P&S Staff Guide Human Resource Services

P&S Staff Guide
Human Resource Services
P&S Staff Guide
The P&S Staff Guide has been prepared to help you become familiar with the University
and try to make your transition smooth and effective. It is neither a contract nor an
agreement of employment for a definite period of time; rather, it is a summary of
University policies, procedures, and benefits you enjoy as an employee. From time to
time, conditions or circumstances may require the University to change, amend, or
delete some of the policies and procedures and/or benefits contained in this document.
Table of Contents
Notice .............................................................................................................................2
Table of Contents ..........................................................................................................2
1.0 President’s Letter ....................................................................................................4
2.0 Human Resource Services Staff ............................................................................ 5
2.1 HRS Organizational Chart .....................................................................................6
3.0 General UNI Information .........................................................................................7
3.1 UNI Mission Statement ..........................................................................................8
3.2 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy ......................................................... 8
3.3 Smoking Policy ......................................................................................................8
3.4 Campus Security and Crime Statistics ................................................................... 9
3.5 Discrimination and Harassment Policy................................................................... 9
3.6 Nepotism Policy .....................................................................................................9
3.7 Drug and Alcohol Policy.........................................................................................9
3.8 Conflict of Interest Policy ..................................................................................... 10
3.9 Gift Policy ............................................................................................................ 10
3.10 Health and Safety Procedures ........................................................................... 11
Bomb Threats:.................................................................................................. 11
Severe Weather: .............................................................................................. 11
Fire Alarm: ....................................................................................................... 11
Chemical Safety: .............................................................................................. 11
Work Related Injuries: ...................................................................................... 12
3.11 UNI Alert System ............................................................................................... 12
3.12 My UNIverse ...................................................................................................... 13
3.13 Personal Emergency Contacts .......................................................................... 13
4.0 Compliance and Equity Management .................................................................. 13
5.0 Administrative Organization ................................................................................. 14
6.1 UNI Home Page/World Wide Web ....................................................................... 15
6.2 UNI Equal Opportunity Policy .............................................................................. 15
6.3 Position Announcements and Placement Standards ........................................... 15
7.0 P&S Positions ........................................................................................................ 16
7.1 Definition-P&S Positions ...................................................................................... 16
7.2 Appointment and Service Status.......................................................................... 16
Temporary Appointment: .................................................................................. 16
Term Appointment: ........................................................................................... 16
University of Northern Iowa
Contract Appointment:...................................................................................... 16
Probationary Appointment: ............................................................................... 16
Continuing Service Appointment: ..................................................................... 16
Provisional Appointment: .................................................................................. 17
Annual Appointment: ........................................................................................ 17
Notice of Non-Reappointment .......................................................................... 17
7.3 P&S Policies and Procedures .............................................................................. 17
8.0 Performance Appraisal Program .......................................................................... 17
9.0 Reduction in Force Proceedings .......................................................................... 18
10.0 P&S Council ......................................................................................................... 18
11.0 P&S Staff Compensation Plan ............................................................................ 18
11.1 Entrance Salary ................................................................................................. 18
11.2 Merit Increases .................................................................................................. 18
11.3 Compensation with Promotion ........................................................................... 19
11.4 Compensation with Transfer .............................................................................. 19
11.5 Compensation with Special Position Assignment............................................... 19
11.6 Compensation with Position Reclassification and Pay Grade Reallocation ........ 19
11.7 Compensation with Part-Time Service ............................................................... 19
12.0 Classification Plan .............................................................................................. 19
12.1 Evaluation Factors ............................................................................................. 20
13.0 Complaints and Grievances ............................................................................... 20
14.0 Payroll ..................................................................................................................21
14.1 Payroll Staff Contact Information ....................................................................... 22
15.0 Holidays & Leaves ............................................................................................... 23
15.1 Holiday Leave .................................................................................................... 23
15.2 Sick Leave ......................................................................................................... 23
15.3 Sick Leave Vacation Conversion Benefit ........................................................... 23
15.4 Court and Jury Service Leave............................................................................ 24
15.5 Personal Emergency Leave, Funeral Leave, and Pallbearer Leave ................... 24
15.6 Vacation Leave Entitlement ............................................................................... 24
15.7 Military Leave .................................................................................................... 25
15.8 Adoption Leave ................................................................................................. 25
15.9 Family Medical Leave Act .................................................................................. 25
16.0 Employee Assistance Program .......................................................................... 25
17.0 Training and Development.................................................................................. 26
17.1 Training .............................................................................................................26
17.2 Professional Development ................................................................................. 26
17.3 Staff Training Grant ........................................................................................... 26
18.0 Other Employee Resources ................................................................................ 27
18.1 Wellness and Recreation Services .................................................................... 27
18.2 Child Development Center ................................................................................. 27
19.0 Appendix: Contact Information .......................................................................... 29
P&S Staff Guide
1.0 President’s Letter
University of Northern Iowa
2.0 Human Resource Services Staff
This information can also be found online at http://www.uni.edu/hrs.
