November 14, 2003, 3:00
Attending: Marsha Lee Baker, Susan Bates, Debra Burke, Jim Costa, Mark Couture
Fred Hinson (chair), Don Livingston, Charles Wallis, Jennifer Barnhart
Absent: Millie Abel, Kathy Hosig, Richard Starnes
1. Approval of the minutes
• The minutes from the October 31 st meeting were approved, with the following changes: o Section 1, title: The title should read “Proposal for Philosophy and Religion” o Section 1, point 2: The phrase “; two categories per discipline” should be added to the end of the final sentence.
2. Updates
• The letter to faculty who have created First Year Seminars is ready for distribution.
• Several minor editorial changes were made to the letter to Deans and Department Heads.
3. New course proposals
• HIST 181: Religion in Europe (proposed P3)
This proposal was returned to the department for corrections.
The History department needs to 1.) consult with the Department of Philosophy and
Religion about the proposal, 2.) address the discrepancy between the writing requirement in the sample syllabus and the amount of writing required in the proposal, 3.) address whether new faculty resources will be needed if this class is offered, and 4.) insert a clearer attendance policy in the sample syllabus.
• HIST 371: Modern China (proposed deletion)
This proposal was unanimously approved.
• HIST 393: Special topics in History (proposed P3)
This proposal was not considered; special topics courses (393, 394, 493, and 494) may not be used to fulfill a liberal studies requirement unless a liberal studies contract is completed.
• MUS 410: History of American Musical Theatre (proposed P4)
This proposal was returned to the department for corrections.
The Music Department needs to 1.) explain how the course fulfills the writing and information use requirements, and 2.) include an explicit attendance policy and evaluation system on the sample syllabus.
• PHIL 350: Philosophical and Religious Classics (proposed P4)
This proposal was unanimously approved.
• PSC 150: American Government and Politics (proposed P1)
This proposal was unanimously approved.
• REL 307: Native American Religions (proposed P6)
This proposal was unanimously approved.
• REL 324: (proposed P6)
This proposal was unanimously approved.
• SOCW 420: Addictions (proposed P1 Upper Level Perspective)
This proposal was unanimously approved.
At the next meeting, ENGR 191 and additional liberal studies course proposals will be discussed