Prairie View A&M University Whitlowe R. Green College of Education Exhibit 5.4.d

Prairie View A&M University
Whitlowe R. Green College of Education
Exhibit 5.4.d
Appendix D
5.4.d. Policies, expectations, and samples of faculty scholarly activities.
Faculty Member
Hoffman-Miller, P., Barber-Freeman, P., Ross, W., Tanner, T. ( 2012) Preparing
for Licensure: An Educator’s Guide for Navigating Texas Principal Preparation
Using Reflective Practice. OMNI Publishers, Inc: Houston.
You’ve Got the Power: Tapping into Your Potential. Orlando, FL.
ISBN 978-0-9792369-6-9.
You’ve Got the Power: Turning Your Life Around. Orlando, FL.
ISBN 978-0-9792369-3-8.
You’ve Got the Power: Breaking the Vicious Cycle. Orlando, FL.
ISBN 978-0-9792369-5-2
Hoffman-Miller, P., Barber-Freeman, P., Ross, W., Tanner, T.( 2012) Preparing
for Licensure: An Educator’s Guide for Navigating Texas Principal Preparation
Using Reflective Practice. OMNI Publishers, Inc: Houston
Duncan, B. and Barber-Freeman, P. (2008) Establishing a model for learning
communities at an HBCU for Graduate in Classes. Journal of Negro Education,
Freeman, P. Ross, W. & Johnson, W. (2008). The Perceptions of HBCU Faculty
Concerning ITVN, Web-Based and Internet Courses. Journal of the Research
Association of Minority Professors, 10, 1 (56-70).
Boone, S. K.
Branch-Vital, A.
Generation Y and generation z: significantly contributing to the decline of
a lack of respect. Journal of Urban Education (J.K. Haynes Monographs,
Occasional Papers and Proceedings). Issue Number 1.
Two-way immersion program advocacy for African American children:
the key to global collaboration. Journal of Urban Education (Focus on
Enrichment). Issue Number 1
Condom use among African-American women: A theoretical basis for
HIV prevention guided by the theory of planned behavior. National
Forum of Multicultural Issues Journal, 7, 1-7.
Hale, W., Branch-Vital, A., & Ford, K. (In Press). A brief
report of college student health within a Historically Black
Prairie View A&M University
Whitlowe R. Green College of Education
Exhibit 5.4.d
College and University. Texas Public Health Association Journal.
Hale, W., Vassar, M., & Branch-Vital, A. (In Press). Stretching as an
intervention to reduce state-anxiety and increase self-efficacy prior to exercise.
Applied Research in
Coaching and Athletics Annual.
Relationship between condom knowledge among African American women in
Harris County, Texas. Western Journal of Black Studies, 33, 16-23.
Emphasizing assessment and evaluation of student health at historically black
colleges and universities. National Forum of Multicultural Issues Journal, 7, 1-7.
Condom Use Knowledge and Condom Use among African-American Women:
Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Study in Harris County, Texas National Forum
of Multicultural Issues Journal 6(1) 1-11.,%20Angela%20Condom%20Use%20among%20AfricanAmerican%20Women-NFMIJ-6-1-09.pdf
Bryant, L.G.
Physical Activity Opportunities in Low Socioeconomic Status Neighborhoods.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, (20) 63,1021.
Hansen, J.
The absence of African American teachers in the classroom: A study on
employment conditions and teacher retention. Journal of Educational Concepts,
1, 47-66.
Hermond, D.
Countenancing a Leader Preparation Program using the ELCC standards. Journal
of Educational Concepts, 1(2), 175-197.
Hobson, L.
Analysis of teacher leadership as a teacher development model: An opportunity
for reform and improved practice. National Forum of Administration and
Supervision Journal, 27(2).
The Importance of Mentoring Novice and Pre-service Teachers: Findings from a
HBU Student Teaching Program. Journal of Educational Foundations
Summer-Fall 2012 Volume 26, Numbers 3 & 4.
Using the Culturally Proficient Continuum to Evaluate the Cultural Relevance of
Gifted and Talented Programs. Journal of Educational Concepts
Spring 2011 Volume 1 Number 1.
Countenancing a Leader Preparation Program using the ELCC standards
Journal of Educational Concepts. Spring 2010 Volume 1 Number 2.
Emancipatory Educational Inquiry: Experience, Narrative, & Pedagogy in the
Prairie View A&M University
Whitlowe R. Green College of Education
Exhibit 5.4.d
International Landscape of Diversity – Fall 2009
African American Woman Principals: An Abstract of Urban Educational
Leadership. Journal of Critical Inquiry into Curriculum and Instruction. Invited
Publication 2/2/09.
Jacobs, K., &
Hermond, D.
