Available online www.sciencedirect.com at LANDSCAPE ScienceDirect AND URBAN PLANNING ________ ELSE\TIER and Landscape Urban 2007 80 Planning 292 300 This article simulation study of thinning and fuel treatments wildiandurban Agera Andrew Alan USDA INTECS Forest Service International Forestry Forest Inc Mountain Rocky James and Range Lab Sciences Technology District Research in eastern McMahant Health Ranger Sandpoint interface 1500 Station Lab Sciences Fire Available online /50A 1/0 Suite f/wy 5775 Hwy Ave 10 West USA USA USA MT Missoulu on CO 80526 Fort Collins II 83864-9509 landurbplan McHughd OR 97850 La Grunde Centre Sandpoint December 13 Lane Gekeler Team at online locate ier.com USA Oregon Barrettc Charles 140 Enterprie also available is w.else 59808 USA 2006 Abstract We The simulated is wildfire behavior substantial predicted the 2006 B.V Elsevier Keywords and information All fire and other time for specific noted forest scenario Fuels Stand treatment density FVS index and the terms and for States stand show structures Omi Omi 2002 of sibility many rate these factors and resilient to 1998 Negron and 1998 Stephens at climate disturbances Although can create Popp scales vegetation is and considerations key insects 2004 Pollet and fea- dependent on dynamics operational case desired and wildfire the effectiveness larger arrangement spatial financial treatment and resource resource spp management values must E-mail address 0169-2046/S see author Tel 541 aager@fs.fed.us front matter 016/j.landurbplan.2006 278 3740 fax 541 278 3730 The of surface fuels United that models Fire Substantial provided study Western the potential indicated whole as treatment in models simulation of template States 2006 Elsevier By All rights he also as forests complex is et and fire considered hark at 2004 and Mitchell forest in planning problem spatiotemporal Interactions Dendroctonus beetles 1980 Martin disturbance-prone warrants that atten tion We simulated wildlandurhan USA The with of by high Grande loadings treatment national issues decades rate forest density at ct is exclusion We at 2001 examined required density them over scale to are five following achieve well address the the fuel multiple How prescriptions What and for the time in ladder simulated guidelines management the stand fire and The initiated areas many surface homes fires was project Like high of of extreme for potential OR Mount the intermingling treatment have on Grande identified the District and alternatives used the Quigley epidemics widely of forests from resulting management Ranger because fuel La near District Ranger the scenarios management WUI and extensive Mountains insect risk vegetation an La the Blue Grande as forest design forest interface La Emily area behavior A.A Ager such The problem of long-term maintain Corresponding 10.1 issues sustainability time and examined landscape scenarios disturbances What doi and of thinning Grande Oregon and health Wildfire in strategies natural treatments and exam- closely condition forest health forest management from Western the have more treatments including type constraints are that and of impacts future stand-scale that Kalabodkidis and the of studies become have throughout range few effectiveness desired achieving studies wide However mitigating treatments managers address to tong-term of reduction fuel forest issues sustainability med and thinning priority United for the guidelines La near forest through area The study no-treatment fuel among high scenarios the result as to address Finney and Cohen 2002 Schoennagel Introduction Forest density versus thinning forest lands management over Blue Mountains the in managed characteristics weather with interface Federally benchmark desired for the concerned planners of forest meet to and private number were activity characteristics for forest both modeled over wildiandurban 16000-ha on reserved rights simulation Landscape We thinning crown in on treatments composition species other fuels wildfire repeated and structure methods modeling require reductions significant in stand changes structure would area and risk of severe stand activities management for thinning targeted and reduce concerns forest long-term area study net and do fire effects reserved 10.009 00022 A.A Ager of treatments long-term on fire al et forest behavior and Urban /Landscape and structure grandis larch Materials and methods area Mountain long immediately forested to the For slopes of lands 6343 ha ha used state of in the the Plans Approximately est The Service ponderosa the in pine and exceed 30 km area where Oregon ofdead loading ladder accumulations the fuels accelerated budworm Choristoneura Grande Ronde Valley Fig extensive was established breaks natural and in area is owned Wallowa-Whitman and managed by forest composition ranges Pinus ponderosa cold and the forests Engclmann 2.2 Fig based mortality within the stands western project high Fuel spruce caused that epidemic in the stands fuel area andfuel data Vegetation GIS layers on the Forest USDA dry side For- forests dominated density by