2004 Report and Financial Statements Report and Financial Statements 1 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements Contents Data on Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal Members of the corporate bodies Report of the Board of Directors Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal Balance sheet and profit and loss account Annex to the balance sheet and the profit and loss account Legal certification of accounts Pension Fund of Banco de Portugal Financial position and profit and loss account Annex to the financial position and profit and loss account Certification of accounts Actuarial valuation 2 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements Data on Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal (Banco de Portugal’s Pension Fund Managing Company) was set up on 3 June 1988, aimed at managing and representing the Pension Fund of Banco de Portugal. The equity capital of this Company is €1,000,000. The shareholders are: x Banco de Portugal, with a holding of 97.66% of the capital; and x The participants and beneficiaries of the Pension Fund of Banco de Portugal. The Head Office is located at Rua do Comércio, nº 148, in Lisbon. Services are located at Av. da República, nº 57, 7º, in Lisbon. As at 31 December 2004: x the Company’s net assets amounted to €2,924 thousand; x the Company’s equity capital amounted to €1,909 thousand; x the Pension Fund value stood at €1,012,217 thousand; and x total liabilities corresponded to €1,040,909 thousand. 3 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements Members of the Corporate Bodies SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING Chairman Armando da Silva Couto Secretary Hernâni Fontoura Pires BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman António Manuel Martins Pereira Marta Member of the Board Manuel Ramos de Sousa Sebastião Executive Director Helena Maria de Almeida Martins Adegas Single Auditor Ernst & Young Audit & Associados – SROC, S.A. Alternate of the Single Auditor Óscar Monteiro Machado de Figueiredo, C.A. 4 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements Report of the Board of Directors In conformity with the legal and statutory requirements, the Board of Directors hereby submits to its shareholders the Report and Financial Statements and a series of other documents regarding the fiscal year 2004. 1. BUSINESS ACTIVITY CARRIED OUT The Managing Company is responsible for the management of this institution’s Pension Fund, as well as for the actuarial assessments required for the calculation of liabilities relating to retirement and survivors pensions. Most of this Company’s capital is held by Banco de Portugal and its staff members are employees of the Bank covered by a secondment agreement. The Pension Fund of Banco de Portugal, managed by the Managing Company, is composed of autonomous assets, exclusively earmarked for the fulfilment of Banco de Portugal’s commitment to pay retirement, disability and survivors pensions. It is a closed pension fund, operating a defined benefit scheme and plays the role of first pillar of social protection. These pensions cover not only the requirements of the collective wage agreement prevailing for the banking sector (Acordo Colectivo de Trabalho Vertical do Sector Bancário – ACTV), but also other supplementary remunerations received by the employees of Banco de Portugal. 5 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements With respect to the activity of the Managing Company in 2004, a joint project with Banco de Portugal was concluded, leading to the implementation of a new asset management computer system. This system covers different operational areas, thereby joining, under the same application environment, portfolio management, risk control and performance measurement functions as well as back-office activities. Its implementation enabled a significant increase in efficiency and a reduction of operational risk. Improvements were also introduced in the actuarial assessment model and in the adjustment of some calculation assumptions, namely in terms of the methodology regarding the setting of the discount rate and the growth rates of wages and pensions. At the asset management level, the investment policy aimed at maximising the profitability of the Fund’s assets was maintained, nevertheless sticking to a conservative approach as to both the adequate degree of liquidity to meet pension payment liabilities and the limits on market and counterparty risks on the value of the assets comprising the fund. Within this framework, portfolio diversification was kept, across bond, real estate and equity markets. At the level of human resources management, reinforcement of the technical expertise of the staff of the Managing Company was pursued and the organisational restructuring initiated in the previous year was completed, aimed at ensuring a better segregation of functions and the creation of new areas of expertise, namely within the scope of the middle-office (risk control and performance measurement). 2. PENSION SCHEMES The Pension Fund of Banco de Portugal funds seven pension schemes, of which four (generally known as Base Plans) are aimed at ensuring the benefits arising from the base remuneration, while the remaining three (known as Regimes) are intended to provide for the payment of pensions relating to the complementary salary. 6 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements All these plans/regimes fall within the defined benefit scheme category, given that the benefits they offer – retirement or survivorship – are previously established. As a result, the cost of these schemes is a dependent non-controllable variable, a function of the actuarial and financial assumptions considered. These, in turn, reflect endogenous developments in markets and demographic variables. In general terms, benefits funded through the Pension Fund of Banco de Portugal are only settled in the form of a pension. This excludes two of the pensionable complementary salary regimes, where employees can opt for the partial capital redemption of the retirement pension. 2.1. Characterisation Base Plans x Plan I This plan covers all employees hired by Banco de Portugal up to 31 December 1994. From that date onwards, no more members were admitted to this plan, which therefore became closed. It is a non-contributory pension plan, insofar as employees do not contribute to its funding, which is fully ensured by Banco de Portugal. The benefits offered by this plan consist in attributing a retirement pension equal to the total last base salary, upon reaching normal retirement age, or in cases of disability or early retirement, as well as a survivors pension to dependants of deceased employees (either active or retired). 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements x Plan II This plan entered into force on 1 January 1995 and covers employees hired after this date, who do not come from other credit institutions covered by the ACTV as far as social security matters are concerned. This is a contributory pension scheme, insofar as employees contribute to its funding with 5% of their pensionable remuneration, as laid down in Clause 137-A of the ACTV, while the rest is paid by Banco de Portugal. This plan gives the right to a retirement pension calculated according to the base salary and proportional to the years of service, as well as a survivors pension to dependants of deceased employees (either active or retired). x Plan III This plan covers the members of the Board of Directors of Banco de Portugal and started on 1 February 1998, with the entry into force of Law No 5/98 of 31 January - Organic Law of Banco de Portugal. It is a contributory pension plan, where members participate in its funding with a percentage determined on the basis of the rate fixed in Clause 137-A of the ACTV. x Plan IV This plan includes all employees who, although having been hired after 1 January 1995, come from other credit institutions covered by the ACTV as far as social security matters are concerned. This is a mixed plan, given that it is non-contributory like the Plan I, but offers benefits proportional to the years of service like the Plan II. 8 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements Pensionable complementary salary regimes x General regime This regime covers staff hired by Banco de Portugal after 1 January 2001. This is a contributory regime, receiving contributions from both Banco de Portugal and the employees, with a share of 60% and 40% respectively, including contributions for risks associated with disability and death. However, the employee’s contribution shall not exceed 10% of the complementary salary earned. The benefits offered by this regime consist in granting a retirement pension (without the possibility of capital redemptions) proportional to the period of contribution, as well as a survivors pension to dependants of deceased employees (either active or retired). x Special regime A This regime covers staff hired by Banco de Portugal before 31 December 1998. It is a contributory regime to which Banco de Portugal and the employees both contribute according to the rules established for the general regime. However, in this case, disability and death risks are only funded by Banco de Portugal. The benefits offered by this regime consist in granting a retirement pension corresponding to 85% of the last complementary salary, upon reaching normal retirement age or in case of early retirement, or calculated proportionally to the years of service for pension purposes in case of disability (at least 50% of the complementary salary), as well as granting a survivors pension to dependants of deceased employees (either active or retired). Upon retirement, employees can opt for the capital redemption of 1/3 of the pension to which they are entitled. 