Phone Number
Email Address
Carol Brodie
Clerk IV, HRIS
(319) 273-7734
Michelle Byers
Interim Director
(319) 273-6432
Therese Callaghan
Employee Disability &
Leave Coordinator
(319) 273-6164
Liz Cook
Merit Coordinator
(319) 273-6300
Lisa Frush
(319) 273-6060
Lori Hoffmann
Training & Development
(319) 273-3536
Joan Johannes
Clerk IV, P&S
(319) 273-3424
Judy Kester
Clerk IV, HRIS
(319) 273-6219
Beth Kuehl
HRIS Administrator
(319) 273-3425
Sandy Law
Secretary III
(319) 273-2423
Bobbi Petersma
Benefits Specialist
(319) 273-2824
Chris Rohwedder
Clerk IV, Merit
(319) 273-3419
Justin Ruegg
P&S Employment &
Immigration Coordinator
(319) 273-6110
Cindy Webb
Benefits Administrator
(319) 273-2521
P&S Staff Guide
2.1 HRS Organizational Chart
HRS Director
Secretary III
Associate Director
P&S Classification &
P&S Employment &
Immigration Coordinator
Clerk IV
Training & Development
Student Assistants
HRIS Administrator
Benefits Administrator
Clerk IV
Benefits Specialist
Clerk IV
Employee Disability &
Leave Coordinator
Student Assistants
Merit Coordinator
Clerk IV
Clerk III
Student Assistants
University of Northern Iowa
3.0 General UNI Information
The University of Northern Iowa was established in 1876 in Cedar Falls, Iowa, as the
Iowa State Normal School, "A school for the specific instruction and training of teachers
for the common schools of the state." Renamed the Iowa State Teachers College in
1909 and the State College of Iowa in 1961, the institution gained its present status in
Evolution from a state college to a University entailed a broadening of offerings,
development of more specialized undergraduate and graduate programs, and greater
emphasis on research and public professional services. The University of Northern Iowa
has grown from a school with four faculty, three staff, and 27 students on a 40-acre
campus to a University with around 650 faculty and more than 13,000 students on an
850-acre campus.
UNI offers more than 120 undergraduate majors in 5 colleges, including the Colleges of
Business Administration, Education, Humanities and Fine Arts, Natural Sciences, and
Social and Behavioral Sciences. Through these colleges, six different undergraduate
degrees can be earned: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Liberal
Studies, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Technology.
The University also offers several graduate degrees. The Graduate College provides a
Master of Accounting, Master of Arts, Master of Arts in Education, Master of Business
Administration, Master of Music, Master of Public Policy, Master of Science, Master of
Social Work, Specialist in Education, Specialist in Science, Doctor of Education, and
Doctor of Industrial Technology.
UNI has many other opportunities as well. The University has
more than 180 organizations including special interest clubs,
sororities and fraternities, religious groups and academic
honoraries. UNI competes in 18 men’s and women’s athletic
teams at the NCAA Division I level in the Missouri Valley
Conference-excluding the football team. The Panther football team
is in the 1AA division in the Gateway Conference.
If you would
like to contact
UNI for more
please call
(319) 273-2311.
The University has an overall set of policies and procedures that
affect students, faculty, and staff. Some of the Policies and Procedures are discussed
specifically later in this section. However, if you would like access to the complete listing
of UNI Policies and Procedures, please visit http://www.uni.edu/policies/.
P&S Staff Guide
UNI along with the state’s other public universities, two special schools, and other
affiliated centers, is governed by the Board of Regents, State of Iowa. To learn more,
please visit their website at http://www2.state.ia.us/regents/. To view their policy manual,
please visit http://www2.state.ia.us/regents/Policies/tableofcontents.htm.
3.1 UNI Mission Statement
The University of Northern Iowa is a comprehensive institution dedicated to providing a
personalized learning environment, founded on a strong liberal arts curriculum. It is
committed to being an intellectually and culturally diverse community. The University
focuses both on undergraduate education, and on selected masters, doctoral, and other
graduate programs. It is characterized by excellence in three areas: teaching and
learning; research, scholarship, and creative work; and service. Through its varied
endeavors, UNI shares its expertise with, and provides service to, individuals,
communities, and organizations throughout the state, the nation, and the world. For
more information, please visit http://www.uni.edu/president/2004-2009strategicplan/.
3 . 2 Am e r i c a n s w i t h D i s a b i l i t i e s Ac t ( AD A) P o l i c y
It is the policy of the University of Northern Iowa that no qualified student, staff, faculty,
or visitor with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be excluded from access to,
participation in, or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of the
University or be subjected to discrimination because of such disability. For further
information, please visit the disability website at http://www.uni.edu/disability. You can
also contact Therese Callaghan in Human Resource Services at
therese.callaghan@uni.edu or via telephone at (319) 273-6164, or the Office of
Compliance and Equity Management via telephone at (319) 273-2846.
3.3 Smoking Policy
The Smokefree Air Act was enacted in 2008, Iowa Code Chapter 142D and related
provisions. The significance of the Act is that it establishes prohibitions for smoking in
places of employment and on school grounds, including institutions governed by the
Board of Regents, State of Iowa pursuant to Iowa Code section 262.7. The Iowa
Department of Public Health has been designated the oversight authority.
Therefore, effective July 1, 2008, the University is a smoke-free campus. Smoking is
prohibited on University owned or leased property including grounds, parking lots,
athletic fields, recreation fields, tennis courts and any other outdoor area, including any
vehicle located on the University’s property.
Appropriate signs designated by the Iowa Department of Public Health shall be posted at
all entrances to campus grounds. To view the full Smoking Policy, visit
University of Northern Iowa
3.4 Campus Security and Crime Statistics
In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus
Crime Statistics Act., information on crime statistics for recent years, Public Safety
personnel and programs, building access, reporting crimes, safety suggestions, and
policies, programs, and services regarding alcohol, drugs, and sexual abuse, is available
at http://www.vpaf.uni.edu/pubsaf/crime_stats/. You may also request a printed copy of
this information by contacting the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs,
University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA 50617-0010.
3.5 Discrimination and Harassment Policy
It is the policy of the University of Northern Iowa that there will be equal employment and
educational opportunity without regard to age, color, creed, disability, gender identity,
national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status, or any other basis
protected by federal and/or state law. This includes the provision of a campus
environment that is free from illegal discrimination and harassment. The University will
not tolerate any form of illegal discrimination or harassment and will not condone any
actions or words that constitute such.
