Mark Friedberg CV
Date Prepared:
March 23, 2016
Mark William Friedberg
Office Address:
20 Park Plaza, Suite 920
Boston, MA 02116
tel 617-338-2059 x 8628
fax 617-357-7470
Current Position:
Senior Natural Scientist, RAND (July 2014-present)
Prior Positions:
Natural Scientist, RAND (July 2012-June 2014)
Associate Natural Scientist, RAND (July 2009-June 2012)
Academic Appointments:
Assistant Professor of Medicine, part-time, Harvard Medical
School (September 2014-present)
Clinical Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School (July
2010-August 2014)
Affiliated faculty member, Pardee RAND Graduate School
(October 2013-present)
Hospital Appointments:
Associate Physician, Division of General Medicine, Brigham and
Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA (July 2010-present)
B.A. (Economics and Statistics), Swarthmore College
M.D., Harvard Medical School
M.P.P. (Health Care Policy), Harvard Kennedy School of
Postdoctoral Training:
Internship and Residency in Primary Care Internal Medicine:
Internship, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
Residency, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
Fellow in General Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital,
Boston, MA
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Licensure and Certification:
Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine
American Board of Internal Medicine
Committees, work groups, and expert panels:
Health Policy Committee, Society of General Internal Medicine
Co-Chair, Patient-Centered Medical Home Evaluators’
Collaborative: Measurement Workgroup on Physician and Staff
Experience (convened by the Commonwealth Fund)
Expert Panel, AHRQ Quality Indicator Development Process:
Measures of Care Coordination in the Ambulatory Setting
Workgroup on Advancing the Agenda, Society of General Internal
Medicine Patient-Centered Medical Home Education Summit
Technical Expert Panel, CAHPS Survey Implementation for the
Medicare Shared Savings Program
Expert Panel, Implementation and Impact of Veterans
Administration Patient Centered Medical Homes
Technical Expert Panel, Measuring Characteristics of High
Performing Health Care Organizations, Assistant Secretary for
Planning and Evaluation (Department of Health and Human
Next Generation Accountable Care Organization Model
Application Expert Review Panel, Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid (CMS) Innovation Center
Grant Reviewer Activities:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Special Emphasis Panel AHRQ-HS-12-004, Member
Editorial Activities:
Ad-hoc Reviewer, Journal of the American Medical Association,
New England Journal of Medicine, Annals of Internal Medicine,
JAMA Internal Medicine/Archives of Internal Medicine, Health
Affairs, Journal of General Internal Medicine, Health Services
Research, Milbank Quarterly, Medical Care, Medical Care
Research and Review, American Journal of Managed Care, Quality
and Safety in Health Care, Canadian Medical Association Journal,
Health Care Management Review, Annals of Family Medicine,
Journal of Family Medicine, BMJ Quality and Safety, Medical
Decision Making Policy & Practice, American Journal of Medical
Deputy Editor, Journal of General Internal Medicine
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Community Service Related to Professional Work:
New England Shelter for Homeless Veterans
Volunteer, Wednesday night medical clinic
Awards and Honors:
2008, 2013
Ivy Award, Graduation with Highest Honors, Phi Beta Kappa,
Swarthmore College
Henry K. Beecher Prize in Medical Ethics, Harvard Medical
NIH Loan Repayment Award
Distinguished Reviewer, Journal of General Internal Medicine
RAND Impact Award for “Superb Support of the Health Quality
Assurance Process”
Reviewer Award, Annals of Internal Medicine
Certificate of Excellence in Tutoring, Harvard Medical School
RAND Gold Medal Award
Partners in Excellence Award in Quality Treatment and Service,
Partners HealthCare
Supervisory and Training Responsibilities:
Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member
Ben Mundell, B.S., 1st Lieutenant, United States Air Force
Pardee RAND Graduate School
Honors Thesis Project Advisor
Jordan D. Lane
Harvard Medical School
Research Funding:
Institutional NRSA Fellowship in Health Services Research
Primary Care Teaching and Education Fund Award
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
(In support of research expenses for project “Has Reporting
Hospitals’ Antibiotic Timing in Pneumonia Led to Adverse
Consequences for Patients?”)
Quality Measurement Guidance for Chartered Value Exchanges
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (HHSA-290-200810037C)
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Co-Investigator (PI: Damberg)
This project produced a white paper for Chartered Value
Exchanges concerning methodological issues inherent in
generating public reports of health care provider performance on
measures of quality and costs.