9 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements x Special regime B This mixed regime covers staff hired by Banco de Portugal in 1999 and 2000. In fact, it fully coincides with the mechanism applicable to the Special regime A as regards the sharing of contributions between Banco de Portugal and the employees, limitation of employees’ contributions and coverage of shared risks. With regard to benefits, this regime coincides with the General regime, except for the fact that it enables employees to opt for the capital redemption of 1/3 of the pension amount. 2.2. Trend of the population covered by the Plans/Regimes Reference should be made to the ageing population covered by the Pension Fund of Banco de Portugal, whose number of beneficiaries is higher than the number of active participants. The resulting weight in the total of liabilities relating to pensions in payment strongly affects the Fund’s asset management. Base plans As regards the population, the four base plans are characterised as follows: - Plan I is closed and will admit no more members. Therefore, its structure will develop towards an increase in the number of beneficiaries, against a reduction in the number of participants; - Plans II and IV are open, which means that they will cover new hiring by Banco de Portugal and therefore the number of participants will increase. In parallel, given the younger population compared to the other plans, the group of beneficiaries will tend to grow more slowly; - Plan III is open, covering a strict group of participants. 10 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements Table 1: POPULATION COVERED BY BASE SCHEMES As at As at As at Change Change 31 Dec 2002 31 Dec 2003 2002/2003 31 Dec 2004 2003/2004 Active participants 1,795 1,788 -7 1,737 -51 Staff in retirement 1,685 1,683 -2 1,724 +41 488 471 -17 474 +3 3,968 3,942 -26 3,935 -7 0.83 0.83 Pensioners TOTAL Ratio 0.79 1 Active /Beneficiaries2 1 Participants; 2 Staff in retirement and pensioners. As at 31 December 2004, Base Plans funded through the Pension Fund as a whole covered 1,737 (active) participants, 1,724 staff in retirement and 474 pensioners. Pensionable complementary salary regimes In terms of population, the three regimes are characterised as follows: - The general regime is the only regime which is open to new hiring and is thus expected to develop similarly to the Plans II and IV; - Special regime A, given the time frame it covers, comprehends the most representative part of the population covered by the Pension Fund. It is an overall closed regime, although occasionally there may be new admissions, in cases where a complementary salary is attributed to employees that were hired by the Bank prior to 31 December 1998; - Special regime B will always be a small regime, given its short coverage period. It is an overall closed regime, similarly to the special regime A. 11 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements Table 2: POPULATION COVERED BY PENSIONABLE COMPLEMENTARY SALARY REGIMES As at As at Change As at Change 31 Dec 2002 31 Dec 2003 2002/2003 31 Dec 2004 2003/2004 Active participants 1,747 1,741 -6 1,696 -45 Staff in retirement 69 91 22 150 59 6 7 1 8 1 1,822 1,839 17 1,854 23.3 17.8 Pensioners TOTAL Ratio 10.7 1 Active /Beneficiaries2 1 Participants; 2 Staff in retirement and pensioners. As at 31 December 2004, pensionable complementary salary regimes funded through the Pension Fund as a whole covered 1,696 (active) participants, 150 staff in retirement and 8 pensioners. 2.3. Developments in benefits and contributions Chart 1 shows developments in the volume of pensions paid by the Fund since its setting-up, inter alia: - the increase in values paid by the Pension Fund between 1995 and 1996, resulting from the transfer of liabilities relating to pensions in payment (staff in retirement and pensioners) from Banco de Portugal to the Pension Fund at end-1995; - the integration of pensionable complementary salary regimes on 1 January 2002. This made it possible for payments to be effected in the form of capital redemptions of pensions. Given their differences, capital redemptions and pensions are illustrated separately in Chart 1. 12 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements In 2004 the value of pensions paid amounted to €39,393 thousand (of which €1,229 thousand originate from the new pensionable complementary salary regimes), which accounts for a 6.6% increase from the previous year. The value settled in 2004 as redemption capital amounted to €1,149 thousand, accounting for a 181.9% increase from 2003. In addition, the value corresponding to contributions previously made (plus the respective accumulated income) was paid back to a small number of employees whose contracts with Banco de Portugal terminated. Chart 1: VOLUME OF BENEFITS PAID BY THE FUND (€ thousand) 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 1988 1990 1989 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 Pensions Redemption capital As mentioned above, all plans/regimes funded by the Pension Fund are defined benefit schemes. This implies that contributions are a “dependent variable”. Thus, it is necessary to make periodic adjustments to regular contribution rates and, in some cases, to add an 13 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements extraordinary contribution, as a result of several factors, in particular changes in the behaviour of financial variables or non-projected developments in the benefits. Chart 2 shows developments in the contributions received by the Fund in the past 11 years, stress being laid on the following: - Current contributions were interrupted in 1996, 1997 and 1998, due to a high funding level of the Pension Fund at end-1995. They were resumed in 1999. - In early 2002 an amount of €54 million was transferred, as a result of the integration in the Pension Fund of Banco de Portugal of pensionable complementary salary regimes previously covered by a Group Life Insurance. - Extraordinary contributions from Banco de Portugal exhibit an irregular pattern over time. In late 1995 and early 1996 they were intended to finance the transfer to the Pension Fund of liabilities relating to pensions in payment that until then were incumbent on Banco de Portugal. Between 2001 and 2003 they were a consequence of unfavourable market developments. - In 2004 regular contributions totalled €17.6 million, of which €1.5 million were paid by employees and €16.1 million by Banco de Portugal. There was no recourse to extraordinary contributions this year. 14 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements Chart 2: VOLUME OF CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED BY THE PENSION FUND (€ thousand) 110,000 100,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 1994 1995 1996 Current contrib. 1997 1998 1999 2000 Extraord. contrib. 2001 2002 2003 2004 Transf. from Group Life Insur. 2.4. Actuarial and financial assumptions In 2004 recourse continued to be made to the methodology used since 2001, which consists of indexing actuarial and financial assumptions so as to ensure that: - the discount rate used to calculate the current value of the Pension Fund’s liabilities reflects, in every valuation, an investment rate that is effectively available in the financial markets, for a maturity that matches the time structure of these liabilities; - the growth rates assumed for wages and pensions maintain a high degree of empirical adherence and always adjust whenever there is an anticipated change in their future developments. At the end of 2004 the indexation methodology led to: 15 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements - a discount rate of 4.16%, i.e. 0.62 percentage points lower than the rate used at the end of the previous year; - growth rates of wages and pensions of 2.23% and 1.73% respectively, i.e. both the rates were 0.16 percentage points lower than those used at end-2003. Throughout the year, past service liabilities had an overall increase of 7.32%. This rate can be broken down into 3.03% originating from developments expected for that year and 4.29% resulting from the combined effect of the indexation of actuarial assumptions, changes or adjustments to the actuarial model and deviations between expected and actual values. 3. THE MACROECONOMIC FRAMEWORK OF ASSET MANAGEMENT The year 2004 was marked by the recovery of global economic growth, with no impact on a re-emergence of inflationary pressures, despite the fiscal policy difficulties and the oil price increase of around 33%, to a level above USD 40/barrel by year-end. The euro area recorded an estimated economic growth of 2%, against only 0.5% in 2003, with inflation stabilising at 2.1%. According to the latest available data, the Portuguese economy seems to have continued to register a lower growth rate and a higher inflation than the euro area averages. 16 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements Table 3 - ECONOMIC GROWTH AND INFLATION 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004p Gross domestic product 3.5 1.6 0.9 0.5 2.0 Consumer prices 2.1 2.3 2.3 2.1 2.1 Gross domestic product 3.7 1.8 0.5 -1.3 1.1 Consumer prices 2.8 4.4 3.7 3.3 2.5 Growth rates (%) Euro area Portugal Sources: Banco de Portugal, European Central Bank and Eurostat Throughout the year, in contrast to the policy of interest rate rises pursued by the US monetary authority, the European Central Bank (ECB) did not change its reference rates. This was a determining factor for the relative stability observed in euro area interest rates with maturities of up to 2 years. By contrast, long-term interest rates declined remarkably, which may have been associated with expectations of weak economic growth in Europe, subdued inflation and euro appreciation. In fact, during 2004 the euro appreciated by approximately 8% against the US dollar and by 3% against the Japanese yen, boosted by a global portfolio shift caused by concerns with excessive growth in the US fiscal and current account deficits. 