Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 1 2008 Report and Accounts Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 2 Table of Contents Data on Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. Members of the Company’s Boards Management Report Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. Balance Sheet and Income Statement Notes to the Balance Sheet and Income Statement Legal Certification of the Accounts Opinion of the Single Supervisor Banco de Portugal Pension Fund Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Income and Expenditure Statement Notes to the Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Income and Expenditure Statement Certification of the Accounts Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 3 Data on Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. (SGFPBP) was incorporated on 3 June 1988 to manage the Banco de Portugal Pension Fund. The Company’s share capital is 1,000,000 euros. Shareholders: • Banco de Portugal, with a shareholding corresponding to 98% as at 31 December 2008; and • Members and beneficiaries of the Banco de Portugal Pension Fund. Its registered office is at Rua do Comércio, no. 148, in Lisbon. It has offices at Av. da República, no. 57, 7th floor, in Lisbon. As at 31 December 2008: • The Company’s Net Assets stood at 2,522,020 euros; • The Company’s Shareholders’ Equity amounted to 2,233,396 euros; • The value of the Pension Fund closed at 1,161,307,823 euros; and • The total liabilities of the Pension Fund amounted to 1,159,582,431 euros. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 4 Members of the Company’s Boards Shareholders’ Meeting Chairman Armando da Silva Couto Secretary Hernâni Fontoura Pires Board of Directors Chairman António Manuel Martins Pereira Marta Director Vítor Manuel da Silva Rodrigues Pessoa Managing Director Helena Maria de Almeida Martins Adegas Single Supervisor Ernst & Young Audit & Associados – S.R.O.C., S.A. Alternate Single Supervisor Rui Abel Serra Martins, R.O.C. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 5 Management Report To the Shareholders Pursuant to the law and the articles of association, the Board of Directors hereby submits the 2008 Report and Accounts and other documents concerning the 2008 financial year for your appraisal. 1. FOREWORD The Banco de Portugal Pension Fund is composed of an autonomous set of assets allocated exclusively to meeting the liabilities endorsed by the Banco de Portugal in respect of payment of retirement, disability and widower’s benefits, as well as payment of post-retirement charges relating to contributions to the healthcare and welfare service. As at 31 December 2008, the value of the Fund was 1,161.3 million euros. The financial management of the Pension Fund is oriented towards the combination of two goals: to contain the risk of reduction in the funded ratio, corresponding to the ratio between the Fund’s assets and its liabilities, and to simultaneously maximise the profitability of its asset portfolio. The first of these two goals was paramount in 2008, in a context of growing disruption of the financial markets. Thus, the conservative approach of the investment policy was enhanced, by approximating the Pension Fund’s asset portfolio structure to the liabilities structure. For this purpose, the exposure to long-term inflation-linked Euro Zone government bonds was increased to the detriment of the equity component. The emphasis placed on “hedging” potential changes in liabilities means that their accurate estimation is especially critical. Accordingly, particular attention is paid to the actuarial and financial assumptions used, especially the future estimated cash flow discount method, longterm growth projections for wages and pensions and, lastly, the life expectancy prospects of the population covered. In this context, both the Fund’s assets and liabilities are valued at their fair market value, using a discount rate for the liabilities calculated on the basis of the daily interest rates applicable to very low-risk instruments for the relevant maturities. This methodology is grounded on the assumption that the present value of the liabilities has to represent, at each point in time, the capital that would have to be invested in low-risk investments to meet future payments. Thus, the discount rate is determined on the basis of the average interest rates of inflation-linked Euro Zone government bonds at year end for the various maturities existing in the market, taking into account the maturity structure of the Pension Fund’s liabilities, adjusted by a spread that Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 6 represents the difference between the interest rates for sovereign debt and very low-risk interest rates. As a result of the significant decrease in Euro Zone public debt interest rates in 2008, stemming from the combined impact of the slowdown in economic activity, disappearance of inflationary pressures and a climate of strong aversion to credit risk and preference for sovereign debt, we arrived at a discount rate of 4.8% at the end of 2008, which represents a decrease of 0.35 percentage points compared to the end of the preceding year. Particular attention is also paid to the assumptions relating to the future growth in wages and pensions, which are based on estimated inflation rates derived from inflation-linked securities. The future growth in wages incorporates the expected career evolution of active employees. In accordance with this method, we assumed that, in the medium and long term, the discount rate for pensions and the rate of growth in wages will be 1.764% and 2.764%, respectively, which represents in both cases 0.60 percentage points less than the assumptions used last year. The greater decrease found in the inflation rate compared to the discount rate led to an increase in the real interest rate, which adversely affected both liabilities (-0.5%) and the return on the asset portfolio (-1.3%). With regard to life expectancy, we seek to incorporate an as reliable as possible estimate in order to avoid undervaluing the liabilities. In 2008, we continued to use the TV 88/90 mortality table, already adopted in the preceding years, whose adherence to reality was supported by an empirical study performed on the basis of the Pension Fund’s demographic data up to 2006. In the context of the Pension Fund’s aforementioned investment policy, traditional return and risk measures applied to the individual management of assets lose their significance and more appropriate “Asset-liability” (A/L) indicators are adopted. In 2008, the funded ratio of the Fund was 100.1% and the A/L return stood at -0.8% (the return on assets was 0.8% less than the reduction in liabilities). Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 7 Table 1: Pension Fund - Highlights 31/12/2007 31/12/2008 Active employees 1,689 1,688 Retirees 1,728 1,739 486 504 Discount rate 5.15% 4.80% Estimated long-term inflation rate 2.36% 1.76% TV 88/90 TV 88/90 Population Data Pensioners Actuarial and Financial Assumptions Mortality table Assets (million € and %) Bonds 946.3 80.0% 977.2 84.1% Real estate 161.1 13.6% 173.8 15.0% Equities 75.8 6.4% 10.3 0.9% 1,183.3 100.0% 1,161.3 100.0% Total Liabilities (million €) 1,175.3 1,159.6 100.7% 100.1% A/L return 2.7% -0.8% A/L risk (1-month VaR, 95% confidence) 0.53% 0.80% Coverage Ratio Funded ratio Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 8 2. BUSINESS PURSUED BY SGFPBP Upon the worsening of the crisis that plagued international financial institutions, operational and control procedures were tightened, notably those related to the settlement of transactions and custody of securities, which made it possible to mitigate operational and counterparty risks in financial transactions. In this context, we reformulated the financial asset custody service by executing new agreements, and we developed a series of operational procedures in another financial institution that enable the implementation of an appropriate business continuity plan. Still with regard to operational risk management and following the “Risk Assessment” project developed internally, we decided to prepare a business continuity plan by resorting to specialist external advisers. This plan will cover all areas impacting on operations. We continued our strategy of recruiting employees with higher education, who represent approximately three quarters of total employees, which provides us with a highly qualified technical team. During 2008, we employed 33 people on average, one less than in 2007, the majority being female. By financing master degrees and post-graduate studies, we continued our policy of technical and scientific training in the main universities, which makes it possible to provide the Company with a highly skilled team to manage the Pension Fund’s assets. An identical policy was followed in respect of attendance of specialist training actions. A strict management of funding costs made it possible to keep the management fee unchanged compared to the preceding year, at 3,489 million euros, which represents 0.3% of assets under management. At year end, SGFPBP’s shareholders’ equity amounted to 2.2 million euros, as a result of the appropriation to reserves of all the results made in the preceding year. Both SGFPBP and the Pension Fund met all the applicable regulatory ratios, among which the increase in the solvency margin to 121.62% (114.3% in 2007) should be highlighted. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 9 3. MACROECONOMIC BACKGROUND AND MARKET DEVELOPMENTS 2008 was marked by the global crisis in the financial markets originated by the deepening of the real estate crisis in the USA, which was already being felt since mid-2007. The disruptions affected first the financial sector and subsequently the other industries around the world. Economic growth slowed down dramatically. Although positive annual growth rates were still achieved (an estimated 0.8% for the Euro Zone), several countries began to contract, particularly during the last quarter of the year. The harmonised consumer price index in the Euro Zone grew 1.6% year-on-year in 2008, which corresponds to a sharp deceleration compared to 2007 and is significantly lower than the target set by the ECB. The same scenario occurred in the USA, which is estimated to have grown only 1.1% during 2008, while in Japan GDP fell by 0.6%. This slowdown was reflected in a significant fall in consumer inflation in both countries, with 0.1% year-on-year in the USA and 0.4% year-on-year in Japan. The Portuguese economy was affected by these circumstances and it is estimated to have experienced a zero growth rate, , given the contraction in economic activity witnessed in the second half of the year, particularly in the last quarter. The recessionary environment was reflected in a reduction in the year-on-year inflation to 0.8%, half the rate observed in the Euro Zone. With regard to the emerging economies, economic growth levels in China and India continue to be high, albeit significantly lower than in the preceding years. It is estimated that the Chinese and Indian economies grew 9.0% and 7.1%, respectively, in 2008. Table 2: GDP and consumer price growth rates Euro Zone Portugal USA Japan Gross Domestic Product (%) 2006 2007 2008e 2.9 2.6 0.8 1.4 1.9 0.0 2.8 2.0 1.1 2.0 2.4 -0.6 Consumer Prices (%) 2006 2007 2008 1.9 3.1 1.6 2.5 2.7 0.8 2.5 4.1 0.1 0.3 0.7 0.4 Sources: Eurostat, Bureau of Labour Statistics (USA), Department of Commerce (USA) and Ministry of Internal Affairs (Japan) (e) Estimates The crisis of confidence caused financial institutions to be highly reluctant to grant interbank loans to one another, which led to an unprecedented widening in spreads between interbank Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 10 money market rates and treasury bill yields. In the Euro Zone, the spread between the 3-month Euribor and German treasury bills peaked at 330 basis points in October. The consequent liquidity crisis revealed weaknesses in many institutions all over the world, notably in respect of the quality of assets held, balance sheet leverage and ability to source funds. Some institutions were liquidated, while others were acquired. The intervention of Central Banks and Governments increased in terms of both diversity and amount. The drastic cuts in reference rates, the injections of liquidity into the financial system, the financial institutions capital purchase programmes, which led in some cases to their nationalisation, and express guarantees for bond issued by financial institutions should be highlighted. The ECB maintained its main refinancing reference rate at 4% until June 2008, having then increased it to 4.25% in July. This policy was abruptly reversed as a consequence of the financial crisis deepening and the key ECB rate was successively cutfrom October onwards, ending at 2.5% at the end of 2008 and 2% at the beginning of 2009. Public debt interest rates fell markedly, particularly during the second half of the year, as a result of the combined effect of the slowdown in economic activity, disappearance of inflationary pressures and a market sentiment characterized by a strong aversion to credit risk and preference for sovereign debt. Table 3: Euro Zone interest rates ECB intervention rate Main refinancing operations rate Treasury bill yields 3-month 6-month 1-year Treasury bond yields 2-year 10-year 30-year Dec-07 Dec-08 Change (p.p.) 4.00% 2.50% -1.50 3.95% 3.99% 4.03% 1.74% 1.79% 1.82% -2.22 -2.21 -2.19 4.02% 4.35% 4.62% 1.76% 2.94% 3.53% -2.26 -1.41 -1.09 (*) (**) Source: REUTERS (*) French treasury bills (**) German government bonds Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 11 Chart 1: Euro Zone yield curve movement 4.50 3.50 Change in yield (%) Interest rate (%) 4.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Maturity (years) Yield curve Dec 2007 Yield curve Dec 2008 In the private debt market, the increasing widening in spreads which had commenced in 2007 became more obvious. The Itraxx Europe 5-year index, which reflects the cost of hedging the risk of default by issuers of 5-year bonds in euros, expanded from approximately 50 basis points at the end of 2007 to some 175 basis points at the end of 2008. On the Foreign exchange market, the euro appreciated against the dollar, to a maximum of 1.60 in April and July, followed by a devaluation, to a minimum of 1.25 in November. At the end of 2008, the euro partially recovered against the dollar, to levels around 1.40. In this context, equity markets suffered major losses. The European DJ Eurostoxx 50 index fell approximately 44.3%; the US S&P 500 decreased 38.5%; the Japanese Nikkei 225 lost 42.1%; and the Portuguese PSI-20 index fell 51.3%. The markets’ behaviour in 2008 was further characterised by the strong volatility of oil prices. These rose dramatically up to mid-July, when they reached 145 dollars per barrel, and then fell significantly in the second half of the year. At the end of 2008, a barrel of Brent was priced close to 35 dollars, losing 62% against prices at the beginning of the year. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 12 4. PENSION PLANS 4.1. OVERVIEW The Banco de Portugal ensures, through the Pension Fund, the right to retirement, disability and widower’s benefits (including possible supplementary and death benefits), as well as payment of post-retirement charges relating to contributions to the healthcare and welfare service (Serviço de Assistência Médico-Social - SAMS). Pensions paid by way of retirement and widower’s benefits result from the addition of the amounts calculated on the basis of each component of pensionable wages, in compliance with the applicable collective employment contract and the Bank’s internal regulations. The Pension Plan encompasses four schemes relating to base wages and seniority and three schemes relating to fringe benefits. 4.2. DEVELOPMENTS IN THE POPULATION COVERED BY THE PENSION FUND We would like to highlight the significant maturity of the population covered by the Banco de Portugal Pension Fund, where the number of beneficiaries is greater than that of its active members. As a consequence, re the liabilities associated with pensions which are already in payment represent an important share of the total liabilities which, in fact, strongly restricts theasset management approach.. Table 4: Population covered by the Pension Fund Active Retirees Pensioners Total 31-12-2006 31-12-2007 1,709 1,689 1,734 1,728 486 486 3,929 3,903 Ratio 1 Assets /Beneficiaries 1Members; 2Retirees 2 0.77 0.76 Change 2006/2007 31-12-2008 -20 1,688 -6 1,739 0 504 3,931 -26 Change 2007/2008 -1 11 18 28 0.75 and Pensioners. On 31 December 2008, the Pension Fund covered 1,688 members (active employees), 1,739 retirees and 504 pensioners. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 13 4.3. DEVELOPMENTS IN BENEFITS/CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS Chart 2 shows the developments in the volume of benefits and charges paid by the Pension Fund in the last 10 years. In 2008, the amount of matured pensions reached 46.06 million euros, which represents an increase of 4.04% compared to the preceding year. Sums paid by way of redeemed capital reached 1.3 million euros in 2008, compared to 0.7 million euros in the preceding year, while sums paid by way of death benefits remained identical to those paid in 2007 (0.3 million euros). Charges borne by the Pension Fund in respect of contributions to the SAMS concerning pensions paid amounted to 2.9 million euros in 2008, the same amount as in 2007. Chart 2: Volume of benefits and charges borne by the Fund (thousand euros) 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 1999 2000 Pensions 2001 2002 Redeemed capital 2003 2004 Death benefits 2005 2006 2007 2008 Contributions to the SAMS In 2008, total contributions amounted to 44 million euros, including an extraordinary contribution of 20 million euros. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 14 4.4. ACTUARIAL VALUATION 4.4.1. Actuarial and financial assumptions The main actuarial and financial assumptions are those listed in this point. Table 5: Assumptions resulting from the Plan 65 years 14 14 Normal retirement age Number of monthly pension instalments Number of monthly wage instalments Table 6: Actuarial and financial assumptions Funding Discount rate Growth rate – pensions Growth rate – wages Growth rate – wage tables Growth rate – minimum monthly guaranteed wages Minimum monthly guaranteed wages in the following year Mortality table Disability table Turnover table Percentage of married staff Age difference between members and spouses 31-12-2007 5.153% 2.359% 3.359% 3.359% 2.359% 426 € 31-12-2008 4.800% 1.764% 2.764% 1.764% 1.764% 450 € TV 88/90 1978 - S.O.A. Trans. Male (US) T-1 Crocker Sarason (US) 80% 3 (male individuals being older) These assumptions are occasionally adjusted in line with the specific characteristics of the population groups. The discount rate determined at the end of 2008 and used to calculate the liabilities as at 31 December was 4.8%. This corresponds to the average interest rate, on that day, of inflationlinked Euro Zone government bonds for the different maturities existing in the market, taking into account the maturity structure of the Pension Fund’s liabilities. As a result of the public debt market’s behaviour in 2008, discussed in point 3, the discount rate fell by 0.35 percentage points compared to the end of the preceding year. The inflation rate, calculated with reference to inflation-linked Euro Zone government bonds, fell more heavily, 0.60 percentage points. This resulted in an increase in the real discount rate. In 2008, we continued to use the TV 88/90 mortality table, already adopted in preceding years, whose correspondence to reality was confirmed by an empirical study performed on the basis of the Pension Fund’s demographic data up to 2006. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 15 The actuarial and financial assumptions used in the Minimum Solvency scenario determined by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal (the regulatory and supervisory body) are the following: Table 7: Actuarial and financial assumptions Discount rate Growth rate – pensions Growth rate - wages Minimum guaranteed wages in the following year Mortality table Disability table Turnover table Percentage of married staff Age difference between members and spouses Minimum Solvency 31-12-2008 31-12-2007 4.500% 4.500% 1.764% 2.359% 0.000% 0.000% 450 € 426 € TV 73/77 1978 - S.O.A. Trans. Male (US) -/80% 3 (male individuals being older) 4.4.2. Actuarial valuation results As at 31 December 2008, total liabilities for past services amounted to 1,159.6 million euros, of which 663.9 million corresponds to liabilities for pensions payable and 495.6 million to liabilities for past services of active employees. Table 8: Liabilities for past services Retirees and pensioners Active employees 31-12-2007 31-12-2008 1,175,298,862 665,387,253 509,911,609 1,159,582,431 663,943,290 495,639,141 (euros) In 2008, liabilities for past services decreased by 15.7 million euros. This reduction corresponds to an overall annual decrease of -1.34% in the amount of liabilities for past service, as a result of the following combined effects: • Annual expected (normal) increase of 2.36% in liabilities; and • Unforeseen annual decrease of -3.69% in liabilities, corresponding to an actuarial departure (resulting from the difference between long-term assumptions and the actual figures) and a financial departure resulting from the assumptions being marked to market. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 16 5. PORTFOLIO STRUCTURE AND RISK MANAGEMENT The Pension Fund’s investment policy is defined within the applicable regulatory provisions issued by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal (ISP), notably in respect of the breakdown of its assets and the use of derivatives, repos and securities lending transactions, and within more restrictive internal provisions laid down by SGFPBP itself pursuant to the risk profile approved by the Banco de Portugal. Over 2008, the portfolio structure was continuously analysed and monitored with a view to the identification of the degree of exposure to different types of risks and the corresponding way to mitigate them, which was achieved by determining limits and resorting to hedging instruments. Given the marked financial instability environment, risk management and risk control procedures were adjusted and the restrictiveness of the investment guidelines was enhanced. 5.1. Strategic benchmark for 2008 For the dual purpose of limiting the risk of a reduction in the funded ratio and maximising the return on the portfolio a strategic benchmark was selected for the Pension Fund’s portfolioin2008. Its breakdown, which is summarily presented, conforms to the established risk profile laid down by the Banco de Portugal. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 17 Chart 3: 2008 Strategic Benchmark: average annual breakdown Bonds 81% Equities 5% Real estate 14% USA 38% Inflation linked Governments 94% Fixed income Governments 3% UK 9% Asia Pacific 5% Switzerland 5% Euro Zone 43% Geographic breakdown of the equity component Other Alocação da componente obrigacionista 3% Breakdown of the bond component Funds 58% Buildings 42% Breakdown of the real estate component 5.2. Portfolio Breakdown by asset class The portfolio breakdown by asset class was determined with reference to the breakdown of the strategic benchmark. Some departures were assumed in order to incorporate short-term expectations concerning market developments. Over 2008, the portfolio exposure to equities was significantly reduced leading to an increase in the exposure to bonds. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 18 Accordingly, in 2008 the average exposure to bonds reached 83% (almost entirely public debt), while real estate and equities represented 14% and 3%, respectively. The small equities component of the portfolio was predominantly exposed to the Euro Zone (50%) and the USA (33%). Chart 4: Portfolio breakdown by asset class: annual average breakdown Bonds 83% Real estate 14% Equities 3% Asia Pacific Inflation linkedGovernments 95% 4% USA Fixed income Switzerland 4% 33% Governments 3% Other 2% UK Euro Zone 50% 9% Geographic breakdown of the equity component Breakdown of the bond component Buildings Funds 42% 58% Breakdown of the real estate component Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 19 5.3. “Surplus-at-risk” The risk of a funded ratio decline is assessed and monitored by calculating the 1-month Valueat-Risk for a 95% confidence level. Chart 5: 1-month ”surplus-at-risk” 1.40% 1.20% 1.00% 0.80% 0.60% 0.40% 0.20% 0.00% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec This risk measure, whose developments in 2008 are shown in Chart 5, corresponds to the reduction in the funded ratio, at each point in time, in percentage points, which has an associated estimated probability of 5% of being exceeded over a 1-month period. The evolution of the Value-at-Risk during 2008 reflected, on the one hand, tactical adjustments made to the investment portfolio and, on the other hand, the instability of the financial markets associated with the marked deterioration in the economic sentiment. 5.4. Leverage-adjusted modified duration gap The funded ratio sensitivity to changes in real interest rates is assessed and monitored by calculating the leverage-adjusted modified duration gap. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 20 Table 9: Leverage-adjusted modified duration gap Average 2008 values a) Modified duration of liabilities for past services 13.9 b) Modified duration of bonds 15.7 c) Weight of bonds 82.6% d) Funded ratio 100.1% Leverage-adjusted modified duration gap =b)xc)-a)/d) -0.8 The negative differential experienced in 2008 indicates that the value of the asset portfolio is less sensitive to changes in interest rates than the value of liabilities. Given that real interest rates rose in 2008, this position positively contributed to the asset-liability return. Given the high modified duration of the Pension Fund’s liabilities (13.9) and the fact that the investment policy also includes low interest rate-sensitive assets, the average leverage-adjusted modified duration differential registered in 2008 was achieved by holding a bond portfolio with a high modified duration (15.7). 5.5. Bond portfolio breakdown by issuer type The credit risk control is ensured by restricting investments to instruments and institutions of reputed soundness and financial integrity, as well as by monitoring the ratings assigned by international agencies, supplemented by market information analysis The bond portfolio was mainly composed of inflation-linked securities denoting areal interest rate-sensitivity similar to the one of the liabilities assumed by the Pension Fund. In this way, we seek to mitigate the risk of funded ratio decline resulting from a possible increase in the inflation rate. Bearing in mind that liquid inflation-linked securities are almost exclusively public debt, this represented virtually all the bond portfolio in 2008 (98.3%), the remainder being invested in bonds issued by supranational institutions and financial institutions guaranteed by the Portuguese Government. In addition to this strategic motive, the crisis in the credit markets felt throughout the year also contributed to the concentration of the portfolio on public debt. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 21 Table 10: Fixed income portfolio exposure by type Governments Average 2008 values (%) Supranational 98.3% 0.6% Financial Inst. 1.2% 5.6. Bond portfolio breakdown by rating The credit risk of the Pension Fund’s fixed income portfolio was very limited throughout the year, given the predominant exposure to high quality sovereign issuers Chart 6: Bond portfolio breakdown by rating (average 2008 values) 20% 51% 29% AAA AA A 5.7. Portfolio breakdown by region Taken as a whole, the Pension Fund’s asset portfolio maintained a predominant exposure to the Euro Zone countries, which represented 98.1% of its total value in 2008. The reduced exposure to other geographic regions materialised mostly through the equity portfolio. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 22 Chart 7: Pension Fund’s portfolio breakdown by region (average 2008 values) 0.7% 0.1% 1.1% 98.1% Euro Zone Europe ex-Euro Zone Asia/Pacific North America 5.8. Exposure to exchange rate risk Table 11: Average portfolio exposure to exchange rate risk Average exposure of the portfolio to JPY CHF GBP USD 0.04% 0.02% 0.04% 0.11% exchange rate risk (%) The risk of funded ratio decline arising from a possible depreciation of the currencies of denomination of the equity investment vehicles the against the euro was managed by currency hedging the majority of the value of these assets. As a consequence, the exposure to exchange rate risk was minimal - approximately 0.21% – and was associated with the tactical asset management of the portfolio, having made a positive contribution to the return on assets. The exposure to the USD was the most significant average exposure to exchange rate risk, representing nearly 0.11% of the total value of the Pension Fund’s portfolio. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 23 6. RESULTS AND STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF THE PENSION FUND Both the Pension Fund’s liabilities and the assets portfolio were influenced by the real interest rates rise which was observed in the government inflation-linked market Liabilities for past services are valued at market prices taking into account interest rates and expected inflation. The rise in nominal long-term interest rates over 2008 was accompanied by a more marked decrease in expected inflation. Accordingly, real interest rates rose. As a result, the value of liabilities for past services (taking into account the impact of pension payments net of received regular contributions and excluding the impact of exogenous factors) decreased by 0.5% in 2008. From an integrated management of assets and liabilities perspective this change sets the reference for the rate of return on assets. The increase in real interest rates also affected the return on the asset portfolio given the “AssetLiability” emphasis of the investment policy. In fact, given the goal to contain the risk of funded ratio decline, a strong portfolio exposure to assets correlated to the liabilities was maintained, particularly long-term inflation-linked Euro Zone treasury bonds. The real interest rates impact on the value of these assets was crucial to the return on the bond portfolio (-1.0%). Despite the reduced exposure of the Pension Fund to equities, the marked depreciation of the main stock indices also restricted the return on the asset portfolio (-1.3%) and ultimately the asset-liability return. Table 12: Asset-Liability return Adjusted change in liabilities -0.5% Asset-Liability return Asset portfolio Bonds Equities Real estate -0.8% Total assets -1.0% -26.4% 6.3% -1.3% The asset-liability return (-0.8%) may be attributed to the following contributions: • A 1.5 percentage point negative contribution of equity markets in a context of marked financial instability; • A positive contribution of 0.4 percentage points resulting from the leverage-adjusted modified duration gap management which corresponded, in practice, to the decision to maintain the interest rate sensitivity of the asset portfolio lower than the one of the liabilities • A positive contribution of 0.3 percentage points associated with the return on real estate investments. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 24 Chart 8: Asset-Liability return 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% Equities Real estate Bonds Return on “Assets-Liabilities” -0.5% -1.0% -1.5% -2.0% The Pension Fund’s funded ratio in 2008 (100.15%) fell 0.5% compared to the preceding year (100.68%), as a result of the items identified in Table 13. Table 13: Change in the Pension’s Fund funded ratio Change in the funded ratio Asset-Liability return Review of assumptions Exogenous factors and actuarial departures Extraordinary contribution % of the value of liabilities Million euros -0.5% -6.3 -0.8% -9.9 -1.0% -12.1 -0.3% -4.3 1.7% 20.0 Developments in the financial condition On 31 December 2008, the value of the asset portfolio of the Banco de Portugal Pension Fund totalled 1,161.3 million euros. Total liabilities for past services amounted to 1,159.6 million euros. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 25 Chart 9: Developments in the funded ratio of the Pension Fund 101.0% 100.0% 99.0% 98.0% 97.0% 96.0% 95.0% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 At year end, the Fund had an overall funded ratio of 100.15%, reflecting a decrease of 0.5 percentage points compared to that witnessed at the end of 2007. For the purposes of the Banco de Portugal Notice 12/2001 , as amended by Notice 4/2006, the funded ratio achieved in 2008 represents 106.0% of the minimum required. If the use of the facility as defined in Notice 7/2008 had been elected, the funded ratio would have represented 107.3% of the minimum required. The requirements issued by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal were also fully met, the minimum solvency coverage having reached 118.3%. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 26 Table 8: Financial condition of the Pension Fund (1) (2) Value of the Pension Fund Liabilities for past services (L.P.S.) (3)=(1)/(2) Funded ratio (4) (5)=(3)/(4) (6) (7)=(3)/(6) 31-12-2007 31-12-2008 1,183,275,079 1,161,307,823 1,175,298,862 1,159,582,431 100.68% 100.15% Minimum mandatory funded ratio (BP Notice 12/2001)(*) Level of coverage achieved 91.1% 110.5% 94.5% 106.0% Funded ratio of solvency margin Level of coverage achieved 85.8% 117.4% 84.7% 118.3% (*) As amended by BP Notice 4/2005 (amounts in euros) 7. PROPOSAL FOR THE APPROPRIATION OF SGFPBP PROFITS In the 2008 financial year, SGFPBP made net profits of 109,763.06 €, which we propose to appropriate as follows: Legal reserve Free reserves Total 5,488.15 € 104,274.91 € 109,763.06 € 8. CLOSING REMARKS The Board of Directors would like to conclude the 2008 Report and Accounts by thanking Banco de Portugal for its confidence and cooperation. A word of recognition is also due to the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal for the way it monitored the business of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A.. Finally, we would like to highlight the high level of professionalism and dedication of all the SGFPBP staff. Lisbon, 12 March 2009 Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 27 The Board of Directors António Manuel Martins Pereira Marta Chairman Vítor Manuel da Silva Rodrigues Pessoa Director Helena Maria de Almeida Martins Adegas Managing Director Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 28 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. Balance Sheet and Income Statement Notes to the Balance Sheet and the Income Statement Legal Certification of Accounts Opinion of the Single Supervisor Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 29 Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 30 Balance Sheet Assets 2007 2008 GA DP NA TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Buildings and other constructions Basic equipment Office equipment Other tangible fixed assets 57.131 242.085 2.231.147 16.806 2.547.168 21.190 166.265 1.878.627 14.308 2.080.391 35.940 75.820 352.519 2.498 466.777 41.389 108.582 511.076 241 661.288 117.229 117.229 0 0 0 0 0 0 35.938 492 36.430 0 35.938 492 36.430 0 492 492 1.539.278 0 1.539.278 827.047 0 291.206 1.247 292.453 975.903 1.247 977.150 24.036 154.296 8.750 187.082 0 24.036 154.296 8.750 187.082 17.973 143.480 3 161.456 4.719.640 2.197.620 2.522.020 2.627.433 INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS FIXED ASSETS IN PROGRESS CURRENT ASSETS Debtors State and other public entities Other debtors Negotiable securities Bank deposits and cash Bank deposits Cash 291.206 1.247 292.453 ACCRUALS AND DEFERRALS Accrued income Deferred costs Deferred taxes Total Assets (in euros) GA = Gross Assets DP = Accumulated depreciation and provisions NA = Net Assets The Chartered Accountant Paulo José Antunes Jorge Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 31 Shareholders' Equity and Liabilities 2008 2007 Share capital 1,000,000 1,000,000 Legal reserve Free reserves Profits (losses) brought forward Net profit (loss) Total Shareholders' Equity 113,373 1,010,259 0 109,763 2,233,396 107,737 903,168 0 112,728 2,123,633 70,345 195,065 0 0 97,515 67,515 165,030 234 1,413 243,935 46,599 292,180 52,398 850 53,249 15,726 830 16,556 288,624 503,800 2,522,021 2,627,433 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY PROVISION FOR RISKS AND CHARGES LIABILITIES Creditors Other shareholders Other creditors Suppliers c/a State and other public entities ACCRUALS AND DEFERRALS Accrued costs Deferred income Total Liabilities Total Shareholders' Equity and Liabilities (in euros) The Board of Directors António Manuel Martins Pereira Marta Vitor Manuel da Silva Rodrigues Pessoa Helena Maria de Almeida Martins Adegas Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 32 Income Statement Costs and Losses 2008 2007 Third-party supplies and services 1,133,326 1,080,288 Staff costs 2,024,804 1,965,206 232,739 230,484 49,872 46,165 Other operating costs and losses 7,700 7,675 Provision for risks and charges 44,935 65,104 (A) 3,493,376 3,394,922 0 12 2,839 4,139 3,496,215 3,399,073 Depreciation of tangible and intangible fixed assets Taxes Provision for financial investments Interest and similar costs (C) Extraordinary costs and losses 6,112 5,882 (E) 3,502,327 3,404,955 (G) 40,697 3,543,024 43,009 3,447,964 109,763 112,728 3,652,787 3,560,692 Income tax Net profit (loss) Total (in euros) SUMMARY: Operating profit (loss): (B) - (A) = Financial profit (loss): (D-B) - (C-A) = Current profit (loss): (D) - (C) = Profit (loss) before taxes: (F) - (E) = Net profit (loss): (F) - (G) = 