Fuelbed Changes with Aging of Slash From Ponderosa Pine Thinnings Donald W. Carlton and Stewart G. Pickford ABSTRACT Fuel loading stratified by standard fuel size transectat each samplepoint. Dead and downwoody chtssesand .]itelbeddepth &lta fi•om ii preeonlmercially thinnedstandsof ponderosa pine (Pinusponderosa Doagl. er fuels were inventoried on the transect according to Laws) indicatedthat changesin slashfitelbedsvaryingin age J?om0 to 17 years can be describedmathematicallyas a .[itnctionqf slashage a.d basal area o.ftreesrenwed. Least- squaresequation of theform I n(fitelbedcharacteristic)= a + b'ln(basal area remtn'ed)+ c'(age) gate R2 yahres J?om0.74 to 0.96, and till equations ssvre signt.'ficant at the 99-percent level. Prescribedburning producedt'ha•tgesin loadingand beddepththat werethe equiva- lent of 2 to 20 or .lore yearsof naturalaging. Theseresults shoaldbe of ase to hind managers,bat sincethey tire from one drainage of the eastern side of the CascadeRange in 14•lshington they may need adjastingbeforebeingtippliedto other areas. Throughout much ofthe species' wide range inthe westernUnited States, ponderosapine developsdense, stagnatedstandsof sapling- and pole-sizedreproduction. Timber and forageproductivityon bettersitescan oftenbe increasedby precommercial thinning.Thinning is expensive,however,and it createsslashthat increases fire hazardgreatly (Fahnestockand Dieterich 1962). A manager'sdecisionto spendmoneyto reducethe hazard dependsin part on the rate at which the hazard will dissipateby naturaldecayof the slash. Various studies have indicated that fire hazard dissi- patesgradually(Long 1915, Fahnestockand Dieterich 1962, Fahnestock1968, Kill 1968, Wagenetand Oftbrd 1972, Albini and Brown 1978). A commonlyaccepted rate for natural abatement of fire hazard in eastern Oregonand Washington is five yearsto returnto an MM hazard level--moderate rate of spread,moderateresistance to control (USDA Forest Service 1968). We studiedprecommercialthinningunits to estimate the fuelbed characteristicsof thinning slashas a function of basal area removedand years since cutting. Results indicated that changes in important fuelbed characteristics can be describedby mathematicalequations. These equations,or similar ones tbr specific areas, should be useful in evaluatingfire hazard in thinned areas, evaluating effectivenessof prescribed burning, and perhapsother applicationsrequiringnumerical fuelbeddescriptions. Methods Our studydesignrequiredantteatedslashof various ages. We selectedan area in the Entiatdrainageof the eastsideCascadeRangeof Washington becauseit containedpole-sizedstandsthat had beenprecommercially thinnedat varioustimes over a 17-yearperiod.Sample pointswere establishedin units thinnedin each of I1 years and in an unthinnedarea. The sampledstands occupied various topographicsituationsat elevations between 2,100 and 3,21)0 ti:et. Twentysamplepointswere randomlylocatedwithin each unit. Fuels data were collected along a 33-tbot Brown's11974)technique,with depthsof fuelbedmeasuredas the high-particleinterceptat 2-footintervals alongthefueltransect. The intercept wasdefinedasthe distance from the surfaceof the forest floor to the tallest deadwoodyfuel-particle within6 inches of thevertical line throughthe measurement point. Pineneedlelitter and humusdepthweremeasured at twopointsalongeachfueltransect. A 0.01-acrecircular plot wasestablished at eachsamplepoint.Eachstump fromthinningwithinthisplotwasidentifiedby species, and its diameter at stump top was recordedto the nearest inch.Percent of•round surface covered byslash wasestimatedfrom l-ft- quadratsat the 20-tbotpoints on fuel transects. The percentof needlesremainingon slashwasocularlyestimatedat eachplot center. Data Analysis Fuel loadings,litter and duff depths,and fuelbed depthswere