17 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements Table 4 – DEVELOPMENTS IN THE MAIN EURO AREA INTEREST RATES Dec. Dec. Change 2003 2004 (p.p.) 2.00% 2.00% 0.00 3 months 2.13% 2.16% +0.03 1 year 2.31% 2.36% +0.05 2 years 2.49% 2.48% -0.01 10 years 4.30% 3.69% -0.61 30 years 4.94% 4.29% -0.65 ECB intervention rate Rate on the main refinancing operations Money market yields(*) Treasury bond yields (**) Source: REUTERS. (*) Euro area benchmark: Euribor rates. (**) Euro area benchmark: German government debt securities. Expectations of an intensified growth pace sustained the upward trend in the major stock markets in 2004, despite the movements seen over the year. In the US the S&P500 index rose by 9%, in Europe the DJ Stoxx 50E index increased by 6.9% and in Japan the Nikkei 225 index rose by 7.6%. 4. ASSET PORTFOLIO STRUCTURE The asset portfolio structure of the Pension Fund was largely determined by the mark to market principles adopted for the liabilities’ valuation. In effect, an indexation methodology for actuarial and financial assumptions has been adopted since 2001, relying on the assumption that the current value of liabilities should represent, at each moment, the capital that would have to be invested in order to meet future payments. As a result, the investment policy for the assets largely reflects the liabilities’ time structure. 18 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements The structure of the Pension Fund’s asset portfolio remained relatively stable in the course of 2004, with only a slight reinforcement of the weight of the equity exposure to the detriment of the fixed income exposure. This latter investment class continued, however, to have an important share on the portfolio, due to its strategic relevance in the interest rate risk immunisation of the Pension Fund’s balance sheet. Chart 3 - STRUCTURE OF THE PENSION FUND’S PORTFOLIO BY ASSET CLASS – 2004 Equity 9.4% Real estate 15.0% Bonds 75.6% 5. PERFORMANCE BY ASSET CLASS The performance of the Pension Fund’s asset portfolio in 2004 was largely determined by the yield on the bond portfolio, given the high weight of the latter in the total. The decline in medium and long-term interest rates had a significant impact on the value of the bond portfolio, which was magnified by the concentration of investments on long-term securities. As a consequence, the effect of the decline in interest rates on the value of past service liabilities was adequately offset at the asset level, which provided a high level of coverage for these liabilities. The returns on equity and real estate investments, albeit lower, did not jeopardise this result. 19 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements Table 5 - PERFORMANCE BY ASSET CLASS Fixed income Equity Real estate Total 11.7% 8.3% 3.5% 10.1% The return on the equity portfolio was consolidated in the last four months of the year, given the valuation of the major stock market indices. The adopted foreign exchange hedging policy enabled the preservation of the return on equity investment in markets outside the euro area, in a context of appreciation of the euro against the major currencies. The regions with a higher weight in the Pension Fund’s portfolio recorded higher yields, namely North America (9.2%) and the euro area (8.1%), which at year end accounted for 30.5% and 55.1% respectively of the Pension Fund’s equity portfolio. Chart 4 Chart 5 YIELD ON EQUITY BY REGION GEOGRAPHICAL BREAKDOWN OF EQUITY AS AT 31 DEC. 2004 10.0% 9.2% 9.0% 8.3% 8.1% 2.6% 8.0% 7.2% 7.0% 30.5% 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 55.1% 3.0% 2.5% 11.8% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% Asia-Pacific Euro area Europe ex euro area North America Total Asia-Pacific Euro area Europe ex euro area 20 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. North America 2004 Report and Financial Statements Real estate investment generated a return of 3.5% in 2004, while the performance of the building portfolio was 2.6%. In turn, the yield on the real estate investment fund portfolio was 4.7%. 6. RISK CONTROL The Pension Fund’s investment policy is bound by the applicable regulations set forth by Instituto de Seguros de Portugal (ISP – Portuguese Insurance Institute), namely as regards asset composition and control and the use of derivatives, repurchase agreements and securities lending. It is also bound by internal rules, which are more detailed and restrictive than the regulations. These rules are set forth by the Managing Company itself, strictly in line with the risk profile desired by the sponsor – Banco de Portugal. In the course of 2004 the portfolio structure was subject to constant analysis and monitoring, intended to identify the degree of exposure to different types of risk (credit risk, country risk, market risk, liquidity risk and legal risks) and also to recommend actions to mitigate such exposure, if deemed excessive. The control of credit risk associated with either the institutions issuing securities that integrate the investment portfolio (issuers) or those with whom transactions are dealt (counterparties) is ensured by restricting investment to instruments and institutions of recognised safety and financial strength. It also implies monitoring the rating attributed by international agencies such as FitchRatings, Moody’s Investor Service and Standard & Poor’s, which must respect pre-established minimum levels. In late 2004 the Pension Fund’s fixed-income portfolio showed a low level of credit risk exposure, given the large share of sovereign issuers with a high rating. 21 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements Charts 6 and 7 - CREDIT RISK OF THE FIXED-INCOME PORTFOLIO AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2004 TYPE OF ISSUER / COUNTERPARTY 1.8% 0.3% 3.6% RATING OF THE ISSUER/COUNTERPARTY 0.2% 2.0% 23.1% 94.1% Governments Paragovernmental Corporate institutions 74.8% Supranational Financial institutions AAA AA A At year end the country risk of the portfolio was concentrated in the European countries, mainly in the euro area. Chart 8 – GEOGRAPHICAL BREAKDOWN OF COUNTRY RISK - 31 DECEMBER 2004 Asia Pacific 0.2% North America 2.9% Europe ex euro area 2.4% Euro area 94.4% The most frequently used indicator in the measurement of market risk is the Value-at-Risk (VaR), which seeks to quantify the maximum potential loss that the investment portfolio may suffer within a given time horizon and with a certain degree of confidence. 22 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements At the end of 2004 the VaR of the financial asset portfolio (excluding real estate assets) for a time horizon of one-month and with a confidence level of 99% was €26.9 million, i.e. 3.1% of the portfolio value. The management of the investment portfolio’s interest rate risk using the modified duration indicator is especially relevant, as it allows a link to be established between the financial assets and the liabilities of the Pension Fund. At the end of 2004 this indicator stood at 9.99. Table 6 – MODIFIED DURATION 31 Dec. 2004 Maturity segments Up to 1 year 1 to 3 years 3 to 5 years 5 to 7 years 7 to 10 years over 10 years Total Weight % MDuration 31 Dec. 2003 Weight % MDuration 4.0% 7.9% 9.9% 1.1% 2.4% 74.7% 0.59 1.89 3.13 5.03 7.22 12.43 1.9% 9.5% 10.1% 3.0% 4.4% 71.3% 0.56 1.77 3.61 4.51 6.62 11.70 100.0% 9.99 100.0% 9.31 The management of the investment portfolio’s exchange rate risk continued to be carried out through forward foreign exchange transactions linked to investments in assets denominated in non-euro currencies. As for legal risks, special emphasis is placed on the legal framework analysis and on the monitoring of strict compliance with the rules and limits of prudential diversification as defined by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal concerning the asset composition of the Pension Fund’s portfolio. 23 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements 7. FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE PENSION FUND FROM AN ASSET-LIABILITY PERSPECTIVE On 31 December 2004 the assets of the Pension Fund of Banco de Portugal amounted to €1,012.2 million, up by €71.6 million from a year earlier. Total past service liabilities amounted to €1,040.9 million, €548.95 million of which are liabilities relating to pensions in payment and €491.96 million correspond to past service liabilities of active employees. In 2004 the increase in past service liabilities amounted to €70.95 million. At year end the Pension Fund posted an overall funding level of 97.2%, ensuring a coverage of 100% of liabilities with pension payments and a coverage of past service liabilities of active employees higher than 95% (minimum established in Notice of Banco de Portugal No 12/2001 of 23 November). Chart 9 – DEVELOPMENTS IN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF THE PENSION FUND (€ million) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2000 Pension Fund value 2001 2002 2003 2004 Past service liabilities For the purposes of the provisions of Notice of Banco de Portugal No 12/2001, the degree of coverage was 100.6% of the minimum required. The requirements established by the 24 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements Instituto de Seguros de Portugal were also fully complied with, and the coverage of the solvency minimum reached 116.2%. These results, achieved without recourse to any extraordinary contribution, were mainly due to the policy of concentrating investments on medium and long-term bonds, with a view to adjusting the asset portfolio structure to the profile of the Fund’s liabilities. Table 7 - FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE PENSION FUND (amounts in €) (1) (2) (3) (4)= (1)/(3) (5) (6)= (1)/(5) (7) (8)= (1)/(7) Pension Fund value Extraordinary contribution Past service liabilities (PSL) Actual funding level PSL of compulsory funding (Notice No 12/2001) Coverage