All members of the University community are accountable for compliance with this
policy. The University is committed to eliminating illegal discrimination and harassment,
wherever they occur in the University community, by taking corrective action as a result
of violations of this policy. Violations may lead to disciplinary action up to and including
separation from the University. For the full policy, please visit
3.6 Nepotism Policy
No employee may participate in the decision to hire, retain, promote, grant tenure to or
determine the salary of an immediate family member. For more information on this policy
visit the following websites: http://www.uni.edu/policies/403/ and
3 . 7 D r u g a n d Al c o h o l P o l i c y
It is the policy of the University of Northern Iowa and the Board of
Regents to provide for a drug-free workplace and learning
environment. Alcohol and drug abuse pose a threat to the health
and safety of University faculty, staff, students, and visitors. The
unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use
of a controlled substance by employees and students on property
owned or leased by the University of Northern Iowa or in
For more
contact UNI
Abuse Services
at (319) 273-2137
P&S Staff Guide
conjunction with a University-sponsored activity is prohibited.
Students who violate this policy may receive any of a number of sanctions including an
official warning, conduct probation, suspension, expulsion, or referral for prosecution,
and may be required to pay for any damages they caused. Depending upon the
circumstance, participation in an educational program and/or a treatment program may
also be required.
Employees who violate this policy may be referred for an educational/treatment program
and may be subject to disciplinary action including a formal reprimand, being placed on
enforced leave status, suspension, termination and/or referral for prosecution. Please
refer to the full UNI Drug and Alcohol policy at http://www.uni.edu/policies/413.
3.8 Conflict of Interest Policy
It is the policy of the State Board of Regents that no employee of a Regent Institution,
employee of the Regent Board Office or member of the Board, shall sell, either directly
or indirectly, any goods or services to any Regent institution or the Board Office, except
under certain conditions. For more information on exceptions contact Tori Stafford in
Purchasing at (319) 273-2253 or via email at tori.stafford@uni.edu. More information
about this policy can also be obtained from the following website,
3.9 Gift Policy
A public official, public employee, or member of their immediate family (defined as
spouse or dependent or minor children) is prohibited from soliciting, accepting, or
receiving gifts from a “restricted donor” (as defined by law).
Similarly, employees may not offer or give gifts to state officials, legislators, public
employees, candidates, etc. A person may not join with others to offer or make such a
Food, drink, or other non-monetary items may only be accepted or given as “gifts” if their
value is three dollars or less.
Any employee who does not comply with this section of the law would be guilty of a
serious misdemeanor and may be subject to job-related discipline.
Questions concerning this policy should be directed to Tim McKenna, (319) 273-3241 or
tim.mckenna@uni.edu. For more information about this policy, please visit the Board of
Regents website at
University of Northern Iowa
3.10 Health and Safety Procedures
Bomb Threats:
Any communication received by a staff member pertaining to a bomb threat should be
relayed to the UNI Police immediately at (319) 273-4000.
Severe Weather:
Severe Weather Shelter Areas have been established in every building for use in
emergency conditions. All employees should familiarize themselves with the locations of
the Severe Weather Shelter Areas within their buildings by visiting.
http://www.vpaf.uni.edu/fs/healthsafety/tips/shelters.shtml. There are several methods of
warning employees when to take shelter:
Black Hawk County Warning System: This is a system of outdoor sirens that, when
activated, mean take immediate shelter. This system is tested on the first
Wednesday of each month at 11 a.m.
UNI Alert: This system notifies the campus community of emergencies and threats
to physical safety using cell phone, landline phone, e-mail, and text-messaging.
UNI Loudspeaker System: This system is a network of loudspeakers across
campus that will be used to notify the campus community of emergencies and
threats to physical safety using either a siren or voice messaging.
Fire Alarm:
The fire alarm warning systems within buildings may be either bells, horns or electronic
announcements activated by smoke or heat detectors. They may also be activated by
pulling the lever on one of the manual fire alarm pull stations located in the corridors of
each building.
In case of fire:
Activate the fire alarm system by pulling the lever on the pull station.
Evacuate the building closing doors behind you and assemble in a remote
location for a head count (do not attempt to put out fire unless trained in the
proper use of fire extinguishers).
Call UNI Police: (319) 273-4000.
Call Cedar Falls Fire: 9-911 on campus phone or 911 on cell phone.
All Staff members are expected to familiarize themselves with the locations and
operations of fire alarm pull stations and extinguishers.
Chemical Safety:
Staff members are encouraged to take an active role in identifying potential hazards
including unlabeled or deteriorated products, and bringing them to the attention of their
supervisor and/or the Environmental Safety Specialist at (319) 273-3445.
P&S Staff Guide
The University Hazard Communication program requires:
Departments to create hazardous chemical lists to identify and monitor
hazardous chemicals on campus.
Departments to keep Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) on chemicals and
products used by their employees.
Training for all new employees working with chemicals. Training needs to include
detecting the presence or release of hazardous chemicals, the physical and
health hazards associated with the chemicals, and protective measures to be
taken when using these chemicals. Training must also include where the MSDS
are kept and how to read them.
Re-training of current employees when new chemicals are introduced to their
Work Related Injuries:
In compliance with the Workers’ Compensation law, the University provides benefits to
eligible employees who have injuries that occur while on the job. Faculty, Staff, and
Student employees, who feel they are injured during the course of employment, should
report all injuries to their supervisor immediately. After insuring the employee receives
proper medical care, a First Report of Injury form should be completed by the supervisor
within 24 hours of the injury being reported. The First Report of Injury form can be found
on the forms repository at:
For more information on Workers' Compensation please visit:
Other information regarding employee safety and health may be found at the UNI
Environmental Health and Safety website at
3 . 1 1 U N I Al e r t S ys t e m
The UNI Alert System notifies the campus community of emergencies and threats, such
as tornado, violence, hazardous material incident, cancelled classes, University closure,
etc. Students, faculty, and staff are simultaneously notified by cell phone, landline
phone, email, and text messages when a threat or campus emergency is identified. The
entire campus community can be notified in about 20 minutes.
