the “Best in the Northeast” section of PrincetonReview.com for 2013 Best Colleges by Region and in the “The Best Northeastern Colleges: 2013” book edition. INSTITUTIONAL FACTS Carnegie Classifica on Ramapo College’s basic Carnegie Classifica on (M4/HR) is Master’s Medium Size, Four‐Year, and Highly Residen al. The John Templeton Founda on named RCNJ to its Honor Roll for Character Building Colleges. Accredita on The Middles States Commission on Higher Educa on (MSCHE) The Associa on to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business‐Interna onal (AACSB) The American Chemical Society (ACS) The Council on Social Work Educa on (CSWE) The Accredita on Commission for Educa on in Nursing (ACEN) GI Jobs magazine included RCNJ in its list of Military Friendly Schools. CollegesOfDis nc on.com featured RCNJ on its website dedicated to honor schools nationwide for their excellence in student-focused higher education. OVERALL ENROLLMENT ‐ SPRING 2015 ENROLLMENT TRENDS, SPRING 2011 ‐ 2015 7,000 The Teacher Educa on Accredita on Council (TEAC) Programs of Study Ramapo offers 37 undergraduate majors, 8 joint BS pro‐ grams (including ones with ar cula on agreements) in the health professions, 8 graduate degree programs, programs leading to cer fica on in Teacher Educa on, and 2 post‐ master’s cer ficates. Schools Anisfield School of Business (ASB) School of Contemporary Arts (CA) Salameno School of Humani es and Global Studies (SSHGS) School of Social Science and Human Services (SSHS) School of Theore cal and Applied Science (TAS) 6,000 5,000 5,729 5,624 5,499 5,515 5,698 5,513 5,438 5,331 5,289 5,414 216 186 168 226 284 2012 2013 2014 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 Demographics of Enrolled Students UG GR Spring 2015 Michael A. Tripodi, Esq. Vice President & General Counsel Overall Total Headcount 5,414 284 5,698 Average Age 22.0 32.0 22.0 Female Male 3,035 2,379 203 81 3238 2460 State of Origin New Jersey Other States in U.S. Foreign Country 5,067 18 93 258 254 8 5,325 272 101 American Indian / Native Alaskan Asian / Pacific Islander Hawaiian / Pacific Islander Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic White, Non-Hispanic Multiple Races Non-Resident Aliens Unknown 16 352 11 294 723 3,449 67 93 409 1 9 0 5 20 224 1 8 16 17 361 11 299 743 3,673 68 101 425 C Melissa Van Der Wall, M.S. Ac ng Dean of Students, Director of Affirma ve Ac on and Workplace Compliance Mr. Christopher Romano, Ed.M. Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Ms. Patricia Kozakiewicz Exec. Assistant to the President and Board Liaison Ms. Bri any A. Williams‐Goldstein, M.S.Ed. Chief of Staff OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH Gurvinder Khaneja, Director Jack Latona, Research Analyst Laura Plessner, Administra ve Assistant 0 2011 Total UG 2015 GR Credit Hours and FTE by Career Career Enrolled Hours FTE Undergraduate 78,302 4,893.87 Graduate 1,760 146.67 Total 80,062 5,040.54 Headcount by Career and Attendance Career Full-time Part-time Total Undergraduate 4,748 666 5,414 Graduate 29 255 284 Total 4,777 921 5,698 Undergraduate Enrollment by School, Spring 2015 SSHS, 22.1% Lawrence Ferrierxxxx Controller, and Interim Representa ve of Administra on and Finance TAS, 24.2% Ramapo College of New Jersey CA, 14.1% *includes undeclared major & non-matriculated 505 Ramapo Valley Road Mahwah, NJ 07430 www.ramapo.edu Other*, 8.9% SSHGS, 8.4% ASB, 22.3% N=5,414 ENROLLMENT—SPRING 2015 (con nued) Student Faculty Ratio: Fall 2010 - 2014 Graduate Enrollment by Program, Spring 2015 MSET, 36.3% EMPLOYEES ‐ FALL 2014 STUDENT FACULTY RATIO 20 18 18 17 18 18 School of Contemporary Arts, 17.1% MBA, 18.0% 15 10 Non-degree, 1.1% MAEL, 17.3% MALS, 3.5% MASS, 4.9% MASE, 8.1% 0 Management, 5.3% School of Theoretical and Applied Science, 21.2% Anisfield School of Business, 19.4% Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 N=284 Community, Social Services, Legal, Arts, Design, Media, Entertainment Service Occupations, & Sports 0.9% 10.6% Computer, Engineering Office & Administrative & Science Occupations, Support, 26.0% 4.1% School of Social Science and Human Services, 24.9% Salameno School of Humanities and Global Studies, 17.5% 5 MSN, 10.9% Full-time Employees by Employment Categories, Fall 2014 Full-time Faculty by School, Fall 2014 Student & Academic Affairs & Other Ed. Services, 13.8% Natural Resources, Construction & Maintenance, 5.0% N = 217 STUDENT OUTCOMES Library Technicians, 0.9% Librarians, 1.5% STUDENTS IN RESIDENCE HALLS Part-time One Year Retention Rates* : Fall 2009 - 2013 Percent 100.0 88.2 88.1 86.0 87.8 87.7 Freshmen and All Undergraduates in Residence Halls: Fall 2010 - 2014 Percent 85.3 80.2 77.4 75.8 78.6 60.0 60.0 40.0 52.6 51.2 49.2 47.9 40.0 20.0 ALUMNI OUTCOMES School of Contemporary Arts, 18.5% Other [2] , 0.0 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2011 Fall 2013 Fall 2012 UG Fall 2013 Fall 2014 FR * First-time Full-time Degree-seeking Students [1] Counts are duplicated for those who teach in more than one school. Excludes Professional Staff whose primary duty is not instruction. [2] Other includes courses that may not be associated with any school. FINANCIAL AID Percent 100.0 75.4 73.4 73.2 60.9 60.1 72.8 58.6 60.0 72.4 Percent * Graduated in August 2012, January 2013 & May 2013 58.1 Ph.D. 68.7% 40.0 21.5 0.0 Fall 2005 Fall 2006 4 YR 6 YR * First-time Fulltime Degree-seeking Students Fall 2007 FastFactssite: M.A. 20.7% 60.0 20.0 Fall 2008 J.D. 1.4% 100.0 40.0 25.6 26.1 25.0 N = 217 0.0 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 * includes DMA, DBA, DNP, and DPS. ** includes all but doctorate www.ramapo.edu/ir/data‐reports/fast‐facts/ Research & Professional Doctorates* 2.80% 26.2 20.0 26.3% 55.3% 70.0% Source: 2014 Alumni Survey, NSC, and HEP Data Services N = 232 80.0 Fall 2004 Enrolled in college/university Employed full/part-time Enrolled or Employed 10.0% Ed.D. 5.5% PELL Recipients: Fall 2009 - 2013 64.8 Employment and Educational Endeavors of One Year Out Alumni: FY13* Highest Degree Attained by Full-time Faculty, Fall 2014 Four Year and Six Year Graduation Rates*: Fall 2004 - 2008 80.0 N = 680 School of Theoretical and Applied Science, 18.5% Salameno School of Humanities and Global Studies, 15.1% Fall 2010 Instructional Staff, 31.9% School of Social Science and Human Services, 30.6% 47.5 20.0 0.0 by School, Fall 2014 100.0 80.0 80.0 [1] Faculty Anisfield School of Business, 4.7% Other** 10.0%