of PSL of compulsory funding PSL for the calculation of the minimum solvency ratio Minimum solvency coverage 31 Dec. 2003 31 Dec. 2004 940,601,556 14,000,000 969,954,007 97.0% 935,353,570 100.6% 847,025,766 111.0% 1,012,217,188 0 1,040,908,959 97.2% 1,006,572,839 100.6% 870,771,795 116.2% 8. PROPOSAL FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF RESULTS The net profit in the accounts of the Managing Company, for the fiscal year 2004, was €7,523, which shall be distributed as follows: Legal reserve € 377 Free reserves € 7,146 Total € 7,523 25 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements 9. FINAL REMARK The Board of Directors would like to conclude the Report and Financial Statements for the fiscal year 2004 by thanking Banco de Portugal for its confidence and cooperation. A word of recognition is also due to Instituto de Seguros de Portugal for the manner in which it monitored the business activities of the Managing Company. Finally, reference should be made to the high professionalism and dedication of all the staff of the Managing Company, who played a decisive role in the results achieved. Lisbon, 10 March 2005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS António Manuel Martins Pereira Marta Chairman Manuel Ramos de Sousa Sebastião Member of the Board Helena Maria de Almeida Martins Adegas Executive Director 26 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements Balance sheet and profit and loss account 2004 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. NA = Net assets Accountant 4.276.288 25.566 69.142 2.941 28.508 1.421.203 11.765 1.127.599 75.871 1.247 77.118 11.765 0 117.229 2.093 78.319 1.199.726 12.071 1.292.209 DA 2004 2.924.227 25.566 69.142 2.941 97.650 75.871 1.247 77.118 1.115.835 1.115.835 562.223 3.996 566.219 43.252 0 22.820 76.486 919.902 4.947 1.024.154 NA Fiscal years 1.127.599 562.223 3.996 566.219 43.252 117.229 24.913 154.805 2.119.628 17.018 2.316.363 GA Paulo José Antunes Jorge DA = Depreciation and accumulated provisions GA = Gross assets TOTAL ASSETS Total depreciation Total provisions ACCRUALS AND PREPAID EXPENSES Accrued income Prepaid expenses Deferred tax assets Bank deposits and cash: Bank deposits Cash Marketable securities: Other marketable securities CURRENT ASSETS Short-term debts of third parties: Government and other public entities Other accounts receivable / Other debtors? Assets under construction Intangible fixed assets Tangible fixed assets: Buildings and other constructions Basic equipment Office equipment Other tangible fixed assets TANGIBLE AND INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS ASSETS 67.980 2.426.477 - 22.185 45.796 319.932 1.247 321.179 1.065.619 1.065.619 0 173.196 173.196 375.976 374 17.541 64.893 332.646 7.074 422.153 NA 2003 LIABILITIES Sub-total.............. TOTAL EQUITY António Manuel Martins Pereira Marta Manuel ramos de Sousa Sebastião Helena Maria de Almeida Martins Adegas Board of Directors TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES ACCRUALS AND INCOME COLLECTED IN ADVANCE Accrued expenses Income collected in advance PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND COSTS Provisions LIABILITIES Short-term debts to third parties: Other shareholders Other creditors Suppliers, c/a Government and other public entities Net profit for the year Results carried forward Reserves: Legal reserve Free reserves Capital EQUITY BALANCE SHEET SOCIEDADE GESTORA DO FUNDO DE PENSÕES DO BANCO DE PORTUGAL, S.A. 2.924.227 1.015.051 7.726 741 730 760.207 23.550 124.287 908.773 97.810 7.523 1.909.176 102.273 799.380 1.901.653 0 1.000.000 2004 2.426.477 524.824 29.928 741 825 190.565 42.719 179.795 413.904 80.250 16.540 1.901.654 101.446 783.667 1.885.113 0 1.000.000 2003 Fiscal years (EUR) TOTAL -52.626 79.730 27.104 27.908 16.540 3.562.980 16.540 3.546.440 11.368 3.535.072 1.344 3.533.728 7.163 3.526.565 22.687 2.078.026 80.250 270.292 TOTAL (F) ....................................... Extraordinary income and profits (D) ....................................... Other interest and similar income Income from marketable securities and other financial holdings Supply of services Supplementary income (B) ....................................... 3.379.773 3.379.773 5.442 3.374.331 0 50.514 3.313.573 10.244 3.323.816 António Manuel Martins Pereira Marta Manuel ramos de Sousa Sebastião Helena Maria de Almeida Martins Adegas 2.167 4.996 9.188 13.499 2.058.099 19.927 1.075.309 2004 Fiscal years Paulo José Antunes Jorge -24.153 29.039 4.886 9.339 7.523 3.379.773 7.523 3.372.249 1.816 3.370.433 989 3.369.445 21.475 3.347.970 16.147 2.149.012 17.560 254.050 911.201 2003 INCOME Board of Directors 8.525 12.950 500 15.647 2.095.651 53.361 2004 Fiscal years Accountant Net profit and loss for the year: (F) - (G) =..................... Profit and loss before taxes: (F) - (E) =..................... Current profit and loss: (D) - (C) =.................................. Financial profit and loss: (D - B) - (C - A) =.................... Operational profit and loss: (B) - (A) =............................. Summary: Net profit for the year (G) ....................................... Tax on profit for the year (E) ....................................... Extraordinary costs and losses (C) ....................................... Interest and similar costs Provisions for financial holdings (A) ....................................... Other operational costs and losses Taxes Staff costs: Salaries Other staff costs Provisions Depreciation of tangible and intangible fixed assets Supplies and services from third parties EXPENSES PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SOCIEDADE GESTORA DO FUNDO DE PENSÕES DO BANCO DE PORTUGAL, S.A. 2003 3.562.980 3.562.980 2.149 3.560.832 40.153 46.740 3.463.924 10.015 3.473.939 (EUR) SOCIEDADE GESTORA DO FUNDO DE PENSÕES DO BANCO DE PORTUGAL, S.A. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT CASH FLOWS Fiscal year 2004 Operational activities Net profit and loss 7.523 Adjustments Depreciation Provisions Financial profit and loss 254.050 25.171 -393.024 Increases in debts of third parties Decreases in debts of third parties Increase in inventories Decrease in inventories 494.869 Increases in debts to third parties Decreases in debts to third parties Decrease in income collected in advance Increase in accrued income Decrease in prepaid expenses Increase in accrued expenses Profits on the disposal of fixed assets Losses on the disposal of fixed assets Increase in deferred tax assets Flows from operational activities -3.382 -23.347 -22.202 -2.941 ....................................... 329.195 Investment activities Revenues from: 57.826 522.953 Financial investments Tangible fixed assets Intangible fixed assets Investment subsidies Interest and similar income Dividends Payments relating to: Financial investments Tangible fixed assets Intangible fixed assets Flows from investment activities ....................................... 580.779 Financing activities Revenues from: Loans received Equity increases Supplements and issue premiums Subsidies and endowments Sale of shares Loss coverage 0 0 0 0 0 0 Payments relating to: Loans received Repayment of financial leasing contracts Interest and similar income Dividends Capital reduction and supplementary payments Purchase of own shares 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flows from investment activities ....................................... 0 Cash change and equivalents Effect of foreign exchange differences Cash and equivalents at the start of the period Cash and equivalents at the end of the period ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... -244.061 0 321.180 77.118 Accountant Paulo José Antunes Jorge SOCIEDADE GESTORA DO FUNDO DE PENSÕES DO BANCO DE PORTUGAL, S.A. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FUNCTIONS Fiscal years 2004 2003 3.313.573 0 3.463.924 0 3.313.573 3.463.924 10.244 0 3.331.823 11.694 10.015 0 3.503.879 21.882 -19.700 -51.822 29.039 0 0 79.730 0 0 9.339 27.908 1.816 11.368 7.523 16.540 Extraordinary profit and loss 0 0 Taxes on extraordinary profit and loss 0 0 7.523 16.540 Sales and supply of services Cost of sales and of supply of services Gross profit and loss ....................................... Other operational income Distribution costs Administrative costs Other operational costs and losses Operational profit and loss ....................................... Net financing cost Income (losses) from branches and associated companies Income (losses) from other investments Current profit and loss ....................................... Taxes on current profit and loss Current profit and loss after taxes Net profit and loss ....................................... ....................................... Accountant Paulo José Antunes Jorge 2004 Report and Financial Statements Annex to the balance sheet and the profit and loss account 2004 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements Annex to the balance sheet and the profit and loss account SETTING-UP AND BUSINESS ACTIVITY Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. (Banco de Portugal’s Pension Fund Managing Company) was set up on 3 June 1988 through a notarial deed drawn up from Fl. 74 to Fl. 76 of the deed book No 677 – C of the 9th Notarial Office of Lisbon, with the purpose of administering, managing and representing the Pension Fund of Banco de Portugal. Its setting-up was authorised by Executive Order No 245/88 of 20 April of the Finance Ministry. The annex to the accounts is in line with the plan in the Official Chart of Accounts (POC). Missing numbers do not apply because the values and situations to be reported are either irrelevant or non-existent. 