The system automatically includes all current students, faculty, and staff that are located
on campus and have provided their information in the UNI Directory. If your information
University of Northern Iowa
is not up-to-date or if you would like to change/add an alert method or add additional
contacts (such as a spouse or family member), you can do so by accessing your
MyUNIverse account. For additional information about the UNI Alert System please visit
the following website, http://www.uni.edu/resources/alert/faq.shtml.
3.12 My UNIverse
My UNIverse, located on the UNI website (http://www.uni.edu), contains personal, online information for all faculty, staff, and students. My UNIverse can be used to update
personal information, access UNI email accounts, uncover campus events and news,
access the University calendar, complete timecards, view pay slips, locate information
on annual fringe benefits, and retrieve leave balances and reports.
3.13 Personal Emergency Contacts
In the event of an employee injury, sudden illness or emergency at work, it is important
to have accurate, up-to-date emergency contact information available so contacts can
be notified. Employees are encouraged to enter personal emergency contacts in a selfservice feature. For more information and instructions visit
4.0 Compliance and Equity Management
The Office of Compliance and Equity Management serves the University of Northern
Iowa by:
Monitoring the University’s recruitment and employment procedures to ensure
diversity objectives are met and equal opportunity guidelines are adhered to
Compiling and reviewing the University’s statistical analysis and reports
concerning the workforce composition by race and gender, including the annual
Affirmative Action Plan
Receiving reports and complaints concerning alleged violations of civil rights and
works toward resolution through investigation, mediation and other methods
Overseeing compliance with various federal and state laws, executive orders,
rules and regulations, including but not limited to the:
Americans with Disabilities Act
Executive Order 11246
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Title IX of the Civil Rights Act
P&S Staff Guide
Serving as the University liaison with outside civil rights agencies, including but
not limited to the:
Iowa Civil Rights Commission (ICRC)
Office for Civil Rights (U.S. Department of Education)
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)
Supporting, leading and participating in efforts toward establishing and
maintaining a culture which embraces diversity as a core value
If you would like further information about the Office of Compliance and Equity
Management, please visit their website at http://www.uni.edu/equity/.
5.0 Administrative Organization
The University of Northern Iowa is governed by the Iowa
State Board of Regents. The nine-member board is
appointed by the Governor, with approval of the General
Assembly. The Board of Regents maintains a central
office in Des Moines which is administered by an
executive secretary with the assistance of various other
staff members.
The University of Northern Iowa is organized
administratively into divisions which include Academic
Affairs and Provost, Educational and Student Services,
Administration and Finance, University Advancement,
Executive Assistant to the President/Director, and
External Relations. The areas within each administrative
section are listed in detail at
Detailed information of the
University's administrative
structure can be found in
the University of Northern
Iowa Policies and
Procedures Manual at
University of Northern Iowa
6.0 UNI Employment Opportunities
6.1 UNI Home Page/World Wide Web
Information regarding available jobs at the University of Northern Iowa is available on the
World Wide Web. Please visit the Employment Opportunities page on the Human
Resource Services website at http://www.vpaf.uni.edu/hrs/employ/index.asp for a listing
of current open positions and instructions for applying for positions.
Individuals interested in University employment may also apply in person at Gilchrist
Hall, Room 027, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or summer hours, 7:30
a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
6.2 UNI Equal Opportunity Policy
The University has established its equal opportunity policy as follows:
No person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be
subjected to discrimination in employment, any educational program, or any activity
of the University, on the basis of race, color, sex, age, disability, veteran status,
religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or on any other basis protected by
federal and/or state law.
The University of Northern Iowa seeks to prohibit discrimination and to promote
affirmative action in its educational and employment policies and practices.
6 . 3 P o s i t i o n An n o u n c e m e n t s a n d P l a c e m e n t S t a n d a r d s
Information concerning University P&S position openings is in accordance with
affirmative action principles, communicated to potential candidates outside the institution
via advertisement, placement agencies, websites, etc. Like information is also circulated
throughout the University to permit qualified persons already serving within the institution
to apply. Candidates for P&S position openings are required to possess minimum
placement qualifications.
The primary standard for all University P&S position placements requires that the
candidate recommended be, in so far as can be determined, the best qualified applicant
available for the position. Candidates for placement with P&S positions are evaluated
without reference to race, sex, creed, age, disability, or other criteria prohibited by law.
All open P&S positions are posted at http://www.vpaf.uni.edu/hrs/employ/ps/index.asp.
P&S Staff Guide
7.0 P&S Positions
7.1 Definition-P&S Positions
University P&S position assignments are designed to aid in the attainment of goals and
objectives established in accordance with the mission of the institution. P&S staff assists
in the formulation and administration of institutional policies and aid in the execution of
academic, student, and administrative services as required with University operations.
7 . 2 Ap p o i n t m e n t a n d S e r v i c e S t a t u s
The appointment categories noted below are applicable for University P&S staff in
connection with permanent and temporary position assignments.
Temporary Appointment:
Designated for an uncertain period of time to complete a particular project or to carry out
certain duties and responsibilities. Appointment period shall not extend beyond two (2)
consecutive fiscal years. Service with a temporary appointment of half time or more may
be credited toward a probationary appointment period when such service immediately
precedes the probationary appointment and a provision for credited service is specified
in writing at the time the latter appointment is made.