using data of La Grande Ranger District Stands by and species aerial We 2.5 database built cm digitized diameter color photos taken by using consisting class for each out- digital of stand stand by and photo-interpretation from stand exams obtained 2000 were boundary from 2000 orthophotos from existing vegetation were obtained at the file the Forest Service of P/ecu spruce delineations Stand on Umatilla from occidentalis Lynx with areas 19801986 for Surface scenery some for range Lynx for number ofthe alarge the managed contained lands forested in are western the vegetation the area within privately is around and tonnes/ha in and and winter habitat elaphus after descend Abies lasiocarpa subalpine-fir an l4Ometric ridges study 9432 ha is Cervus lands summer Abies fir grand menziesii growth recreation adjacent boundaries of federal 12259 definitions Grande major drainages following interface Emily and boundary purposes land ownership About La of Mount agricultural analysis area and north urban containing Forest Service including elk old zone Pseudotsuga Larix occidentalis canadensis Emily wildland 293 transition Douglas-fir loadings The Mount and number of resources Rocky Study 292300 2007 engelmannii composition species 80 Planning in 1998 .. OeJ kho 4Ur%aIIJati6iaI Jj .- S% . J.FS .. I- VV atioW _--Fig Vicinity managed by map ofthe the Forest Mount Service PV F.n1ily denotes aica hm privately ing study owned ari land MIes aiid and Seeral oncrhip snuU tracts hoLlildarks owned by the Hold State hi inc indiiies ofOregon within lII1y the area study boundary FS area are not denotes lands shown 00023 294 A.A Ager data Stand-specific several ways The were estimated area for opment stand data local six on stands to aerial within stand this transect series TPH SDI to where TPH1 well We simulated fuel high the 1992 65% the and Fire Simulator FVS-PPE Fuels The FVS-PPE 2003 by using the Blue dynamics Extension Processing and stand Forest Vegetation Mountains to the we in i.e before simulation the to cycling Upper Grande Ronde State Oregon OR lis was used from obtained We steps fuel 1991 FFE Maguire as 2000 year and were simulated the we decades regeneration in ending with Fire the We for 2002 year reported the for the data decadal 2070 the in initial For the the over selected output for averages summing variables decadal postthin as other year of first SDI in dividing by 70 tive simulated thinning fling with repeated thereafter on private included extensive these burns only lands scenarios use of The thinning 1933 the the THNP with fire on wildland five with decade relative removal of the stand Warm 2.5 pine of thinning at max- the efficiency each in The thinning thinned prescriptions like species seral early and larch grand defined The Douglas-fir which group by species are 1998 Hall such species aggre Preferred are larch Englcmann larch fir spruce grand pine Douglas-fir ponderosa dryponderosa pine larch western Douglas-fir and fuels modeling Fire Crookston 2003 and of 1976 by ter mechanical ists only NOTRT because the on index the moisture fuel 40% and diameter the fuel fuel Emily site of the guidelines for fall scrutinized alization then mortality years after System averaged Station the the 351314 than for commu 1997 of by fuel Table following in special- Johnson burning thinning model hundred the ensure Stand that was stands Visu overstory trees/ha simulating Station Black list 90% cm diame underburn to the by using weather in several about J-Ridge and year The tree postburn McGaughey less the underburns by simulating examining were derived from tam for each reduction of 2.57.6 provided District onset by using fuel removal was simulated removal the underhurning the SDI of surface Mount simulated La Grande Ranger scheduled and stands we fuels Underburning the the for database vegetation La Grande Ranger District personal communication We subject as the by Scott the FFE in La Grande Ranger District personal cm and in data and and behavior fire initialized treatment Specifically surface fuel developed 1986 Andrews were parameters Wallace conditions relationships model surface to surface the using 7.614.8 uses and dynamics fuel FVS FFE Reinhardt and the 1977 Fuel loadings fires simulated FFE The down and with Van Wagner 2001 Reinhardt crown nication and and dead effects fire were simulated the thin- implemented measure of density where small- effective 35% trees fire-intolerant associations plant Potential and is the favoring western underburns no treatments density crop trees stands Weather conditions used 10% of late-seral Cold drywestern We interface that differed by plant association species debate prescription for leave THNBRN underburning urban were retained gates the scenarios the with scenario next the underburning no treatment without selec- underburning until THNBRN THN of followed scenario years first and and consisted that we modeled thinning THNBRN of considerable Reineke for 10 10 years every the SO same operational treatment every treatments simulated on fuel THN thinning maintenance scenario mechanical