Initial Evaluation of Tenzing Health
Vanguard Health Systems
Co-Investigator (PI: Ridgely)
This project was a formative, primarily qualitative evaluation of a
new health care delivery model in a single health care system.
Evaluation of the Air Force Medical Home Model
United States Air Force
Co-investigator (PI: Eibner)
This project was a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the
implementation of the medical home model in the Air Force’s
Family Health Initiative.
Evaluation of the Implementation of the FIMDM Patient Decision
Aid Demonstration
Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making
Co-Principal Investigator (co-PI: Schneider)
This project was a qualitative evaluation of the implementation of
decision aids in a multi-site demonstration.
Initial Evaluation of the Eisenhower Medical Center Primary Care
Medical Home
Eisenhower Medical Center
Co-Principal Investigator (co-PI: Fremont)
This project was a formative evaluation of a new model of primary
care practice in a single health care system.
Examining the effectiveness of strategies by community-based
physician groups to improve the patient experience
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Grant ID #68267)
Principal Investigator
This project evaluated the effectiveness of Massachusetts
physician groups’ strategies to improve performance on patient
experience surveys.
Comparing the Effectiveness of Diabetes Care Interventions in
Safety Net Clinics
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (R18 HS20120-01)
Co-investigator (PI: Rodriguez)
This project was a randomized controlled trial comparing the
effectiveness of community health workers and practice-based
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medical assistants in improving the quality of diabetes care
delivered by California community health centers.
Analysis Related to Medicare Advantage Plan Ratings for Quality
Bonus Payments
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (HHSM-500-200500028I, Task Order No. HHSM-500-T0005)
Co-investigator (PI: Damberg)
This project refined a performance measurement system for
Medicare Advantage plans to serve as the basis for quality bonus
payments to these plans.
Models of Care Delivery, Payment, and Professional Satisfaction
among Physicians
American Medical Association
Principal Investigator
This project was an investigation of relationships between practice
models, health reform, and physician professional satisfaction.
Use of Behavioral Economics to Improve Treatment of Acute
Respiratory Infections
National Institute on Aging (RC4 AG039115-01)
Co-investigator (PI: Doctor)
This project was a multicenter randomized controlled trial
comparing the impact of three behavioral economic interventions
intended to improve primary care physicians’ treatment of acute
respiratory infections in the ambulatory setting.
Evaluating Models of Medical Home Payment within the
Pennsylvania Chronic Care Initiative
Commonwealth Fund (Grant No. 20100314)
Principal Investigator
This project aimed to describe how four distinct payment models
utilized within a statewide medical home pilot impact the costs and
quality of care.
Effects of Health Care Payment Models on Physician Practice in
the United States
American Medical Association
Principal Investigator (co-PI: Chen)
This qualitative project described the effects of new payment
models on physician practices, work experience, and clinical care.
Estimating Costs Associated with PCMH Transformation
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (1R03HS002616-01)
Co-investigator (PI: Martsolf)
This project estimated the costs that primary care practices incur in
becoming patient-centered medical homes.
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Evaluation of the Federally Qualified Health Center Advanced
Primary Care Practice Demonstration
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (HHSM-500-200500028I , Task Order No. HHSM-500-T0008)
Co-Principal Investigator (co-PIs: Kahn, Timbie)
This project is an evaluation of a national medical home
demonstration in Federally Qualified Health Centers.
Assessing Relationships between Integrated Physician Group
Structures and Integrated Patient Care, Phase 1 and Phase 2
Commonwealth Fund
Subcontract PI (PI: Singer)
This project will examine relationships between delivery system
structural integration and patient-reported ratings of integration of
Evaluating the Impact of Patient-Centered Oncology Care
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute
Subcontract PI (PI: Scholle)
This project is an implementation and evaluation of a new model
of oncology care.
Robust Statistical Methods to Identify Surrogate Markers in
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Co-investigator (PI: Parast)
This project will develop novel statistical methods to estimate the
proportion of treatment effect explained by potential surrogate
markers of diabetes.
Evaluation of Policy Options for Increasing the Availability of
Primary Care Services in Rural Washington
Washington State Institute for Public Policy
Principal Investigator
This project will characterize shortages of primary care services in
rural Washington State and estimate the effects of multiple policy
options to address these shortages.