3. VALUATION CRITERIA The Managing Company’s financial statements were prepared in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in Portugal, namely with the basic principles of continuity, consistency, accruals, historical cost, prudence, substance and materiality. The valuation criteria adopted by the Managing Company are the following: x Fixed assets Fixed assets are entered at acquisition cost. 28 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements Depreciation and amortisation are calculated on the basis of the estimated useful lives. Therefore, use is made of the constant quota method, with the annual depreciation and amortisation quota criterion being applied to assets acquired up to and including 1993 and, for assets acquired after this date, the quota criterion corresponding to the number of months counting from the month of entry into operation. Depreciation and amortisation rates are in conformity with the Portuguese tax law. The resulting useful life is close to the asset lifetime. The depreciation and amortisation rates were the following: Annual percentage Basic equipment 10% Office and social equipment and sundry furniture 10 to 33.33% Other tangible fixed assets 12.50 % x Marketable securities Marketable securities are valued at acquisition cost, which includes all purchase-related costs. Provisions were set up aimed at a full coverage of the value of capital losses in the securities portfolio and corresponding to a decline in the market value vis-à-vis the acquisition cost of securities, when the former is lower. x Recognition of costs and income 29 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements Costs and income are recognised when they occur, taking into account the period to which they refer, regardless of their actual financial settlement. 6. DEFERRED TAXES It was recognised that temporary differences between the accounting and tax results have an effect on taxation in terms of corporate income tax. These differences regard provisions for securities portfolio depreciation, and the deferred tax was entered to an amount of €2,941.17. 7. STAFF During 2004 the average number of staff members of the Managing Company was 35. 10. FIXED ASSETS Movements in this item were as follows: 30 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements INITIAL BALANCE TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Gross assets Buildings and other constructions Basic equipment Office equipment Other tangible fixed assets INCREASES 17,688.16 7,224.64 129,043.59 1.299,883.40 25,761.10 822,691.43 WRITE-OFFS / WRITEDOWNS FINAL BALANCE 24,912.80 (2,946.86) 17,018.00 154,804.69 2,119,627.97 17,018.00 Intangible fixed assets 117,229.01 Fixed assets under construction 375,975.65 384,356.35 (717,080.30) 117,229.01 43,251.70 1,956,837.81 1,240,033.52 (720,027.16) 2,476,844.17 (147.40) (1,945.47) (i) Accumulated depreciation Buildings and other constructions Basic equipment Office equipment Other tangible fixed assets Other Research and Development expenses Net assets (2,092.87) (64,150.79) (14,167.83) (967,237.89) (235,435.13) (78,318.62) (9,944.10) (2,127.25) (12,071.35) (116,854.94) (374.07) (117,229.01) (1,158,335.12) (254,049.75) 2,946.86 2,946.86 798,502.69 (1,199,726.16) (1,409,438.01) 1,067,406.16 (EUR) (i) See Note 14. 14. FIXED ASSETS UNDER CONSTRUCTION From the amount transferred from tangible and intangible fixed assets under construction, €715,527.78 are related to the implementation of a new computer application to support financial asset management, which went into production at the end of the second quarter of 2004. 31 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements 17. MARKETABLE SECURITIES This item is composed as follows: 2004 FIXED INCOME SECURITIES Public debt Sundry VARIABLE INCOME SECURITIES Equity Mutual funds 861,512.50 - 815,896.00 - 861,512.50 815,896.00 1.15 266,085.54 1.15 253,875.96 266,086.69 253,877.11 (11,764.69) Provisions for treasury applications 1,115,834.50 Net value 2003 (4,153.97) 1,065,619.14 (EUR) 32. GUARANTEES PLEDGED As at 31 December 2004 the Managing Company had pledged guarantees to the amount of €1,819,358.09, mostly related to judicial proceedings in course. During the fiscal year 2004 and within the scope of the judicial proceedings in course, the Court requested that the Managing Company delivered a bank guarantee for possible contingencies of the Pension Fund, to the amount of €1,795,362.12. 34. MOVEMENTS IN PROVISIONS Movements in the accounts of provisions for treasury applications and provisions for risks and charges were as follows: 32 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements INITIAL BALANCE INCREASE CANCELLA TION FINAL BALANCE Provisions for treasury applications (i) 4,153.97 12,950.00 5,339.28 11,764.69 Provisions for risks and charges 80,250.00 17,560.00 0.00 97,810.00 (EUR) (i) See Note 3. Provisions for risks and charges were set up in order to meet possible judicial contingencies of a compensatory nature. 35. EQUITY CAPITAL The Shareholders’ Meeting of Banco de Portugal’s Pension Fund Managing Company held on 30 March 2001 approved that the Managing Company’s equity capital would be redenominated with renominalisation and an equity increase through the incorporation of reserves. The Managing Company’s equity capital totals €1,000,000, being fully subscribed and realised, represented by 200,000 shares with the nominal value of €5 each. 37. SHARE IN THE SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL Banco de Portugal holds 97.63% of the capital, corresponding to 195,259 shares. 40. MOVEMENTS IN EQUITY ITEMS Movements in the fiscal year were as follows: 33 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements Initial balance Capital Increases 1,000,000.00 - Final balance 1,000,000.00 Legal reserve 101,446.42 827.02 102,273.44 Free reserves 783,666.84 15,713.31 799,380.15 1,885,113.26 16,540.33 1,901,653.59 (EUR) Increases in the fiscal year were in line with the proposal for the distribution of net results for 2003 submitted by the Board of Directors and approved in the Shareholders’ Meeting. 45. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Expenses 2004 Income 2003 Provisions for treasury applications 12,950.00 Losses on the sale of treasury applications 6,512.50 41.77 Other financial expenses 2,012.53 2,125.17 Financial profit and loss 29,039.22 79,729.51 50,514.25 86,892.77 TOTAL 4,996.32 Interest obtained 2004 2003 50,514.25 46,739.69 - 40,153.08 50,514.25 86,892.77 Gains on the sale of treasury applications TOTAL (EUR) 34 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements 46. EXTRAORDINARY PROFITS AND LOSSES Expenses 2004 Other extraordinary expenses Losses in fixed assets Income 2003 988.92 1,344.33 0.0 0.0 Decreases in depreciation and provisions 2004 2003 5,339.28 1,007.53 0.0 0.00 101.51 1,140.98 1.20 0.01 Gains in fixed assets Corrections of previous fiscal years Other extraordinary income Extraordinary profit and loss TOTAL 4,453.07 5,441.99 804.19 2,148.52 TOTAL 5,441.99 2,148.52 (EUR) 48. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION x Bank deposits This item is broken down as follows: (€) 2004 Demand deposits Fixed-term deposits Total 2003 75,870.78 38,425.44 - 281,507.00 75,870.78 319,932.44 35 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements x Income taxes – corporate income tax Taxes on profits are calculated on the basis of the value forecast to be paid, at the rates prevailing at the balance sheet date. It is reflected in the “Government and other public entities” item. In accordance with the legislation in force, the tax situation may be reviewed by the Tax Administration for four years, and this review may lead to possible corrections to the basis of assessment and additional settlements with regard to the fiscal years from 2000 up to and including 2004. The Board of Directors acknowledges that any additional settlement will have no significant impact on financial statements. x Supply of services The supply of services refers exclusively to management fees, whose amount is set on an annual basis according to the management agreement signed between Banco de Portugal and the Pension Fund Managing Company. By decision of the Managing Company’s Board of Directors, management fees in 2004 were set at €3,313,572.50. x Supplementary income The value entered in this item refers to income resulting from a sub-lease contract. x Staff costs The value of this item includes costs with staff members of the Managing Company, namely those who are covered by the secondment arrangement concluded with Banco de Portugal, and training costs directly borne by the Managing Company. 36 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2004 Report and Financial Statements x Suspense accounts Pursuant to paragraph 3.1 of Rule No 12/95-R of 6 July of the Portuguese Insurance Institute, as at 31 December 2004 the accounts of the Pension Fund of Banco de Portugal were symmetrically balanced, posting €1,012,217,188 in class 0 – Off-balance sheet accounts, in the following main accounts: 01 – Pension Fund of Banco de Portugal and 02 – Management of the Pension Fund of Banco de Portugal. Accountant Board of Directors Paulo José Antunes Jorge António Manuel Martins Pereira Marta Chairman Manuel Ramos de Sousa Sebastião Member of the Board Helena Maria de Almeida Martins Adegas Executive Director 37 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. ERNST & YOUNG Ernst & Young & Associados-SROC, S.A. Edifício República Avenida da República, 90 – 6.º 1600-206 Lisboa Portugal Tel.: (351) 217 912 000 Fax: (351) 217 957 586 LEGAL CERTIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS Introduction 1. We have audited the financial statements of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal (Banco de Portugal’s Pension Fund Managing Company) which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2004, with a total of €2,924,277 and a total equity capital of €1,909,176, including a net profit of €7,523. It also includes the Profit and Loss Account by category and by functions and cash flows for the year then ended, as well as the corresponding Annexes. Responsibilities 2. It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to prepare financial statements that give a true and fair view of the Managing Company’s financial position, its profit and cash flows, as well as to adopt adequate accounting policies and criteria and to maintain an appropriate internal control system. 