computed for eachtransect.Total fuel loadingvariedfrom 3.2 tonsper acrein an unthinned stand(age= 0 years)to nearly20 tonsperacrein units containing the youngest slash.Litter and duff depths showed little consistentvariation with slash age, but average fuelbeddepthsdecreased from 18.6 inchesin the youngest slashto 5.5 inchesin the oldestunits. Fuelbeddepthsin unthinned areasaveraged only 1.9 inches (table 1). Prethinningstockingvaried from 1,250 to 3,250 stemsperacre,butpercent of originalstocking removed wasbetween80 and95 percenton all but the unit with Table 1. Fuel loadings, litter and duff, and depth of fuelbed. Age of Average fuel loading slash Yrs. by diameterclass• Depth 1-hr. 10-hr. 100-hr. 1,000-hr. Total Litter Duff - ...... Inches ...... Tonsper acre ............. 17 15 13 12 11 10 0.46 .29 .35 .30 .24 .14 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.2 3.6 2.5 3.2 4.1 5.4 2.4 6.4 4.1 9.31 6.66 8.31 4.15 3.38 7.53 15.3 13.4 16.5 9.0 13.6 14.3 0.9 1.5 .7 1.1 .5 1.2 1.0 1.1 .7 1.2 .6 .5 7 6 .57 .54 2.7 2.4 4.5 7.0 .5 .4 .52 .74 .73 .05 4.2 2.7 4.1 .5 4.5 5.1 4.3 .4 14.4 13.8 19.8 17.7 16.7 3.2 .3 .3 3 2 1 0 6.60 3.90 10.53 9.12 7.58 2.30 1.0 .6 .7 .9 1.3 .6 1.0 1.0 Fuelbed 5.5 7.5 8.6 5.3 8.8 11.1 11.0 14.0 11.9 16.3 18.6 1.9 •Diameter classes are: 0-'/• inch = I hour; '/•-1 inch = 10 hour; 1-3 inches = 100 hour; 3-8 inches = 1,000 hour. THE AUTHORS--Donald W. Carlton is a lbrcster with the Mount Hood National Forest. Portland.Oregon. StewartG. PickIbrd is associateprofessorof lbrestryat the Universityof Washington. Seattle. The work reported here was funded by. and performed in ct•pcration with. the USDA ForestServicc'sPacific Northwest ForestandRan[ze Experiment Station. February 1982/JOURNAL OF FORESTRY/91 17-year-old slash. Basal area removed (calculated at stump top height) varied from 64 to 121 squarefeet; averagestump diameter of the cut stemswas between 2.2 and 3.0 inchesfor all but one unit (table 2). We hypothesized thatchangesin physicalcharacteris- Table 2. Original stocking per acre, percent of stocking removed, basal area removed, and average diameter of cut stems. Ageof Prethinning Stocking Basalarea Averagediameter tics of fuelbedsovertime couldbe approximated by some form of exponentialdecay.We thereforemade slash stocking Years 17 15 13 12 11 10 Stems 1,445 2,550 3,250 2,100 2,745 1,250 Percent 75 86 85 85 89 90 7 1,460 91 6 3 2 1 0 2,595 2,295 1,385 1,785 1,375 95 92 81 87 ......... removed cut stems Square least-squares fits of the data in tables I and 2 to several typesof exponentialequation. s. The form of the equation that gavethe bestfit was: In(property) = a + b'ln(basalarearemoved)+ c-(ageof slash). Table3 givesthe valuesof the constants a, b, and c for each physicalcharacteristicthat we estimatedin this way.All of theseequations gavehighlysignificant (0.01) overall F-ratios and reasonable R• values. Resid- ualsappeared to be uniformlydistributed overtheranges of x-values.Figures I, 2, and 3 illustratetheserelationshipsgraphically. We averagedthe estimatedpercentof needleretention for each unit sampled. These data were then fitted by leastsquaresto the equation: (percentof needlesretained)= 1.028 exp( - 0.074-slashage). We estimatedthe weightof needlesoriginallypresentin the slashat the time of thinningfrom the numberof treesremovedper squarefoot of cut basalarea by stem diameterclass,multipliedby the estimatedneedleweight for ponderosapine crowns from Brown et al. (1977). removed •et 80 108 94 70 99 69 •ches 3.28 2.63 2.17 2.35 2.36 2.83 64 2.49 121 109 71 96 2.42 2.68 2.96 2.80 56 1 Hour-- 052(cutb.a.) e 054 (age) t• •- lo o) .8 :• 5 .35 o ._1 • 1.c 2 .2 ii This gavea meanvalueof 49.3 lb/fi2 of basalarea removed. We used this value and the removed basal area to computethe original slashneedle loadingfor each plot, and then applied the estimatedpercentof needles retainedto computecurrentneedleloading. Thesedata werecombinedto yield the equation: (needleloading,tons/acre)= 0.02535-(cut basal area) + 0.09482 • / / 5 [ 10 • 15 co• - 20 Slash Age (yrs.) Figure/. On•-ho.r tim•/a••/ /oa•in• v•r•.