underburns Using treatments and depending thinning maintenance stand-level FVS an from were to exceeded SDI stands treatments used Clausnitzer was ordered trees were thinned We stand the of ponderosa project We fuels Stands 90% of We and prescriptions scenarios of and La Grande Ranger the on FVS when in the thinning that mixed-species stand Treatment for 2003 class Albini years 2.4 so Johnson 1998 guidelines thin triggered preferences prethin all were calculated by and outputs Blue association plant time eachdecadeFVSexecutesthinninginthefirstyearofthecycle Yearly Hall and species Surface annual 2000 condition postthin time and Fuels Extension year class in the model survey on both reported conditions postthin 1994 Cool moistwestern dynamics tree thinning ladder Dixon Corval This regeneration forest vegetation and reported by decade well model Report FVS Reinhardt and Crookston 2003 on to model regeneration Unpublished DBH ith established period of Forest Sciences simulations the extensive each regeneration Department forest in starting forest period the been Lash- parallel stands all have target Crookston La Grande Ranger District the simulated dynamics steps for from for watershed University was developed as next the by Wilson and developed the completed is of trees/ha SDI maximum Removal largest reducing fir ion of the targeted multiple stands al et Following to size and Reinhardt SDI Parallel and Stage Crookston Extension simulates linked for each for Cochran imurri of number of values procedure est variant tree The 25 the is Mountains overview Modeling DBH hole height of sampling District 2.3 reference at density cm as stands forest into 137 at FVS Stage 1968 as by Maximum forextremely old the calculated is diameter stand as 1992 and Wordell cm of 25 converted is existing density size 292300 2007 80 Planning process the photo to structure Line series of many In were then extrapolated conditions the photo devel- prescription project in of the study photo-interpretation and Hilbruner the of part loadings by using calibrate 1500 ha were matched fuel of stand found loadings as and Urban /Landscape were derived loadings reduction association plant by using used field fuel These stands knowledge was the conditions fuel 1981 the remaining exam in fuel on about loadings proposed surface of Fischer on surface fuel al et potential 351414 Mountain wildfire effects Black Moun Station 351317 00024 A.A Ager al et and Urban Landscape Table default Weather and moisture fuel used parameters in and wildfire potential 292300 2007 80 Planning cation Wildfire Underburn canopy 322 21.1 used an in parameters prescribed 295 to attempt structural replicate Mountains the Blue in classifi we Specifically adjusted simulations fire the _______________________________________________________ Variable TemperatureC I-h 10-h 1000-h Live cm cm 7.62 cm et 2.547.62 fuel fuel woody above Values from for local not 20 are station calculation weather percentile data Underburn of See conditions conditions Section and details from on of wind velocity 3.1 calculated were obtained additional for values percentile and were tions 40km weather 16km located south of the September from Plus Family upper Table Plus by National to model the and to 10 J-Ridge 2002 NA data windspeed Oceanic and gust http//www.wrh Atmospheric windspeed in than noaa.gov/sew/fire/olm/fire/ in and Forest structure We narios forest analyzed by using canopy FVS Crookston into and and Stage thinning in NOAA THNBRN extensive underburn decade Table declined The THN m3 in the THNBRNI removed scenarios wood compared SDI to et structure al 1996 for the see- classification built were made 1999 Changes off tapered periods in which small vol thin THNP The amounts of other scenarios the stabilized at 87% about Fig decreased to at each amount of large relatively second the decade per to scenario treatment after thinning first after removed scenario main- was reduced burning 114307469982m3 to and of ha/year Table area THNBRN The treatments most of the study area received 471 and decadal area thinned the that treatment treated forested the stands all in the by underburning decade and Otogust.htm 3.8% of or period 3648% of the THN and THNBRN alternatives Fig NOTRT scenario increased until about OHara stand for 1.4% of the forested area or ha/year umes composition structure called was followed underburns Average 2.6 FVS basal average development and on average decade first wood 1099203 velocities average the simulation resulted mois- developed Administration rather 177 Fire- generated tables which scenario thinning tenance to in the When generate fuel ha over sta- June to and windspeed average for 2000 were adjusted upward by using actual in tree Changes for exceeded 65% of the maximum SDI resulted located is were analyzed McCormick mm station and stand areas THN The weather gusts Mountain Black Weather area temperature The FireFamily and years 1986 Bradshaw The stations east project the 97th-percentile ture 1990 to Wales in by creating analyzed Crookston class by species Treatment 8090 automated