Secondary Teacher Education Senate Thursday Jan. 19, 2012 3:30 Location: Curris Business Building 319 Agenda I. Roll and Introductions Present: Cherin Lee (Coordinator, Secondary Teacher Education), Melissa Heston (Coordinator, Elementary Teacher Education), Nicole Skaar (Professional Sequence-Alt), Terri Lasswell (Clinical Experiences), Dianna Briggs (Business Education), Larry Escalada (Science Education), Tammy Gregersen (Modern Languages & TESOL), Chris Curran (Special Education), Barb Bakker (Physical Education/Health Education), Becky Hawbaker (Teacher Education Faculty Chair), Barry Wilson (Director of Assessment), Teresa Camilli (Music Education-Alt), Chad Christopher (Social Sciences), Karen Sabey (Asst. Professor, Mathematics-Alt) Rick Vanderwall (English) Absent: Andrew McCormick (Art Education-no Alt sent), Jihwa Noh (Assoc. Professor, Mathematics), Ben Forsyth (Asst. Professor, Ed. Psychology & Foundations) Guests: Nadene Davidson (Interim Dept. Head & Assistant Professor Office of Student Field Experience), Leasha Henriksen (Field Placement Coordinator/TQP), Rob Boody (Assoc. Professor, Ed. Psychology & Foundations), Scott Greenhalgh (Asst. Professor, Ind. Tech) II. Approval of Nov. 17 minutes Rick Vanderwall moved to approve the minutes. Chad Christopher seconded. Minutes approved. III. Old business Updates: o Executive Council Meeting (Lee) a) Cherin and Melissa have met with Virginia Arthur who is in charge of academic space considerations. Information on the number of offices needed plus work space has been discussed. b) Policies and communication regarding background checks continued to be a topic of discussion. Melissa and Cherin need to discuss with the University Attorney the appropriate statements to make. Students need to be made aware of events and choices that may jeopardize their licensure. Students are under the impression that UNI determines their licensure but it is actually the BOEE that approves or denies licensure. o Community College Advisors Meeting (Lee) This meeting assisted Community College Advisors in understanding the changes in the Elementary Education major and was also attended by advisors from UNI Academic Advising. The following items were discussed: consideration of Level I Field Experience changes, cadet teaching through Community Colleges (not acceptable), application for admission to Teacher Education and the time line, science and math courses needed by Elementary Ed. majors. Cherin commented that this meeting should happen in the spring for Secondary Education. o Status of curriculum exhibit approvals (Heston/Lee) The process is continuing. o Ethics course proposal and Licensure (Heston) The BOEE has new recommendations. Since many ethics violations are from seasoned teachers, it may be that an ethics refresher is in order for teacher practitioners. The probable merger of the BOEE into the DOE would result in the BOEE only reviewing teachers that have been accused of something. With regard to licensure, one proposal proposes that licensure be self-supporting. This means an additional 25% of licensure fees would be deposited to the general fund. Teachers would cover the cost of licensure plus a 25% fee for the state. When cost of licensure is determined then the cost to teachers will be determined. o University Strategic Plan Goals, Strategies and Indicators (Lee) Goal 3 - A meeting on Dec. 22nd with Sharon Silva facilitated forward planning and targets for indicators through 2013. A rubric has been created to review indicators and their status. Cherin will send the Goals, indicators, action plan and progress rubric. Nadene brought up the topic of advisory boards. Jane Larson in the President’s Office needs to know membership on advisory boards. If your department has an advisory board, let Nadene Davidson know and she will forward the information to Jane. IV. New Business o TQP Project - Faculty recruiting (Davidson and Henriksen) Nadene Davidson and Leasha Henriksen,TQP Field Placement Coordinator, discussed the TQP project. This is a partnership between UNI faculty and schools that will help enrich the practice of methods students. Teachers in partner districts can connect to university students and methods faculty through polycom. A video provided the view of Elementary Education majors on the program emphasizing the importance of developing community relationships and experiencing what it is like to teach in rural Iowa schools. They found the collaboration with other educators to be very beneficial. TQP will add 5 additional schools for 2012-2013 (there are currently 5) and is recruiting 12 additional methods faculty to join the original 12 faculty. The one week immersive field experience has been modified by some of the secondary faculty in this first cohort (Chad, Jihwa, Tammy and Wendy) o Possible topics for the spring Teacher Education Faculty meeting (Hawbaker) • What is coming for education? What is the impact of pending legislation? • Update on NOC process - How the process works, navigating through a NOC. • Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA). This might replace the TWS. Around 100 student teachers are doing the TPA this semester. Scoring requires online training and pays $75.00 to score one TPA. We need faculty participation in the decision about program performance assessment. What will impact our students? • Methods assessments for various areas and the UNITED system. Currently UNITED is not interfaced with the new SIS system and is not working well. o Charity Campbell, Iowa Teacher of the Year Charity, a Norwalk Physical Education teacher and coach is the 2012 Iowa Teacher of the Year, and will be visiting campus. Two open meetings are scheduled on Feb. 2 and 3. Senators, Teacher Education faculty and methods students are encouraged to attend an open session. There will be a Joint Teacher Education Senate meeting at 3:30 on Feb. 3 at 3:30 in the Elm Room in Maucker Union. o PDS Articulation Agreement Consultation (Hawbaker) Becky distributed a copy of the Memorandum of Agreement as well as a copy of the UNI Professional Development School Quick Facts sheet. She provided an explanation of the school districts and people involved. Becky requested a formal motion of support for this agreement which will be revised yearly. Dianna Briggs motioned in support of the PDS agreement and Terri Lasswell seconded. Motion carried. o MEASRES 3150 Classroom Assessment (Rob Boody, Nicki Skaar) Rob distributed copies of the Classroom Assessment course MEASRES 3150. The signature pedagogy of this course is: Modeling professional learning communities and problem solving teaming. The major assignment is meant to be a strand through the Teacher Education Program through Level III. Students can relate this course to their content areas on all assignments. Terri Lasswell motioned to adjourn and Chris Curran seconded. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm. Upcoming Dates Feb. 2 Joint Senate Mtg w/Charity Campbell 3:30 Elm Rm MU Feb. 2-3 Campus Visit by Charity Campbell, IA Teacher of the Year Feb. 16 Secondary Teacher Education Senate 3:30 CBB 319 Feb. 17-19 AACTE, Chicago Feb. 21 Executive Council Meeting* 4:00 Seerley 119 Mar. 1 Elementary Teacher Education Senate 3:30 CBB 319 Mar. 6 Executive Council Meeting* 4:00 Seerley 119 Mar. 22 Secondary Teacher Education Senate 3:30 CBB 319 Apr. 5 Teacher Education Convocation 4:00 GBPAC Apr. 12 Elementary Teacher Education Senate 3:30 CBB 319 Apr. 10 Executive Council Meeting* 4:00 Seerley 119 Apr. 19 Secondary Teacher Education Senate 3:30 CBB 319 May 3 Elementary Teacher Education Senate 3:30 CBB 319 *Indicates a closed meeting