Term Appointment:
Designated for a specific period of time required with a project, grant, contract, special
activity offering, or in connection with a program for which a limited funding period may
exist and/or renewed funding periodically may be required. Subsequent term
appointments involving a like service schedule may be granted.
Contract Appointment:
Designated for an annual period paralleling an athletic program schedule. All staff
members holding a contract appointment in intercollegiate athletics shall execute a
written contract detailing the salary and benefits associated with the contract
appointment. Subsequent contract appointments may be granted.
Probationary Appointment:
Designated for the staff member serving with a permanent P&S assignment during the
initial period of such University service. The probationary appointment continues for
three (3) to five (5) full fiscal years during which time the staff member's performance is
evaluated to determine whether the continuing service appointment is to be designated.
Probationary service credit continues to accrue when a staff member holding a
probationary appointment experiences a position reassignment as the result of
promotion, demotion, or transfer.
Continuing Service Appointment:
University of Northern Iowa
Designated upon successful completion of a probationary or provisional appointment.
Position rights and privileges conferred with a continuing service appointment remain
effective for the P&S staff member in the absence of an annual or provisional
appointment. Rights with respect to a continuing service appointment are forfeited for the
duration of an annual appointment and with a provisional appointment must be reestablished in accordance with applicable provisions.
Provisional Appointment:
Designated for the P&S staff member holding continuing service status when a
reassignment to a permanent position occurs with a promotion, demotion, or transfer
action. The provisional appointment is, at the time of position placement, designated for
a period of up to two (2) fiscal years.
Annual Appointment:
Designated for the P&S staff member serving in a position identified by University
administration as covered by the provision of the Board of Regents Procedural Guide
thus exempt from University P&S Staff Policies and Procedures relating to service rights
and privileges conferred with continuing service status. The annual appointment is
designated with position service involving major administrative assignments, policy
development, and/or other related exempt duties and responsibilities.
Notice of Non-Reappointment
A P&S staff member's appointment is considered to be renewed unless he/she is
specifically advised in writing of non-reappointment.
7.3 P&S Policies and Procedures
To view all P&S Policies and Procedures, please visit
8.0 Performance Appraisal Program
The University Performance Appraisal Program for P&S staff is designed to evaluate the
accomplishments of individual staff members in terms of mutually agreed upon
performance objectives. Such objectives are identified by the P&S staff member and
his/her department head to insure consistency with formally established department and
division objectives and goals.
The appraisal program, with applicable forms and procedures, is designed to assist the
P&S staff member in assessing past performance and development of plans for future
action in cooperation with and under the guidance of his/her department head. Included
in such review and planning procedures is the development of objectives relating to both
position performance and personal professional development.
P&S Staff Guide
Performance evaluation proceedings are conducted annually; however, a more frequent
assessment of performance may be arranged as required with a position reclassification,
reassignment, promotion, or demotion. A staff member may also request from his/her
department head a performance evaluation at any time. Performance evaluation forms
may be found in the UNI Forms Repository at http://access.uni.edu/forms/.
9.0 Reduction in Force Proceedings
In the event it becomes necessary for the University to reduce its P&S staff services as a
consequence of a shortage of funds, lack of work, revision in work, unit organization,
curtailment in program offerings, abolishment of position(s), or a like action, an effort will
be made to accomplish adjustment of staff through attrition, rotation and reassignment of
staff, adjusted service periods, and similar means provided such steps can be arranged
in a manner that will not impair the efficiency of affected service units of the University as
a whole. For additional information, view the full Reduction in Force proceedings within
the P&S Policies and Procedures at
10.0 P&S Council
A Professional and Scientific Staff Council was established in 1978 for the purpose of
studying, formulating, and recommending to administrative officers of UNI policies of
interest to Professional and Scientific employees. The council, consisting of
representatives elected by division members, meets monthly during University office
hours. Meetings are open to the public unless voted into executive sessions. Meeting
notices, minutes, a list of members, and the Council’s constitution and bylaws can be
found at http://www.uni.edu/ps_council.
11.0 P&S Staff Compensation Plan
11.1 Entrance Salary
The salary for the P&S staff member joining the University normally will be established
within the first quartile range of the pay grade in which the position is classified. Only
when employment conditions affect recruitment effort or a candidate brings to a position
outstanding prior training and experience related directly to a position may an entrance
salary above the first quartile be qualified.
11.2 Merit Increases
The ability of the University to provide merit salary adjustments for P&S staff members
who demonstrate outstanding service is dependent upon the extent of funds
University of Northern Iowa
appropriated and limitations applicable, with such funding as salary allowances, are
11.3 Compensation with Promotion
The exact amount of such increases are determined in part by the number of grades
involved in the promotion and by the anticipated future performance of the individual
11.4 Compensation with Transfer
The P&S staff member who is transferred from one position to another in the same pay
grade normally will receive no salary adjustment. The salary of the staff member who
experiences a transfer involving a change from a position in one pay grade to another
pay grade is adjusted in accordance with regulations regarding promotion or demotion.
1 1 . 5 C o m p e n s a t i o n w i t h S p e c i a l P o s i t i o n As s i g n m e n t
The P&S staff member who is given a special position assignment is compensated at
the minimum salary of the position pay grade for the duration of such services. If the
staff member is already compensated at a salary level equal to or above the minimum
salary for the pay grade to which the specially assigned position has been classified an
added salary allowance, if any, will be determined on the basis of the relationship
between former and new duty assignments, prior training and experience directly related
to position duties and like matters. If the position in which a P&S staff member services
with a special assignment is in a pay grade lower than that in which regular service
occurs, the staff member will continue to be compensated at his/her regular salary
during the period of such assignment.
11.6 Compensation with Position Reclassification and Pay Grade
If a position is, as a result of restructuring, reclassified to a higher pay grade, the
"Compensation with Promotion" provision will be applied.