are tree 2007 al et was time from 63.5 structure large fuel applicable remote variables the Results Mountains Blue m2 area over forest to NA 10.7 97th wildfire data and station 125 20 old as the threshold decreasing at weather in the specialists 64 kmlh gusts Monitor Event kmlh ground qualify composition species windspeed Maximum wind to This corresponds minimum the increasing and volume and Hemstrom al this 20 fuel average 6.1 stratum 21 in 20% to 10 Duff% 10-mm of layer by canopy from closure 53.3cm 0.642.54 fuel 100-h DBH 00.64 cm fuel of definition Stand of the to response thinning the for in year SDI 2020 year maximum index density maximum Average for the for the and then the remaining for THNBRNI 2000 and scenario thereafter Table Area wood total treated volume harvested Variable area underburned and ha thinned Area ha underburned Volume m3 removed stand 2760 THN 8090 THNBRN1 8090 THNBRN 8090 THNBRNI 7963 THNBRN 7963 THNP Stand basal area 70-year and basal area is for postthin simulation burning m2/ha NOTRT period no the for scenarios management simulated for 278640 1099203 THNBRNI 1099203 THNBRN 1099203 2020 878 2040 2030 2050 1963 1096 1301 2036 11723 167 5380 3699 4064 5354 32938 471 1911 1326 9842 11154 681 254 11794 121 11968 12038 8090 116 34 12418 177 7963 114 12072 76831 47677 77879 182188 63025 113998 179106 274646 469982 264475 317674 407750 2948037 1099203 15703 112810 64476 35252 17377 9378 2340 1340837 19155 34.9 36.5 37.8 38.8 39.4 31.5 32.1 33.5 33.8 33.6 21.1 22.7 22.3 23.5 23.7 23.1 23.6 27.8 31.2 33.9 35.8 THN 17.7 THNBRNI 17.7 19.0 THNBRN 17.7 17.4 Table on1y shows on private 1098 114307 30.3 thin per year Total 1689 27.2 scenarios area study 4386 31.5 Tl-INP Emily 1963 THNP treatment Mount 2060 NOTRT 20002070 the Average 2010 THNP THN Average time Decade Scenario 2000 Area basal area over average outputs lands 17.3 for the THN decade 17.4 label repeated 17.7 following thinning the specified thin year and 13464 42115 39.8 9.1 18.3 THNBRN 942513 Average burn once per year is THNBRN calculated repeated by using thinning treatment 00025 A.A Ager 296 et al and Urban /Landscape time through stem 2007 80 Planning 292300 60% About Fig SE exclusion class for of the landscape NOTRT the scenario in was in year 2060 the 0.7 treatment 06 than scenarios created NOTRT the 6iRT Average scenarios thin on only Mount for the THNmN1.....iHNBi and thin stand density Emily THN lands private bum once THNBRN and maximum of proportion simuated study index SD on over time relative increased 2030 compared THN THN repeated no for the maximum of the by and 45% management over the stand m2/ha area for The Table increased basal the lower than Stand THN scenarios Fig Fig for The NOTRT by and After the Table rapid in stand the scenarios scenario old forest time over the in InS ce mm HZZZZ 01111 ZHHHH old the OS stratum single the equaled values 4700 hulk densities and for ha of the in year In but still 2060 scenario THN The YM over in remained THN of OOS kg/m3 see 2000 and hulk by showed densities crown postthin were clustered spread over scenario the see in the 0.13 kg/m3 2000 to density scenario The year hulk NOTRT year crown had the majority range distribution study area had crown 0.020.06 kg/m3 range the simulation scenario in scenario Fig scenario year large in the densities 2000 0.20 THNBRNI the NOTRT the area study THN for the Fig for and 0.09 treatment NOTRT the distribution kg/m3 for density thinning from Although crown about the instance Fig thinning averaged hulk the the char stand hulk density Average crown base height decreased forest increased slightly from period crown 3.7 base for the to height 2.7 by NOTRT Fig 1.7 on OM aa mm tra mm ml o. ma Hzzzz HZZZZ HZZZZ HZZZZ 01111 01111 Oiiii Oiiia ZHIHH ZH---- ZHH-- Z--H tXcl JI 120CC and 0.060.08 kg/rn3 values hulk OUR fir species on For decreasing between crown was narrower and structure yj The effect treatment thinning showed Fig 2040 Area 0.20 stand uSE 40% composition other behavior crown average difference after above of thinning of loss to of grand species for marked wildfire first increased around all was structure initial increase for the persisted over that scenarios the initiation gradual slight nearly year reduced scenario the decades nario treat- first from 19 percentage Tree constant had treatments after time later was consistently among after showed and and changes differences large structure OM multistratum time treatment the SI initiation after the THNBRN scenario about 46 m2/ha increase large observed reduced substantially for for the showed structure thinning m2/ha 1.5 over slightly the was area NOTRT scenario to the THN THNBRN and THNBRNI scenarios difference between the NOTRT and THN basal from basal area ment scenario NOTRT the year for 20% to nearly determine that kg/rn3 narios thinning first 17.7 70% about equal 87% scenario Average the to to was basis The thinning acteristics 0.09 rapidly Conversely from 39 the basal area the period scenario increased scenarios for NOTRT no treatment THNBRNI thin thinning area repeated pine basal area