The Usage of the SREB Critical Success Factors in Developing Teacher
Instructional Leadership Responsibilities. Journal of Teacher Leadership Winter 2009, Volume 2, Number 2
Administrative support strategies that enhance science teacher retention in
urban schools. Journal of the Research Association of Minority Professors, 12
Stephens, T., &
Hermond, D.
The level of emotional intelligence in principals of recognized and acceptable
schools. Academic Leadership, 7(3).
Hobson, L.,
Grant,V. &
Harris, D. (2011).
First year teachers’ perceptions of retention and attrition factors: Findings from
a Southeastern state study. Georgia Educational Researcher.
Hobson, L.,
Harris, D.,
Tanner, T., &
Thompson, L.
Hobson, L.
Using qualitative research to facilitate understanding and thinking about
diversity and social justice. In D. Cleveland (Ed.) Teaching Race, Diversity
and Social Justice: Challenges, Implications and Effective Strategies.
Madison, WI: Atwood Publications.
Hobson, L.,
Green, R., and
Duncan, B.
Hobson, L . &
Johnson, L.
The usage of the SREB critical success factors in developing teacher leaders to
assume instructional leadership responsibilities. International Journal of
Teacher Leadership, 2(2).
Hughes, T.
African American woman principals: An abstract of urban educational
leadership (Invited Publication). In T. Huber (Ed.) Emancipatory Educational
Inquiry: Experience, Narrative, & Pedagogy in the International Landscape of
Diversity. Book Series, Teaching and Learning Indigenous, Intercultural
Worldviews: International Perspectives on Social Justice and Human Rights.
Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
The case of Tommy Skinner and the ubiquitous twoway. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 12, 51-62.
Nickson, L., & Hughes, T. A. (2010). A national issue: Analysis of factors
influencing special education teachers’ retention and attrition in Texas public
schools. National Forum of Applied Educational Research Journal, 23(3).
Grave, E., Hynes, J., & Hughes, T. A. (2010). Teacher perception of the role of
religion in East Texas public schools. National Forum of Educational
Prairie View A&M University
Whitlowe R. Green College of Education
Exhibit 5.4.d
Administration and Supervision Journal, 27(4).
Miller, P.H.,
P., Ross, W.
Miller, P.H.
Preparing for licensure: an educators guide for understanding TExES
certification requirements using reflective journals. Sage Publications.
Nickson, L., &
Hughes, T. A.
A national issue: Analysis of factors influencing special
education teachers’ retention and attrition in Texas public schools. National
Forum of Applied Educational Research Journal, 23(3).
Grave, E., Hynes,
J., & Hughes, T.
A. (2010).
Teacher perception of the role of religion in East Texas public schools. National
Forum of Educational Administration and
Supervision Journal, 27(4).
Kritsonis, W.
Butler, N.L.,
Pirog, R.,
Kritsonis, W.A.,
& Herrington,
D.E. (2011).
Butler, N.L.,
Silbering, B.,
Wojcik, P.,
Kritsonis, W.A.,
& Herrington,
D.E. (2011).
Blackbourn, J.M.,
& Kritsonis,
W.A. (2010).
RESEARCH (Practical Applications). Temecula, CA: The Alexis/Austin Group.
Hines, M.T., &
Kritsonis, W.A.
The interactive effects of race and teacher self-efficacy in the achievement gap in
school. National FORUM Multicultural Issues Journal, 7(1), 1-14.
Ononugbo, I.,
Akpan, V.I.,
Osho, G.S., &
Kritsonis, W.A.
Housing needs for the low-income people of Enugu metropolitan area of Nigeria:
Policy issues and challenges. International Journal of Management, Business,
and Administration, 13(1), 1-41.
The role of principals’ ethnicity and gender in the suspension of African American
students. National Forum of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal,
Vol. 26-3.
Teaching Italian to Polish higher school learners. Personality-Centered Approach
to Foreign Language Teaching, 167-168.
Teaching Spanish to Polish secondary school students. Personality-Centered
Approach to Foreign Language Teaching,168-170.
The question every teacher educator must ask. National FORUM of Teacher
Education Journal, 20(1&2), 27-32.
Prairie View A&M University
Whitlowe R. Green College of Education
Exhibit 5.4.d
Johnson, P. &
Kritsonis, W.A.
Greener Schools, Greater Learning, and the LEED Value. DOCTORAL
FORUM: National Journal for Publishing and Mentoring Doctoral Student
Research, (7), 1.
Miller, Q. &
Kritsonis, W.A.
Implementation of the ways of knowing through the realms of meaning as a
conceptual framework in professional learning communities as they impact
strategic planning in education. National FORUM of Applied of Educational
Research Journal, 23 (1&2).
Stevenson, R.D.