• s/asha• th• ba•a/areac.t. Th• limit(• th• •/• •ata•)r slasha• i• / to/7 •ar• an• fi)r ba•a/areac.t is h4 to/•2 exp(0.074-(slash age)2). 52 SmallFuel• The curvepredictssmallamountsof needlesremaining in the fuelbed for severalyearsafter most needles woulddropfrom the slash.This residualneedleloading was observedat the samplepointsand originatedfrom needledrapefrom overstorycanopies. e .024(age) 148 Asexpected, theaverage high-log height • andaverage high-particle heightwerehighlycorrelated (R2 = 0.95). The averagehigh-logheightwas mosthighly correlated withthepercent of ground surface covered byslash(R2 = 0.95). The equationsare: (averagehigh-logheight) = 0.29'(averagehigh-particleheight) - 0.08 " / / and (percentslashgroundcover) = 6.9'(averagehigh-logheight) + 6.2 The equationswith which we describedour fuelbeds give quantitativemeasuresof fuelbedchangesovertime; we usedother reporteddatato helpjudgewhetheror not the equationsare reasonable.The equationspredictthat woody fuel loadings will decreaseby less than 25 percentduringthe first five yearsalter thinning.Significant decreases in needleloading,however,will occurin the secondthroughthe fourth year after thinning.The needleretentionthat we predictfor years2 through4 is tHigh-log height•1s d•:fined as thedistance fromtheforest floor to the tallestseveredbole within6 inchesof the vertical line throughthe measurement point. 92/JouRNALOFFoRESIR¾/February 1982 I/ / 5 / 10 / 15 20 Slash Age (yrs.) Figure 2. Sm•/I-fi•el /ouding versassl•sh •ge and the •re• cut. The /imit •f the fie/d d•t• •)r s/•sh •ge is I to 17 yearsandJbr bas•l •a cut is 64 to 132 squ•refeet. within 50 •rcent of thatreposedby Albini and Brown (1978). Our equationshowsneedleloadingswhich stabilize at about 5 percentof original valuesafter about sevenyears•the resultof needlefallfrom overstorytrees beingaddedto the fuelbed.We obse•ed bothneedlefall and •ry old (7-13 years) retainedneedlesduring our fieldwork, in approximatelytheseamounts. Avg.High_ 1961cut b.aI 49 Particle -- eO66(age) Table 3. Coefficients of best-fit equations describing changes in fuelbed properties of slash of various ages. Property a b c r2 Overall F-ratio • 29 '• • 21•1115 3C 2c 15 57 Fuelloading • 1-hour 10-hour 100-hour Total small fuels Total fuels -2.955 - .682 - .927 - Fuelbed depth .543 1.184 .672 0,562 .434 .578 .516 .383 .494 -0.542 - .026 - .016 - 0.74 .91 .95 .96 .90 .92 .024 .020 .066 12.646 • 47.49 • 44,727 • 102.462 41.84 a 50.74 a •See footnote1, table1 forexplanation of fuelsizeclasses. 2All equationssignificantat the 99-percent/eve/ with2 and 9 degrees of freedom. 5 10 15 20 Slash Age (yrs.) Figure'3. Averagehighparticle heighl versusslashage and the basal area cut. The limit of the field data for slashage is I to 17 )'earsandfi)r basal area eul is 64 to 132 square.feet. Woodyfuel loadingswill decreaseat nearlythe same rates for years 5 to 10 as during the initial five years. The rate of reductionis highestfor small fuel sizes, as one would expect. Overall, our equationspredict that after 20 years the total fuel loadingsare reducedby about one-third, and fine fuel loadingsby about twothirds. Fuel depthsdecreasedmorerapidly.The high-particle interceptheightdecreasedby over25 percentin the first 5 years, declinednearly 50 percentafter l0 years,and would probablyhave decreasedby 75 percentafter 20 years.The initial rate of fuelbeddepthchangeobserved in this study is only half that reported by Fahnestock and Dieterich (1962), but the differencemay be due to the more xeric