11.7 Compensation with Part-Time Service
Pay for part-time service within a P&S position is provided proportionately equivalent to
the salary for full-time service as noted with the P&S Position Service-Compensation
Schedule document.
12.0 Classification Plan
The relative value of P&S positions other than contract appointments in intercollegiate
athletics has been established and is maintained on the basis of the University's P&S
P&S Staff Guide
Position Classification Plan. The classification plan was developed and continues to
operate on the basis of position description materials, which identify duties and
responsibilities applicable with existing P&S positions. Such descriptive materials are
revised as required when positions are restructured with realignment of duties and are
prepared when new positions come into existence.
Position description materials have permitted the University to complete and maintain an
evaluation of P&S positions on the basis of a point-rating comparison. The point-rating
comparison has resulted in each University P&S position being assigned to a numerical
value according to the evaluation factors cited below. Evaluation factors have been
defined and rating values established at specific degree levels within each factor. P&S
positions with similar value rating have been grouped according to eight grades or levels
of compensation.
12.1 Evaluation Factors
1. Complexity of problems to be solved
2. Minimum skills and knowledge required
3. Interpersonal relationships ordinarily involved in day-to-day activities of the
4. Organization levels at which interpersonal relationships ordinarily occur
5. Nature of responsibility exercised within the content of the overall operations of
the University
6. Scope of functional responsibility exercised
7. Constraints on independent action within the position functions
8. Impact of independent actions on the attainment of goals for educational
programs and/or institutional development
9. Work pace/pressure/stress
10. Risk of harm or discomfort
13.0 Complaints and Grievances
A P&S staff member has the right to present a matter or concern or dissatisfaction
relating to:
1. Interpretation, application, or alleged violation of written University or Board of
Regents policies and/or procedures governing conditions of employment, work
schedule, compensation (other than general salary schedule and general salary
2. Administrative action involving employer discrimination based on age, national
origin, physical disability, race, religion, sex, or other criteria prohibited by law.
University of Northern Iowa
(This process is not designed to resolve P&S position classification matters; such
conditions are undertaken with Position Classification Review proceedings.)
Failing resolution by informal means, the formal grievance procedure may be initiated.
Such procedure must be initiated no later than forty-five (45) working days following the
date the grievant(s) first became aware of, or should have become aware of, the
occurrence of such grievance; however, under no circumstances shall a grievance be
considered timely after six (6) months from the date of occurrence.
14.0 Payroll
Payday: The last University working day of the calendar month
Paycheck: University employees may receive their paycheck by one of two
modes: direct electronic deposit or U.S. mail. To reduce costs to the University
and for the convenience of the employee, the preferred mode is direct deposit,
which allows the employee’s net pay to be deposited into their bank account on
payday. Employees may view and print a copy of their pay slip by logging into
Employee Self Service through MyUNIverse.
Direct Deposit: Any direct deposit request forms received by the 8th of the
month are processed for that month’s payroll. This lead time is necessary so that
the information can be a part of our prenotification process with your financial
institution which verifies account numbers as we have submitted them, this
safeguarding against errors. However, if you communicate to us that a change
must be made after the 8th of the month, we can make the exception and
process the change.
Federal and State Income Tax Withholding: You can change your federal W-4
Form through MyUNIverse. Although we cannot advise you on amounts to have
withheld, Payroll can help you determine the withholding status, which will result
in approximately the amount you want, withheld each month.
W2 Delivery Options: As a cost saving measure and to provide a more timely
and convenient delivery method, UNI offers employees the opportunity to select
electronic delivery as the only method for receiving their W2 Form. To choose
this option, you must give permission electronically. Your W2 Form will be
available through UNI Employee Self Service in mid-January. If you choose to
continue to receive a printed copy, it will be mailed to the address on file and will
arrive on or before Jan. 31. For additional information and instructions for giving
permission for electronic delivery visit
P&S Staff Guide
1 4 . 1 P a yr o l l S t a f f C o n t a c t I n f o r m a t i o n
For information about the following topics, please contact:
Phone Number
AFSCME Union Dues
Tresa Habinck
(319) 273-6425
Child Support
Janice Rogers
(319) 273-6212
Compensatory Time
Tresa Habinck
(319) 273-6425
Direct Deposit of Paycheck
Sherri Baldwin
(319) 273-2656
Foreign Employees
Janice Rogers
(319) 273-6212
Janice Rogers
(319) 273-6212
General Questions
Sherri Baldwin
Tresa Habinck
(319) 273-2656
(319) 273-6425
Labor Distribution Adjustments
Janice Rogers
(319) 273-6212
Labor Distribution Adjustments for
Grant Accounts
Michele Mullings-Shand
P&S Paychecks
Carol Sherwood
(319) 273-7049
P&S Timecards
Carol Sherwood
(319) 273-7049
Miscellaneous deductions
Tresa Habinck
(319) 273-6425
Paychecks lost in mail
Sherri Baldwin
(319) 273-2656
Savings Bonds
Janice Rogers
(319) 273-6212
Sick leave
Tresa Habinck
(319) 273-6425
Student Payroll
Sherri Baldwin
(319) 273-2656
Timecard Creation
Sherri Baldwin
Tresa Habinck
(319) 273-2656
(319) 273-6425
Tresa Habinck
(319) 273-6425
W-2 Reissuance
Sherri Baldwin
(319) 273-2656
W-4 Tax Withholding
Janice Rogers
(319) 273-6212
University of Northern Iowa
15.0 Holidays & Leaves
15.1 Holiday Leave
The University provided for eleven (11) holidays with continued earnings during a
calendar year period. Nine (9) holidays are scheduled as noted below while the two (2)
remaining days are designated unscheduled (personal) holidays. Unscheduled
(personal) holidays are accrued on a monthly basis and are added to the staff member's
vacation account.
