Liberal Studies Oversight Committee Minutes September 17, 2007

Liberal Studies Oversight Committee
September 17, 2007
Attendees Present: Robert Anderson, Melissa Wargo, Peter Nieckarz, Brent
Kinser, Alex Macauley, Luther Jones, Carol Burton, & Kari Hensley
Guest: Steve Baxley, Director of the WCU Advising Center
Approval of 9-10-07 Minutes
Minutes approved pending changes• Add Tracy Zontek to volunteer list of Advising Day events.
• Editorial changes per Carol Burton
PAR Unfinished Business
• Discussion took place in response to Jim Deconinck’s email
• PAR is currently searching two positions:
1. Chair
2. Associate Professor
Omnibus Approval of LS Transfer Credits from SCC (Steve Baxley)
• A list of all transfer courses currently in the Banner system and
available on the Registrar’s website was distributed.
• Courses are typically used for students with an AA or AS degree from
SCC. Countless numbers of Waiver/Substitutions are being done due
to the articulation process not working properly.
• Steve made the following proposals:
1. Tweak degree audit and codes of the Registrar’s office to accept
courses and lessen paperwork.
2. Update list and relate what is acceptable to lessen questions
a. List is updated yearly but we have to accept all listed
courses- not necessarily as liberal studies courses. If the
courses meet General Education Requirements they should
meet Liberal Studies requirements.
b. MUS 114 was an example of a discrepancy in BOLD on
the list. It did not have a course equivalent @ WCU. On the
Registrar’s website it appears a P6 course and in the Banner
system it appears a P5 course.
c. Equivalencies need to be revisited- mass update in Banner.
d. Goal is to have what is in writing to agree with what a
student takes
e. Discrepancies in BOLD should be resolved within depts.
f. Several courses from SCC transfer in as a 300 or 400 level
courses. Does that course also meet the ULP requirement?
Steve and Carol will meet to revisit these courses and
suggest revisions to LSOC and depts.
First Year Seminar: Draft Assessment Survey and Implementation Plan
• After review of survey, questions were raised in reference to situations
when no formal grade was assigned. Formally & Informally Assessed
are the current options.
• Proposal to shorten survey answer options to three/four:
1. Formally Assessed
2. Informally Assessed
3. Add Not Assessed
• Melissa will work with Tracy to tweak survey and clarify objectives.
On behalf of the LSOC we love you TRACY and appreciate YOU and
all YOU do. ☺
• Ideal Assessment Team
o 5 or 6 representatives that equally represent the First Year
o 3 Writers, 1 Library Representative, 1 Student Affairs
Representative, Faculty that has and has not taught First
Year Seminar courses. Committee members made several
recommendations: Annette Debo & Nory Prochaska
Proposed Survey and Additional Survey Items for Faculty and for Students
• This topic was tabled until next meeting
Implementation of the remaining assessment areas