conditions (with slower funsal decay rates) and lighter sno• loads in our studyarea than in theirs. Also, Fahnestock and Dieterich used detached branches,which shouldcompactat a differentrate than unloppedtops. Applications Our estimatesof ratesof changein fuelbedproperties shouldbe of interestin evaluatingpotentialfire hazard in unitsproposedfor thinning. Much of the information from theseestimatesmay be applicablein fire behavior models already in existence(Rothermel 1972, Albini 1976). By making fire behaviorestimateson the basis of fuelbed changes over time and combining these estimateswith analysisof risk of ignition in thinnedor adjacentunits, managersshould be in a better position to evaluate the need for slash treatment. The informationfrom this study shouldalso be of interest in evaluatingthe effectivenessof slash treatments. As an example, we measuredfuelbed loadings and depthsbeforeand after a seriesof prescribedbums in thinningslashnear our studyarea. We then usedthe equationsgiven in table 3 to estimatethe amountof time by which burning acceleratedfuelbed changes. Burning causeda decreasein needle loadingwhich was the equivalentof two to three yearsof aging, on the average.The reductionsin loadingsof total fuel and of small woody fuel, expressedas an equivalentof aging, were greaterthan the useful rangeof our equations(20 years). Certainly burning greatly lessensthe time to reducewoody fuel loadingsin all size classes. Burning produced reductionsin depth of fuelbed equivalentto an aging period of 8 years in burns conductedin the spring, and at least 20 yearsfor fall burns. Since depth of fuelbed is an importantdeterminant of fire intensity,rate of spread,and resistanceto control, the accelerationof fuelbed settling may be at leastas importantas reductionsin fuel loading. Herbaceousand shrubbyvegetationare also important fuel componentsin thinnedstandsof ponderosapine. We estimated these componentsbut did not include them here. Previous studies (McConnell and Smith 1970, Sassamanet al. 1973, Richeson 1977) suggest that effectsof untreatedslashon herbaceousproduction are less significantthan the effects of thinning. Thus, any increasein fire hazard due to understoryvegetation associatedwith precommercialthinning shouldbe predictablelargelyon the basisof thinningintensityalone. Finally, a word of caution. The studywas made in a geographicallylimited area. Sampleunitswereclustered within thinningsof different ages. Becauseclustering tendsto reduce residualvariation,thesetwo facts may make our regressionslook better than they really are. Consequently.our work should be applied directly to other areasonly with considerablediscretion.We have shownthatthe approachis quiteworkable,however,and will increasethe ability to evaluatefire hazardrealistically when ponderosapine in thinned precommercially. ß Literature Cited Acmrq•. F. A. 1976. Estimating wildfire behavior and effeos. USDA For. Serv.Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-30. 92 p. Acmrq•. F. A.. and J. K. B•owN. 1978. Predicting slash depth for fire modeling.USDA For. Serv Res.Pap. INT-206. 22 p. B•ow•. J. K. 1974. Handbookfor inventoryinsdownedwoody material. USDA For. Serv.Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-16. 24 p. BROWN. J. K.. K. SNVlt, and D. L. BUNNFLL. 1977. Handbook for predictingslashweightof westernconifers.USDA For. Serv Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-37. 35p. FAIINFSTOCK. G- R. 1968. Fire hazard from precommercialthinning of ponderosa pine. USDA For. Serv.Res. Pap. PNW-57. 16 p. F^HN•SrO½:[. G. R., and I. H. DIEIERICII. 