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King's Birthday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Friday following Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
One additional holiday per year designated by administration
The UNI Holiday Calendar can be found at
15.2 Sick Leave
P&S staff accrue sick leave at the rate of twelve (12) hours per month of service. The
P&S staff member serving with a term, contract, provisional, probationary, or continuing
service appointment of half-time or more for no less than an academic year will accrue
that fractional portion of the full-time entitlement. Sick leave is cumulative and accrues to
an unlimited maximum.
Sick leave benefits do not apply with periods of illnesses or injuries during vacations and
paid holiday periods. However, if a staff member is hospitalized while on his/her
vacation, the staff member may use sick leave for those days actually confined to a
15.3 Sick Leave Vacation Conversion Benefit
While there is no maximum limit on the amount of unused sick leave that may be
accumulated, P&S staff members may elect, once thirty (30) days (240 hours) have
accumulated to have with conversion one-half day (4 hours) added to their accrued
P&S Staff Guide
vacation leave account in lieu of adding one and one half day (12 hours) to their accrued
sick leave.
All leave time chargeable to sick leave benefit causes the otherwise qualified P&S staff
member to be ineligible to participate in the conversion option for the month in which
such claim occurs.
15.4 Court and Jury Service Leave
When a staff member is required to appear as a witness or serve as a member of a jury
in connection with public or private litigation, he/she will be entitled to regular
compensation provided pay received for such service (other than travel or personal
expense reimbursement) is surrendered to the University cashier. Such leave is to be
noted on the monthly timecard.
15.5 Personal Emergency Leave, Funeral Leave, and Pallbearer
A department head may grant a P&S staff member time off with pay:
In the case of death in the staff member's immediate family, not to exceed three
(3) days for each occurrence; for an individual engaged on an unpaid basis in the
functions of a funeral, not to exceed one (1) day for each occurrence, and not to
exceed two (2) days a year; in the event of an emergency for the temporary care
of ill or injured members of the staff member's immediate family not to exceed an
accumulation of five (5) days a year.
All such time off is charged to the staff member's accumulative sick leave. Such
time will not be granted in excess of accrued leave. For the purposes of this
policy, immediate family is defined as, and limited to, the employee’s spouse,
children, grandchildren, foster children, stepchildren, legal wards, parents,
grandparents, foster parents, stepparents, brothers, foster brothers, stepbrothers,
sons-in-law, sisters, foster sisters, stepsisters, daughters-in-law, aunts, uncles,
nieces, nephews, first cousins, corresponding relatives of the employee’s
spouse, and other persons who are members of the employee’s household. Such
leave is to be recorded on the monthly timecard.
1 5 . 6 V a c a t i o n L e a ve E n t i t l e m e n t
P&S staff serving with other than a temporary appointment on a full-time basis accrue
vacation leave at the rate of two (2) days per month. Vacation leave may be cumulative
to twice the annual entitlement and is granted, upon the staff member's request, at the
discretion and convenience of the employing department. The University reserves the
right to require a P&S staff member to take vacation leave whenever in his/her judgment
University of Northern Iowa
such action would be deemed by the administration to be in the best interests of the
institution and the staff member. No staff member is required to reduce his/her accrued
vacation leave to less than one week by such action.
15.7 Military Leave
P&S staff members, other than those employed temporarily for six (6) months or less,
who are inducted, enlist, or with reservist or National Guard duty and leave active
service with the University to report immediately for military duty will be continued in the
employ of the University for such military service for as long as re-employment rights
exist under the law and provided return to active University employment occurs within
the time specified. There is no loss of regular earnings during the first thirty (30) days of
a military leave of absence.
1 5 . 8 Ad o p t i o n L e a v e
A newly adoptive parent is entitled to five days paid leave chargeable to accrued sick
1 5 . 9 F a m i l y M e d i c a l L e a v e Ac t
The University complies with the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Please refer to
http://www.vpaf.uni.edu/hrs/benefits/fmla/index.shtml for more information.
16.0 Employee Assistance Program
Allen Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a program provided by your employer to
help you and your family deal with personal problems.
Allen EAP offers initial assessment/referral and short-term
counseling for employees and their immediate family members to
address problems affecting personal relationships, health, and
work performance. Up to six sessions per problem can be held to
assist you.
To contact Allen
EAP call
(319) 235-3550
or toll free at
You or an immediate family member can talk to a professional EAP counselor about:
relationship difficulties, grief and loss, alcohol and drug abuse, depression, family
conflicts, anxiety, financial problems, parenting issues, and stress and gambling
concerns. For more information about EAP, please visit
P&S Staff Guide
17.0 Training and Development
17.1 Training
Training is intended to enhance an employee’s existing abilities, increase satisfaction,
and provide support for career development. Training and development opportunities are
available to departments and employees in several categories.
General Programming: published offerings supported by Human Resource
Consulting: individual consultation to discuss a personal career development
Customized: design and develop learning solutions focused on issues specific
to department’s needs. Assist with implementation or delivery of training that will
address actual issues and identify solutions.
Contact the Training and Development Coordinator at (319) 273-3536 or
lori.hoffmann@uni.edu to discuss how to develop or enhance your skills.
17.2 Professional Development
University staff development programs are designed to increase the effectiveness of
personnel through activities which contribute both to individual development and to
overall organizational performance. There are University sponsored programs in addition
to external training opportunities. There are also specific programs that departments
may offer to their employees.