7,240 106,739 113,979 150,460 109,763 105,398 54,349 159,747 155,737 112,728 The Chartered Accountant Paulo José Antunes Jorge Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 33 Income and gains 2008 Services provided 2007 3,489,279 3,489,279 11,337 11,041 3,500,616 3,500,320 Income from negotiable securities and other financial investments 58,966 56,023 Other interest and similar income 50,611 2,477 3,610,194 3,558,820 42,593 3,652,787 1,872 3,560,692 3,652,787 3,560,692 Supplementary income (B) (D) Extraordinary income and gains (F) Total (in euros) The Board of Directors António Manuel Martins Pereira Marta Vitor Manuel da Silva Rodrigues Pessoa Helena Maria de Almeida Martins Adegas Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 34 Income Statement by Function of Expense 2008 Sales and services provided Cost of sales and services provided 2007 3,489,279 0 3,489,279 0 3,489,279 3,489,279 53,931 0 3,485,676 16,650 11,041 0 3,387,247 11,685 Operating profit (loss) 40,883 101,388 Net cost of funds Gains (losses) in affiliates and associates Gains (losses) in other investments 0 0 109,577 0 0 54,349 Current profit (loss) 150,460 155,737 40,697 43,009 109,763 112,728 0 0 109,763 112,728 (in euros) Gross profit (loss) Other operating income and gains Distribution costs Overheads Other operating costs and losses Tax on current profit (loss) Current profit (loss) after taxes Tax on operating profit (loss) Net profit (loss) The Chartered Accountant Paulo José Antunes Jorge Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 35 Cash Flow Statement 2008 2007 OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net profit (loss) Adjustments Depreciation Provisions Financial profit (loss) Increase in debtors Decrease in debtors Increase in stocks Decrease in stocks Increase in creditors Decrease in creditors Decrease in deferred income Increase in accrued income Decrease in accrued income Increase in deferred costs Decrease in deferred costs Increase in accrued costs Decrease in accrued costs Increase in deferred income Gains in disposal of fixed assets Losses in disposal of fixed assets Increase in deferred tax assets Decrease in deferred tax assets 109,763 112,728 232,739 44,935 -50,611 230,484 65,063 -56,023 6,794 -339,302 214,160 -189 -6,063 -1,400 -10,816 -20,272 36,673 21 536 25 -1,815 -8,747 245 CASH FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 15,386 543,541 0 355,688 50,611 56,023 -712,464 -38,229 -205,968 -700,082 205,743 -684,696 749,284 0 227,866 977,150 INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from: Financial investments Tangible fixed assets Intangible fixed assets Fixed assets in progress Subsidies to investments Interest and similar income Dividends Payments related to: Financial investments Tangible fixed assets Intangible fixed assets CASH FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES FINANCING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from: Loans obtained Share capital increases Supplements and issue premiums Subsidies and donations Sale of shares Coverage of losses Payments related to: Loans obtained Principal payments under financial lease agreements Interest and similar costs Dividends Reduction in share capital and quasi-equity Acquisition of treasury shares 0 CASH FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES CHANGE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS FOREIGN EXCHANGE DIFFERENCES CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF YEA CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR 977,150 292,453 (in euros) The Chartered Accountant Paulo José Antunes Jorge Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 36 Notes to the Balance Sheet and the Income Statement Incorporation and business activity Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. was incorporated on 3 June 1988 through a notary deed entered on folio 74 to folio 76 of deed book no. 677 - C of the 9th Lisbon Notary Office and its corporate object is to administer, manage and represent the Banco de Portugal Pension Fund. Its incorporation was authorised by Executive Order no. 245/88 of 20 April of the Ministry of Finance. The notes to the financial statements follow the sequential numbering determined in the Official Plan of Accounts (Plano Oficial de Contabilidade – POC). Any notes omitted are either not applicable to the Company or their presentation is not relevant. 3. VALUATION CRITERIA The Company’s financial statements were prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Portugal, i.e. going concern, consistency, historical cost, prudence, substance over form, materiality and accruals. The valuation criteria adopted by the Company are the following: • Fixed assets Fixed assets are valued at their acquisition cost. Depreciation is calculated over the expected number of useful years, on a constant straight-line basis. For assets acquired up to and including 1993, an annual depreciation charge is used, while for assets acquired at a later stage, the yearly charge corresponds to the number of months since the asset entered into service. Depreciation rates comply with the Portuguese tax legislation. The resulting useful life is close to the useful life of the assets. Annual percentage Basic equipment Office, social equipment and sundry furniture Other tangible fixed assets 10% 10 a 33.33% 12.5% Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 37 Depreciation rates are applied as follows: • Marketable securities Marketable securities are valued at their acquisition cost, which includes all acquisitionrelated costs. Provisions were set up aimed at full coverage of the value of capital losses in the securities portfolio and corresponding to a decline in the market value against the acquisition cost of securities, where the former is lower. • Recognition of costs and income Costs and income are recognised when they occur, taking into account the period to which they refer and regardless of their actual financial settlement. 6. DEFERRED TAXES The tax effect of temporary differences between the accounting and tax results was recognised in the context of Corporate Income Tax (CIT). These differences concern provisions for depreciation of the securities portfolio. Change in deferred tax assets Description Temporary differences originating deferred tax asets Provisions not deductible for tax purposes Total Amounts recognised in the Balance Sheet (25% Total 2008 Write-backs -Differences Total 2007 0 0 35,000 12 35,000 12 8,750 3 8,747 (in euros) 7. STAFF During 2008, the average number of staff in the Company was 33. 10. FIXED ASSETS Movements in this heading were as follows: Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 38 Opening Balance Increases Write-offs Closing Balance TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Gross assets Buildings and other erections Basic equipment Office equipment 57,131 0 0 57,131 242,085 0 0 242,085 2,220,845 35,589 25,287 2,231,147 17,264 2,640 3,098 16,806 117,229 0 0 117,229 38,229 28,385 2,664,398 Other tangible fixed assets INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS 0 FIXED ASSETS IN PROGRESS (i) 2,654,554 0 Accumulated depreciation Buildings and other erections Basic equipment Office equipment 15,742 5,473 25 21,190 133,503 32,762 0 166,265 1,709,769 194,146 25,287 1,878,628 17,023 358 3,074 Other tangible fixed assets Other expenses 14,307 117,229 117,229 Research and development expenses 1,993,266 232,739 28,386 2,197,619 661,288 Net Assets 466,779 (in euros) (i) See Note 14. 14. FIXED ASSETS IN PROGRESS At the end of the 2008 financial year, there were no fixed assets in progress. 17. NEGOTIABLE SECURITIES This heading is broken down as follows: 2008 2007 FIXED INCOME SECURITIES Public debt 1,395,003 147,116 144,275 393,524 1,539,278 540,640 Participation certificates 0 0 Investment funds 0 286,420 0 286,420 0 12 Sundry VARIABLE INCOME SECURITIES Provision for short-term investments Net 1,539,278 827,047 (in euros) Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 39 32. GUARANTEES ISSUED As at 31 December 2008, the Company had issued guarantees to the sum of 70,345 euros, mostly related to pending litigation. 34. MOVEMENTS IN PROVISIONS Movements in the provision for cash investments were as follows: Opening Balance Provision for short-term investments (i) Provision for risks and charges Increase 12 195,065 195,077 Write-backs 0 44,935 (i) Closing Balance 12 0 169,655 70,345 70,345 (in euros) (i) The provision for risks and charges was created to address possible litigation contingencies of a compensatory nature and was increased by 9,935 euros. As a result of implementation of the Business Continuity Plan, several charges, attributable to both the 2008 and preceding financial years, were found and originated an increase of 35,000 euros in the provision for risks and charges. 35. SHARE CAPITAL The Company’s fully subscribed and paid up share capital is 1,000,000 euros, represented by two hundred thousand shares with a nominal value of five euros each. 37. SHAREHOLDINGS The Banco de Portugal holds 97.77% of the share capital, corresponding to 195,544 shares. 40. MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY The increases that occurred in the financial year were in line with the proposal for the appropriation of profits submitted by the Board of Directors and approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 40 Movements in the financial year were as follows: Opening Balance Increases Decreases Closing Balance Share capital 1,000,000 1,000,000 Legal reserve 107,737 5,636 113,373 Free reserves 903,168 107,092 1,010,259 Net profit (loss) 112,728 109,763 112,728 109,763 2,123,633 222,491 112,728 2,233,396 (in euros) 45. FINANCIAL INCOME STATEMENT Costs and Losses 2008 Interest paid Income and Gains 2007 77 55 Provision for short-term investments 0 12 Losses in disposal of shortterm investments 0 294 2,762 3,790 106,739 54,349 109,578 58,500 Other financial costs and losses Financial profit (loss) Total 2008 2007 Interest received 58,966 56,023 Gains in disposal of shortterm investments 50,611 2,477 Total 109,578 58,500 (in euros) 46. EXTRAORDINARY INCOME STATEMENT Costs and Losses Losses in fixed assets Fines and penalties Increase in depreciation and provisions Corrections to preceding years Other extraordinary costs and losses Extraordinary profit (loss) Total 2008 Income and Gains 2007 0 0 253 2008 2007 Gains in fixed assets 0 1,815 672 Contractual penalties received 0 0 0 0 Reduction in depreciation and provisions 12 53 5,851 5,185 Corrections to preceding years 99 0 8 25 Other extraordinary income and gains 42,482 4 36,482 -4,010 42,594 1,872 Total 42,594 1,872 (in euros) Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 41 48. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION Bank deposits This heading is broken down as follows: 2008 Demand deposits Term deposits 2007 91,206 29,903 200,000 946,000 291,206 975,903 (in euros) State and other public entities Value Added Tax - VAT VAT recorded in SGFPBP’s accounts relates to a self-assessment and payment resulting from services provided by a non-resident entity. Income tax – CIT Income tax is calculated on the basis of the forecast value payable, at the rates prevailing on the date of the balance sheet, and are booked under State and other public entities. In accordance with the legislation in force, the tax authorities may review the tax returns during a four-year period and this may lead to corrections to taxable profits and additional assessments concerning the financial years from 2004 up to and including 2008. The Board of Directors is of the opinion that any additional assessment will not materially impact on the financial statements. Services provided Services provided exclusively concern management fees, whose amount is set on an annual basis in accordance with the management agreement entered into by and between Banco de Portugal and SGFPBP. Following a resolution of the SGFPBP Board of Directors, the management fees for 2008 were set at 3,489,279 euros. Supplementary income This income relates to revenues from a sublease agreement and reimbursement of additional charges incurred by SGFPBP related to the secondment of an employee of a third-party entity who is at the Company’s service. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 42 Staff costs This heading includes training costs directly borne by the Company and costs with its staff, notably the participants in a secondment agreement executed with the Banco de Portugal. Accruals and deferrals This heading includes payments made during the financial year regarding costs of the following year, notably software licence fees. Suspense accounts Pursuant to no. 3.1 of Standard no. 12/95-R of 6 July of the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal, the accounts of the Banco de Portugal Pension Fund are booked in class 0 Off-balance sheet accounts, under the following main headings: 01 - Banco de Portugal Pension Fund; and 02 - Management of the Banco de Portugal Pension Fund. As at 31 December 2008, these accounts were balanced and amounted to 1,161,307,823 euros. The Chartered Accountant Paulo José Antunes Jorge The Board of Directors António Manuel Martins Pereira Marta Vítor Manuel da Silva Rodrigues Pessoa Helena Maria de Almeida Martins Adegas Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 43 Legal Certification of Accounts Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 44 Ernst & Young Audit & Associados – SROC, S.A. Avenida da República, 90, 6th floor 1600-206 Lisbon ERNST & YOUNG Portugal Tel: +351 217 912 000 Fax: +351 217 957 586 Legal Certification of Accounts Introduction 1. We have examined the attached financial statements of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, which comprise the Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2008 (which shows total assets of 2,522,020 euros and total shareholders’ equity of 2,233,396 euros, including net profits of 109,763 euros), the Income Statements by nature and function of expense and the Cash Flow Statement for the year ended on the aforementioned date, as well as the corresponding Notes. Responsibility 2. The Board of Directors is responsible for preparing financial statements that give a true and fair picture of the financial condition of the Company, the results of its operations and cash flows, as well as for adopting appropriate accounting policies and criteria and maintaining an appropriate internal control system. 3. We are responsible for expressing a professional and independent opinion on the basis of our examination of the aforementioned financial statements. Scope 4. The examination we carried out was made pursuant to the Review/Audit Technical Standards and Guidelines issued by the Statutory Auditors’ Association, which ______________________________________________________________________ Limited liability company * Share capital 1,105,000 euros * Registered in the Statutory Auditors’ Association under no. 178 * Registered in the CMVM under no. 9011 * Taxpayer no. 505 988 283 * Registered in the Lisbon Commercial Registry under the same number * A member of Ernst & Young Global Limited Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 45 require that the same be planned and executed with a view to obtaining a reasonable degree of certainty that the financial statements are free of material distortions. To this end, the aforementioned examination includes: − verification, on a sampling basis, of documentation supporting the sums and disclosures in the financial statements and an evaluation of the estimates, on the basis of judgements and criteria defined by the Board of Directors, used in their preparation; − an assessment as to whether the accounting policies and the disclosures adopted are appropriate, given the circumstances; − verification that the accounts were prepared on a going-concern basis; and − an overall assessment as to whether the presentation of the financial statements is appropriate. 5. Our examination also included an assessment as to whether the financial information contained in the Management Report is consistent with the financial statements. 6. We believe that the examination carried out provides an acceptable basis for expressing our opinion. Opinion 7. In our opinion, the aforementioned financial statements give a true and fair picture, in all materially relevant aspects, of the financial condition of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal as at 31 December 2008, the results of its operations and cash flows for the financial year ended on the aforementioned date, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Portugal. Lisbon, 19 March 2009 The Statutory Auditor Ernst & Young Audit & Associados – SROC, S.A. Firm of Statutory Auditors (no. 178) Represented by: [signature] Ana Rosa Ribeiro Salcedas Montes Pinto (ROC no. 1230) Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 46 Opinion of the Single Supervisor Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 47 Ernst & Young Audit & Associados – SROC, S.A. Avenida da República, 90, 6th floor 1600-206 Lisbon ERNST & YOUNG Portugal Tel: +351 217 912 000 Fax: +351 217 957 586 Report and Opinion of the Single Supervisor To the Shareholders In compliance with the provisions of articles 420 and 421 of the Commercial Companies Code and in the performance of our duties as Single Supervisor of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, concerning the financial year ended 31 December 2008, we have inspected the acts of the Board of Directors, evaluated the degree of compliance with the law and the articles of association, periodically assessed the Company’s accounting books and records, as well as their supporting documentation, tested transactions and balances on a sampling basis and executed other procedures deemed necessary given the circumstances. We have further examined the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement by nature and function of expense and the Cash Flow Statement and their corresponding Notes, as well as the underlying accounting principles. The Board of Directors and the services promptly provided us with any clarifications and information we required, and we would like to thank them for their assistance. On the date hereof, we have issued an unqualified Legal Certification of Accounts, which forms an integral part of this report. ______________________________________________________________________ Limited liability company * Share capital 1,105,000 euros * Registered in the Statutory Auditors’ Association under no. 178 * Registered in the CMVM under no. 9011 * Taxpayer no. 505 988 283 * Registered in the Lisbon Commercial Registry under the same number * A member of Ernst & Young Global Limited Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 48 In the light of what was said in the Legal Certification of Accounts, we are of the opinion that: a) You should approve the 2008 Management Report and the Accounts submitted by the Board of Directors; b) You should approve the proposal concerning the appropriation of profits