Understanding Health Care Delivery Systems PCOR Adoption and
System Performance
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (U19HS024067-01)
Co-investigator (PI: Damberg)
This Center of Excellence will perform multiple mixed-methods
investigations to identify and describe characteristics of health
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systems that are predictive of better performance and more rapid
uptake of practices based on patient-centered outcomes research.
Evaluation of the Cedars-Sinai Program to Integrate Infusion
Pumps and Electronic Health Records
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Principal Investigator
This project is a formative evaluation of an effort to electronically
integrate the electronic health record and infusion pumps used by a
single hospital system.
Original peer-reviewed research:
1. Friedberg M, Saffran B, Stinson TJ, Nelson W, Bennett CL. Evaluation of conflict of
interest in economic analyses of new drugs used in oncology. JAMA
2. Friedberg MW, Coltin KL, Pearson SD, Kleinman KP, Zheng J, Singer JA, Schneider
EC. Does affiliation of physician groups with one another produce higher quality
primary care? Journal of General Internal Medicine 2007;22(10):1385-1392. PMCID:
3. Rothschild JM, Woolf S, Finn KM, Friedberg MW, Lemay C, Furbush KA, Williams
DH, Bates DW. A controlled trial of a rapid response system in an academic medical
center. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 2008;34(7):417-25.
4. Gellad WF, Choudhry NK, Friedberg MW, Brookhart MA, Haas JS, Shrank WH.
Variation in drug prices at pharmacies: are prices higher in poorer areas? Health
Services Research 2009;44(2 Pt 1):606-617. PMCID: PMC2677057
5. Friedberg MW, Safran DG, Coltin KL, Dresser M, Schneider EC. Readiness for the
patient-centered medical home: capabilities of Massachusetts primary care practices.
Journal of General Internal Medicine 2009;24(2):162-169. PMCID: PMC2629002
6. Friedberg MW, Mehrotra A, Linder JA. Reporting hospitals’ antibiotic timing in
pneumonia: adverse consequences for patients? The American Journal of Managed Care
2009;15(2):137-144. PMCID: PMC2746403
7. Friedberg MW, Coltin KL, Safran DG, Dresser M, Zaslavsky AM, Schneider EC.
Associations between structural capabilities of primary care practices and performance
on selected quality measures. Annals of Internal Medicine 2009; 151(7):456-463.
8. Friedberg MW, Safran DG, Coltin KL, Dresser M, Schneider EC. Paying for
performance in primary care: potential impact on practices and disparities. Health
Affairs 2010;29(5):926-932.
9. Friedberg MW, Coltin KL, Safran DG, Dresser M, Schneider EC. Medical home
capabilities of primary care practices that serve sociodemographically vulnerable
neighborhoods. Archives of Internal Medicine 2010;170(11):938-944.
10. Reid RO, Friedberg MW, Adams JL, McGlynn EA, Mehrotra A. Associations between
physician characteristics and quality of care. Archives of Internal Medicine
2010;170(16):1442-1449. PMCID: PMC3017788
11. Friedberg MW, SteelFisher GK, Karp M, Schneider EC. Physician groups’ use of data
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from patient experience surveys. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2011;26(5):498504. PMCID: PMC3077475
12. Jones SS, Heaton P, Friedberg MW, Schneider EC. Today's “meaningful use” standard
for computerized medication orders by hospitals may save few lives; later stages may do
more. Health Affairs 2011;30(10): 2005-2012.
13. Mehrotra A, Reid RO, Adams JL, Friedberg MW, McGlynn EA, Hussey PS.
Physicians with the least experience have higher cost profiles than do physicians with
the most experience. Health Affairs 2012;31(11):2453-2463. PMID: 23129676
14. Singer SJ, Friedberg MW, Kiang MV, Dunn T, Kuhn DM. Development and
preliminary validation of the patient perceptions of integrated care survey. Medical Care
Research and Review 2013;70(2):143-164. PMID: 23161612
15. Friedberg MW, Van Busum K, Wexler R, Bowen M, Schneider EC. A demonstration
of shared decision making in primary care highlights barriers to adoption and potential
remedies. Health Affairs 2013;32(2):268-275. PMID: 23381519
16. Reid RO, Ashwood JS, Friedberg MW, Weber ES, Setodji CM, Mehrotra A. Retail
clinic visits and receipt of primary care. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2013;
28(4):504-12. PMID: 23070656
17. Gabbay RA, Friedberg MW, Miller-Day M, Cronholm PF, Adelman A, Schneider EC.
A positive deviance approach to understanding key features to achieving diabetes
clinical improvement in the medical home. Annals of Family Medicine 2013;11 Suppl 1:
S99-S107. PMID: 23690393
18. Geissler KH, Friedberg MW, SteelFisher GL, Schneider EC. Motivators and barriers to
using patient experience reports for performance improvement. Medical Care Research
and Review 2013;70(6):621-635.