total simulation the THN in the basal area decreased ________________ ---- THN -THNP of the 2030204020502060 20102020 ___________ THNP OM OS structure Fig Over Fig composition of ponderosa five forest Thethinningtreatmentsresultedinmodestchangesinspecies 04 Fig more old scenario na cY ml ma mm ta mcn HZZzz ZZZZ zzzz Zr-H lLLI Z- UHU 1001 80C 2CC 2000 2q00 PreThin Post 720 2010 ThIn Year Fig Area Crookston no in and treatment different Stage THNP forest 1999 thin structure OM only on old classes forest private by decade multistrata lands THN OS for old repeated five management forest single thinning scenarios story SI THNBRNI simulated stand thin for initialitation and burn once the SE Mount Emily stem exclusion THNBRN thin study and UR area Structure understory modeling reinitiation follows NOTRT repeated 00026 A.A Ager et al and Urban Landscape aPP aDF aWL aGF ULP Ot zi-t--i- aa I- 00 tZZZZ 01111 -zzzz Zi--I-- Zi-i--i-i- -I--i- 297 DES DAF ft OQ Oirri -zzzz 01111 -zzzz Oiiii IZzzz 01111 i-zzzz 100% as IQ 1X0 292300 2007 80 Planning Z--- li-i-I--i- QO am ZZZZ Oiiii ZZZZ 01111 Qo cna Zi-i.- Z.-i----I-- J1J 2000 Pie 2000 Thin Post 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 Thin Year Fig Average lands TI-IN of basal percentage WL Douglas-fir western repeated GF larch area by grand THNBRN1 thinning species LP fir and thin over time for lodgepole burn five pine once management ES Engelmann THNBRN thin and scenarios simulated AF spruce for subalpine the Mount Emily fir NOTRT no study area treatment PP ponderosa THNP DF pine only thin on private repeated 025 12 015 ------ 005 _____________ 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2010 2000 2060 2020 2030 NOTRTFig only on for the private THNBRN thin bulk Mount density Emily lands THN and repeated study repeated over time 2050 2060 EOTRT_THNPTHN_THNi..ThNBRN THNP--THN----THNBRN1-TH crown Average simulated 2040 Year Year for five management scenarios Fig NOTRT no treatment THNP thin THNBRNI thin and burn once thinning the area lands and crown Average Mount Emily THN base repeated height over time for five management scenarios in NOTRT no treatment THNP thin only on private THNBRN1 thin and burn once THNBRN thin thinning study area repeated 7000 6000 3000 2000 1000 Crown 2000-NOTRT Fig year Distribution 2000 are of crown bulk density values for the no treatment bulk density 2060-NOTRT 2000-THN NOTRT and kg/rn3 thin repeatedly THN 2060-THN scenarios in years 2000 and 2060 Values for the THN in postthinning 00027 298 eta /Landscape A.A Ager THNBRN The nario the simulation over average crown base showed an to response the crown than in scenario NOTRT the height in 2020 year 140 .. in scenario 2010 year and rapidly decreased 1.6 in 80 there Interestingly 601 THNBRNI the in 292300 802007 Planning see increases 2010 The THNBRN1 of for height to dramatic in crown base treatment minimum base NOTRT the year thinning after reaching the after increase height initial relative period scenario resulted and Urban scenario was lower 2020 after 20 2000 3.2 Potentialfire 2010 2020 HNP NOTR For height ued THN the volume and then Potential scenario after mortality the increased steadily tree the in from time in for that will THNRRN ning crown active THNP treatment and thin over time burn only given on sustain for constant Fig were initial between 11 THN treatments and in windspeed weather THN and conditions thin repeated repeated poten- 2000 4000 year 3000 at the NOTRT index 2000 most year 40km/h The higher steadily for crowning of the area had thinning for primarily that versus the after until for treatment that the initial an initial year 2040 Fig 10 Area and repeatedly thin NOTRT the the index crowning scenarios in for 2000 years for 40km/h the scenario indices in year was highly values exceeded the most 70 area much in 60 and representative is 30 ing Blue 20 show the 20502060 iF6T-THNP----THNTHNBRN1 to long Average in every Weather Wildfire FVS thinning was of percentage stand for conditions wood volume consumed management five for the wildfire agement scenarios simulation in the are by simulated Mount Emily described in the at the stand scale with the Fire NOTRT no treatment THNP thin only on private THNBRNI thin and burn once THNBRN thin and Fuels arca wildstudy text our TI-IN and repeated index values networks management lynx benchmarks the repeated density goals on stand-level potential habitat for simulations the infeasible entire crown tire analysis and 1992 trcatmcnt over density man area Emily national on implement concerns simulations including and serve finan as useful planning strategic indicated al of east surround the constraints visual the Mount of Mount to et Mountains long-term resource Nevertheless Cochran repcated the show results al 2001 Wickman like condi forest more detailed maintain and scenarios Blue assessments rcquircs and landscapes considerations cial et of desired provide Quigley achieve on the broad-scale Extension lands area had sample in the density simulations to goals make Overall simulated stand previous term between gap significant