Staff attendance records for professional development activities can be submitted to the
Training & Development Coordinator in Human Resource Services who will maintain
17.3 Staff Training Grant
The purpose of the Staff Training Grant Program is to encourage continual learning and
educational development by providing tuition assistance to eligible Merit and
Professional & Scientific staff for course work taken from an accredited post-secondary
Training Grants may be made available for courses offered by the University of Northern
Iowa (UNI) or other accredited post-secondary institutions. The program is available to
Merit and Professional & Scientific staff members holding a non-temporary position
appointment of at least 50% time and having at least one year of active University
service. At this time the program is not extended to dependents of employees.
University of Northern Iowa
The qualified Training Grant provides up to one hundred percent (100%) of the tuitiononly cost for the course, without exceeding UNI’s resident tuition rate, provided sufficient
University funding is available. A staff member may qualify for up to twelve (12)
semester credit hours of approved study per year, yet may not exceed six (6) credit
hours in a single academic term under the Training Grant Program. The staff member
need not be a candidate for a degree or certificate, and regular academic and admission
requirements must be met in order to qualify for a training grant. A staff member’s
application may be considered only if the staff member has not been awarded any type
of financial aid (other than loans) which would exceed the cost of tuition. For more
information about this program and its policies, please visit
http://www.uni.edu/policies/475/. You can access this form by clicking the following link,
http://www.vpaf.uni.edu/hrs/training/st_grant.pdf. For more information, please visit the
Training and Development section on the Human Resource Services website at
18.0 Other Employee Resources
18.1 Wellness and Recreation Services
A wide range of services are offered for faculty and staff, such as strength and cardio
fitness equipment, fitness and leisure classes, personal trainers, wellness fairs, health
screenings, outdoor trips and equipment rental, massages by licensed MTs, adult and
youth swim lessons, CPR and first aid classes, etc. The annual facility user fee entitles
you to unlimited use of the Wellness and Recreation Center (with leisure and lap pool,
climbing wall, gyms, racquetball courts, aerobic studies, and fitness areas), Health Beat
fitness room in Maucker Union, and free admission for tax dependent family members
during designated family hours. Other program fees can be paid independently of the
facility user fee. Also offered are flue shots, travel consultation and immunizations, and
over-the-counter products through the Student Health Clinic. Please visit
http://www.uni.edu/wellrec for more information.
18.2 Child Development Center
The UNI Child Development Center (CDC) and the Freeburg Early Childhood Program is
a non-profit early learning facility designed to meet the needs of young children by
providing quality programming within a safe and nurturing environment. Both programs
serve as an educational laboratory for UNI students majoring in Early Childhood
Education and other related fields, facilitating the students’ learning about young
children. Their mission is to provide a nurturing and safe environment to support learning
for ht families and students of the University by three interwoven elements: age
appropriateness, individual appropriateness, and cultural/social appropriateness. Their
curriculum is based on accepted theories of child development such as Piaget,
P&S Staff Guide
Vygotsky, Adler, and Erikson. The curriculum is individualized to meet the needs of
every child. Each family’s culture is respected and family members are encouraged to
participate in the program.
The CDC shall be open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. An evening
program is available at low or no cost Monday through Thursday 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
summer sessions are optional for families and hours are Monday through Friday 8:00
a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No evening program is available during summer sessions. The CDC
serves children from birth to sixth grade. The Freeburg Early Childhood program serves
of the community Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. during the UNI
academic calendar. For more information, contact the Child Development Center at
(319) 273-3946 or online at http://www.uni.edu/cdc.
Guide last updated January 2010
University of Northern Iowa
19.0 Appendix: Contact Information
Academic Calendar: https://access.uni.edu/acal/bin/callist.cgi?cat=Academic
Benefits Administrator
Cindy Webb
Human Resource Services
027 Gilchrist Hall
(319) 273-2521
Benefits Specialist
Bobbi Petersma
Human Resource Services
027 Gilchrist Hall
(319) 273-2824
Calendar of Events: https://access.uni.edu/acal/
Cedar Falls, City of: http://www.cedarfalls.com/
College of Business Administration
325 Curris Business Building
(319) 273-6240
College of Education
205 Schindler Education Center
(319) 273-2717
College of Humanities and Fine Arts
266 Communication Arts Center
(319) 273-2725
College of Natural Sciences
50 Biology Research Complex
(319) 273-2585
P&S Staff Guide
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
17 Sabin Hall
(319) 273-2221
Compliance and Equity, Office of
129 Gilchrist
(319) 273-2846
Disability and Leave Coordinator
Therese Callaghan
Human Resource Services
027 Gilchrist Hall
(319) 273-6164
Employee Assistance Program
(319) 235-3550, or toll free at 1-800-303-9996
Employment Page: http://www.vpaf.uni.edu/hrs/employ/
Form Repository
Graduate College
122 Lang
(319) 273-2748
Human Resource Services, Department of (Staff Contact Information, page 5)
027 Gilchrist
(319) 273-2422
Iowa Code: http://www.legis.state.ia.us/IowaLaw.html
Payroll, Office of Business Operations (Staff Contact Information, page 24)
103 Gilchrist
(319) 273-2656
Provost’s Office
Gloria Gibson, PhD.
Seerly 001
(319) 273-2517,
University of Northern Iowa
Substance Abuse Services
Mark Rowe
University Health Services
(319) 273-3423
UNI Administration Information
UNI Directory: Search for employee/student contact information
UNI General Catalog: Specific information about courses and curricula, UNI history,
faculty, admissions requirements, & housing and financial aid information.
UNI General Info
1227 West 27th Street
(319) 273-2311
UNI Home Page: http://www.uni.edu/
UNI Online: Available online bi-weekly during the academic year & every third week
during the summer. Provides information of interest and benefit of faculty and staff.
UNI Police
030 Gilchrist Hall
On-campus: (319) 273-4000
Off-campus: 911
Waterloo, City of: http://www.waterloocvb.org
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