Reuterstr. 2a, 53113 Bonn, Germany +49 (0)176 2345 1313 P

Reuterstr. 2a, 53113 Bonn, Germany
+49 (0)176 2345 1313
• Rigorous training in Agricultural / Development Economics and International Business studies, at renowned
universities and leading think tanks in Germany and abroad.
• Profound experience of rural development aspects through field work in Ethiopia, Uganda, and Thailand.
• Work experience as Social Analyst at the World Bank, Washington D.C.
• Lived, worked and travelled in developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
• Excellent team player and able to take on responsibility and work independently, as required.
Oct 09 – present
PhD student – Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF), Univ. of Bonn
Title: “The impact of large-scale land-acquisition in East Africa on poverty reduction and the rural
economy’s institutions”, in Agricultural | Development Economics
Supervisor: Prof. Joachim von Braun
Micro-economic analysis of poverty impacts of large-scale land acquisitions on small holder.
Two case studies in Ethiopia and Uganda plus country-wide analyses.
Oct 09 – Mar 10: post-graduate level training in interdisciplinary research, and adv. Economics
(expected submission Mai 2013)
Sept 06 - Sept 07
M.Sc. Development Economics, School of Oriental and African Studies, London
with a regional focus on Asia and Africa
(final grade: Distinction | summa cum laude);
Master thesis on institutional change of China’s rural economy and the rural SME sector
Oct 02 - May 08
M.A. International Business and Cultural Studies (‘Dipl. Kulturwirt’), Univ. of Passau
Focus on international business and economics; regional focus Southeast Asia; (final grade: 1.6)
Jun 2001
Abitur, Heinrich Suso Gymnasium, Konstanz (final grade: 1.6)
Aug - Sept 11
Consultant – Welthungerhilfe, Bonn
o Conception of two poverty and social impact assessments of ongoing large-scale
commercial investments in Sierra Leone and Cambodia
o Review of field research results
Nov 10 - May 11
Research Fellow – Ethiopian Economist Association, Addis Ababa & Agricultural
Economics Department, Makerere University, Kampala
Based with country-level partner institutions during the field phase of the PhD-research
o Interviews with investors, public institutions and community representatives
o Conception and implementation of two household surveys in rural Ethiopia & Uganda
o Training and supervision of numerators; structured focus group discussions
Apr - Nov 10
Research Assistant – Economics of Land Degradation, ZEF, Bonn
Objective: Assessment of economic cost of inaction regarding land degradation; similar to the
Stern-Report on climate-change – funded by BMZ; in cooperation with IFPRI & UNCCD
o Responsible for institutional analysis of land governance and writing of sections for book.
o Collaboration with IFPRI, Washington and other researchers within ZEF
Feb 09 - Dec 09
Social Analyst – Social Development Department, World Bank, Washington D.C.
Social Analysis, Policy & Gender Team
o Evaluating the intended and unintended poverty and social impacts of policy reforms,
particularly focusing on poor and vulnerable groups. Political Economy analysis of policy
o Assisting operational teams with technical advice regarding social impact and political
economy analysis; Facilitating knowledge exchange through seminars and documentation
o Writing of knowledge product, concept notes; ToRs for consultants; and presentations
Oct 08 - Jan 09
Mar – Jun 05
Intern – Social Development Department, World Bank, Washington D.C.
Social Analysis, Policy & Gender Team; funded through Carlo Schmid Programm (CSP)
o Assisting team members in drafting sections for reports;
o Responsible for seminar series to share lessons learnt from social inclusive projects and
poverty and social impact analysis (PSIA); conception of online documentation.
Project Assistant – Hanns Seidel Foundation, Project Office, Bangkok
o Evaluate and preparation of rural development projects (leadership training, managing
co-operatives, sustainable land use) in Thailand and Laos
Main Experience: only non-Thai team member; working with local senior development experts
Baumgartner, P. 2012: Change in trend and new types of large-scale investments in Ethiopia; In: Allan et. al.(Eds.):
Handbook of Land and Water Grabs in Africa: Foreign Direct Investment and Food and Water Security. Routledge, London: 176-90.
Nkonya, E., Gerber, N., Baumgartner, P., von Braun, J., De Pinto, A., Graw, V., Kato, E., Kloos, J. and Walter, T. 2011:
The Economics of Land Degradation: Toward an integrated global assessment. Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M.
German, English
Thai, French
(business fluent)
(very good knowledge)
(working knowledge)
(basic knowledge)
Computer skills
Excellent command of MS Office;
Good command of STATA, SPSS; Lotus Notes; ePublish; Programming in Excel (VBA)
Training in
Various World Bank-project related trainings;
Intercultural competences; presentation and communication skills; moderation (ZDF)
Teaching &
Instructor for thematic block-seminars at Villigst summer-university: Good Governance
Revisited (Aug 08) & Political Economy of the Financial Crisis (Sept 12).
Member of steering committee - “Afrika AG” at the Evangelischer Kirchentag 2010
Interests & Hobbies
Travelling, Racing-bike, Soccer, Skiing, Cooking, Feminism, Doppelkopf
Apr 10 – Oct 12
Mentor – Lesementor e.V., Bonn – Civil society organisation promoting reading skills among
socially disadvantaged students in elementary schools
Since Sept 05 –
Active member of Lupe e.V. – Student association with focus on international development
and politics (Board member / ‘Vorstand’ – 1 year)
Oct 02 – Oct 08
Mentor – Voluntary Civil Service, affiliated with Protestant Church Baden;
Assessment and preparation of volunteers before leaving to work abroad.
Mar – Apr 06
Intern – German Embassy Bangkok, economic department / Wirtschaftsabteilung,
Stocktaking on post-tsunami reconstruction; assessment of investment climate.
Jul 01 – Sep 02
Volunteer – Community Centre Agape, Italy (Civil service abroad)
Preparation of thematic seminars & lead-organizer of the international work camp
Scholarship of the Protestant Merit Foundation Villigst e.V. (M.A.: 2004-06; Ph.D.: 2010-13)
MENA Vice Presidency Team Award for excellent teamwork, World Bank
Stipend of the Carlos Schmid Programm (DAAD | Germ. Nat. Acad. Found.) (2008-09)
Bonn, February 2013