old-growth Fig the Mountains that forests THNBRN -- __ ---------- crowning and thus the Mountains wide array of operational Year ------ of The Oregon em Blue the current compared 10 of magnitude 1994 2040 of the Discussion the 2030 ot km/h 100 Our study 2020 NOTRT treatment 2060 to less tions 2010 no the and distribution and asymmetrical in that 2060 100- 2000 km/hr NORTa206J 2060 thin distribution crowning THN 2000 THN where between 10 and index of distribution Class Index Crowning NOTRI 2000 than shifted had in distributions the crowning areas crowning was Area Fig values time index resulted index thereafter seenar over THNBRN the -i ___._ 44km/h THNBRN increased the 1000 was 2001 around at and scenario Fig 10 showed initial values and higher the in scenario to required Reinhardt THN year 2000 in and decreased treatment crowning area thin the is 7000 year windspeed the THNBRNI km/h increase of 24 equaled km/h 23 The scenario ning higher substantially After the for the and Scott NOTRT the index Crowning estimates hre crown active an relatively fire of set lands private THNBRN once index sim scenarios management five crowning under fire thin for The area study 2000 index which Crowning it no Emily an sustain NOTRT index crowning Mount the wildfire 63% reach to THNBTFFJ ThN 2060 Fig year thinning ulated 2060 ios 2060 through decrease rapid volume total declined steadily initial over of mortality in base crown mortality contin- tree 91% scenarios resulted and density 16% respectively 34 and THNBRN1 were consistent with potential time reaching THNBRN time and equaled tial scenario Fig and 2050 mortality revealed tree that bulk crown in NOTRT by year 2060 scenarios the among increase through to The potential changes the fire-caused Average differences the observed for of 2040 Year analysis The simulation large 2030 that thinning Emily landscape behavior and to meet stand would associated reduce mortal 00028 A.A Ager increase the area of ity and extent some to earlier seral like species of thinning effect old of 2001 Van Wagner 1977 the tive cited crown average which 0.06kg/rn3 that as the carried years the scenario Thus ning conditions as compared because ues Barbour long not all we because of fuels is treatments the in over difficult THNBRNI the the THNBRN the of old large percentage have ment The structure adjacent to net val- and land of forest background natural structure after et fire al et can increased the with Mitchell Many such Finney 2004 bances et Ager al 2003 resources the and needed to be al et versus in the the NOTRT of the 710% The magnitude we et al simulanatural active fuel scenario and inten- projected scenario and and of Blue Mountains to and elsewhere in need harvesting contribute achieve be will treatments explicit issues how that to long- management the intermountain We this are Tom Burry Crookston Rob Seli and Nick including mous reviewers We number of people to grateful study Linda Dillavou thank tance This Program Mountains Program useful provided of work was the Pacific to who Two Wallace Patricia comments Gary help with provided Crippen Bob Clements Popek to an for Program and anony version earlier assis editorial by the Focused Science Northwest Research Demonstration grant and funded Willie Station Delivery the Blue Joint Fire Science Ager the References predicted more study Ager of the observed spatially All of these questions reduction active of the respective that fuel reflects rate Acknowledgements the present study levels comparison the that costs design finance to treatment Finney 2004 behavior of investments the kinds other Future analyses how examine wildfire Wallin on Johnson productivity al 2000 et should about treatments fuel forest other distur al 2001 et in in Hemstrom and in and affect way of system coarsely background scenarios showed rates 200-year active-fuel-treatment between our West 2007 al The with about goals agents trees treatments fuel and wildfire Quigley effects WUI long term in manageliterature as simulation of pattern volume Tiedemann questions in the is and fire-damaged the with spatial wildlife Emily addressed to concern ponderosae in beetles lead density Of underburning between this arrangement spatial stand volume this At the may pine fir grand brevicomis under explored optimal including Economic al et as insects when even frequent and secondary Mount other disturbance such Dendroctonus interactions et behavior examine to major ponderosa by these be as fire 1980 can issues used Ager activity and Martin needs are beetles Dendroctonus increased suggests sce the treatment from these like species includes that may adjacent Torgersen 2001 and the thinning mountain pine beetle ment regime we for of potential overall the impact thinning impacts that on alternatives from bark impacts controlled are reduce selection when risk removed host species simulated likely same time simula- develop- be al scenarios fire suppression disturbance 60 years forest suppression were made 20% the growth study three scenarios structure two other Hemstrom areas model However treatments