19. Friedberg MW, Buendia AM, Lauderdale KL, Hussey PS. Option pricing: a flexible
tool to disseminate shared savings contracts. The American Journal of Managed Care
20. Rosenthal MB, Friedberg MW, Singer SJ, Eastman D, Li Z, Schneider EC. Impact of
the Rhode Island chronic care sustainability initiative, a multi-payer patient-centered
medical home, on health care utilization and quality. JAMA Internal Medicine
21. Friedberg MW, Chen PG, Van Busum KR, Aunon FM, Pham C, Caloyeras JP, Mattke
S, Pitchforth E, Quigley DD, Brook RH, Crosson FJ, Tutty M. Factors affecting
physician professional satisfaction and their implications for patient care, health
systems, and health policy. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, RR-439-AMA;
October 9, 2013.
22. Auerbach DI, Chen PG, Friedberg MW, Reid RO, Lau C, Mehrotra A. Growth in the
patient-centered medical home and the nurse-managed health center would likely
mitigate projected primary care physician shortages. Health Affairs 2013;32(11):19331941.
23. Meeker D, Knight TK, Friedberg MW, Linder JA, Goldstein NJ, Fox CR, Rothfeld A,
Diaz G, Doctor JN. Nudging guideline-concordant antibiotic prescribing: a randomized
trial. JAMA Internal Medicine 2014;174(3):425-431. PMID: 24474434
24. Friedberg MW, Schneider EC, Rosenthal MB, Volpp KG, Werner RM. Association
between participation in a multipayer medical home intervention and changes in quality,
utilization, and costs of care. JAMA 2014;311(8):815-825.
25. Alidina S, Rosenthal MB, Schneider EC, Singer SJ, Friedberg MW. Practice
environments and job satisfaction in patient-centered medical homes. Annals of Family
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Medicine 2014;12(4):331-337.
26. Linder JA, Doctor JN, Friedberg MW, Reyes Nieva H, Birks C, Meeker D, Fox CR.
Time of day and the decision to prescribe antibiotics. JAMA Internal Medicine
2014;174(12):2029-2031. PMID: 25286067
27. Tannenbaum D, Doctor JN, Persell SD, Friedberg MW, Meeker D, Friesema EM,
Goldstein NJ, Linder JA, Fox CR. Nudging physician prescription decisions by
partitioning the order set: results of a vignette-based study. Journal of General Internal
Medicine 2015;30(3):298-304. PMID: 25394536
28. Van der Wees PJ, Friedberg MW, Alcala E, Ayanian JZ, Rodriguez HP. Comparing the
implementation of team approaches for improving diabetes care in community health
centers. BMC Health Services Research 2014 Dec 3;14(1):608 [Epub ahead of print].
29. Martsolf GR, Kandrack R, Schneider EC, Friedberg MW. Categories of practice
transformation in a statewide medical home pilot and their association with medical
home recognition. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2015;30(6):817-832. PMID:
30. Friedberg MW, Chen PG, White C, Jung O, Raaen L, Hirshman S, Hoch E, Stevens C,
Ginsburg PB, Casalino LP, Tutty M, Vargo C, Lipinski L. Effects of health care
payment models on physician practice in the United States. Santa Monica, CA: RAND
Corporation, RR-869; March 19, 2015.
31. Kahn KL, Timbie JW, Friedberg MW, Hussey PS, Lavelle, TA, Mendel P, Hiatt L,
Weidmer BA, Kofner A, Rastegar A, Ashwood JS, Brantley I, Quigley DD, Setodji CM.
Evaluation of CMS' FQHC APCP Demonstration: Final First Annual Report. Santa
Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, RR-886-CMS; April 2015.
32. Friedberg MW, Rosenthal MB, Werner RM, Volpp KG, Schneider EC. Effects of a
medical home and shared savings intervention on quality and utilization of care. JAMA
Internal Medicine 2015;175(8):1362-1368.
33. Kahn KL, Timbie JW, Friedberg MW, Lavelle, TA, Mendel P, Ashwood JS, Hiatt L,
Brantley I, Weidmer BA, Rastegar A, Kofner A, Marlsberger R, Kommareddi M,
Quigley DD, Setodji CM. Evaluation of CMS FQHC APCP Demonstration: Second
Annual Report. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, RR-886/1-CMS; July 2015.
