Cedar Valley Library Consortium
Revised 9-2008
The purpose of the Consortium is
• to establish and maintain a shared integrated library system
• to implement practices that are efficient and effective for all member libraries and their constituencies.
• to demonstrate and foster cooperation among multitype libraries with different governing agencies
• to increase public awareness of library resources in the Cedar Valley
Membership is open to libraries that are regionally associated with the Waterloo-Cedar
Falls metropolitan area, known locally as the Cedar Valley.
Member libraries must be open to the public and must adhere to consortium standards. Applications for membership must receive unanimous approval by current Cedar Valley Library
Consortium (CVLC) members before a new library can be added to the Consortium. The following libraries are current members:
University of Northern Iowa Rod Library
UNI Career Services
UNI Instructional Resources & Technology Services
UNI Center for Multicultural Education
Hawkeye Community College Library
Cedar Falls Public Library
Waterloo Public Library
Allen College Library
Other libraries within a member institution do not require unanimous approval before being added, but the institution representatives should inform and discuss potential addition of other libraries from that institution with the Council members.
Consortium Council
Member libraries are represented through Cedar Valley Library Council. Each member institution is represented by two appointed members. Additional member libraries within an institution are allowed one CVLC representative. Representatives are appointed by their respective library directors for a length of time to be determined by the directors.
The Rod Library Head of Information Technology (or his or her designee) is an exofficio (non-voting) member of the Council, except when appointed by the Rod Library
Dean as an official Council representative.
The Consortium Council directs the affairs of the Consortium and decides all matters of official policy, subject to the concurrence of the library directors of the member libraries.
The Council meets bi-monthly: January, March, May, July, September, and November.
The Council may also meet through conference calls, communicate by mail or email, and may meet at more frequent than bi-monthly intervals. The Council selects a chairperson to serve a two year term beginning July in even numbered years. Chairperson responsibilities rotate among the member institutions. The past chair will serve in the chairperson’s absence.
Issues to be addressed by Consortium Council include topics such as:
• Database maintenance guidelines and standards
• Authority control
• Patron records
• Loan rules
• Help screens
• Information screens
• Passwording
• Overall system administration
• Implementation of future releases
• Purchase of new modules
• Create lists (development of use guidelines)
• Financial issues
The Consortium Council may appoint ad hoc committees as needed. Ad hoc committees are given their charges by the Council and report to the Council.
Most Council decisions will be reached through consensus. When necessary, a vote may be taken. Each council member may cast one vote; members may vote by proxy. All votes requiring a commitment of funds require a unanimous vote of approval. Any commitment of funds must receive the approval of all member library directors.
Innopac server
The Innopac server resides in the University of Northern Iowa Rod Library. All CVLC members share the cost of server acquisition and maintenance; however, ownership of the server remains with the University.
CVLC Web Site
The UNI Rod Library maintains the CVLC Consortium Resource Site. Open content includes council meeting agendas and minutes, consortium contacts and most consortium documents. Documents with financial and other sensitive information are stored in a
“private” category, which requires a user name and password.