1962. Loggingslashflanm•abihty after5 years.USDA For. Scrv.Interrot.For.andRangeExp. Sin. Res.Pap. 70, 15 p. Kin. A.D. 1968.Changesin the physicalcharacteristics andmmsture content of pine and spruce/firslashduringthe first five yearsafter logging.For. Res.Lab. InterimRep. A-14.49 p. Edmonton.Alta.. Canada. Lo•c,. W. G. 1915. A new aspectof brushdisposalin Arizona and New Mexico. Proc. Soc. Am. For. 10141:383-398. MCCO•œL•. B. R., and J. 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For the balanceof the region, between50 and 755 acreswould haveto be protectedfor eachacre saved.Consequently, a returnof $50 to $755 per acresavedwouldbe requiredfor every dollar spent per acre protected.A differenceof a few dollars in average cost could, therefore, change the requiredvalue yield by hundredsor even thousandsof dollars. For example, with a low ratio of 50 to I and a cost of $10 per acre protected,each acre savedwould haveto yield benefitswith a presentvalue of $500. A $20 per acre cost would requirean averageyield of $1,000, and so forth. Given theserelationships, it appearsthat the proportionof the NorthernRegionwhich could be treatedeconomicallywould vary greatly with even small differences in treatment cost. These results represent, in effect, the hypothetical applicationof fuel managementto a set of conditions which existed in the past. Differencesin theseconditions, particularlyfire weather,may decreasetheir reliability in evaluatingthe currentfeasibilityof fuel management.This problem, however,would be sharedby even the most sophisticatedfuel-management .model, sincefuture fire weathercannotbe predicted.Results are also predicatedon a set of assumptions about fuel management effectiveness, but refinementis impossible without a great deal more data on fuel treatmentresponsethan currently exist. ß Literature Cited CHANDLER, C. C , andC. F. ROBERtS. 1973.Problems andpriorities lorlbrest fire research. J. For. 71:625-628. DAVIS,L. S. 1965.The Economics of WildfireProtection with Emphasis on FuelBreakSystems. Calif. Div. For., Sacramento. 165p. HORNBY. L. G. 1936.Fire controlplanning in theNorthernRockyMountain Region.USDA For. Serv.North. RockyMt. For. and RangeExp. Stn. Prog. Rep. 1, 178 p. NELSON, T. C. 1979.Firemanagement policyin thenationalforests--anew era. J. For. 77:723-725. ROE. A. L., W. R. BEAUFAll, L. 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Although there may still be supportfor not recognizingopportunitycostsof land and growingstock, few would consistentlyextendthis reasoningto includesuchpurchasesas fertilizer, lavishly applied to the point of no volume growthresponse. For silviculturallytailoring a standto productmarkets while accountingfor loggingtechnologyand intensive silviculture, an economicapproachis both necessary and consistent. ß Literature Cited ASSMANN, E. 1970. The Principlesof ForestYield Study.Pergamon Press. N.Y. 506 p. BENTLEY.W. R., and R. D. FtGHI. 1966. A zero interestcomparison of lbrest rent and soil rent. For. Sci. 12:460. BENTLEY,W. R., and D. E. TEEGUARDEN. 1965. Financialmaturity:a theoretical review. For. Sci. 11:76-87. BRODIE,J. D., D. M. ADAMS,and C. KAO. 1978. Analysisof economic impactson thinningandrotationfor Douglas-fir, usingdynamicprogramming. For. Sci. 24:513-522. BRODIE, J. D., and C. KAO. 1979. 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Inq. 14:466-492. growth. For. Sci. 25:6654372. FuelbedChangeswith Agingof Slashfrom Ponderosa Pine Thinnings(.frompage93) SASSAMAN, R. W., J. W. BARRETT, and J. SMITH. 1973. Economics o! thinningstagnatedponderosapine saplingstandsin the pinegrass areasof centralWashington.USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. PNW-144 (rev.), 17 p. USDA FORESTSERVtCE.1968. Guide for fuel type identification.Region6 (PacificNorthwestRegion).Portland.Oreg. 48 p. WAGFNER, W. W., and H. R. OH:ORD.1972. Loggingslash:its breakdown and decayat two forestsin northernCalitbrnia. USDA For. Scrv. Res. Pap. PSW-83, 11 p. February 1982/JOURNAL OF FORESTRY/107