34. Tirodkar MA, Acciavatti N, Roth LM, Stovall E, Nasso SF, Sprandio J, Tofani S, Lowry
M, Friedberg MW, Smith-McLallen A, Chanin J, Scholle SH. Lessons from early
implementation of a patient-centered care model in oncology. Journal of Oncology
Practice 2015 Sept 29.
35. Rodriguez HP, Chen X, Martinez AE, Friedberg MW. Availability of primary care
team members can improve teamwork and readiness for change. Health Care
Management Review 2015 Oct 1 [Epub ahead of print].
36. Rosenthal MB, Alidina S, Friedberg MW, Singer SJ, Eastman D, Li Z, Schneider EC.
A difference-in-difference analysis of changes in quality, utilization and cost following
the Colorado multi-payer patient-centered medical home pilot. Journal of General
Internal Medicine 2015 Oct 8 [Epub ahead of print].
37. Rosenthal MB, Alidina S, Friedberg MW, Singer SJ, Eastman D, Li Z, Schneider EC.
Impact of the Cincinnati Aligning Forces for Quality multi-payer patient centered
medical home pilot on health care quality, utilization, and costs. Medical Care Research
and Review 2015 Nov 26 [Epub ahead of print].
38. Lane JD, Friedberg MW, Bennett CL. Associations between industry sponsorship and
results of cost-effectiveness analyses of drugs used in breast cancer. JAMA Oncology
2015 Dec 10 [Epub ahead of print].
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39. Martsolf GR, Kandrack R, Gabbay RA, Friedberg MW. Cost of transformation among
primary care practices participating in a medical home pilot. Journal of General Internal
Medicine 2015 Dec 29 [Epub ahead of print].
40. Fryer A-K, Friedberg MW, Thompson RW, Singer SJ. Achieving care integration from
the patients’ perspective: results from a care management program. Healthcare 2016
January 21 [Epub ahead of print].
41. Meeker D, Linder JA, Fox CR, Friedberg MW, Persell SD, Goldstein NJ, Knight TK,
Hay JW, Doctor JN. Effect of behavioral interventions on inappropriate antibiotic
prescribing among primary care practices: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2016;
42. Hussey PS, Friedberg MW, Anhang Price R, Lovejoy SL, Damberg CL. Episode-based
approaches to measuring health care quality. Medical Care Research and Review 2016
February 19 [Epub ahead of print].
43. Pineros D, Doctor JN, Friedberg MW, Meeker D, Linder JA. Cognitive reflection and
antibiotic prescribing for acute respiratory infections. Family Practice 2016 March 21
[Epub ahead of print].
44. Winpenny E, Elliott MN, Haas A, Haviland AM, Orr N, Shadel W, Ma Sai, Friedberg
MW, Cleary PD. Advice to quit smoking and ratings of healthcare among Medicare
beneficiaries aged 65+. Health Services Research; in press.
45. Han B, Yu H, Friedberg MW. Evaluating the impact of medical homes on children’s
health care utilization, costs, and quality: a difference-in-differences analysis with causal
inference. Health Services Research; in press.
Peer-reviewed commentaries, reviews, and reports:
1. Friedberg MW, Hussey PS, Schneider EC. Primary care: a critical review of the
evidence on the quality and costs of health care. Health Affairs 2010;29(5):766-772.
2. Singer SJ, Burgers J, Friedberg M, Rosenthal MB, Leape LL, Schneider EC. Defining
and measuring integrated patient care: promoting the next frontier in health care
delivery. Medical Care Research and Review 2011;68(1):112-127.
3. Friedberg MW, Damberg CL. Methodological considerations in generating provider
performance scores for use in public reporting: a guide for community quality
collaboratives. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2011.
AHRQ Pub. No. 11-0093.
4. Friedberg MW, Damberg CL. A five-point checklist to help performance reports
incentivize improvement and effectively guide patients. Health Affairs 2012;31(3):612618.
5. Lee PT, Friedberg MW, Bowen JL, Day SC, Kilo CM, Sinsky CA. Training
tomorrow’s comprehensive primary care internists: a way forward for internal medicine
education. Journal of Graduate Medical Education 2013;5(2):187-191.