this watershed treatment assumptions fuel forest in insects wildfire to the tree by Hemstrom reported The Hemstrom area of old old would and land private indicated defoliators Blue Mountains we treatments the Insect agents in the agent used effect of assessment term landscape generated and disease of old rates projections Grande Ronde comparable different sity robust on struc forest behavior wildfire between created is Forest on not treated is on values end of the at insect optimistic unrealistic and considered period treatments as to scenarios structure endemic of state-and-transition disturbances not led those Upper study used is forest and perhaps our simulations compared THNBRN1 and The omission Fig FVS may tion land moderating disturbance fire potential of reducing terms in Although the models had contrast exten of treatments composition Treatments effective Forest Service the implications without sharp in ownerships species run The managed Federally time and Miyanishi 1995 negative of resource variety result Over and transportation Both in less land private behavior Mountains Blue in the thin- may fire the long have generally on However treatments of similar base tion be Crown- after terms in scenario i.e less or regeneration later 2040 values to years desirable showed examined back were burning time long without less al 2007 and et the as addition simulation the decreased seedling once are of 40 within must be considered constraints as and thinning reverted actually of fuel In mor- crown base higher variables the no-treatment to The seedling treatments for of all height result many where variables management long-term and western persist scenario that in threshold the beginning at thinning in from wildfire composition scenario thinning base land different ture THN- and efficiency other canopy average the scenario once and THN in significant THN thinning effects NOTRT the commonly and modeling approaches different demonstrated also on treatment Service Keyes and fires mortality species resulting the in in most but not index to the thinning tree resulted persisted out only for The simulations the was scenario threshold crown between the density scenario were removed treatment that are alterna- measured variables crown potential burns THNBRN1 The THN the kg/m3 active the bulk THNBRN 90% used of index was below seedlings the 0.10 which of THN the for for density differences crown Seedlings SDI both the considering large 299 study areas sive parameters Scott and Reinhardt activity instance sustain some maintenance height stand to large for crowning in tality bulk on not is The larch western effects the to 292300 2007 80 Planning narios but not others decadal fire For below is required OHara 2002 We observed BRN scenarios height crown marked crown height live structure composition pine and had and Urban Landscape single-story species ponderosa treatments strong determinants ing forest crown bulk density and like with forests change al et difference A.A restoration Hayes strategies McMahan on bark Smith beetle EL mortality Simulating Landscape the effect Urban of forest Plann this volume 00029 A.A Ager 300 F.A 1976 Albini INT-30 U.S Research Andrews of 92 Ogden 1986 systemBURN and Urban Landscape Gen Tech effects Service Rep National Johnson behavior and prediction Gen Tech fuel Rep INT-194 13.5 Depart- in UTl3opp 35 R.J Urban Plann Bradshaw Forest 1994 OR 21 Station N.L Crookston of the from U.S Research ulator the 2003 M.A In Hayes D.C Powell Research of Station Portland UT OR Rep INT-281 U.S OHara Forest and Range Experiment stand Gen Tech simulator Forest Service Forest the of Agriculture CO simulation Eds and 193 Forest for Rep PNW-GTR-6I0 Northwest Pacific optimization integrated U.S Forest and Service and Treatments Gen Tech Rocky Restoration Ecological Rep RMRS-P-29 Mountain U.S Grand forests western Research Station Photo F.C 1998 western 53 Rep INT-96 U.S Forest and of codes for Rep PNW-GTR-418 Northwest Pacific and seral U.S Research Station pp M.A landscape 80 rial U.S Subbasin 2007 and state Integrated USA Oregon analysis models transition in Urban Landscape From R-6 Stand Department C.G T.A the 1992 Handbook Examination of Agriculture Clausnitzer Mountains Tech R.R PubI Planar for Program Forest 1992 Intercept Inventorying Fuel Downed Plant Portland Mate- U.S of Wales in the Blue and of G.E clas 11.97102 on burning 2001 crown IIl II Fire forest Improving Northwest Washington CO Sci Res behavior in The Fire forests even-aged and Extension Fuels to the RMRS-GTR- 116 U.S Depart Mountain Rocky 2004 Research The Station crown behavior 2001 Forest Service of interaction 54 fire Assessing of measure site INT-77 Note Research of the Fort fuels fire 1675 66 by potential Res linking RMRS-RP-29 Pap Mountain Rocky utilization U.S of Nevada for Research of Moscow ID and silviculture mixed fir grand Department Station effects Sierra JO Bull FL fire related Agriculture Il pp treatment fuels Ecol conifer forests For forest are 2000 Solution and productivity of health forest wildlife at risk 118 127 2001 Defoliators