& Kritsonis,
W.A. (2010)
Utilizing the six realms of meaning in improving campus standardized test
scores through team teaching and strategic planning. National FORUM of
Applied Educational Research Journal, 23 (1&2)
Petterway, A. L.
Ross, W. (2010).
Implementing Postmodernism in Changing the Role of School Administrators in
America’s Schools. John Ben Sheppard Journal of Practical Leadership, 4(1).
[Instructor’s manual for the book Counseling in challenging
contexts (1st ed.), by M. Ungar, 2010. CD ROM]. Belmont, California.
Brooks/Cole Publishing.
Ross, W. (2011).
[Instructor’s manual for the book Career Counseling: A Holistic Approach,
(8th ed.), by M. Zunker, 2011]. Belmont, California. Brooks/ Cole Publishing.
Clarke, P. &
Ross, W. (2011).
Ross, W. (2011).
The influence of alternative education on student academic performance and
behavior. Journal of the Alliance of Black School Educators, (9)1, 93-109
Ethical issues involved in online counseling. Journal of Psychological Issues
in Organizational Culture 2(1), 54-66.
Impact of human resources’ practices on teacher retention. The National Journal
of Urban Education & Practice, 4(2):49-73.
Tanner, T.,
P., Smith, P.
Thompson, L., &
Hermond, D.
Lindsay, L.,
Irving, M.,
Tanner, T.,
Underdue, D
Thompson , L.
Hobson, L.,
Smith, P. &
Tanner, T.
(Spring 2011)
Saddler, S.,
Tyler, T.,
Cleveland, R. &
In the loop: An examination
of the effectiveness of looping for African American students. The Journal of
Urban Education and Practice, 1(1), 88-101.
Using the culturally proficient continuum to evaluate the cultural relevance of
gifted and talented programs. Journal of Educational Concepts, 1(1).
Examining the fidelity and efficacy of community-based dropout prevention: A
mixed methods evaluation of the Fellows Academy. National Forum on Teacher
Education, 20(1), 33-45.
Prairie View A&M University
Whitlowe R. Green College of Education
Exhibit 5.4.d
Thompson, L. K.
Hicks, Terence
Hicks, T. (in progress). "College Student Self-Efficacy Research Studies,"
Rowman Littlefield Publishing Group, University Press of America, Inc.
Hicks, T. & Pitre, A. (2012). "Research Studies in Higher Education: Educating
Multicultural College Students," University Press of America, Inc., Lanham,
Hicks, T., Pitre, A., & Charles, K. (2011). An Instructional Companion Guide for
the 21st Century Classroom and Beyond, University Press of America, Inc.,
Lanham, Maryland.
Hicks, T & Pitre, A. (2010). The Educational Lockout of African Americans in
Prince Edward County, Virginia (1959-1964): Personal Accounts and
Reflections, University Press of America, Inc.
Wood, L., Hilton, A., Hicks, T., & Kambui, H. A. (in press). "Black Male
Collegians in Community Colleges: An Overview of Factors Effecting their
Persistence and Academic Success". In Jones, T. K., & Wood, J. L. African
American Males in Education:Considerations throughout the P-20 Pipeline,
Information Age Press.
Hicks, T. & Wood, J. (in press). "Academic and Social Characteristics among
African-American First-generation College Students in a STEM Discipline at a
HBCU: A Meta-Synthesis of Research." In Flowers, L., Flowers, L & Moore, J.
(in press). The Evolution of Learning: Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics Education at Historically Black Colleges and Universities,
University Press of America, Inc.
Smith, Patricia A. Tanner, T., Johnson, P. & Smith, P. The 50 Traits of Extraordinary Leadership
(In press). The Journal of Educational Concepts.
Hobson, L., Harris, D., Buckner-Manley, K. & Smith, P. The importance of
mentoring novice and pre-service teachers: Findings from a HBCU student
teaching program. The Journal of Education Foundations, Volume 26, Number 34, Summer-Fall 2012.
Thompson, L.K. & Hermond, D., Tanner, T. & Smith, P. (2011, February).
Perceptions of the values of principal internship activities: aspiring principals’
perspectives. Proposal submitted to the Southwestern Research Association
(SERA) for presentation at the Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Iwundi, L., Tanner, T., Hermond, D., Miller, P., Smith, P., & Thompson, L.
Prairie View A&M University
Whitlowe R. Green College of Education
Exhibit 5.4.d
(2010). The impact of human resources’ practices on teacher retention. The
National Journal of Urban Education and Practice, 4(2), 49-73.
Thompson, L.K., Hobson, L., Smith, P. & Tanner, T. (2010). Using the culturally
proficient continuum to evaluate the cultural relevance of gifted and talented
programs. The Journal of Educational Concepts.