3. Our responsibility is to express an independent professional opinion based on our audit to those financial statements. Basis of audit opinion 4. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Examination/Audit Technical Rules and Guidelines of Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas (Portuguese Institute of Chartered Accountants). In addition, we complied with the International Accounting Standards, which require that we plan and perform our audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free of material misstatement. For this, the audit included: x examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and an assessment of estimates used in their preparation, which were based on judgements and criteria defined by the Board of Directors; x x x assessing whether the accounting policies adopted and their disclosure are appropriate to the circumstances; assessing whether the consistency principle is applied; and evaluating the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements. 5. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Opinion 6. In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view in all material respects of the financial position of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. as at 31 December 2004 and of its profit and cash flows for the year then ended, in accordance with the accounting principles that are generally followed in Portugal. Lisbon, 11 March 2005 ERNST & YOUNG AUDIT & ASSOCIADOS, SROC, S.A. Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas n.º 178 Represented by: João Carlos Miguel Alves (ROC n.º 896) Ana Salcedas FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2004 Note 2004 2003 FUND INVESTMENTS Land and buildings 4 85,702,501 87,574,260 Credit securities 5 896,559,234 832,036,224 Cash and bank deposits 6 7,334,745 1,072,954 3,703,251 708,253 18,917,457 19,209,865 1,012,217,188 940,601,556 General debtors and creditors 7 Accruals and deferrals 8 (EUR) PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR 2004 Note 2004 2003 FUND VALUE INCREASES Contributions 10 17,613,570 31,786,037 Income 11 42,496,619 44,046,902 Capital gains 12 87,983,331 115,134,037 20,891 29,698 148,114,411 190,996,674 Other revenue (EUR) 41 FUND VALUE Initial assets 4,987,979 4,987,979 935,613,577 893,734,389 71,615,632 41,879,188 1,012,217,188 940,601,556 Accumulated profit and loss and contributions Previous fiscal years For the year 9 (EUR) FUND VALUE DECREASES Pensions paid 13 Mediation fees Taxes 40,604,034 37,410,691 - 59,603 25,881 9,624 Capital losses 12 34,830,775 110,198,953 Other expenses 14 1,038,089 1,438,615 76,498,779 149,117,486 71,615,632 41,879,188 Profit for the year (EUR) 42 Notes to the financial position and the profit and loss account – 31 December 2004 1. SETTING-UP AND BUSINESS ACTIVITY The Pension Fund of Banco de Portugal was set up by Banco de Portugal, in its capacity as founder sponsor, through a public deed signed on 15 September 1988 in the 9th Notarial Office of Lisbon. The second party to the Memorandum of Association was Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal (Banco de Portugal’s Pension Fund Managing Company) in its capacity as managing company. This capacity had been granted to it in a previous Fund management agreement with Banco de Portugal. The Pension Fund is represented by autonomous assets exclusively earmarked for the fulfilment of the pension plans in force. It provides for the right of the employees of Banco de Portugal to receive deferred instalments, in accordance with the Memorandum of Association and the collective wage agreement prevailing for the banking sector. 2. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The accounts in annex were prepared in accordance with the accounting records of Banco de Portugal’s Pension Fund Managing Company. These accounts summarise the Fund’s transactions and net assets. They do not consider liabilities relating to pensions or other benefits payable in the future. The Fund’s actuarial position, including these liabilities, is shown in the actuarial report. The financial statements should be read jointly with this report (see Note 15). 43 3. ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES a) General The financial statements were prepared in line with the accounting principles generally accepted in Portugal and in accordance with the rules of the Portuguese Insurance Institute (ISP). The accounts were prepared according to the historical cost convention (changed due to the adoption of the current value principle as regards investment in land, buildings and credit securities) and on the basis of the continuity of operations in conformity with the basic accounting concepts of consistency, prudence and accruals. b) Land and buildings Land and buildings are initially accounted for at the acquisition cost plus purchase expenses. Subsequently, this value is updated as a result of assessments by independent entities, according to the assessment regime laid down in Rule No 16/99 of 29 December of the ISP. Unrealised capital gains and losses arising from the updating of the buildings’ value are reflected in the profit and loss account, in the fiscal year of the assessment. c) Credit securities Financial investments in portfolio as at 31 December 2004 are valued at fair value in accordance with Rule No 26/2002 of 31 December 2002 of the ISP. In fulfilment of this Rule, use is made of an economic methodology adjusted to the type of financial asset in question to value quoted securities whose quotation moves significantly away from their fair value. 44 The difference between the securities’ fair value and the respective acquisition cost is recorded under the capital gains and losses items, as appropriate, of the profit and loss account. The difference between the proceeds from the sale of securities and the value for which they were accounted for is also recorded under the same items. d) Contributions Upon actual receipt, Banco de Portugal’s contributions to the Fund are recorded under the item Contributions to the profit and loss account (see Note 10). e) Income Income from real estate rents and securities is accounted for in the period to which it refers, except for share dividends, which are only recognised when they are received. f) Pensions Pensions are paid to the beneficiaries by Banco de Portugal, which is subsequently compensated by the Fund for the overall amount on a monthly basis (see Note 13). g) Fees Fees are accounted for in the respective profit and loss account item in the period to which they refer, regardless of when they are paid. Fees that are not yet settled are entered against the accrued expenses item and fees paid in advance in relation to the period to which they refer are recorded under the prepaid expenses item (see Note 8 a)). 45 h) Derivatives FOREIGN EXCHANGE FORWARDS Foreign exchange forward contracts, conducted with the purpose of hedging foreign exchange exposure in the securities portfolio, are revalued at the forward foreign exchange rates corresponding to the remaining time to maturity, released by internationally recognised financial information systems. This revaluation is based on the average between the bid and ask quotes at the revaluation date. The differences between equivalents in euro at the forward revaluation rates applied and equivalents in euro at the rates agreed represent the revaluations’ income or cost. These rates are recorded under Fund value increases or decreases respectively, namely under the capital gains or losses item, against accruals and deferrals. i) Tax regime applicable Pension Funds are exempt from the payment of corporate income tax and municipal transfer tax, in accordance with the Tax Incentives Statute. 4. LAND AND BUILDINGS Date of latest assessment Acquisition value 2004 2003 Adjustments Balance-sheet value Balance-sheet value Avenida da República 2002 8,055,046 9,406,954 17,462,000 17,462,000 Arquiparque 2004 11,652,914 (1,848,713) 9,804,201 10,300,000 2003 7,817,898 4,082,102 11,900,000 11,900,000 Quinta da Fonte 2004 4,965,976 847,024 5,813,000 6,658,000 Av. 5 de Outubro 2002 11,127,433 1,653,567 12,781,000 12,781,000 Avenida da Liberdade – Edifício Libersil 46 Avenida de Berna – Espaço Berna 2003 12,796,688 1,053,312 13,850,000 13,850,000 2004 14,355,004 (262,704) 14,092,300 14,623,260 70,770,959 14,931,542 85,702,501 87,574,260 Linda-a-Velha – Edifício Securitas The acquisition value includes the base price, legal charges and other expenses. The adjustment value corresponds to potential capital gains and losses computed in the fiscal year 2004 (net capital loss of €1,871,760, including an increase of €577,874 related to reconversion works in Edifício Arquiparque – see Note 12 a)) and in previous years (capital gain of €16,803,301). Assessments should be made every three years or earlier, when there are materially relevant mismatches between the building’s net value and its market value. In 2004 real estate including Arquiparque, Quinta da Fonte and Edifício Securitas was revalued, and the following potential capital losses were calculated: Building Potential capital gain/(loss) Arquiparque (495,800) Quinta da Fonte (845,000) Ed. Securitas (530,960) Total (1,871,760) 47 5. CREDIT SECURITIES 2004 2003 Acquisition value Adjustments Market value Market value Shares 67,227 Equity Mutual fund units 145,277,380 FIXED INCOME SECURITIES - BONDS (67,227) 13,662,788 158,940,168 3,960,428 11,223 105,692,838 673,439,798 53,130,381 2,492,493 (3,362) 7,366,987 1,192,769 828,643,885 67,915,349 726,570,179 2,489,131 8,559,756 896,559,234 705,814,961 4,962,160 11,594,614 832,036,224 VARIABLE INCOME SECURITIES government of other supranational issuers of other issuers The adjustment value corresponds to potential capital gains or losses computed as the difference between the market value and the historical acquisition value. In 2004 the net value of potential capital gains and losses entered in the profit and loss account amounted to €51,171,543 (see Note 12 b). The remaining €16,743,806 relate to previous years. 