contained in the aforementioned Management Report. Lisbon, 19 March 2009 The Single Supervisor Ernst & Young Audit & Associados – SROC, S.A. Firm of Statutory Auditors (no. 178) Represented by: [signature] Ana Rosa Ribeiro Salcedas Montes Pinto (ROC no. 1230) Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 49 Banco de Portugal Pension Fund Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Income and Expenditure Statement Notes to the Statement of Assets and Liabilities and the Income and Expenditure Statement Certification of Accounts Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 50 Statement of Assets and Liabilities - FPBP (in euros) Investments of the Fund Note 2008 2007 Land and buildings 4 70,331,254 70,658,614 Property under negotiation 4 0 20,815,000 Credit securities 5 1,076,454,523 1,066,194,584 Cash and bank deposits 6 8,801,374 31,364,861 Debtors and creditors 7 -4,027,908 -15,811,058 Accruals and deferrals 8 9,748,581 10,053,078 1,161,307,823 1,183,275,079 (See attached Notes) (in euros) Value of the Fund Note Opening assets 2008 2007 4,987,979 4,987,979 1,178,287,100 1,203,562,056 -21,967,256 -25,274,956 1,161,307,823 1,183,275,079 Accumulated profits (losses) and contributions Preceding years For the year 9 (See attached Notes) Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 51 Income and Expenditure Statement - FPBP (in euros) Increase in the Value of the Fund Note 2008 2007 Contributions 10 44,000,681 22,677,305 Income 11 31,170,736 32,825,487 Capital gains 12 97,212,582 62,988,657 12,587 69,917 172,396,586 118,561,366 Other income (in euros) Decrease in the Value of the Fund Pensions payable Note 13 Intermediation fee Taxes 2008 2007 50,727,272 48,768,831 0 0 1,670 3,834 Capital losses 12 142,951,884 93,009,294 Other expenses 14 683,016 2,054,363 194,363,842 143,836,321 -21,967,256 -25,274,956 Profit (loss) for the year Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 52 Notes to the Statement of Assets and Liabilities and the Income and Expenditure Statement 1. CREATION AND BUSINESS The Banco de Portugal Pension Fund (the “Pension Fund”) was created by the Banco de Portugal, in its capacity as founder associate, by public deed executed on 15 September 1988 in the Lisbon 9th Notary Office. SGFPBP executed this deed in its capacity as managing company, a quality it acquired under its previous execution of a fund management agreement with the Banco de Portugal. The Pension Fund is composed of autonomous assets earmarked exclusively for the fulfilment of the Banco de Portugal’s commitment to pay retirement, disability and widower’s pensions, as well as charges for post-retirement contributions to the healthcare and welfare service (SAMS). It is a closed fund, operating a defined benefit scheme, and plays the role of first pillar of social protection. 2. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The attached accounts were prepared in accordance with the accounting records of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal. These accounts summarise the Pension Fund’s transactions and net assets. They do not take into account liabilities relating to pensions or other benefits payable in the future. The Pension Fund’s actuarial position, including these liabilities, is shown in the actuarial report. These financial statements should be read in conjunction with the aforementioned report (See Note 15). 3. ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES a) General The financial statements were prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Portugal and in accordance with the rules issued by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal (ISP). The accounts were prepared under the historical cost convention (modified to include the revaluation of investment in land, buildings and credit securities) and on a going-concern basis, pursuant to the fundamental accounting principles of consistency, prudence and accruals. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 53 b) Land and buildings Land and buildings are initially recognised at their acquisition cost plus acquisition expenses. Subsequently, this value is reassessed by independent entities, in accordance with the provisions of Standard no. 9/2007 of 28 June of the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal. Unrealised capital gains and losses arising from the revaluation of real estate are recorded in the Income and Expenditure Statement, in the financial year in which the revaluation is made. c) Credit securities Financial investments in the portfolio on 31 December 2008 are valued at their fair value in accordance with Standard no. 9/2007 of 28 June of the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal. Pursuant to this Standard, an economic methodology adapted to the type of financial asset in question is applied to securities whose listing price significantly departs from their fair market value. In the terms of the applicable legislation, the portfolio of listed securities with reduced liquidity in regulated markets and chiefly traded over the counter is valued by using prices made available by the main financial information agencies. The difference between the fair value of the securities and their respective acquisition cost is booked under capital gains and losses, as the case may be, in the Income and Expenditure Statement. The difference between the proceeds from the sale of securities and their book value is also booked under the same headings. d) Contributions Upon actual receipt, Banco de Portugal’s contributions to the Pension Fund are booked under contributions to the Income and Expenditure Statement (see Note 10). e) Income Income from real estate rents and securities is booked in the period to which it refers, save for dividends, which are only recognised upon actual receipt. f) Pensions Pensions are paid to the beneficiaries by the Banco de Portugal, which is subsequently fully reimbursed by the Pension Fund, on a monthly basis (see Note 13). Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 54 g) Fees Fees are booked under the corresponding heading in the Income and Expenditure Statement in the period to which they refer, regardless of their date of payment. Fees as yet unpaid are booked against accrued costs and prepaid fees are booked under deferred costs (see Note 8 a)). h) Derivatives Foreign exchange forward contracts executed to hedge the foreign exchange risk associated with the securities portfolio are revalued at the foreign exchange rates corresponding to their remaining maturity, as implied in the forward exchange rates (average bid/ask price as at the revaluation date) released by internationally recognised financial information systems. Any differences between the equivalent in euros to the forward revaluation rates applied and the equivalent in euros to the rates agreed represent revaluation income or costs, which are booked under increases or decreases in the value of the Pension Fund, respectively, notably capital gains and losses, against accruals and deferrals. i) Taxation Pension funds are exempt from Corporate Income Tax and Property Tax, in accordance with the Tax Benefit Act. 4. LAND AND BUILDINGS (in euros) 2007 2008 Date of Last Valuation Investment Value Adjustments Book Value Book Value Avenida da República 2008 8,055,047 10,117,593 18,172,640 18,500,000 Avenida da Liberdade Edifício Libersil 2006 10,045,180 4,354,820 14,400,000 14,400,000 Avenida de Berna Espaço Berna 2006 12,796,688 1,123,312 13,920,000 13,920,000 Edifício Y 2006 4,537,154 1,062,846 5,600,000 5,600,000 Edifício Castilho 2007 18,245,203 -6,589 18,238,614 18,238,614 53,679,272 16,651,982 70,331,254 70,658,614 Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 55 The investment value includes the base price, legal charges and other expenses. The adjustments correspond to unrealised capital gains in the 2008 financial year, to the amount of 327,360 euros, and in preceding years (capital gains of 16,979,342 euros). Valuations should be made every three years, or earlier when there are materially relevant differences between the net book value of the building and its market value. In 2008, the following unrealised capital gains were identified: (in euros) Potential Capital Gains Building Avenida da República -327,360 Total -327,360 5. CREDIT SECURITIES (in euros) 2008 Acquisition Cost 2007 Adjustments Market Value Market Value VARIABLE INCOME SECURITIES Unit Investment fund units 103,513,614 14,153,615 117,667,229 163,165,059 1,024,640,310 -71,137,033 953,503,276 892,331,696 4,997,357 286,660 5,284,017 4,980,794 0 0 0 5,717,035 1,133,151,281 -56,696,758 1,076,454,523 1,066,194,584 FIXED INCOME SECURITIES - BONDS Public Debt Other supranational issuers Other issuers The adjustments correspond to unrealised capital gains or losses calculated as the difference between the market value and the historic acquisition cost. In 2008, net unrealised capital gains and losses recognised in the Income and Expenditure Statement amounted to -26,960,987 euros (see Note 12 (i)). The remaining 29,735,771 euros concerns preceding years. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 56 6. CASH AND BANK DEPOSITS This heading is broken down as follows: (in euros) 2008 Cash Demand deposits Term deposits 2007 719 719 600,655 1,464,142 8,200,000 29,900,000 8,801,374 31,364,861 7. DEBTORS AND CREDITORS This heading is broken down as follows: (in euros) 2008 2007 CURRENT ASSETS Taxes (a) 450 450 126,584 120,895 0 3,094,098 693 693 127,727 3,216,136 0 31,647 46,409 346,697 Creditors – Buildings (b) 148,726 18,534,938 Other 116,666 113,912 3,843,835 0 4,155,635 19,027,194 -4,027,908 -15,811,058 Lessees Derivatives (c) Other CURRENT LIABILITIES Brokers and financial intermediaries Taxes (a) Derivatives (c) Net Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 57 (a) Taxes - VAT This heading essentially concerns the VAT paid in the renovation works of Edifício Libersil, to be brought forward to future years. (b) Creditors - Buildings In 2008, this heading included sums concerning a transaction relating to a building whose deed was executed at the beginning of 2008. (c) Derivatives The policy on the use of derivatives was based exclusively on the use of foreign exchange forward contracts to hedge the foreign exchange risk in exchange traded funds denominated in four separate currencies: pound sterling, US dollar, Japanese yen and Swiss franc. Since there were no underlying assets on 31 December 2008, the foreign exchange forward contract position recognised on this date corresponds only to contracts to be matured, whose net value is not very material. 8. ACCRUALS AND DEFERRALS This heading is broken down as follows: (in euros) 2008 2007 9,740,865 9,990,444 17,095 62,305 -9,708 0 329 329 9,748,581 10,053,078 Interest receivable From credit securities From term deposits Other accruals and deferrals Accrued costs– a) Other Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 58 9. VALUE OF THE FUND Changes in the value of the Fund were as follows: (in euros) 2008 2007 VALUE OF THE FUND AS AT 31 DECEMBER 1,183,275,079 Increase due to contributions (Note 10) Member contributions 21,841,142 Beneficiary contributions 2,159,539 Extraordinary contributions 20,000,000 44,000,681 Decrease due to matured pensions and repayments (Note 13) 50,728,942 Financial profit (loss) -15,238,995 -21,967,256 VALUE OF THE FUND AS AT 31 DECEMBER (A) 1,161,307,823 To recall: LIABILITIES FOR PAST SERVICES (B) 1,175,298,862 Excess compared to liabilities (A-B) 1,159,582,431 1,725,392 10. CONTRIBUTIONS Current contributions include, in addition to the component paid by the Banco de Portugal, contributions from its staff in the conditions laid down in their corresponding pension plans. 11. INCOME This heading includes the following types of income: Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 59 (in euros) 2008 Land and buildings 2007 4,290,596 6,905,292 2,063,669 2,937,395 23,998,589 22,371,928 231,700 66,241 98,739 129,016 26,392,697 25,504,580 58,645 53,861 428,798 361,754 487,444 415,615 31,170,736 32,825,487 Credit securities Real estate and securities investment funds Bonds Public debt Other public issuers Other issuers Demand deposits Term deposits Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 60 12. CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES Capital gains and losses recognised in the year are broken down as follows: (in euros) 2008 2007 UNREALISED CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES Land and buildings Capital gains Capital losses 0 7,785,546 327,360 1,580,184 -327,360 6,205,362 60,595,963 6,549,350 Credit securities Capital gains Capital losses 87,556,950 46,162,710 -26,960,987 -39,613,360 Capital gains 6,693 1,140 Capital losses 4,706 5,512 1,987 -4,372 Capital gains 0 4,204,900 Capital losses 0 0 0 4,204,900 Capital gains 15,397,505 1,057,603 Capital losses 31,607,694 6,545,217 -16,210,188 -5,487,614 (i) Other REALISED CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES Land and buildings Credit securities Derivatives Capital gains 17,644,048 42,723,577 Capital losses 20,503,933 38,150,801 -2,859,885 4,572,776 Capital gains 3,568,373 666,541 Capital losses 2,951,241 564,870 617,132 101,671 Total capital gains 97,212,582 62,988,657 Total capital losses 142,951,884 93,009,294 Net capital gains (losses) -45,739,302 -30,020,637 Other Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 61 13. PENSIONS AND CAPITAL MATURED This heading is broken down as follows: (in euros) 2008 Pensions paid 2007 46,060,289 44,270,135 Capital matured 1,327,608 669,274 Pension payment charges 2,883,700 2,910,124 266,647 313,026 50,538,244 48,162,560 141,280 515,861 47,749 90,410 50,727,272 48,768,831 Death benefit Sub-Total Repayments Transfer of rights Total 14. OTHER EXPENSES This heading is broken down as follows: (in euros) 2008 Financial - a) 123,758 125,666 Buildings - b) 491,507 1,620,005 67,750 308,691 0 1 683,016 2,054,363 Extraordinary expenses Other expenses a) 2007 Financial expenses This heading covers expenses borne by the Pension Fund related to the financial asset global custody service. b) Expenses on buildings This heading covers normal building management and maintenance costs. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 62 15. INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE ACTUARIAL REPORT As an integral part of its report, SGFPBP publishes the actuarial results pertaining to the Banco de Portugal Pension Fund as at 31 December 2008. 16. TAX LIABILITIES The Banco de Portugal assumes the tax liabilities under the agency agreement entered into with SGFPBP on 17 October 2006. This Agreements states that the Banco de Portugal shall: a) b) c) pay retirement and widower’s pensions to their respective beneficiaries on behalf and on the instructions of SGFPBP; withhold any contributions and taxes due, for subsequent delivery to the competent authorities; settle the sums paid and the contributions owed to the Pension Fund related to the Bank’s employees through an offsetting procedure, in the terms of sub-paragraph a). The Banco de Portugal has complied and will continue to comply with the aforementioned agreement as long as the same remains in force, and shall assume all the inherent liabilities. Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 63 Certification of Accounts Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 64 ERNST & YOUNG Ernst & Young Audit & Associados – SROC, S.A. Avenida da República, 90, 6th floor 1600-206 Lisbon Portugal Tel: +351 217 912 000 Fax: +351 217 957 586 Certification of Accounts Introduction 1. We have examined the attached financial statements of Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal (the “Fund”), which comprise the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as at 31 December 2008 (which shows total investments of 1,161,307,823 euros and a value of the Fund to the same amount, including net losses of 21,967,256 euros), the Income and Expenditure Statement for the year ended on the aforementioned date, as well as the corresponding Notes. Responsibility 2. The Board of Directors of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal is responsible for preparing financial statements that give a true and fair picture of the assets and liabilities of the Fund and the results of its operations, as well as for adopting appropriate accounting policies and criteria and maintaining an appropriate internal control system. 3. We are responsible for expressing a professional and independent opinion on the basis of our examination of the aforementioned financial statements. Scope 4. The examination we carried out was made pursuant to the Review/Audit Technical Standards and Guidelines issued by the Statutory Auditors’ Association, which ______________________________________________________________________ Limited liability company * Share capital 1,105,000 euros * Registered in the Statutory Auditors’ Association under no. 178 * Registered in the CMVM under no. 9011 * Taxpayer no. 505 988 283 * Registered in the Lisbon Commercial Registry under the same number * A member of Ernst & Young Global Limited Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 65 require that the same be planned and executed with a view to obtaining a reasonable degree of certainty that the financial statements are free of material distortions. To this end, the aforementioned examination includes: − verification, on a sampling basis, of documentation supporting the sums and disclosures in the financial statements and an evaluation of the estimates, on the basis of judgements and criteria defined by the Board of Directors of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, used in their preparation; − an assessment as to whether the accounting policies and the disclosures adopted are appropriate, given the circumstances; − verification that the accounts were prepared on a going-concern basis; and − an overall assessment as to whether the presentation of the financial statements is appropriate. 5. Our examination also included an assessment as to whether the financial information contained in the Management Report is consistent with the financial statements. 6. We believe that the examination carried out provides an acceptable basis for expressing our opinion. Opinion 6. In our opinion, the aforementioned financial statements give a true and fair picture, in all materially relevant aspects, of the financial condition of Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal as at 31 December 2008 and the results of its operations for the financial year ended on the aforementioned date, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Portugal and the Standards issued by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal for the pension fund industry. Lisbon, 19 March 2009 Ernst & Young Audit & Associados – SROC, S.A. Firm of Statutory Auditors (no. 178) Represented by: [signature] Ana Rosa Ribeiro Salcedas Montes Pinto (ROC no. 1230) Report and Accounts | 2008 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 66 Report and Accounts | 2008