Secondary Teacher Education Senate 3:30-5:00 Thursday, January 22, 2015 MINUTES

Secondary Teacher Education Senate
3:30-5:00 Thursday, January 22, 2015
319 Curris Business Building
I. Welcome
Present: Chad Christopher (Coordinator, Secondary Teacher Education),
Nadene Davidson (Clinical Experiences), Scott Greenhalgh (Technology
Education), Elizabeth Zwanziger (Modern Languages & TESOL), Dianna
Briggs (Business Education), Sheila Benson (English Education), Trey
Leech (Physical Education/Health Education), Kay Weller (Social Science
Education), Kyle Gray (Science Education), Danielle Cowley (Special
Education), Marilyn Shaw (Speech & Theatre Education), Cathy Miller
(Math Education), Wendy Miller (Art Education), Rose Peterson (Student),
J.D. Cryer (Coordinator, Elementary Education), Benjamin Forsyth
(Professional Sequence)
Absent: Courtney Lubs (Teacher Practitioner), Kevin Droe (Music
Education), Katheryn East (Teacher Education Faculty Chair)
Guests: Rob Boody (Coordinator of Assessment), Becky Hawbaker
(Instructor, Student Field Experiences)
II. Approval of December 18, 2014 Minutes
Dianna moved to approve as corrected and Wendy seconded. Minutes
III. Update from Teacher Education Executive Council
a. U.S. Department of Education’s Proposed Regulations for Teacher
Executive Council talked about the proposed federal regulations.
Letters from faculty are needed. Responses are due February 2,
2015. Please let Pat Geadelmann know if a response has been
sent out.
The coordinators will write response on behalf of Teacher
Education. Pat Geadelmann will write the response on behalf of
UNI and Dean Watson will write the response on behalf of the
COE. Each department head in COE will write a response as well.
Teacher Education will highlight extent of federal overreach being
The Iowa DOE had an eight page letter that included the state’s
concerns about regulations was shared with senate members.
AACTE submitted a 30 page letter in response to the January 2nd
date tied to budget and costs.
b. Motion
Cathy Miller - Exec. Council - how funding works for TE.
Coordinators positions are funded through the Provost. The
Executive Council indicated that the budget is very detailed.
The Coordinator will follow up on an official statement from the
Executive Council concerning budget
There is no January Executive Council meeting scheduled due to
scheduling conflicts with the members.
IV. New Business
a. EDPSYCH 3148 Consultation
Benjamin Forsyth provided a handout with the details.
The word “instruction” will be replaced with the word “motivation”.
There seems to be some confusion about the faculty teaching
methods coursework; the course focus is more on the learner than
the instructor.
The other part of the proposal is for the co-requisite with TEACH
3128 which is Level II field experience and MEASRES 3150 be
Department points:
• Some Transfer students don't take both
classes at the same time because they have
already been taken at their previous institution
and are waived out of EDPSYCH 3148.
Transfers are a quarter of the students.
• Some students are in Level III that have
already taken Level II. It is not actually a coreq.
• Some students have different field
experiences; the majority are in Level II but not
• The description is not being changed at this
Speech Pathology doesn't have Level II –
TEACH 3128; they can go through course
without a loss of the grading mechanism and
grading. They can participate in discussions
and refer to internships that they have had.
They can still pass without loss of participation
ability without 3128. It is not a co-requisite.
Rob Boody indicated that MEASRES 3150, co-req of
TEACH 3128 or EDPSYCH 3148, is not being removed.
Senators Thoughts
• One member made the point that if
three courses stay together they need to
stay together as co-req.
• It was suggested that, after
accreditation, Teacher Ed. review the
structure of the sequence since Level III
is being completed before Level II in
some instances.
• One member clarified that they didn’t
think the course should have sections
on class management. We need more
class management and not less
• Are the Chapter 79 requirements for
accreditation being met?
Each department was provided a feedback form to be sent to the
Head of the Department of Educational Psychology by March 1.
The forms then will be given to the Teacher Ed. Curriculum
Committee who then will report back to the Senates at the Joint
meeting in March.
The coordinator reminded everyone that if any department is
making a curriculum change Teacher Education needs to be
consulted with the appropriate form. Consultation forms will be
solidified at Joint Senate
b. Alumni Survey--- (Rob Boody)
Copies of the Teacher Education Alumni Survey of Spring 2014
were provided.
The survey was mailed to 200 people and the intent was to find
people that had graduated the previous year and were nearing the
end of their first year of teaching.
We received 58 responses back which was a 29% response rate
with no breakdown of elementary/secondary.
The concerns of Technology and assessment responses were
Teacher Education motto of “Educating for Reflective Practice” is
indicated by the grads as something they feel they can effectively
c. Committee Reports
i. Diversity
A survey for students was developed. In looking at their
placements they need to have a wide variety of diverse
experiences and we are trying to streamline this.
Survey Monkey was mentioned as well as an example to
send to Student Teaching Coordinators. This is important
for accreditation.
Classroom Teachers will do the reporting not pre-service
teachers. Classroom Teachers will only report on what they
are sure of and this would meet Chap. 79 requirements.
ii. Assessment
We are waiting for edTPA national scores to come back from
fall. When the Joint Senate meets we will discuss this.
iii. Curriculum
Changes in Early Childhood, Social Science, Earth Science
and Art were discussed in January with others to follow. All
curriculum changes will come to the Joint Senate meeting for
iv. Clinical Experiences
There’s nothing to report yet. There was one meeting and
accreditation was discussed.
d. Reading in the Content Area----- Working Group
Sheila Benson and Michelle Swanson will start with the Secondary
Coordinator on this.
e. Level III Rubric--- Working Group
Level II - old version is still there - the new version will be updated
soon on UNITED. The Level III rubric will need to be updated and a
strong Secondary representation will be needed in the process. If
interested in this work let the coordinator know.
f. TEF-ADMIN Listserv
All correspondence was being sent through the TEF-All list serve to
faculty in the past. If you reply to all it will go to everyone on the list
serve. The TEF-ADMIN is used by the coordinators to send
information such as state updates. If you reply to all on TEFADMIN it will just go to them.
g. edTPA and Praxis II/Licensure discussion
i. Information needed for future vote
One member would like to see the cost to students for each
Another member would like to see comparisons with other
universities with licensures and state pass rates.
If edTPA has a lower success rate then that could send a
Public Relations message. The question comes to mind
whether the student is doing well or not. Are there drastic
differences within the state?
With regards to the performance assessment piece
someone inquired about what other Midwest states are
What are student’s preferences?
This topic will be discussed further in the Joint Senate
Meeting in March.
V. State Review Teams
Let the coordinator know if you would like to be part of a site visit next
year. There is also one for the alternative licensure.
It is a big commitment to do a site visit. It is about a 40 hour project.
VI. Update on Yearlong Student Teaching (Cryer)
Majority of candidates were teaching from day one after the holiday break.
At the end of first semester there were questions about management and
taking over the class. Things are going smoothly. Students are glad to be
done with classwork.
Upcoming dates (subject to change)
Teacher Education Faculty Meeting
3:30 PM, Monday, January 26, SEC 406
Elementary Senate
Secondary Senate
February 5
February 19
March 5------------JOINT------------------March 5
April 2
April 16
May 7
May 7
Teacher Education Convocation
4:00 PM, Monday, March 30, GBPAC