6. Mundell BF, Friedberg MW, Eibner C, Mundell WC. US military primary care:
problems, solutions, and implications for civilian medicine. Health Affairs
Other commentaries, reviews, reports, chapters, and letters:
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1. Friedberg MW, Lai DJ, Hussey PS, Schneider EC. A guide to the medical home as a
practice-level intervention. The American Journal of Managed Care 2009;15(10
2. Friedberg M, Ridgely MS, Wertheimer S, Mendel P, Brown J. Initial evaluation of
Tenzing Health: final report. Santa Monica: RAND Corporation; March 31, 2011.
3. Wynn B, Hilborne L, Jones S, Kamarck K, Lim YW, Liu H, Waters H, Al Ibrahim H,
Carey C, Friedberg M, Haims M, Overton A. A clinical health services framework for
Qatar. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation; May 12, 2011.
4. Friedberg MW, Landon BE. Measuring quality in hospitals in the United States: core
measures. UpToDate, Inc.: October 13, 2011.
5. Friedberg MW, Van Busum K, Schneider EC. Evaluation of the implementation of the
FIMDM decision aid demonstration in primary care. Santa Monica: RAND
Corporation: October 28, 2011.
6. Friedberg MW. The potential impact of the medical home on job satisfaction in
primary care. Archives of Internal Medicine 2012;172(1):31-32.
7. Friedberg MW, Safran DG, Schneider EC. Satisfied to death: a spurious result?
Archives of Internal Medicine 2012;172(14):1112.
8. Persell SD, Friedberg MW, Meeker D, Linder JA, Fox CR, Goldstein NJ, Shah PD,
Knight TK, Doctor JN. Use of behavioral economics and social psychology to improve
treatment of acute respiratory infections (BEARI): rationale and design of a cluster
randomized controlled trial [1RC4AG039115-01] - study protocol and baseline practice
and provider characteristics. BMC Infectious Diseases 2013;13:290. PMID: 23806017
9. Damberg CL, Paddock SM, Elliott M, Setojdi C, Anhang Price R, Shetty KD, Smith A,
Lauderdale K, Friedberg M, Timbie J, Sorbero ME, Beckett M, Mattox T. Analysis
related to Medicare Advantage plan ratings for quality bonus payments. Santa Monica,
CA: RAND Corporation; September 27, 2013.
10. Friedberg MW, Crosson FJ, Tutty M. Physicians’ concerns about electronic health
records: implications and steps towards solutions. Health Affairs blog: March 11, 2014.
11. Rosenthal MB, Friedberg MW, Schneider EC. Did extra resources or the medical home
improve care?—Reply. JAMA Internal Medicine 2014;174(6):1008-1009.
12. Friedberg MW, Schneider EC, Werner RM. Evaluating a multipayer medical home
pilot—Reply. JAMA 2014;312(4):436.
13. Meeker D, Friedberg MW, Linder JA. Patient satisfaction as a quality metric promotes
bad medicine—Reply. JAMA Internal Medicine 2014;174(8):1419.
14. Friedberg MW, Sixta C, Bailit M. Nature and nurture: what’s behind the variation in
recent medical home evaluations? Health Affairs blog: June 19, 2015.
15. Friedberg MW, Pronovost PJ, Shahian DM, Safran DG, Bilimoria KY, Elliott MN,
Damberg CL, Dimick JB, Zaslavsky AM. A methodological critique of the ProPublica
Surgeon Scorecard. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation; September 25, 2015.
16. Lehrman WG, Friedberg MW. CAHPS surveys: valid and valuable measures of patient
experience. Hastings Center Report 2015;45(6).
17. Friedberg MW, Bilimoria KY, Pronovost PJ, Shahian DM, Damberg CL, Zaslavsky
AM. Response to ProPublica’s rebuttal of our critique of the Surgeon Scorecard. Santa
Monica, CA: RAND Corporation; December 11, 2015.
18. Shahian DM, Normand S-LT, Friedberg MW, Hutter MM, Pronovost PJ. Rating the
raters: the inconsistent quality of health care performance measurement. Annals of
Surgery 2016 Jan 9 [Epub ahead of print].
19. Friedberg MW. Relationships between physician professional satisfaction and patient
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safety. AHRQ Patient Safety Network: February 22, 2016.
20. Friedberg MW. What do you mean by medical home? Annals of Internal Medicine
21. Linder JA, Friedberg MW. Mixed diagnoses and mixed messages: delayed antibiotic
prescribing is still a bad idea. JAMA Internal Medicine; in press.
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