UCL Australia Role Description – Level D

UCL Australia
Role Description
Principal Research Associate – Level D
A Principal Research Associate is required to manage internationally
competitive research projects at UCL Australia. A Principal Research
Associate will have an extensive publication record with international
Main duties and responsibilities
In addition to the requirements of a Research Associate and Senior Research
Associate the requirements of a Principal Research Associate are:
a) To make an outstanding contribution to a body of knowledge and an
international research profile with sustained research or appropriate
professional outcomes.
b) Successful collaboration with other research teams / Institutions and
significant and sustained success in obtaining research grants.
c) To supervise research students.
d) To exercise research leadership and / or manage a research team(s)
e) Application of knowledge transfer/exchange on practice, quality of life,
society or culture through ongoing engagement with communities
f) When appropriate given the candidate's current appointment, evidence of
excellence in teaching and/or evidence of a significant contribution to the
management or administration of UCL Australia or the Faculty.
Key Requirements
A Principal Research Associate must have a PhD in a relevant discipline.
Membership of a relevant professional organisation.
Research experience will have resulted in publications recognised
internationally as outstanding in terms of originality, significance and rigour,
published in high impact factor peer-reviewed scientific journals, conference
papers, reports, or professional contributions.
Promotions to Principal Research Associate take place annually through the
Senior Promotions Procedure.