6. CASH AND BANK DEPOSITS This item is broken down as follows: Cash Domestic demand deposits Demand deposits abroad Domestic fixed-term deposits Fixed-term deposits abroad 7. 2004 719 827,896 27,990 6,506,130 7,334,745 2003 719 1,046,600 25,635 1,072,954 2004 2003 GENERAL DEBTORS AND CREDITORS This item is broken down as follows: 48 CURRENT ASSETS Taxes (a) Brokers and financial intermediaries Corporate income tax – Current account (b) Defaulting bond holders (c) Lease-holders (d) Provisions for non-performing loans (d) Derivatives (e) Other CURRENT LIABILITIES Taxes Creditors – Buildings Creditors – Other (f) Contributions and pensions to be settled Other Net value a) 713,961 50,968 138,728 366,454 (301,644) 2,709,387 461,400 4,139,254 734,074 50,968 138,728 437,292 (301,644) 877,413 41,550 1,978,381 100,564 204,891 21,692 108,856 436,003 3,703,251 168,304 44,345 942,728 114,749 1,270,129 708,253 Taxes - VAT This item essentially comprises VAT paid in the reconversion works of Edifício Libersil, to be reported to subsequent periods. b) Corporate income tax – Current account The current account with the Treasury records the net value of corporate income tax withheld in the purchase and sale of securities. c) Defaulting bond holders Values covered by provisions recorded under the accruals and deferrals item (see Note 8 b)). d) Lease-holders/Provisions for non-performing loans This item essentially comprises non-performing debts of Edifício Libersil’s tenants and is fully provisioned. 49 e) Derivatives The derivatives policy was exclusively based on the use of foreign exchange forward contracts to hedge the foreign exchange exposure in exchange traded funds denominated in four currencies: pound sterling, US dollar, Japanese yen and Swiss franc, to the nominal amounts of GBP 6,315,303, USD 36,433,095, JPY 337,794,511 and CHF 3,540,256 respectively. f) Creditors - Other In 2003 this item included the value of subscribed unrealised shares related to the participation of the Pension Fund in an equity increase. 8. ACCRUALS AND DEFERRALS This item is broken down as follows: 2004 2003 Interest receivable from credit securities 19,170,984 from fixed-term deposits 20,428,418 470 Rents received (51,258) (623,354) (138,728) (138,728) Other accruals and deferrals Interest in arrears – b) Accrued expenses – Fees – a) (64,339) (456,799) Contributions receivable - - Prepaid expenses – Real estate - - Prepaid expenses – Fees – a) - - Income collected in advance - Real estate - - 328 328 18,917,457 19,209,865 Other a) Note 3 g) b) Note 7 c) 50 9. FUND VALUE Changes in the fund value are presented as follows: Fund value as at 31 December 2003 940,601,556 PROFIT AND LOSS FOR THE YEAR Increases due to contributions (Note 10) Current 17,613,570 Extraordinary - 17,613,570 Decreases due to pensions paid (Note 13) Financial profit and loss (40,604,034) 94,606,096 Fund value as at 31 December 2004 10. 71,615,632 1,012,217,188 CONTRIBUTIONS Banco de Portugal’s contributions to the Fund are broken down as follows: 2004 Current contributions Extraordinary contributions 2003 17,613,570 17,786,037 - 14,000,000 17,613,570 31,786,037 Current contributions, in addition to the component relating to the sponsor, also include contributions from the staff of Banco de Portugal, under the conditions defined by their plans. Extraordinary contributions in 2003, to the amount of €14,000,000, resulted from the need to ensure the coverage of liabilities, as required by Notice No 12/2001 of 23 November. 51 11. INCOME This item represents income arising from: 2004 Land and buildings Credit securities Shares Equity Real-estate based and mutual fund units Bonds government of other public issuers of other issuers Demand deposits Fixed-term deposits 12. 2003 6,042,748 7,232,973 542,800 229 115,711 360 2,335,940 2,335,595 33,018,464 176,900 281,216 33,476,580 32,571,738 53,369 1,325,846 36,402,619 21,556 76,766 98,322 33,153 378,157 411,310 42,496,619 44,046,902 CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES Capital gains and losses for the year are broken down as follows: POTENTIAL CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES Land and buildings Capital gains Capital losses a) Credit securities Capital gains Capital losses b) Derivatives Capital gains Capital losses 2004 2003 (2,449,633) (2,449,633) 944,074 (3,442,323) (2,498,249) 80,877,012 (29,705,469) 51,171,543 102,196,152 (72,354,668) 29,841,484 - - 4,610 (2,255) 2,355 - Assets Capital gains Capital losses 52 REALISED CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES Land and buildings Capital gains Capital losses - 777,306 (120,146) 657,160 2,107,732 (632,522) (1,475,210) 5,219,637 (30,546,339) (25,326,702) 4,993,978 (2,040,896) 2,953,082 5,902,578 (3,735,478) _ 2,167,100 Capital gains Capital losses - 94,290 94,290 Total capital gains Total capital losses Net value 87,983,331 (34,830,775) 53,152,556 115,134,037 (110,198,953) 4,935,084 Credit securities Capital gains Capital losses Derivatives Capital gains Capital losses Other a) Note 4 b) Note 5 13. PENSIONS AND CAPITAL PAID Pensions are granted to individuals who retire on account of age limit, disability or early retirement, as well as to those that are entitled to survivors pensions. This item is broken down as follows: 2004 Retirement pensions on account of age limit Disability pensions Early retirement pensions Survivors pensions Repayments Transfer of rights 14. 3,732,374 2,324,002 29,415,120 5,070,921 60,668 949 40,604,034 2003 3,350,769 2,260,106 26,837,289 4,912,793 49,734 37,410,691 OTHER EXPENSES This item is broken down as follows: 2004 53 2003 Financial - a) 320,687 806,768 Buildings - b) 698,120 541,352 10,812 90,492 8,470 3 1,038,089 1,438,615 Extraordinary expenses Other expenses a) Financial expenses Up to 15 June 1998, Banco de Portugal acted as custodian, with no significant costs for the Fund. From that date onwards, this function, together with the provision of global custodian services, were transferred to a national financial entity. b) Expenses on buildings This item covers normal costs with the management and maintenance of real estate. 15. ACTUARIAL REPORT INFORMATION According to the actuarial report prepared by the Managing Company (using the actuarial and financial assumptions laid down in Notice No 12/2001 of 23 November of Banco de Portugal), as at 31 December 2004, total liabilities – and respective coverage –are as follows: 2004 2003 Liabilities for pensions in payment (A) 548,951 497,055 Past service liabilities (B) 491,958 472,899 (C) 1,040,909 969,954 of which: Past service liabilities of active members 54 as at 31 Dec. 1994 with presumable date of retirement after 31 Dec. 1997 (D) 10,251 11,532 Fund value (E) 1,012,217 940,602 97.2% 97.0% 100.6% 100.6% Coverage levels Overall (E) / (C) Minimum set in Notice No 12/2001 (E) / [(A) + 95% [ (B) - (D)]] (Amounts in EUR thousand) The overall increase in liabilities for the year, to the amount of €70,955 thousand, is accounted for by: Costs of current services / future pensions Interest costs (18,000) 47,378 Actuarial losses Deviations between assumptions and actual values 77,327 Changes in assumptions and schemes (35,750) 41,577 70,955 16. TAX LIABILITIES On 2 December 1994 Banco de Portugal and the Managing Company signed an agency agreement. Pursuant to it, the Bank shall: a) pay retirement and survivors pensions to the respective beneficiaries by order and for the account of the Managing Company; b) withhold at source the contributions and taxes due for subsequent delivery to the competent authorities, and meet the corresponding tax reporting obligations; c) settle, by deducting from the amounts paid contributions due to the Pension Fund related to its employees, under the terms of sub-paragraph a). 55 Banco de Portugal has been complying and will continue to comply with the agreement referred to as long as it remains in force. Within the scope of this agreement the Bank will assume all inherent responsibilities. 17. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES a) Edifício Libersil During 2004, by judgement of the Arbitration Tribunal, fair reason, as put forward by the Managing Company, was considered proven for the termination of an agreement. Thus, the application for compensation made by the former manager was dismissed as unfounded. Within the scope of this decision, the right of retention exercised by the former manager was also dismissed as unfounded and the cancelling of the respective bank guarantee was ordered. Judicial proceedings continue with regard to four actions brought before Court by four former shopkeepers against the Managing Company, to the amount of €2,198,221. In the view of the lawyers, it is unlikely that the Company will be sentenced. b) Edifício Armazéns de Alverca This is a judicial proceeding in which a third party claims the amount of €1,771,165, invoking that the Pension Fund assumed the obligation to pay this amount in the deed of purchase and sale of the property, signed on 1 August 1998. These buildings were resold to the former owner on 31 July 2001, after detection of some structural, geotechnical and construction problems. These gave rise to additional costs paid by the Pension Fund, to the amount of €2,507,646, for which the Managing Company claims the right to compensation. 