in and eastern Oregon Northwest Washington 1977 Conditions for Ihe start and of wildfire spread Can 2334 L.H .Suring wildlife tree on 1992 pine Forest tare Forest Service 16 Urban fire Plann K.R. Wagner resistance to health in the Gen Tech Rep PNW OR Assessment with hark of long-term and fuel beetles in volume this MR. trends management 2003 in of crown Effects northern Arizona 32 652661 Entomol disease associated Landscape T.E Skov ponderosa M.A Hemstrom habitat USA Oregon K.F Kolh Portland for pp tree by prescribed CE B.C large Environ 59 Evaluation Manage Res scorch index forests BioScience fire Klemmedson with northeast and Department 191 1120 75 Wickman vol OR Associations R6-ERW-TP-036-92 Woody Guide Field Procedures Service Field Inventory by Manage 2135 AR T.R. 2001 crown Intermountain 1998 105 Wagner WaIlin Adapted Jr River Wales using 198211 Wordell and Ochoco Ronde M.W Hilbruner Guide Reger scenarios Grande upper Plann Merzenich management infestation structural prescribed and W.H. of Agriculture fire Ecol Sci Van ED and Collins Service S.L. potential For Hemstrom Mountain tree Torgersen OR Portland Romme index Tiedemann of Agri- Department T.T Rocky Fort problems natural potential Forest 182190 pp For AppI .3 Wildland density Service Veblen 1968 For ecoclass and Oregon 2003 across Department Manage Experiment West Gen Tech Rep Forest density on and Department Range Pacific pp Reinhardt Forest Montana redcedar 209 AR. to Missoula in hemlockwestern Intermountain Northwest Service fuels Ecol B.C. 1996 Smith stand N.L. stand Stage pp Gen Tech Forest Gen Tech types Service UT Pacific communities culture cover Forest downed woody forappraising fir-larch-Douglas-fir Ogden Station guide DC pine For the and Fire on ponderosa Daterman eastern Simulator of surface Stephens redcedar Agriculture J.H. Station of Department 353366 1981 CO models man- fuel Starr in Crookston Vegetation climate Scott Experiment of evaluation of culture pine Range forests Int Perfecting of Agriculture U.S and Expectation Fuel Fire Proceedings FischerW.C and pp 117131 2002 of of thinning pine J.L 1933 Schoennagel of in 46.627638 F. ment modeling Department Range Annual Photogrammetry Washington Front vegetation Effect ponderosa Hayes Res Forest Forest forest productivity L.H Collins treatment fuel Methods of stand the 130 Agric pp in and Reineke Sim- Service silvicultural using Conference Probability PA. Hessburg 2002 P.N. T.M 75 Mountain Vegetation 29 ACSMASPRS Society Foresters Colorado the Northwest for severity Quigley RMRS- Rep 2004 in beetle for thin 1109 dynamics insects Sixth the Fire 248257 pp and Fire of of American J.B Popp Omi fire structure Rocky 1980 R.E Society pine Reinhardt to guide Fort Collins fire and cover canopy American MD Proceedings K.L. Latham Pollet of Department vol through targets 10 1997 the hazard 1727 Rep Intermountain pp Department iD Forest Service guidetotheparallelprocessingexten- users Gen Tech objectives Agriculture II FVS Service Cohen Conference pp J.F Negron sification Percent Barbour change Portland agement 1999 Landscape Forest MA the Meteorology pp Gen Tech Center Ager Gen Tech monitor Forest of Agriculture Ogden 2004 21 vegetation Rep U.S Agriculture Station In stand of Bethesda Martin Northwest stand forest behavior fire Wildland fire AppI For 17 Proceedings Exposition in tnt Quantifying of 3271278 interface Visualizing In Sensing R.G. Mitchell Oregon Department and Remote and 1997 system Convention pp health forest Service of landscape Johnson 123 northeastern 13 U.S event the Intermountain AR Essential Internal Management Finney R.J visualization pp Department Station G.E 87 to Agriculture 1991 Users Service UT Stage GTR-24 UT model Forest statistics of R.R of PNW-RN-5 Northwest guide of A.R Stage N.L Crookston Users Ogden Ogden Station 290 stands 2.0 Agriculture UT Ogden Clausnitzer forest Note Pacific Department prognosis Agriculture Hall D.L for Res Service 1990 N.L Research MT levels of Department Station version guide consideration for Ecol Reductions urban West fires need Restor 1998 the K.L. 2002 of crown prevention The burning in disposal C.R OHara Keyes mountain U.S Finney Clemens Washington INT-275 Dixon product Landscape pp Crookston sion J.M Forest U.S Research stocking Geist Suggested Agriculture treatments plus users FireFamily Mountain Rocky southeastern forest Evaluating McGaughey 2000 Rep RMRS-GTR-67WWW Service PH Cochran 2007 restoration ecological 237248 80 McCormick Gen Tech and of planning part D.A Maguire Singleton as pp 164 1995 prescribed Region Wallowa-Whitman Northwest Pacific City K.l Omi P.N Kalabodkidis ning/residue potential Baker Miyanishi effects mentofAgricultureForestService.lntermountainResearchStationOgdcn Barbour Service Forest Forest E.A and modeling 292300 2007 80 Planning Agriculture Intermountain pp fire Part subsystem and Forest Agriculture UT BEHAVE Station P.L behavior wildfire Estimating Department al et Pacific Blue Mountains GTR-6l0 Northwest U.S Forest and the influence Department Range of insects of Agricul Experiment Station pp 00030