Petition Type and #: Issue Date: Submission Date: Term and Year: Class Time Conflict Petition to the Academic Standards Committee Student: UPSID: Mailing Address: Telephone Number(s): I request permission to register for: Dept/Number/Section Days/Times Instructor Dept/Number/Section Days/Times Instructor Despite the schedule conflict with: I have made the following arrangements to accommodate the conflict in my schedule and to compensate for the class time I will miss: I understand my petition will be decided not only in consideration of the arrangements I have made, the burden on the instructors, and the disruption to either class, but also in consideration of the compelling nature of my desired schedule. Therefore, I have attached a statement explaining why I am requesting registration in these classes and why I have not chosen a schedule free of conflict. Student’s Signature I support this arrangement. Instructor’s Signature I support this arrangement. Date I support this arrangement. Advisor’s Signature Date Instructor’s Signature Date Academic Standards Committee Decision: Date Processed: Registrar’s Signature Date