56 In 2004 the Managing Company submitted to Court a bank guarantee to the amount demanded by the party involved in the building sale, as a guarantee for this alleged responsibility, with the purpose of withholding execution for debt. In the view of the Managing Company’s lawyers, it is not possible to predict which responsibilities the Court will eventually decide to assign. c) Avenida 5 de Outubro - Edifício Pinta The owner of the building next to Edifício Pinta brought an action before Court against the Fund, to the amount of €433,491, as compensation for the damages caused to his building when Edifício Pinta was constructed. In the view of the lawyers of the Managing Company, it is not possible to predict which responsibilities the Court will eventually decide to assign. d) Future subscription of “Office Park Expo” real-estate based fund units In 2003 and 2004 the Pension Fund subscribed “Office Park Expo” real-estate based fund units, to approximately €16,250,000. Under the terms of the Partnership Agreement, the total investment may be reinforced up to an amount not exceeding €50,000,000. 57 ERNST & YOUNG Ernst & Young & Associados-SROC, S.A. Edifício República Avenida da República, 90 – 6.º 1600-206 Lisboa Portugal Tel.: (351) 217 912 000 Fax: (351) 217 957 586 CERTIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS Introduction 1. We have audited the financial statements of Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal which comprise the financial position as at 31 December 2004, showing total investments of €1,012,217,188 and a fund value to the same amount, including the profit for the year, to an amount of €71,615,632 and the Profit and Loss Account for the year then ended, as well as the corresponding Notes. Responsibilities 2. It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal (Banco de Portugal’s Pension Fund Managing Company) to prepare financial statements that give a true and fair view of the Fund’s financial position and its profit, as well as to adopt adequate accounting policies and criteria and to maintain an appropriate internal control system. 3. Our responsibility is to express an independent professional opinion based on our audit to those financial statements. Basis of audit opinion 4. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Examination/Audit Technical Rules and Guidelines of Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas (Portuguese Institute of Chartered Accountants). In addition, we complied with the International Accounting Standards, which require that we plan and perform our audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free of material misstatement. For this, the audit included: x examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and an assessment of estimates used in their preparation, which were based on judgements and criteria defined by the Board of Directors; x x x assessing whether the accounting policies adopted and their disclosure are appropriate to the circumstances; assessing whether the consistency principle is applied; and evaluating the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements. 5. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Opinion 6. In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view in all material respects of the financial position of Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal as at 31 December 2004 and of its profit for the year then ended, in accordance with the accounting principles that are generally followed in Portugal and consistently with the Rules set forth by Instituto de Seguros de Portugal for Pension Funds. Lisbon, 11 March 2005 ERNST & YOUNG AUDIT & ASSOCIADOS, SROC, S.A. Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas n.º 178 Represented by: João Carlos Miguel Alves (ROC n.º 896) Ana Salcedas ACTUARIAL RESULTS OF THE PENSION FUND OF BANCO DE PORTUGAL AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2004 1. INTRODUCTION 2. POPULATION DATA 3. ACTUARIAL AND FINANCIAL ASSUMPTIONS 4. ACTUARIAL RESULTS AND REGULATORY MINIMUM FUNDING LEVELS Lisbon, 1 March 2005 Actuary, Rita Ornelas Marques INTRODUCTION Notice No 12/2001 of Banco de Portugal makes it possible for the funding of liabilities with employees that were active as at 31 December 1994, with presumable date of retirement after 31 December 1997, to be made through a repayment plan of uniform annual instalments, calculated for the number of years resulting from the differential between the average presumable age of retirement and the average age of that population group, up to a maximum of 20 years. As at the end of 2004 the outstanding value amounts to €10,251 thousand, with 8 future instalments. For the calculation of the value of liabilities use was made of the Projected Unit Credit Cost Method. The verification of the minimum funding level in compliance with Notice No 12/2001 of Banco de Portugal is made at the end of the year. The values shown in section 4 comply with the regulatory minimum levels established in Notice No 12/2001 of Banco de Portugal (100.6%) and the minimum solvency ratio as defined by Instituto de Seguros de Portugal (116.2%). POPULATION DATA Pensionable base remuneration Plan I Plan II Plan III Plan IV Sub-total Total Active members 1,432 291 5 9 1,737 Retired members 1,717 1 6 0 1,724 Pensioners 474 0 0 0 474 2,198 2 Pensionable complementary salary Special regime A Special regime B General regime Sub-total Total Active members 1,550 53 93 1,696 Retired members 149 1 0 150 Pensioners 8 0 0 8 158 3 ACTUARIAL AND FINANCIAL ASSUMPTIONS 3.1 FOR THE ACTUARIAL VALUATION Identification Assumption Assumptions resulting from the Plan Date of granting of the old age/retirement pension 1st occurrence (a) - Plan III - Other Plans and Regimes 1st occurrence with 18-month lag (b) Number of monthly pensions 14 Number of monthly wages 14 Technical actuarial assumptions TV 73/77 Mortality table 1978 – S.O.A. Trans. Male (US) Disability table Turnover table ……………………….. - Plan III T – 1 Crocker Sarason (US) - Other Plans and Regimes Wage growth rate 1.731% - Plan III 2.231% - Other Plans and Regimes 1.731% Pension growth rate 1.731% Wage scale growth rate 1.731% National minimum wage growth rate Wage growth rate 2004/2005 2.400% - Plan III 2.500% - Other Plans and Regimes 4.161% Discount rate 4.580% Discount rate – portability (c) Share of married participants real situation - Plan III 0.8 - Other Plans and Regimes Age difference between participants and spouses real situation - Plan III 3 (male individuals being the oldest) - Other Plans and Regimes National Minimum Wage 2005 374.70 € 4 (a) Consider the first occurrence among the following: - 65 years of age; 35 years of service or 95 points – for the Plan III participants that are employees of Banco de Portugal; - (Estimated) term of office date – for the Plan III participants that are not employees of Banco de Portugal; (b) Consider the first occurrence among the following (with 18-month lag): 65 years of age, 35 years of service or 95 points (except if the age of 65 is reached first). (c) Discount rate in the period after leaving Banco de Portugal for the purpose of calculating liabilities inherent in the portability rights. Average rate of euro area 30-year zero-coupon bonds as at 31 December 2004. The assumptions used in the actuarial valuation comply with the principles set forth in Notice No 12/2001 of Banco de Portugal. 5 3.2 FOR THE CALCULATION OF THE ISP MINIMUM SOLVENCY RATIO Identification Assumption Assumptions resulting from the Plan Date of granting of the old age/retirement pension - Plan III 1st occurrence (a) - Other Plans and Regimes 1st occurrence with 18-month lag (b) Number of monthly pensions 14 Number of monthly wages 14 Technical actuarial assumptions Mortality table Disability table Turnover table Wage growth rate Pension growth rate Wage scale growth rate Wage growth rate 2004/2005 National minimum wage growth rate Discount rate Share of married participants - Plan III - Other Plans and Regimes Age difference between participants and spouses - Plan III - Other Plans and Regimes National Minimum Wage 2005 TV 73/77 1978 – S.O.A. Trans. Male (US) ……………………….. 0.00% 1.30% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 4.500% real situation 0.8 real situation 3 (male individuals being the oldest) 374.70 € (a) Consider the first occurrence among the following: - 65 years of age; 35 years of service or 95 points – for the Plan III participants that are employees of Banco de Portugal; - (Estimated) term of office date – for the Plan III participants that are not employees of Banco de Portugal; (b) Consider the first occurrence among the following (with 18-month lag): 65 years of age, 35 years of service or 95 points (except if the age of 65 is reached first). 6 ACTUARIAL RESULTS AND REGULATORY MINIMUM FUNDING LEVELS Pensiona ble base remunera tion 527,466,555.17 370,589,114.19 898,055,669.36 Retired members and pensioners Active members Total Retired members and pensioners Active members Total 21,483,981.47 121,369,307.72 142,853,289.19 548,950,536.64 491,958,421.91 1,040,908,958.55 Retired members and pensioners Active members Total 478,784,421.23 280,684,396.09 759,468,817.32 Retired members and pensioners Active members Total Retired members and pensioners Active members Total 19,369,811.59 91,933,165.73 111,302,977.32 498,154,232.82 372,617,561.82 870,771,794.64 Pensiona ble base remunera tion Total Pensio nable wage supple t Retired members and pensioners Active members Total Pensio nable wage supple t Total Minimum Solvency Value (MSV) Past service liabilities (PSL) (euro) MSV as a % of PSL 84.6% 77.9% 83.7% Pensionable base remuneration Pensionable complementary salary Total Repayment plan laid down in paragraph 1 c) of Notice No 12/2001 of Banco de Portugal (Provision facilities of Notice No 6/95) Redemption 2004 1,281,341.87 Value to be redeemed as at 31 Dec. 2004 10,250,735.26 Minimum compulsory PSL (Notice No 12/2001) 1,006,572,838.96 Minimum set in Notice No 12/2001 as a % of PSL 96.7% Pension Fund assets as at 31 Dec. 2004 Funding level 1,012,217,188.03 Overall MSV Minimum set in Notice No 12/2001 97.2% 116.2% 100.6% 7